118 Thought-Provoking Quotes

Aug. 28, 2024, 11:45 p.m.

118 Thought-Provoking Quotes

In a world brimming with information and constant chatter, it's often the simplest words that make the most profound impact. Quotes have the unique ability to encapsulate wisdom, evoke deep emotions, and ignite inspiration in just a few lines. Whether you're seeking a fresh perspective, a sprinkle of motivation, or a moment of reflection, our curated collection of the top 118 thought-provoking quotes is here to guide you. These quotes, spanning various themes and eras, offer timeless insights that transcend the ordinary, inviting you to ponder, dream, and transform. Dive in and let these powerful words resonate with your soul.

1. “A question that sometimes drives me hazy: am I or are the others crazy?” - Albert Einstein

2. “Here was a new generation, shouting the old cries, learning the old creeds, through a revery of long days and nights; destined finally to go out into that dirty gray turmoil to follow love and pride; a new generation dedicated more than the last to the fear of poverty and the worship of success; grown up to find all Gods dead, all wars fought, all faiths in man shaken...” - F. Scott Fitzgerald

3. “Books can be dangerous. The best ones should be labeled ‘This could change your life’.” - Helen Exley

4. “Have you ever been in a conflict with someone who thought he was wrong. If you are not wrong, then you will be willing to consider how you might be mistaken.” - Arbinger Institute

5. “...the long train ride was like traveling through limbo. You weren't anywhere when you were on a train, she decided. You weren't where you had been, and you weren't yet where you were going. You were nowhere. It might be beautiful outside the window-and it was, she had sense enough to realize that-but it wasn't anywhere to her, just a scene passing by that was framed by the train window. (p160)” - Katherine Paterson

6. “I like to imagine that the world is one big machine. You know, machines never have any extra parts. They have the exact number and type of parts they need. So I figure if the entire world is a big machine, I have to be here for some reason. And that means you have to be here for some reason, too.” - Brian Selznick

7. “According to Aristophanes in Plato's The Banquet, in the ancient world of legend there were three types of people.In ancient times people weren't simply male or female, but one of three types : male/male, male/female or female/female. In other words, each person was made out of the components of two people. Everyone was happy with this arrangment and never really gave it much thought. But then God took a knife and cut everyone in half, right down the middle. So after that the world was divided just into male and female, the upshot being that people spend their time running around trying to locate their missing half.” - Haruki Murakami

8. “...I just gave up trying to be a Christian... Let's face it, I ain't got the knack for holiness. Besides, I didn't have the slightest little desire to join the likes of Reverend Pelham at the dinner table for fourteen minutes, much less at the banquet table of Heaven eternally. Eternity is a mighty long time to be stuck with people who judge every word you say and think and condemn most of what you do. It struck me as pretty miserable company. And if Reverend Pelham was the kind of company God preferred to keep, well, I just hoped they'd be happy together.” - Katherine Paterson

9. “But I've strayed so far from normal now, I'll never find my way back. And the truth is, I no longer want to.” - Alyson Noel

10. “And what greater might do we possess as human beings than our capacity to question and to learn?” - Ann Druyan

11. “She said, "Do you have more things that you need, or more that you don't need?" I said, "It depends on what it means to need.” - Jonathan Safran Foer

12. “Call it professional interest. You see, Jessamine, love is a kind of poison; one of my favorite kinds, in fact. It infects the blood; it takes over the mind; it seizes dominion over the body. It amuses me to think of him pining for you. Aching for what he cannot have. The loneliness in his soul is festering like a wound. There is nothing I could do for him that is worse that what you have already done, my lovely. And I assure you, in his case there will be no cure.” - Maryrose Wood

13. “But was that not the task you set me? To defend the helpless against the strong?" "Indeed it was Master Weed. But who is to say who is helpless, and who is strong?" .........."If you seek the power to alter fate, you must also bear responsibility for the consequences. For you cannot change the fate of only one being; all fates are intertwined." "I performed the task," I protest. "I did what you bid me do." "You defended the weak from the strong." Larkspur speaks as if from far away. "But who will defend these poor weak infants against you!?” - Maryrose Wood

14. “If blue helmeted UN peacekeepers show up in your town or village and offer to protect you, run.” - Andrew Thomson

15. “The impoverished always try to keep moving, as if relocating might help. They ignore the reality that a new version of the same old problem will be waiting at the end of the trip- the relative you cringe to kiss.” - Markus Zusak

16. “Lead us not into temptation' often means, among other things, 'Deny me those gratifying invitations, those highly interesting contacts, that participation in the brilliant movements of our age, which I so often, at such risk, desire.'Reflections on the Psalms, ch 7” - C.S. Lewis

17. “We are a way for the cosmos to know itself.” - Carl Sagan

18. “On their sofas of spice and feathers, the concubines also slept fretfully. In those days the Earth was still flat, and people dreamed often of falling over edges.” - Tom Robbins

19. “All dreams continue in the beyond.” - Tom Robbins

20. “There is a comfort in conformity, a security in control, that is appealing. There is a thrill in domination, and we are all secretly attracted to violence.” - Tom Robbins

21. “Perhaps the most terrible (or wonderful) thing that can happen to an imaginative youth, aside from the curse (or blessing) of imagination itself, is to be exposed without preparation to the life outside his or her own sphere - the sudden revelation that there is a there out there.” - Tom Robbins

22. “News is something worth knowing that you didn't know already. (by an "earnest young woman" in his journalism class)” - David Brinkley

23. “Faustus, who embraced evil and shunned righteousness, became the foremost symbol of the misuse of free will, that sublime gift from God with its inherent opportunity to choose virtue and reject iniquity. “What shall a man gain if he has the whole world and lose his soul,” (Matt. 16: v. 26) - but for a notorious name, the ethereal shadow of a career, and a brief life of fleeting pleasure with no true peace? This was the blackest and most captivating tragedy of all, few could have remained indifferent to the growing intrigue of this individual who apparently shook hands with the devil and freely chose to descend to the molten, sulphuric chasm of Hell for all eternity for so little in exchange. It is a drama that continues to fascinate today as powerfully as when Faustus first disseminated his infamous card in the Heidelberg locale to the scandal of his generation. In fine, a life of good or evil, the hope of Heaven or the despair of Hell, Faustus stands as a reminder that the choice between these two absolutes also falls to us.” - E.A. Bucchianeri

24. “It was very bad if the council had resorted to recruiting men. By tradition men were our last line of defence, their physical strength bent towards the single and most important task of protecting our homes and children. This meant the council had decided that our only defence was to defeat the enemy, period. Anything else meant the end of Darre.” - N.K. Jemisin

25. “Your mind can be either your prison or your palace. What you make it is yours to decide” - Bernard Kelvin Clive

26. “Even the finest sword plunged into salt water will eventually rust.” - Sun Tzu

27. “Yet does illustrating in a new way signify a new way of seeing?” - Orhan Pamuk

28. “A slave mentality which had been built into him by years of carrot-and-whip grading, a mule mentality which said, “If you don’t whip me, I won’t work.” He didn’t get whipped. He didn’t work.” - Robert M. Pirsig

29. “What was behind this smug presumption that what pleased you was bad or at least unimportant in comparison to other things? … Little children were trained not to do “just what they liked’ but … but what? … Of course! What others liked. And which others? Parents, teachers, supervisors, policemen, judges, officials, kings, dictators. All authorities.When you are trained to despise “just what you like” then, of course, you become a much more obedient servant of others — a good slave. When you learn not to do “just what you like” then the System loves you.” - Robert M. Pirsig

30. “They Were all clad in the same uniform of misery and filth. For all of time, for all of eternity” - James Riordan

31. “There's still a question I must put to you," said the cunger woman. "Can you give up Joshua to keep him?” - William Hooks

32. “The old tales of China tell us that all things may grow and change. A stone may become a plant. A plant may become an animal. An animal may become a human. A human may become a god.Just so, a snake may become a woman. And we are told of one who did.” - Aaron Shepard

33. “Before you bombed my boy Osama I always thought an explosion was such a quick thing but now I know better. The flash is over very fast but the fire catches hold inside you and the noise never stops…I live in an inferno where you could shiver with cold Osama. This life is a deafening roar but listen. You could hear a pin drop.” - Chris Cleave

34. “It is the story that lies around the edges of the photographs, or at the end of newspaper account. It's about the lies we tell others to protect them, and about the lies we tell ourselves in order not to acknowledge what we can't bear: that we are alive, for instance, and eating lunch, while bombs are falling, and refugees are crammed into camps, and the news comes toward us every hour of the day. And what, in the end, do we do?” - Sarah Blake

35. “This is how everything should end: with the forgotten remembered, the wounded healed, and the sinners forgiven.” - Jenny Hollowell

36. “Over the course of your life you are actually hundreds of different people. You are a different person at the coffee shop than you are at the bar, and a different person for the dry cleaner than you are for your boyfriend, and a different person at work than you are on vacation. You are nobody in particular. But once somebody finds you and loves you, you have to keep being the person that they love. You want thier love. You need to keep getting it even if it means pretending...but no one loved her and so she could keep changing.” - Jenny Hollowell

37. “While we may judge things as good or bad, karma doesn't. It's a simple case of like gets like, the ultimate balancing act, nothing more, nothing less. And if you're deteremined to fix every situation you deem as bad, or difficult, or somehow unsavory, then you rob the person of their own chance to fix it, learn from it, or even grow from it. Some things, no matter how painful, happen for a reason. A reason you or I may not be able to grasp at first sight, not without knowing a person's entire life story—their cumulative past. And to just barge in and interfere, no matter how well-intentioned, would be akin to robbing them of their journey. Something that's better not done.” - Alyson Noel

38. “It's just like John Mayer says in "Slow Dancing in a Burning Room". When it's this bad, you have to get out or you'll get burned.” - Susane Colasanti

39. “You're stressing too much about what might be. Do something to take your mind off thinking about what might never happen.” - Simone Elkeles

40. “The temptation of the age is to look good without being good.” - Brennan Manning

41. “So I have just one wish for you – the good luck to be somewhere where you are free to maintain the kind of integrity I have described, and where you do not feel forced by a need to maintain your position in the organization, or financial support, or so on, to lose your integrity. May you have that freedom.” - Richard P. Feynman

42. “If a man cannot serve two masters, neither can Christianity, or several thousand of them as the case may be.” - E.A. Bucchianeri

43. “When a youth was giving himself airs in the Theatre and saying, 'I am wise, for I have conversed with many wise men,' Epictetus replied, 'I too have conversed with many rich men, yet I am not rich!’.” - Epictetus

44. “If these self-anointed leaders did not keep the people aroused with calls to preserve the Revolution, or to defend it from one imaginary foe after another, then the people might shake themselves awake from the trance they were in and begin to question the very men who had drenched their streets in blood and make France pariah among the civilized nations of the world.” - Robert Masello

45. “Consciousness is only possible through change; change is only possible through movement.” - Aldous Huxley

46. “And listening to all the things they would do if they had these things, Wang Lung heard only of how much they would eat and sleep, and of what dainties they would eat that they had never tasted,and how they would gamble in this great tea shop and in that, and what pretty women they would buy for their lust, and above all, how none would ever work again, even as they rich man behind the wall never worked.” - Pearl S. Buck

47. “The importance of setting a date, as in choosing a colour, is a matter of selection. Orange may be seen equally well as 'the decline and fall of red' or 'the rise and triumph of yellow'.” - Donald Thomas

48. “Mostly though, they waited. For the mail. For the news. For the bells. For breakfast and lunch and dinner. For one day to be over and the next day to begin.” - Julie Otsuka

49. “And if anyone asks, you're Chinese. The boy had nodded. "Chinese," he whispered. "I'm Chinese." "And I," said the girl, "am the Queen of Spain." "In your dreams," said the boy. "In my dreams," said the girl, "I'm the King.” - Julie Otsuka

50. “Because the man who stood there before us was not our father. He was somebody else, a stranger who had been sent back in our father's place. That's not him, we said to our mother, That's not him, but our mother no longer seemed to hear us..."Did you..." she said. "Every day," he replied. Then he got down on his knees and he took us into his arms...” - Julie Otsuka

51. “But ask us to prove even to ourselves we are right in our belief, and we are in a quandary.” - J.W. Sire

52. “Reality is such an elusive concept.” - Laura Gilfillan

53. “Sometimes we choose the road we follow.And sometimes the road chooses us.” - Richie singh

54. “And thereLike I thought I knewAnd aint life a bitchWas his head on a silver platter” - Valerie

55. “Normal people can become very annoying if put in annoying situations.” - Jessica Park

56. “How do you explain to your friend's mother why a night out with friends has left her daughter dying from an ecstasy overdose?” - A.C. Flanagan

57. “Shattered by the cumulative effect of so much horror and death, Joan was again afflicted by a crisis of faith. How could a good and benevolent God let such a thing happen? How could He so terribly afflict even children and babies, who were not guilty of any sin?” - Donna Woolfolk Cross

58. “The voice says, maybe you don't go to hell for the things you do. Maybe you go to hell for the things you don't do. The things you don't finish.” - Chuck Palahniuk

59. “‎"Tell me, sir, what is a butterfly?""It's what you are meant to become. It flies with beautiful wings and joins the earth to heaven. It drinks only nectar from the flowers and carries the seeds of love from one flower to another. Without butterflies, the world would soon have few flowers.” - Trina Paulus

60. “I think a power to do something is of value. Whether the result is a good thing or a bad thing depends on how it is used, but the power is a value.” - Richard P. Feynman

61. “If love is blind, then maybe a blind person that loves has a greater understanding of it.” - Criss Jami

62. “To know that we are only angels weighed down by filth, free of guilt? The bacteria in our bellies are responsible for the farts which shame us, tiny monsters shitting in their billions all over our pure skin create the acid reek of "our" sweat. And Slade: when the "inner voices" tell us we're unworthy or instruct us to "love" and "hate," despite our best instincts... are these incessant distracting thoughts our own? Or do we only hear the voice of the eternal germ screaming in our heads?” - Grant Morrison

63. “The human heart: its expansions and contractions its electrics and hydraulics the warm tides that move and fill it. For years Art had studied it from a safe distance from many perspectives...he listened in fascination and revulsion, in envy and pity. He dispensed canned wisdom, a little scripture. He sent them on their way with a prayer.” - Jennifer Haigh

64. “Sometimes I wonder if any of us are cut out for the lives we lead.” - Rebecca Wells

65. “God has made us so that we must be mutually dependent. We may ignore our own dependence, or refuse to acknowledge that others depend upon us in more respects than the payment of weekly wages; but the thing must be, nevertheless. Neither you nor any other master can help yourselves. The most proudly independent man depends on those around him for their insensible influence on his character - his life.” - Elizabeth Gaskell

66. “The generation that followed did not have the same concerns; none of its members attempted to follow the example of the past generation. There was no longer anyone with the noble determination to get to know the great men of the world, or if there were some individuals consumed with this curiosity, they were few in number. From then on, there remained only vulgar minds given over to hatred, envy and discord, who took an interest only in things which did not concern them, gossip, slander, calumny of one's neighbors, all those things which are the source of the worst of our troubles.” - Cheikh Anta Diop

67. “When something terrible happens, a lifetime of small events and unremarkable decisions, of unresolved anger, and unexplored fears begins to play itself out in ways you least expect. You've been going along from one day to the next, not realizing that all those disparate words and gestures were adding up to something, a conclusion, you didn't anticipate. And later, when you begin to retrace your steps you see that you will need to reach back further than you could have imagined, beyond words and thoughts and even dreams, perhaps to make sense of what happened.” - Christina Baker Kline

68. “For the lips of an immoral woman drip honey, and her mouth is smoother than oil; but in the end she is as bitter as wormword, sharp as a two-edged sword. Her feet go down to death, her steps lay hold of hell” - Justin Cronin

69. “Don't use yesterday's state of mind, to make today's decision.” - C. Nzingha Smith

70. “How can the removal of beauty from a world so lacking in beauty be anything but tragic?” - S. Morgenstern

71. “We live by our labors from one harvest to the next, there is no certain telling whether we shall be able to feed ourselves and our children, and if bad times are prolonged we know we must see the weak surrender their lives and this fact, too, is within our experience. In our lives there is no margin for misfortune.” - Kamala Markandaya

72. “Stars, too, were time travelers. How many of those ancient points of light were the last echoes of suns now dead? How many had been born but their light not yet come this far? If all the suns but ours collapsed tonight, how many lifetimes would it take us to realize we were alone? I had always known the sky was full of mysteries—but not until now had I realized how full of them the earth was.” - Ransom Riggs

73. “We lost weight and grew thin. We stopped bleeding. We stopped dreaming. We stopped wanting.” - Julie Otsuka

74. “It's just a feeling I have. What you see with your eyes is not necessarily real. My enemy is, among other things, the me inside me.” - Haruki Murakami

75. “If people can't stand being alone, they have no choice but to die” - Natsuo Kirino

76. “Simply by living in this particular time and space, you're doing something nearly 100% of all other humans ever never could. Don't waste it.” - Bill Loguidice

77. “We choose our next world through what we learn in this one. Learn nothing, and the next world is the same as this one, all the same limitations and lead weights to overcome.” - Richard Bach

78. “Even when we do not actively participate in our destiny, we are still on a chosen path. Life has a way of making decisions for us.” - Nina Guilbeau

79. “Either way, Grayson found it ironic how such dissimilar circumstances, colleges, and mental hospitals, had led to the same awful apartment.” - Dorothy McFalls

80. “I have lost patience with the idea of an insignificant human being standing up above the rest of us--whether he is called Reverend or Doctor or Judge--and shouting at us all about this thing or that. As soon as someone starts to pontificate in this way, I am apt to cut him off or leave the room, or, if this can't be done gracefully, I simply arrange that sweet vapid smile on my face that was so useful during the trial but that so infuriates Dr. Cole. After all, I have already taken the measure of my own insignificance, and I survived.” - Charlotte Rogan

81. “The idea of eternal return is a mysterious one, and Nietzsche has often perplexed other philosophers with it: to think that everything recurs as we once experienced it, and that the recurrence itself recurs ad infinitum! What does this mad myth signify?” - Milan Kundera

82. “In the land of the blind, a one eyed man is king” - Michael Grant

83. “I wondered if all a person could hope for was illusion and luck, for I was forced to conclude that the world was fundamentally and appallingly dangerous. It is a lesson I will never forget.” - Charlotte Rogan

84. “When we are babies...we need an authoritative figure to guide and take care of us. We ask no questions about that authority and imagine that the small circumference of family life is the limit of the universe...As we mature, our horizon expands and we begin to question. This continues until we either throw over our creators--our parents--for good and take their place as the creative force in our lives or find replacements for them because the terror and responsibility are too great. People go one way or the other, and this accounts for all of the great personal and political divides throughout history.” - Charlotte Rogan

85. “...People would make the decisions they wished to make and some of them would hurt both themselves and those who loved them, and some would pass unnoticed, while others would bring joy.” - Rachel Joyce

86. “I have no fear, I have only love” - Stevie Nicks

87. “It's not," Mormont told him. "Gods save us, boy, you're not blind and you're not stupid. When dead men come hunting in the night, do you think it matters who sits the Iron Throne?” - George R.R. Martin

88. “Much time is spent on meaning while precious little time wasted has none!” - M.B.JONES

89. “Challenge a person's beliefs, and you challenge his dignity, standing, and power. And when those beliefs are based on nothing but faith, they are chronically fragile. No one gets upset about the belief that rocks fall down as opposed to up, because all sane people can see it with their own eyes. Not so for the belief that babies are born with original sin or that God exists in three persons or that Ali is the second-most divinely inspired man after Muhammad. When people organize their lives around these beliefs, and then learn of other people who seem to be doing just fine without them--or worse, who credibly rebut them--they are in danger of looking like fools. Since one cannot defend a belief based on faith by persuading skeptics it is true, the faithful are apt to react to unbelief with rage, and may try to eliminate that affront to everything that makes their lives meaningful.” - Steven Pinker

90. “With wisdom comes responsibility. Somewhere along the way, I misplaced both.” - I.E. Castellano

91. “Every villain is a hero in his own mind.” - Tom Hiddleston

92. “Religion would have us believe that immortality is reserved for the gods. We remain skeptical.” - Fiona Paul

93. “Civilized beings regard the act of intercourse as the highest expression of romantic love. One need only observe the behavior of animals, however, to realize that the act is often a form of violence.” - Fiona Paul

94. “It was like trying to think about what he’d be thinking if he never existed. He wouldn’t be thinking about what he was thinking. He just wouldn’t exist. It wouldn’t hurt.” - Nicole Grotepas

95. “Vicki M. Taylor's "Not Without Anna," is a gripping, hard-hitting, thought-provoking look at the escalating crisis of teen alcohol and drug abuse. Charlene Austin” - Vicki M. Taylor

96. “There are things in this world that no human being should be able to endure. We should die of heartbreak, but we do not. Instead, we are forced to survive, to bear witness.” - Noah Hawley

97. “The stories themselves aren't what moves him now...What moves him are the shadowy people behind the stories, the workers weary from their days, gathering at night in front of a comforting bit of fire...The world then was no less terrifying than it is now, with our nightmares of bombs and disease and technological warfare. Anything held the ability to set of fear...a nail dropped in a the hay, wolves circling at the edge of the woods...” - Lauren Groff

98. “His heart...responds to those once-upon-a-time people, anonymous in the shadows, the faith it took them to come together and rest and listen through the gruesomeness, their patience for the ever after, happy or not.” - Lauren Groff

99. “The humans were protecting their heritage, or so they thought. Strange that Mud Men seem more concerned about the past than the present.” - Eion Colfer

100. “Every impulse that we strive to strangle broods in the mind and poisons us.” - Oscar Wilde

101. “Why do we always think our pain will be less if we can make others suffer more?” - Michael J. Collins

102. “It was the first time I had ever seen someone die, and it wasn't what I expected...I stood there waiting for something momentous to happen, for someone to say something profound, but there was nothing...I still had the childish notion that since my life was so important, all lives were so important. Since my death would be so cataclysmic, all deaths would be so cataclysmic.” - Michael J. Collins

103. “He’d only ever seen a gun once, a smaller one on the hip of that old deputy, a gun he’d always figured was more for show. He stuffed a fistful of deadly rounds in his pocket, thinking how each one could end an individual life, and understanding why such things were forbidden. Killing a man should be harder than waving a length of pipe in their direction. It should take long enough for one’s conscience to get in the way.” - Hugh Howey

104. “The real strength of therose bush is not in the flowers but in the roots and the branches.” - Dorcas Kareithi

105. “It isn’t what the book costs. It’s what it will cost you if you don’t read it.” - Jim Rohn

106. “But only a leper shows its sins to the world.” - Alan Rawlings

107. “The real problem has to do with the inability by people to admit that a position they've held a long time might be wrong. That's all. Not that it is. Just that it might be. I don't know why it is, but we tend to fall in love with things we believe, Threaten them, and you threaten us.” - Jack McDevitt

108. “That's gotta be one of the principles behind reality. Accepting things that are hard to comprehend, and leaving them that way.” - Haruki Murakami

109. “An idea weighs nothing, except on the mind.” - A.T. Baron

110. “Futures can and do change, something as simple as you're supposed to turn right down a street one day... In your bones u know it, and yet for reasons no one understands, you decide to debunk fate and go left. Now instead of meeting your spouse of your dreams and having a house full of kids, you get flattened by an ice-cream truck and spend the next 5 years in physical therapy recovering from the injuries; or worse you die from it. And all cause you exercised free will and turned the opposite way on a whim.” - Sherrilyn Kenyon

111. “You yourself may not be luminous, but you are a conductor of light.” - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

112. “Hatred only tarnishes the soul that carries it.” - D.B. Harrop

113. “... one would like to be both [loved and feared], but as it is difficult to combine both love and fear, if one has to choose between them it is far safer to be feared than loved” - Niccolo Machiavelli

114. “I am going to shrink and shrink until I am a dry fall leaf, complete with a translucent spine and brittle veins, blowing away in a stiff wind, up, up, up into a crisp blue sky.” - Julie Gregory

115. “The technological man is limited as his tools. The man without technologies is limitless.” - Bilal Hussain

116. “The Stars shine down and watch us live Our little lives And weep for us” - Monet Nodlehs

117. “I have never, I think, wanted to 'belong' to a group whose interests were not mine, nor have I resented exclusion. Why should thet accept me? All I have ever asked is that others should go their way and let me go mine.” - W. H. Auden

118. “साधेपणा किती उदात्त असू शकतो , हे आधुनिकतेच्या लाटेत नष्ट न होवो. ही खेडी अशी निष्पाप साधी उदार मनाची राहतील? राहतील. राहतील. हिंदू लोक काहीही फेकून देत नाहीत. सिंधुकाळापासून सगळी अडगळ आम्ही तळघरात गच्च जपून ठेवली आहे. सगळं तिथे अंधारात कुठेतरी ठेवलेलं असतं. ते न दिसू दे. न हरवू दे. स्मृतीतून सुद्धा जाऊ दे. काही बिघडत नाही. केव्हातरी सापडेलच.” - Bhalchandra Nemade