121 Quotes On Ignorance

Aug. 24, 2024, 9:45 a.m.

121 Quotes On Ignorance

In a world brimming with information at our fingertips, ignorance can still permeate every layer of society, influencing our actions and decisions. Whether willful or unintentional, ignorance can lead to misunderstanding, prejudice, and missed opportunities for growth. The power of a well-crafted quote lies in its ability to encapsulate complex ideas and emotions into simple, memorable phrases. With that in mind, we've curated a collection of the top 121 quotes on ignorance to inspire reflection and dialogue. These quotes, drawn from diverse voices across history and culture, aim to shed light on the nuances of ignorance and encourage awareness, education, and empathy. Dive into this compilation to explore the wisdom and insights that challenge ignorance and promote a more informed and enlightened perspective.

1. “Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.” - Aldous Huxley

2. “Where justice is denied, where poverty is enforced, where ignorance prevails, and where any one class is made to feel that society is an organized conspiracy to oppress, rob and degrade them, neither persons nor property will be safe.” - Frederick Douglass

3. “Science is the topography of ignorance.” - Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr.

4. “There are in fact two things, science and opinion; the former begets knowledge, the latter ignorance.” - Hippocrates

5. “Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.” - Martin Luther King Jr.

6. “There is nothing more frightful than ignorance in action.” - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

7. “He was talking about the sign that said 'THE COMPLICATED FUTILITY OF IGNORANCE.''All knew was that I didn't want my daughter or anybody's child to see a message that negative every time she comes into the library,' he said. 'And then I found out it was you who was responsible for it.''What's so negative about it?' I said.'What could be a more negative word than "futility"?' he said.'"Ignorance,"' I said.” - Kurt Vonnegut

8. “Herein lies the tragedy of the age: not that men are poor, — all men know something of poverty; not that men are wicked, — who is good? not that men are ignorant, — what is Truth? Nay, but that men know so little of men.” - W. E. B. DuBois

9. “I examined the poets, and I look on them as people whose talent overawes both themselves and others, people who present themselves as wise men and are taken as such, when they are nothing of the sort.From poets, I moved to artists. No one was more ignorant about the arts than I; no one was more convinced that artists possessed really beautiful secrets. However, I noticed that their condition was no better than that of the poets and that both of them have the same misconceptions. Because the most skillful among them excel in their specialty, they look upon themselves as the wisest of men. In my eyes, this presumption completely tarnished their knowledge. As a result, putting myself in the place of the oracle and asking myself what I would prefer to be — what I was or what they were, to know what they have learned or to know that I know nothing — I replied to myself and to the god: I wish to remain who I am.We do not know — neither the sophists, nor the orators, nor the artists, nor I— what the True, the Good, and the Beautiful are. But there is this difference between us: although these people know nothing, they all believe they know something; whereas, I, if I know nothing, at least have no doubts about it. As a result, all this superiority in wisdom which the oracle has attributed to me reduces itself to the single point that I am strongly convinced that I am ignorant of what I do not know.” - Socrates

10. “It takes a very long time to become young.” - Pablo Picasso

11. “The only victories which leave no regret are those which are gained over ignorance.” - Napoleon Bonaparte

12. “Our wretched species is so made that those who walk on the well-trodden path always throw stones at those who are showing a new road.” - Voltaire

13. “More generally, as I shall repeat in Chapter 8, one of the truly bad effects of religion is that it teaches us that it is a virtue to be satisfied with not understanding.” - Richard Dawkins

14. “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge.” - Daniel J. Boorstin

15. “A learned fool is more a fool than an ignorant fool.” - Molière

16. “I can calculate the motion of heavenly bodies but not the madness of people.” - Isaac Newton

17. “Nothing can illustrate these observations more forcibly, than a recollection of the happy conjuncture of times and circumstances, under which our Republic assumed its rank among the Nations; The foundation of our Empire was not laid in the gloomy age of Ignorance and Superstition, but at an Epoch when the rights of mankind were better understood and more clearly defined, than at any former period, the researches of the human mind, after social happiness, have been carried to a great extent, the Treasures of knowledge, acquired by the labours of Philosophers, Sages and Legislatures, through a long succession of years, are laid open for our use, and their collected wisdom may be happily applied in the Establishment of our forms of Government; the free cultivation of Letters, the unbounded extension of Commerce, the progressive refinement of Manners, the growing liberality of sentiment... have had a meliorating influence on mankind and increased the blessings of Society. At this auspicious period, the United States came into existence as a Nation, and if their Citizens should not be completely free and happy, the fault will be entirely their own.[Circular to the States, 8 June 1783 - Writings 26:484--89]” - George Washington

18. “Beware the man of a single book.” - St. Thomas Aquinas

19. “The ever more sophisticated weapons piling up in the arsenals of the wealthiest and the mightiest can kill the illiterate, the ill, the poor and the hungry, but they cannot kill ignorance, illness, poverty or hunger.” - Fidel Castro

20. “I believe in the forgiveness of sin and the redemption of ignorance.” - Adlai E. Stevenson II

21. “Time after time, history demonstrates that when people don't want to believe something, they have enormous skills of ignoring it altogether.” - Jim Butcher

22. “...it is not to be understood that I am with him [Jesus] in all his doctrines. I am a Materialist, he takes the side of spiritualism; he preaches the efficacy of repentance toward forgiveness of sin. I require a counterpoise of good works to redeem it... Among the sayings & discourses imputed to him by his biographers, I find many passages of fine imagination, correct morality, and of the most lovely benevolence: and others again of so much ignorance, so much absurdity, so much untruth, charlatanism, and imposture, as to pronounce it impossible that such contradictions should have proceeded from the same being.[Letter to William Short, 13 April 1820]” - Thomas Jefferson

23. “What the mind doesn't understand, it worships or fears.” - Alice Walker

24. “Whatever the cost of our libraries, the price is cheap compared to that of an ignorant nation.” - Walter Cronkite

25. “Science replaces private prejudice with public, verifiable evidence.” - Richard Dawkins

26. “Any formal attack on ignorance is bound to fail because the masses are always ready to defend their most precious possession - their ignorance.” - Hendrick Willem Van Loon

27. “I'd tried to straighten him out, but there's only so much you can do for a person who thinks Auschwitz is a brand of beer.” - David Sedaris

28. “Timendi causa est nescire - Ignorance is the cause of fear.” - Lucius Annaeus Seneca

29. “Osama, baah!" Bashir roared."Osama is not a product of Pakistan or Afghanistan. He is a creation of America. Thanks to America, Osama is in every home. As a military man, I know you can never fight and win against someone who can shoot at you once and then run off and hide while you have to remain eternally on guard. You have to attack the source of your enemy's strength. In America's case, that's not Osama or Saddam or anyone else. The enemy is ignorance. That only way to defeat it is to build relationships with these people, to draw them into the modern world with education and business. Otherwise the fight will go on forever.” - Greg Mortenson

30. “Ignorance and prejudice are the handmaidens of propaganda. Our mission, therefore, is to confront ignorance with knowledge, bigotry with tolerance, and isolation with the outstretched hand of generosity. Racism can, will, and must be defeated.” - Kofi Annan

31. “To tell you the truth, I used to consider it a disgrace to be found ignorant by other people. But now, I find that I am not ashamed of knowing less than others, and I'm less inclined to force myself to read books. In short, I have grown old and decrepit.” - Natsume Soseki

32. “Looking at Great-Great Grandpa Baldwin's photograph, I think to myself: You've finally done it. It took four generations, but you've finally goddamned done it. Gotten that war against reason and uppity secularists you always wanted. Gotten even for the Scopes trial, which they say was one of many burrs under your saddle until your last breath. Well, rejoice, old man, because your tribes have gathered around America's oldest magical hairball of ignorance and superstition, Christian fundamentalism, and their numbers have enabled them to suck so much oxygen out of the political atmosphere that they are now acknowledged as a mainstream force in politics. Episcopalians, Jews, and affluent suburban Methodists and Catholics, they are all now scratching their heads, sweating, and swearing loudly that this pack of lower-class zealots cannot possibly represent the mainstream--not the mainstream they learned about in their fancy sociology classes or were so comfortably reassured about by media commentators who were people like themselves. Goodnight, Grandpa Baldwin. I'll toast you from hell.” - Joe Bageant

33. “A library is like an island in the middle of a vast sea of ignorance, particularly if the library is very tall and the surrounding area has been flooded.” - Daniel Handler

34. “Euere Schuld, Deichgraf!" schrie eine Stimme aus dem Haufen.” - Theodor Storm

35. “You're afraid of making mistakes. Don't be. Mistakes can be profited by. Man, when I was young I shoved my ignorance in people's faces. They beat me with sticks. By the time I was forty my blunt instrument had been honed to a fine cutting point for me. If you hide your ignorance, no one will hit you and you'll never learn.” - Ray Bradbury

36. “Ignorance is not stupidity, but it might as well be. And I do not like feeling stupid.” - Lois McMaster Bujold

37. “There is nothing in the record of the past two years when both Houses of Congress have been controlled by the Republican Party which can lead any person to believe that those promises will be fulfilled in the future. They follow the Hitler line - no matter how big the lie; repeat it often enough and the masses will regard it as truth.” - John F. Kennedy

38. “It is always a much easier task to educate uneducated people than to re-educate the mis-educated.” - Herbert M Shelton

39. “Give me the storm and tempest of thought and action, rather than the dead calm of ignorance and faith! Banish me from Eden when you will; but first let me eat of the fruit of the tree of knowledge!” - Robert G. Ingersoll

40. “We are not encouraged, on a daily basis, to pay careful attention to the animals we eat. On the contrary, the meat, dairy, and egg industries all actively encourage us to give thought to our own immediate interest (taste, for example, or cheap food) but not to the real suffering involved. They do so by deliberately withholding information and by cynically presenting us with idealized images of happy animals in beautiful landscapes, scenes of bucolic happiness that do not correspond to anything in the real world. The animals involved suffer agony because of our ignorance. The least we owe them is to lessen that ignorance.” - Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson

41. “What struck me whenever I visited a farm was how much more sophisticated was the life the animals were capable of living than was assumed by those exploiting them. The more we are willing to see about their lives, the more we will see. Humans seem to take perverse pleasure in attributing stupidity to animals when it is almost always entirely a question of human ignorance.” - Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson

42. “We kill all the caterpillars, then complain there are no butterflies.” - John Marsden

43. “Those at too great a distance may, I am well are, mistake ignorance for perspective.” - Carl Sagan

44. “Certainty is the most vivid condition of ignorance and the most necessarycondition for knowledge.” - Kedar Joshi

45. “A man is responsible for his ignorance.” - Milan Kundera

46. “I've been saying it so long to you, you just wouldn't listen. Every time you said 'Farm Boy do this' you thought I was answering 'As you wish' but that's only because you were hearing wrong. 'I love you' was what it was, but you never heard.” - William Goldman

47. “Whoever said ignorance is bliss must have died a horrible death with a really surprised look on his face.” - Lisa Shearin

48. “Millions cheer the warriorspilling blood across the ringwhile the one who stands for peaceis ridiculed and shamed.Must hearts forever sufferfrom ignorance and greed?Can bombs heal our soulsor set our spirits free?” - Aberjhani

49. “Ralph Nimmo carecía de título universitario y se enorgullecía de ello. -Un título [...] es el primer paso de un recorrido calamitoso. Como no quieres desperdiciarlo, pasas al trabajo de graduado y a la investigación doctoral. Terminas por ser un absoluto ignorante de todo, excepto en tu estrechísima especialidad.” - Isaac Asimov

50. “A wonderful area for speculative academic work is the unknowable. These days religious subjects are in disfavor, but there are still plenty of good topics. The nature of consciousness, the workings of the brain, the origin of aggression, the origin of language, the origin of life on earth, SETI and life on other worlds...this is all great stuff. Wonderful stuff. You can argue it interminably. But it can't be contradicted, because nobody knows the answer to any of these topics.” - Michael Crichton

51. “Scientists rightly resist invoking the supernatural in scientific explanations for fear of committing a god-of-the-gaps fallacy (the fallacy of using God as a stop-gap for ignorance). Yet without some restriction on the use of chance, scientists are in danger of committing a logically equivalent fallacy-one we may call the “chance-of-the-gaps fallacy.” Chance, like God, can become a stop-gap for ignorance.” - William A. Dembski

52. “Happy the hare at morning, for she cannot readThe hunter's waking thoughts.” - W.H. Auden

53. “The risks of liberty we must let everyone take; but the risks of ignorance and self-helplessness are another matter.” - George Bernard Shaw

54. “On the whole, men are more good than bad; that, however, isn't the real point. But they are more or less ignorant, and it is this that we call vice or virtue; the most incorrigible vice being that of an ignorance that fancies it knows everything and therefore claims for itself the right to kill. The soul of the murderer is blind; and there can be no true goodness nor true love without the utmost clear-sightedness.” - Albert Camus

55. “He must be very ignorant for he answers every question he is asked.” - Voltaire

56. “Bhutan does seem a bit unreal at times. Hardly anybody in the U.S. knows where it is. I have friends who still think the entire country is a figment of my imagination. When I was getting ready to move there, and I told people I was going to work in Bhutan, they'd inevitably ask, "Where's Butane?"It is near Africa," I'd answer, to throw them off the trail. "It's where all the disposable lighters come from."They'd nod in understanding.” - Linda Leaming

57. “Innate in nearly every artistic nature is a wanton, treacherous penchant for accepting injustice when it creates beauty and showing sympathy for and paying homage to aristocratic privilege.” - Thomas Mann

58. “Religion, n. A daughter of Hope and Fear, explaining to Ignorance the nature of the Unknowable.” - Ambrose Bierce

59. “Even the humblest Party member is expected to be competent, industrious, and even intelligent within narrow limits, but it is also necessary that he should be a credulous and ignorant fanatic whose prevailing moods are fear, hatred, adulation, and orgiastic triumph. In other words it is necessary that he should have the mentality appropriate to a state of war. It does not matter whether the war is actually happening, and, since no decisive victory is possible, it does not matter whether the war is going well or badly. All that is needed is that a state of war should exist.” - George Orwell

60. “If he were allowed contact with foreigners he would discover that they are creatures similar to himself and that most of what he has been told about them is lies. The sealed world in which he lives would be broken, and the fear, hatred, and self-righteousness on which his morale depends might evaporate. It is therefore realized on all sides that however ofter Persia, or Egypt, or Java, or Ceylon may change hands, the main frontiers must never be crossed by anything except bombs.” - George Orwell

61. “Yes, please leave us, the mere presence of beings like yourselves is intensely painful to us.” - Gene L. Coon

62. “Ignorance gives one a large range of probabilities.” - George Eliot

63. “We are all small-minded people, creeping about the earth grubbing for our own advantage and making the very mistakes for which we want to humiliate our neighbors.” - Helen Simonson

64. “Often, the greater our ignorance about something, the greater our resistance to change.” - Marc Bekoff

65. “Do you really think that God in his heaven with all the angels, there from the beginning of time and looking towards the day of judgement day, really looks down on all the world and see's you and little harry and says 'whatever you choose to do is my will?' "Yes i do." she says uncertainly.” - Philippa Gregory

66. “But to live in ignorance on such a point was impossible.” - Jane Austen

67. “Nevertheless, (Jefferson) believed that the habit of skepticism is an essential prerequisite for responsible citizenship. He argued that the cost of education is trivial compared to the cost of ignorance, of leaving government to the wolves. He taught that the country is safe only when the people rule.” - Carl Sagan

68. “The truth is like salt. Men want to taste a little, but too much makes everyone sick.” - Joe Abercrombie

69. “In the days when hyenas of hate suckle the babes of men, and jackals of hypocrisy pimp their mothers’ broken hearts, may children not look to demons of ignorance for hope.” - Aberjhani

70. “Anything was better than nothing. Half-full was better than empty. Ignorance was the lowest form of humiliation and suffering.” - Becca Fitzpatrick

71. “Such a simple concept, yet so true: that which we manifest is before us; we are the creators of our own destiny. Be it through intention or ignorance, our successes and our failures have been brought on by none other than ourselves.” - Garth Stein

72. “Everyone has a sense of humor. If you don't laugh at jokes, you probably laugh at opinions.” - Criss Jami

73. “Only ignorance excuses stupidity” - Nalini Singh

74. “But you can’t be a scientist if you’re uncomfortable with ignorance, because scientists live at the boundary between what is known and unknown in the cosmos. This is very different from the way journalists portray us. So many articles begin, “Scientists now have to go back to the drawing board.” It’s as though we’re sitting in our offices, feet up on our desks—masters of the universe—and suddenly say, “Oops, somebody discovered something!” No. We’re always at the drawing board. If you’re not at the drawing board, you’re not making discoveries. You’re not a scientist; you’re something else. The public, on the other hand, seems to demand conclusive explanations as they leap without hesitation from statements of abject ignorance to statements of absolute certainty.” - Neil deGrasse Tyson

75. “A fool can easily be known(identified) by what proceeds from his or her mouth.” - Adedayo kingjerry

76. “Only a blind man can easily define what light is. When you do not know, you are bold. Ignorance is always bold; knowledge hesitates. And the more you know, the more you feel that the ground underneath is dissolving. The more you know, the more you feel how ignorant you are.” - Osho

77. “Caius was one of those who gloried in his ignorance, called his lack of letters purity, scorned any subtlety of thought or expression. A man for his time, indeed.” - Iain Pears

78. “He stared at his feet. “I’m still very ignorant,” he said, “but at least I’m ignorant about really important things.” - Terry Pratchett

79. “Staring at a world too horrible to comprehend, believing -- by dint of ignorance and innocence -- that beneath this unbearable contract of guilt and blame there is always an older contract that may bind and release in a more salutary way.” - Gregory Maguire

80. “People tend to be generous when sharing their nonsense, fear, and ignorance. And while they seem quite eager to feed you their negativity, please remember that sometimes the diet we need to be on is a spiritual and emotional one. Be cautious with what you feed your mind and soul. Fuel yourself with positivity and let that fuel propel you into positive action.” - Steve Maraboli

81. “originality and a feeling of one's own dignity are achieved only through work and struggle.” - Fyodor Dostoyevsky

82. “in times like the present, men should utter nothing for which they would not willingly be responsible through time and eternity.” - Abraham Lincoln

83. “all appears to change when we change” - Henri Frédéric Amiel

84. “mystery is not founded in ignorance, mystery is founded in imagination” - S. Spencer Baker

85. “Compromise, if not the spice of life, is its solidity. It is what makes nations great and marriages happy” - Phyllis McGinley

86. “I guess ignorance is bliss - when I do interviews people always say, "Aren't you upset that people make fun of you?" and I'm like, "Are they making fun of me?" I guess I just don't get it.” - Pamela Anderson

87. “...not everyone is willing to defend a position of 'not knowing.' There is no virtue in ignorance for its own sake.” - B.F. Skinner

88. “But perhaps there are in us forces other than mind and heart, other even than the senses - mysterious forces which take hold of us in the moments when the others are asleep; and perhaps it was such forces that Melchior had found in the depths of those pale eyes which had looked at him so timidly one evening when he had accosted the girl on the bank of the river, and had sat down beside her in the reeds - without knowing why - and had given her his hand.” - Romain Rolland

89. “no people can be both ignorant and free.” - Thomas Jefferson

90. “Ignorance is not linear, it's exponential.” - Spuds Crawford

91. “My brother taught me that there is a difference between being a hater and being ignorant. Being a hater implies you understand the principle in question, while being ignorant implies that you do not understand the principle in question, and therefore, have no right to critique.” - Lionel Suggs

92. “Constantly exposing yourself to popular culture and the mass media will ultimately shape your reality tunnel in ways that are not necessarily conducive to achieving your Soul Purpose and Life Calling. Modern society has generally ‘lost the plot’. Slavishly following its false gods and idols makes no sense in a spiritually aware life.” - Anthon St. Maarten

93. “When there's a monster under your bed sometimes it really is best not to look.” - Jocelynn Drake

94. “Ignorance is an underrated virtue, my lord.” - Andrew Levkoff

95. “I don’t care how smart you are. You’ll never understand how little you really know until you’ve had a woman.” - Andrew Levkoff

96. “I am very poor - for a know nothing, understand nothing. It is not a calamitous condition until it is realized.” - Rafael Sabatini, Scaramouche

97. “Just tell yourself a story that'll satisfy you and pretend he told it.” - Catherynne M. Valente

98. “John has a narrow mind. For him, neither the beauty nor the prosperity of the city of Ephesus is worth a second glance. Ephesus was situated at the end of the Silk Road from China and the caravan route from India which used to pass through the Parthian Empire en route to the West. But the prophet is quite unaware that this particular world exists at all. Even culture means absolutely nothing to him; for example, in 18:22 he rejoices that not only song but also the sound of the flute have disappeared. The world which he knows is limited to the seven churches whose Christianity corresponded with his own; and that in but a single province of the Roman Empire, namely Asia. As to the rest, he is only familiar with the mother church in Jerusalem and the sister church in Rome.John is utterly obsessed by Rome. The fact that this particular metropolis had bestowed both law and peace upon no less than one-half of the world never got through to him at all. He is also quite oblivious of the fact that Rome oppresses nations and exploits slaves. He could not care less about national or social considerations. He abominates the "whore on the seven hills" simply because Rome is persecuting Christians. This is precisely what the Apocalypse is all about: innocent suffering.” - Gilles Quispel

99. “I find few things more personally enriching than exploring the parameters of my own ignorance.” - Steve Maraboli

100. “I look around and see that many — not all, but many — problems we've got could be solved if our culture simply fostered the habit of reading. Reading books of science, philosophy, history. Reading literature of quality, the sort that touches us because of a more profound reason, such as, for instance, because it's got something to say beyond all the futilities and trifles of life, even while depicting the ordinary in life, at the same time that it says it with style, in a unique, admirable manner. An original one. We are not a county of readers, notwithstanding. We are the country of football turned into a cult, of guile being ranked high as a cardinal virtue, of Carnival made for exportation. A country where there are more letters in political party acronyms than in all many of our politicians have written in a lifetime. A country where ethics has become a joke theme. Where democracy is but a ridiculous puppet theatre.Yes, I look around and see that many problems could be solved if we had the habit of reading. But I am not even sure whether there is someone reading these words.” - Camilo Gomes Jr

101. “Perception is blind to the knowledge that you cannot understand.” - Lionel Suggs

102. “When I was foolish, I detested sagacity. I ate the fruits of my foolishness and ignorance. I thank God because I was once foolish. It was from my foolishness that I learnt and understood the true savour of sagacity.” - Ogwo David Emenike

103. “What a refreshing mind you have, young man. There really is nothing quite like total ignorance, is there?” - Neil Gaiman

104. “Later, in my adulthood, I will read the book again, even watch the movie, and understand that I wasn’t equipped, as a child, to make room for arguments that would undermine every single choice made for me, that would shatter the foundations of my very existence. I would see that I had to believe everything I was taught, if only to survive. For a long time I wouldn’t be ready to accept that my worldview could be wrong, but I do not look back with shame at my ignorance.” - Deborah Feldman

105. “نحن نلتقي بالناس و لا ندري ان وجوههم مثل لحاء شجر قديم حفر الزمن عليه القصص الكثيرة , ونحن؟ نقرأ القصه الوحيده التي نراها امامنا في الوجه..بغداد مالبورو” - نجم والي

106. “It is what we think we know that keeps us from learning.” - Chester I. Barnard

107. “Fear of the unknown and the other is the root of almost all hate. It is born of ignorance and fed by those who would keep us divided.” - Tinnekke Bebout

108. “Facts or opinions which are to pass through the hands of so many, to be misconceived by folly in one, and ignorance in another, can hardly have much truth left.” - Jane Austen

109. “...the villagers had decided that 'practical' meant 'extremely magical and full of interesting objects' and had officially subtitled themselves, Winesap: A Pracktical Towne.” - Catherynne M. Valente

110. “How in hell did those bombers get up there every single second of our lives! Why doesn't someone want to talk about it! We've started and won two atomic wars since 2022! Is it because we're having so much fun at home we've forgotten the world? Is it because we're so rich and the rest of the world's so poor and we just don't care if they are? I've heard rumors; the world is starving, but we're well fed. Is it true, the world works hard and we play? Is that why we're hated so much? I've heard the rumors about hate too, once in a long while, over the years. Do you know why? I don't, that's sure! Maybe the books can get us half out of the cave. They just might stop us from making the same damn insane mistakes!” - Ray Bradbury

111. “It’s ignorant to think you know everything about a person. There’s many different sides to everybodys personality and there’s just different colours to a personality.” - Kelly Clarkson

112. “Ignorance is a virus. Once it starts spreading, it can only be cured by reason. For the sake of humanity, we must be that cure.” - Neil deGrasse Tyson

113. “The world demands I make good choices on no information, and then blames my maidenhood for my mistakes, as if my maidenhood were responsible for my ignorance. Ignorance is not stupidity, but it might as well be. And I do not like feeling stupid.” - Lois McMaster Bujold

114. “On the other hand, when you grow up you will discover that some of the people in this world never passed beyond the stage of the cave-man.” - Hendrik Willem Van Loon

115. “And, in fine, of false sciences I thought I knew the worth sufficiently to escape being deceived by the professions of an alchemist, the predictions of an astrologer, the impostures of a magician, or by the artifices and boasting of any of those who profess to know things of which they are ignorant.” - René Descartes

116. “I've demonstrated an impressive resilience in the face of valuable life lessons, and the main thing I seem to have learned from this one is that I am capable of learning nothing from almost any experience, no matter how profound.” - Tim Kreider

117. “Without love everything can be nothing. Does that make me want to love? No. For me, Ignorance is still better than martyrdom.” - Ira N. Barin

118. “It seems sometimes that people take a deliberately myopic and fill their eyes with things seen microscopically in order not to see macrosopically.” - Marilyn Frye

119. “We are against ignorance. We feel that you have to educate yourself, no matter what the situation is. People who refuse to educate themselves - people who refuse to find out what something is about, that they're frightened of - find comfort in being ignorant.”--Zeena Schreck Interview for KJTV-1990” - Zeena Schreck

120. “It should be noted, as with so many legends and popularly accepted truths created out of political motivation: There, in fact, is no evidence that the hundreds of murders historically attributed to the werewolves of Gévaudan were actually caused by wolves. As with all witchhunts, the endless battle against ignorance requires one to always keep an open mind and sharp wits when considering such rumors - especially the rumors we choose to enjoy.” - Zeena Schreck

121. “Place a weapon in the hands ofGreed, hatred, especially of ignoranceYou've created innocent deathsThat wasn't neccasary” - R.K. Cowles