116 Paranormal Quotes To Ponder

May 30, 2024, 6:45 a.m.

116 Paranormal Quotes To Ponder

When the unknown beckons, our minds can't help but wander through the realms of the uncanny and the mysterious. Paranormal phenomena have fascinated humanity for centuries, blurring the lines between reality and the supernatural. Whether it’s the whispered voices from haunted corridors, the shadowy figures glimpsed from the corner of our eyes, or the inexplicable occurrences that defy logic, there's an undeniable allure to the paranormal. To ignite your curiosity and spark a deeper contemplation, we’ve gathered a compilation of 116 thought-provoking quotes that delve into these enigmatic encounters. Get ready to embark on an intriguing journey through the words of those who have dared to peer beyond the veil of the ordinary.

1. “There are no differences but differences of degree between different degrees of difference and no difference.” - William James

2. “If I shot an arrow and thought about an ass, would it surprise you that I hit Erik?' Stark asked me in a pleasant, nonchalant voice.” - P.C. Cast

3. “V settled back against the pillows and measured the hard line of her chin."Take off your coat.""Excuse me?""Take it off.""No.""I want it off.""Then I suggest you hold your breath. Won't affect me in the slightest, but at least the suffocation will help pass the time for you.” - J.R. Ward

4. “One hand was behind his back, and he held it out, presenting a bouquet of white and smoky purple lilies. “They’re straight from the underworld, by the way. They are everlasting. They won’t die.” - Jess C. Scott

5. “Would you believe I was in the neighborhood?”“No."“Well, how about that I needed to see you.”“Why? Did one of my neighbors call and say my cat’s been stalking their bunny?”One corner of his mouth went up. “You know, that sounds like a euphemism. A kind of salacious one”“Ooh, big words for Mr. Average Joe street cop,” she said, knowing she sounded bitchy but unable to help it. “Can you take out the angry eyes, Mrs. Potato Head, and just let me talk to you?” - Leslie Parrish

6. “It was the sort of bone deep emotion that made him want to hold her tighter with one hand, and draw a sword against the world with the other.” - Jeaniene Frost

7. “Let the spirits guide you, but never let them take you.” - E.J. Stevens

8. “I knew from the moment I heard you, the moment I saw the gun and realized that this lovely, petit woman was the executioner, that you would never die waiting for me to save you - that you would save yourself.” - Laurell K. Hamilton

9. “Emma was doing something nice for Simon? Hell must be enjoying the snow day.” - E.J. Stevens

10. “Do you really think you can win?''Yeah. Hell, Ortega is only the third or fourth most disturbing thing I've tangled with today.''But even if you do win, what does it change?''Me getting kiilled now. That way, I get to be killed later tonight instead.'- Susan Rodriguez & Harry Dresden, Death Masks, Jim Butcher” - Jim Butcher

11. “My laboratory,' I said, experimentally, drawing out each syllable. 'Why is it that saying it like that always makes me want to follow it with 'mwoo-hah-hah-hahhhhh'? ''You were overexposed to Hammer Films as a child?' - Harry Dresden & Bob the Skull, Changes, Jim Butcher” - Jim Butcher

12. “All masculine, hard-bodied and sensual, he was a deadly weapon sent by the gods to drive women mad, and a walking billboard for all things wicked and carnal. Orgasms! Get your orgasms here. Hot and juicy! Just how you like ‘em!” - Lisa Sanchez

13. “Yeah, tell me I’m a bottle of single malt scotch, she thought. That’s the way to my heart.” - L.J. Smith

14. “What kind of people?"The dead kind. The still-walking-around kind. The reeking, stinking, rotting-from-the-inside-out kind. Toothy and grinning, nasty with the dark and the dust of abandoned strip mines. But none of that was the whole truth. They were more than that. - page 135” - Brenna Yovanoff

15. “How come when mortals want things, their only option is to make a deal with Hell and sell their soul? Why can’t they make deals with God in exchange for good behavior?"It was another of those rare moments when I’d surprised Carter. I waited for the glib answer I’d mentioned to Seth, something along the lines of goodness being its own reward. The angel considered for several seconds. "Humans make those deals all the time," he said finally. "They just don’t make them with God.""Then who are they making them with?" I exclaimed."Themselves.” - Richelle Mead

16. “C’est moi, c’est moi,’tis I,' I told him. It seemed appropriately melodramatic, though I didn’t know if he’d catch the reference. I shouldn’t have worried. Unexpectedly, he laughed. “Trust you to quote Lancelot rather than Guinevere.” - Patricia Briggs

17. “So you want me to go to a human orgy, where I will not be welcome, and you want us to leave before I get to enjoy myself? ~Eric Northman” - Charlaine Harris

18. “When you cross over into the weird stuff, there's no going back. Hector has a theory on it. Calls it the law of 'Anomalous Phenomena Attraction.' He explained it to me once. Didn't really pay attention, but it boils down to 'weird shit pulls in more weird shit.” - A. Lee Martinez

19. “Fuck the weather forecasters and their predictions. With magic, he’d just turned their Doppler radar upside down.Sapphire Phelan (Being Familiar With a Witch)” - Sapphire Phelan

20. “Holy fu-" he starts then catches himself."Yes,this tithe will be most pleasing to her Goodness." Me and Magnus exchange amused glances.” - Mari Mancusi

21. “Hey, would you look at that shit?"I turned on my heel. The patrons who’d fled at the first hint of trouble had come back and were enjoying the spectacle."Clear out!" I barked.They paid me no mind. Asshole innocent bystanders.” - Ilona Andrews

22. “The Paranormal is entirely NORMAL. Furthermore, I believe the Supernatural is both SUPER and NATURAL. Paranormal and Supernatural experiences happen to ordinary folk like you and I, every day. Ain't it cool?” - Jo Lynne Valerie

23. “Usually my form of turning someone down was shoving a stake through his heart while smirking, Gotcha!” - Jeaniene Frost

24. “She'd had sex with a demon. Tayla swallowed bile and tried to keep her stomach from heaving. She needed to shower. And douche.” - Larissa Ione

25. “All Ghosts Are Gray” - Andrew Barger

26. “Let me get this straight. you want me to go stomping through a graveyard brandishing a bottle of booze to rouse an unrestful spirit so that I can interrogate him?" - Cat to Bones” - Jeaniene Frost

27. “Lips to lips, mouth to mouth,Comes the speaker of the shrouds,Suck in the spirit, speak the words,Let secrets of the dead be heard.” - Yasmine Galenorn

28. “This was the problem with having walls so hard and high and unscalable, she supposed. When they came down, they crumbled completely, shattering into nothingness. She felt utterly defenseless right now.” - L.J. Smith

29. “And then I got what she was saying. In the paranormal world, everyone was your enemy.” - Jayde Scott

30. “We come together, we create our families, we chose our mates out of the desire to form a life together. Love takes many forms, wears many faces, but when it's real, when it touches your heart, you will know it and--with hope--embrace it. Love is stronger than hate, love is stronger than anger. Love is stronger than all artificial divisions that exist n our world.” - Yasmine Galenorn

31. “Walking out into the night with a water fey was all kinds of stupid. Heck, Kelpies eat people. They may not play with their food as creatively as the Each Uisge, but dead is dead.” - E.J. Stevens

32. “What was life has crumbled. What was form, now falls away. Mortal chains unbind and the soul s free. May you find your way to the ancestors. May you find your path to the gods. May your bravery and courage be remembers in song and story, May your parents be proud, and ma our children carry your birthright. Sleep, and wander no more.” - Yasmine Galenorn

33. “I was trying to make you jealous!" Simon screamed, right back. His hands were fisted at his sides. "You're so stupid, Clary. You're so stupid, can't you see anything?"She stared at him in bewilderment. What on earth did he mean? "Trying to make me jealous? Why would you try to do that?"She saw immediately that this was the worst thing she could have asked him."Because," he said, so bitterly that it shocked her, "I've been in love with you for ten years, so I thought it seemed like the time to find out whether you felt the same about me. Which, I guess you don't.” - Cassandra Clare

34. “Nice shack” - Anna Banks

35. “Are you still upset I murdered our parents? - Tommy to Danny” - Patricia Lynne

36. “Safe?” Her voice was small, timid and delicate. But beautiful. The one word chimed like little bells. Her first word spoken to me.” - Patricia Lynne

37. “If an angel could admit she was wrong about a vampire, maybe there was hope forthe werepanthers in East Hampton after all.” - Shari Richardson

38. “What is more precious: a thousand answers derived from one question? Or, one answer…from a thousand questions?” - G. F. Smith

39. “Like most people, my views about ghosts and haunted places were traditional while growing up. I believed ghosts were human spirits. Not that I talked to many people about the subject or my experiences. I assumed people would think I was weird.” - Kristine McGuire

40. “Shadow and dust shall be reclaimed, earth sealing the tomb from which you came. Dust to dust, ashes to ashes, warrior return, breathe your last. Air, earth, fire, water, hear my voice, obey my order, thrice around your grave do bound, evil sink into the ground. I now invoke the law of three, this is my will, so mote it be.” - Christine Feehan

41. “I look at you, and I see the most beautiful woman on the face of the earth. Inside and out you are beautiful. I know you better than anyone else could ever know you, because I can see into your thoughts and read your memories. The very light in you, our tremendous capacity for loving, humbles me.” - Christine Feehan

42. “After everything I've been through, the last thing I'm going to apologize for is my paranoia.” - Richard Finney

43. “Self-doubt is a persuasive mistress; careful not to shag her or you’ll never get your balls back.” - Simon Hunt” - Dannika Dark

44. “Returning my voice to a conversational level, I called back, “Nora, I’m notattempting to embarrass you or single you out. I know you’re capable. But stay behind Chas, okay? You die, you d i e permanently, and for various reasons that we’ve already gotten angsty about together, I don’t want that to happen.”“Okay, okay,” she sighed.“Angsty?” Chas asked. “Ooh! Later, details!”“Yes, later.” With that, I waved the team forward.” - Lia Habel

45. “So why are you so mad at me for kissing you?”“Because you took too long. If you'd done that, say, three years ago, we wouldn't have only had one kiss before we both get horribly mutilated.” - Rusty Fischer

46. “That’s the last thing we need. Zombys in a Vampyre story. Twilight of the Living Dead. Ugh!” - Abramelin Keldor

47. “The two of them carefully stepped around the crime scene, picking up Nick’s arms, legs and organs, and brought them back to his head. They placed his extremities into position, and then pieced in the gorier bits, assembling a gruesome jigsaw puzzle. In a few moments, most of Nick’s body was in place.The healing process took about twenty minutes. Elphaba and John stood spellbound as they watched a bloody collection of body parts reintegrate into a human form. As Nick’s sinews, nerves, and muscle knit back into place, the gaping wound in Esperto’s body also closed, completing a few minutes before Nick’s healing. The panther form quickly shrank back to housecat just as Nick sat up. Esperto jumped in his lap and licked the remnants of blood off his face.“Thank you Esperto,” Nick said. He looked at Elphaba and John. “Well, that could have gone better.” - Abramelin Keldor

48. “Charlie slowly crumpled to the floor, Allison soon joining him. “Dinner is served!” Stanley trumpeted, as he reached into the steaming mass of offal and fished around for the teens’ livers. “Aha!” he crowed, as he lifted one liver in each hand over his head.Stanley brought his right hand down and took a large bite from the first liver, spreading blood and gore over his face. He chewed for a moment and swallowed, and then bit off a large hunk of the other one. “All I need are some fava beans and a nice Chianti!” he said as he slurped.” - Abramelin Keldor

49. “WEST SALEM ~ October 2011A sudden vision, fraught with malevolence and darkness, obscured her sight. The face of a menacing figure turned from the shadows of his grisly handiwork and stared at Sorcha.Her muscles tensed. By the Goddess, could he see her?Please! No!She wanted to scream, to run, but the vision ensnared her into the horrific moment like a fly in a spider's web.” - Chérie De Sues

50. “I look for you in every life, but I don't always find you. And sometimes I find you too late.” - Kirsten Miller

51. “Soul bonds can't be broken. They only bend for a while . . .” - Diane J. Reed

52. “Vane grabbed me. “DuLac, let’s chat.”Chat. British-speak for “Stand still while I yell at you.” - Priya Ardis

53. “Vane’s lips tightened to suppress a smile. “Why so hostile, love?”“You whacked me on the head with a ball!”“You deserved it.” - Priya Ardis

54. “My name is Markowski. I carry a badge. Also a crucifix, some wooden stakes, a big vial of holy water, and a 9mm Beretta loaded with silver bullets.I was never a Boy Scout but "Be Prepared" is still a good motto to live by. Especially if you plan to keep living.” - Justin Gustainis

55. “Taking a deep breath that smelled of rain, she was poised to move when a hand clasped her elbow. Memories of another hand grabbing her sent panic shooting through her veins.She swung around."Whoa. You okay?" Lucas lightened his clasp around her arm.Kylie caught her breath and stared up at the werewolf's blue eyes. "Yeah. You just...surprised me. You need to whistle when you come up on me.” - C.C. Hunter

56. “Oh heaven and hell, stop with the tears. Given the day Sarah had just had, the tears were logical. But watching her face crumple, hearing the gut-deep harsh sobs, filled Rukh with an irrational need to pull her into his arms, wrap her in a hug.As soon as the urge had gelled into conscious thought, his essence hardened into visibility and his arms slid up around her shivering, wet body.Sarah’s eyes popped open and she staggered back with a yell.His arms tightened around her, steadying her, keeping her close. Well, shit. At least, she’d stoppedcrying.Fear-bright green eyes stared at him instead.Given he was an assassin, sent to kill her, her response was natural, even intelligent. Yet, bitterness churned in his gut at the thought of her fearing him. “It’s okay,” he whispered. “You’re safe.”“Am I hallucinating?” Her question came out as a croak.“Yes, yes you are.” That seemed a much better answer than the truth.She pinned him with her dark, direct gaze. “You’re just a figment of my imagination. A fantasy?”“Yes.” He didn’t dare move.“Then why are you still wearing clothes?” - Mina Khan

57. “As he carefully made his way back to the stairs and awkwardly turned off the light, he did not notice that the dark shadow he had assumed was his reflection remained in the mirror. He didn’t see the hands press against the surface and make large, liquid-like bulges beneath the glass. Nor did he hear the whispers that so suddenly and violently filled the dark, cluttered space as he had closed and locked the heavy attic door. ~ "The Mirror” - Cassie McCown

58. “In her hand was a necklace with a small oval pendant, a half of a locket engraved with one of the same symbols from the mirror frame—what Quinn saw as rolling waves. ~ "The Mirror” - Cassie McCown

59. “You'll get fired if anyone finds out about us!""So many rules in this century," Vane muttered.” - Priya Ardis

60. “I really wasn't sure if I wanted this guy knowing where I lived. After all, he was wielding a baseball bat, and I had just seen him strike several people with that bat.” - Holly Hood

61. “Mercy is for the weak… let me show you how much of an Unseelie I still am.” - Julie Kagawa

62. “Do I at least get to keep the toothbrush?”“Sure. Unless you can get it back in that wrapper and seal it up all nice and new. Well, that’s what the last girl did. See,you can hardly tell it’s been opened!”--Reggie Sinclair from Angela's Coven” - Bruce Jenvey

63. “Where did you meet?” he pressed on.I shrugged and considered a little rephrasing. “I was out for a run.”“From who?”I leaned back to take a long, very long, slow sip of that beer.Knox leaned forward. “I think we’re both bullsh*tting here, you ever play that card game?”“With my grandma, every Sunday after church.” - Dannika Dark

64. “There's only so much temptation a vampire can take.” - Lindsay J. Pryor

65. “Demons exist,' he says simply, as if talking about the weather. 'They are real and they are dangerous. We hunt them when necessary and return them when we can.” - Bill Blais

66. “Down every hall is a gruesome tangle of impossible creatures, and every one of them is split open or strung with barbs or dragging their insides after them, flailing along on shattered limbs or shredded wings or blasted stumps. I’ve got the pistol, half a can of spray and a handful of useless shotgun slugs. I’m dead.” - Bill Blais

67. “You want me to join your group of demon hunters," I can’t believe I just said that out loud, "because of a can of pepper spray and a boat load of luck? You’re insane.” - Bill Blais

68. “Sometimes we just have to accept the fact we can't explain everything. Life happens, whether we want it to or not and we don't always have a reason why. Our job is to try and make some good come out of it.” - Melissa Pearl

69. “I gaped at what I saw next. She yanked his arm off and ate it. Gross! I knew she was hungry, but that was just...well, against the school rules for one thing.” - Imogen Rose

70. “Faith is belief without proof. Faith is fine, but don't call it science.” - Loyd Auerbach

71. “You breathe too fast to be convincing,' he goaded.'You don't breathe enough to judge me.” - Lindsay J. Pryor

72. “What would angel lips taste like? Sunshine? Marshmallows? Or something altogether different? Maybe buttered-popcorn jelly beans.” - Lisa M. Basso

73. “So where did you get your information? Werewolves for Dummies? No, wait, you watched Underworld? Or maybe you were raised by wolves? Stop mewhen I’m warm.” - Shella” - Krista Alasti

74. “You’re not going to campus. You’re going out to get drunk and play with other ladies’ boobies.” - Kye” - Krista Alasti

75. “If we found a ticket to Disneyland would you think we should arrest Mickey Mouse?” - Diane L. Randle

76. “Jeopardy, Mom! You have got to get on Jeopardy! Seriously! You could marry Alex Trebek! You could be Alex and Alex Trebek! You could be Alex SQUARED!” - Diane L. Randle

77. “Lei frugò tra le lenzuola, quindi serrò le dita intorno al legno levigato.«Ti amerò per sempre, Phillip». E lo pugnalò.” - Colleen Gleason

78. “I once knew a girl who was like a dying rainbow. Her colors were incomparable, her countenance a whirlwind of brilliance. As much as she shone, however, she faded into nothingness, at times so quickly that I was unsure whether she had existed at all.” - Charity Santiago

79. “Rachel knew what she was doing. And when she didn't, she could improvise on the fly, coming up with options that left a lot of collateral damage but usually only hurt herself, not the people around her. It was one of the things he would never admit that he admired about her.” - Kim Harrison

80. “She had a woman’s swagger at twelve-and-a-half. Hair: strawberry-blonde, and I vaguely recall a daisy in the crook of her ear. She was an inch taller than me, two with the ponytail; smooth cheeks and darling brown eyes that marbled in luscious contrast with her magnolia skin; cream, melting to peach, melting to pink. She beamed like a cherub without the baby fat; a tender neck; pristine lips that would never part for a dirty word. Her body--of no interest to me at the time--was wrapped from neck to toes with home-made footie pajamas, the kind they make for toddlers, but I didn’t laugh; the girl filled that silly one-piece ensemble as if it were couture.” - Jake Vander Ark

81. “I mean,” her mother paused to choose her words, “maybe you’ll get involved in some school related activities, or join a team, or maybe meet a nice boy.”“Ugh,” Keely groaned, “I don’t have time for that stuff mom. We’ve talked about this.”“Because of the little ghost...searching…thingy you and Tad do?” “It’s called paranormal investigation mom.”“It’s called being antisocial.” - Aaron Crabill

82. “You should open these doors with care and caution-but, first, you must know how to close them. And above all, you must know which doors should be left unopened...” - Michael Bentine

83. “My death granted immortality.With one look, I knew he’d be my undoing…” Forgotten, book #1 of the Fate Trilogy” - Sarah J. Pepper

84. “It was deeper than some boy thinking she was cute. It was more like she was food and he was hungry. It was as if Mars needed her to survive.” - Randy Russell

85. “Jana looked beyond him and saw Mars. She ate Mars for breakfast with her eyes.” - Randy Russell

86. “My Ancestor Series of adventure-thrillers run like a raging river. I'm now in the editing process with my next thriller, "The Apothecary." Please go to my website for excerpts, synopses, and book trailers of all my works: http://www.gracepublisihing.org.” - Marshall Chamberlain

87. “It is said that our destiny is set, predetermined before conception. But I myself, have never been a believer…” - Deborah Ann

88. “You look like a Greek God, not to attract me per say, but to be attractive to all. It’s part of your power, your persuasive way. It’s also part of the evil, to make it harder for you to remain good. Evil doesn’t just come in the form of a monster, it comes in the form of a beautiful woman, a temptress if you will, in the form of sin. With your incredible good looks, women will be more drawn to you, which could tempt you to evil’s sin; a curse, as well as a gift.” - Deborah Ann

89. “So if I asked you to wear my skirt and juggle my high heels, you would?” I joked.I could only see Andrew's face in profile, but a grin overtook his earlier grim expression, and he laughed. “I draw the line at wearing women’s clothing.”“Are you sure?” I whispered seductively, nibbling on his earlobe.“That’s cheating,” he said, his breath hitching.I kissed down his neck. “If all else fails, I’ll never rule out using my womanly wiles.”“I refuse to be used as a pawn by my devious lover,” he countered, grinning.I abruptly pulled away from him. “Ah, well, it never hurts to try.” - Laura Kreitzer

90. “You upped the ante with the wrong vampire, Caitlin.” - Lindsay J. Pryor

91. “We need the Fallen Legion,” I said without preamble, trying to catch my breath after running after her.“And I need an evil-proof bubble to put Jules in,” Firen said dryly.“That’ll teach me to start off a conversation with a demand,” I grumbled.” - Laura Kreitzer

92. “I suggest you leave now, or you’ll be tied down and gagged until the end of this meeting.”“Tie us down?”“And gag you,” Joseph cheerfully reminded them.” - Laura Kreitzer

93. “What would you suggest?” one of the Italian officials asked.“We do have a highly-advanced biological device called the Illuminator,” Joseph chimed in” - Laura Kreitzer

94. “Being dead is highly overrated. It’s no fun at all." -- Mythe: A Fairy Tale” - P.J. Gordon

95. “He understood now why she was so much calmer, so much happier when he held her hand while they walked. When he first did that, she had looked at their linked fingers quizzically, but didn't pull away, even though she had been as skittish as a stray cat. limit.” - Sandra Ross

96. “You rented the apartment with a dead guy in the corner?” I shrugged. “I wanted the apartment, and I figured I could cover him up with a bookcase or something.” - Darynda Jones

97. “My body slid from human to wolf in a crack! of black smoke. Wolf was panting and I watched frost dissipate on my hot tongue, sending tiny rivulets of steam into the air. The world was sharp and clear, and I never realized how many different colors of shadow there were. It made me savor the dark beauty of night even more.” - Heather Heffner

98. “It won't take me a minute to kill you. - Felix” - Donna Galanti

99. “I am not capable of love. - Felix” - Donna Galanti

100. “Watch. Anyone who turns away will be considered weak. And the weak shall die. - Adrian” - Donna Galanti

101. “Demons, werewolves, zombies--they're all supposed to be for entertainment purposes only.” - Jen Naumann

102. “We're all guilty of saying insincere things at one point or another, if only just to make the moment not totally suck as much as it truly does.” - Jen Naumann

103. “Merkabah is translated as either meaning the throne of god or chariot. Both definitions imply a means of spiritual ascension, not a physical one. They only have it partly right.” - L.Z.Marie

104. “Your eyes betray a sadness that only a worthy man can conjure, but never solve” - Taona Dumisani Chiveneko

105. “... the poor always live on debt. At this point, time is the only thing I still have the credibility to borrow.” - Taona Dumisani Chiveneko

106. “One second she’s all timid, and then reeoowr! Hellcat.” - Carrie Butler

107. “My hopes for pie died on the sidewalk. There went my grin.” - Carrie Butler

108. “Se continui a guardarmi così, Victoria, sarò felice di darti quello che vuoi. Dopotutto, non sei più una bambina" Sebastian a Victoria” - Colleen Gleason

109. “When we kissed, the skies had never appeared more heavenly, nor the seas a more brilliant shade of sapphire blue.” - Jennifer Silverwood

110. “Change your mind and change your whole life experience.” - C.G. Rousing

111. “Humans did not want to know about non-humans. Funny thing was most non-humans felt the same way, happy to hide their abilities and talents to avoid witch hunts and wholesale slaughter.” - Mary Buckham

112. “We die, you die. You die, we survive. I think there’s a pecking order in that, don’t you?” - Lindsay J. Pryor

113. “Playing the martyr doesn’t suit you, Leila.’‘Maybe not, but playing the complete and utter bastard clearly suits you.” - Lindsay J. Pryor

114. “Water matted his black hair into spikes and peppered his skin with a fresh sheen. If I shut my eyes I could still see the one who bound me, his smile bright as the white sun as he emerged from our latest dip in the sea. I fought the sudden urge to bury my face in his chest and run my fingers through that hair.” - Jennifer Silverwood

115. “That’s a Planeswalker demon.” Dante slumped into the seat behind her. “You aren’t crazy.” Meg slid him a bemused glance. “I thought we’d settled that a few weeks back.”“Nope,” he said,shaking his head. “I was still certain you were loony.”“Then why have you been helping me?”“I don’t know if you’ve noticed, sweetheart, but you have fabulous tits,” Dante said with a sigh. “I figured once you gave up on the whole idea of being queen of the faery world, you might consider sleeping with me. Now I see that demons are real. I’m going to church tomorrow.” - Sophie Oak

116. “Safeguard your weaknesses, for your enemy will always use them against you. But more importantly …” He raised a single bony finger, waving it rhythmically to the cadence of his words. “Safeguard your true strengths. If he knows not what you are capable of, he will always underestimate you.” He fixed his unflinching eyes on mine. “And you are not to be underestimated.” - M.A. George