119 Inspiring Quote Quotes

Aug. 30, 2024, 8:45 a.m.

119 Inspiring Quote Quotes

In a world filled with constant noise and chaos, sometimes all it takes to shift your perspective or brighten your day is a few well-chosen words. Inspirational quotes have the unique power to encapsulate wisdom, motivate change, and ignite a spark within us. Whether you're seeking motivation to tackle a challenging day, searching for insight to inspire your goals, or simply in need of a positive boost, our curated collection of the top 119 inspiring quotes is here to uplift and empower you. Dive in and let these words resonate with your soul, providing the encouragement and inspiration you need to flourish.

1. “If valleys are the dimples on the face of the earth, as Steven King once said, then Silicon Valley is the deepest, most sparkling dimple of them all.” - Betty Dravis

2. “She had a pretty gift for quotation, which is a serviceable substitute for wit.” - W. Somerset Maugham

3. “There is no religion without love, and people may talk as much as they like about their religion, but if it does not teach them to be good and kind to man and beast, it is all a sham - all a sham, James, and it won't stand when things come to be turned inside out and put down for what they” - Anna Sewell

4. “Politics is the skilled use of blunt objects.” - Lester B. Pearson

5. “This does not mean that you are warmongers. On the contrary, the soldier above all other people prays for peace, for he must suffer and bear the deepest wounds and scars of war. But always in our ears ring the ominous words of Plato, that wisest of all philosophers: "Only the dead have seen the end of war.” - Douglas MacArthur

6. “If doesn't kill you outright, it just puts you into intensive care for months.” - Philip Chen

7. “I always felt like I was meant to have been born in another era, another time.” - Johnny Depp

8. “When you're taught to love everyone, to love your enemies, then what value does that place on love?” - Marilyn Manson

9. “Always stand up for what you believe in…even if it means standing alone.” - Kim Hanks

10. “Shay sometimes talked in a mysterious way, like she was quoting the lyrics of some band no one else listened to.” - Scott Westerfeld

11. “We need houses as we need clothes, architecture stimulates fashion. It’s like hunger and thirst — you need them both.” - Karl Lagerfeld

12. “Fashion and music are the same, because music express its period too.” - Karl Lagerfeld

13. “I do my job like I breathe — so if I can’t breathe I’m in trouble.” - Karl Lagerfeld

14. “The woman is the most perfect doll that i have dressed with delight and admiration.” - Karl Lagerfeld

15. “Mychael said the rock’s not affecting you, and from what I’m seeing I’m inclined to agree.”“I beg to differ.”“Feeling evil?” Justinius asked.“No.”“Having an urge to overthrow governments, kill thousands?”“No and no.”“Take over the world?”“Too much work.” - Lisa Shearin

16. “You wearing a thigh sheath?”“Now what would be the sense of wearing just one? I have two thighs.” - Lisa Shearin

17. “For most people life is not a fairy tale, it is an adventure.” - Ana Monnar

18. “Anticipation is sometimes more exciting than actual events.” - Ana Monnar

19. “Let us see what tomorrow will bring us? Will it be joy and triumph, chaos and glory, love and growth, or victory and success?” - Ana Monnar

20. “Will you love me enough?” - Ana Monnar

21. “If you tell a person about paradise,It becomes a dream.If you show a person paradise,It becomes a goal!” - Gabriel Madison

22. “Adventure lies not in the places we seek, but in the moments we create in the places we treasure.” - Rochelle Carr

23. “Trust in someone means that we no longer have to protect ourselves. We believe we will not be hurt or harmed by the other, at least not deliberately. We trust his or her good intentions, though we know we might be hurt by the way circumstances play out between us. We might say that hurt happens; it’s a given of life. Harm is inflicted; it’s a choice some people make.” - David Richo

24. “Reinvent new combinations of what you already own. Improvise. Become more creative. Not because you have to, but because you want to. Evolution is the secret for the next step.” - Karl Lagerfeld

25. “Our biological rhythms are the symphony of the cosmos, music embedded deep within us to which we dance, even when we can't name the tune.” - Deepak Chopra

26. “She liked reality shows the best, and then the shows that purported to be about reality.” - Sam Lipsyte

27. “You pay a whore to make you feel like a man, you fund a philharmonic to make yourself feel like a refined man.” - Sam Lipsyte

28. “They weren’t like dolls, because dolls had no feelings. Kids had feelings, just not any remotely related to yours.” - Sam Lipsyte

29. “You’re growing up. All you need to remember is that nothing changes. New technology, new markets, global interconnectivity, doesn’t matter. It’s still the rulers and the ruled. The fleecers and the fleeced.” “Which are you?” “I’m a piece of expensive equipment. You, too. Maybe not so expensive. [...]” - Sam Lipsyte

30. “We are going to eat ice cream and we are going to eat shit. The trick is to use different spoons.” - Sam Lipsyte

31. “As Samson demonstrated, going bald ruins lives.” - Brendan Jack

32. “Laws of nature have no physical properties of mass /energy. They are platonic truths in transcendent realm that create & govern the Universe.” - Deepak Chopra

33. “I write a lot of songs about love and I think that’s because to me love seems like this huge complicated thing. But it seems like every once in a while, two people get it figured out, two people get it right. And so I think the rest of us, we walk around daydreaming about what that might be like. To find that one great love, where all of a sudden everything that seemed to be so complicated, became simple. And everything that used to seem so wrong all of a sudden seemed right because you were with the person who made you feel fearless.” - Taylor Swift

34. “People may be persuaded that the machine is doing good. In fact, good is only capable of being done on a small scale. Evil is more versatile. You can hate those you have never seen, all the vast multitudes of them, but you can only love those you know — and that with difficulty.” - John Christopher

35. “I’m waiting with baited breath to hear that silver tongue of yours.” - Jodie B. Cooper

36. “If you think about human nature, our favourite pair of shoes are the ones we bought yesterday, our favourite thing is the newest thing that we have…and the thing we’ve seen the most and for the longest period of time is our reflection in the mirror, so obviously that’s going to be our least favourite thing.” - Taylor Swift

37. “At some point you have to forget about grudges because they only hurt.” - Taylor Swift

38. “It's a blip, not a catastrophe.” - Donald Trump

39. “The Truth Is That Existence Wants Your Life To Become A Festival Because When You Are Unhappy, You Also Throw Unhappiness All Around.” - Osho

40. “The days that followed passed slowly. I lay in my hotel room and watched the kind of strange European TV that would probably make perfect sense if I understood the language, but because I didn’t, the programs just seemed dreamlike and baffling. In one studio show a group of Scandinavian academics watched as one of them poured liquid plastic into a bucket of cold water. It solidified, they pulled it out, handed it around the circle, and, as far as I could tell, intellectualized on its random misshapenness. I phoned home but my wife didn’t answer. It crossed my mind that she might be dead. I panicked. Then it turned out that she wasn’t dead. She had just been at the shops.” - Jon Ronson

41. “Esteem him! Like him! Cold-hearted Elinor! Oh! worse than cold-hearted! Ashamed of being otherwise. Use those words again, and I will leave the room this moment.” - Jane Austen

42. “Non-judgment quiets the internal dialogue, and this opens once again the doorway to creativity.” - Deepak Chopra

43. “It’s always about timing. If it’s too soon, no one understands. If it’s too late, everyone’s forgotten.” - Anna Wintour

44. “Don’t overact the story of your name. Overact the story of your work.” - Karl Lagerfield

45. “There is a great need for a sarcasm font.” - Darynda Jones

46. “You will not do incredible things without an incredible dream.” - John Eliot

47. “I love with love, so that we all may love." ~ Amunhotep El Bey” - Amunhotep El Bey

48. “Shame isn't a strong enough word for what I feel. "You could live a hundred lifetimes and not deserve him, you know," Haymitch says.” - Suzanne Collins

49. “The only freedom you truly have is in your mind, so use it.” - M.T. Dismuke

50. “Never allow the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game!” - Babe Ruth

51. “Nothing's ever gone. We fool ourselves that things fade, but they never do.” - Nalini Singh

52. “Leaders in all realms and activities of life knew that the power they had come to hold existed because they were responsible to serve the many, thus power was position of service.” - Vanna Bonta

53. “The people knew what had made them human. It was not their shortcomings, but their hearts.” - Vanna Bonta

54. “Rina’s always claimed that I expect too little from life,” Standard said.“Then at least you’ll never be disappointed.” - James Sallis

55. “It takes a lot to laugh, it takes a train to cry” - Bob Dylan

56. “We do not know what our chances of survival are, so we fight as if they were zero. We do not know what we are facing, so we fight as if it was the dark gods themselves. No one will remember us now and we may never be buried beneath Titan, so we will build our own memorial here. The Chapter might lose us and the Imperium might never know we existed, but the Enemy — the Enemy will know. The Enemy will remember. We will hurt it so badly that it will never forget us until the stars burn out and the Emperor vanquishes it at the end of time. When Chaos is dying, its last thought will be of us. That is our memorial — carved into the heart of Chaos. We cannot lose, Grey Knights. We have already won." ~Justicar Alaric” - Ben Counter

57. “Slowly, with many lost days, I come back to life.” - Suzanne Collins

58. “I am Cinna's bird, ignited, flying frantically to escape something inescapable. The feathers of flame that grow from my body. Beating my wings only fans the blaze. I consume myself, but to no end.Finally, my wings begin to falter, I lose height, and gravity pulls me into a foamy sea the color of Finnick's eyes. I float on my back, which continues to burn beneath the water, but the agony quiets to pain. When I am adrift and unable to navigate, that's when they come. The dead.The ones I loved fly as birds in the open sky above me. Soaring, weaving, calling to me to join them. I want so badly to follow them, but the seawater saturates my wings, making it impossible to lift them. The ones I hated have taken to the water, horrible scaled things that tear my salty flesh with needle teeth. Biting again and again. Dragging me beneath the surface.The small white bird tinged in pink dives down, buries her claws in my chest, and tries to keep me afloat."No, Katniss! No! You can't go!"But the ones I hated are winning, and if she clings to me, she'll be lost as well. "Prim, let go!" And finally she does.” - Suzanne Collins

59. “Neither sleet nor rain nor a half inch of snow will compel me to dress like a lumberjack.” - Gayle Forman

60. “On your quest to spirituality it is often required to suspend your rationality; but true spirituality asks that you enhance your rationality.” - Steve Maraboli

61. “I know I will always be attracted to the unknown as it does often verify what I am or what else I could be.” - Hollace M. Metzger

62. “If you choose to spend an hour every day tinkering with your Facebook profile, or if you don’t see any difference between reading Jane Austen on a Kindle and reading her on a printed page, or if you think Grand Theft Auto IV is the greatest Gesamtkunstwerk since Wagner, I’m very happy for you, as long as you keep it to yourself.” - Jonathan Franzen

63. “Sorry, am I being rude?" she asks."I'm used to saying whatever is on my mind. Mom used to say that politeness is deception in pretty packaging” - Veronica Roth

64. “Nope, you stick out like a fart in a church.” - James Patterson

65. “I Know not everyone will like me, but this is who I am So if you don't like it, Tough!” - Britney Spears

66. “We'd do anything our our fans” - Logan Henderson

67. “Find your passion and run with it. Anything is possible.” - Kendall Schmidt

68. “Your Treasure House is in yourself, it contains all you need” - Hui Hai

69. “They want to control humankind through what they call selective breeding. The Nazis started it, but now the nwo are continuing it. See, the only way to control population is to first get it back down to manageable size. They're culling the herd, same way the game commission does when deer population gets out of control. That's why we've got diseases like cancer and aids. You telling me that we can put a little goddamn skateboard-looking robot on Mars and have it send pictures back, but we can't find a cure for cancer? There's a cure. You can bet on that, boys. There's a goddamn cure. They just won't release it because cancer helps cut down the population.” - Brian Keene

70. “Tine-ma aici cat vrei,si cand nu ma mai vrei,spune-mi sa ma duc” - Radu Tudoran

71. “Create something. Create something ugly. Create something beautiful.  I don't care what it is. Create it. ” - Jill Telford

72. “So what do you think?’ He asked, holding up the book.‘I think Salinger is a closet paedophile,’ I replied placidly and was surprised and comforted by this minuscule, acidic, bitter Sylvia Plath like mocking, sniping tone that had crept into my voice. ‘The main character Seymour is a fully grown man and a pervert who befriends young girls with his storytelling and swimming, just to get close enough to groom them in preparation for the inevitable sexual assault he lusts after. You might have noticed for example in A Perfect Day For Bananafish he grabs the young girls-’‘Sybil.’‘He grabs Sybil’s ankles while lying on the beach and again when he pushes her in the water,’ I continued. ‘He goes too far when he kisses the bottom of her foot which makes even a four-year-old yell out in fear, knowing a line had been crossed. Frustrated Seymour walks away and goes back to his hotel where he kills himself in shame.” - J.D. Gallagher

73. “I know what ails you.” - Tom Lucas

74. “People change. I mean you barely know who you are when you enter, and you spend that time figuring out what you want from life, and who you want in it. The next thing you know, the people you always thought would be there, aren't. A nd the person you thought you could trust with everything, isn't the person you ever knew at all.” - Rebecca Donovan

75. “Menulislah karena kamu menyukainya. Dengan begitu, kamu akan memulai dan menyelesaikannya.” - Irin Sintriana

76. “Dan akan ia lakukan apapun untuk membuat wanita itu tetap tersenyum. Karena ia mengenal bahagia saat melihat wanita itu tertawa.” - Irin Sintriana

77. “It was very relaxing to be away from civilization, and this bothered me. I should not have found the loneliness so welcoming.” - Stephenie Meyer

78. “That's the thing with keeping up appearances, Rose; people will do anything to get one and anything to keep one.” - Skyla Madi

79. “Daniel 12:3 "...and those who turn the many to righteousness will shine the stars forever.” - Craig Dressler

80. “She was crushed by society like a mosquito fending for its unborn young” - Owen Jones

81. “La gandeza de un libro, es el mejor invento para abrir ventanas a otras vidas, a otras miradas, a otras historias que cambian la nuestra. Un libro es útil, está cargado de pasión y algunas noches le damos permiso para fluir hasta doblegarnos” - M.M.

82. “Life is like a sandwich!Birth as one slice,and death as the other.What you put in-between the slices is up to you.Is your sandwich tasty or sour?Allan Rufus.org” - Allan Rufus

83. “An opportunity, no matter how small it is, is still worth a golden chance. So take it or have regrets for the rest of your life.” - Francisca Olivia

84. “I'm not interested in the next generation, dear. I'm interested in us.' - Julia” - George Orwell

85. “You don't know shits I through in my life. You don't know how many times I've fucked. You don't know me.” - Francisca Olivia

86. “If you want to know the truth,” he says, leaning forward like he’s getting ready to tell a really good story, “it has to do with Kelsey. And the biggest lie of all.”And that’s when I realize the thing about the truth. It always comes out, no matter what you do.” - Lauren Barnholdt

87. “You will find the way, daughter of the forest. Through grief and pain, through many trials, through betrayal and loss, your feet will walk a straight path.” - Juliet Marillier

88. “What's the bigger risk: Taking the risk, or not taking the risk? What will you accomplish by not taking the risk? What will you accomplish by taking the risk, even if you fail?” - Kya Aliana

89. “Without ambition, no goal can be met.” - Kya Aliana

90. “Minds that have withered into psychosis are far more terrifying than any character of fiction.” - Christian Baloga

91. “If you find yourself cutting corners, go in a circle instead” - Benny Bellamacina

92. “Being innovative is to allow yourself to expose your mind to something great that has potential to change lives and the world positively and you take action on it.” - Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha

93. “Buku itu akan abadi, bersama dengan pesan yang disampaikan di dalamnya. Jadi semestinya, meskipun ragaku ini tidak akan abadi, aku bisa menulis untuk mengabadikan perasaanku padanya, bukan?” - Irin Sintriana

94. “I would make a HORRIBLE outlaw. I can plan the crime perfectly, but I'd also need to plan the outcomes to make it work.” - Michelle M. Pillow

95. “All new news is old news happening to new people” - Malcolm Muggeridge

96. “Always tell yourself that you are as good as anyone that breathes; that you have two hands and a brain, and a little time in which to use them. But they are enough, and no one has any more. And if you train and force them to serve you well, you can reach any height to which you aspire. But to waste any of them is to betray yourself.” - Robert Stroud

97. “Take the time to plant seeds even if you're unsure if they'll grow; who knows, maybe all it takes is for someone else to come along and water it.” - Kai Mann

98. “We both know dad was my parental trash can, the fatherly receptacle on whom I dumped my emotions.” - Anna Banks

99. “I've never heard of a man's cock being described as a fang before. - Rapahel” - Nalini Singh

100. “Make every kiss a celebration, throw a party for every one.” - Ali Harris

101. “Do kisses fade like Polaroid pictures if you don't pay attention to them?” - Ali Harris

102. “We kiss and I feel like a millionaire.” - Ali Harris

103. “You shall no longer take things at second or third hand.... nor look through the eyes of the dead.... nor feed on the spectres in books. I tramp a perpetual journey All goes onward and outward.... and nothing collapses, And to die is different from what any one supposed, and luckier. If no other in the world be aware I sit content, And if each and all be aware I sit content. The final three stanzas of 'Song of Myself" were also highlighted. I bequeath myself to the dirt to grow from the grass I love, If you want me again look for me under your bootsoles. You will hardly know who I am or what I mean, But I shall be good health to your nevertheless, And filter and fibre your blood. Failing to fetch me at first keep encouraged, Missing me one places search another, I stop some where waiting for you It became a weekend of reading, of trying to see her in the fragments of the poem she'd left for me. I could never get anywhere with the lines, but I kepr thinking about them anyway, becase I didn't want to disappoint her. She wanted me to play out with the string, to find the place where she had stopped and was waiting for me, to follow the bread crumb trail until it dead-ended into her.” - John Green

104. “There are rules to the game but I don’t believe that we need to be bound by them. If it feels appropriate to follow the rules, then by all means, follow them. If it feels better to break the rules, be creative and do it.” - Anne-Rae Vasquez

105. “Many years ago, I left my home country very narrow minded. Today I return with an educated mind, able to understand why my culture is as it is and still be very proud of it.” - Gloria D. Gonsalves

106. “I am also open minded to embrace strange notions and respect its bearers without harsh judgement. Exposure has made me feel confident and wiser to choose what feels right for me, in order to be the best human being for myself and others.” - Gloria D. Gonsalves

107. “Life at home is at a pace which allows you to appreciate what it has to offer. Simultaneously you get a chance to reflect on what you wish from it. Our development also goes at the same pace, which is not something that everyone appreciates.” - Gloria D. Gonsalves

108. “I was taught how to walk but I did not master the cheating steps of others.” - Gloria D. Gonsalves

109. “She refuses to support the slogan - Men are equal to women - if this translates to her femininity being faded out or confused by trying to please a selfish idea of anyone wanting a woman to be both herself and a man.” - Gloria D. Gonsalves

110. “One should use well a mouth for someone will remember your words and the manner they were spoken. One should pose well in a body for someone will remember your image and how you carried it. One should serve well for someone will recall the kindness and spread it among humanity.” - Gloria D. Gonsalves

111. “I refuse to behave fraudulently, as if I was anything else but African.” - Gloria D. Gonsalves

112. “May you grow to be a fearless and proud accepting-self human.” - Gloria D. Gonsalves

113. “Have you ever entered a kitchen to find a woman, her legs crossed while the rest of her body is dressed in colourful khanga, smiling at you while her hands are making a melodious song with a coconut grater? Have you ever wondered how any woman size can fit on that grater regardless of their body size? The time for wondering is over. East Africa heartily welcomes you to see for yourself. Go and visit it.” - Gloria D. Gonsalves

114. “I do not condemn either the rich or the poor, but the consequences of these two.” - Gloria D. Gonsalves

115. “I would live forever if I could, but not like this.” - Gary Young

116. “icen que a lo largo de nuestra vida tenemos dos grandes amores; uno con el que te casas o vives para siempre, puede que el padre o la madre de tus hijos, esa persona con la que consigues la compenetración máxima para estar el resto de tu vida junto a ella.Y dicen que hay un segundo gran amor, una persona que perderás siempre. Alguien con quien naciste conectado, tan conectado que las fuerzas de la química escapan a la razón y te impedirá, siempre, alcanzar un final feliz. Hasta que cierto día dejarás de intentarlo. Te rendirás y buscarás a esa otra persona que acabarás encontrando.Pero te aseguro que no pasarás una sola noche sin necesitar otro beso suyo, o tan siquiera discutir una vez más. Todos sabéis de qué estoy hablando, porque mientras estabais leyendo esto os ha venido su nombre a la cabeza.Te librarás de él o de ella, dejarás de sufrir, conseguirás encontrar la paz (le sustituirás por la calma), pero te aseguro que no pasará un día en que desees que estuviera aquí para perturbarte…Porque, a veces, se desprende más energía discutiendo con alguien a quien amas que haciendo el amor con alguien a quien aprecias.” - Paulo Coelho

117. “Appreciation is always appreciated.” - Shubham Choudhary

118. “Growth in the number of humans is associated with decline in humanity.” - Meeta Ahluwalia

119. “I was momentarily stunned by his odd announcement and told him as much. "Let’s just talk about the fact that you composed a sonnet to my vagina, shall we? You are sending off some major stalker vibes, which is odd because you’re gay. You are gay, right?" He narrowed his eyes at me and waved his hand in the direction of his 'muse' as he stated, "I don't want any part of that thing. I just want to honor it for being the only known thing in existence to be touched by the dick of a god.” - M.C. Lavocat