111 Inspiring Quotes

Aug. 14, 2024, 4:45 a.m.

111 Inspiring Quotes

In a world that's constantly evolving, finding sources of inspiration can be a crucial part of personal growth and perseverance. Whether you're navigating challenges or simply seeking a daily boost of motivation, quotes have the power to ignite a spark within us. Our curated collection of the top 111 inspiring quotes is designed to uplift your spirit, provoke thought, and encourage action. Dive into these timeless words of wisdom from some of the most influential thinkers, leaders, and visionaries, and let them guide you on your journey to becoming the best version of yourself.

1. “the poor dog, in life the firmest friend, the first to welcome, the foremost to defend.” - George Gordon Byron

2. “A simple child. That lightly draws its breath. And feels its life in every limb. What should it know of death?” - William Wordsworth

3. “Talk about turning lemons into lemonade!” - Catherine Hapka

4. “I have been writing now for over a week. I find it cleansing, refreshing; it is good for me.” (p.531)” - Storm Constantine

5. “I have become my own version of an optimist. If I can't makeit through one door, I'll go through another door -- or I'llmake a door. Something terrific will come no matter how darkthe present.” - Joan Rivers

6. “I always felt like I was meant to have been born in another era, another time.” - Johnny Depp

7. “Shay sometimes talked in a mysterious way, like she was quoting the lyrics of some band no one else listened to.” - Scott Westerfeld

8. “I would like to be a one-man multinational fashion phenomenon.” - Karl Lagerfeld

9. “People who do a job that claims to be creative have to be alone to recharge their batteries. You can’t live 24 hours a day in the spotlight and remain creative. For people like me, solitude is a victory.” - Karl Lagerfeld

10. “I want everyone to wear what they want and mix it in their own way. That, to me, is what is modern.” - Karl Lagerfeld

11. “Fashion is about going ahead, not about memory.” - Karl Lagerfeld

12. “If I were rain, That joins sky and earth that otherwise never touch,Could I join two hearts as well?” - Tite Kubo

13. “The Epistle of our being is written with letters full of blood drained from the love of God's Word.” - Sorin Cerin

14. “Will you love me enough?” - Ana Monnar

15. “Raising teenage sons and daughters is a long and tiresome journey. With God's help the final outcome will be worthwhile.” - Ana Monnar

16. “Anybody can fail.” - M.G. Hardie

17. “Dreams are extremely important. You can’t do it unless you imagine it.” - George Lucas

18. “Sexual frenzy is our compensation for the tedious moments we must suffer in the passage of life. 'Nothing in excess,' professed the ancient Greeks. Why if I spend half the month in healthy scholarship and pleasant sleep, shouldn't I be allowed the other half to howl at the moon and pillage the groins of Europe's great beauties?” - Roman Payne

19. “Fashion is about two things: the evolution and the opposite.” - Karl Lagerfeld

20. “She liked reality shows the best, and then the shows that purported to be about reality.” - Sam Lipsyte

21. “Oh, do you, Milo? You’re so selfish. You don’t see the bigger picture.” “What’s the bigger picture?” “You’re still here looking for handouts. Who’s going to take care of me?” “I’m on my knees here, Mom. Not for me, for my family. For my wife. For a beautiful grandson you have totally ignored.” “He’s kind of a brat. I’ll be in his life when he gets a little impulse control.” “He’s not even four.” “I have needs. I’m tired of this child-worshipping culture. You’re just a slave to it, Milo.” “I’m only trying to be a decent dad.” “Don’t waste your time. It’s not in your genes. Besides, try making some money. That might be a good dad move. For heaven’s sake, the system’s rigged for white men and you still can’t tap in.” “You’re right, Mom. What can I say? But still, it would mean a lot to me if you made a little more of an effort with Bernie.” “Bernie schmernie. This is my decade.” “Okay, you wrinkled old spidercunt, have it your way.” - Sam Lipsyte

22. “I was also one of those people who hadn’t caught up with the latest social networking site. Maura belonged to most of them. She passed most evenings befriending men who had tried to date-rape her in high school, but I was still stuck in the last virtual community, a sad place to be, like Europe, say, during the Black Death. Whenever I cruised this site, with its favorites lists and its paeans to somebody’s cousin’s gas station art gallery, I could not help but think of medieval corpses in the spring-thaw mud, buboes sprouted in every armpit and anus, black bile curling out of frozen mouths. Those of us still cursed with life wandered the blasted dales of this stricken network, wept and moaned and flogged ourselves with frayed AC adaptors, called out for God to strike us dead, or else let us find somebody who liked similar bands.” - Sam Lipsyte

23. “I felt as though I were snorting cocaine, or rappelling down a cliffside, or cliffsurfing off a cliff of pure cocaine.” - Sam Lipsyte

24. “If the fate of the universe was decided in a single moment at the instant of the Big Bang , that was the most creative moment of all.” - Deepak Chopra

25. “Laws of nature have no physical properties of mass /energy. They are platonic truths in transcendent realm that create & govern the Universe.” - Deepak Chopra

26. “The purpose of life is the expansion of happiness.” - Deepak Chopra

27. “I know a lie when I hear one.” - Adrian Mitchel

28. “There are two different categories of love. The first category is called a fairytale. The second category of love is called just another lesson” - Taylor Swift

29. “At some point you have to forget about grudges because they only hurt.” - Taylor Swift

30. “The days that followed passed slowly. I lay in my hotel room and watched the kind of strange European TV that would probably make perfect sense if I understood the language, but because I didn’t, the programs just seemed dreamlike and baffling. In one studio show a group of Scandinavian academics watched as one of them poured liquid plastic into a bucket of cold water. It solidified, they pulled it out, handed it around the circle, and, as far as I could tell, intellectualized on its random misshapenness. I phoned home but my wife didn’t answer. It crossed my mind that she might be dead. I panicked. Then it turned out that she wasn’t dead. She had just been at the shops.” - Jon Ronson

31. “I’m very much down to earth, just not this earth.” - Karl Lagerfeld

32. “Don’t overact the story of your name. Overact the story of your work.” - Karl Lagerfield

33. “There is a great need for a sarcasm font.” - Darynda Jones

34. “Create your own style… let it be unique for yourself and yet identifiable for others.” - Anna Wintour

35. “Love is God’s medicine.” ~ Amunhotep El Bey” - Amunhotep El Bey

36. “Lugh goes first always first an I follow on behind. An that's fine. That's right. That's how it's meant to be.” - Moira Young

37. “Never allow the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game!” - Babe Ruth

38. “Syukurilah semua pemberian-Nya. Baik kesedihan maupun kebahagiaan, semua itu adalah pembaik bagi kehidupan kita.” - Irin Sintriana

39. “Nothing's ever gone. We fool ourselves that things fade, but they never do.” - Nalini Singh

40. “If you want romance, fuck a journalist.” - W.H. Auden

41. “Fear plants the whisper to beware but doesn't look to see who's there.” - Vanna Bonta

42. “Leaders in all realms and activities of life knew that the power they had come to hold existed because they were responsible to serve the many, thus power was position of service.” - Vanna Bonta

43. “Banyak kok yang bisa kita lakukan. Asal tidak menyerah pada keadaan.” - Irin Sintriana

44. “Rina’s always claimed that I expect too little from life,” Standard said.“Then at least you’ll never be disappointed.” - James Sallis

45. “It takes a lot to laugh, it takes a train to cry” - Bob Dylan

46. “The risk is too great. A man cannot place too much faith in any one thing, neither a woman, nor a horse, nor a weapon, nor any single thing.” - Michael Crichton

47. “Follow the dreams of others and you will receive a paycheck. Follow your own dreams and you will never check your pay.” - Vincent Lowry

48. “I am Cinna's bird, ignited, flying frantically to escape something inescapable. The feathers of flame that grow from my body. Beating my wings only fans the blaze. I consume myself, but to no end.Finally, my wings begin to falter, I lose height, and gravity pulls me into a foamy sea the color of Finnick's eyes. I float on my back, which continues to burn beneath the water, but the agony quiets to pain. When I am adrift and unable to navigate, that's when they come. The dead.The ones I loved fly as birds in the open sky above me. Soaring, weaving, calling to me to join them. I want so badly to follow them, but the seawater saturates my wings, making it impossible to lift them. The ones I hated have taken to the water, horrible scaled things that tear my salty flesh with needle teeth. Biting again and again. Dragging me beneath the surface.The small white bird tinged in pink dives down, buries her claws in my chest, and tries to keep me afloat."No, Katniss! No! You can't go!"But the ones I hated are winning, and if she clings to me, she'll be lost as well. "Prim, let go!" And finally she does.” - Suzanne Collins

49. “I think about going to the lake, but I'm so weak that I barely make it to mymeeting place with Gale. I sit on the rock where Cressida filmed us, but it's too wide without his body beside me.Several times I close my eyes and count to ten, thinking that when I open them, he will have materialized without a sound as he so often did. I have to remind myself that Gale's in 2 with a fancy job, probably kissing another pairof lips.” - Suzanne Collins

50. “eat whatever you meet along the way.If you come late don't eat but wack yours with hers.” - christian Thogolith

51. “You may have tangible wealth untold; caskets of jewels and coffers of gold. Richer than I you can never be. I had a mother who read to me.” - Strickland Gillian

52. “Actually, I came because I have a last-minute invitation. My friend Erika Gill is having a big party tomorrow night, one of those all-out birthday bashes that girls like. Want to go?"----------------------------------------"No. Sorry.""Since it's a catered thing, at a restaurant, I'll pick you up at- what did you say?""I'm sorry. I can't do it."----------------------------------------"You're busy?""I just can't do it," I said.” - Elizabeth Chandler

53. “The best promises forever seem to be made by amnesiacs.” - Chris Gould

54. “Melupakan berarti berusaha menghapus kenangan, sedangkan merelakan berarti belajar melepaskan.” - Irin Sintriana

55. “Beginikah rasanya saat benar-benar bahagia?” - Irin Sintriana

56. “Almost two hundred sixty-six years ago on my home world, Earth, my forefathers did the same thing. They declared their independence and free agency from an enemy that oppressed them. No one at that time expected this rebellion force to win the war. They were severely outnumbered, and they were extremely inexperienced compared to their enemy. Despite those odds, they succeeded in winning the war, giving them their independence and freewill to choose. (Adrian Palmer, Worlds Without End: The Mission)” - Shaun F. Messick

57. “Cred ca am gresit, ca am pierdut, intr-un anumit moment, legatura cu femeia pe care o iubeam. Iar acum nu am nevoie decat de-o harta, vreau sa ma duc la ea” - Paulo Coelho

58. “We'd do anything our our fans” - Logan Henderson

59. “You don't wait for your dreams to happen, you MAKE them happen.” - Kendall Schmidt

60. “Kid's, Life's too short to be organized. Follow your dreams first, then organize later.” - Kendall Schmidt

61. “Your Treasure House is in yourself, it contains all you need” - Hui Hai

62. “They want to control humankind through what they call selective breeding. The Nazis started it, but now the nwo are continuing it. See, the only way to control population is to first get it back down to manageable size. They're culling the herd, same way the game commission does when deer population gets out of control. That's why we've got diseases like cancer and aids. You telling me that we can put a little goddamn skateboard-looking robot on Mars and have it send pictures back, but we can't find a cure for cancer? There's a cure. You can bet on that, boys. There's a goddamn cure. They just won't release it because cancer helps cut down the population.” - Brian Keene

63. “Hire new field systems maintainer" was near the top of my to-do list, right under "uncover massive political conspiracy," "avenge Buffy's death," and "don't die.” - Mira Grant

64. “So what do you think?’ He asked, holding up the book.‘I think Salinger is a closet paedophile,’ I replied placidly and was surprised and comforted by this minuscule, acidic, bitter Sylvia Plath like mocking, sniping tone that had crept into my voice. ‘The main character Seymour is a fully grown man and a pervert who befriends young girls with his storytelling and swimming, just to get close enough to groom them in preparation for the inevitable sexual assault he lusts after. You might have noticed for example in A Perfect Day For Bananafish he grabs the young girls-’‘Sybil.’‘He grabs Sybil’s ankles while lying on the beach and again when he pushes her in the water,’ I continued. ‘He goes too far when he kisses the bottom of her foot which makes even a four-year-old yell out in fear, knowing a line had been crossed. Frustrated Seymour walks away and goes back to his hotel where he kills himself in shame.” - J.D. Gallagher

65. “I know what ails you.” - Tom Lucas

66. “Fate's got a fucking sick sense of humor. Fate is a shape-shifter. It's the kindest and most generous entity imaginable, laying out more goodness than a person deserves, and then it shrinks and curls and forms into something grotesque. You think its one thing, but then its another.” - Deb Caletti

67. “If I could, I'd write a huge encyclopedia just about the words luck and coincidence” - Paulo Coelho

68. “Menulislah karena kamu menyukainya. Dengan begitu, kamu akan memulai dan menyelesaikannya.” - Irin Sintriana

69. “It was very relaxing to be away from civilization, and this bothered me. I should not have found the loneliness so welcoming.” - Stephenie Meyer

70. “She was crushed by society like a mosquito fending for its unborn young” - Owen Jones

71. “If you want to know the truth,” he says, leaning forward like he’s getting ready to tell a really good story, “it has to do with Kelsey. And the biggest lie of all.”And that’s when I realize the thing about the truth. It always comes out, no matter what you do.” - Lauren Barnholdt

72. “Minds that have withered into psychosis are far more terrifying than any character of fiction.” - Christian Baloga

73. “If you find yourself cutting corners, go in a circle instead” - Benny Bellamacina

74. “I felt awful as I drove away to live with Melody in Barnet. I stayed with her for six months before I moved in with Jane. Looking back now, I was a coward for allowing the situation to go on for so long, but I wanted to keep everybody happy. Strangely, after I left I started seeing more of the kids than I had before. My friends thought that Amy didn’t seem much affected by the divorce, and when I asked her if she wanted to talk about it, she said, ‘You’re still my dad and Mum’s still my mum. What’s to talk about?” - Mitch Winehouse

75. “Mee and Ow sat in the shade of a mango tree and were doing their make-up. Both of them wore gloves that reached all the way up to their elbows, to keep the tropical sun off their skins. They looked briefly at Maier, with the curiosity usually reserved for a passing dog. It was too early for professional enthusiasm.” - Tom Vater

76. “Being innovative is to allow yourself to expose your mind to something great that has potential to change lives and the world positively and you take action on it.” - Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha

77. “Percayalah bahwa aku mencintaimu di setiap detik waktuku. Sepanjang sisa umurku.” - Irin Sintriana

78. “One thing I have learned is that the people who label you are usually the ones who know the least about who you really are and they have never made the effort to learn different.” - J.S. Goldstine

79. “I would make a HORRIBLE outlaw. I can plan the crime perfectly, but I'd also need to plan the outcomes to make it work.” - Michelle M. Pillow

80. “Confession: I don't want to be one of my characters. I'm mean to them sometimes. Really mean.” - Michelle M. Pillow

81. “Always tell yourself that you are as good as anyone that breathes; that you have two hands and a brain, and a little time in which to use them. But they are enough, and no one has any more. And if you train and force them to serve you well, you can reach any height to which you aspire. But to waste any of them is to betray yourself.” - Robert Stroud

82. “Anger makes you smaller, while forgiveness forces you to grow beyond who you were.” - Jonathan Anthony Burkett

83. “Any society that produces twice as many lawyers as it does poets and preachers is doomed.” - John Fogarty

84. “You should holistically build yourself to be the best you. The evidence of your glorious life should be an inspiration to many . You create your world yourself in your own positive way. You are stronger than ever and bolder than you think. Brave the odds and initiate new imprints for all to aspire and follow your footprints.” - Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha

85. “Take the time to plant seeds even if you're unsure if they'll grow; who knows, maybe all it takes is for someone else to come along and water it.” - Kai Mann

86. “A life without memory is no life at all” - Luis Buñuel

87. “There was balance, harsh and violent like the noxious air in a swamp. But balance, nonetheless. Then somewhere in the fickle mists of creation came humanity, clawing and afraid, grasping and ambitious. Enveloped in a dangerous world, these creatures lived as scavengers; afraid of the greater things of the world. They were beset by disease, lack of claws or fangs, and the lack of habitat to call their own. Lefeyhdie had not provided any particular prey or plant for them to eat. These fleshy, naked beings were doomed to die of attrition. Curiously, these beings never stopped Doing, or Thinking. Breeding to strengthen their numbers. Sharpening rocks, shaping wood, gathering leaves and sticks for clothing and shelter. Eventually they had settlements of great number, crude but effective tools of war. Ancient forces began to pay attention to the growing incursion, plaguing them, slaying stragglers at night. But still the humans held on to the edge of the precipice, knuckles white with effort'.” - T.P. Grish

88. “I've never heard of a man's cock being described as a fang before. - Rapahel” - Nalini Singh

89. “inspiration is not a thing, its every thing, open your eyes and inspiration is everywhere.” - L.L. Caulton

90. “We need space to be productive, we need places to go to be free.” - Laure Lacornette

91. “Have you ever given yourself to a kiss so completely, that you felt like you surrendered some of yourself and replaced it with a part of them?” - Ali Harris

92. “Rachel hadn’t invented the dangers of toxoplasmosis; she’d gone online and built an airtight case. This wasn’t crazy talk. Neurobiologists had linked T. gondii to suicide and the onset of schizophrenia. All caused by exposure to cat poop. Some studies even suggested that the toxo brain parasites chemically coerced people to adopt more cats. Those crazy cat ladies were actually being controlled by an infection of single-cell invaders.” - Chuck Palahniuk

93. “War of words. We are influenced by the western media. But is what we hear the truth or just PR campaigns for governments?” - Anne-Rae Vasquez

94. “Many years ago, I left my home country very narrow minded. Today I return with an educated mind, able to understand why my culture is as it is and still be very proud of it.” - Gloria D. Gonsalves

95. “Do not fear to find yourself among strangers.” - Gloria D. Gonsalves

96. “What might be considered loyalty in onesociety might not necessarily be the same for another.” - Gloria D. Gonsalves

97. “Life at home is at a pace which allows you to appreciate what it has to offer. Simultaneously you get a chance to reflect on what you wish from it. Our development also goes at the same pace, which is not something that everyone appreciates.” - Gloria D. Gonsalves

98. “Then I learnt of “white Christmas”, which again I found very peculiar since we always have a white Christmas at home for it never passes by without eating rice. That is our white Christmas.” - Gloria D. Gonsalves

99. “Drooling over an African figure that I could never have, I feasted my eyes uponthe swaying mounds of my fellow African sisters.” - Gloria D. Gonsalves

100. “I was taught how to walk but I did not master the cheating steps of others.” - Gloria D. Gonsalves

101. “To be a woman is not a weakness.” - Gloria D. Gonsalves

102. “To eat Ugali is an art of adventure in itself. Forget cutlery because all you need is your lovely fingers.” - Gloria D. Gonsalves

103. “I refuse to behave fraudulently, as if I was anything else but African.” - Gloria D. Gonsalves

104. “Have you ever entered a kitchen to find a woman, her legs crossed while the rest of her body is dressed in colourful khanga, smiling at you while her hands are making a melodious song with a coconut grater? Have you ever wondered how any woman size can fit on that grater regardless of their body size? The time for wondering is over. East Africa heartily welcomes you to see for yourself. Go and visit it.” - Gloria D. Gonsalves

105. “Everyone these days is concerned so much with privacy and forgets the value of human touch. We still need each other but are scared of how it might sound or appear to the other.” - Gloria D. Gonsalves

106. “My thick and full lips shall pout their African ancestry until all sorrows are kissed out of me.” - Gloria D. Gonsalves

107. “Right now in this world, a child is dying from an ailment because its family cannot afford to buy charcoal for boiling water.Right now in this world, a girl is striving to find firewood from trees that no more exist, and water from sources that are poisonous.Right now in this world, a boy is out fishing in a lake rich with inedible species.Right now in this world, a mother is drowning in heavy rainfall, to save her belongings.Right now in this world, a man has lost his dignity because all his eff orts to save have been wiped away to poverty by unforeseen calamities.Right now in this world, a family is starving because drought has invaded their once fertile land.Right now in this world, a nation is planning for refugee status due to adverse climate conditions.Right now in this world, you have a choice to help alleviate environmental problems caused by humankind.” - Gloria D. Gonsalves

108. “Heaven is by favor; if it were by merit your dog would go in and you would stay out. Of all the creatures ever made (man) is the most detestable. Of the entire brood, he is the only one... that possesses malice. He is the only creature that inflicts pain for sport, knowing it to be pain.” - Mark Twain

109. “It is very easy to love alone.” - Gertrude Stein

110. “I would live forever if I could, but not like this.” - Gary Young

111. “Our life is our only chance...” - Laure Lacornette