131 Inspiring Quotes About People

June 14, 2024, 8:45 p.m.

131 Inspiring Quotes About People

In a world brimming with diversity and endless perspectives, people remain the most fascinating aspect of life. Their ability to inspire, uplift, and transform is a testament to the human spirit's extraordinary potential. Whether it's through their actions, words, or mere presence, individuals have a profound impact on those around them. In this carefully curated collection, you'll find 131 inspiring quotes that capture the essence of what it means to be human. These words of wisdom offer a glimpse into the minds of visionaries, leaders, and everyday heroes, reminding us of the power we all hold to make a difference. So, take a moment to immerse yourself in these uplifting thoughts and let them spark a newfound appreciation for the people who shape our world.

1. “There are two types of people in this world. People who hate clowns...and clowns. (Bobby Pendragon)” - D. J. MacHale

2. “Don't be afraid of enemies who attack you. Be afraid of the friends who flatter you.” - Dale Carnegie

3. “You come to work every day but you hardly get to know anyone. I don't even know the names of half the people I see in the elevators. They say the company is a big family, but I don't know them. And even the people I do, like you two, and Elizabeth, and Roger - do I really? I mean, I like you guys, but we only ever talk about work. When I'm out with friends, or at home, I never talk about work. The other day, I tried to explain to my sister why it's such a huge deal that Elizabeth ate Roger's donut, and she thought I was insane. And you know what, I agreed with her. At home I couldn't even think why it mattered. Because I'm a different person at home. When I leave this place at night, I can feel myself changing. Like shifting gears in my head. And you guys don't know that; you just know what I'm like here, which is terrible, because I think I'm better away from work. I don't even like who I am here. Is that just me? Or is everyone different when they come to work? If they are, then what are they really like? How can we ever know? All we know are the Work People.” - Max Barry

4. “You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation.” - Richard Lingard

5. “It's not that I don't like people. It's just that when I'm in the company of others - even my nearest and dearest - there always comes a moment when I'd rather be reading a book.” - Maureen Corrigan

6. “I can't abide people who go soft over animals and then cheat every human they come across!” - Diana Wynne Jones

7. “I like seeing people when they can't see me.” - Dodie Smith

8. “Perhaps its not the world that is soundless but we who are deaf.” - Margaret Atwood

9. “You don't want to be rude but you have to be careful - there are a lot of strange people out there.(Goldman attributes this quote to Cliff Robertson.)” - William Goldman

10. “If you surround yourself with the good and righteous, they can only raise you up. If you surround yourself with the others, they will drag you down into the doldrums of mediocrity, and they will keep you there, but only as long as you permit it.” - Mark Glamack

11. “Quanto mais gosto da humanidade em geral, menos aprecio as pessoas em particular, como indivíduos.” - Fyodor Dostoevsky

12. “People are almost always better than their neighbors think they are.” - George Eliot

13. “My theory on literature is an author who does not indulge in trashiness-writes about people you could introduce into your own home...he did not care to read a book or go to a play about people he would not care to meet at his own dinner table. I believe we should live by certain standards and ideals...” - Booth Tarkington

14. “You don't scare a man who sees people as cockroaches.” - Toba Beta

15. “There was no one alive who did not contribute his share of mystery to the world.” - Kevin Brockmeier

16. “I fight cynicism. It`s too easy. It`s really boring. It`s much harder to be positive and see the wonder of everything. Cynicism is a bunch of people who aren`t as talented as other people, knocking them because they make them feel even more untalented.” - Ewan McGregor

17. “من نمّ لك نمّ بك, ومن نقل إليك نقل عنك, ومن إذا أرضيته فقال ماليس فيك, كذلك إذا أغضبته قال فيك ماليس فيك.” - محمد بن إدريس الشافعي

18. “You are who you are when nobody's watching.” - Stephen Fry

19. “Some like to believe it's the book that chooses the person.” - Carlos Ruiz Zafon

20. “Life isn’t like the movies. People don’t change overnight. people don’t go from arrogant and self-righteous to ashamed and remorseful. They don’t suddenly give in when they’ve spent years taking out. No doesn’t magically become a Yes.” - Randa Abdel-Fattah

21. “Embedded in the larger story of redemption is a principle we must not miss: God uses ordinary people to do extraordinary things in the lives of others.” - Paul David Tripp

22. “All the world is queer save thee and me, and even thou art a little queer.” - robert owen

23. “There are persons whom in my heart I despise, others I abhor. Yet I am not obliged to inform the one of my contempt, nor the other of my detestation. This kind of dissimulation...is a necessary branch of wisdom, and so far from being immoral...that it is a duty and a virtue.” - John Adams

24. “Masks beneath masks until suddenly the bare bloodless skull.” - Salman Rushdie

25. “You should never hate anyone, even your worst enemies. Everyone has something good about them. You have to find the redeeming quality and love the person for that.” - Jeannette Walls

26. “I sound contemptuous, but I am not. I am interested--intrigued even--by the way time erases real lives, leaving only vague imprints. Blood and spirit fade away so that only names and dates remain.” - Kate Morton

27. “Because, sometimes, things happen to people and they're not equipped to deal with them.” - Suzanne Collins

28. “Every now and then, I'll run into someone who claims not to like chocolate, and while we live in a country where everyone has the right to eat what they want, I want to say for the record that I don't trust these people, that I think something is wrong with them, and that they're probably - and this must be said - total duds in bed.” - Steve Almond

29. “I am worried about our tendency to over invest in things and under invest in people.” - John Kenneth Galbraith

30. “A visitor is a friend, he brings news, good or bad, which is bread to the hungry minds in lonely places. A real friend who comes to the house is a heavenly messenger, who brings the panis angelorum.” - Isak Dinesen

31. “If people make fun of you, that probably means you're doing something right.” - Evanescence

32. “What is certain is this, that I never rested in that way again, my feet obscenely resting on the earth, my arms on the handlebars and on my arms my head, rocking and abandoned. It is indeed a delporable sight, a deplorable example, for the people, who so need to be encouraged, in their bitter toil, and to have before their eyes manifestations of strength only, of courage and joy, without which they might collapse, at the end of the day, and roll on the ground.” - Samuel Beckett

33. “Our people are good people; our people are kind people. Pray God some day kind people won't all be poor.” - John Steinbeck

34. “Persecution comes from people who are prejudiced.” - Harper Lee

35. “...and that, in the end, the most interesting people always leave.” - Paulo Coelho

36. “A man's true character comes out when he's drunk.” - Charlie Chaplin

37. “To identify with others is to see something of yourself in them and to see something of them in yourself--even if the only thing you identify with is the desire to be free from suffering.” - Melanie Joy

38. “The difference between me and other people is that they all walk around with onion skins wrapped around them. Pre-meditations, pretentions, the faces that they present to the world, the faces that they present to themselves.. onion skins that come in layer after layer. They're on the inside of all that. And I... I am the inside of the onion skin walking around. I am only me.” - C. JoyBell C.

39. “I think that my job is to observe people and the world, and not to judge them. I always hope to position myself away from so-called conclusions. I would like to leave everything wide open to all the possibilities in the world.” - Haruki Murakami

40. “Twolegs are mousebrain” - Erin Hunter

41. “Quand on parle des vices d’un homme, si on vous dit : “Tout le monde le dit” ne le croyez pas ; si l’on parle de ses vertus en vous disant encore : “Tout le monde le dit”, croyez-le.” - Chateaubriand

42. “Because that was the problem, really, wasn’t it, with being human? You couldn’t just be, couldn’t just live and exist without dragging your feet through the mud. You had to communicate, congregate, collaborate, cohabiate. You had to corroborate. Copulate. You had to co-this, co-that, co—bloody-everything, and if you weren’t co-operating you were operating with the co, which was a declaration less of independence than of relativity. You could only really exist in relation to others.” - Deborah Copaken Kogan

43. “There is no end in India, Mr. Jiabao,as Mr. Ashok so correctly used to say. You'll have to keep paying and paying the fuckers. But I complain about the police the way the rich complain; not the way the poor complain. The difference is everything.” - Aravind Adiga

44. “There is nothing more wonderful than a book. It may be a message to us from the dead, from human souls we never saw who lived perhaps thousands of miles away, and yet these little sheets of paper speak to us, arouse us, teach us, open our hearts and in turn open their hearts to us like brothers. Without books, God is silent, justice dormant, philosophy lame.” - Charles Kingsley

45. “Normal....What the majority of people look, act, and talk and like.So what if the majority became what we see as wierd now?Would our normal, become our new wierd?” - Catherine

46. “Everybody was sorry. Sorry was easy. Sorry was for suckers.” - Gretchen McNeil

47. “He mentioned the connection between us. He identified with me. These are the things that many people want to hear, that most “normal” people want to be able to truthfully say, but almost no one can.” - Rasmenia Massoud

48. “Engage people with what they expect; it is what they are able to discern and confirms their projections. It settles them into predictable patterns of response, occupying their minds while you wait for the extraordinary moment — that which they cannot anticipate.” - Sun Tzu

49. “Oh. I see. People don't want to see what can't possibly exist.” - Terry Pratchett

50. “History isn't like that. History unravels gently, like an old sweater. It has been patched and darned many times, reknitted to suit different people, shoved in a box under the sink of censorship to be cut up for the dusters of propaganda, yet it always - eventually - manages to spring back into its old familar shape. History has a habit of changing the people who think they are changing it. History always has a few tricks up its frayed sleeve. It's been around a long time.” - Terry Pratchett

51. “В душе человек далеко не всегда тот, кто он в жизни.(Пассажир - Павлику Находкину)” - Vladislav Krapivin

52. “So I kept reading, just to stay alive. In fact, I'd read two or three books at the same time, so I wouldn't finish one without being in the middle of another -- anything to stop me from falling into the big, gaping void. You see, books fill the empty spaces. If I'm waiting for a bus, or am eating alone, I can always rely on a book to keep me company. Sometimes I think I like them even more than people. People will let you down in life. They'll disappoint you and hurt you and betray you. But not books. They're better than life.” - Marc Acito

53. “I felt vaguely outraged that such a bad person had such a good car. Because the car was the culmination of a thousand-odd years of scientific advancement. But the guy was a dick. I wondered when that had happened; that we had started making better machines than people.” - Max Barry

54. “He was attractive. I knew that. And I knew that attractive people always got away with things.” - David Levithan

55. “اختلاف الأماكن من بلد إلى بلد اّخر لا يعنى كثيراً,و إنما اختلاف الناس هو الذى يعنى أكثر,لأننا نعاشر الناس و لا نعاشر الجدران.و انت لا تسافر حينما تغير مكانك و لكنك تكون قد سافرت حينما توسع من ثقافتك و تثرى من عاطفتك و تجدد من روحك.” - مصطفى محمود

56. “Give more, so that we can build more, put interest in understanding another more in whatever actions one might carry out in life. Because we all are fighting for survival against adversaries and are sometimes falling, but if we stand together and help shield and strengthen one another, imagine the world that we will live in together, having more happiness with one another, at one another’s side.” - Jonathan Anthony Burkett

57. “Man is not defiled by his impurities. It is the other man pointing out his impurities to him, whom he is defiled by. Is there anything anyone can do, to become righteous, anyway? God made us impure. If he had a problem with that, He would have made us gods, instead.” - C. JoyBell C.

58. “It would seem no matter how progressive we get there are always those few who are backwards in their ways.” - Solange nicole

59. “Mungkin aja lo pikir, anak-anak dari keluarga miskin itu menderita. Tapi siapa tahu, mereka justru lebih bahagia daripada kita karena mereka nggak terikat materi.” - Lexie Xu

60. “In an extroverted society, the difference between an introvert and an extrovert is that an introvert is often unconsciously deemed guilty until proven innocent.” - Criss Jami

61. “Sometimes people who seem good end up being not as good as you might have hoped, you know?” - Jonathan Safran Foer

62. “Melancholy suicide. —This is connected with a general state of extreme depression and exaggerated sadness, causing the patient no longer to realize sanely the bonds which connect him with people and things about him. Pleasures no longer attract;” - Emile Durkheim

63. “In a book, even the real bastards can't hurt you. And you can never loose a friend you make in a book. When you get to a sad part, no one's there to see you cry. Or wonder why you don't cry when you should.” - Dean Koontz

64. “There are people who are generic. They make generic responses and they expect generic answers. They live inside a box and they think people who don't fit into their box are weird. But I'll tell you what, generic people are the weird people. They are like genetically-manipulated plants growing inside a laboratory, like indistinguishable faces, like droids. Like ignorance.” - C. JoyBell C.

65. “He always believed that people live up or down to the amount of trust you put in them.” - Hilary Duff

66. “There seem to be two main types of people in the world, crosswords and sudokus.” - Rebecca McKinsey

67. “Everyone's crazy, but few show it.” - Hannah Vandegrift

68. “No matter how pathetic or pitiful, every human is fated to have one moment in their lives in which they can change their own destiny.” - Takayuki Yamaguchi

69. “I hate it when people make fun of me and it turns out they're right.” - Catherine Gilbert Murdock

70. “It is only when you accept how different you all are, that you will be able to see how much the same you all are. Don't expect anybody to be the same as you, then you will see that you are in many ways the same as everybody.” - C. JoyBell C.

71. “At sunrise everything is luminous but not clear.” - Norman Maclean

72. “Man has created technology. Technology has created man; what we are today. Electricity is our way of life. Without it many would perish.” - O.J. Rendchen

73. “People tend to be generous when sharing their nonsense, fear, and ignorance. And while they seem quite eager to feed you their negativity, please remember that sometimes the diet we need to be on is a spiritual and emotional one. Be cautious with what you feed your mind and soul. Fuel yourself with positivity and let that fuel propel you into positive action.” - Steve Maraboli

74. “I think that, people are people. That's why the way I treat the lady working in the deli who slices my ham is the same way I treat my friend who drives a Chrysler. That's why the way I treat the guy who packs my groceries is the same way I treat my rich friends. Because people are people. Some are rich and some are poor, and they're all people.” - C. JoyBell C.

75. “Maybe ever’body in the whole damn world is scared of each other.” - John Steinbeck

76. “Cilvēkus vienkārši vajag saprast, viņa domā. Un pasauli vajag saprast. Nevar tā – maukt visus kā kurpes uz vienas liestes. Katrai ādai savs izliekums, vīle, kūkums. Lai to ieraudzītu, vajag klusumu un laiku.” - Inga Ābele

77. “People fear anyone who differs from what is considered normal, and in a small town the idea of normal can be as narrow as the streets.” - Elizabeth Chandler

78. “Machine men, with machine minds and machine hearts! You are not machines, you are not cattle, you are men! You have the love of humanity in your hearts. You don’t hate: only the unloved hate, the unloved and the unnatural. Soldiers, don’t fight for slavery, fight for liberty! You the people have the power, the power to create machines, the power to create happiness! You the people have the power to make this life free and beautiful, to make this life a wonderful adventure! Then, in the name of democracy, let us use that power. Let us all unite! Let us fight for a new world, a decent world . . .” - Charles Chaplin

79. “The majority of people have successfully alienated themselves from change; they tediously arrange their lives into a familiar pattern, they give themselves to normalcy, they are proud if they are able to follow in auspicious footsteps set before them, they take pride in always coloring inside the lines and they feel secure if they belong to a batch of others who are like them. Now, if familiar patterns bore you, if normalcy passes before you unnoticed, if you want to create your own footsteps in the earth and leave your own handprints on the skies, if you are the one who doesn't mind the lines in the coloring book as much as others do, and perchance you do not cling to a flock for you to identify with, then you must be ready for adversity. If you are something extraordinary, you are going to always shock others and while they go about existing in their mundaneness which they call success, you're going to be flying around crazy in their skies and that scares them. People are afraid of change, afraid of being different, afraid of doing things and thinking things that aren't a part of their checkerboard game of a life. They only know the pieces and the moves in their games, and that's it. You're always going to find them in the place that you think you're going to find them in, and every time they think about you, you're going to give them a heart attack.” - C. JoyBell C.

80. “In a way she actually preferred Peter to other people because of this. He always acted out of intelligent self-interest.” - Orson Scott Card

81. “You will find that it is necessary to let things go; simply for the reason that they are heavy. So let them go, let go of them. I tie no weights to my ankles.” - C. JoyBell C.

82. “If you walk on sunlight, bathe in moonlight, breathe in a golden air and exhale a Midas' touch; mark my words, those who exist in the shadows will try to pull you into the darkness with them. The last thing that they want is for you to see the wonder of your life because they can't see theirs.” - C. JoyBell C.

83. “I saw the horrible way that people could treat each other. That may be the saddest thing of all. I saw greed and anger and murder and a total lack of concern for human life. It was a wicked side of the human soul that I saw... and it saddened me to know that such a dark place existed.” - D. J. MacHale

84. “Stop worrying about being that perfect person because no one is perfect. Put your focus on being that right person that will love, understand, and care for that other.” - Jonathan Anthony Burkett

85. “We're all people", he said simply. "It doesn't matter if you're two, thirty-two, or ninety-two. Everyone wants to be treated with respect. Everyone wants to feel like they matter in this world.” - Megan McCafferty

86. “People are not taught to be really virtuous, but to behave properly.” - Kakuzo Okakura

87. “Do the thing you're good at. Not many people are lucky enough to be so good at something.” - John Green

88. “does a sick society get so used to its illness that it can't remember being well? what if the memory is too dangerous for the people who like things the way they are?” - Neal Shusterman

89. “...it's not the stories - it's the pain and the joy and the people who stay with you long after the stories are told ...” - John Geddes

90. “When YOU stop believing one person in the world cannot make a difference; differences in the world will be made.” - Kellie Elmore

91. “Some People Are Wise, And Some Are Otherwise.” - Unknown 9

92. “People know two languages: their native language and gibberish.” - Maribel C. Pagan

93. “Idea is a software for the army and nation.” - Toba Beta

94. “If you stare at someone long enough, they'll eventually look back at you.” - Cory Doctorow

95. “What a strange creature is a laughing fool,As if a man were created to no useBut only to show his teeth.” - John Webster

96. “I'm taking inorganic chem and physics not because I want to but because I have to. Not every doctor wants to be a scientist. Some of us just want to take care of sick people. I can't help thinking that medicine is more closely aligned to the humanities than to the sciences. I can't help thinking that I could learn more about being a good doctor from William Shakespeare than I could from Isaac Newton. After all, isn't understanding people at least as important as understanding pathology?” - Michael J. Collins

97. “They travelled for thirteen hours down-hill, whilst the streams broadened and the mountains shrank, and the vegetation changed, and the people ceased being ugly and drinking beer, and began instead to drink wine and to be beautiful.” - E.M. Forster

98. “My fingers", said Elizabeth, "do not move over this instrument in the masterly manner which I see so many women's do. They have not the same force or rapidity, and do not produce the same expression. But then I have always supposed it to be my own fault--because I will not take the trouble of practising. It is not that I do not believe MY fingers as capable as any other woman's of superior execution."Darcy smiled and said, "You are perfectly right. You have employed your time much better. No one admitted to the privilege of hearing you can think anything wanting. We neither of us perform to strangers.” - Jane Austen

99. “People first become friends, and then they love each other.” - Priest Nicolae Tanase

100. “And so the problem remained; lots of people were mean, and most were miserable, even the ones with digital watches.” - Douglas Adams

101. “Next was Alice. I gave her a book by Anne Rice because she is always talking about her. And she looked at me like she couldn't believe I knew she loved Anne Rice. I guess she didn't know how much she talked or how much I listen.” - Stephen Chbosky

102. “The only difference between you and the person you admire is their perspective on life.” - Shannon L. Alder

103. “L'inferno e il paradiso sono tutti e due dentro di noi.” - Oscar Wilde

104. “Strong Individuals are those Individuals, whom are Individuals” - Rūpas Re

105. “All people are enslaved by something.” - Dejan Stojanovic

106. “But one never does form a just idea of anybody beforehand. One takes up a notion and runs away with it.” - Jane Austen

107. “I suppose it's too bad people can't be a little more consistent. But if they were, maybe they would stop being people.” - Budd Schulberg

108. “People don’t always value life, even their own, as much as they should.” - Alex Potvin

109. “The most dangerous kind of person... is one who is afraid of his own shadow.” - Philip K. Dick

110. “Monsters don’t exist. It’s men you should be afraid of, not monsters.” - Niccolò Ammaniti

111. “In my experience - and this is a very awkward way to put it, since I don't really know what the word experience means - the strangest people in one's life are the people one has known and loved, still know and will always love. Here, both I and the vocabulary are both in trouble, for strangest does not imply stranger. A stranger is a stranger is a stranger, simply, and you watch the stranger to anticipate his next move. But the people who elicit from you a depth of attention and wonder which we helplessly call love are perpetually making moves which cannot possibly be anticipated. Eventually, you realize that it never occurred to you to anticipate their next move, not only because you couldn't but because you didn't have to: it was not a question of moving on the next move, but simply, of being present. Danger, true, you try to anticipate and you prepare yourself, without knowing it, to stand in the way of death. For the strangest people in the world are those people recognized, beneath one's senses, by one's soul - the people utterly indispensable for one's journey.” - James Baldwin

112. “The theatre is a place where one has time for the problems of people to whom one would show the door if they came to one's office for a job.” - Tennessee Williams

113. “Considering the notion that the spiritual battlefield is infinitely greater than the physical, perhaps God is more willing to bless with a sort of divine ecstasy those who see the devil as the enemy rather than those who see other people as the enemies.” - Criss Jami

114. “Good people see past their own fucking lives.” - Isaac Marion

115. “See people in the light of their potentials, not their problems.” - Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha

116. “So at the end of the day, here was what Mike was able to believe in: people.It was people and their kindness the made him feel blessed. It was people who were the heroes, and people who were generous, and people who comforted one another.” - Kaya McLaren

117. “The first person who is on your mind the moment you open your eyes after a long sleep is the reason either of your happiness or pain.” - Reader's Digest

118. “People are... Full of contradictions. They're lonely. And then they're not. They're missed. And then they're not.” - Kou Yoneda

119. “We're all made the same but then born to change. Which then don't make us the same.” - Jonathan Anthony Burkett

120. “No, we aren't civilized, even in our business suits and high heels. People are as mean as ever, and as predictable. Underneath it all, we are not so different from what lurks in the wild, perhaps we're worse.” - Donna Lynn Hope

121. “I don’t care what other people think about me. Most people are idiots, and they can think whatever they want.” - Ida Løkås

122. “People never lie so much as after a hunt, during a war, or before an election.” - Otto von Bismarck

123. “Don't concern yourself with the opinions of those who judge you. That is placing on them an importance they do not have.” - Donna Lynn Hope

124. “Anyone can be polite to a stranger. Anyone can remain charming when spending time with an acquaintance, but what about those with whom we have familiarity? We hurt, offend and piss off the ones we love the most. Whenever we come home from playing nice and kissing ass instead of lips, we remove the masks and be who we really are.” - Donna Lynn Hope

125. “With people you love, you should try to spend as much free time as you can with them ,because they might not aways be there.” - Eden Griffith

126. “You ever noticed how people who believe in Creationism look really un-evolved? You ever noticed that? Eyes real close together, eyebrow ridges, big furry hands and feet. "I believe God created me in one day". Yeah, looks like He rushed it” - Bill Hicks

127. “Want to know who I am?Your responses indicate that you have a normal desire to share yourself with others. However, this need is not being adequately fulfilled at present.As a result, you unconsciously attempt to treat this emptiness with momentary interests and temporary passions. If left unaddressed, this imbalance leads to impulsive behavior and unnecessary risks.Past betrayals have left you generally suspicious of others’ behavior, particularly regarding romantic relationships. You fear you may be exploited if you open yourself too fully. Consequently, you often seek some proof of a new friend’s or lover’s sincerity before you decide to trust them.Further complicating your relationships is the anxiety you have about your unfulfilled personal and professional goals. You fear that you’ve made decisions that weren’t in your own best interest, or failed to take advantage of opportunities when they presented themselves.The desire to overcome these challenges sometimes lead you to seem pushy or even arrogant. Because this competitive urge is not always apparent to others, they are often surprised by it.However, the passion that underlies your desire for success is unique. This makes you unlike others. You cannot simply accept what life has to offer; you aspire for more.Between each inhale and exhale we die and are reborn.” - Micheal Tsarion via wordslessspoken

128. “What I secretly longed for was to disentangle myself of all those lives which had woven themselves into the pattern of my own life and were making my destiny a part of theirs. To shake myself free of these accumulating experiences which were mine only by force of inertia required a violent effort. Now and then I lunged and tore at the net, but only to become more enmeshed. My liberation seemed to involve pain and suffering to those near and dear to me. Every move I made for my own private good brought about reproach and condemnation. I was a traitor a thousand times over.” - Henry Miller

129. “Perhaps I cannot make my people good, she told herself, but I should at least try to make them a little less bad.” - George R.R. Martin

130. “It's way too easy to see the real face of a person. They're amiable and full of pretense when they want something from you, but the minute you don't give in, back away or put yourself first (like they do) is the minute they show you who they really are.” - Donna Lynn Hope

131. “Life is short, and that's why, I don't test people; because we all fail tests sometimes, but that is supposed to be okay! I don't play games with people; because people aren't toys. And I don't risk what I don't want to lose; because if I do lose it, it's definitely my loss and not theirs! How short is life, you ask me. Well, life is as short as one drop in eternity. I swim in a single drop in this basin of eternal waters, and after that drop evaporates, it's gone! But then you could argue that if life is just a drop, then why even bother? Well, yes it is a drop, but it's a meaningful drop, an unforgettable drop, and a beautiful one! It's so unforgettable, that when you come back again, if you choose to, you will remember it in your dreams at night! So you see, I don't test people, I don't play games, and I don't risk who and what I don't want to lose.” - C. JoyBell C.