138 Inspiring Life Philosophy Quotes

Dec. 3, 2024, 4:45 a.m.

138 Inspiring Life Philosophy Quotes

In the journey of life, we often seek guidance and inspiration to navigate its complexities and challenges. Whether we're facing personal dilemmas or simply striving to live more meaningfully, a thoughtful quote can sometimes illuminate the path forward. This collection of 138 inspiring life philosophy quotes brings together the wisdom of thinkers, authors, and leaders from various eras and backgrounds. Each quote offers unique perspectives on existence, purpose, and the human experience, serving as a beacon of hope and introspection. As you explore these insights, may they inspire you to reflect, act, and connect more deeply with the world around you.

1. “It was time to take the pumpkin out of the pot and eat it. In the final analysis, that was what solved these big problems of life. You could think and think and get nowhere, but you still had to eat your pumpkin. That brought you down to earth. That gave you a reason for going on. Pumpkin.” - Alexander McCall Smith

2. “Things turn out best for the people who make the best of the way things turn out.” - Craig Lancaster

3. “God helps those who strut their stuff.” - Dan Sofer

4. “It's who you is when folks knocks at the door of your heart what counts. Hide the past and it gives them what's jealous of you the power to bring you undone.” - Bryce Courtenay

5. “Maybe it's just not the right time for us to be married. I don't want to be a bounty hunter for the rest of my life, but I certainly don't want to be a housewife right now. And I really don't want to be married to someone who gives me ultimatums.And maybe Joe needs to examine what he wants from a wife. He was raised in a traditional Italian household with a stay-at-home mother and domineering father. If he wants a wife who will fit into that mold, I'm not for him. I might be a stay-at-home mother someday, but I'll always be trying to fly off the garage roof. That's just who I am.” - Janet Evanovich

6. “He's going to jail. He can't see. He can't hear. He can't take a leak that lasts under fifteen minutes. But he has an erection and all the other problems are small change. Next time around I'm coming back as a man. Priorities are clearly defined. Life is simple.” - Janet Evanovich

7. “The ultimate measure of a person is not her mistakes or accomplishments, but what she does with them.” - Liza Wiemer

8. “How did you get back?' asked Vautrin. 'I walked,' replied Eugene.'I wouldn't like half-pleasures, myself,' observed the tempter. 'I'd want to go there in my own carriage, have my own box, and come back in comfort. All or nothing, that's my motto.''And a very good one,' said Madame Vauquer.” - Honoré de Balzac

9. “Je cherche dans la mort la vie,Dans la prison la liberté,La santé dans la maladie,Dans le traître la loyauté.Mais mon infortune est si grandeQue le destin impatienté,Si l'impossible je demande,M'a le possible refusé.” - Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

10. “هذه هي الاسئلة ذاتها التي تجول في رأي تيريزا منذ الصغر .ذلك لأن الاسئلة الهامة فعلا تلك التي يصوغها طفل . وحدها الاسئله الساذجة هي الاسئله الهامة فعلا . تلك الاسئله التي تبقي من دون جواب . ان سؤال من دون جواب حاجز لا طرقات بعده . وبطريقة اخري الاسئلة التي تبقي دون جواب هي التي تشير الي حدود الامكانات الانسانية ، وهي التي ترسم حدود وجودنا” - ميلان كونديرا

11. “Life's full of surprises, and they ain't all bad.” - Barbara Rogan

12. “You love life because life's all there is.” - Glen Duncan

13. “Focus on making yourself better, not on thinking that you are better.” - Bohdi Sanders

14. “Grow old along with me! The best is yet to be, The last of life, for which the first was made ...” - Robert Browing

15. “Life will break you. Nobody can protect you from that, and living alone won’t either, for solitude will also break you with its yearning. You have to love. You have to feel. It is the reason you are here on earth. You are here to risk your heart. You are here to be swallowed up.” - Louise Erdrich

16. “Alone with my wine and my misery, I was convinced that life was composed of a string of “if only’s” leading from one self-inflicted bungle to the next until at some point, one’s final iteration of the excuse became one’s final utterance, and one expired.” - Andrew Levkoff

17. “What you seek you shall never find. For when the Gods made man, They kept immortality to themselves.Fill your belly.Day and night make merry.Let Days be full of joy.Love the child who holds your hand.Let your wife delight in your embrace.For these alone are the concerns of man.” - The Epic of Gilgamesh

18. “Live each day as if it were your last, for one day, you're sure to be right.” - Kenneth G. Ross

19. “If good things lasted forever, would we appreciate how precious they are?” - Bill Watterson

20. “Did I help someone to realize a dream they thought they'd lost? Did I listen when someone told me the reward is worth the cost? Did I praise someone for their efforts and encourage someone toward their dreams? Did I help someone to understand the end never justifies the means? Did I make someone laugh and smile when they would much, rather frown? Was I the one who picked them up when everyone put them down? Am I, the one they confide in and know their conversations secure? Did I provide them with someone to trust in knowing their friendship will always endure? Am I humble and constantly striving to become more than I was yesterday? Did I focus on the successes of others and follow through with all that I say? If I constantly strive to become the one who can say I did to did I's. Then my life is fulfilled, knowing I have achieved life's greatest prize.” - Carl Morris

21. “Normality wasn't in the days I'd left behind me: it was only to be found in whatever fortune placed in my path each morning.” - Maria Duenas

22. “Kretanje je duša svega što drhti.Započinje tako da se prvo dogodi trenutakonima koji žive trenutak,a onda se, onima koji žive vječnost,vječnost nametne kao bolest.” - Kemal Mujičić Artnam

23. “To live your life afraid of others and deny them a chance to come close is to not live at all.” - Heather Marie Adkins

24. “Della ricchezza non ci importa nulla.Del potere non ci importa nulla.Di voi ricchi potenti famosi signori dell’economia e della politica e della cultura, di tutti voi vincenti non c’importa nulla.E state pur certi che non tenteremo di rubarvi il posto, non tenteremo di portarvi via il pane d’oro, state pur certi che delle vostre grandi cose non desideriamo nulla.Perché sempre di più, e sempre più spesso, noi andiamo alla ricerca dei secondi, dei minuti, delle ore lente. Sempre di più desideriamo il vuoto, la leggerezza, la pace d’un soffio di vento che giunge da lontano e che va lontano.A voi ricchi potenti famosi signori, a tutti voi, lasciamo volentieri questo mondo qui.Noi ci prendiamo tutto il resto, noi ci prendiamo la vita.” - Massimiliano Santarossa

25. “People like us, we think differently, don't we? We are different. We do all the things that others do. But when it comes down to it, we don't need anyone else. We're happy doing what we do and having obligation interferes with that. And sometimes I think we don't even need ourselves. What's most important is to find out whether we're right or not.” - Simon Morden

26. “Over the years I've really believed when you think you're in danger, you are probably not and when you have no idea, you probably are.” - Rodney Cocks

27. “We don’t sleep to sleep, dammit, any more than we eat to eat . We sleep to dream. We’re amphibians. We live in two elements and we need both." Edward Nesbit” - Lindsay Clarke

28. “احذر،لا تخاطر مع الحقيقة..اكتف بما لديك من جزئياتها،حينما تعرف الكل،لاشيء ينقذك من حتمية الجنون” - واسيني الأعرج

29. “The whole world is beautiful, Belgarion' Eriond assured him in response to that unspoken thought. 'You just have to know how to look at it” - David Eddings

30. “Oh, life, life!" Bastidas complained, sipping his drink. "What is life? A little flame at the tip of a candle, exposed to a strong wind.” - Julio Ramón Ribeyro

31. “There's no shame in enjoying the quiet life.” - Daniel Radcliffe

32. “One guy, seeing that I was hungry, insisted on buying me a huge lunch and when I thanked him for his kindness, he simply said, 'Pass it on.' I liked this selfless concept - repay me by rewarding someone else entirely with a generous dollop of goodwill.” - Tony Hawks

33. “Life is such a journey on a sea of constant waves and splashing desires.” - Nadina Boun

34. “The first day of the rest of my life.” - Lee Child

35. “Anyone can grow into something beautiful.” - Vanessa Diffenbaugh

36. “If you don't participate, you're just taking up oxygen. (Bunny)Life is a banquet. Approach it with hunger. (Chuck)” - Deb Caletti

37. “Think, Travel, Celebrate, Charm, Decorate, Dress, Live - colorfully” - Kate Spade

38. “Just think! This whole world of ours is only a speck of mildew sprung up on a tiny planet, yet we think we can have something great - thoughts,, actions! They are all but grains of sand” - Leo Tolstoy

39. “A man who pays respect to the great paves the way for his own greatness” - Chinua Achebe

40. “If your treated like a puppet find a new ball of string” - Benny Bellamacina

41. “I feel like I am either on the cusp of something great, or standing on the edge of my abyss, discovering something brand new, or uncovering somebody elses lost imagination.” - Carroll Bryant

42. “In the dark , everything is scary” - Sandra Chami Kassis

43. “It was Don Paolo's birthday and all the people of the village were gathered in the piazza to celebrate him. The band played, the wine flowed, the children danced, and, as he stood for a moment alone under the pergola, a little girl approached the the beloved priest. "But Don Paolo, are you not happy?" she asked him. "Of course I am happy," he assured the little girl. "Why, then, aren't you crying?” - Marlena De Blasi

44. “...en av de mänskliga rättigheterna måste vara den att för en tid fådra sig undan allt som händer och sitta så här vid sidan av skeendet,få vända världen ryggen ett ögonblick medan solen lyser och hjärtat fortsätter att dunka.” - Per Anders Fogelström

45. “There’s no such thing as `one, true way’; the only answers worth having are the ones you find for yourself; leave the world better than you found it. Love, freedom, and the chance to do some good — they’re the things worth living and dying for, and if you aren’t willing to die for the things worth living for, you might as well turn in your membership in the human race.” - Mercedes Lackey

46. “Talking is nothing. Doing is something.” - Hlovate

47. “Life is full of changes. And surprises. And the inexplicable(s).” - Hlovate

48. “Life is not sugar coated.” - Edna Stewart

49. “Poetry is more than a form of art. It's a vibration and a pulsing heart. Whether it's sour or whether it's sweet. It can give you strength no one can defeat” - Stanley Victor Paskavich

50. “Who knew what evil lurked in the hearts of men? A copper, that's who. (...)You saw how close men lived to the beast. You realized that people like Carcer were not mad. They were incredibily sane. They were simply men without a shield. They'd looked at the world and realized that all the rules didn't have to apply to them, not if they didn't want them to. They weren't fooled by all the little stories. They shook hands with the beast.” - Terry Pratchett

51. “Fear of the unknown.They are afraid of new ideas.They are loaded with prejudices, not based upon anything in reality, but based on… if something is new, I reject it immediately because it’s frightening to me. What they do instead is just stay with the familiar.You know, to me, the most beautiful things in all the universe, are the most mysterious.” - Wayne W. Dyer

52. “life ain't supposed to be nothing, 'cept maybe tough” - Katherine Paterson

53. “Since I'm a novelist I'm the opposite of you - I believe that what's most important is what cannot be measured. I'm not denying your way of thinking, but the greater part of people's lives consist of things that are unmeasurable, and trying to change all these to something measurable is realistically impossible.” - Haruki Murakami

54. “A child may ask, “What is the world’s story about?” And a grown man or woman may wonder, “What way will the world go? How does it end and, while we’re at it, what’s the story about?”I believe that there is one story in the world, and only one, that has frightened and inspired us, so that we live in a Pearl White serial of continuing thought and wonder. Humans are caught—in their lives, in their thoughts, in their hungers and ambitions, in their avarice and cruelty, and in their kindness and generosity too—in a net of good and evil. I think this is the only story we have and that it occurs on all levels of feeling and intelligence. Virtue and vice were warp and woof of our first consciousness, and they will be the fabric of our last, and this despite any changes we may impose on field and river and mountain, on economy and manners. There is no other story. A man, after he has brushed off the dust and chips of his life, will have left only the hard, clean questions: Was it good or was it evil? Have I done well—or ill?” - John Steinbeck

55. “I don't compare life to anything. Life can't be defined or compared, I just know that it dresses itself as a murderer in the end.” - Griselda Salazar

56. “Me ei muutu. Arvame, et muutume, kuid see pole nii. Mõni sündmus või inimene võib meis esile tuua joone, millest varem keegi teadlik polnud. Need jooned on alati meie sees olemas, me lihtsalt ei märka neid. Ei märka sedagi, mis väljaspool. Maskid piiravad vaatevälja. Ometi jätab iga inimene, kellega viivuks või aastateks kokku satume, sellele maskile oma kriimu. Mõni inimene kriimustab seda nii tugevalt, et mask hoopiski eest pudeneb. Neile tuleb tänulik olla. Nad päästavad meid.” - Marek Kahro

57. “And what went wrong when other alchemists tried to make gold and were unable to do so?""They were looking only for gold his companion answered. They were seeking the treasure of their personal legend, without wanting actually to live out the personal legend.” - Paulo Coelho

58. “You are one thing only. You are a Divine Being. An all-powerful Creator. You are a Deity in jeans and a t-shirt, and within you dwells the infinite wisdom of the ages and the sacred creative force of All that is, will be and ever was.” - Anthon St. Maarten

59. “This is unbelievable,” James said. “I mean, you guys are out here planning to build an armored car out of my dad’s old, and I mean old, car. Mom is in the house making cookies like this is just an everyday occurrence. Once this starts, you guys probably won’t live through it, and nobody is acting like it’s a big deal. I don’t know that I’m comfortable with my parents preparing for their funeral.” “Everyone has to die of something, son,” Rick said. James looked stunned. “So you are thinking about that as a possibility? Then why go to all the trouble of putting armor on the car and putting in that big engine?” “Because I have to get back to the starting point, which in this case is the Deal’s Gap,” Rick answered. “And the car won’t make it if I don’t make modifications.” “Once they figure out what you’re doing and where you’re going, they’ll ambush you. You won’t be able to get out of it. They’ll gun you and Mom down in cold blood.” James was trying to hide the emotion from his face.” - Rich Hoffman

60. “It was like being at the bottom of an ocean, she said. There was no light and a whole ocean crushing down on you. But most people had gotten so used to it they thought it normal, they forgot even that there was a world above.” - Junot Diaz

61. “Life teach you lessons and those lessons are very painful.” - adnan khan

62. “Life is a strong drink served up in an extremely short, and fragile shot glass. We shouldn't waste a single drop.” - Samantha Sotto

63. “Haters are my favorite. I´ve built an empire with the bricks they´ve thrown at me. Keep on hating...” - CM Punk

64. “They say the world is a stage. But obviously the play is unrehearsed and everybody is ad-libbing his lines.""Maybe that’s why it’s hard to tell if we’re living in a tragedy or a farce.""We need more special effects and dance numbers.” - Bill Watterson

65. “Er is slechts één rijkdom en dat zijn de banden tussen de mensen onderling.Als we ons enkel en alleen inspannen voor materieel gewin, bouwen we onze eigen gevangenis. Dan veroordelen we onszelf tot eenzame opsluiting, met onze munten van as waarmee we niets kunnen kopen dat het waard is om voor te leven. Translation via Google translate: There is only one wealth and that are the ties between people.If we only strive for material gain, we build our own prison. Then we condemn ourselves to solitary confinement, with our coins of ash with which we can't buy anything that is worth living for.” - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

66. “Tomorrow you may bring about the destruction of your world. Tomorrow you may sing in Paradise above the smoking ruins of your world-cities. But tonight I would like to think of one man, a lone individual, a man without name or country, a man whom I respect because he has absolutely nothing in common with you - MYSELF. Tonight I shall meditate upon that which I am.” - Henry Miller

67. “I see humans but no humanity.” - Jason Donohue

68. “You shall see rude and sturdy, experienced and wise men, keeping their castles, or teaming up their summer’s wood, or chopping alone in the woods, men fuller of talk and rare adventure in the sun and wind and rain, than a chestnut is of meat; who were out not only in ‘75 and 1812, but have been out every day of their lives; greater men than Homer, or Chaucer, or Shakespeare, only they never got time to say so; they never took to the way of writing. Look at their fields, and imagine what they might write, if ever they should put pen to paper. Or what have they not written on the face of the earth already, clearing, and burning, and scratching, and harrowing, and plowing, and subsoiling, in and in, and out and out, and over and over, again and again, erasing what they had already written for want of parchment.” - Henry David Thoreau

69. “we are the living links in a life force that moves and plays around and through us, binding the deepest soils with the farthest stars.” - Alan Chadwick

70. “Pride & honor & truth & virtue & kindliness," he enumerated silkily. "You are right, Scarlett. They aren't important when a boat is sinking. But look around you at your friends. Either they are bringing their boats ashore safely with cargoes intact or they are content to go down with all flags flying.” - Margaret Mitchell

71. “manusia mungkin tidak punya kapasitas untuk mengampuni (barangkali hanya Tuhan yang bisa mengampuni), maka yang bisa kita lakukan adalah berdamai. Berdamai dengan sisi gelap yang tak bisa kita kuasai” - Ayu Utami

72. “want to live like there's no tomorrow. Love like I'm on borrowed time. It's good to be alive." ~ Musician Jason Gray” - Musician Jason Gray

73. “Sometimes life is a series of obstacles, a matter of putting one foot in front of the other. Sometimes, she realizes suddenly, it is simply a matter of blind faith.” - Jojo Moyes

74. “You walk around feeling like a teenager and immortal your whole life, and suddenly there isn't much time left.” - Stieg Larsson

75. “أهلاً .. مع السلامة " هكذا تقول الحياة لكل منا ببساطة و نحن الآن في فترة ما بين ال أهلاً و ال مع السلامة .” - آيه فوزي

76. “كن في حياتك كمتن نص في الكتاب، ودع الحواشي لوقت الأزمات” - Mohammad Ameen Ben Ali

77. “Weißt du, Jimmy, ich glaube, es wird ganz lustig sein, ein Weilchen in einer Redaktion zu sitzen.""Ich fände es schon sehr lustig, wenn ich _irgendwo_ sitzen dürfte... Na ja, da bleibe ich eben zu Haus und passe auf das Baby auf.""Sei nicht so verbittert, Jimmy, es ist ja nur vorübergehend.""Das ganze Leben ist nur vorübergehend." (S. 250)” - John Dos Passos

78. “I wish someone had just told me the truth right up front, as soon as I was old enough to understand it. I wish someone had just said: “Here’s the deal, Wade. You’re something called a ‘human being.’ That’s a really smart kind of animal. Like every other animal on this planet, we’re descended from a single-celled organism that lived millions of years ago. This happened by a process called evolution, and you’ll learn more about it But trust me, that’s really how we all got here. There’s proof of it everywhere, buried in the rocks. That story you heard? About how we were all created by a super-powerful dude named God who lives up in the sky? Total bullshit. The whole God thing is actually an ancient fairy tale that people have been telling one another for thousands of years. We made it all up. Like Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny. “Oh, and by the way … there’s no Santa Claus or Easter Bunny. Also bullshit. Sorry, kid Deal with it.” - Ernest Cline

79. “Jonathan Seagull discovered that boredom and fear and anger are the reasons that a gull's life is so short, and with those gone from his thought, he lived a long fine life indeed.” - Richard Bach

80. “To have some deep feeling about Buddhism is not the point; we just do what we should do, like eating supper and going to bed. This is Buddhism.” - Shunryu Suzuki

81. “If you say you can't, you won't!The only thing holding you back from success is yourself.” - Jody Provost

82. “Whenever there is love beyond boundaries .... Whenever trust flows deeper than oceans .... Nevertheless, a Trial is born .... You pass that trial, sacred you shall be .... if you don't, your are immortal !!!!” - M.W.Latif

83. “Trying to change the outside by making changes to the outside, is like trying to make your lips red in your reflection by putting lipstick on the mirror!” - Odille Rault

84. “Impossible is Nothing,” it said. “Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they’ve been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It’s an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It’s a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.” - Elna Baker

85. “She had learned to live light because life itself could be heavy enough.” - Jackson Burnett

86. “Have a big enough heart to love unconditionally, and a broad enough mind to embrace the differences that make each of us unique.” - D.B. Harrop

87. “Once you lose that sense of wonder at being alive, you're pretty much on the way out...” - David Bowie

88. “He was a glass half full kind of person and she was...what? The glass is going to break before you can even pour kind of person. Yikes.” - Erin McCarthy

89. “[...] for the philosophy of Square rendered him superior to all emotions, and he very calmly smoaked his pipe, as was his custom in all broils, unless when he apprehended some danger of having it broke in his mouth.” - Henry Fielding

90. “One has to manage alone as best one can. (Karin Bergman)” - Ingmar Bergman

91. “Non si può vivere in questo mondo, ma non c'è nessun altro posto dove andare.” - Jack Kerouac

92. “Vom Leben muß man saufen.” - Benjamin Lebert

93. “Quello che conta nella Terra promessa non è la terra, è la promessa.” - Guenassia Jean-Michel

94. “I would rather rudder” - Victor J. Garcia

95. “You can chase love. If you are lucky enough to catch it…is it really yours?” - Brian MacLearn

96. “Learn how to think a few moves ahead at once. In life, if you can anticipate the human mind, you can anticipate all possible futures.” - Lionel Suggs

97. “The idea is that if you practice the Naikan part of Constructive Living, life becomes a series of small miracles, and you may start to notice everything that goes right in a typical life and not the few things that go wrong.” - Will Schwalbe

98. “And then there is the most dangerous risk of all -- the risk of spending your life not doing what you want on the bet you can buy yourself the freedom to do it later.” - Randy Komisar

99. “You're never too old to be young.” - Paul Palnik

100. “The nonpermanent appearance of happiness and distress, and their disappearance in due course, are like the appearance and disappearance of winter and summer seasons.They arise from sense perception,and one must learn to tolerate them without being disturbed.” - Anonymous

101. “The greatest foe of human is his mighty wisdom.” - Chandrashekar

102. “Books are the reality you get to choose; life is the reality you hide from inside a book.” - A.M. Hudson

103. “Trying is something we do when we think we can’t do something. Even if your doing is not as perfect as you would like, decide to do it, and you will. -- Lady Nimrod of Buckmore in The Princelings and the Lost City” - Jemima Pett

104. “Looking at the fire on the stone.” - Daae ALF

105. “And then they want the person to change. If someone isn't what others want them to be, the others become angry. Everyone seems to have a clear idea of how other people should lead their lives, but none about his or her own.” - Paulo Coelho

106. “Just because you pretend the universe doesn't have teeth doesn't mean you won't get eaten in the end.” - Paul Russell

107. “You can truly value life, when you have looked Death in the eyes and held its hand.” - Lionel Suggs

108. “She's become a Russian again, he thought. When something works, she's grateful. When it doesn't work, it's life.” - John le Carré

109. “خرج جوادٌ من مكانٍ غير معروفحمَلَنا حيثُ ذُقنا هُنا كلُ العِشقوحتى لم نعُد نحيا كذلك، هذا الطَعمُ!خمرٌ، نستقيهِ على الدوام.” - جلال الدين الرومي

110. “Enlightenment is not about cocooning one’s self, but about integrating more fully with both your self and life.” - jay woodman

111. “I dont care if you have the smallest part to do with my life or the largest, I love everyone I've ever met, and if you don't like me i still respect you as a person rather than hate you for what you believe in.” - Shane Phillips

112. “Life is real, not ideal.” - Heather Muzik

113. “Erlendur didn’t believe in premonitions, visions or dreams, nor reincarnation or karma, he didn’t believe in God although he’d often read the Bible, nor in eternal life or that his conduct in this world would affect whether he went to heaven or hell. He felt that life itself offered a mixture of the two.Then sometimes he experienced this incomprehensible and supernatural de´ja` -vu, experienced time and place as if he’d seen it all before, as if he stepped outside himself, became an onlooker to his own life. There was no way he could explain what it was thathappened or why his mind played tricks on him like this.” - Arnaldur Indriðason

114. “‎Every opportunity missed is an opportunity for regret” - Karl Kloppenborg

115. “Emotions are like a virus, a common cold, disrupting the flow of logic in people's minds.” - Clyde Dsouza

116. “I had to wonder what sadistic pleasure and entertainment human suffering must provide to the divine game players who decided the fate of their pawns in a board game they made of life.” - Clyde Dsouza

117. “Life works on strange laws of nature (Karma).One never knows when a friend turns enemy & vice-versa.Rely on your Self; self-reliance” - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

118. “So live your life that those who speak ill of you will not be believed.” - one of the ancient Greeks I'm on a hunt to find which one.

119. “Most things happen for a reason and it may take years to discover why, but this is almost always for the better.” - Ursula A. Ciller

120. “Nature has endowed the human with A HEART to detect the sensibility offeelings and A WEIRD MIND to contemplate ....so be A REAL HUMAN BEING.” - Ghumakkad Agantuk Ram

121. “O man ! Do and Do something otherwise thou will have the only deposit of Zilch with thee.” - Ghumakkad Agantuk Ram

122. “The most altruistic and sustainable philosophies fail before the brute brain stem imperative of self-interest.” - Peter Watts

123. “It might be a little silly for someone getting to be my age to put this into words, but I just want to make sure I get the facts down clearly : I'm the kind of person who likes to be by himself. To put a finer point on it, I'm the type of person who doesn't find it painful to be alone. I find spending an hour or two everyday running alone, not speaking to anyone as well as four of five hours at my desk, to be neither difficult or boring.” - Haruki Murakami

124. “Failing to meet your true destiny is a tragic act of free will.” - Anthon St. Maarten

125. “Life will be better when we start to enjoy it” - Putu Satria Jaya Guna

126. “You saved my life.I trust you until you give me a reason to do otherwise” - Kristen Painter

127. “It's my belief that people enter your life at exactly the right time.” - Don Roff

128. “Une lutte qui semble perdue, est la plus excitante.” - Jacques Tardi

129. “In such a person, sadness breeds purpose; finding inspiration in the darkness and often times, I believe, they will impress a hell onto their own lives in order to re-create it, that others might suffer the experience from the comfort of their armchairs. - Quote from Her Past's Present.” - Michael Poeltl

130. “What was it Danilov told me before I left? Something about how one day I would stand at a crossroads where I could choose the Light, which illuminated the sky with its warmth and golden glow - or the Darkness, which at first seemed soothing and inviting, but which would consume me in its flames. But do I have to wait for that crossroads? Isn't it present at every moment of my life?” - Peter H. Fogtdal

131. “Some things can't be explained. They just are. And after a while they disappear, usually forever, or become interesting in another way. Literature's consolations are always temporary, while life is quick to begin again. It is better not even to look so hard, to leave off explaining. Nothing makes me more queasy than to spend time with people who don't know that and who can't forget, and for whom such knowledge isn't a cornerstone of life.” - Richard Ford

132. “Mene više ništa ne može da porazi. Ni začudi. Ni zasmeje. Zato iskreno sažaljevam žive. Oni ne znaju da je od prostora na zemlji čoveku neophodan samo prostor komotnog ležaja. Od vremena, dok voli. Od imanja, da nije ni gladan ni žedan. Od znanja, da zna svoje telo. Od prava, da sme da ne voli onog koga ne voli. I još ponešto slobode za sebičluk i igru” - Dobrica Ćosić

133. “Ali život se nikome, razumete li me, nikome na ovom svetu ne duguje. Ni majci, ni deci, ni prijateljima, ni jedom idealu! Život je moje neprikosnoveno pravo! U šta i kako ću ga satreti, moja je lična stvar.” - Dobrica Ćosić

134. “If you are on the right path, it will always be uphill.” - Henry B. Eyring

135. “Water liked to be free. Given time, water could overcome any barrier, and it hated to be trapped, just like Percy.” - Rick Riordan

136. “Don't allow money to become the yardstick by which you measure the worth of the world around you!” - Andrew James Pritchard

137. “...a small stream...sings a carefree song as it runs by your house. It is so nonthreatening that you can sit by it, look at your reflection in the water, and even wash your hands in it. It is yours, your personal stream. Yet you know that it has originated in the sea and is on its way back to where it has come from. When passing by your house, however, it is yours. You can say it is a personal moment you have torn out of eternity to keep in your pocket for yourself.” - Fatemeh Keshavarz

138. “Never cry for the same reason twice.” - Stephen Richards