133 Spirituality Quotes

June 29, 2024, 7:45 p.m.

133 Spirituality Quotes

In a world where the noise of daily life can often drown out inner peace, spirituality serves as a guiding light, helping us reconnect with our deeper selves and the universe. Whether you're seeking solace, inspiration, or a shift in perspective, the wisdom found in carefully chosen words has the power to transform your outlook. Today, we present a thoughtfully curated collection of the top 133 Spirituality Quotes designed to uplift your spirit, ignite introspection, and nourish your soul. Dive into this spiritual treasure trove and let each quote serve as a gentle reminder of the profound mysteries and boundless wonders that lie within and around us.

1. “You can safely assume you've created God in your own image when it turns out that God hates all the same people you do.” - Anne Lamott

2. “Except for the point, the still point, There would be no dance, and there is only the dance” - T. S. Eliot

3. “The first peace, which is the most important, is that which comes within the souls of people when they realize their relationship, their oneness with the universe and all its powers, and when they realize at the center of the universe dwells the Great Spirit, and that its center is really everywhere, it is within each of us.” - Black Elk

4. “Try to find pleasure in the speed that you're not used to. Changing the way you do routine things allows a new person to grow inside of you. But when all is said and done, you're the one who must decide how you handle it.” - Paulo Coelho

5. “A culture that does not teach prayer soon runs mad with desire.” - Laurence Freeman OSB

6. “Through the present moment, you have access to the power of life itself, that which has traditionally been called "God." As soon as you turn away from it, God ceases to be a reality in your life, and all you are left with is the mental concept of God, which some people believe in and others deny. Even belief in God is only a poor substitute for the living reality of God manifesting every moment of your life.” - Eckhart Tolle

7. “Your life is your spiritual path.It's what's right in front of you. You can't live anyone else's life. The task is to live yours and stop trying to copy one you think looks better.” - Sandy Nathan

8. “Live simply. Deepest joy is like a flower....beautiful in essence.” - Tony Samara

9. “He had never believed that spirituality had to be anemic or aesthetic.” - Irving Stone

10. “Hanya sunyi, yang sanggup mengajarkan kita, untuk tak mendua. ” - Emha Ainun Nadjib

11. “How many fears came between us?Earthquakes, diseases, wars where hellrained smoldering pus from skies made of winged death.Horror tore this world asunder.While inside the bleeding smokeand beyond the shredded weeping fleshwe memorized tales of infinite good.--from The History Lesson” - Aberjhani

12. “History is a hermaphrodite with many distinguished lovers. We are neither mysteries nor strangers but the living breath of revelation made flesh by the unrestrained desires of a free and universal love. Universal me. Universal you.”--from Past Present and Future are One” - Aberjhani

13. “The Latin words humus, soil/earth, and homo, human being, have a common derivation, from which we also get our word 'humble.' This is the Genesis origin of who we are: dust - dust that the Lord God used to make us a human being. If we cultivate a lively sense of our origin and nurture a sense of continuity with it, who knows, we may also acquire humility.” - Eugene Peterson

14. “The faith of religion is belief on insufficient evidence.” - Sam Harris

15. “The worst evil is not to commit crimes, but to fail to do the good one might have done.” - Leon Bloy

16. “The Stone of Guilt in the River of the Mind, the block in the flow of intelligence.~ Paramahamsa Nithyananda” - Paramahamsa Nithyananda

17. “As soon as you look at the world through an ideology you are finished. No reality fits an ideology. Life is beyond that. … That is why people are always searching for a meaning to life… Meaning is only found when you go beyond meaning. Life only makes sense when you perceive it as mystery and it makes no sense to the conceptualizing mind.” - Anthony de Mello

18. “I can worship Nature, and that fulfills my need for miracles and beauty. Art gives a spiritual depth to existence -- I can find worlds bigger and deeper than my own in music, paintings, and books. And from my friends and family I receive the highest benediction, emotional contact, and personal affirmation. I can bow before the works of Man, from buildings to babies, and that fulfills my need for wonder. I can believe in the sanctity of Life, and that becomes the Revealed Word, to live my life as I believe it should be, not as I'm told to by self-appointed guides.” - Neil Peart

19. “In the end idealism annoyed Bouvard. ‘I don’t want any more of it: the famous cogito is a bore. The ideas of things are taken for the things themselves. What we barely understand is explained by means of words that we do not understand at all! Substance, extension, force, matter and soul, are all so many abstractions, figments of the imagination. As for God, it is impossible to know how he is, or even if he is! Once he was the cause of wind, thunder, revolutions. Now he is getting smaller. Besides, I don’t see what use he is.” - Gustave Flaubert

20. “Self-talk reflects your innermost feelings.” - Dr. Asa Don Brown

21. “reality isn't the way you wish things to be, nor the way they appear to be, but the way they actually are.” - Robert J. Ringer

22. “To be a princess is to play at life. To be a queen is to be a serious player...The purpose of life as a woman is to ascend to the throne and rule with heart.” - Marianne Williamson

23. “When a woman conceives her true self, a miracle occurs and life around her begins again.” - Marianne Williamson

24. “If there is one ruler that can harmonize and unify the mob of characters [in our astral body], it is the Ego (the Higher Ego, or Self, or Spirit). The more the Ego shines like a sun at the center of gravity of the astral body, the more the different characters start orbiting around it. Instead of working only to satisfy their own selfish desires, the characters start manifesting the purposes of the light and of the Spirit. Instead of plotting for the success of their own ambitions, they start accomplishing the works of the Higher Self... The unveiling of the Self begins a process of unification--a new astral body slowly develops. In this new, or transformed, astral body, the different parts are penetrated by the light of the Self. Therefore they are not only united around the Self, but are also cemented to it... [Before this process], one is nothing more than an appearance: it is the illusion of being one person...” - Samuel Sagan

25. “Let nothing disturb you,Let nothing frighten you,All things are passing away:God never changes.Patience obtains all things.Whoever has God lacks nothing;God alone suffices.” - Santa Teresa de Jesús

26. “Torah is not just a book, not just a bunch of laws, and not just a history, but so much more. The Torah is a way ofd life to learn and live, and when studied, a spiritual way to understand life as well as providing instructions on getting closer to Adonai (God). When we treat others kindly, fairly, and lovingly, both in our home, social, and business lives, we are living Torah. The "truth" is the Torah is many things simultaneously.” - Laura Weakley

27. “The danger today is in believing there are no sick people, there is only a sick society.” - Fulton J. Sheen

28. “The principle of democracy is a recognition of the sovereign, inalienable rights of man as a gift from God, the Source of law.” - Fulton J. Sheen

29. “But people of the deepest understanding look within, distracted by nothing. Since a clear mind is the Buddha, they attain the understanding of a Buddha without using the mind.” - Bodhidharma

30. “God loved us before he made us; and his love has never diminished and never shall.” - Julian of Norwich

31. “Spirituality does not lie in meditating the body of an ex-master. Spirituality exists in mediating on your own inner body.” - Amit Ray

32. “Be formless. As long as your "I" is asserted, it will be an idol of worship” - AainaA-Ridtz A R

33. “when the need is in the mind, you cannot satisfy the need” - Miguel Ruiz

34. “The difference between theism and nontheism is not whether one does or does not believe in God. . . Theism is a deep-seated conviction that there's some hand to hold: if we just do the right things, someone will appreciate us and take care of us. . . Nontheism is relaxing with the ambiguity and uncertainty of the present moment without reaching for anything to protect ourselves.” - Pema Chodron

35. “It does not follow, because our ancestors made so many errors of fact and mixed them with their religion, that we should therefore leave off being religious at all. By being religious we establish ourselves in possession of ultimate reality at the only points at which reality is given us to guard. Our responsible concern is with our private destiny, after all.” - William James

36. “I know, I know," Moore said. "Mad beliefs like that, eh? Must be some metaphor, right? Must mean something else?" Shook his head. "What an awfully arrogant thing. What if faiths are exactly what they are? And mean exactly what they say?" "Stop trying to make sense of it and just listen," Dane said."And what," Moore said, "if a large part of the reason they're so tenacious is that they're perfectly accurate?” - China Miéville

37. “Love is not an emotion. It is your very existence.” - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

38. “Whether we eat, sleep, work, play, whatever we do life contains dissatisfaction, pain. If we enjoy pleasure, we are afraid to lose it; we strive for more and more pleasure or try to contain it. If we suffer pain we want to escape it. We experience dissatisfaction all the time. All activities contain dissatisfaction or pain, continuously.” - CHOGYAM TRUNGPA

39. “To the untutored sage, the concentration of population was the prolific mother of all evils, moral no less than physical. He argued that food is good, while surfeit kills; that love is good, but lust destroys; and not less dreaded than the pestilence following upon crowded and unsanitary dwellings was the loss of spiritual power inseparable from too close contact with one's fellow-men.” - Charles Alexander (Ohiyesa) Eastman

40. “I wish I had never been born," she said. "What are we born for?" "For infinite happiness," said the Spirit. "You can step out into it at any moment...” - C.S. Lewis

41. “Quiet the mind, and the soul will speak.” - Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati

42. “Anybody who says "I know how to get to God and you don't, do this and do that and go here and go there" is going to become 1. very powerful and 2. very rich. The simple truth is, if I am with God, no less can you be with God at the same time as I am.” - C. JoyBell C.

43. “If you have a good idea, use it so that you will not only accomplish something, but so that you can make room for new ones to flow into you.” - DENG MING-DAO

44. “One night I begged Robin, a scientist by training, to watch Arthur Miller's 'Death of a Salesman' with me on PBS. He lasted about one act, then turned to me in horror: 'This is how you spend your days? Thinking about things like this?' I was ashamed. I could have been learning about string theory or how flowers pollinate themselves. I think his remark was the beginning of my crisis of faith. Like so many of my generation in graduate school, I had turned to literature as a kind of substitute for formal religion, which no longer fed my soul, or for therapy, which I could not afford.... I became interested in exploring the theory of nonfiction and in writing memoir, a genre that gives us access to that lost Middlemarch of reflection and social commentary.” - Mary Rose O'Reilley

45. “In honor of Oprah Winfrey: Even greater than the ability to inspire others with hope is the power to motivate them to give as much to the lives of others as they would give to their own; and to empower them to confront the worst in themselves in order to discover and claim the best in themselves.” - Aberjhani

46. “Eat of my deep earth, drink of my living streams, for I am your Mother. Your heart is my wild drum, your breath my eternal song. If you would live, dance with me!” - Juliet Marillier

47. “I am convinced that the jealous, the angry, the bitter and the egotistical are the first to race to the top of mountains. A confident person enjoys the journey, the people they meet along the way and sees life not as a competition. They reach the summit last because they know God isn’t at the top waiting for them. He is down below helping his followers to understand that the view is glorious where ever you stand.” - Shannon Alder

48. “We live as ripples of energy in the vast ocean of energy.” - Deepak Chopra

49. “Fullness of joy is discovered only in the emptying of will.” - Ann Voskamp

50. “A life contemplating the blessings of Christ becomes a life acting the love of Christ.” - Ann Voskamp

51. “...your tranquil yes to the changing over into the formless void of the unlimited.” - Hermann Hesse

52. “Spiritual yearning is the homesickness of the soul.” - Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati

53. “Become the difference you want to make," and the heart of your mind will feel what the mind of your heart knows.” - Stan Ellis

54. “The will of life and death, never share the same motivation...we all know that love is the ultimate motive to die for...but let’s not kid ourselves......we all know the ultimate motive to rise back from the dead is vengeance.” - unauthor

55. “Becoming wealthy is about accumulating wealth.” - Stephen Richards

56. “The heart is like a woman, and the head is like a man, and although man is the head of woman, woman is the heart of man, and she turns man's head because she turns his heart.” - Peter Kreeft

57. “There's isn't any slight of hand in Spirituality, everything you desire is right there for you to see.” - Stanley Victor Paskavich

58. “And now they were weary and frightened because they had gone against a system they did not understand and it had beaten them. They knew that the team and the wagon were worth much more. They knew the buyer man would get much more, but they didn't know how to do it. Merchandising was a secret to them.” - John Steinbeck

59. “It is more Important to be of pure intention than of perfect action.” - Ilyas Kassam

60. “It is only when we have renounced our preoccupation with "I," "me," "mine," that we can truly possess the world in which we live. Everything, provided that we regard nothing as property. And not only is everything ours; it is also everybody else's.” - Aldous Huxley

61. “Only God may be adored, because only God is unlimited goodness, truth, and beauty, and thus only God deserves unlimited love.” - Peter Kreeft

62. “It sometimes takes a state of solitude to bring to mind the real power of companionship.” - Stephen Richards

63. “When you connect to the silence within you, that is when you can make sense of the disturbance going on around you.” - Stephen Richards

64. “Meditation is an essential travel partner on your journey of personal transformation. Meditation connects you with your soul,and this connection gives you access to your intuition, your heartfelt desires, your integrity, and the inspiration to create a life you love.” - Sarah McLean

65. “It is only through silent awareness that our physical and mental nature can change. This change is completely spontaneous. If we make an effort to change we do no more than shift our attention from one level, from one thing, to another. We remain in a vicious circle. This only transfers energy from one point to another. It still leaves us oscillating between suffering and pleasure, each leading inevitably back to the other. Only living stillness, stillness without someone trying to be still, is capable of undoing the conditioning our biologoical, emotional and psychological nature has undergone. There is no controller, no selector, no personality making choices. In choiceless living the situation is given the freedom to unfold. You do not grasp one aspect over another for there is nobody to grasp. When you understand something and live it without being stuck to the formulation, what you have understood dissolves in your openness. In this silence change takes place of its own accord, the problem is resolved and duality ends. You are left in your glory where no one has understood and nothing has been understood.” - Jean Klein

66. “Material things have closed boundaries; they are not accessible, cannot be penetrated, by things outside themselves. But one's existence as a spiritual being involves being and remaining oneself and at the same time admitting and transforming into oneself the reality of the world. No other material thing can be present in the space occupied by a house, a tree, or a fountain pen. But where there is mind, the totality of things has room; it is "possible that in a single being the comprehensiveness of the whole universe may dwell.” - Josef Pieper

67. “You can live as a particle crashing about and colliding in a welter of materials with god, or you can live as a particle crashing about and colliding in a welter of materials without god. But you cannot live outside the welter of colliding materials.” - Annie Dillard

68. “The fundamentalists of every faith remain blind to the truth that the “sigh within the prayer is the same in the heart of the Christian, the Muslim, and the Jew.” I have seen this unity with my eyes, heard it with my ears, felt it with all my being.” - David James Duncan

69. “People don’t realize, he said, how important it is to wake up every morning with a song in your heart.” J. Krishnamurti. “The song stands for a sense of joy in existence, a joy that is free of any good or bad choices.” - Deepak Chopra

70. “Never forget that you are not in the world; the world is in you. When anything happens to you, take the experience inward. Creation is set up to bring you constant hints and clues about your role as co-creator. Your soul is metabolizing experience as surely as your body is metabolizing food” - Deepak Chopra

71. “We train the mind so that we can enjoy greater peace, happiness, wisdom & equanimity.” - Allan Lokos

72. “We all have a thirst for wonder. It's a deeply human quality. Science and religion are both bound up with it. What I'm saying is, you don't have to make stories up, you don't have to exaggerate. There's wonder and awe enough in the real world. Nature's a lot better at inventing wonders than we are.” - Carl Sagan

73. “The great fault of modern democracy -- a fault that is common to the capitalist and the socialist -- is that it accepts economic wealth as the end of society and the standard of personal happiness....The great curse of our modern society is not so much lack of money as the fact that the lack of money condemns a man to a squalid and incomplete existence. But even if he has money, and a great deal of it, he is still in danger of leading an incomplete and cramped life, because our whole social order is directed to economic instead of spiritual ends. The economic view of life regards money as equivalent to satisfaction. Get money, and if you get enough of it you will get everything else that is worth having. The Christian view of life, on the other hand, puts economic things in second place. First seek the kingdom of God, and everything else will be added to you. And this is not so absurd as it sounds, for we have only to think for a moment to realise that the ills of modern society do not spring from poverty in fact, society today is probably richer in material wealth than any society that has ever existed. What we are suffering from is lack of social adjustment and the failure to subordinate material and economic goods to human and spiritual ones.” - Christopher Henry Dawson

74. “It is in the balancing of your spirituality with your humanity that you will find immeasurable happiness, success, good health, and love.” - Steve Maraboli

75. “Sometimes resilience arrives in the moment you discover your own unshakeable goodness.” - Gregory Boyle

76. “I bought salvation from a man on the street. He said, "Go down to the beach and let the waves wash your feet.” - Gabriel Rheaume

77. “Rejection is an opportunity for your selection.” - Bernard Branson

78. “Dreams dress us carefully in the colors of power and faith.” - Aberjhani

79. “The only trouble is that in the spiritual life there are no tricks and no shortcuts. Those who imagine that they can discover spiritual gimmicks and put them to work for themselves usually ignore God's will and his grace.” - Thomas Merton

80. “Some people only dream of success… while others wake up and use Cosmic Ordering.” - Stephen Richards

81. “In the beginning man was poor, then along came Cosmic Ordering.” - Stephen Richards

82. “Know mankind well, don't degrade every man as evil, and don't exalt every man thinking he is good. He who cannot discover himself; cannot discover the world.” - Rumi

83. “The call to the creative life is a call to dignity, to a life of vulnerability and adventure and the call to a life that exquisite excitement and indeed ecstasy will often visit.” - John O'Donohue

84. “I've learned much from the land of many gods and many ways to worship. From Buddhism the power to begin to manage my mind, from Jainism the desire to make peace in all aspects of life, while Islam has taught me to desire goodness and to let go of that which cannot be controlled. I thank Judaism for teaching me the power of transcendence in rituals and the Sufis for affirming my ability to find answers within and reconnecting me with the power of music. Here's to the Parsis for teaching me that nature must be touched lightly, and the Sikhs for the importance of spiritual strength....And most of all, I thank Hinduism for showing me that there are millions of paths to the divine.” - Sarah Macdonald

85. “Soul connections are not often found and are worth every bit of fight left in you to keep.” - Shannon Alder

86. “That all opposites—such as mass and energy, subject and object, life and death—are so much each other that they are perfectly inseparable, still strikes most of us as hard to believe. But this is only because we accept as real the boundary line between the opposites. It is, recall, the boundaries themselves which create the seeming existence of separate opposites. To put it plainly, to say that "ultimate reality is a unity of opposites" is actually to say that in ultimate reality there are no boundaries. Anywhere.” - Ken Wilber

87. “I have had much experience with the unclean and uncivilized in the recent past. Shall I tell you what I discovered? I am not the state of my feet. I am not the dirt on my hands or the hygiene of my private parts. If I were these things, I would not have been at liberty to pray at any time since my arrest. But I did pray, because I am not these things. In the end, I am not even myself. I am a string of bones speaking the word God.” - G. Willow Wilson

88. “I am neither male nor female, nor am I sexless. I am the Peaceful One, whose form is self-effulgent, powerful radiance.” - Guru Nanak

89. “My heart is so smallit's almost invisible.How can You place such big sorrows in it?"Look," He answered,"your eyes are even smaller,yet they behold the world.” - Rumi

90. “Dreams link us to those who have already left this life.” - Doug Dillon

91. “There's no way to earn it or deserve it or bring it about any more than you can deserve the taste of raspberries and cream or earn good looks or bring about your own birth.” - Frederick Buechner

92. “God expects you to have the mentality of a conqueror. See yourself as a victor in Christ Jesus, and go about life with a holy swagger!” - Pedro Okoro

93. “Unforgiveness,splinter in your breastbone, lives there lodged like a small tree.Withers in winter, looms in spring. Its fruit is sweet on first bite, then turns into the taste of your own flesh.” - Katerina Stoykova Klemer

94. “Because we demand a future, we live each moment in expectation and unfulfillment. We live each moment in passing. In just this way the real nunc stans, the timeless present, is reduced to the nunc fluens, the fleeting present, the passing present of a mere one or two seconds. We expect each moment to pass on to a future moment, for in this fashion we pretend to avoid death by always rushing toward an imagined future. We want to meet ourselves in the future. We don’t want just now—we want another now, and another, and another, tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow. And thus, paradoxically, our impoverished present is fleeting precisely because we demand that it end! We want it to end so that it can thereby pass on to yet another moment, a future moment, which will in turn live only to pass.” - Ken Wilber

95. “When you enter the House of God, you leave your ego at the door and embrace purity as if your life depended on it.” - Sufian Chaudhary

96. “You become mature when you become the authority of your own life.” - Joseph Campbell

97. “Don't fret, boy. I'm not so foolish as to ridicule the myths and legends of other people. For countless generations, people, no matter where they're from, have been trying to understand this world of ours.” - Nahoko Uehashi

98. “It's time to launch yourself into that bigger life using your full capacities and with the light of our spirit shining brightly.” - Lynn A. Robinson

99. “Never in my life have I feared death as much as I feared that resurrection.” - Nikos Kazantzakis

100. “Upon the lips of babes asleep I saw light embracing light and so allowed my syllables to rest there as a prayer they might sing in their dreams...” - Aberjhani

101. “Let whatever happens, be what needs to happen, so that I may awaken.” - T. Scott McLeod

102. “Zeena's first published sermon at 7 years old. From “The Cloven Hoof” periodical, 1970, San Francisco, CA, USA.:“The question, 'What is the difference between God and Satan?,' was put to Zeena LaVey, seven-year-old daughter of the High Priest. Her answer was...'SATAN MADE THE ROSE AND GOD MADE THE THORNS.” - Zeena Schreck

103. “He who thinks half-heartedly will not believe in God; but he who really thinks has to believe in God.” - Isaac Newton

104. “We are all blessed ones. Heaven is no longer in the clouds. It is right here, all around us, everywhere; we must only open our eyes to see it.” - Kim Chestney

105. “It is not man who is the enemy of the human species. It is the irrational; it is the spiritual when it is divorced from the material; from the lesson in one beating heart or one bleeding vein.” - Anne Rice

106. “Well now you're contradicting yourself. With balance there cannot be chaos. With randomness there can be no punishment. You're pleading for punishment in hopes that you'll see your God. Without punishment there is no God. If there is balance then there is your Lord. If balance then afterlife.” - Dave Eggers

107. “Once in a while, we get the briefest of glimpses of the magnificent beauty that resides in this universe. Life which happens within incomprehensible tumult, occasionally transforms itself into a clear vision of pure ecstasy in a still transcendent moment.” - Srini Chandra

108. “I have lived with several Zen masters -- all of them cats.” - Eckhart Tolle

109. “I remember an insight that taught me much about life. One day I felt that I had everything that I really wanted in life. I had a creative and meaningful work as a therapist and course leader, I had a relationship with a beautiful woman, who I loved and who loved me, I had friend that I trusted and I had money to do what I wanted. But in spite of all this, I still had a feeling that there was something missing in my life. I was not satisfied. The thirst and longing in my heart was still searching for something more. It made me realize that the deepest pain in my heart was that I was still separated from the Whole and that no outer things or relationships could ease this pain.” - Swami Dhyan Giten

110. “A friend of mine commented yesterday that she has experienced similar insights that I talked about that all enlightened Masters and founders of religion are actually talking about the same ocean, the same invisible life source, the same God. She also said that she worked in a Christan environment at the time that she received these insights, and when she tried to share these insights with the Christians she was accused of being "impure" and of being associated with the "Devil". Christians hold on to the idea that Jesus was the only son of God, without realizing that we are all son's and daughter's of God. By holding on to the idea that Jesus is the only son of God, they do not either to realize that all enlightened Masters are talking about the same God. Jesus did not talk about faith, he talked about trust. He talked about discovering a trust in yourself and in relationship to God. Jesus said that the kingdom of God is within you. In Christianity, the church has become the intermediate between man and God, and people who claim that they have found a direct relationship to God are accused of blasphemy. The Christan church has become a barrier between man and God, and anyone who has declared that he has found a direct relationship to God are immediately banned by the church, for example Master Eckhart and Franciskus of Assisi. I have always had a deep love for Jesus, but it is not the picture of Jesus that the Christian church presents. I was a disciple of Jesus in a former life, and was thrown to the lions in Colosseum in Rome as one of the early Christians. Jesus had many more disciples than the twelve disciples mentioned in The Bible. In this life, I resigned my automatic membership in the church as soon as I could think for myself when I was 15 years old. I was also disgusted with an organization that said that they preached love and which has murdered more people than Hitler. My experience with these rare and precious insights are that they expand our consciousness of reality. They are gradual initiations into reality. They may fade away, but we will never be the same again after receiving them. They will also come more and more, the more committment we have to our spiritual growth.” - Swami Dhyan Giten

111. “When we stop judging others and ourselves, our heart begins to open.” - Swami Dhyan Giten

112. “Working with people from awareness means to be available. It means to respond with the truth in the moment. It means to respond to the moment in a way that creates a fragrance of love.” - Swami Dhyan Giten

113. “Presence is to meet another person in meditation. Presence is to invite another person in meditation. It is a meeting in love, joy, acceptance, sincerity, truth, silence and oneness.” - Swami Dhyan Giten

114. “When we are authentic, when we act out of presence and awareness, it also gives nourishment to the inner being of people around us.” - Swami Dhyan Giten

115. “... If there are twenty identical doors in the corridor and you need somebody to enter one of them, what would you do? That’s right, put „No entry“ sign on the right door. Visit is guaranteed” - Anatoliy Obraztsov

116. “The way is a great mother, empty yet inexhaustible. She gives birth to worlds unending. Ever present within you, manifest her as you will.” - Stifyn Emrys

117. “It is when our inner male and female sides meets within ourselves that a new spark of love, joy, and wholeness arises within ourselves.” - Swami Dhyan Giten

118. “I was all the time tugging and carrying water. But now I have a river that carries me.” - Dwight Lyman Moody

119. “The way is not clear, and it is when you do not have clarity, when this is allowed, that you will finally have clarity.” - T. Scott McLeod

120. “If you will have patience in difficulties you know the Holy Spirit is within you, if you will also have the strength to be thankful in troubles than is when the Holy Spirit shines through you.” - Arsenie Boca

121. “If we displease God, does it matter whom we please? If we please Him does it matter whom we displease?” - Leonard Ravenhill

122. “You cannot make a demand on your life that exceeds your belief about it. Your belief is creating a personal law. It’s not the truth, but a lie believed will act like a law until it’s neutralized.” - Derek Rydall

123. “God is not a Christian.” - Archbishop Desmond Tutu

124. “When the mind is free, magic happens.” - C.G. Rousing

125. “God is always trying to give blessings to us, but our minds are usually too full to receive them.” - Shannon L. Alder

126. “No matter how many sins you make or how slow you travel back toward God's valley, you are still way ahead of a person who never made a mistake and doesn't know what it is like to climb out of a pit of shame and rise above their temptations.” - Shannon L. Alder

127. “What he'd like to say is that he's lived it, if not the entire breadth and depth of the Christian faith then certainly the central thrust of it. The mystery, the awe, that huge sadness and grief. Oh my people.” - Ben Fountain

128. “The ripple that travels across water does not begin on its own. In order to create positive change one must act upon the intention. Creating a new idea is simple, but is just the beginning. Manifesting an idea into our perceived reality, the physical world, requires action to begin and diligence to maintain, just like any habit that already exists” - Gary Hopkins

129. “When you refuse to entertain the possibility of a solution because you “know” it will not work, then you have successfully strengthened the problem at hand” - Gary Hopkins

130. “Loneliness is a condition of energetic imbalance. As with all human conditions it is an illusion, albeit a very debilitating one if left unchecked. The key to overcoming any imbalance is to open your awareness to it, and then simply observe it. By observing the imbalance, the anguish of the emotional aspect dissipates allowing a new perspective to emerge, which ultimately has a smoothing effect on the imbalance itself. A focused mind over a short period of time can conquer any energetic imbalance… even loneliness” - Gary Hopkins

131. “Modern materialists and religious extremists alike lack the spiritual animistic reverence for non-human beings that every culture once understood as a given.” - Zeena Schreck

132. “We can remove the blocks to realizing our Higher Power by experiencing (including living in the Now), remembering, forgiving and surrendering (these five realizations can be viewed as being ultimately the same). Regular spiritual practices help us with this realization. (138)” - Charles L. Whitfield

133. “Seek peace and pursue it.' ~Psalm 34:14” - Elizabeth Grace Saunders