120 Alex Quotes

Sept. 4, 2024, 5:45 p.m.

120 Alex Quotes

In every generation, there are voices that resonate deeply, offering wisdom, humor, and insight through simple yet impactful words. Alex, with their unique perspective and thought-provoking statements, has captured the essence of this era. From profound reflections to witty observations, Alex's quotes are an ever-flowing source of inspiration and contemplation. As we dive into this curated collection of the top 120 Alex quotes, prepare to be enlightened, entertained, and, most importantly, inspired to see the world through a new lens. Join us on this journey through insights and musings that are sure to leave a lasting impression.

1. “When feeling came back, in a storm of color and force and sensation, the most you could do was hold on to the person beside you and hope you could weather it. Alex closed her eyes and expected the worst-but it wasn't a bad thing; it was just a different thing. A messier one, more complicated one. She hesitated, and then she kissed Patrick back, willing to concede that you might have to lose control before you could find what you'd been missing.” - Jodi Picoult

2. “Do you think me horselike, my lord?"Realizing the threat to his personage, Blackmoor wiped the smile from his face and replied, "Not at all. I said I think you charming.""A fine start.""And I appreciate your exuberance." His eyes glitered with barely contained laughter."Like that of a child." Hers sparkled with irritation."And, of course, you are entertaining.""Excellent. Like the aforementioned child's toy."He couldn't hide a chuckle. "Not at all. You are a far better companion than any of the toys I had as a child.""Oh, I am most flattered.""You should be. I had some tremendous toys.” - Sarah MacLean

3. “What would it take for you to go out with me?” - Simone Elkeles

4. “You know, you hear about these movements for women, and for children, and for people who are any race but white, and you think that it's about time that men got a movement. Think about it. Guys can't play the piano, or dance, or sing. We can't cry, or be too happy, or show any emotion for that matter. The only thing we have left to us is anger, and even that we have to bottle up. Boys should be able to express what they feel and not have to endure people laughing at them, forcing them to wonder if they're gay or not, just because they like to paint.” - Alex Sanchez

5. “I understand the reasons behind his keeping a distance from a girl he cares about. Because the truth is, sometimes getting close to the fire does actually burn you.” - Simone Elkeles

6. “Brit: What's your major?Alex: Chemistry. And yours?Brit: Chemistry. Kiss me so we can see if we still have it. 'Cause you own my heart, my soul, and everything else in between.” - Simone Elkeles

7. “She was halfway through the second yard when she heard Cyprien fall and curse.No man in the world will turn down a blow job, Alex thought as she dodged through yards and around the houses, putting as much distance between them as she could. And no man, not even Cyprien, could chase a girl with his pans down.” - Lynn Viehl

8. “Alex like groweth up, Oh Yes.” - Anthony Burgess

9. “I was cured all right.” - Anthony Burgess

10. “I was always on my oddy knocky.” - Anthony Burgess

11. “Then I wanted to sick up the gluey pie I'd had before the start of the evening, But I couldn't stand the sort of veshch, sicking all over the floor, so I held it back.” - Anthony Burgess

12. “Civilised my syphilised yarbles.” - Anthony Burgess

13. “Let me be clear. Last I was aware you were neither my husband nor my father nor my King. Therefore, any control you may imagine you hold over me is just that- imaginary” - Sarah MacLean

14. “And, my brothers, it was real satisfaction to me to waltz-left two three, right two three-and carve left cheeky and right cheeky, so that like two curtains of blood seemed to pour out at the same time, one on either side of his fat filthy oily snout in the winter starlight.” - Anthony Burgess

15. “Though I walk through the valley of death I will fear no evil, for I am the evilest motherfucker in the valley” - Alex Garland

16. “At first we had so much to catch up on we were talking a hundred words a second, barely even listening to the ends of one another's sentences before moving onto the next. And there was laughing. Lots of laughing. Then the laughing stopped and there was this silence. What the hell was it?It was like the world stopped turning in that instant. Like everyone around us had disappeared. Like everything at home was forgotten about. It was as if those few minutes on this world were created just for us and all we could do was look at each other. It was like he was seeing my face for the first time. He looked confused but kind of amused. Exactly how I felt. Because I was sitting on the grass with my best friend Alex, and that was my best friend Alex's face and nose and eyes and lips, but they seemed different. So I kissed him. I seized the moment and I kissed him,” - Cecelia Ahern

17. “I want to tell her how much she's become the center of my being. But I can't. The words won't come.” - Simone Elkeles

18. “I'm losing control."-BrittanyMamacita, I've already lost it."-Alex” - Simone Elkeles

19. “Where do I come into all of this? Am I just some animal or dog?' And that started them off govoreeting real loud and throwing slovos at me. So I creeched louder still, creeching: 'Am I just to be like a clockwork orange?” - Anthony Burgess

20. “This is the ultimate bad-boy date, isn't it? Breaking into a different country.""Hey, it makes a change from hot-wiring cars together.""Been there, done that....Alex seriously, are you sure no one's going to shoot us?” - L.A. Weatherly

21. “I felt his other hand sear hot against my cheek. He bent his head, and in a voice that Jack couldn’t hear, said, “When you came down the stairs, and fell into me, that was the moment.” Then his lips pressed against mine.” - Sarah Alderson

22. “He stilled for a moment, savoring the sensation of being buried deep inside her, of filling her, of being joined together in God’s heavenly embrace. He held her gaze and pushed deeper, shuddering with a wave of pure tenderness. The look in her eyes stripped him to the core. He couldn’t move, wanting to preserve the moment, wanting never to forget how it felt to experience perfection.” - Monica McCarty

23. “He gave her everything. Everything but the promise of a future. And she met his dark strokes with a plunder of her own, holding his gaze, raking his soul of its secrets. She knew just what she meant to him.” - Monica McCarty

24. “Her eyes widened. “My.” She looked at him hesitantly and then bit her lip. “This might be more difficult than I realized. You’re a large man, aren’t you?” She blushed. “I mean, all over.”He managed to nod. Yes, damn it. And getting excruciatingly larger by the minute.” - Monica McCarty

25. “His eyes flared, and he tightened his grip on her arm. “Don’t press me, Meg.”She didn’t miss the intimate use of her Christian name, but there was no mistaking the threat this time.His voice was deep and liquid and seemed to wrap around her. She knew she shouldn’t provoke him, but he brought out a mischievous side of her long forgotten. Lifting one brow, she asked, “Or what?”Before the taunt had left her mouth, she was in his arms again and jerked firmly against the broad chest she’d just admired. She gasped. Not from shock, but from the realization of how much she liked being pressed against him. Of how she savored the sensation of her breasts and hips molded against the hard length of his body, of melting against him, of being secured in his arms. A wave of heated awareness shuddered through her.His eyes were hooded, his expression dark and full of promise. “Or I will prove to you just how innocent you are, my sweet, and how very little control you have over a man and a man’s desires.” - Monica McCarty

26. “She fit her hand around the curve of his whiskered jaw. “I’m sorry. But I knew you would not leave otherwise—”“Damn right I would not have left,” he said gruffly. “Don’t you understand what you mean to me? You are everything. Never doubt that. My place is with you, only you.” - Monica McCarty

27. “We get a lot of the sky is falling on the weather reports, so when something big does hit, people never expect it. If it's not as bad as the reports predicted, we complain. If it's worse than expected, we complain. If it's just as bad as predicted, we complain about that, too, because we'll say that the reports are wrong so often, there was no way to know they'd be right this time. It just gives people something to complain about.” - Nicholas Sparks

28. “Why can't you like me?" he said, his voice breaking. His scent steamed then, hot and heady with a welter of contradictions: apples and fire and electric roil of those cold, black shadows. "Why can't you like me just a little?"She would never know how she might have answered, because he never gave her the chance.Instead, he kissed her.” - Ilsa J. Bick

29. “After a long time, I cleared my throat. “So anyway, when we get to Nevada...I think we should rethink yourdad’s rule.”Alex glanced down at me and smiled – the first real smile I’d seen on his face in a long time. “You knowwhat? It’s already been rethought and completely ditched,” he said. And he wrapped his arms around meand we stood looking up at the mountains, with the rising rays of the sun lighting them from the east.” - L.A. Weatherly

30. “If you're going to carry a dagger, you need to learn to use it."I frowned at him. "I know how to use it. I stick the pointy end in things I don't like.” - Kalayna Price

31. “Alex loved books. He was the one who first introduced me to poetry. That's another reason I can't read anymore.” - Lauren Oliver

32. “Are you sure that being like everybody else will make you happy?""I don't know any other way.""Let me show you."And then we're kissing. Or at least, I think we're kissing—I've only seen it done a couple of times, quick closed-mouth pecks at weddings or on formal occasions. But this isn't like anything I've ever seen, or imagined, or even dreamed: this is like music or dancing but better than both.” - Lauren Oliver

33. “This is what I want. This is the only thing I've ever wanted. Everything else—every single second of every single day that has come before this very moment, this kiss—has meant nothing.” - Lauren Oliver

34. “I'd rather die on my own terms than live on theirs. I'd rather die loving Alex than live without him.” - Lauren Oliver

35. “I know the rules. I've been living here longer than you have."He cracks a smile then. He nudges me back. "Hardly.""Born and raised. You're a transplant." I nudge him again, a little harder, and he laughs and tries to catch hold of my arm. I squirm away, giggling, and he stretches out to tickle my stomach. "Country bumpkin!" I squeal, as he grabs out and wrestles me back onto the blanket, laughing."City slicker," he says, rolling over on top of me, and then kisses me. Everything dissolves: heat, explosions of color, floating.” - Lauren Oliver

36. “It’s not great. What kind of connection is this? A one-way hotline to Pervyville?” I took a step forward, on a roll now. “It’s disgusting. Freaky—stop laughing, Seth!” - Jennifer L. Armentrout

37. “His shoulders sagged as he stepped back. Then a half smile made the edge of his lips crook. " You're mad at me.""And that's amusing because?"The half smile spread into a lopsideed grin, and he stood up straighter. "You wouldn't be mad if you didn't care. I'm onto you, Alexis."Oh, that insufferable, arrogant--” - Kalayna Price

38. “You’d kiss me back right now if I kissed you,” he said, and I tried to decide whether to even attempt denial. “But then you’d remember him and you’d feel bad for it.” - Heather Hildenbrand

39. “Okay. He had a point but it wasn’t like I could tell him anything. I could see me now: Guess what? You ever watch Clash of the Titans or read any Greek fables? Well those gods are real and yeah, I’m sort of a descendant of them. Kind of like the stepchild no one wants to claim. Oh, and I hadn’t even been around mortals until three years ago. Can we still be friends?” - Jennifer L. Armentrout

40. “When I said I had no choice about helping you, I meant it. There was no other option because you are the only option. I don't trust anything at the moment. But the one thing I am sure of, the one thing I do trust..." he paused for a fraction of a second, "is the way I feel about you.” - Sarah Alderson

41. “Was your mom a gardener?' I asked innocently. 'What?' Ren’s mouth hung open slightly.'Because a face like yours belongs planted on the ground.” - Jennifer L. Armentrout

42. “Seth threw me a mischievous grin. “I can’t have Marcus just walking in on us. What if I want to snuggle on these cold New York nights?”My frown increased. “We don’t snuggle.” He dropped his arm over my shoulder, and the scent of mint and something wild tickled my nose. “How about we cuddle?” “We don’t do that either.” “But you’re my cuddle bunny. My little Apollyon cuddle—” I punched him in the side.” - Jennifer L. Armentrout

43. “Hmm… I’m having this strange sense of déjà vu, except you were telling me to stay out of your training business, and I told you how weird—” “That’s funny.” Aiden’s full lips twisted into a smirk. “I’m having the same feeling, except I said you should—” “Oh, for the love of baby daimons everywhere, I’m ready to start practice.” I pushed up from the chair.” - Jennifer L. Armentrout

44. “The little ball went up, then down, then up in his palm. My inner golden retriever couldn’t look away.” - Jennifer L. Armentrout

45. “You know what, you need to stay out of my bedroom. You have your own.” He smiled. “I know I do. I see it quite often. I just prefer your bed. It smells better.” I made a face. “It smells better? What does your bed smell like? Regret and bad taste?” - Jennifer L. Armentrout

46. “One of my Instructors at the Covenant has a tattoo of it on his arm.” His lips pursed. “Minister Telly has one on his arm, too.” “How in the world do you know that?” We cut across the frost- covered lawn to one of the covered walkways connecting smaller buildings to the main one. “Have you been sneaking into his room and cuddling with him, too?” “Don’t be jealous. You’re my only cuddle bunny.” - Jennifer L. Armentrout

47. “What do you think it means if someone has a tattoo of Thanatos’s symbol?” “Nothing probably, since a lot of us have tattoos of various symbols.” “You don’t.” As soon as the words left my mouth, I regretted them. His eyes turned from gray to silver in a heartbeat. I imagined he was remembering how I would know if he had a tattoo hidden somewhere.” - Jennifer L. Armentrout

48. “Cold up there, huh?” Yeah, it kind of was. “Stupid down there, huh?” Seth’s brows flew up. “For one in such a precarious position, you sure don’t know how to talk yourself out of it.” “That’s because it’s hard to reason with idiots.” I gave him a cheeky grin. “Why bother?” - Jennifer L. Armentrout

49. “Okay. You’re the best Apollyon there is.” He tipped his head to the side and arched a brow. “I’m the only Apollyon there is right now.” I grinned. “You’re still the best.” - Jennifer L. Armentrout

50. “I blinked at the haul. "Are you planning to go to war? Sure you don't want to pack an assault riffle as well?"He looked up from the bag. "You have met yourself, right?""So should I get a gun too?""I'd fear the day.” - Kalayna Price

51. “Hey, you've got the girl, I've got the picture. That's fair, right?” - L.A. Weatherly

52. “What are you doing a study on right now?" "A study on the statistical probablity of love at first sight.” - Jennifer E. Smith

53. “The idea—the fact of it, the fact that he even noticed and thought about me for more than one second—is huge and overwhelming, makes my legs go tingly and my hands feel numb.” - Lauren Oliver

54. “Nothing has ever been so painful or delicious as being so close to him and being unable to do anything about it: like eating ice cream so fast on a hot day you get a splitting headache.” - Lauren Oliver

55. “His eyes are blazing with light, more light than all the lights in every city in the whole world, more light than we could ever invent if we had ten thousand billion years.” - Lauren Oliver

56. “You know what?” His breath was warm against my cheek. “There are a lot of stupid things to do, but I really want to do the stupidest thing possible.”“What’s that?”“I want to kiss you.” - Jennifer L. Armentrout

57. “Jeho tvář zůstala prázdná, ale když promluvil, hlas neměl tak dokonale dutý jako obvykle. „S tím budeš muset přestat.“„Proč? Docela si to užívám.“Čelist se mu napnula, jak zaťal zuby. Vytočit pana Nedotknutelného – hotovo. Teď už můžu v klidu umřít. Moment, to už mám vlastně taky splněno.” - Lucie Adamová

58. “I didn't steal it,' I stammered in protest. I had so stolen it.” - Sarah Alderson

59. “I may be the one leaving, but you’re the one giving up everything and walking away.” - Loni Flowers

60. “I don’t need a big house to raise a family, I only need you.”Alex smiled, kissing her on the forehead. “Well, why didn’t you tell me that to start with? We could have saved a lot of money,” he teased.” - Loni Flowers

61. “Dear God, surely you aren't the chef Sam was talking about?""No," he said with a laugh, and gestured behind him with a thumb. "Cale here is.""Kale?" Alex echoed blankly, her eyes sliding to the still half-closed door. She didn't see any evidence of a second man. Frowning, she set the phone back in its receiver and leaned to the side, trying to see out into the kitchen as she muttered, "Kale is a vegetable.” - Lynsay Sands

62. “Alex grinned and then walked past him, murmuring, "I applaud you for your courage.""Courage?" he asked with confusion."Hmm." She headed for the door to the hall, swinging her purse gaily as she went. "Many men find it difficult to come out of the closet.” - Lynsay Sands

63. “Love, the deadliest of all deadly things. It kills you.Alex.When you have it.Alex.And when you don't.Alex.” - Lauren Oliver

64. “I've lost my mind," Alex muttered, grabbing her knives again and stomping back across the kitchen. "I woke up this morning a boring little chef on planet earth, and somehow ended up in the Twilight Zone as a third-rate stand-in for Buffy the Vampire Slayer".” - Lynsay Sands

65. “Did I ever tell you that Alex loves you so much he got your name tattooed all over his body? Hell, he even got your name branded into the back of his neck.""They say 'LB,' Carlos. The initials for Latino Blood.""No, no, no. You've got it all wrong. He wants everyone to think that, but in reality it means Lover of Brittany. LB, get it?” - Simone Elkeles

66. “Brittany Ellis, I'm goin' to prove to you I'm the guy you believed in ten months ago, and I'm gonna be the successful man you dreamed I could be. My plan is to ask you to marry me four years from now, the day we graduate."'And I guarantee you a lifetime of fun, probably one with no lack of fightin', for you are one passionate mamacita . . . but I definitely look forward to some great make-up sessions. Maybe one day we can even go back to Fairfield and help make it the place my dad always hoped it would be. You, me, and Shelley. And any other Fuentes or Ellis family member who wants to be a part of our lives. We'll be one big, crazy Mexican-American family. What do you think? Mujer, you own my soul.” - Simone Elkeles

67. “Something’s up,’ I say, handing the phone back.‘Not necessarily,’ Jack says. ‘You think this is the first time Lila’s been hot-headed? Seriously, dude, you do remember my sister, right? Short, blonde, impulsive as shock therapy? Stubborn as a mule who won’t take no for an answer?’Does Jack ever listen to himself?Does he appreciate the irony of this statement? I shake my head at him in wonder.‘Hey, I’m not short or blond,’ Jack protests as he catches the look on my face.” - Sarah Alderson

68. “Since when do you care about rules?" "I'm a changed person.""When did you change? Just now? 'Cuz I heard about your smack down in the cafeteria yesterday.” - Jennifer L. Armentrout

69. “I wouldn't give up being a Sentinel for the world. Or being the Apollyon. I rock.""Wow. You're so humble.” - Jennifer L. Armentrout

70. “You know what? Lets go." I shot Aiden a defiant look. "Come on Seth. Let's go continue our lovers' quarrel.""Yes my love, that sounds fantastic. Don't forget to grab a dagger so you can poke my eyeballs out.” - Jennifer L. Armentrout

71. “I blame boobs.” - Jennifer L. Armentrout

72. “He's got courage," Alex said."Courage!" Raoul bellowed. "That coward almost kills him and--” - Tamora Pierce

73. “How are you feeling?"I leaned away from him. "Gross."Aiden frowned. "Gross?""I haven't brushed my teeth or washed my face in days. Don't come near me."He laughed. "Alex, come on.""Seriously, I'm gross." I put my hand over my mouth.Ignoring my protests, he leaned over and brushed my string hair back. "You're as beautiful as always, Alex."I stared at him. He must not get out much.” - Jennifer L. Armentrout

74. “I breathed in the memory of his lips, the softness of them, and how they felt tracing across my skin, leaving ripples of goosebumps in their wake.” - Sarah Alderson

75. “If that's true why did it jump into the swamp?" Alex asks. "No normal horse would do that. Jump into a lake for a swim maybe, but not a swamp, unless it was a suicidal horse.” - L.H. Cosway

76. “He's irritating." He stood and started to pull up the hem of his shirt. "And he stabbed me."Alex rolled his eyes. "And you're still alive. Time to get over it."Kale held his hand out to Ginger. "Fine. Give me something sharp. If I stab him, then we'll be even.” - Jus Accardo

77. “Kale turned away from me and stepped to Alex. "I know exactly what that means, and if you say it again, I'll touch you.""Sorry, dude," Alex said, waving his hands. He flashed Kale a mock frown. "I don't swing that-” - Jus Accardo

78. “As cheesy as this is gonna sound, everyone join hands."Alex looked from my face to our tangled fingers and smirked. "As much as I like this, I'm thinking now's not the time to sing 'Kumbaya'.” - Jus Accardo

79. “I can't repair my wall as fast as you can tear it down.” - G.B. Gordon

80. “Maybe it was possible to relinquish control. He could do this, with Bengt he could. Give himself up and fly. He closed his eyes, let himself be pulled in by the touch. Bengt's arms. Bengt's hands on his thighs, arms, chest. Lips and tongue on neck and shoulders, the need for more. 'Don't stop.” - G.B. Gordon

81. “I'm not stupid," I muttered lamely."Well, why else would you tell Alex to go anywhere? What will we do for eye candy now? Were you thinking of Nate at all? Were you thinking of me? I think you're incredibly selfish, Lila.” - Sarah Alderson

82. “Alex resisted the urge to throw Seb off the balcony and see if he could fly.” - L.A. Weatherly

83. “I keep having the urge to cross my hands over my chest, to cover up my breasts, to hide. I'm suddenly aware of how pale I look in the sunshine, and how many moles I have spotting up and down my chest, and I just know he's looking at me thinking i'm wrong or deformed. But the he breathes, 'Beautiful' and when his eyes meet mine I know that he really, truly means it.” - Lauren Oliver

84. “The most important part of seeing Darla every night wasn’t the fooling around. It was the few minutes we talked while holding each other, the feeling of security I got with her, the feeling of being understood and loved. Before the eruption, I wouldn’t have believed that I could cuddle up every night with the girl who starred in my dreams and not be totally preoccupied with sex. But the trek across Iowa had changed something. I wanted, needed to see her so badly that it woke me up at night. But making out was incidental to my need – nice when it happened, but secondary to the simple pleasure of sleeping beside her.” - Mike Mullin

85. “I mean, contrary to popular belief, I'm actually not harboring a secret desire to grow up and become a bioterrorist.” - Elizabeth Norris

86. “This is the strange way of the world, that people who simply want to love are instead forced to become warriors.” - Lauren Oliver

87. “Whispers followed me down the hall. Ignoring them was harder than I´d imagined. Every Cell in my body demanded that I confront them. And do what? Jump on them like a crazy spider monkey and take them all out? Yah, not going to win me any fans.” - Jennifer L. Armentrout

88. “You told me you wanted to marry Seth's bed, and then you told me you'd marry me if I asked. After that, you started to-""Enough," I groaned, wanting to crawl under the blankets.” - Jennifer L. Armentrout

89. “Oh, God. I'm in big trouble. Because I'm staring. I can't keep my eyes from ogling his chiseled triceps and biceps and every other "eps ' he has. The butterflies in my stomach have just multiplied tenfold as my wandering gaze meets his.” - Simone Elkeles

90. “Alex.” - Lauren Oliver

91. “We know that something isn't right with you and Jace. You're both too strong, too fast, and Kale—dude, you keep sniffing the wind like a lost puppy that can turn into a Rottweiler at the first sign of trouble.” - Inger Iversen

92. “I'm taking a quick shower. I'm gross. I need to be clean." "You shouldn't be doing that." The door handle jingled. It wasn't locked. "Alex!""I'm naked," I warned. Silence and then, "Is that supposed to make me not want to come in there?” - Jennifer Armentrout

93. “Come on.” He dropped a heavy hand on my back, between my shoulder blades, and my breath stalled.I was effectively silenced by his touch. Perhaps that was why he did it. Not many people would blame him and probably wished they wielded that kind of power over me.” - Jennifer L. Armentrout

94. “Where’s our teacher?” “Probably getting it on with the English teacher.” - Alex Gold and Mike Wilson” - R.J. Morse

95. “I'm not seeing a strong father-son relationship here, Alex. You two make Anakin and Luke look like Andy and Opie.” - Rachel Vincent

96. “Or has your dad changed his mind about that?" Alex sneered. "My father never changes his mind." "Oh, that's right. Your dad's the sort who'll bang his head into a brick wall over and over, convinced the wall will eventually collapse. But it isn't the bricks that are going to cave in, Alex. Fortunately you seem to have avoided that particular character flaw - you're messed up in an entirely different way.” - Rachel Vincent

97. “First I need to do something.’ He pulled me closer towards him until our lips were almost touching.‘What might that be?’ I managed to stutter, closing my eyes, anticipating the warmth of his lips against mine. But the kiss didn’t come. I opened my eyes. Alex had jumped to his feet.‘Swim,’ he said, grinning at me. ‘Come on.’‘Swim?’ I pouted, unable to hide my disappointment that he wanted to swim rather than make out with me.Alex pulled his T-shirt off in one swift move. My eyes fell straightaway to his chest – which was tanned, smooth and ripped with muscle, and which, when you studied it as I had done, in detail, you discovered wasn’t a six-pack but actually a twelve-pack.My eyes flitted to the shadowed hollows where his hips disappeared into his shorts, causing a flutter in parts of my body that up until three weeks ago had been flutter-dormant. Alex’s hands dropped to his shorts and he started undoing his belt.I reassessed the swimming option. I could definitely do swimming.He shrugged off his shorts, but before I could catch an eyeful of anything, he was off, jogging towards the water. I paused for a nanosecond, weighing up my embarrassment at stripping naked over my desire to follow him. With a deep breath, I tore off my dress then kicked off my underwear and started running towards the sea, praying Nate wasn’t doing a fly-by.The water was warm and flat as a bath. I could see Alex in the distance, his skin gleaming in the now inky moonlight. When I got close to him, his hand snaked under the water, wrapped round my waist and pulled me towards him. I didn’t resist because I’d forgotten in that instant how to swim. And then he kissed me and I prayed silently and fervently that he took my shudder to be the effect of the water.I tried sticking myself onto him like a barnacle, but eventually Alex managed to pull himself free, holding my wrists in his hand so I couldn’t reattach. His resolve was as solid as a nuclear bunker’s walls. Alex had said there were always chinks. But I couldn’t seem to find the one in his armour. He swam two long strokes away from me. I trod water and stayed where I was, feeling confused, glad that the night was dark enough to hide my expression.‘I’m just trying to protect your honour,’ he said, guessing it anyway.I groaned and rolled my eyes. When was he going to understand that I was happy for him to protect every other part of me, just not my honour?” - Sarah Alderson

98. “But why is it still there? Why is it there at all?" I flipped my palm over several times, shook it, but the faint blue tattoo was still there. "You can see it, right? Like right now, you can see it?""Yes. It hasn't faded." Seth leaned forward, catching my hand. "Stop shaking it like it's a damn Etch-A-Sketch. That doesn't make them disappear.” - Jennifer L. Armentrout

99. “Alex snorted as he packed the wound with sticky rice."Is that stuff sterile?" Ted asked, staring at Alex."They boil it, don't they?" Alex said, not looking up from what he was doing.Ted's frown deepened. "That doesn't seem like enough.""Trust me." Alex looked up now and smiled a little. His voice altered just a little bit, not enough to be a full command voice, but enough to be way more persuasive than any normal person's voice. "It's an old wives' tale, but it works every time.” - Eileen Rendahl

100. “What was it with exes? Why were they always twice as attractive after a break-up?” - Jena Leigh

101. “Just keep her away from bookstores, if you can."Bookstores.Thanks, Grayson. That helps.Apparently whoever said, "no harm ever came from reading a book," hadn't met this girl.” - Jena Leigh

102. “You can't tell me you're not cold in those shorts.""Freezing," she admitted, handing Alex her messenger bag as she got to her feet. "But dammit, I look cute and we both know that's what counts.""Naturally.” - Jena Leigh

103. “You coming?"She hesitated, weighing her options. Risk running back down the flaming aisles to find another exit? Or trust the guy who'd been stalking her all afternoon?The fire spread to the nearby shelves. The heat was growing unbearable."You cut me deep," he said. "You'd actually choose a fiery death over the prospect of my company. I have to admit, that stings a bit.” - Jena Leigh

104. “She'd known the guy a grand total of five minutes and he'd already left her a sour first impression. The last thing she ought to be doing right now was ogling his six-pack.” - Jena Leigh

105. “She's fine," said Declan, defensive. "You're fine, right?"She gave him a look. "Peachy.""See? Both Alex and her astounding wit have made it here intact. Her sense of humour seems to be M.I.A, but I'm pretty sure that was a pre-existing condition.” - Jena Leigh

106. “Where are we?" She sat up."My room at the cabin.""Your room?"He propped himself up on one elbow and shrugged his other shoulder. "Needed someplace soft to land. Besides...Now when you teleport without a destination you've got a fifty-fifty chance of either ending up in the lake, or in my bed. I have to say, I like those odds.""Ha-ha.” - Jena Leigh

107. “He wants to get back together," she finished."And you said...?" he tried to keep his tone disinterested. "I haven't said anything," she said. "You interrupted me before I could answer him."He congratulated himself on his excellent timing.” - Jena Leigh

108. “Declan, get your ass out of bed!"A light flicked on and Declan stumbled into view through the open window. He looked to be only half awake and was missing his shirt.Alex, on the other hand, was not missing that shirt in the slightest.” - Jena Leigh

109. “You can't honestly be thinking about going back there," said Alex."Apparently my brother isn't only lacking in people skills," said Kenzie. "He's also lacking in common sense. Stupidity, however, he appears to have in abundance.” - Jena Leigh

110. “She looks tan...-ish.""There's a fine line between 'tan', and looking like you just rolled around in a giant bag of Doritos. And Miranda seems to prefer the nacho cheese variety.” - Jena Leigh

111. “Just say, 'no', Alex, dear.""You make him sound like a drug.” - Jena Leigh

112. “You don't get to decide what's to big a risk for me. You don't decide what's good for me and what isn't. That's my decision, Dylan. If you care about me so much, then how dare you do this all by yourself? I choose not to destroy my present because of the risk of a future that might or might not happen.You should think about that.” - Charles Sheehan-Miles

113. “B-b-but who will I have cleaning marathons with?”“Casey. I’ll be there in spirit.”“She’s not neurotic and cranky like you.”“You’ll miss that, ay?”“Hell yes, I’ll miss that! When you’re obsessive and pissy, you tell those floors who’s boss. They won’t shine like that when Casey scrubs them. And don’t get me started on our Covenant Series discussions. The girl thinks Alex should pick Seth. Seth, Em. How can I clean with someone who isn’t Team Aiden? It’s like...madness. Madness on Earth. The fucking apocalypse—”“Whitney,” I chuckled, squeezing her tighter, “I assure you, you’ll survive. The second she starts running her mouth about Aiden, just spray her with bleach. That’ll teach her a lesson.”-Emma and Whitney” - Rachael Wade

114. “A cell phone rings. I can feel the vibration through Brittany’s pants. “It’s hers,” I say.“Answer it,” Isa Instructs.I already feel like I’ve kidnapped the girl. Now I’m gonna answer her cell? Shit. Rolling her a bit, I feel for the bulge in her back pocket. “Contesta,” Isa whispers loudly, this time in Spanish.“I am,” I hiss, my fingers clumsy as I fumble for the phone.“I’ll do it,” Paco says, leaning over the seats and reaching toward Brittany’s ass.I whack his hand away. “Get your hands off her.”“Geez, man, I was just tryin’ to help.”My response is a glare.” - Simone Elkeles

115. “it occurs to me that there is so much I never knew about him--his past, his role in the resistance, what his life was like in the Wilds, before he came to Portland, and I feel a flash of grief so intense it almost makes me cry out: not for what I lost, but for the chances I missed.” - Lauren Oliver

116. “By the way," Aiden said casting me a long look that had me totally forgetting the seriousness of our mission. "You look damn good in a Sentinel uniform."A hot flush that had nothing to do with embarrassment spread over me. "So do you.""I know.” - Jennifer L. Armentrout

117. “Sometimes I think maybe they were right all along, the people on the other side in Zombieland. Maybe it would be better if we didn't love. If we didn't lose either. If we didn't get our hearts stomped on, shattered: if we didn't have to patch and repatch until we're like Frankenstein monsters, all sewn together and bound up by who knows what. If we could just float along, like snow. But how could anyone who's ever seen a summer - big explosions of green and skies lit up electric with splashy sunsets, a riot of flowers and wind that smells like honey - pick the snow?” - Lauren Oliver

118. “At least when I'm sleeping I can dream myself back to Alex, can dream myself into a different world.” - Lauren Oliver

119. “-Todo el mundo está dormido. Llevan años dormidos. Tu parecias... despierta - susurra. Cierra los ojos, los vuelve a abrir-. Estoy harto de dormir.” - Lauren Oliver

120. “Eventually she came. She appeared suddenly, exactly like she'd done that day- she stepped into the sunshine, she jumped, she laughed and threw her head back, so her long ponytail nearly grazed the waistband of her jeans.After that, I couldn't think about anything else. The mole on the inside of her right elbow, like a dark blot of ink. The way she ripped her nails to shreds when she was nervous. Her eyes, deep as a promise. Her stomach, pale and soft and gorgeous, and the tiny dark cavity of her belly button.I nearly went crazy.” - Lauren Oliver