128 Eyes Quotes

Sept. 19, 2024, 10:45 p.m.

128 Eyes Quotes

Eyes have long been considered the windows to the soul, inviting curiosity and fascination from poets, authors, and philosophers alike. Every glance can convey a wealth of emotions, experiences, and stories. In this blog post, we've curated a collection of the top 128 eyes quotes that capture the mystery, beauty, and depth found within a single look. Whether you're seeking inspiration, solace, or a deeper understanding of the human experience, these quotes are sure to offer a fresh perspective on the powerful and mesmerizing nature of the eyes. Dive in and let your own eyes wander through these carefully chosen words.

1. “The soul, fortunately, has an interpreter - often an unconscious but still a faithful interpreter - in the eye.” - Charlotte Brontë

2. “The eye through which I see God is the same eye through which God sees me; my eye and God's eye are one eye, one seeing, one knowing, one love.” - Meister Eckhart

3. “[S]he stood for some moments gazing at the sisters, with affection beaming in one eye, and calculation shining out of the other.” - Charles Dickens

4. “When life gives you lemons, squirt someone in the eye.” - Cathy Guiswite

5. “From women's eyes this doctrine I derive:They sparkle still the right Promethean fire;They are the books, the arts, the academes,That show, contain and nourish all the world.” - Shakespeare

6. “Can you be happy with the movies, and the ads, and the clothes in the stores, and the doctors, and the eyes as you walk down the street all telling you there is something wrong with you? No. You cannot be happy. Because, you poor darling baby, you believe them.” - Katherine Dunn

7. “There are brown eyes in the world, after all, as well as blue, and one pair of brown that meant heaven to me as the blue had never done” - E. Nesbit

8. “His eyes are peculiar. There is nothing in them, like an eclair without the cream filling. It's wrong, lack of cream.” - Gail Carriger

9. “Perception requires imagination because the data people encounter in their lives are never complete and always equivocal. For example, most people consider that the greatest evidence of an event one can obtain is to see it with their own eyes, and in a court of law little is held in more esteem than eyewitness testimony. Yet if you asked to display for a court a video of the same quality as the unprocessed data catptured on the retina of a human eye, the judge might wonder what you were tryig to put over. For one thing, the view will have a blind spot where the optic nerve attaches to the retina. Moreover, the only part of our field of vision with good resolution is a narrow area of about 1 degree of visual angle around the retina’s center, an area the width of our thumb as it looks when held at arm’s length. Outside that region, resolution drops off sharply. To compensate, we constantly move our eyes to bring the sharper region to bear on different portions of the scene we wish to observe. And so the pattern of raw data sent to the brain is a shaky, badly pixilated picture with a hole in it. Fortunately the brain processes the data, combining input from both eyes, filling in gaps on the assumption that the visual properties of neighboring locations are similar and interpolating. The result - at least until age, injury, disease, or an excess of mai tais takes its toll - is a happy human being suffering from the compelling illusion that his or her vision is sharp and clear.We also use our imagination and take shortcuts to fill gaps in patterns of nonvisual data. As with visual input, we draw conclusions and make judgments based on uncertain and incomplete information, and we conclude, when we are done analyzing the patterns, that out “picture” is clear and accurate. But is it?” - Leonard Mlodinow

10. “We scarcely know how much of our pleasure and interest in life comes to us through our eyes until we have to do without them; and part of that pleasure is that the eyes can choose where to look. But the ears can't choose where to listen.” - Ursula K. Le Guin

11. “The face is a picture of the mind with the eyes as its interpreter.” - Marcus Tullius Cicero

12. “When pain brings you down, don't be silly, don't close your eyes and cry, you just might be in the best position to see the sun shine.” - Alanis Morissette

13. “...his eyes lit up and glowed red against the dark bulk of it. A moment they remained so ... then they soared up, phosphorescently opalescent, with a predominance of red, like two sinful dead planets escaping from Hell.” - Jessie Douglas Kerruish

14. “The eyes are one of the most powerful tools a woman can have. With one look, she can relay the most intimate message. After the connection is made, words cease to exist. ” - Jennifer Salaiz

15. “Then love knew it was called love. And when I lifted my eyes to your name, suddenly your heart showed me my way” - Pablo Neruda

16. “Fashion Fact: Most people make the assumption that I wear trendy shades the majority of the time (often indoors) to protect my eyes from the elements. But in fact it's the reverse. I'm protecting the elements from the brilliance of my eyes.” - Mike "The Situation" Sorrentino

17. “So with curious eyes and sick surmiseWe watched him day by day,And wondered if each one of usWould end the self-same way,For none can tell to what red HellHis sightless soul may stray.” - Oscar Wilde

18. “Quiet descended, a silence so consuming that even the drafty corridors ceased whistling. Bog wasn't certain where to look, so he solved the problem by plucking out his eyes and sticking them in a drawer.” - A. Lee Martinez

19. “If there is a true measure of a person's soul, if there is a single gauge of real divinity, of how beautifully a fellow human honors this life, has genuine spiritual fire and is full of honest love and compassion, it has to be right there, in the eyes.The Dalai Lama's eyes sparkle and dance with laughter and unbridled love. The Pope's eyes are dark and glazed, bleak as obsidian marbles. Pat Robertson's eyes are rheumy and hollow, like tiny potholes of old wax. Goldman Sachs cretins, well, they don't use their own eyes at all; they just steal someone else's.” - Mark Morford

20. “I hold my plush monkey over the bannister and let it drop. Its eyes light up when you squeeze its kidneys as whose eyes, I suppose, would not.” - Frederick Buechner

21. “La Maga did not know that my kisses were like eyes which began to open up beyond her, and that I went along outside as if I saw a different concept of the world, the dizzy pilot of a black prow which cut the water of time and negated it.” - Julio Cortazar

22. “An animal's eyes have the power to speak a great language.” - Martin Buber

23. “We ought to regard the present state of the universe as the effect of its antecedent state and as the cause of the state that is to follow. An intelligence knowing all the forces acting in nature at a given instant, as well as the momentary positions of all things in the universe, would be able to comprehend in one single formula the motions of the largest bodies as well as the lightest atoms in the world, provided that its intellect were sufficiently powerful to subject all data to analysis; to it nothing would be uncertain, the future as well as the past would be present to its eyes. The perfection that the human mind has been able to give to astronomy affords but a feeble outline of such an intelligence.” - Pierre Simon de Laplace

24. “Your eyes will always be closer to your soul than to any other part of your body except the heart.” - Sorin Cerin

25. “Only in the eyes of love you can find infinity.” - Sorin Cerin

26. “If you see it's impossible, you may use others' eyes.” - Toba Beta

27. “Majority of women like to fantasize and men like to romanticize. I saw a painful mountain in her eyes.” - Santosh Kalwar

28. “Have you ever put finger, algea-filled lake-water, or shampoo in there? Yeah, that gets your eyes screaming in pain pretty quick, doesn't it? Unless you're using baby No More Tears shampoo, of course, in which case feel free to lather your eyeballs right on up, no worries.” - Neil Pasricha

29. “Escape? There is one unwatched way: your eyes. O Beauty! Keep me good that secret gate.” - Wilfred Owen

30. “The Girl With Many EyesOne day in the parkI had quite a surprise.I met a girlwho had many eyes.She was really quite pretty(and also quite shocking!)and I noticed she had a mouth,so we ended up talking.We talked about flowers,and her poetry classes,and the problems she'd haveif she ever wore glasses.It's great to know a girlwho has so many eyes,but you really get wetwhen she breaks down and cries.” - Tim Burton

31. “St. John's eyes, though clear enough in a literal sense, in a figurative one were difficult to fathom. He seemed to use them rather as instruments to search other people's thoughts, than as agents to reveal his own: the which combination of keenness and reserve was considerably more calculated to embarrass than to encourage.” - Charlotte Brontë

32. “You would say you don't see it: at least I flatter myself I read as much in your eye (beware, by-the-by, what you express with that organ, I am quick at interpreting its language).” - Charlotte Brontë

33. “True love doesn't need proof.The eyes told what heart felt.” - Toba Beta

34. “Eyes shows lies.” - Toba Beta

35. “If I can see pain in your eyes then share with me your tears. If I can see joy in your eyes then share with me your smile.” - Santosh Kalwar

36. “Curiosity is gluttony. To see is to devour.” - Victor Hugo

37. “The Artist always has the masters in his eyes.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson

38. “I watch what I eat every day. I mean, who actually eats with their eyes closed?” - Brian Celio

39. “Eyes can only capture objects that already seen in mind.And mind can only see things that already written in heart.” - Toba Beta

40. “When darkness falls and eyes stay shutA chain of voices opens up.Let wax not wane give breath to death.p.s. Shhh" -Yvonne Woon(Dead Beautiful)” - Yvonne Woon

41. “When my eyes meet his gaze as we're sitting here staring at each other, time stops. Those eyes are piercing mine, and I can swear at this moment he senses the real me. The one without the attitude, without the facade[...]” - Simone Elkeles

42. “My eyes were closed, they're open now” - Damien Rice

43. “A black boy brought Wilson's gin and he sipped it very slowly because he had nothing else to do except to return to his hot and squalid room and read a novel - or a poem. Wilson liked poetry, but he absorbed it secretly, like a drug. The Golden Treasury accompanied him wherever he went, but it was taken at night in small doses - a finger of Longfellow, Macaulay, Mangan: 'Go on to tell how, with genius wasted, Betrayed in friendship, befooled in love...' His taste was romantic. For public exhibition he has his Wallace. He wanted passionately to be indistinguishable on the surface from other men: he wore his moustache like a club tie - it was his highest common factor, but his eyes betrayed him - brown dog's eyes, a setter's eyes, pointing mournfully towards Bond Street.” - Graham Greene

44. “He'd never seen one so vibrant, though, or so vividly compelling... those glowing green eyes sparkling with sunlight and curiosity and silent laughter, and when she glanced in Henry's direction, she held his gaze, a look that was both challenging and enigmatic... He was utterly certain that this was Eleanor of Aquitaine, and no less sure that the French King must be one of God's greatest fools.” - Sharon Kay Penman

45. “Each time a man looks into your eyes, he is only searching to find himself; for he knows already, that he is part of you” - Jeremy Aldana

46. “His eyes were open wounds beneath his heavy brows, a blue as dark as the sea by night.” - George R.R. Martin

47. “Her eyes were of different colors, the left as brown as autumn, the right as gray as Atlantic wind. Both seemed alive with questions that would never be voiced, as if no words yet existed with which to frame them. She was nineteen years old, or thereabouts; her exact age was unknown. Her face was as fresh as an apple and as delicate as blossom, but a marked depression in the bones beneath her left eye gave her features a disturbing asymmetry. Her mouth never curved into a smile. God, it seemed, had withheld that possibility, as surely as from a blind man the power of sight. He had withheld much else. Amparo was touched—by genius, by madness, by the Devil, or by a conspiracy of all these and more. She took no sacraments and appeared incapable of prayer. She had a horror of clocks and mirrors. By her own account she spoke with Angels and could hear the thoughts of animals and trees. She was passionately kind to all living things. She was a beam of starlight trapped in flesh and awaiting only the moment when it would continue on its journey into forever.” (p.33)” - Tim Willocks

48. “You shine like the sun and you move like water. Your eyes are the perfect mix of gray and brown, like fog in the woods, and you smell like lilacs in the summer. I think if you laughed, it would sound like music.” - M. Leighton

49. “Eyes skip a low-key profile.” - Toba Beta

50. “People felt themselves watching him even before they knew that there was anything different about him. His eyes made a person think that he heard things that no one else had ever heard, that he knew things no one had ever guessed before. He did not seem quite human.” - Carson McCullers

51. “Basically, I believe the world is a jungle, and if it's not a bit of a jungle in the home, a child cannot possibly be fit to enter the outside world.” - Bette Davis

52. “A King and Queen cannot support a crown with eyes looking down. Their universe expands as far as you can see.” - T.F. Hodge

53. “Those who speak of progression but are afraid of change are self-repressed and therefore unable to reach any further than their eyes can already see.” - Criss Jami

54. “Her eyes were those of someone who's just fallen in love, someone who sees nothing but her lover, someone who has no fear of anything. The eyes of someone who believes that every dream will come true, that reality will move if you just give it a push.” - Banana Yoshimoto

55. “They were a deep emerald green, the exact same color as mine, and they glowed with an intensity I had never witnessed before. A slash of silver crossed each one, the sun's reflection making them sparkle like dancing crystals. The emerald irises appeared to be swirling in circles, creating the illusion that his eyes were never-ending. Flecks of darker emerald clustered around each pupil made my breath catch in my throat. Suddenly, my disheartened mood vanished, almost as if I had never felt sadness before. Something about these eyes held me in place, as if I had found a balance, blanketing me in a cocoon of comfort, free of worries and concerns.” - Markelle Grabo

56. “She looked out the window; in her eyes was the light that you see only in children arriving at a new place, or in young people still open to new influences, still curious about the world because they have not yet been scarred by life.” - Orhan Pamuk

57. “My mother was teaching me that the inside of something was not necessarily its outside. Always look carefully, she told me. Look with more than your eyes.” - Alice Hoffman

58. “You have two eyes, and two ears, but only one mouth. This is so because you are supposed to look and listen more than you talk.” - Lucca Kaldahl

59. “Your very eyes. How they have always been for me the command to obey, the inviolable and beautiful commandment. No, no, I'm not telling lies. Your appearance in the doorway!...You have been my body's health. Whenever I have read a book, it was you I was reading, not the book, you were the book. You were, you were.” - Robert Walser

60. “It's the mind that sees, not eyes.” - Toba Beta

61. “[A] person whose head is bowed and whose eyes are heavy cannot look at the light.” - Christine de Pizan

62. “Love gives you eyes.” - Peter Kreeft

63. “They were different colors: the right one blue, the left green. And her face in the light of the candle on the table startled me at first, just as it had in the icy night air. After seeing it on the street, I was afraid I had only imagined it: a still, luminous face with a silvery sheen. Finely hewn, with a long, straight nose and a wide mouth, it was nearly identical to another face, which I had photographed years before. Not on a person, bu on the fragment of a frieze I found in some ruins near Verona, The frieze, which depicted a band of musicians, had once been shadowed beneath a cornice high on the temple of Mercury, god of magic. Belonging to one of the musicians, it was a riveting face - like a puzzle that could not be solved - which I had never found, or expected to find, on a living woman.” - Nicholas Christopher

64. “My own eyes try to sleep, but they don't. They stay wide awake as time snarls forward and silence drops down, like measured thought.” - Markus Zusak

65. “The pages and the words are my world, spread out before your eyes and for your hand to touch. Vaguely, I can see you face looking down into me, as I look back. Do you see my eyes?” - Markus Zusak

66. “We always protect our heads, our faces,' he commented as he followed a half-step behind and to her left. It's pure instinct; to shield the eyes. The irony is that the blind have no eyes to protect, and suffer most of their injuries on their legs. But instinct can be blind, too.” - Melinda Cross

67. “How can you fall in love at first sight when you can't even see?” - Melinda Cross

68. “Cassie fumbled helplessly beneath the shade of the ancient oak, still searching for her second shoe.The first had been easy to find, having landed close to where she had kicked it off; and when her hand had finally encountered it, she clutched it to her breast in a gesture of smug triumph. For one brief moment, she felt a twinge of sympathy for the sighted people who would never experience such sweet victory from a task as simple as finding a shoe.” - Melinda Cross

69. “Eyes as black and as shiny as chips of obsidian stared back into his. They were eyes like black holes, letting nothing out, not even information.” - Neil Gaiman

70. “The shadows of the room pool in the lines of our faces, draining our eyes of hue. "There's nothing left worth saying.” - Isaac Marion

71. “If you had weak eyes, they needed exercise to get strong. Glasses were like crutches. They prevented people with feeble eyes from seeing the world on their own.” - Jeannette Walls

72. “She didn't say anything—at least, not with her mouth. Her eyes told me a different story. The only problem was that they each had a thousand tongues talking, each in a language I didn't speak.” - J.X. Burros

73. “Dear billion dollar eyes they are a paupers dream” - Dr. Amit Abraham

74. “You're a Dark One," said Anton. "All you see in everything is evil, treachery, trickery.""All I do is not close my eyes to them," Edgar retorted. "And that's why I don't trust Zabulon. I distrust him almost as much as I do Gesar. I can even trust you more—you're just another unfortunate chess piece who happens by chance to be painted a different color from me. Does a white pawn hate a black one? No. Especially if the two pawns have their heads down together over a quiet beer or two.""You know," Anton said in a slightly surprised voice, "I just don't understand how you can carry on living if you see the world like that. I'd just go and hang myself.""So you don't have any counterarguments to offer?"Anton took a gulp of beer too. The wonderful thing about this natural Czech beer was that even if you drank lots of it, it still didn't make your head or your body feel heavy... Or was that an illusion?"Not a single one," Anton admitted. "Right now, this very moment, not a single one. But I'm sure you're wrong. It's just difficult to argue about the colors of the rainbow with a blind man. There's something missing in you... I don't know what exactly. But it's something very important, and without it you're more helpless than a blind man.” - Sergei Lukyanenko

75. “YOU YOU YOUyour eyes, thick as a high school scrapbook crackling and yellow, curling at the edgesa book of myths in which i do not appear.” - Clint Catalyst

76. “Calvin said, "Do you know that this is the first time I've seen you without your glasses?""I'm blind as a bat without them. I'm near-sighted, like father.""Well, you know what, you've got dream-boat eyes," Calvin said. "Listen, you go right on wearing your glasses. I don't think I want anybody else to see what gorgeous eyes you have.” - Madeleine L'Engle

77. “...who would have known the dark eyes staring into mine would become our children's eyes...?” - John Geddes

78. “Fear   Only  Constraints  Undeveloped                       Strength                      where your eyes look to within,                      is what your heart will believe.” - Anthony Liccione

79. “...I lost my illusions in a black rain of bitterness - now what do you see in my eyes? How can you still love me? How can I be tender? ...” - John Geddes

80. “...the wounds of the past and the scars of the present don't disfigure me in your eyes - because you know the price I pay for loving you ...” - John Geddes

81. “Why does he have such an unnerving effect on me? His over-whelming good looks maybe? The way his eyes blaze at me? The way he strokes his index finger against his lower lip? I wish he'd stop doing that.” - E.L. James

82. “If eyes are windows to the soul, then tears are heavens rain.” - Anthony Liccione

83. “Blue is the most common eye color in Oria Province, but there is something different about his eyes and I'm not sure what it is. More depth? I wonder what he sees when he looks at me. If he seems to have depth to me, do I seem shallow and transparent to him?” - Ally Condie

84. “Any other questions?""Just one," I say. "What color are your eyes?" I want to know what he thinks, how he sees himself - the real Ky - when he dares to look."Blue," he says sounding surprised, "they've always been blue.""Not to me.""What do they look like to you?" he says puzzled, amused. Not looking at my mouth anymore, looking into my eyes."Lots of colors," I say. "At first I thought they were brown. Once I thought they were green...""What are they now?" he asks. He widens his eyes a little, leans closer, lets me look as long and deep as I want."Well?""Everything," I tell him, "They're everything.” - Ally Condie

85. “We don't take orders from you, Sergeant." Quain said. "Your man tried to assassinate-""He isn't mine. My man has eyes that change color with the seasons.” - Maria V. Snyder

86. “If you desire the path of sincerity, develop a love for obscurity. Flee from the clatter and clinks of fame. Be like the roots of a tree; it keeps the tree upright and gives it life, but it itself is hidden underneath the earth and eyes cannot see it.” - Abdullah ibn al-Mubarak

87. “Observe the eyes, for they are the windows to her soul.” - Habeeb Akande

88. “I looked into her eyes, and saw my own staring back, the same peculiar shade, pale grey, flecked with yellow, rimmed with black. Now I knew the nature of her debt. It had weighed on her conscience for fourteen years. I was looking into the eyes of mother and I knew that I would never see her again.” - Celia Rees

89. “Behind these eyesthere is a girl trapped withinher pain – a girl feeling all the emotionsof anger and sadness.She’s fighting for a way out.” (In her eyes, p. 39)” - Chimnese Davids

90. “I am too rich already, for my eyes mint gold.- Coloured Money” - Mervyn Peake

91. “I couldn't tell what colour her eyes were. They were wet and dark and shining, like pools of deep, still water. For a second I thought I could see pictures in them, like I was looking right inside her to where her memories were. She smiled, and I wondered if she knew what I'd seen or if she could see the pictures I kept hidden inside myself.” - Glenda Millard

92. “Sometimes I can see colour without opening my eyes. I saw that Billy's heart was no colour and every colour. Like water or diamonds or crystals, it's pure and reflects the light.” - Glenda Millard

93. “... and all we knew about her that we didn't know the night before was that she had eyes like pansies and skin like the moon.” - Glenda Millard

94. “Ci vuole sempre la disgrazia per aprire gli occhi alla gente” - Mauro Corona

95. “If the eyes are the window to the soul, then Edward's in trouble 'cause no one is home.” - Laurell K. Hamilton

96. “Poets are damned… but see with the eyes of angels.” - Allen Ginsberg

97. “My love, can't you seehow much i love theeFor i through your eyesshall seeOur great lovefor all eternity” - - AMAL SAGHEER

98. “„Dva su načina na koja gledamo lice druge osobe. Jedan je da gledamo oči kao dio lica. A drugi, gledamo u oči i to je to, kao da su one lice. Takvih se stvari čovjek jednostavno preplaši. Jer oči su život u malome.” - Alessandro D'Avenia

99. “They no longer wanted to entice anyone; all they wanted was to catch a glimpse for as long as possible of the reflected glory in the great eyes of Odysseus” - Franz Kafka

100. “I like you; your eyes are full of language."[Letter to Anne Clarke, July 3, 1964.]” - Anne Sexton

101. “...Again she did not seem to hear, still looking into Cale’s eyes. Then slowly, hopelessly, she dropped her gaze. “I understand,” she said. It was that, of course, that pierced him as if she had stabbed him through the heart. To him it was the sound of lost faith and it was unendurable. He felt he’d become a kind of god in her eyes, and it was simply impossible to give up her adoration.” - Paul Hoffman

102. “I believe you!' the artiste exclaimed finally and extinguishes his gaze. 'I do! These eyes are not lying! How many times have I told you that your basic error consists in underestimating the significance of the human eye. Understand that the tongue can conceal the truth, but the eyes - never! A sudden question is put to you, you don't even flinch, in one second you get hold of yourself and know what you must say to conceal the truth, and you speak quite convincingly, and not a wrinkle on your face moves, but - alas - the truth which the question stirs up from the bottom of your soul leaps momentarily into your eyes, and it's all over! They see it, and you're caught!” - Mikhail Bulgakov

103. “Injured SoulFainted EyesReturningfrom where?Weary feetWeak armsTreadingtoward where?Struggledin vain battlesFightingdelusive enemiesErred bya deceptionThe ancient deception” - Rixa White

104. “Oh, now my Erin, she'd smile down on me no matter where I walked." Grandpop smiled that little smile again. "But I'd be separated from her, and I'd feel that separation in my soul, you see?"Nathan shook his head.Grandpop sighed. "You have the Irish eyes, boy. One of these days, you'll see from eyes, not your own, feel with a heart outside your chest. Wild Irish eyes. Nathan. When you love, love well and love true, and take care, lad, because those Irish eyes are windows into not just your own soul, but the soul of the one you love." Grandpop looked out at his Erin's grave."And when you lose that heart, you can't leave the places where your memories are the best. And if I left her, I'd not be buried beside her.” - Lora Leigh

105. “Ah, what happiness it is to be with people who are all happy, to press hands, press cheeks, smile into eyes.” - Katherine Mansfield

106. “Those eyes of his just look up at me, pupils dilated in the diffused lights of the room. Wide, black pools, seeking out galaxies.” - Neal Shusterman

107. “his stubble was cut smooth. he smelled of aftershave, dry deodorant and sex-tarnished bedsheets. those eyes--grey, strong, inlaid beneath a firm brow that displayed such hate and SUCH love--they seduced her every time... but not tonight.” - Jake Vander Ark

108. “She was looking into my eyes with that way she had of looking that made you wonder whether she really saw out of her own eyes. They would look on and on after every one else's eyes in the world would have stopped looking. She looked as though there were nothing on earth she would not look at like that, and really she was afraid of so many things.” - Ernest Hemingway

109. “Why is it that one can look at a lion or a planet or an owl or at someone's finger as long as one pleases, but looking into the eyes of another person is, if prolonged past a second, a perilous affair?” - Walker Percy

110. “She was sitting up now. My arm was around her and she was leaning back against me, and we were quite calm. She was looking into my eyes with that way she had of looking that made you wonder whether she really saw out of her own eyes. They would look on and on after every one else's eyes in the world would have stopped looking. She looked as though there were nothing on earth she would not look at like that, and really she was afraid of so many things,” - Ernest Hemingway

111. “The very first thing I saw was his eyes, bluer and brighter than the sea itself. They gazed at me, so dazzling, and for an instant I couldn't even feel the pain. I was too overcome by the handsomeness of this sandy haired boy” - Rebecah McManus

112. “I worked hard to meet his eyes, even though they were the kind of pretty that’s hard to look at..” - John Green

113. “A heartful mind can always see better than mindless eyes” - Munia Khan

114. “He had to keep busy; he had to keep moving so that the sinews connected behind his eyes did not slip loose and spin his eyes to the interior of his skull where the scenes waited for him.” - Leslie Marmon Silko

115. “I remember his eyes. They are just like mine. Every time I look in the mirror I see him. I try not to look at my self too much.” - Ida Løkås

116. “It frightened him to think what must have gone to the making of her eyes.” - Edith Wharton

117. “He had a thousand-year-old stare.” - Louise Erdrich

118. “But if you close your eyes,does it almost feel like nothing changed at all?” - Bastille Pompeii

119. “The men laugh at the witty line, but it is not a belly laugh. Beasley's mouth is in a wide smile, but his eyes do not laugh, for there is little reason for joy. And if eyes are indeed mirrors of the soul, then they reflect an infinite sadness. I look away, afraid of what mine might reflect” - Mumia Abu-Jamal

120. “Dimitri no dijo nada cuando fue su turno, pero como siempre, sus ojos hablaban por él.” - Richelle Mead

121. “It was those eyes as much as anything that had earned him his reputation as a man to be reckoned with. When he stared at a person, clear and unwavering, men grew uncomfortable. Women positively shivered.” - Julia Quinn

122. “To hear never-heard sounds, To see never-seen colors and shapes, To try to understand the imperceptible Power pervading the world; To fly and find pure ethereal substances That are not of matter But of that invisible soul pervading reality. To hear another soul and to whisper to another soul; To be a lantern in the darkness Or an umbrella in a stormy day; To feel much more than know. To be the eyes of an eagle, slope of a mountain; To be a wave understanding the influence of the moon; To be a tree and read the memory of the leaves; To be an insignificant pedestrian on the streets Of crazy cities watching, watching, and watching. To be a smile on the face of a woman And shine in her memory As a moment saved without planning.” - Dejan Stojanovic

123. “Close your eyes and you will see your dreams, open them and you will see obstacles.” - Gavriil Stiharul

124. “The stars were only sparks of the fire which devoured us. Should that fire die out one day, there would be nothing left in the sky but dead stars, dead eyes.” - Elie Wiesel

125. “If the pirate with a scarf had been more poetically minded he’d have thought that her eyes were like a thousand emeralds, glittering in a far-off pirate treasure chest. But he wasn’t, so he just thought that she had really really green eyes, a bit like seaweed.” - Gideon Defoe

126. “Old age. All the facial detail is visible; all the traces life has left there are to be seen. The face is furrowed, wrinkled, sagging, ravaged by time. But the eyes are bright and, if not young, then somehow transcend the time that otherwise marks the face. It is as though someone else is looking at us, from somewhere inside the face, where everything is different. One can hardly be closer to another human soul.” - Karl Ove Knausgård

127. “She had curiously thoughtful and attentive eyes; eyes that were very pretty and very good.” - Charles Dickens

128. “Kiekvieną akimirką jaučiame, kad negalime laimės išlaikyti, ir nė nebandome <...> Bet jeigu mes nemėginame sučiupti jos ir suturėti savo šiurkščiomis rankomis, tai gal ji, niekieno nebaidoma, išlieka mūsų akių gilumoje? Gal ji išlieka ten, kol gyvos tos akys?” - Erich Maria Remarque