133 Quotes About Kate

July 22, 2024, 4:46 a.m.

133 Quotes About Kate

Are you fascinated by the timeless charm and captivating aura that the name Kate seems to encompass? Whether it's Kate Middleton's royal grace, Kate Winslet's cinematic brilliance, or even fictional Kates that have captured our imaginations, there's something undeniably alluring about this name. In this blog post, we've curated an exclusive collection of the top 133 quotes about Kates of all kinds. From literary tributes to celebrity accolades, these quotes offer a unique glimpse into why Kates are celebrated, admired, and often revered. Get ready to be inspired by our handpicked selections that celebrate the essence of being Kate.

1. “Well it looks like the road to heavenBut it feels like the road to hellWhen I knew which side my bread was butteredI took the knife as wellPosing for another pictureEverybody's got to sellBut when you shake your assThey notice fastAnd some mistakes were built to last.” - George Michael

2. “Every time I think you’ve reached the limits of arrogance, you show me new heights. Truly, your egotism is like the Universe—ever expanding.” - Ilona Andrews

3. “I said, I know why you’re afraid to fight with me.”"And why is that?” If he flexed again, I’d have to implement emergency measures. Maybe I could kick some sand at him or something. Hard to look hot brushing sand out of your eyes."You want me.”Oh boy."You can’t resist my subtle charm, so you’re afraid you’re going to make a spectacle out of yourself.”"You know what? Don’t talk to me.” - Ilona Andrews

4. “I dreamed that Curran and I killed a dinosaur and then had sex in the dirt.” - Ilona Andrews

5. “He said “woman” in the same way I’d say “Mmmmm, yummy chocolate” after waking up from hunger pains and finding a Hershey bar in an empty refrigerator.” - Ilona Andrews

6. “Do you like my working persona?" Saiman asked softly. "An aesthetically pleasing combination of intelligence and elegance, wouldn't you say?"Aren't we pleased with ourselves. "Are you Chinese, Japanese, half-white? I can't tell, your features are neither here nor there.""I'm inscrutable, mysterious and intellectual."He forgot conceited. "Did you have any trouble getting that ego through the door?"Saiman didn't even blink. "Not in the least.” - Ilona Andrews

7. “He leaned his head to me, his neck so close to my lips, I felt the heat coming off his skin. His breath was warm against my ear. His voice was a ragged snarl. "I miss you."This wasn't happening."I worry about you." He dipped his head and looked into my eyes. "I worry something stupid will happen and I won't be there and you'll be gone. I worry we won't ever get a chance and it's driving me out of my skull."No, no, no, no.........We stared at each other. The tiny space between us felt too hot. Muscles bulged on his naked frame. He looked feral.Mad gold eyes stared into mine. "Do you miss me, Kate?"I closed my eyes trying to shut him out. I could lie then we would be back to square one. Nothing would be resolved. I'd still be alone, hating him and wanting him.He grabbed my shoulders and shook me once. "Do you miss me?"I took the plunge. "Yes.” - Ilona Andrews

8. “He bared his teeth in a happy feral grin. My own personal psycho.” - Ilona Andrews

9. “How was I supposed to know that you let two little bears hurt you, Goldilocks?""Ah, yes, that mouth. I missed it. All mine now.” - Ilona Andrews

10. “I was still alive. Ha! Take that kidnappers. Still alive. Maybe it was my butt that was feeding me. I always thought it was kind of round. I bet my body was eating up all the fat stores from my butt now. Yeah. See, having a big ass is a good thing. Good, good, good. They should put that in magazines. Why diet? Why stay thin? If you ever get kidnapped and left for dead, your fat ass could save your life!” - Kate Brian

11. “No, you’re not going with him.”I crossed my arms. “Who decided that?”He put on his “I’m alpha and I’m putting my foot down” expression. “I decided.” - Ilona Andrews

12. “You said sloppy! Look, I didn't even use my sword; I hit him with my head, like a moron.” - Ilona Andrews

13. “I'm secure enough in myself to wear panties with bows on them. Besides, they are comfy and soft.""I bet." He almost purred.I gulped.” - Ilona Andrews

14. “Derek, you just don't say things like that to a woman. Keep going this way and you'll spend your life alone.""Don't change the subject. Andrea is cool. And she smells nice. It will be okay."Apparently I was supposed to sniff people to determine their competence. "How do you know?"He shrugged. "You just have to trust her.” - Ilona Andrews

15. “Derek favored his left side. His horse refused to bear him. I couldn't blame the horse. I wouldn't want his demonic, undead-blood-smeared, wolf-smelling ass riding me, either. But it made us slow.” - Ilona Andrews

16. “The rabbis paled. I’d managed to terrify holy men. Maybe I could beat up a nun for an encore.” - Ilona Andrews

17. “The mage pulled my knife out of his side and looked at it. “Nice knife.” The voice was deep but female.I threw my second knife. The blade bit into the mage’s chest. Shit. Missed the neck. “Here, have another one.” - Ilona Andrews

18. “He put the book down. “As you wish.” He rose and walked past me. I lowered my sword, expecting him to pass, but suddenly he stepped in dangerously close. “Welcome home. I’m glad you made it. There is coffee in the kitchen for you.”My mouth gaped open.He inhaled my scent, bent close, about to kiss me…I just stood there like an idiot.Curran smirked and whispered in my ear instead. “Psych.”And just like that, he was out the door and gone.Oh boy.” - Ilona Andrews

19. “Yeah, right, like Catherine Deneuve has her own hot-guy SWAT team trolling the neighborhood for celebrity stalkers with swords" - Kate (Die For Me)” - Amy Plum

20. “He lunged for the maps. I grabbed the chair and hit him with it. He went down. I hit him again to make sure he stayed that way, stepped over him, and picked up the maps."I win.” - Ilona Andrews

21. “You know," she said, stirring her tea, "the fastest way to get him off your back is to sleep with him. And tell him you love him. Preferably while in bed."I smirked and the tea almost came out of my nose. "He'd run like he was on fire.” - Ilona Andrews

22. “If you don't explain it all to me, I might strangle somebody." Of course, Raphael might like that...” - Ilona Andrews

23. “The decorator of Las Colimas must have been a great admirer of both early Aztec and late Taco Bell architectural styles.” - Ilona Andrews

24. “When life backs you into a corner and offers you no escape, when your friends, your lover, and your family abandon you, when you're at the end of your rope, panicked, alone, and losing your mind, you know you'd give anything to make your problems go away. Then, desperate and eager, you will come to Unicorn Lane, seeking salvation in its magics and secrets. You'll do anything, pay any price. Unicorn Lane will take you in, shroud you in its power, fix your problems, and exact its price. And then you will learn what 'anything' really means.” - Ilona Andrews

25. “Obviously I was missing the whole picture. Any minute now he would leap up, wrench the two-inch silver alloy bars apart despite the fact that silver was toxic to shapeshifters, and heroically kick Saiman's ass. Any minute now. Any minute.” - Ilona Andrews

26. “I lied. I need your help.""Who are we killing?""Do you have a pen?” - Ilona Andrews

27. “I sighed and put Slayer between the front seats. "Stay here. Guard the car."Saiman shut the door. "Is the sword sentient?""No. But I like to pretend it is.” - Ilona Andrews

28. “Your date appears to be hysterical," Rene told me."You think I should slap some man into him?” - Ilona Andrews

29. “He groaned and I saw his face. "Curran!" I would've preferred a homicidal lunatic. Oh, wait...” - Ilona Andrews

30. “He'd laugh in my face, then I'd slice him to ribbons and then he'd break my neck” - Ilona Andrews

31. “Any messages for me?" Usually I got one or two, but mostly people who wanted my help preferred to talk in person."Yes. Hold on." She pulled out a handful of pink tickets and recited from memory, without checking the paper. "Seven forty-two a.m., Mr. Gasparian: I curse you. I curse your arms so they wither and die and fall off your body. I curse your eyeballs to explode. I curse your feet to swell until blue. I curse your spine to crack. I curse you. I curse you. I curse you.” - Ilona Andrews

32. “The vampire leaned forward, tapping a scimitar claw. "Is that a lion with horns and a pitchfork?""Yep.""Is he carrying a moon on his pitchfork?""No, it's a pie.” - Ilona Andrews

33. “Juke glanced into her cup before tipping it down to her mouth. "Screw you!""Now come on, sugar, you know I don't swing that way.""Whatever!” - Ilona Andrews

34. “I'll call you," he repeated."If you call me, I won't pick up the phone.""You will wait by the phone for my call, and when it rings, you will pick it up and you will speak to me in a civil manner. If you don't know how, ask someone.” - Ilona Andrews

35. “I know you'll tell me to fuck off, but I think Curran loves you. Truly loves you. And I think you love him, Kate. That's rare. Think about it--if he really stood you up, why would he be so pissed off about the whole thing? You both can be assholes of the first order, so don't let the two of you throw it away. If you're going to walk away from it, at least walk away knowing the whole picture.""You're right. Fuck off. I don't need him," I told her.” - Ilona Andrews

36. “Well, check this out. Mine is bigger.” - Ilona Andrews

37. “He glued the chair to my ass."Silence."Is it still...attached?""I can't get it off.” - Ilona Andrews

38. “I've read your summary.""And?""It's not incompetent."Be still, my heart, so I don't faint from such faint phrase. "Did you expect it to be written in crayon?” - Ilona Andrews

39. “It's a party house.""I hope for your sake it's a very tame party." If he brought me to some sort of sex orgy, he would fly right through one of those pretty windows, headfirst.” - Ilona Andrews

40. “Next to me, Saiman smiled. "We all want what we can't have, Kate. I want you, you want love, and he wants to break my neck.” - Ilona Andrews

41. “And you expect me to commute two hours each way from the Keep to the Order." I kept my voice mild. "I suppose I won't be needing my job, my house, or my clothes anymore.""I didn't say that. Although let me get back to you on the clothes. It's still under consideration.” - Ilona Andrews

42. “ Dear rabbis, I'm so sorry, I nuked your circle dude. Here is his head as a souvenir. Yeah, that would fly.” - Ilona Andrews

43. “Getting a lecture on restraint from the woman who threw a hissy fit and blew up Babylon.” - Ilona Andrews

44. “You'll lose.""What makes you so sure?""You have no discipline. All you do is tear down shit down. My father is a bastard, but at least he builds things. You turn cities into smoking ruins and blunder about like some hyper child, smashing anything you see. And then you sit here and wonder, 'Why did all of my children turn out to be violet idiots? It's a mystery of nature,'.” - Ilona Andrews

45. “Torch strode over and stared at the fiver"What's this?""Some change for you. Buy your flunkies some decent clothes." I dipped my fingers into the jar and smeared think fragrant paste on my face. Torch frowned, mirroring the expression on my aunt's face."Change?"Oh, for crying out loud. "It's money. We don't use coins as currency now, we use paper money." He stared at me. "I'm insulting you! I'm saying your poor, like a beggar, because your undead are in rags. I'm offering to clothe your servants for you, because you can't provide for them. Come on, how thick do you have to be?"He jerked his hand up. A jet of flame erupted from his fingers, sliding against the ward. I jerked back from the windows on instinct. The fire died. I leaned forward. "Do you understand now?" More fire. "What's the matter? Was that not enough money?” - Ilona Andrews

46. “Kate Daniels, deadly swordmaster. Fear my twitching pinkie.” - Ilona Andrews

47. “No more tubs for me." I jumped off the bed and pulled on a pair of Pack sweats. "They make me lose all sense."Curran sprawled on the bed with a big self-satisfied smile. "Want to know a secret?""Sure.""It's not the bathtub, baby."Well, aren't we smug. I picked up the corner of the lowest mattress and made a show of looking under it."What are you looking for?""A pea Your Majesty.""What?""You heard me."I jumped back as he lunged and his fingers missed me by an inch."Getting slow in your old age.""I thought you liked it slow."A flashback to last night mugged me and my mind executed a full stop.He laughed. "Ran out of snappy comebacks?""Hush. I'm trying to think of one.” - Ilona Andrews

48. “I'm counting to ten in my head.""Is it helping?""No.""It doesn't help me with you either. I used to life weights to alleviate frustration, but someone blowtorched my weight bench. How did you do it, by the way?""I could tell you but then I'd have to kill you.” - Ilona Andrews

49. “How’s your dance card look?” “Double-check your century Jules. No dance cards.” Jules shrugged & gave me his most flirtatious smile.” - Amy Plum

50. “A few Paris blocks away I led a completely normal life with my sister & grandparents. And here I was sword fighting with dead guys.” - Amy Plum

51. “Kate, I admit that we aren’t in the easiest of situations. But are you always this . . . complicated?”I opened my mouth to say something, but Vincent shook his head, grinning. “Actually, don’t answer that. Of course you are. I wouldn’t be so totally into you if you weren’t.” - Amy Plum

52. “All this yummy muscleness first thing in the morning is almost too much for me to take,” she cooed, and gave him a playful wink as she scooted herself into the front seat. I shook my head. If “Flirt” qualified as a foreign language, my sister and Ambrose would both have PhDs in it.” - Amy Plum

53. “Gaspard eyed me cautiously. “I really can’t say,” he responded in his formal nineteenth-century style. Can’t, or won’t? I thought.” - Amy Plum

54. “Now Julie could stay here, in the Keep full of homicidal maniacs who grew teeth the size of switchblades and erupted into a violent frenzy when threatened.” - Ilona Andrews

55. “He whirled in the water and grinned at me. Damn, he was a handsome bastard. I realized he was half-naked. Blue swirls of tattoos painted his chest. When God made that chest, he did to tempt women.” - Ilona Andrews

56. “When in doubt, poke the beehive with a stick to see if anything interesting flies out.I clapped my hands. 'I had no idea Pit teams had such pretty cheerleaders. Can you do it again, but with more spirit this time?” - Ilona Andrews

57. “The hallway led me to the stairway of a million steps. My leg screamed in protest. I sighed and started climbing. I just had to keep from limping. Limping showed weakness, and I didn’t need any enterprising, career-motivated shapeshifters trying to challenge me for dominance right about now.I had once mentioned my desire for an elevator, and His Majesty asked me if I would like a flock of doves to carry me up to my quarters so my feet wouldn’t have to touch the ground. We were sparring at the time and I kicked him in the kidney in retaliation.” - Ilona Andrews

58. “People around me died, usually in horrible and bloody ways.” - Ilona Andrews

59. “Yep, Atlanta was burning. Again.” - Ilona Andrews

60. “The sound of my name in his voice stopped me in midturn. I don't know how the hell he did it, but whenever he said my name, it cut through all other distractions and made me pause, as if he'd clenched me to him and kissed me.” - Ilona Andrews

61. “People around me die. They drop like flies. I've gone through life leaving a trail of dead bodies behind me. My mother is dead, my guardian is dead, my aunt is dead—because I killed her, and when my real father finds me, he'll move heaven and earth to make me dead.” - Ilona Andrews

62. “You sure you don't need your Prince Charming to come and save you?Sure, do you have one handy?Oh, I think I could scrounge one up somewhere. As often as I have to rescue you.” - Ilona Andrews

63. “I'm going to kick you in the head when I get home. Repeatedly.” - Ilona Andrews

64. “What do you mean fainted?Took a dive, kissed the pavement. Swooned like a southern belle after her first kiss. Had a dreadful case of the vapors.” - Ilona Andrews

65. “Shifting in the hospital bed had blown her closet door wide open.” - Ilona Andrews

66. “I got a dog-training book. It says Grendel needs mental stimulation, so I tried to train him, but I think he must be retarded.” - Ilona Andrews

67. “Would you like to work here with me?We have no clients and the pay is shit.” - Ilona Andrews

68. “She put her hands over her face. Ah crap. What do I do now? Do I say something, do I not say something? I kept talking, keeping my voice as light as I could manage. Her shoulders shook slightly. She was crying. Fuck me. I sat there, not sure what to do with myself.” - Ilona Andrews

69. “Are you happy?When I can get out of my own way.And the rest of the time?The rest of the time I'm in a state of silent panic. I'm afraid it will end. I'll lose him. Lose everything.I've done that. Lost everything. It's a bitch.” - Ilona Andrews

70. “One day I'll kill him, you know.I glanced at her. She was deadly serious.” - Ilona Andrews

71. “Raphael was a bouda and they viewed sex as a fun recreational activity that should be practiced vigorously and often.” - Ilona Andrews

72. “It was one of those idiotic things that could've been resolved in a split second. Tara had no right to touch Raphael, and once she did he had every right to punch her. She should've left it at that, and now she was dead because she didn't.” - Ilona Andrews

73. “It was the kind of place you went when your earthly troubles became too much for you and you were looking for a creative way to commit suicide.” - Ilona Andrews

74. “I wouldn't be able to do anything with my vampire horde except make it run around in a herd, but it would be a very impressive herd.” - Ilona Andrews

75. “The first magic wave kicked the world in the face.” - Ilona Andrews

76. “Had records so stellar, they had to lock their resumes in a drawer at night, so the golden light streaming from the pages wouldn't keep them awake.” - Ilona Andrews

77. “Seducing him in the tub smelling of vinegar was out of the question. There had to be some boundaries.” - Ilona Andrews

78. “Black hair, angelic face, and devil eyes.” - Ilona Andrews

79. “The kid was so handsome, he almost looked unreal.” - Ilona Andrews

80. “What is wrong with you?Many, many things.” - Ilona Andrews

81. “I'm investigating people who sacrifice trained killers to dark gods.Perfect, it will keep him occupied.In what capacity?Bait.” - Ilona Andrews

82. “Put your badass faces on and follow me.” - Ilona Andrews

83. “We don't need teenage bouda sex fiends as interns.How do you know he is a sex fiend?He is fifteen and he's a bouda. Hello?” - Ilona Andrews

84. “I can't hate people that much. Don't get me wrong. I want to murder every last Keeper I can find. But that's not hate. That's vengeance.” - Ilona Andrews

85. “My ego doesn't need soothing. I don't want him soothing anything of mine, including you.” - Ilona Andrews

86. “He kissed me, and I pulled my personal psycho into bed with me.” - Ilona Andrews

87. “May I say that I am delighted that my favorite alpha is feeling better. Why, you'll be running recklessly into danger against overwhelming odds anytime now.” - Ilona Andrews

88. “Who snitched?""We have people monitoring police radio frequencies. They gave Jim a heads-up in case our security had to storm PAD offices and bust you out of there. I found out when I saw Jim walking down the hallway snickering to himself.” - Ilona Andrews

89. “Aha," Andrea said. "I'm going to ignore that you just referred to yourself as 'sugar woogums'.” - Ilona Andrews

90. “Rene, you want us to find you-don't-know-who and to retrieve his you-don't-know-what for you-won't-tell-me-whom?” - Ilona Andrews

91. “Andrea raised her eyebrows. "Look at you, all high-speed.""Yeah, you'd think I was a detective or something."Andrea held her hand out. "You'll jinx it.” - Ilona Andrews

92. “You think he's got 'government badass' tattooed on his chest?" I murmured.A faint grimace skewed Luther's mouth. "And 'I'd tell you but I'd have to kill you' on his ass.” - Ilona Andrews

93. “Shane lowered his glasses on his nose and gave me his version of a severe stare.I leaned a little toward Luther. "Is this the part where I faint in fear?"Luther bit his lip. "He might also accept falling to your knees and holding your hands in humble supplication. Makes it easier for him to slap the cuffs on.” - Ilona Andrews

94. “I know it's late, but could you find a book for me? It's called The Slavs: Study of Pagan Tradition by Osvintsev."Barabas sighed dramatically. "Kate, you make me despair. Let's try that again from the top, except this time pretend you are an alpha.""I don't need a lecture. I just need the book.""Much better. Little more growl in the voice?""Barabas!""And we're there. Congratulations!” - Ilona Andrews

95. “If I fought for them and was crippled, they would all say nice things,and then they would replace me and forget I was ever there. You would stay with me. You would take care of me, because you love me. I love you too, Kate. If you ever became hurt, I would not leave you.I’ll be there. Wherever you want‘there’ to be.-Curran to Kate” - Ilona Andrews

96. “We can do subtle," I assured her."It's our middle name," Andrea added.For some odd reason Rene didn't look convinced.” - Ilona Andrews

97. “Runes, runes, runes... Runes. An inverted Algiz rune. The caption next to it said “Chernobog.” The Black God. Right. Of course, it wouldn’t be Chernobog, God of Morning Dew on the Rose Petals, but a woman could always hope.” - Ilona Andrews

98. “swore. “Barabas said you might say that. I’m supposed to tell you this.” Ascanio cleared his throat and produced a remarkably accurate impression of Barabas’s tenor. “Courage, Your Majesty.” “I will kill him.” “The Beast Lord or Barabas?” “Both.” - Ilona Andrews

99. “Help me, I can’t breathe, your ego is pushing all the air out of the room.” - Ilona Andrews

100. “They had picked up Julie's scent hit wolfsbane lost her and found her trail again at the crumbling Highway 23 except it was two hours old and mixed with horse scents. She was hitchhiking. Great. Awesome. At least she always carried a knife with her. When I relayed this to Curran he shrugged and said, "If she kills anybody we'll make it go away.” - Ilona Andrews

101. “They really kicked me out?" "Refunded the tuition and everything." Julie blinked a couple of times coming to grips with this tidbit. "So what happens now?" "I expect you'll be a bum. Homeless and jobless begging on the street for a crust of bread..." "Kate." "Oh, alright, I suppose if you come by the office once in a while I'll give you a sandwich. You can squat in the office on the floor when it gets too cold outside. We can even get you a little blanket to lie on...” - Ilona Andrews

102. “Damn boudas. I tell him he's under siege and he goes to take a nap.” - Ilona Andrews

103. “What are you and Henry going to do tonight anyway?""My secret," I said, and when I walked around to see the look on her face, I rolled my eyes. "Not that. What are you and Xander going to do?""That." She gave me an impish look, and I scowled. "What? I'm dead. It's not like it matters anymore.” - Aimee Carter

104. “I winked and locked my arm in Carter's, and we stood there, watching Dean stroll away."You know the guy's never gonna give up," Carter nudged me, letting out a sigh."We'd have really pretty babies, huh?""Yup. They'd be rad little Brangelinas, running around tearing the place up.""Yeah, you're right. My rejection is such a disservice to the world...” - Rachael Wade

105. “Stumbling closer, I held up the manuscript, the pages flapping frantically in the wind. “I take it this is a murder mystery? You killed the ex-fiancée and thanked her in the dedication? Mighty dignified of you, I must say.”“Nah. It’s a horror novel. But yeah, the bimbo dies in the end. Bob Hall says it’s going to be a bestseller, so I figured I owed her some thanks for the inspiration.” He edged a few feet closer, his smile spread from ear to ear. The glimmer in his eyes flickered toward the ocean, breaking our connection. He hung his head, licked his lips, then returned his eyes to mine, restoring the connection with an intense smolder. “Are you gonna get over here, or what?”Letting out a soft chuckle, the tears began to blind me. “Make me.” - Rachael Wade

106. “What do you see when you look at me?”My eyes narrowed and I pressed my lips together, weighing my thoughts. All of his bimbo admirers aside, what did I see? What did my gut tell me about this man? What did it say that allowed me to wind up here with him, under such impulsive circumstances?“You’re a sad man,” I swallowed. “You’re arrogant and set in your ways, but that creates a fortress for you. It’s your safe haven. Behind the moat is someone who has lost something he loved, only I’m not sure what, or who. You’re afraid of something and your loyalty is hidden away in a cell, wounded by betrayal.” I rested my head on the pillow. “That’s what I see.”“On second thought,” he exhaled, letting his head drop next to mine. “You’re psychic.” - Rachael Wade

107. “Enough," Curran said. An unmistakable command saturated his voice. Jim clicked his mouth shut. I crossed my arms. "I'm sorry, is this the part where I fall to my knees and shiver in fear, Your Furriness? Silly me, I didn't get the memo.” - Ilona Andrews

108. “I spent the rest of the day in someone else's story. The rare moments that I put the book down, my own pain returned in burning stabs.” - Amy Plum

109. “Clearly God was in some kind of mood on my birthday.” - Jodi Picoult

110. “You look like shit." Honesty is important in any relationship.” - Gordon Andrews

111. “IMBECILE!" the chef shouted. "Next time why don't you just put your whole HAND in the food, hey? Yes, your whole hand, or maybe your FACE! I arrange the food on plates with care, are you understanding what I am telling you? It is part of the art form of cooking, yes? A lovely plate of food is a thing of beauty! And then you, NUMBSKULL, come along and put your fat greasy FINGERS all over my plate, and SHAKE the plate, and move my food all around the plate until it looks like pigs' vomit!""Chef Vlad!" I cried out in delight.” - Kenneth Oppel

112. “You flatter me shamelessly. I like it. Good.” - Kenneth Oppel

113. “I prefer the word aviatrix. It has more zing to it.""It's very zingy," I agreed.” - Kenneth Oppel

114. “This way," she said, veering toward the roof's edge. "Can you jump?""Oh, I can jump!""Then jump!” - Kenneth Oppel

115. “I raised my hands, trying to shush her."Don't shush me," she said, eyes blazing. "I hate being shushed.” - Kenneth Oppel

116. “I could not help staring back, for they made quite a contrast: Kate's pale skin and elegant purple suit, Nadira's dusky skin and exotic fiery sari."Do we clash?" Nadira said dryly."We certainly do," said Kate. "Would you like me to move?""Don't trouble yourself.” - Kenneth Oppel

117. “Nadira gave Kate a long hard look. "Mr. Slater has the ship. Mr. Cruse has the coordinates. I have the key. What exactly do you have?"For the first time Kate looked flustered.” - Kenneth Oppel

118. “I stared at Kate in disbelief. "I know, I know," she said, walking toward me, hands raised as if to calm a dangerous beast. "She's not coming," I said."She's coming.""She can't.""She's coming.” - Kenneth Oppel

119. “I had no idea there'd be so many Sherpas aboard!" exclaimed Miss Simpkins."I'm not a Sherpa," Nadira said. "I'm a gypsy.""Oh, my goodness!" said the chaperone.” - Kenneth Oppel

120. “This is the gate between the living and the dead", he said. "You are still living. The others on the grounds died very long time ago."A chill ran through me. "And you?""Me?" The corner of his mouth twitched. "I rule the dead. I am not one of them” - Aimee Carter

121. “Can I try something?" I said. "If you dont' like it, I'll stop.” - Aimee Carter

122. “I’d give him a cup of coffee and a big helping of a knuckle sandwich. Generosity was a virtue and I was in the mood to be extremely virtuous.” - Ilona Andrews

123. “The Beast Lord walked out of the warehouse. The screen went dark.My knight in furry armor.Saiman opened his mouth. "This is why I didn't. Personally, I think your smile is inappropriate.” - Ilona Andrews

124. “She was in love with a vampire. Bela Lugosi. Nosferatu. Vlad the Impaler. Count Chocula . The urge to laugh seized her and she buried her face in her hands and cried instead.” - Shelby Reed

125. “So I figured I might as well see if I could find something Gaspard didnt already know about. Like an herb or potion or something.""Hmm," said Georgia, looking off into some invisible dreamworld. "Or maybe bathing naked in the Seine under the light of a full moon"- she glanced up quickly- "in which case, definitely tell me when and where your voodoo's going down!” - Amy Plum

126. “Bearing my mother's face was a daily reminder that I could be as strong as she had been. And fighting for what I wanted most in life was the best way to keep her alive in my heart.” - Amy Plum

127. “Curran strode toward me, eyes blazing. "If I let her go, I'll need a replacement. Want to volunteer for the job."He looked like he wouldn't be taking no for an anser. I swiped Slayer from its sheath and backed away from the edge of the roof. "And be girlfriend number twenty-three soon to be dumped in favor of girlfriend number twenty-four who has slightly bigger boobs? I don't think so."He kept coming. "Oh Yeah?""Yeah, you get these beautiful women, make them dependent on you, and then you dump them. Well, this time a woman left you first, and your enormous ego can't deal with it. And to think that I hoped we could talk like reasonable adults. If we were the last two people on Earth, I'd find myself a moving island so I could get the hell away from you.” - Ilona Andrews

128. “You're not alone, unless you choose to be."..."It's time to stop running.” - H.M. Ward

129. “And while thoulivest, dear Kate, take a fellow of plain anduncoined constancy; for he perforce must do theeright, because he hath not the gift to woo in otherplaces: for these fellows of infinite tongue, thatcan rhyme themselves into ladies' favours, they doalways reason themselves out again. What! aspeaker is but a prater; a rhyme is but a ballad. Agood leg will fall; a straight back will stoop; ablack beard will turn white; a curled pate will growbald; a fair face will wither; a full eye will waxhollow: but a good heart, Kate, is the sun and themoon; or, rather, the sun, and not the moon; for itshines bright and never changes, but keeps hiscourse truly. If thou would have such a one, takeme; and take me, take a soldier; take a soldier,take a king. And what sayest thou then to my love?speak, my fair, and fairly, I pray thee” - William Shakespeare

130. “Don't worry, he's coming with me to investigate things.""In the city?" Jim asked."Yes.""That's a great idea. You both should go. To the city."Curran and I looked at each other."He's trying to get rid of us," I said."You think he's planning a coup?" Curran wondered."I hope so." I turned to Jim. "Is there any chance you'd overthrow the tyrannical Beast Lord and his psychotic Consort?""Yeah, I want a vacation," Curran said.Jim leaned toward us and said in a lowered voice, "You couldn't pay me enough. This is your mess, you deal with it. I have enough on my plate."He walked away."Too bad," Curran said."I don't know, I think we could convince him to seize the reins of power."Curran shook his head. "Nahh. He's too smart for that.” - Ilona Andrews

131. “If I lost him here, to this idiotic fight, after I fought and guarded him for two weeks, after I cried and thought he was dying, I would find him in the afterlife and I would murder him again.” - Ilona Andrews

132. “James chuckled. “You’re the worst goddess I’ve ever met.”“Calliope’s the worst goddess you’ve ever met. I’m just the most incompetent.” - Aimee Carter

133. “(...) alguns livros são tão bons que queremos lê-los uma e outra vez. Afeiçoamo-nos a eles.Tornam-se...bom, tornam-se um pouco a nossa familia.” - Patricia Cabot