120 Love Quotes

Aug. 27, 2024, 12:45 p.m.

120 Love Quotes

Love, in its many forms, has inspired countless generations of writers, philosophers, and everyday individuals. Whether it's the passionate words of a classic poet or the tender musings of a modern thinker, love quotes have the power to encapsulate the depth of our emotions and touch our hearts. In this blog post, we've meticulously curated a collection of the top 120 love quotes that span time and sentiment. Each quote is a testament to the enduring power of love, offering insights and inspiration for every reader. As you explore these timeless words, may you find a quote that resonates deeply with your own experiences and feelings.

1. “The greatest feminists have also been the greatest lovers. I'm thinking not only of Mary Wollstonecraft and her daughter Mary Shelley, but of Anais Nin, Edna St. Vincent Millay, and of course Sappho. You cannot divide creative juices from human juices. And as long as juicy women are equated with bad women, we will err on the side of being bad.” - Erica Jong

2. “Lovers don't finally meet somewhere. They're in each other all along.” - Mawlana Jalal-al-Din Rumi

3. “Lover," she whispers, and closes her eyes.It falls upon her.Love is like dying.” - Stephen King

4. “She imagines him imagining her. This is her salvation.In spirit she walks the city, traces its labyrinths, its dingy mazes: each assignation, each rendezvous, each door and stair and bed. What he said, what she said, what they did, what they did then. Even the times they argued, fought, parted, agonized, rejoined. How they’d loved to cut themselves on each other, taste their own blood. We were ruinous together, she thinks. But how else can we live, these days, except in the midst of ruin?” - Margaret Atwood

5. “Try not to change the world. You will fail. Try to love the world. Lo, the world is changed. Changed forever.” - Sri Chinmoy

6. “The first kiss can be as terrifying as the last.” - Daina Chaviano

7. “What a lover’s heart knows let no man’s brain dispute.” - Aberjhani

8. “Better not to invent her in her absence. Better to wait until she's actually here. Then he can make her up as she goes along.” - Margaret Atwood

9. “It is as easy to find a lover as to keep a friend, but as hard to find a friend as to keep a lover.” - Emma Frances Dawson

10. “All knots that lovers tieAre tied to sever.Here shall your sweetheart lie,Untrue for ever.” - A.E. Housman

11. “That's when I finally got it. I finally understood. It wasn't the thought that counted. It was the actual execution that mattered, the showing up for somebody. The intent behind it wasn't enough. Not for me. Not anymore. It wasn't enough to know that deep down, he loved me. You had to actually say it to somebody, show them you cared. And he just didn't. Not enough.” - Jenny Han

12. “Everyone is asleep. They've all been asleep for years. You seemed ... awake.' Alex is whispering now. He closes his eyes, opens them again.'I'm tired of sleeping.” - Lauren Oliver

13. “She didn't belong anywhere and she never really belonged to anyone. And everyone else belonged somewhere and to someone. People thought she was too wonderful. But she only wanted to belong to someone. People always thought she was too wonderful to belong to them or that something too wonderful would hurt too much to lose. And that's why she liked him-- because he just thought she was crazy.” - C. JoyBell C.

14. “my 6 foot goddessmakes me laughthe laughter of the mutilatedwho still needlove...she has saved mefrom everything that isnot here” - Charles Bukowski

15. “Quiero hacer contigo lo que la primavera hace con los cerezos” - Pablo Neruda

16. “What made you fall in love with a prostitute?”“I didn’t understand it myself at the time. But I’ve thought about it since, and I think it was because, knowing that your body would never be mine alone, I had to concentrate on conquering your soul.” - Paulo Coelho

17. “Q: Why do I love thee, O Night?A: Because you know I will never answer.” - Vera Nazarian

18. “...But it is also told that Niuka forgot to fill two tiny crevices in the blue firmament. Thus began the dualism of love--two souls rolling through space and never at rest until they join together to complete the universe. Everyone has to build anew his sky of hope and peace.” - Kakuzo Okakura

19. “The highest prize we can receive for creative work is the joy of being creative. Creative effort spent for any other reason than the joy of being in that light filled space, love, god, whatever we want to call it, is lacking in integrity. . .” - Marianne Williamson

20. “If ever you have had a romantic, uncalculating friendship, - a boundless worship and belief in some hero of your soul, - if ever you have so loved, that all cold prudence, all selfish worldly considerations have gone down like drift-wood before a river flooded with new rain from heaven, so that you even forgot yourself, and were ready to cast your whole being into the chasm of existence, as an offering before the feet of another, and all for nothing, - if you awoke bitterly betrayed and deceived, still give thanks to God that you have had one glimpse of heaven. The door now shut will open again. Rejoice that the noblest capability of your eternal inheritance has been made known to you; treasure it, as the highest honor of your being, that ever you could so feel, -that so divine a guest ever possessed your soul.” - Harriet Beecher Stowe

21. “And for all he had learned to bandage himself up on the outside, the wound remained just as bad and deep as the moment it had been made - when it became obvious that the one male he wanted above all others was never, ever going to be with him.” - J.R. Ward

22. “Years of love, followed by heartache. Those are the years that define me.Those are the years that know– love’s eternity is you.” - C. Elizabeth

23. “As our kissing progresses, I don’t care that our tryst seems raunchy and wrong. I don’t care that I’m at school, in the boy’s bathroom. I don’t care that to most people this would seem cheap, dirty, and despicable. The only thing I can think about while he kisses me deeper, harder, faster, is that Henry Garner is the plague and the only thing I want him to do is infect me.” - Lauren Hammond

24. “You see," she concluded miserably, "when I can call like that to him across space--I belong to him. He doesn't love me--he never will--but I belong to him.” - L.M. Montgomery

25. “The white lily stands for purity. Artists for centuries have pictured the angel Gabriel coming to the virgin Mary with a spray of lillies in his hand, to announce that she is to be the mother of the Turks.” - Carroll Bryant

26. “This isn't your world. It's your parents. Your world is still out there, waiting to be discovered. Always remember that.” - Carroll Bryant

27. “Walking together and exchanging kisses.Holding hands like we're Mr. and Mrs.” - Vineeza Shakeeb

28. “Killing animals to make a fashion statement = a sickening + cold-blooded vanity.” - Jess C. Scott

29. “This is days and days and months and years and all the minutes in between, just you me.” - Paullina Simons

30. “Perhaps we were friends first and lovers second.But then perhaps this is what lovers are.” - Andre Aciman

31. “…..she needed him to know she did not care. She was spirited, tenacious, and full of contempt for him.” - Jamie Weise

32. “SAUL: 'We made love outdoors, my favorite place to make love, assuming the weather be fair and balmy, and the earth beneath be clean. Our souls intertwined and dripping with sweat.” - Roman Payne

33. “Sweet dreams, baby,” he whispered into myhair, his arm giving me a squeeze. “See you onthe other side.”“You too, Captain,” I whispered...'Lauren and Tate, in Sweet Dreams” - Kristen Ashley

34. “Dos hombres que te amarán hasta la muerte. Dos hombres que te protegerán de todo y vendrán tras de ti si es necesario,” - Brynn Paulin

35. “I know,” he said, very softly. “Let’s go home. Let’s go home, and you can tell me whatever you want, and I’ll believe you.” - Ashlyn Kane

36. “This is what we do. Not so much argue as joust, in jest. We can't stop pushing and pulling the taffy of words and concepts.” - Larry Duberstein

37. “In this world . . .It's Heaven when:The French are chefsThe British are policeThe Germans are engineersThe Swiss are bankersAnd the Italians are loversIt's Hell when:The English are chefsThe Germans are policeThe French are engineersThe Swiss are loversAnd the Italians are bankers.” - Hidekaz Himaruya

38. “I look coolly in to the blue eyes of the person who is now my greatest opponent, the person who would keep me alive at his own expense. And I promise myself I will defeat his plan.” - Suzanne Collins

39. “Heart’s blood and bitter pain belong to love,And tales of problems no one can remove;Cupbearer, fill the bowl with blood, not wine -And if you lack the heart’s rich blood take mine.Love thrives on inextinguishable pain,Which tears the soul, then knits the threads again.A mote of love exceeds all bounds; it givesThe vital essence to whatever lives.But where love thrives, there pain is always found;Angels alone escape this weary round -They love without that savage agonyWhich is reserved for vexed humanity.” - Farid ud-Din Attar

40. “Giovanni had awakened an itch, had released a gnaw in me. I realized it one afternoon, when I was taking him to work via the Boulevard Montparnasse. We had bought a kilo of cherries and we were eating them as we walked along. We were both insufferably childish and high-spirited that afternoon and the spectacle we presented, two grown men jostling each other on the wide sidewalk and aiming the cherry pits, as though they were spitballs, into each other's faces, must have been outrageous. And I realized that such childishness was fantastic at my age and the happiness out of which it sprang yet more so; for that moment I really loved Giovanni, who had never seemed more beautiful than he was that afternoon.” - James Baldwin

41. “They made love until Chris had to leave for the airport, without sleeping at all. After Chris had left, wearing wrinkled jeans and Xander’s sweat and seed on his skin, Xander flopped back onto the bed and looked miserably at the clock.” - Amy Lane

42. “É completamente estúpido escrever cartas de amor, não pode ser transcrito através de uma simples carta, mas o que fazer quando este horrível oceano nos separa do homem que amamos?” - Simone de Beauvoir

43. “Their banter was rich and comfortable, their teasing intimate and profound; their 'I love you' without the use of those startling words.” - Sarah Winman

44. “When I looked into her eyes, I saw an invisible spirit of something that I already loved.” - Anthony Kiedis

45. “That night Tommy kissed him and eased his way into Chase’s body so gently that when Chase came, his vision washed in white, not red, and it did for him what sex with Tommy always did for him: set him free and let him fly.” - Amy Lane

46. “I never lie," I said offhand. "At least not to those I don't love.” - Anne Rice

47. “Seeing her cry still made me feel the same way it did earlier.” - Faraaz Kazi

48. “When your tears become invisible, disappear” - Benny Bellamacina

49. “I was thinking of Cambridge, and then I got a bit homesick for a minute, 'cause I never been this far away from home before. But the I remember you're here, and now I'm not homesick no more.” - J.L. Merrow

50. “That really pissed me off, because I am worth it, goddamn it!”“I know you—”“Still talking here!” - Robin L. Rotham

51. “Un-winged and naked, sorrow surrenders its crown to a throne called grace.” - Aberjhani

52. “It just made me realize that I wouldn’t have anything if you left,” he said miserably. Jake gave a pained wince and looked down at the floor. “I wouldn’t have anything if I left, either,” he murmured.” - Madeleine Urban

53. “I'm only a tool, beloved. Not your Savior” - Francine Rivers

54. “The library door was thick and none of the ordinary sounds that might have reminded them, might have held them back, could reach them. They were beyond the present, outside time, with no memories and no future,” - Ian McEwan

55. “When the love of your life dies, the problem is not that some part of you dies too, which it does, but that some part of you is still alive.” - Jackie Kay

56. “You’ve always got me”“Always?”“Didn’t I just say so?”“Yes”“Am I liar? ““No.” I lied.” - Clive Barker

57. “I Think it is lost.....but nothing is ever lost nor can be lost .The body sluggish, aged, cold, the ember left from earlier fires shall duly flame again.” - Walt Whitman

58. “I wanted to reach out and stroke her, to be gentle and tender towards her. Take care of her.” - James Lusarde

59. “I’m not sure what it was or where she sprayed it, but her scent will be the end of the life I loved. And I will find comfort in the simpleness of sitting with her on a Saturday afternoon with nothing else to do.” - Darnell Lamont Walker

60. “My Love wakes in a puddle of sunlight.Her hands asleep beside her.Her hair draped on the lawnlike a mantle of cloth.I give her my troth, for our love is wholeI sing her beauty in my soul” - Roman Payne

61. “It is harder, usually, to find a person who wants to walk the streets of me, to taste the teas of my country, to... immigrate, you could say.” - Catherynne M. Valente

62. “Some of the dairy people, who were also out of doors on the first Sunday evening after their engagement, heard her impulsive speeches, ecstasized to fragments, though they were too far off to hear the words discoursed; noted the spasmodic catch in her remarks, broken into syllables by the leapings of her heart, as she walked leaning on his arm; her contented pauses, the occassional laugh upon which her soul seemed to ride - the laugh of a woman in company with the man she loves and has won from all other women - unlike anything else in nature. They marked the buoyancy of her tread, like the skim of a bird which has not yet alighted.” - Thomas Hardy

63. “One of the rarest and most beautiful things in this world is to meet someone who has the ability to intoxicate you. Every moment with her was exhilarating, and every moment without her was spent captivated by thoughts about her. She was like the finest of wines. And I was getting drunk.” - Richie singh

64. “My mind may be in gutter, Abigail, but at least I’m looking at an angel!” - Tom Conrad

65. “ Love is a renewable resource” - Blanshard & Blanshard

66. “For a split second I felt as though she was nobody special in the larger scheme of my life. She was just some girl who had tied me to her leg to help her sink when she jumped off the bridge. Then I blinked and was in love with her again.” - Miranda July

67. “He was such a great lover. He was so male, so thoroughly a man that she felt all the rewards of being his woman." (showing 0-0 of 0) (0.04 seconds)” - Sienna Mynx

68. “But certainly not everyday you can find someone who wants to have a monogamous relationship” - Emily Giffin

69. “Phaedra looked across the water and her eyes met Lucian’s. Their needs came second. It came from the privilege of being trusted.But that doesn’t mean I love you less.” - Melina Marchetta

70. “There was nowhere I could go that wouldn't be you.” - Jeffrey Eugenides

71. “He was everything your mother warned you about when she told you not to walk alone in the dark.” - Nenia Campbell

72. “In the morning, that moment, when I knew it was you. When I could feel you breathing and we opened our eyes at the exact same time.” - Kate Chisman

73. “Sometimes when I remember we aren't the same person, it shocks me.” - Laurie Frankel

74. “Everything and everyone has a place to be, Echo. It’s just a matter of how they get there and when. You have a place; you just have to find it.” - Nadège Richards

75. “My words did not seem to reach her. Or, if they did, she was unable to grasp their meaning.” - Haruki Murakami

76. “You said everything I needed to hear. I'm hooked now. You have me. What are you going to do with me?” - Abbi Glines

77. “Ricorderò la tua piccola stanza, la sensazione di te, la luce nella finestra, i tuoi dischi, i tuoi libri, il nostro caffè al mattino, i nostri pomeriggi, le nostre notti, i nostri corpi attaccati, il piccolo flusso di energia, immediato e per sempre. Le tue gambe, le mie gambe, le tue braccia, le mie braccia, il tuo sorriso ed il tuo calore quando mi facevi ridere ancora.” - Charles Bukowski

78. “Ce ne stiamo in silenzio sotto quel cielo che ci guarda e chissà che pensa di noi. Ci sono sere in cui si vede a malapena una stella ma, se t'innamori, ne vedi tantissime, è come quando sei ubriaco e vedi doppio... stasera se ne vedono a g rappoli. "Carlo, ma le stelle quante sono?" Mi prende il dito e lo punta verso il cielo. "Una, due, tre, quattro"... Quando trovi l'amore puoi fare tutto, puoi anche contare le stelle. E quel cielo non è poi tanto distante e tanto nemico... Sono 351.” - Giulia Carcasi

79. “When you love another deeply, you gain strength. When you receive anothers deep love, you gain courage” - Marina DeAngelo 2012 .

80. “When you give your heart away, you usually get it back in pieces, fragments. And often, a great deal of time passes before you realize that every piece wasn’t returned to you—and probably never will be. You crave nothing more than to get those small—but vital—fragments back; to return to the unbroken, undamaged version of yourself. But what's been broken cannot be unbroken, and so all you can do is learn to live with the void of the missing pieces, to somehow find beauty in the wreckage.And so I did.Sophie Lenon” - Krystal McLean

81. “Two is always better than one.” - Missy Lyons

82. “We kind of fell into one another, not even realizing it was happening.” - Ashley D. Wallis

83. “With painstaking rumination, the tips of his fingers grazed over my neck, a deafening silence. I didn't move as his hand paused at the base of my throat. He listened to the arrhythmic beating of my heart, my pulse thumping beneath his fingers. He kissed me along my neckline and throat. I almost burst apart from the longing. My blood burned for him.” - Rae Hachton

84. “Love is disgusting when you no longer possess yourself.” - Pola Negri

85. “Dorina stava con gli occhi chiusi quando sentì scendere le mani di lui verso i seni...alzò le braccia e gli prese la nuca...tirò l'aria. Livio le affondò la bocca tra il collo e la spalla. Dorina si voltò...gli sbottonò la camicia...scoprendogli completamente il torace. Gli percorse la pella nuda....Si levò il maglione..e scoprì il seno. Livio voleva toccarla. Lei lo prese per i fianchi e lo tirò a sé. Poi gli strinse le braccia intorno al collo. Lui sentì i suoi capezzoli che gli affondavano nella pelle...Le restituì l'abbraccio. Rimasero schiacciati uno all'altro, con la città accesa tutt'intorno.” - Diego De Silva

86. “I’ve learned a lot about love over these last months. And part of what I’ve learned is that you have to want someone for who they are, not who you want them to be. You have to love a real person, not some dream in your head.” - Zoë Marriott

87. “Think of that person you knew when you were a kid, who you always thought you could have loved completely and forever.Well, you could have. It’s the truth, and it’s the saddest and simplest thing. There isn’t just one person for each of us in the world. There aren’t many, but there are always a few people we could have made it with, that maybe we still want to make it with, that press themselves so close to our hearts they leave scars, and then slip through our fingers and disappear from our lives. And it doesn’t make a difference if you’re thirteen or ninety- eight because some things you feel are real, no matter when.” - Abigail Tarttelin

88. “Lovers are not snails; they don't have to protrude from their shells and meet each other halfway. Meet me within your own self.” - Jerzy Kosinski

89. “You are the one star I wish upon nightly, praying your glory will fall from the heavens and land in my undeserving arms.” - Richelle E. Goodrich

90. “And then finally she came - and the whole world faded out around us and we were just alone on the crowded sidewalk. I've heard it called love.("I Won't Take a Minute" aka "I'll Just Be a Minute" aka "Wait for Me Downstairs" aka "Finger Of Doom")” - Cornell Woolrich

91. “I’ve been able to see all that I’ve needed, my love: your kindness, your compassion, your tenderness, your love, and your soul. These are all I care about.Of course you do and I don’t expect anything different from you. But next time, I will give you more. You’ll see the colours of every season.” - Jacquie Underdown

92. “You can’t keep messing me around like this. It’s been going on too long. I can’t take it anymore. I get sick every time you come around. Then I get sick when you leave. You’re like a disease to me.” - Sam Shepard

93. “This was the mark of deep infatuation, he thought: the desire to watch a woman talk just to see her lips move, to be around her.” - Hugh Howey

94. “He shook his head, just looking at me. - "What?" I asked.- "Nothing" he said.- "Why are you looking at me like that?"Augustus half smiled. "Because you`re beautiful. I enjoy looking at beautiful people, and I decided a while ago not to deny myself the simpler pleasures of existence." A brief awkward silence ensued. Augustus plowed through: "I mean, particularly given that, as you so deliciously pointed out, all of this will end in oblivion and everything."I kind of scoffed or sighed or exhaled in a way that was vaguely coughy and then said, "I`m not beau-"- "You are like a millennial Natalie Portman. Like V for Vendetta Natalie Portman."- "Never seen it."- "Really?" he asked. "Pixie-haired gorgeous girl dislikes authority and can`t help but fall for a boy she knows is trouble. It`s your autobiography, so far as I can tell."His every syllable flirted. Honestly, he kind of turned me on. I didn`t even know that guys could turn me on - not, like, in real life.” - John Green, The Fault In Our Stars

95. “I will, however, establish that success in love, as in all other aspects of life, belongs, as a rule, to the persistent and fiber man. Chaucer had reason to make the Old Bath confess: 'The truth is, more or less, we always succumb to attention and perseverance'.” - Frank Harris

96. “Love, at its best, wipes commonsenseAway. Much as drops will condenseFrom hidden liquid in the air, So, too, do lovers soon compareTheir temp’ratures til, happily,Their judgement fogs up suddenly.” - McKenzie Bodkin

97. “Their own life together was like a subtle watercolor sketch, invisible to other people. They gave the world what it required of them and for the rest of the time were content to be forgotten.” - Andrei Makine

98. “If you love someone, be their everything.” - T.A

99. “I live you, Sky” - Colleen Hoover

100. “When she says margarita she means daiquiri.When she says quixotic she means mercurial.And when she says, "I'll never speak to you again,"she means, "Put your arms around me from behindas I stand disconsolate at the window."He's supposed to know that.When a man loves a woman he is in New York and she is in Virginiaor he is in Boston, writing, and she is in New York, reading,or she is wearing a sweater and sunglasses in Balboa Park and he is raking leaves in Ithacaor he is driving to East Hampton and she is standing disconsolateat the window overlooking the baywhere a regatta of many-colored sails is going onwhile he is stuck in traffic on the Long Island Expressway.When a woman loves a man it is one ten in the morningshe is asleep he is watching the ball scores and eating pretzelsdrinking lemonadeand two hours later he wakes up and staggers into bedwhere she remains asleep and very warm.When she says tomorrow she means in three or four weeks.When she says, "We're talking about me now,"he stops talking. Her best friend comes over and says,"Did somebody die?"When a woman loves a man, they have goneto swim naked in the streamon a glorious July daywith the sound of the waterfall like a chuckleof water rushing over smooth rocks,and there is nothing alien in the universe.Ripe apples fall about them.What else can they do but eat?When he says, "Ours is a transitional era,""that's very original of you," she replies,dry as the martini he is sipping.They fight all the timeIt's funWhat do I owe you?Let's start with an apologyOk, I'm sorry, you dickhead.A sign is held up saying "Laughter."It's a silent picture."I've been fucked without a kiss," she says,"and you can quote me on that,"which sounds great in an English accent.One year they broke up seven times and threatened to do it another nine times.When a woman loves a man, she wants him to meet her at the airport in a foreign country with a jeep.When a man loves a woman he's there. He doesn't complain that she's two hours lateand there's nothing in the refrigerator.When a woman loves a man, she wants to stay awake.She's like a child cryingat nightfall because she didn't want the day to end.When a man loves a woman, he watches her sleep, thinking:as midnight to the moon is sleep to the beloved.A thousand fireflies wink at him.The frogs sound like the string sectionof the orchestra warming up.The stars dangle down like earrings the shape of grapes.” - David Lehman

101. “Wonder why we can do this,' he called out with his mind. The mental effort of speaking to her was already straining—he felt a headache forming like a bulge in his brain. 'Maybe we were lovers,' Teresa said. Thomas tripped and crashed to the ground. Smiling sheepishly at Minho, who’d turned to look without slowing, Thomas got back up and caught up to him. 'What?' he finally asked. He sensed a laugh from her, a watery image full of color.” - James Dashner

102. “Alas, is even Love too weak to unlock the heart and let it speak? Are even lovers powerless to reveal To one another what indeed they feel?” - Matthew Arnold

103. “We had bought a kilo of cherries and we were eating them as we walked along. We were both insufferably childish and high-spirited that afternoon and th spectacle we presented, two grown men, jostling each other on the wide sidewalk, and aiming the cherry-pips, as though they were spitballs, into each other's facesm must have been outrageous. And I realized that such childishness was fantastic at my age and the happiness out of which it sprang yet more so; for that moment I really loved Giovanni, who had never seemed more beautiful than he was that afternoon. And, watching his face, I realized that it meant much to me that I could make his face so bright. I saw that I might be willing to give a great deal not to lose that power. And I felt myself flow toward him, as a river rushes when the ice breaks up.” - James Baldwin

104. “Christopher, baby, I love you. Completely. I love your looks and everything else about you.” She felt his hand enclose around hers. “I know you do. Ashleigh…I love you so much that it scares me. Everything I do, I have you in mind.” - Pepper Pace

105. “I must tell you what you will not ask, though I may wish it unsaid the next moment” - Jane Austen

106. “He didn't ask because he didn't wanted to know. If you know, moments die an instant death. She held his hand in hers; hiding them like a pearl; her coral eyes ensconcing his pain.” - APORVAKALA

107. “So help me, if something crawls out of one of these bags, I will castrate you.” “I bet you’d love that.”-Emma and Jackson” - Rachael Wade

108. “I remember being in the mood for love at the slightest provocation- your nubile body feeling undeniably illicit, under mine, rhyming, heaving, breathing together, each other, squirrel hands, down and across and stolen kisses, on and not on the lips. Then leaving scorching beds the color of the red desert sun and strawberry flavored. Your mysterious skin, salt lips: touching, each other. My libido, your mascara- getting all messed up in those rains, realizing for the first time that lust gnaws had no language, race, religion or brotherhood.’('Left from Dhakeshwari')” - Kunal Sen

109. “I did not have an opportunity to speak privately with Peter until just as he was leaving, when he handed me one of the Burns song-sheets and (with a most earnest look) told me to read it before I went to bed.The song was 'My Love is Like a Red, Red Rose,' but it was not until was up in my bedchamber that I saw he had written on the inside page: 'My mother would be honoured if you visited her after church tomorrow.” - Jennifer Paynter

110. “I have not betrayed Julia.” - George Orwell

111. “They stamped their own pattern of lovers onto the fabric of Paris.” - Emma Calin

112. “They'd never been lovers, of course, not in the physical sense. But they'd been lovers as most of us manage, loving through expressions and gestures and the palm set softly upon the bruise at the necessary moment. Lovers by inclination rather than by lust. Lovers, that is, by love.” - Gregory Maguire

113. “he stretched out beside her, uncomfortably close, as if they were lovers. Real lovers and not the most mismatched pair of fuck buddies ever.” - Larissa Ione

114. “I don't have time, energy, or interest in hating the haters; I'm too busy loving the lovers.” - Steve Maraboli

115. “U tim sećanjima nastoji da ne preobražava činjenice u svoju korist, iako shvata da je u ljubavi to najteže, možda i nemoguće. Ljubav, to odavno zna, hrani se lažima, ponekad uspešnije no istinama. A ishod tih preživljavanja i obuzetosti ipak je isti: i s tugom i s ozarenošću uviđa kako nema prava da joj išta zameri, a najmanje da se oseća uvređenim. Takva zaključivanja ne sadrže ni spokojstvo ni nadu. Naprotiv, iz njih se taloži ono najteže nespokojstvo koje zaljubljenima ne pruža izgovor za bilo kakvu osvetu zbog neuzvraćene ljubavi, te česte sklonosti i velikodušnih ljudi.” - Dobrica Ćosić

116. “I cried for all of those things that should have just been for us...” - Kate Chisman

117. “If you haven't fall in love yet...you haven't experienced true pain and happiness.” - Chandan Sharma

118. “من الصعب أن تعدل مع الذي تحبه” - أنيس منصور

119. “We have scholars galore, and kings and emperors, and statesmen and military leaders, and artists in profusion, and inventors, discoverers, explorers - but where are the great lovers? After a moment's reflection one is back to Abelard and Heloise, or Anthony and Cleopatra, or the story of the Taj Mahal. So much of it is fictive, expanded and glorified by the poverty-stricken lovers whose prayers are answered only by myth and legend.” - Henry Miller

120. “Her loving hands, soft lips, and perfumed scents were an addiction for which he had no cure.” - Travis Luedke