135 Life-Changing Quotes

Sept. 20, 2024, 11:45 a.m.

135 Life-Changing Quotes

In a world brimming with constant distractions and fleeting moments, words often serve as powerful anchors, grounding us in deeper meaning and profound wisdom. Our thoughts, attitudes, and perspectives are frequently shaped by the words we absorb, making quotes an enduring source of inspiration and reflection. Embark on a journey with us as we explore a carefully curated collection of the top 135 life-changing quotes, each one a testament to the transformative power of thoughtful expression. These quotes have the potential to ignite change, spark introspection, and guide you toward a more enriched life.

1. “Nothing can be compared to the new life that the discovery of another country provides for a thoughtful person. Although I am still the same I believe to have changed to the bones.” - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

2. “There are two novels that can change a bookish fourteen-year old’s life: The Lord of the Rings and Atlas Shrugged. One is a childish fantasy that often engenders a lifelong obsession with its unbelievable heroes, leading to an emotionally stunted, socially crippled adulthood, unable to deal with the real world. The other, of course, involves orcs."[Kung Fu Monkey -- Ephemera, blog post, March 19, 2009]” - John Rogers

3. “From time to time I try to imagine this world of which he spoke--a culture in whose mythology words might be that precious, in which words were conceived as vessels for communications from the heart; a society in which words are holy, and the challenge of life is based upon the quest for gentle words, holy words, gentle truths, holy truths.I try to imagine for myself a world in which the words one gives one's children are the shell into which they shall grow, so one chooses one's children are the shell into which they shall grow, so one chooses one's words carefully, like precious gifts, like magnificent gifts, like magnificent inheritances, for they convey an excess of what we have imagined, they bear gifts beyond imagination, they reveal and revisit the wealth of history.How carefully, how slowly, and how lovingly we might step into our expectations of each other in such a world.” - Patricia J. Williams

4. “Sometimes, all it takes to change your life is to change your routine.” - Stephen Richards

5. “Lucky people will focus on what’s in front of them rather than scrabbling about for what they’re searching for.” - Steve Backley

6. “You can start to change your luck today. Begin believing that you can have what you desire and superior things will arrive.” - Steve Backley

7. “Explore. Train your conscious mind and your subconscious mind to start working for you by getting those great powers to move in a new direction. Start creating your own good luck today.” - Steve Backley

8. “Remember, if you don’t do anything – if you don’t change the way your mind works and direct your subconscious mind to create the life you want – then everything stays the same, nothing changes.” - Steve Backley

9. “They don’t give Olympic medals out for talking a good game.” - Steve Backley

10. “To deliver your own personal maximum, you’ll realise there are no shortcuts; if you want to be a champion it is all about rolling your sleeves up and getting stuck in.” - Steve Backley

11. “Trust in your own beliefs or succumb to the influence of others’.” - Steve Backley

12. “Although you can’t go back in time and alter your natural level of potential, you can determine how much of that ability you tap into, exploit and develop for the future.” - Steve Backley

13. “For many, lack of achievement is more a consequence of fear of taking a chance and getting uncomfortable.” - Steve Backley

14. “See it first in your mind, then become it.” - Steve Backley

15. “Invest your energy in the things you can control.” - Steve Backley

16. “If you decide not to take action, you are going to fail, and even if you do take action, if you can’t keep up your motivation, you will simply end up back where you started.” - Steve Backley

17. “Athletes who are able to stay completely focused in pursuit of their dreams are the ones that are most likely to become champions.” - Steve Backley

18. “Success is a decision, not a gift.” - Steve Backley

19. “A mind filled with negative thoughts makes you feel miserable and inadequate and will lead to failure after failure no matter how hard you try to succeed.” - Steve Backley

20. “Every time a champion makes a decision they have a chance to learn something new, regardless of the outcome.” - Steve Backley

21. “To think is good. To obsess is bad.” - Steve Backley

22. “When you think a positive thought, you become positive.” - Steve Backley

23. “Success is virulent. Once you get the bug then it’s in you.” - Steve Backley

24. “Look for solutions, instead of being difficult; be more thoughtful, instead of allowing anger to burn you out. Look at things from a different perspective, embrace change, look out for opportunities and you will feel much more in control.” - Steve Backley

25. “The challenge for you is to decide not what is important, but what is most important and then focus your attention on that.” - Steve Backley

26. “Your current apathy is simply your soul telling you that it is confused.” - Steve Backley

27. “Do you want to know what one of the secrets to achieving all of your goals is? You’ve got to be committed.” - Steve Backley

28. “If obstacles are large, jump higher.” - Steve Backley

29. “It is action that creates motivation.” - Steve Backley

30. “If not you, who?” - Steve Backley

31. “See it, feel it, trust it!” - Steve Backley

32. “If not now, when?” - Steve Backley

33. “Share your aspirations only with those who will support you, not those who will respond with doubt or lack of interest.” - Steve Backley

34. “Mix with positive-minded people as a means to tap into your unexploited potential.” - Steve Backley

35. “It is never about who is right or wrong, it is about what is best.” - Steve Backley

36. “If you are able to focus unswervingly on your goals, then all that you desire will become yours.” - Steve Backley

37. “Nothing could be any worse than having to turn to your friends, your colleagues and your loved ones and say –‘I gave up too soon’.” - Steve Backley

38. “Success is simply never giving in to failure - either in mind or body.” - Steve Backley

39. “Act like a champion, and then become one.” - Steve Backley

40. “The only test is what you see when you look in a mirror.” - Steve Backley

41. “Too often, people get stuck in a state of over-thinking, the result is that they never reach a decision.” - Steve Backley

42. “The first step is the most important. It is the most crucial and the most effective as it will initiate the direction you have chosen.” - Steve Backley

43. “Just identify the very first physical action you need to take, and do it.” - Steve Backley

44. “The thrust of continuous action is the firewood which fuels motivation.” - Steve Backley

45. “Compete like you cannot fail.” - Steve Backley

46. “You have to create your self-belief by going to your core to find the probable reasons for the negativity in you, and then demolish them.” - Steve Backley

47. “Like everything in life, it is not what happens to you but how you respond to it that counts.” - Steve Backley

48. “If you remain static and wait for success to come to you it will certainly not happen.” - Steve Backley

49. “It is true to say that the secret of a winning formula is the ability to accept that there is a vast area of unexploited potential beyond what you currently perceive to be your maximum.” - Steve Backley

50. “If you want to continue to be the best in the world, then you have to train and compete like you are second best in the world.” - Steve Backley

51. “Becoming wealthy is about accumulating wealth.” - Stephen Richards

52. “Be yourself and become wealthy!” - Stephen Richards

53. “Do not invest time and money into yourself to have others completely destroy it!” - Stephen Richards

54. “Reality is a projection of your thoughts or the things you habitually think about.” - Stephen Richards

55. “There is nothing around me but money, money, money.” - Stephen Richards

56. “What you're missing is that the path itself changes you.” - Julien Smith

57. “Success will be within your reach only when you start reaching out for it.” - Stephen Richards

58. “The true measure of success is how many times you can bounce back from failure.” - Stephen Richards

59. “If you think you can then you can.” - Stephen Richards

60. “When your back is to the wall and you are facing fear head on, the only way is forward and through it.” - Stephen Richards

61. “Why don’t we just say it already?” He smirked. “I mean come on now.”I eyed him carefully not knowing where to step. “What is it you think we want to say?”“That we love each other. I kick myself every time I stopped myself from saying it. And I know you love me and that’s all that matters,” he said, pulling me close instead of away this time. We stared at the water in a shared silence.My mind wished I could say the same thing, but knowing if I wanted to was the problem. Did I even know how?” - Holly Hood

62. “The only time you fail is when you fall down and stay down.” - Stephen Richards

63. “Doing the tough things sets winners apart from losers.” - Stephen Richards

64. “Happiness is something we reap from the seeds we sow. Plant misery seeds and that us what you reap.” - Stephen Richards

65. “Our way of thinking creates good or bad outcomes.” - Stephen Richards

66. “Before you can successfully make friends with others, first you have to become your own friend.” - Stephen Richards

67. “Without enthusiasm then what we have surrounded ourselves with becomes worthless.” - Stephen Richards

68. “No matter how small you start, always dream big.” - Stephen Richards

69. “Love, like everything else in life, should be a discovery, an adventure, and like most adventures, you don’t know you’re having one until you’re right in the middle of it.” - E.A. Bucchianeri

70. “Death, I've dreamed of it, I've desired it, but what real happiness can come from it?” - Jonathan Anthony Burkett

71. “Cosmic Ordering is a dish best served today.” - Stephen Richards

72. “With Cosmic Ordering you can count your chickens before they have hatched.” - Stephen Richards

73. “With Cosmic Ordering you will never eat humble pie again.” - Stephen Richards

74. “Cosmic Ordering is a licence to print money.” - Stephen Richards

75. “No more need to rob Peter to pay Paul with Cosmic Ordering.” - Stephen Richards

76. “There is no eleventh hour with Cosmic Ordering, only the golden hour.” - Stephen Richards

77. “Believe and achieve with Cosmic Ordering.” - Stephen Richards

78. “Cosmic Ordering success sticks to you like mud to a blanket.” - Stephen Richards

79. “On the road to success some will always expect tragedy ... ditch your doubts and experience success with Cosmic Ordering.” - Stephen Richards

80. “Whatever your desire, use Cosmic Ordering to get what you require!” - Stephen Richards

81. “In the beginning man was poor, then along came Cosmic Ordering.” - Stephen Richards

82. “A clever person solves a problem; a wise person uses Cosmic Ordering!” - Stephen Richards

83. “The only secret of wealth creation is knowing how to use Cosmic Ordering.” - Stephen Richards

84. “Human beings are incredibly slow, Cosmic Ordering is incredibly fast!” - Stephen Richards

85. “Twenty years from now you will be disappointed you never used Cosmic Ordering today.” - Stephen Richards

86. “Everybody talks about being rich, Cosmic Ordering does something about it.” - Stephen Richards

87. “A man may fail many times, and then he turns to Cosmic Ordering.” - Stephen Richards

88. “There are more triumphs than defeats with Cosmic Ordering.” - Stephen Richards

89. “A woman in her thirties came to see me. As she greeted me, I could sense the pain behind her polite and superficial smile. She started telling me her story, and within one second her smile changed into a grimace of pain. Then, she began to sob uncontrollably. She said she felt lonely and unfulfilled. There was much anger and sadness. As a child she had been abused by a physically violent father. I saw quickly that her pain was not caused by her present life circumstances but by an extraordinarily heavy pain-body. Her pain-body had become the filter through which she viewed her life situation. She was not yet able to see the link between the emotional pain and her thoughts, being completely identified with both. She could not yet see that she was feeding the pain-body with her thoughts. In other words, she lived with the burden of a deeply unhappy self. At some level, however, she must have realized that her pain originated within herself, that she was a burden to herself. She was ready to awaken, and this is why she had come. I directed the focus of her attention to what she was feeling inside her body and asked her to sense the emotion directly, instead of through the filter of her unhappy thoughts, her unhappy story. She said she had come expecting me to show her the way out of her unhappiness, not into it. Reluctantly, however, she did what I asked her to do. Tears were rolling down her face, her whole body was shaking. “At this moment, this is what you feel.” I said. “There is nothing you can do about the fact that at this moment this is what you feel. Now, instead of wanting this moment to be different from the way it is, which adds more pain to the pain that is already there, is it possible for you to completely accept that this is what you feel right now?” She was quiet for a moment. Suddenly she looked impatient, as if she was about to get up, and said angrily, “No, I don't want to accept this.” “Who is speaking?” I asked her. “You or the unhappiness in you? Can you see that your unhappiness about being unhappy is just another layer of unhappiness?” She became quiet again. “I am not asking you to do anything. All I'm asking is that you find out whether it is possible for you to allow those feelings to be there. In other words, and this may sound strange, if you don't mind being unhappy, what happens to the unhappiness? Don't you want to find out?” She looked puzzled briefly, and after a minute or so of sitting silently, I suddenly noticed a significant shift in her energy field. She said, “This is weird. I 'm still unhappy, but now there is space around it. It seems to matter less.”This was the first time I heard somebody put it like that: There is space around my unhappiness. That space, of course, comes when there is inner acceptance of whatever you are experiencing in the present moment.I didn't say much else, allowing her to be with the experience. Later she came to understand that the moment she stopped identifying with the feeling, the old painful emotion that lived in her, the moment she put her attention on it directly without trying to resist it, it could no longer control her thinking and so become mixed up with a mentally constructed story called “The Unhappy Me.” Another dimension had come into her life that transcended her personal past – the dimension of Presence. Since you cannot be unhappy without an unhappy story, this was the end of her unhappiness. It was also the beginning of the end of her pain-body. Emotion in itself is not unhappiness. Only emotion plus an unhappy story is unhappiness. When our session came to an end, it was fulfilling to know that I had just witnessed the arising of Presence in another human being. The very reason for our existence in human form is to bring that dimension of consciousness into this world. I had also witnessed a diminishment of the pain-body, not through fighting it but through bringing the light of consciousness to it.” - Eckhart Tolle

90. “I honestly wish I could believe that things will end perfectly with one big bright happy ending. But these last few days have taught me that life isn't made up of shiny moments. Life is hard; it's gritty. One day you are filled with joy and the next, you are crawling through the muddy trenches with no inkling of when you might be able to climb your way back up again. ~Willow Mosby (Exposing ELE)” - Rebecca Gober

91. “You are one thing only. You are a Divine Being. An all-powerful Creator. You are a Deity in jeans and a t-shirt, and within you dwells the infinite wisdom of the ages and the sacred creative force of All that is, will be and ever was.” - Anthon St. Maarten

92. “It isn't the happy ending that Ingrid and I have dreamed up, but it's all a part of what I'm working through. The way life changes. The way people and things disappear. Then appear, unexpectedly, and had you close” - Nina LaCour

93. “We are images of Adonai, and are responsible for one another, and for taking care of all on earth created by Adonai: just as Adonai is responsible for everything created. We learned to differentiate between good and evil. We can even create order out of chaos, as Adonai did on day one. We not only procreate, but also teach the next generations. (Deuteronomy 6:7). All of these abilities and responsibilities, we inherited when created in the image of Adonai. Every person also has a spark of Adonai within. We can choose to ignore this, or to embrace this. We have the power of choice. With this great power, comes great responsibility. You see, not only were we given the ability to reason, but also, we have the ability to create a new and different future, because we have the ability to change, both ourselves, and the world.” - Laura Weakley

94. “All things are like spring dreams, passing with no trace.” - Su Tung-po

95. “Somewhere, on the long road that wound through those four years, the girl with her sachet & dancing slippers had slipped away & there was left a woman with sharp green eyes, who counted pennies & turned her hands to many menial tasks, a woman to whom nothing was left from the wreckage except the indestructible red earth on which she stood.” - Margaret Mitchell

96. “With sticky thinking you can become unstuck!” - Stephen Richards

97. “...a novel, like a myth or any great work of art, can become an initiation that helps us to make a painful rite of passage from one phase of life, one state of mind, to another. A novel, like a myth, teaches us to see the world differently; it shows us how to look into our own hearts and to see our world from a perspective that goes beyond our own self-interest.” - Karen Armstrong

98. “I'd spent so long trying to fit in,trying to be someone i wasn't,that i had no idea who i was any more.” - Dorothy Koomson

99. “I stared out of the window at the bright-blue Swiss sky and I told him a story of two people. Two people who shouldn’t have met, and who didn’t like each other much when they did, but who found they were the only two people in the world who could possibly have understood each other. And I told him of the adventures they had, the places they had gone, and the things I had seen that I had never expected to. I conjured for him electric skies and iridescent seas and evenings full of laughter and silly jokes. I drew a world for him, a world far from a Swiss industrial estate, a world in which he was still somehow the person he had wanted to be. I drew the world he had created for me, full of wonder and possibility. I let him know a hurt had been mended in a way that he couldn’t have known, and for that alone there would always be a piece of me indebted to him. And as I spoke I knew these would be the most important words I would ever say and that it was important that they were the right words, that they were not propaganda, an attempt to change his mind, but respectful of what Will had said. I told him something good...” - Jojo Moyes Me Before You

100. “There is always the possibility of a better life with every change that we face, but sometimes we have to look hard for it.” - David Bowick

101. “Voglio così tanto che non è quì e che non so dove cercarlo.” - Charles Bukowski

102. “The most beautiful moments always seemed to accelerate and slip beyond one’s grasp just when you want to hold onto them for as long as possible.” - E.A. Bucchianeri

103. “That night in bed I was thinking about the way creeks and streams operate. They start off little, gurgling and bubbling and jumping over rocks and stuff, full of energy, going all over the place. Then they get older and bigger, become rivers, take a more definite course, stick to their path, know where they're going, get slower and wider. And eventually they reach the ocean and become part of this vast mysterious world of water that stretches away forever.Yep, just like people.” - John Marsden

104. “All that old road of the past unreeling dizzily as if the cup of life had been overturned and everything gone mad. My eyes ached in nightmare day (235).” - Jack Kerouac

105. “That which causes us trials shall yield us triumph: and that which make our hearts ache shall fill us with gladness. The only true happiness is to learn, to advance, and to improve: which could not happen unless we had commenced with error, ignorance, and imperfection. We must pass through the darkness, to reach the light.” - Albert Pike

106. “You build a tower then you also build the chance it will fall. To think of life as a foolproof is a falacy of fools, he thought. Things happen, he believed, and there’s nothing you can do to keep them from occuring.” - Marianne Wiggins

107. “One minute of sincere gratitude can wash away a lifetime’s disappointments.” - Silvia Hartmann

108. “No matter what your wishes, they are not crazy so long as they are not crazy to you!” - Stephen Richards

109. “Life may change but memories won't.” - Nkaujzoo Lee

110. “You'll may not have all the things you'll want in the world, but the true love that you'll have for each other should be enough for you two to be thankful in life still.” - Jonathan Anthony Burkett

111. “Harnessing the unique sex energy that can only arise through sexual expression can awaken multidimensional awareness and provide you with your desired goal.” - Stephen Richards

112. “To control your life, control your mind. To control your mind, control your breath.” - Stephen Richards

113. “Stop harboring grudges against those who have wronged you, it just holds you back when you really want to be in the NOW.” - Stephen Richards

114. “We're only given one life, and it's the one we live, she had thought; how painful now, to realize that wasn't true, that you would have different lives, depending on how brave you were, and how ready.” - Samuel Park

115. “Many surround themselves with luminaries, but in so doing they dull their own sparkle. If you want to shine bright, look to the heavens and see how the brightest star always stands apart from those lesser shining stars.” - Stephen Richards

116. “You're only as sick as your secrets.” - Rick Warren

117. “There is a little word that we can say to others now. "Thank You Very Much".” - Marya Sy

118. “The ocean was one of the greatest things he had ever seen in his life—bigger and deeper than anything he had imagined. It changed its color and shape and expression according to time and place and weather. It aroused a deep sadness in his heart, and at the same time it brought his heart peace and comfort.” - Haruki Murakami

119. “The thing about being catapulted into a whole new life--or at least, shoved up so hard against someone else's life that you might as well have your face pressed against their window--is that it forces you to rethink your idea of who you are. Or how you might seem to other people.” - Jojo Moyes

120. “It was as simple as that - they met. As simple as only beautiful things can be beautiful, as only life-changing things, turning-point things, can be simple.("For The Rest Of Her Life")” - Cornell Woolrich

121. “There are ultimately two choices in life: to fight it or to embrace it. If you fight it you will lose - if you embrace it you become one with it and you'll be lived.” - Rasheed Ogunlaru

122. “Not sorry, not calling, not cryingAll will pass like smoke of white apple treesSeized by the gold of autumn,I will no longer be young.” - Sergei Yesenin

123. “To travel beyond our world is to change this present one forever.” - Steven J. Carroll

124. “We're all made the same but then born to change. Which then don't make us the same.” - Jonathan Anthony Burkett

125. “When we work creatively and productively with others, our experience of meaning can be profound. When we work directly for the good of others, meaning deepens in ways that reward us beyond measure. Whenever we go beyond satisfying our own personal needs, we enter the realm of what Frankl called "ultimate meaning." some call it connection to a higher self, to God, to our own spirit, to universal consciousness, to love, to the collective good. No matter what it's called, it is deep meaning and it transforms our lives.” - Alex Pattakos

126. “That was the splendid thing about life: Though it was cruel, it was also mysterious, filled with wonder and surprise; sometimes the surprises were so amazing that they qualified as miraculous, and by witnessing those miracles, a despondent person could discover a reason to live, a cynic could obtain unexpected relief from ennui, and a profoundly wounded boy could find the will to heal himself and medicine for melancholy.” - Dean Koontz

127. “Write as though your life depended on it.” - Jill Telford

128. “People get stuck a lot because they're afraid to act; in the worst case,...we get so attached to some end result that we can't function. We need help just to move on, only life doesn't wait.” - Bernie Glassman

129. “Not forever does the bulbul singIn balmy shades of bowers,Not forever lasts the springNor ever blossom the flowers.Not forever reigneth joy,Sets the sun on days of bliss,Friendships not forever last,They know not life, who know not this.” - Khushwant Singh

130. “Nights without beginning that had no end. Talking about a past as if it'd really happened. Telling themselves that this time next year, this time next year, things were going to be different.” - Raymond Carver

131. “Become your own success story, not someone else's.” - Stephen Richards

132. “Fate seems to be taking me in some even stranger directions.” - Haruki Murakami

133. “He who spends too long regretting his ruined crop will be neglect to plant next year's harvest.” - Francois Lelord

134. “Divorce is the start point for a brand new life. Don't lose the chance to redesign it upon your dreams!” - Rossana Condoleo

135. “Some people are busy working on their pose instead of their purpose.” - Saji Ijiyemi