115 Bravery Quotes For Inspiration

July 16, 2024, 3:45 a.m.

115 Bravery Quotes For Inspiration

In a world that often demands us to step out of our comfort zones, bravery becomes an essential trait to inspire our journeys. Whether facing personal challenges, embarking on new ventures, or standing up for what's right, a dash of courage can make all the difference. These 115 bravery quotes are carefully selected to ignite your inner strength and provide that extra push you need. Each quote is a testament to the power of resilience and the importance of facing fears head-on. Get ready to be inspired and uplifted, as you discover the wisdom and encouragement from voices across time and space.

1. “It was times like these when I thought my father, who hated guns and had never been to any wars, was the bravest man who ever lived.” - Harper Lee

2. “It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed.” - Theodore Roosevelt

3. “Courage is being scared to death, but saddling up anyway.” - John Wayne

4. “It is not the size of the dog in the fight that counts, but the fight in the dog that wins.” - Arthur G. Lewis

5. “All of us have moments in out lives that test our courage. Taking children into a house with a white carpet is one of them. ” - Erma Bombeck

6. “It takes a lot of courage to show your dreams to someone else.” - Erma Bombeck

7. “One man with courage makes a majority.” - Andrew Jackson

8. “For the whole earth is the tomb of famous men; not only are they commemorated by columns and inscriptions in their own country, but in foreign lands there dwells also an unwritten memorial of them, graven not on stone but in the hearts of men. Make them your examples, and, esteeming courage to be freedom and freedom to be happiness, do not weigh too nicely the perils of war."[Funeral Oration of Pericles]” - Thucydides

9. “you can, you should, and if you’re brave enough to start, you will.” - Stephen King

10. “People glorify all sorts of bravery except the bravery they might show on behalf of their nearest neighbors.” - George Eliot

11. “He who is brave is free” - seneca

12. “Do not all theists insist that there can be no morality, no justice, honesty or fidelity without the belief in a Divine Power? Based upon fear and hope, such morality has always been a vile product, imbued partly with self-righteousness, partly with hypocrisy. As to truth, justice, and fidelity, who have been their brave exponents and daring proclaimers? Nearly always the godless ones: the Atheists; they lived, fought, and died for them. They knew that justice, truth, and fidelity are not conditioned in heaven, but that they are related to and interwoven with the tremendous changes going on in the social and material life of the human race; not fixed and eternal, but fluctuating, even as life itself.” - Emma Goldman

13. “My point is that love is the most powerful motivator in the world. It spurs mortals to greatness. Their noblest, bravest acts are done for love.” - Rick Riordan

14. “Being brave is when you have to do something because you know it is right, but at the same time, you are afraid to do it, because it might hurt or whatever. But you do it anyway.” - Meg Cabot

15. “Courage is found in unlikely places.” - J.R.R. Tolkien

16. “I have a little theory that I'd like to air here, if I may. What is it that you think makes you magicians?" More silence. Fogg was well into rhetorical-question territory now anyway. He spoke more softly. "Is it because you are intelligent? Is it because you are brave and good? Is is because you're special? Maybe. Who knows. But I'll tell you something: I think you're magicians because you're unhappy. A magician is strong because he feels pain. He feels the difference between what the world is and what he would make of it. Or what did you think that stuff in your chest was? A magician is strong because he hurts more than others. His wound is his strength. Most people carry that pain around inside them their whole lives, until they kill the pain by other means, or until it kills them. But you, my friends, you found another way: a way to use the pain. To burn it as fuel, for light and warmth. You have learned to break the world that has tried to break you.” - Lev Grossman

17. “Find what you are afraid of, face it, and then you won't be afraid of it anymore.” - Marilyn Manson

18. “Though we might have precious littleIt's still preciousI like that song about this wonderful worldIt's got a sunny point of viewAnd sometimes I feel it's trueAt least for a few of usI like that world, it makes a wonderful songBut there's a darker point of viewBut sadly just as trueFor so many among usThough we might have precious littleIt's still preciousIn the sweetest child there's a vicious streakIn the strongest man there's a child so weakIn the whole wide world there's no magic placeSo you might as well rise put on your bravest faceI like that show where they solve all the murdersAn heroic point of viewIt's got justice and vengeance tooAt least so the story goesI like that story, makes a satisfying caseBut there's a messy point of viewThat's sadly just as trueFor so many among usIn softest voice there's an acid tongueIn the oldest eyes there's a soul so youngIn the shakiest will there's a core of steelOn the smoothest ride there's a squeaky wheelThough we might have precious littleIt's still precious” - Rush

19. “Today a great shot for freedom was heard. I think it stands a chance of being heard forever. It marls a turning point in the history of the Jewish people. The beginning of the return to a statues of dignity we have not known for two thousand years. Yes, today was the first step back. My battle is done. Now I turn the command over to the soldiers. ” - Leon Uris

20. “Some have been thought brave because they were afraid to run away.” - Thomas Fuller

21. “When the Guard convinced you fate was not on our side, you parted ways with me and saw fit to make me suffer,' Percy stated. The pain on Alexi's face worsened, and he opened his mouth to refute her. She put her hands lovingly on his cheeks. 'We survived. Our love survived. And we shall again.'He stared at her in wonder. 'How did my dear girl grow so brave?'Percy grinned. 'Didn't you hear? The meek shall inherit the earth.” - Leanna Renee Hieber

22. “I have given Him my faith, and sworn my allegiance to Him; how, then, can I go back from this, and not be hanged as a traitor?” - John Bunyan

23. “Listen to the people who love you. Believe that they are worth living for even when you don't believe it. Seek out the memories depression takes away and project them into the future. Be brave; be strong; take your pills. Exercise because it's good for you even if every step weighs a thousand pounds. Eat when food itself disgusts you. Reason with yourself when you have lost your reason.” - Andrew Solomon

24. “Many of the bravest never are known, and get no praise. [But]that does not lessen their beauty...” - Louisa May Alcott

25. “The bravest person I know is afraid of the dark. She sleeps with a night lamp always, but if her friends are threatened? She suddenly thinks she's a bear twelve feet tall and attacks whoever scared her friends.” - Tamora Pierce

26. “Mr. Montag, you are looking at a coward. I saw the way things were going a long time back. I said nothing. I am one of the innocents who could have spoken up and out when no one would listen to the 'guilty,' but I did not speak and thus became guilty myself.” - Ray Bradbury

27. “I used to feel so alone in the city. All those gazillions of people and then me, on the outside. Because how do you meet a new person? I was very stunned by this for many years. And then I realized, you just say, "Hi." They may ignore you. Or you may marry them. And that possibility is worth that one word.” - Augusten Burroughs

28. “I am an ordinary sort of fellow, not braver than other people, but I hate to see a good man downed, and that long knife would not be the end of Scudder if I could play the game in his place.” - John Buchan

29. “Acuerdate de lo que te digo, mi niño. No tengas miedo. Todo lo que te ha pasado te ayudará. Vas a salir adelante.” - Sandra Rodriguez Barron

30. “There are two things we should always be 1. raw and 2. ready. When you are raw, you are always ready and when you are ready you usually realize that you are raw. Waiting for perfection is not an answer, one cannot say "I will be ready when I am perfect" because then you will never be ready, rather one must say "I am raw and I am ready just like this right now, how and who I am.” - C. JoyBell C.

31. “‎"What does it mean if i'm afraid? Does it mean something bad is going to happen?" "No, it doesn't mean something bad is going to happen. It just means that you have the chance to be brave.” - C. JoyBell C.

32. “Bravery is not the absence of fear but the forging ahead despite being afraid” - Robert Liparulo

33. “I looked at the faces around me, wondering what was going to happen to me ... wondering when I would see Father again."I will help you.” - M.L LeGette

34. “You know what I know, Mally. Now you must decide what to believe.” - M.L LeGette

35. “Well I won't back downNo I won't back downYou can stand me up at the gates of hellBut I won't back down” - Tom Petty

36. “Oh! Be men, or be more than men. Be steady to your purposes and firm as a rock. This ice is not made of such stuff as your hearts may be; it is mutable and cannot withstand you if you say that it shall not. Do not return to your families with the stigma of disgrace marked on your brows. Return as heroes who have fought and conquered, and who know not what it is to turn their backs on the foe.” - Mary Shelley

37. “She was afraid, and the afraid, she realized, sought opportunities for bravery in love.” - Lorrie Moore

38. “Bless God, he went as soldiers,His musket on his breast—Grant God, he charge the bravestOf all the martial blest!Please God, might I behold himIn epauletted white—I should not fear the foe then—I should not fear the fight!” - Emily Dickinson

39. “The marquis de Carabas was not a good man, and he knew himself well enough to be perfectly certain that he was not a brave man. He had long since decided that the world, Above or Below, was a place that wished to be deceived, and, to this end, he had named himself from a lie in a fairy tale, and created himself--his clothes, his manner, his carriage--as a grand joke.There was a dull pain in his wrists and his feet, and he was finding it harder and harder to breathe. There was nothing more to be gained by feigning unconsciousness, and he raised his head, as best he could, and spat a gob of scarlet blood into Mr. Vandemar's face.It was a brave thing to do, he thought. And a stupid one. Perhaps they would have let him die quietly, if he had not done that. Now, he had no doubt, they would hurt him more. And perhaps his death would come the quicker for it.” - Neil Gaiman

40. “It is hard to be brave, when you're only a Very Small Animal.” - A.A. Milne

41. “For those who know the value of and exquisite taste of solitary freedom (for one is only free when alone), the act of leaving is the bravest and most beautiful of all.” - Isabelle Eberhardt

42. “It’s not unpatriotic to denounce an injustice committed on our behalf, perhaps it’s the most patriotic thing we can do.” - E.A. Bucchianeri

43. “But often life asks much of you, and you either honor life by answering with all your heart, or you cower your way into your grave.” - James Clemens

44. “Screw your courage to the sticking place and we will not fail.” - William Shakespeare

45. “Die Welt ist voller Torheit, Dumpfheit, Inkonsequenz und Ungerechtigkeit. Es gehört viel Mut dazu, diesen nicht das Feld zu räumen.” - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

46. “There's no shame in fear. But understand this - the coward is ruled by fear, while the hero rides it like a wild stallion.” - David Gemmell

47. “Bravado may stir the crowd, but courage needs no audience.” - T.F. Hodge

48. “So you were going to rescue the Prince! Why did you pretend to run away? To deceive the Witch?""Not likely! I'm a coward. Only way I can do something this frightening is to tell myself I'm not doing it!” - Diana Wynne Jones

49. “If you don't make a few ememies now and then, you're a coward-or worse. Besides, it as worth it to see his reaction. Oh, he was angry!- Angela to Eragon” - Christopher Paolini

50. “Those who can truly be accounted brave are those who best know the meaning of what is sweet in life and what is terrible, and then go out, undeterred, to meet what is to come.” - Pericles

51. “Bravery is a willing decision to do what must be done. Fear is a cancer that is cured only by doing what must be done, backed by an intelligent, open mind.” - Corey Aaron Burkes

52. “Once," Fran says, settling against the worktable, folding her arms, "I knew this kid who very bravely and bossily came out of the closet when she was only fourteen years old. She told me then that we can't choose who we love. We just love the people we love, no mattter what anyone else might want for us. Wasn't that you?” - Madeleine George

53. “I am no coward sir! I shall stand and fight!""Well, I am," said Sal. "So can we go... please?” - Alex Scarrow

54. “Fiction is written with reality and reality is written with fiction. We can write fiction because there is reality and we can write reality because there is fiction; everything we consider today to be myth and legend, our ancestors believed to be history and everything in our history includes myths and legends. Before the splendid modern-day mind was formed our cultures and civilizations were conceived in the wombs of, and born of, what we identify today as "fiction, unreality, myth, legend, fantasy, folklore, imaginations, fabrications and tall tales." And in our suddenly realized glory of all our modern-day "advancements" we somehow fail to ask ourselves the question "Who designated myths and legends as unreality? " But I ask myself this question because who decided that he was spectacular enough to stand up and say to our ancestors "You were all stupid and disillusioned and imagining things" and then why did we all decide to believe this person? There are many realities not just one. There is a truth that goes far beyond what we are told today to believe in. And we find that truth when we are brave enough to break away from what keeps everybody else feeling comfortable. Your reality is what you believe in. And nobody should be able to tell you to believe otherwise.” - C. JoyBell C.

55. “A naked blade hid nothing, feared nothing. She wanted to be like that. Because that was how you found yourself, created yourself. You didn't hide. You didn't wait for the perfect moment to settle on you like a butterfly, like magic.You went out and made magic. Made your own wishes come true.” - Sarah Cross

56. “The exhilaration of battle was agreeable to him, but the sight of the dead, with their clay faces, blank eyes, and stiff bodies, which, when not unnaturally shrunken, were unnaturally swollen, had always intolerably affected him. He felt toward them a kind of reasonless antipathy which was something more than the physical and spiritual repugnance common to us all. Doubtless this feeling was due to his unusually acute sensibilities - his keen sense of the beautiful, which these hideous things outraged. Whatever may have been the cause, he could not look upon a dead body without a loathing which had in it an element of reselltment. What others have respected as the dignity of death had to him no existence - was altogether unthinkable. Death was a thing to be hated. It was not picturesque, it had no tender and solemn side - a dismal thing, hideous in all its manifestations and suggestions. Lieutenant Byring was a braver man than anybody knew, for nobody knew his horror of that which he was ever ready to encounter. ("A Tough Tussle")” - Ambrose Bierce

57. “Where can one buy a lit of that *Right Stuff* bravado required to shrug off the fact that your airplane is now a convertible?” - Josh Gates

58. “So long as we are brave enough to accept the consequences of our actions, no one can take away our freedom of choice.” - Mike Norton

59. “But unless we determine to take action,' said the old man querulously, as if struggling against something deeply insouciant in his nature, 'then we shall all be destroyed, we shall all die. Surely we care about that?' 'Not enough to want to get killed over it,' said Ford.” - Douglas Adams

60. “Fighting is like champagne. It goes to the heads of cowards as quickly as of heroes. Any fool can be brave on a battlefield when it's be brave or else be killed.” - Margaret Mitchell

61. “Some things must be done however much we wish to avoid them.” - Michelle Zink

62. “You can have regret from yesterday, fear tomorrow, but peace today by sharing your heart’s deepest feelings. A life spent being fearful of showing your soul is a life not worth living.” - Shannon Alder

63. “Hadrian leapt to his feet. Royce was already up.“Don’t bother,” Esrahaddon told them. “She’s dead, and there’s nothing you can do. The monster cannot be harmed by your weapons. It—”The two were out the door.” - Michael J. Sullivan

64. “I cannot have a man who is afraid of everything, I don't have the time to soothe insecurities and fears, I cannot have a man who is standing on a stone by a creek, watching for the fish to swim by and every time he sees a fish he says "Oh look, this fish scares me, I wonder what this fish means, this fish might mean- this, or this fish might mean- that" for God's sake, they are just fish, and they don't mean anything! Such a sad thing, so many fine, strong men standing on top of little stones, pointing at fish all the time! Such a waste! Such a waste of time! I can only have a man who will leap into the water, not minding the damn fish and whatever other little things that scare him. I need to have someone who is braver than me; if I am a pirate, he has to be the pirate Captain, if I am a pirate Captain he has to be the flying dragon.” - C. JoyBell C.

65. “A chasm reminds us that there is a fine line between bravery and idiocy.” - Veronica Roth

66. “It has been my philosophy of life that difficulties vanish when faced boldly.” - Isaac Asimov

67. “He is as full of valor as of kindness. Princely in both.” - William Shakespeare

68. “Sooner I realized, he doesn't need to be big to be brave, because bravery is the courage found in the heart...” - Aishah Madadiy

69. “I think I speak for everyone," he says, "when I say you have earned the title of Dauntless".” - Veronica Roth

70. “Thank you for your honesty," Niles says. The Candor repeat the phrase under their breath. All around me are the words "Thank you for your honesty" at different volumes and pitches, and my anger begins to dissolve.” - Veronica Roth

71. “It's not cruelty, maybe, but a desire to understand that motivates them.” - Veronica Roth

72. “A little reckless bravery may end up saving your life.” - Henry Chancellor

73. “A man without fear, is a man I strive to be.” - Geoffrey Brokos

74. “Sometimes it takes bravery in order to be a coward.” - Lionel Suggs

75. “Esk felt that bravery was called for, but on a night like this bravery lasted only as long as a candle stayed alight.” - Terry Pratchett

76. “You have to be the bravest person in the world to go out every day, being yourself when no one likes who you are.” - Matthew Dicks

77. “If I can't stay where I am, and I can't, then I will put all that I can into the going.” - Jeanette Winterson

78. “You might just be the craziest person I've ever know, but you're also the bravest. - Marcus” - J. Scott Savage

79. “...if you spent all your time being protected, you never got to find out anything new.” - Sage Blackwood

80. “Brave men don't belong to any one country. I respect bravery wherever I see it.” - Harry S. Truman

81. “It takes bravery to recognize where in your life you are your own poison... it takes courage to do something about it.” - Steve Maraboli

82. “You always know the mark of a coward. A coward hides behind freedom. A brave person stands in front of freedom and defends it for others.” - Henry Rollins

83. “Have nuts and be nuts.” - Criss Jami

84. “Often people that settle in life are those that only do what they can with what they have and where they are. Never settle for someone that didn't know your worth from the beginning, or build a life without God in it. Live beyond your low expectations.” - Shannon L. Alder

85. “He who is a firstling is ever sacrificed.” - Friedrich Nietzsche

86. “What a tremendous power one needs to become his own master!” - Mihail Drumeş

87. “To love someone with all of your heart requires reaching them where they are with the only words they can understand.” - Shannon L. Alder

88. “I'll get there, if I leave everything but my bones behind," said Sam. "And I'll carry Mr. Frodo up myself, if it breaks my back and heart.” - J.R.R. Tolkien

89. “Moja maštovitost zakazala je zbog nedostatka hrabrosti.” - Jasna Horvat

90. “To embark on the journey towards your goals and dreams requires bravery. To remain on that path requires courage. The bridge that merges the two is commitment.” - Steve Maraboli

91. “Genuine bravery occurs when you least expect it, and when, in fact, you're quite oblivious of it.  Sometimes heroism happens when you press on; other times when you let go.  Once in a while, it happens when you do a little dance all your own.” - Gerald Hausman

92. “Many have stood their ground and faced the darkness when it comes for them. Fewer come for the darkness and force it to face them.” - Eliezer Yudkowsky

93. “Your heart’s strength is measured by how hard it holds on. Your self worth and faith is measured by finally letting go. However, your peace is measured by how long you don’t look back.” - Shannon L. Alder

94. “Fighting giants was one thing. Bacchus making into a game was something else.” - Rick Riordan

95. “He who fights with guns and knives is a coward! For how easy is it to kill with the single pull of a trigger? And how does human flesh stand to a sharpened metal? Even an idiot can kill with a gun and a knife! A man needs no courage at all to stand behind these things that make him feel invincible and bigger than he ever will be! I don't say that no one should fight! Because battles must be fought, and wars will always be won! But let those who fight, fight with bare hands! The measure of true strength! With his hands and feet and nothing but! The country with truly strong men is able to have soldiers that need not a knife, that need no guns! And if you can soar even higher than that; fight with your pens! Let us all write! And see the substance of the man through his philosophies and through his beliefs! And let one philosophy outdo another! Let one belief outlast another! And let this be how we determine the outcome of a war!” - C. JoyBell C.

96. “Trusting anyone can get you killed.” - Zoë Marriott

97. “I was a lot braver when I was eight.” - Claire Cook

98. “The sparrows jumped before they knew how to fly, and they learned to fly only because they had jumped” - Lauren Oliver

99. “Being brave meant that though you might be frightened, you would face the greatest danger if you knew it was the right thing to do.” - Anne Holm

100. “The most wonderful inspirations die with their subject, if he has no hand to paint them to the senses.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson

101. “She was the bravest person I ever knew.” - Harper Lee

102. “Be brave. Things will find their shape.” - Erin Bow

103. “Boldness be my friend.” - William Shakespeare

104. “Emily squared her shoulders and said simply, “I’m fine, I’m not really loving your social skills though. Don’t you know this is no way to start a conversation?” Emily’s mouth clamped shut at the expression on the monsters face.” - Nicole Rae

105. “I think she's brave. I think that nobody has ever believed what she could be capable of. All her life, nobody was listening.” - Lauren DeStefano

106. “Underlying the attack on psychotherapy, I believe, is a recognition of the potential power of any relationship of witnessing. The consulting room is a privileged space dedicated to memory. Within that space, survivors gain the freedom to know and tell their stories. Even the most private and confidential disclosure of past abuses increases the likelihood of eventual public disclosure. And public disclosure is something that perpetrators are determined to prevent. As in the case of more overtly political crimes, perpetrators will fight tenaciously to ensure that their abuses remain unseen, unacknowledged, and consigned to oblivion. The dialectic of trauma is playing itself out once again. It is worth remembering that this is not the first time in history that those who have listened closely to trauma survivors have been subject to challenge. Nor will it be the last. In the past few years, many clinicians have had to learn to deal with the same tactics of harassment and intimidation that grassroots advocates for women, children and other oppressed groups have long endured. We, the bystanders, have had to look within ourselves to find some small portion of the courage that victims of violence must muster every day. Some attacks have been downright silly; many have been quite ugly. Though frightening, these attacks are an implicit tribute to the power of the healing relationship. They remind us that creating a protected space where survivors can speak their truth is an act of liberation. They remind us that bearing witness, even within the confines of that sanctuary, is an act of solidarity. They remind us also that moral neutrality in the conflict between victim and perpetrator is not an option. Like all other bystanders, therapists are sometimes forced to take sides. Those who stand with the victim will inevitably have to face the perpetrator's unmasked fury. For many of us, there can be no greater honor. p.246 - 247Judith Lewis Herman, M.D. February, 1997” - Judith Lewis Herman

107. “poor boy! I never knew you, Yet I think I could not refuse this moment to die for you, if that would save you” - Walt Whitman

108. “Sometime we don't always get what we want!" shouted Evie, not knowing herself. "That's life!"... The Captain, still looking at her, raised his eyebrows in surprise. He was proud of her for being brave enough to shout at (the villain), but he said softly to her, "Usually men with knives at your friend's neck get what they want, Evelyn.” - Elizabeth Newton

109. “Sometimes, the only way to solve your problems in life, the only way to conquer your fears, is if you face them. If you face your problems, they just flee. But if you flee instead, run away from them, they only get bigger, and they can totally destroy you.” - Elizabeth Newton

110. “Tessa touched his wrist lightly with her hand. "Be brave," she said. "It's not a duck, is it?” - Cassandra Clare

111. “The time for revolt is now, and the time for revolt is always!” - Bryant McGill

112. “Be Lion in drawing a Line” - Dr. Zeeshan Ahmed

113. “Until that moment she had never thought she could do it. Never thought she would be brave enough or scared enough, or desperate enough to dare.” - Neil Gaiman

114. “No importa si no te entienden, lo que importa es que tengas el valor de decirlo.” - Jackson Pearce

115. “We are all scared; it is only the bravery that differentiates us from others.” - M.F. Moonzajer