130 Historical Romance Quotes

June 12, 2024, 12:45 p.m.

130 Historical Romance Quotes

Step back into a world of passion, intrigue, and timeless romance with our curated collection of the top 130 Historical Romance Quotes. These enchanting lines, drawn from the quills of the genre's most beloved authors, will transport you to bygone eras where love defied the odds and carved its way into history. Whether you're a devoted reader of historical romances or simply a lover of eloquent expressions of affection, prepare to be swept off your feet by these memorable and heart-stirring quotations. Dive in and let the whispers of the past ignite your imagination and stir your soul.

1. “If I die," he whispered in the dark, "dinna follow me. The bairns will need ye. Stay for them. I can wait.” - Diana Gabaldon

2. “A hedgehog? And just how does a hedgehog make love?" he demanded. No, I thought. I won't. I will not. But I did. "Very carefully," I replied, giggling helplessly. So now we know just how old that one is, I thought. ” - Diana Gabaldon

3. “Lying on the floor, with the carved panels of the ceiling flickering dimly above, I found myself thinking that I had always heretofore assumed that the tendency of eigh­teenth-century ladies to swoon was due to tight stays; now I rather thought it might be due to the idiocy of eighteenth-century men. ” - Diana Gabaldon

4. “Love will find a way against time itself.” - Sylvia Day

5. “Annabelle gave him a chiding smile. “If you’re implying that I’m spoiled, I assure you that I am not.”“You should be.” His warm gaze slid over her pink-tinted face and slender upper body, then sought hers again. There was a note in his voice that gently robbed her of breath. “You could do with a bit of spoiling.” - Lisa Kleypas

6. “Every word you have ever uttered, is engraved upon my heart.” - Elizabeth Hoyt

7. “I want to fill every part of you, breathe the air from your lungs and leave my handprints on your soul. I want to give you more pleasure than you can bear.” - Lisa Kleypas

8. “Yes, my boy, you are indeed much faster, bigger, and stronger than me and an altogether superior speciman of God's creation, but I have seen your like before. Only one of us can be master, and it won't be you.” - Emery Lee

9. “Son of a beast tried to bite me when I turned my back to the billets!"...Nostrils flaring and ears pinned, the grey repeated the offense. "He wants another go at it. Be a sport ol' man!" Robert chortled. The indignant Scotsman threw the reins in his face, tromping off to collect the major's horse."I wonder was it reward or punishment Winthrop had in mind in allowing you to keep that brute?" Drake innocently inquired."He only eats Scotsman," Robert quipped.” - Emery Lee

10. “Enjoy the ride!” - Emery Lee

11. “I’ve never heard of a man being so eager to confess to the parent of a girl he’s just ruined” - Lisa Kleypas

12. “He'd missed matching wits with her. "Shall we duel with our lips?" "You may find yourself eating grass for breakfast.” - Vicky Dreiling

13. “IF you wish to be a writer then don't wait until you write the "great American novel" for they aren't written they are created. If you don't write at all you won't know how "great" that simple book can be.” - Shiree Mccarver

14. “I wondered what he would have thought if he'd known that I'd gleaned most of my information from reading historical romance novels.” - Nicole Luiken

15. “They (mothers-in-law) never leave when they say they will. When my mother-in-law visits, the mice throw themselves at the cat, begging to be eaten.” - Lisa Kleypas

16. “Her lips found his and a stab of exquisite desire shot through him. This is what he's been waiting for all this time. Not a stolen embrace. A gift, freely given. One that he would keep forever in some small part of his soul.” - Courtney Milan

17. “Ring the bells that still can ring. Forget your perfect offering. There is a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in.-Leonard Cohen” - Bailey Bristol

18. “They had pulled me from the hemorrhaging, dying body of my mother and turned me over to the care of the man who was not my father. He had taken me home to their tiny apartment above the old hardware store and done what little he knew to take care of me. It took less than six weeks for him to realize his mistake. Maybe even less than six hours, but he never abandoned me. He clung to me as though I was the last remnant of some great and powerful love. And that gave me hope that maybe my mother was really something else and not just some girl who got knocked up by a guy whose name she didn’t even know. She was something special, someone worthy of a man’s loyalty and devotion.--Rocky Evans” - Gwenn Wright

19. “She did not want to know what charmhe had used to make her love him so deeply. She did not want to know it wasn’t real.” - Penelope Marzec

20. “Daniel, I did not knowwhat I wanted when I was agirl. And then I was a fool in every sense of the word. And now that I am a woman grown, I know that I love you and I want this son of yours, and our children who will come. I have seen a woman break her heart for love: my Queen Mary. I have seen another break her soul to avoid it: my Princess Elizabeth. I don't want to be Mary or Elizabeth, I want to be me: Hannah Verde Carpenter.""And we shall live somewhere that we can follow our belifs without danger," he insisted."Yes," I said, "in the England that Elizabeth will make.” - Philippa Gregory

21. “We can talk about our dreams all night, Lisette. We can talk forever, for the rest of our lives, living one adventure after another, I promise. But not now, my darling Lisette. For now, all I can think of is the brilliance of yet another ancient Greek, Sophocles. He said, 'One word frees us of all the weight and pain of life-that word is love.' I love you, Lisette. You bring my life joy I've never known. Please, marry me.” - Kasey Michaels

22. “..he wanted her.And at another time, as another man, he would have her. Without hesitation. As lover. . . as more.” - Sarah MacLean

23. “I know the truth now. You've figured out I'm falling in love with you and you're trying to make me stop by hurting me this way. Well it won't work.One way or another, I'm going to make you care about me. Yes, I am, unless your cold attitude kills me first.It's only fair, Connor. If I'm going to be miserable, by God, so are you.I am not a common wench and I will not be treated like one.” - Julie Garwood

24. “I intend to marry Michael, and squander all his money and run his life, and make sure he never again consorts with wicked women or gambles with licentious men. I promise I will henpeck him until he has no life beyond what I allow him, and when we die, I will lie in his arms through all eternity.” - Christina Dodd

25. “. . . if you can't see the good man he is, you need to unscrew them eyeballs of yours and try on a different pair.” - Karen Witemeyer

26. “What have I done to her?" Gabriel muttered to himself as he crossed the room to crank open a window. Cool air washed over his skin. "What the devil did she do to me?” - Olivia Parker

27. “You are absolutely beautiful," Anne said. "But if you see yourself, you'll want to pin your hair back like a shepherdess in a bad play."(Eleanor) "Are you saying that I normally look as if I'm tending sheep? With straw in my hair? As if I might yodel?” - Eloisa James

28. “I'm not going to accept your challenge. There will be no duel.""Why not? Because I'm a woman?""No, because I've seen the way you spinsters handle a pistol. You'd shoot me dead where I stood.” - Tessa Dare

29. “We have to get out of here, Bram. Before they take our bollocks and use them for pincushions.” - Tessa Dare

30. “I want to talk to you. I want to listen to you. I want to walk with you and, yes, I want you in my bed. That's what I want today. That's what I'll want in a hundred years. If you promise to be my wife forever, I will pledge myself to your happiness.” - Christina Dodd

31. “I would rather be a cripple and have your love for all of a single moment than to live as I am without ever having it.” - Lorraine Heath

32. “A witty vicar once said that a good marriage is like a pair of scissors with the couple inseparable joined, often moving in opposite directions, yet always destroying anyone who comes between them. The trick is for the blades to learn to work smoothly together, so as not to cut each other.” - Mary Jo Putney

33. “If you have always suspected your sister of an inclination to madness, it will be my pleasure to confirm your worst fears.” - Mary Balogh

34. “And if you ever - and I do mean ever - try to leave me, I’m goin’ with you.” - Catherine Anderson

35. “The man irritated her just like a rash.” - Julie Garwood

36. “Who does not tremble when he considers how to deal with his wife For not only is he bound to love her but so to live with her that he may return her to God pure and without stain when God who gave shall demand His own again.” - King Henry VIII

37. “All things in Fiji are paid for in blood.” - Lance Morcan & James Morcan

38. “I will find her.""And when you do?" Roger asked."I will make her mine," the warrior answered in a hard, determined voice. "She will be mine."The vow was made.” - Julie Garwood

39. “When she shines we all bask in her happiness, but when the thunderstorms come in, let me warn you, find a faraway hiding hole." Dorothy Broadbelt, lady in waiting to Queen Elizabeth 1.” - Suzanne Crowley

40. “...Ethan, but I'm certainly not the type of woman to just go home with two men whether I know them or not. It would be highly inappropriate, not to mention stupid.""And you're not stupid.""Not as far as I can tell"...” - M.K. McClintock

41. “No book is written; it's always re-written” - Jean Fullerton

42. “Son of a bitch!" Cash erupted. "He's wearing Nate's guns." Reese had been too occupied gazing into those eyes to notice the oddity of a gun belt strapped around a naked waist. Cash was right. Those were Nate's pretty pearl pistols. Reese had never liked those guns. He liked them even less now. "Sullivan, ask him where he got those," Cash demanded. "What gave you the idea I can speak Comanche?" "Because you are one?" "You're a jackass, but I don't expect you to talk to a donkey." "This is no time to be funny, breed." "Then quit trying so hard.” - Lori Handeland

43. “If I could,” he went on, “I would remain like this indefinitely—clasped by you, held inside you, a part of you—without moving at all. When we make love, I fight climax with everything I have. I don’t want to come; I do not want it to end. No matter how long I make it last, it isn’t nearly long enough. I am furious when I cannot hold back any longer. Why, Jess? If all I seek is the physical relief of natural lust, just as I would seek sleep or food, why would I deny myself?”She turned her head and caught his mouth with hers, kissing him desperately.“Tell me you understand,” he demanded, his lips moving beneath hers. “Tell me you feel it, too.”“I feel you,” she breathed, as intoxicated by his ardency as she was by the finest claret. “You have become everything to me.” - Sylvia Day

44. “In my experience there are only a handful of reasons for murder....Jealousy, vengeance, greed, fear and pleasure....Some killers enjoy the kill....For them it is a great game, and for the most part they are the ones I hunt.” - Amanda Quick

45. “Ruth wiped her eyes. Successful at a price? Forgiven but damaged? She wished so much more for her baby sister.” - Sarah Sundin

46. “I have wanted you for so long now,” he said roughly, “I’ve no memory of how it feels to be devoid of the craving. But you must know what you do. I need you to think of who you are and where you are and who I am. Think of how things will be once we’ve crossed this threshold. Think of how you will leave this cabin—disheveled and well fucked.” - Sylvia Day

47. “This man was no servant. She looked up at him in acute agitation and knew: this man was now her master.” - V.S. Carnes

48. “With time, grief has a way of slipping down in the crevices of your heart. It never really leaves; it just makes room for more.” - Nancy B. Brewer

49. “You could have arrived atop a wildcat and no one would have said a word. They will adore you.” - Deeanne Gist

50. “Look. Isn't he beautiful?"Drew's expression softened. "Ah, Nellie. He's bald, pink, and has no teeth. What's so beautiful about that?"Nellie's laugh tinkled out like musical chimes while she covered the babe back up.” - Deeanne Gist

51. “Thought you didn't like red hair."One of Drew's dimples kicked in as he draped an arm about Grandma's shoulder. "Must have me confused with someone else, but I'm not surprised. Seems to happen to most of the older set at some point or other.” - Deeanne Gist

52. “Sneezeweed, Drew?"He grinned. "Jealous?""Surprised.""Remind me, and I'll have a talk with Gerald. Give him a few tips.""Promise?""Absolutely.” - Deeanne Gist

53. “You next," he said. "Out of those clothes and into bed."She nodded but didn't move from Sally's side. The thought of undressing exhausted her. Where would she find the strength such a task would require?"I'm filthy. I'll ruin the new bed.""I'll bring you some fresh water.""I've no clothes to change into."His grin was downright wicked. "I know."A short laugh escaped her.” - Deeanne Gist

54. “Lord Randall barreled inside, brandishing his cane in Drew's face."You beggarly knave, I was told this marriage was in name only! Who gave you permission to consummate the vows?""Theodore Hopkin, governor of this colony, representative of the kind, and it's going to cost you plenty, for that daughter of yours is nothing but trouble. What in the blazes were you thinking to allow her an education?"Drew bit back his smile at the man's shocked expression. Nothing like landing the first punch.Lord Randall furrowed his bushy gray brows."I knew not about her education until it was too late."Drew straightened the cuffs of his shirt. "Well, be prepared to pay dearly for it. No man should have to suffer through what I do with the constant spouting of the most addlepated word puzzles you could imagine."-----------------------------------------"I require fifteen thousand pounds."Lord Randall spewed ale across the floor. "What! Surely drink has tickled your poor brain. You're a FARMER, you impudent rascal. I'll give you five thousand."Drew plopped his drink onto the table at his side, its contents sloshing over the rim. A satisfied smile broke across his face."Excellent." He stood."When will you take her back to England with you? Today? Tomorrow?"The old man's red-rimmed eyes widened. "I cannot take her back. Why, she's already birthed a child!" Drew shrugged. "Fifteen thousand or I send her AND the babe back, with or without you.” - Deeanne Gist

55. “That first scream, my lord, was indeed your daughter, my wife, and if you kill me, your grandchild will be quite without a father. Won't you come in?” - Deeanne Gist

56. “Oh, they'll never believe a woman could solve such puzzles. They'll just assume I'm humoring you by editing it myself and allowing you to put your name to it."She raised her eyebrows. "But you wouldn't be."He humphed. "They'll never hear me admit it.""I will," she said, a smile curving her lips.He shrugged. "They'll believe me, not you.” - Deeanne Gist

57. “You were kidnapped not?""I was kidnapped.""You were forced not into marriage?""I was forced into marriage.""You want not an annulment?""I want not an annulment.” - Deeanne Gist

58. “He wants a fifteen thousand pound settlement.""Fifteen thousand!""He says you're a great deal of trouble."She hesitated for one startled moment before choking back a laugh."I am.""I thought so." He leveled Drew a look. "If I pay you the fifteen thousand, do you swear to keep her?"Drew reared back his head. "Forever?"Her father scowled. "Forever.""Oh, I suppose." He gave a long-suffering sigh. "If I must."She bit the insides of her cheeks to keep from laughing outright.” - Deeanne Gist

59. “Someday, my love, you're going to understand just how much I care for you. You're my light, my warmth, my other half. I only feel alive when I'm with you. I love you." Caine” - Julie Garwood

60. “… Looking at her, I think I know better what romantic love is.”… she asked, “What is it?”“It is parental love,” he answered thoughtfully. “Wanting to protect and keep the other person safe. As well as the love of friendship - esteeming the other person, even desiring each other’s company beyond all others. And it is lust,” he said, meeting her eyes, and was rewarded with seeing them darken, her breath becoming slightly unsteady, one little word jerking her out of her clinical assessment. He smiled, a predatory, seductive grin. “The physical needing of the other person, the quickened pulse, the sweaty heat.” His hand, which still rested on hers, began slowly moving, his fingers dancing over her skin. “Combining them makes the result greater than its individual parts. Because it produces something else. It creates … a steadiness. A strength. I can’t explain it well - being only an outside observer - but I only know that out of my friends' relationships, my sister‘s marriage is the epitome of grace.” - Kate Noble

61. “The workings of the male mind are twisted indeed." Winnifred Crane” - Kate Noble

62. “Never judge yourself by the narrowstandards of others. What we do together here is ourbusiness, nobody else's. Never, never doubt what we havejust done is anything but love. Never let yourself be restrictedby thoughts of what society would have you do, what it wouldaccept or condemn. Please promise me that.” - Lynne Connolly

63. “He stood at the foot of the grave, gloved hands clasped behind him, his dark clothes and hair blending into one black silhouette, as if he were not a presence but an absence, a hole cut out of the landscape.” - Amanda DeWees

64. “The sun had just slipped behind the trees and evening cast its dark, smoky shadow.” - Nancy B. Brewer

65. “According to Robert, his friend Moses was a soldier in the first war, as he described it. He fought Indians and soldiers in red coats.” - Nancy B. Brewer

66. “It was not an unusual site to see Negro tenant farmers crossing the intersection of Spring and Barbrick on the way to the cotton warehouse” - Nancy B. Brewer

67. “It was a warm and natural feeling to be there. We were not black or white people. We were just people bound together by love and understanding. As I walked out of that church, I felt like I had rediscovered my inner peace.” - Nancy B. Brewer

68. “Because I can only love you entirely. With everything I am, and everything I ever will be. Body, mind, heart, soul.” - Victor Bramwell, Earl of Rycliff.” - Tessa Dare

69. “I been running up a bill with the devil ever since, and now he's come to collect on the debt.” - Steven B. Weissman

70. “The curtains were not yet drawn and with the moonlight spreading across the room, I could see clearly. I undressed and slipped a soft cotton gown over my naked body. I pulled the blanket off the foot of my bed, covered my shoulders and wa...lked out on the balcony. The cool night air blowing through my hair served as a reminder that only a hint of summer remained in this year of 1860.” - Nancy B. Brewer

71. “Moja je ljubav zaspala, da se ponovo probudi.” - Marija Jurić Zagorka

72. “Što u ustima i u srcu, neka bude i na djelu. Samo od riječi i od srca još uvijek malo koristi.” - Marija Jurić Zagorka

73. “Sreća mora doći. Sunce na nebu skrivaju oblaci i javljaju olujama da i ljudi strepe, ali (...) sunce je tamo iza oblaka! Ono mora izaći na čistinu. Mora, samo čekaj i vjeruj da dolazi...” - Marija Jurić Zagorka

74. “Gdje se biju rođena braća, tamo nema više doma.” - Marija Jurić Zagorka

75. “Pravda nije uvijek brižna majka!” - Marija Jurić Zagorka

76. “Da nema kukolja, rodila bi čista pšenica.” - Marija Jurić Zagorka

77. “Smrtna opasnost ne dotiče se njezine duše. Ne vidi i ne čuje grmeću rastuću bujicu i jače se privija uz njega. On je miran, dok oko njega dozivaju, zapomažu. (...) U njegovu dušu ulazi spokojnost, draga, kao da ga miluje. Stoji na pećini i osjeća kao da je svijetu oteo, ugrabio njezino tijelo. Drži ga u naručju... i ne da ga više nikome. Časovi teku nijemo kao da su čitav život. Sve što je bilo prije toga, nestaje u njegovu sjećanju. Ima samo jednu životnu spoznaju: da na grudima drži nju... Ničim ne mjeri vrijeme, sam je sa svojim srcem i s njom. Osjeća se na pragu prelaza u drugi svijet. (...) Pogleda dolje. Voda opada, a on još uvijek drži svoje blago... Zar ga opet mora ljudima vratiti?” - Marija Jurić Zagorka

78. “Čast je često ljudska gizda. Nije čovjek častan ato što mu putovi nisu bili kliski pa nije mogao posrnuti... Častan je samo onaj koji govori istinu...” - Marija Jurić Zagorka

79. “-Tomo! Vi imate - suza? (...) -Recite zbog čega vas je snašla tolika bol da vam se srce rasplakalo? Trenutak šutnje, a onda on odvrati šapatom koji odaje teški napor: -Obeščašćujem vas time što sam ovdje! (...) -Da mogu popraviti to, kneginjice, pretvorio bih sve što je gore na palubi živo u leševe. -Pa ipak ste život svoj žigosali za sva vremena - sramotnim imenom viteza otimača. -Vitez otimač slavan je i častan prema onom mom drugom nedjelu. -Ubojica ste? -Mnogo gore. (...) -Što ste još? -Svetogrdnik! -Svetogrdnik? Kakvu ste to svetinju pogrdili? -Vas! Vas...” - Marija Jurić Zagorka

80. “Jadna mudrost koja traga za vječnom mladošću, a nije ni pokušala tražiti dobrotu.” - Marija Jurić Zagorka

81. “Tko se odviše nada, mnogo gubi. Manje nade donosi više!” - Marija Jurić Zagorka

82. “Srcu se ne da zapovijedati.” - Marija Jurić Zagorka

83. “Sve je iščezlo iz njegova osjećaja, samo je ostalo ono što ga veže s njome. Sav svijet nekud je nestao, samo je ona živa. Sve mu je mračno, samo njezine oči svijetle. Sve je crno, samo njezino lice je bijelo. Svi su zanijemjeli, samo njezin glas romoni oko njega, po dvorcu, kao žubor potočića niz brdo guste šume...” - Marija Jurić Zagorka

84. “Klonuo je pored njezinih nogu kao pas pred nogama gospodara...” - Marija Jurić Zagorka

85. “Polagano, tiho, prilazio je k njoj, kleknuo i položio glavu u njezino krilo kao žeđom obnemogli pred vrčem bistre vode...” - Marija Jurić Zagorka

86. “She squeezed her eyes shut. “No.”“Excuse me?”She sniffed, opened her eyes then looked up. “No. I don’t wish you to leave.”His eyes changed from lukewarm to hot.The iron of the seat met her back. Oh yes, definitely she was the keeper at the zoo and she’d just offered her own leg, medium-rare, to the lion.” - Cari Silverwood

87. “Najviše pozornosti treba posvetiti puku, a dosljedno tome njegovoj zemlji, iz koje sve proizlazi, u koju se sve vraća. Nazor manjine da je primila svoje privilegije po milosti Božjoj u svoju vlast jednako je apsurdan kao što bi bio apsurdan vladar koji bi sebi utvarao da zemlja kojom vlada pripada njemu, a ne državljanima; kad bi si vladar utvarao da su milijuni stvoreni za njega. Jer zapravo je vladar ovdje samo zato da milijunima služi! Vladar nije ništa drugo nego vrhovni činovnik države. Vladar, to nije čast, to je dužnost prema narodu.” - Marija Jurić Zagorka

88. “Da sam ja car radio bih ovo: Nastupajući na prijestolje okrunio bih se svim krunama koje bi mi donijeli. Prisegao bih na sve ustave koje bi mi predložili. Potvrdio bih sve privilegije što ih ima povijest. Okupio bih na dvoru u blještavom sjaju sve velikaše, plemiće i sve popove. Zasuo bih te ljude častima, naslovima i ordenima. Iskitio bih njihova prsa, a onda bi radio mimo ustava, mimo privilegija. Kršio bih iz dana u dan sve što sam potvrdio. Radio bih po svojem i sa svim zanosom uvjeravao ih kako je sve to laž. U korist velikaša i plemića i popova! Kad bi prigovarali priredio bih bogate dinee, sjajne svečanosti; odlikovao ih ljubaznim prijateljstvom, obasipao ih novim titulama kao pokladnim prhuticama. Vozio bih se s njima u svečanim sjajnim povorkama u kojima bi imali prva mjesta. Gospoda bi uživala, a narod zadivljen dvorskim sjajem, klicao bi svima. Da, velčanstvo, masi treba blještavila, carskog sjaja, a ne jednostavnosti. Vjerujte, veličanstvo, masi svih staleža više imponira sjajan šesteropreg nego tucet plemenitih ideja; više imponira carska krunidba, za koju se potroše milijuni, i parada u kojoj se pregazi desetak majki s djecom, nego stotinu tisuća bijelih hljebova kojima biste nahranili sirote. Ja bih na sve pristao, sve prevario: neprijatelje bih vezao, progonio i uništio, prijatelje bih tovio, i tada bi pobjeda bila sigurna.” - Marija Jurić Zagorka

89. “Čovjek može uvijek biti tvrd, uvijek je kao kamenita gora, samo u jednom jedinom je priroda s nama infamna: u ljubavi nas podmuklo izigrava, izruguje nam se. Zaustavi u tren oka svu volju i misao i ostavlja nas bespomoćne između neba i zemlje, makar samo na jedan trenutak. Jedna sekunda je dovoljna da te izbriše, pretvori u sretnika ili zločinca.” - Marija Jurić Zagorka

90. “Although most advice should be distrusted, particularly when it comes from myself . . . keep an open mind, Miss Hathaway. One should never look a rich husband in the mouth." - St. Vincent” - Lisa Kleypas

91. “He would die in this room, buried alive by the weight of his life.” - Christine Fonseca

92. “The heavy smell of incense gave me an uneasy feeling as if I had walked into a tomb” - Nancy B. Brewer

93. “Have you always been this skilled with women?" - Joseph to Iain” - Pamela Clare

94. “She opens her eyes as the fury continues, pinning me with her glare. Her gaze reached into my soul as I spin the music back to the simple melody at its core—our melody. A moment of recognition washes over her, followed by regret, fear, terror. An entire kaleidoscope of emotions exists within a single heartbeat.” - Christine Fonseca

95. “Oh! my dearest love, why are our pleasures so short and so interrupted? How long is this to last?Know you, my best Mary, that I feel myself, in your absence, almost degraded to the level of the vulgar and impure. I feel their vacant, stiff eyeballs fixed upon me, until I seem to have been infected with their loathsome meaning--to inhale a sickness that subdues me to languor. Oh! those redeeming eyes of Mary, that they might beam upon me before I sleep! Praise my forbearance--oh! beloved one--that I do not rashly fly to you, and at least secure a moment's bliss. Wherefore should I delay; do you not long to meet me? All that is exalted and buoyant in my nature urges me towards you, reproaches me with the cold delay, laughs at all fear and spurns to dream of prudence. Why am I not with you?” - Michael Kelahan

96. “_I_ boil it." Joseph entered last, closing the door behind them. "Last time, you burnt it."Connor glared at Joseph. "We were attacked! What would you have me tell the Abenaki? 'I cannae fight just now. I'm makin' candy. Would you like a wee taste?” - Pamela Clare

97. “I do not know her as you do, but I have shared each step of this journey with her, watched her fight for her life, and held her each night while she slept. I cannot help but care for her."And suddenly Connor was glad Joseph had chosen to sleep in the loft.” - Pamela Clare

98. “I've bled for you. I've killed for you. I've held you in my arms and done my best to make love to you. I'd give my life to protect you. Now I sit beside you, askin' you to trust me.” - Pamela Clare

99. “Killy arched an eyebrow in disbelief. "Don't be thinkin' you can deceive this old man. I've been makin' a fool of myself over women since before you were born.” - Pamela Clare

100. “Though his countenance was solemn, there was a glint of amusement in his eyes. "Major MacKinnon, won't you join us?""But, my lord, he is clad in outlawed rebel attire. The Dress Act expressly forbids--""I am not blind, Colonel, and I am familiar with our laws."Sarah fought back a smile.Colonel Haviland lowered his voice, leaned toward Uncle William. "He was invited to pay respects to your niece, my lord, and he has the gall to--""I _am_ payin' my respects to the lass!" Connor's deep voice filled the room, cutting Colonel Haviland off altogether.” - Pamela Clare

101. “[Connor, prepared to sacrifice himself to save Sarah]God, I pray, give me the strength to live the next hour well.” - Pamela Clare

102. “He was, she realised, quite graceful. The very idea surprised her. Male grace was a quality she'd never thought of beyond the ballroom; either a man could dance a quadrille with skill and without stepping on her feet or he could not. But here was another kind of grace altogether--and untrained grace, an instinctive animal grace.” - Pamela Clare

103. “Annie is my wife, and she will remain wi' me as my wife, subject only to my rule. I will suffer no man to dishonor her or lay hand upon her so long as I live.” - Pamela Clare

104. “He didn't see the look his brothers shared or overhear the vow they made to one another--that if any one of the four of them were to make it back from Ticonderoga, it would be Iain.” - Pamela Clare

105. “You think to judge me, MacKinnon? I've littered the ground wi' the corpses of men like you."Iain raised his blade and smiled. "You've never met a man like me.” - Pamela Clare

106. “It wilna end wi' me, Campbell. Slay me, and you'll face my brothers and after them my Muhheconneok kin. You cannae possibly kill us all.” - Pamela Clare

107. “She told him ... how her heart had fairly skipped a beat when she'd seen him standing in the middle of the road dressed as a true Highland warrior."If I hadna been in love wi' you already, I'd have fallen in love wi' you then."He grinned, his whiskery face unbearably bonnie even with its cuts and bruises. "So you like the sight of me in a pladdie, aye?""Aye--and wi' braids in your hair." She leaned down and kissed him. "But I think red paint looks silly.” - Pamela Clare

108. “You think Diana would come to your bed?” Ned threw his head back and laughed. “You’re mad! First of all, she would never break her marriage vows. Secondly, she’s certainly deduced by now what a whoremonger you are. She wouldn’t touch you with gloves, my friend.” from THE DEVIL YOU KNOW (DEVIL DEVERE book #3)” - Victoria Vane

109. “Nicholas broke the seal and scanned the contents. He looked up at Marcus with a chuckle. “Why, it appears you may get your wish for perpetual bachelorhood after all. She wants to end your engagement.”Marcus started from his chair. “The hell she does! What’s possessed her?”“Perhaps she realizes your extreme reluctance to tie the knot after waiting…what is it? Five years since your betrothal announcement?”“Six,” Marcus snapped. “But who’s counting.”“Perhaps Miss Trent?” Nick needled with a quirk of his lips.- A BREACH OF PROMISE” - Victoria Vane

110. “Marcus stood at the mantel mirror, fussing with his lace cuffs, adjusting his cravat and openly admiring his reflection. “I’ll beguile her with the full power of my persuasive charm.”“And should that fail?”Marcus turned to his secretary with a slow, devious grin. “Why, Nick, I’d have thought it obvious. I’ll just have to ruin her.”-A BREACH OF PROMISE” - Victoria Vane

111. “I never would have conceived that he would finally succumb to marriage. How did you ever convince him?”“I must actually credit Lady Russell. She explained to me that a man desires above all things to think himself his own master. Thus, I had only to convince Marcus that marrying me was entirely his own idea.”-A BREACH OF PROMISE” - Victoria Vane

112. “Hang you, DeVere! She's a close friend, nothing more." He furrowed his brow once again. "Though I do fear of late that she entertains some...expectations.""You think the young widow may aspire to quite another surrogate role? They all do, ol' chap. Expectations and demands—titles, money, time, attention. The female half of the species are little better than vampires, sucking away one's very lifeblood.” - Victoria Vane

113. “Damn, but it was a night, Ned! Now, not to be outdone, it appears our reverend mother Hayes is inspired by Captain Cook's latest voyage to the South Pacific.""I give the woman credit for creativity." Ned laughed. "Have you read John Hawkesworth's account of the voyage?"Ludovic's brows lifted ever so slightly. "Come now, Ned, do I truly look like a man who entertains himself with books?” - Victoria Vane

114. “You intend to keep me confined in here with you for three days?" His voice was low and ominous."It doesn't have to take three days," she said, "It just depends how long it takes for you to come to your senses.""My senses?" he shook her so hard she thought her teeth would rattle. "It is you whose mind is disordered if you think you can tame me like some pet! Is that what you think, Vesta? That you can somehow turn a man like me into your little lap dog?""No," she said, as earnest as she had ever been in her life. "I could never imagine you as a lap dog. Ever. You are a Mastiff. Big, powerful, dignified, brave, and yet gentle." She nodded with a look of self satisfaction. "Yes. Most definitely a Mastiff." from THE VIRGIN HUNTRESS” - Victoria Vane

115. “I stop to brace myself against the walls, which are painted with the fingerprints of family.” - Nancy B. Brewer

116. “You don't have to say a thing except yes. You don't have to do anything, either, I'm quite willing to plan it all." "You?""Yes me.""You'd plan all of it? Even the wedding?""Why not?""You don't even like to plan your own breakfast."He grinned. "You mean more to me tban bacon.""More than [i]bacon?[/i] I'm honored.""You should be, my foolish pea brain.” - Karen Hawkins

117. “Today’s breakfast consist of rice and a piece of bread fried in a bit of salt pork grease. At least I have my memories of grand banquets and fine foods, but this is all the children have ever known. I suppose it is best not to have anything to compare.” - Nancy B. Brewer

118. “There isn’t going to be a ‘next lover,’” Grant said automatically, outraged by the idea. “I’m the only man she’s going to have.” - Lisa Kleypas

119. “Women. You'll interpret anything as love. You see a man wearing an idiotic expression, and you assume he's been struck by Cupid's arrow when in reality, he's digesting a bad turnip.” - Lisa Kleypas

120. “It is a truth universally acknowledged that one only comes up with clever, cutting remarks long after the other party is happily slumbering away.” - Lauren Willig

121. “Pleasure suffused her and she snuggled deeper into his arms, her heart clenching when he tightened his hold on her. After a while his breathing slowed and his hold relaxed. Convinced he slept, she whispered, "You should have been my first." A small ache pinched her heart.His chest vibrated beneath her hand, sending a thrilling shiver up her spine as his deep voice rumbled through the air, "I'll be your last.” - Sophie Jordan

122. “He lay on the bed, freshly shaven and washed, legs crossed at the ankles and arms propped behind his head. His posture said, Yes, ladies. I truly am this handsome. And I don't even have to try.” - Tessa Dare

123. “...¡Querer que yo no la vea!¡Querer que no me le acerque, es pedir al pájaro que no cante, al sol que no alumbre, a la mariposa que no busque la luz, a los ojos que no vean, al corazón que no ame, al alma que no sienta, a mí, que no sea humano!” - Lucila Gamero de Medina

124. “Rule three? You mean there's more?” - Shehanne Moore

125. “You’re mad,” he said in a low voice, “if you think I would leave you now. I’ll see you safe and well no matter what it takes.” - Lisa Kleypas

126. “She had covered herself in frost, so every part of her grew cold and would not feel, because of that single part that longed to hear that word, yet had never known the hope, or expectation, that it would.” - Shehanne Moore

127. “I was shy,” said six-foot-one of bashful male. He grunted as a sharp, feminine elbow thudded inconspicuously into his side.” - Anne Gracie

128. “What the dev— er, deuce did you do that for? It hurt!”“Good,” said the angel. “I was afraid these new shoes would not be sturdy enough.” - Anne Gracie

129. “Do you think ladies’ eyebrows can communicate as well?” she asked.“No, they don’t have sufficient thicketry,” he said with authority.“Thicketry?”“Yes, that is the official term.” - Anne Gracie

130. “Like a sparrow in its flitting, like a swallow in its flying, a curse that is causeless does not alight.” - Nancy B. Brewer