138 Soul-Stirring Quotes

July 4, 2024, 2:45 p.m.

138 Soul-Stirring Quotes

In the ever-evolving journey of life, we often find ourselves seeking inspiration and motivation to navigate through the highs and lows. Words have a unique power to touch the soul, evoke deep emotions, and spark a sense of purpose within us. Whether you're facing challenges, reflecting on your dreams, or simply looking for a daily dose of encouragement, soul-stirring quotes can provide that gentle push to keep moving forward. Here, we’ve curated a collection of the top 138 quotes that resonate with the heart and mind, offering timeless wisdom and profound insights to uplift your spirit. Dive in and let these words of wisdom inspire and transform your perspective.

1. “A room without books is like a body without a soul.” - Marcus Tullius Cicero

2. “The soul, fortunately, has an interpreter - often an unconscious but still a faithful interpreter - in the eye.” - Charlotte Brontë

3. “And she understood, all by herself, without reading it in a novel or hearing it on a radio program, that falling passionately in love with someone, without reservation or holding back, was good for the heart. For its valves and its arteries and that invisible shadow of the heart called the soul. Falling in love was good for the soul.” - Paulette Jiles

4. “What the soul hardly realizes is that, unbeliever or not, his loneliness is really a homesickness for God.” - Hubert Van Zeller

5. “There is one friend in the life of each of us who seems not a separate person, however dear and beloved, but an expansion, an interpretation, of one's self, the very meaning of one's soul.” - Edith Wharton

6. “Certainly the determining acts of her life were not ideally beautiful. They were the mixed result of young and novel impulse struggling amidst the conditions of an imperfect social state, in which great feelings will often take the aspect of error, and great faith the aspect of illusion.” - George Eliot

7. “I can no longer be sure whether the psyche is in me or whether I'm in the psyche...” - James Hillman

8. “The many great gardens of the world, of literature and poetry, of painting and music, of religion and architecture, all make the point as clear as possible: The soul cannot thrive in the absence of a garden. If you don't want paradise, you are not human; and if you are not human, you don't have a soul.” - Sir Thomas More

9. “I don't deserve a soul, yet I still have one. I know because it hurts.” - Douglas Coupland

10. “Sentiment without action is the ruin of the soul.” - Edward Abbey

11. “The finest thing under the sun and moon is the human soul. I marvel at the small miracles of kindness that pass between humans, I marvel at the growth of conscience, at the persistence of reason in the face of all superstition or despair. I marvel at human endurance.” - Anne Rice

12. “It is often much harder to get rid of books than to acquire them. They stick to us in that pact of need and oblivion we make with them, witnesses to a moment in our lives we will never see again. While they are still there, it is part of us.” - Carlos María Domínguez

13. “There are two infinities that confuse me: the one in my soul devours me; the one around me will crush me” - Gustave Flaubert

14. “Childhood should be carefree, playing in the sun; not living a nightmare in the darkness of the soul.” - Dave Pelzer

15. “The soul is the form of the body, but not as the shape of a statue is formatio et terminatio materiae, for form does not exist apart from material. There is no whiteness without a white object. But the soul is not a form in this simple sense, and in particular, is not the shape of the material it informs. Therefore, the shape of a being does not affect the being's soul, for then something lower would inform something higher, which is impossible.” - Michael Flynn

16. “The soul becomes dyed with the colour of its thoughts.” - Marcus Aurelius

17. “The soul is the weariest part of the body.” - Paul Bowles

18. “Caelum non animum mutant qui trans mare currunt.(They change their sky, not their soul, who rush across the sea.)” - Horace

19. “More learning can occur when there are many obstacles then when thear are few or none. A life with difficult relationships, filled with obstacles and losses, presents the most opportunity for the soul's growth. You may have chosen the more difficult life so that you could accelerate your physical progress” - Brian Weiss

20. “If someone told me that I could live my life again free of depression provided I was willing to give up the gifts depression has given me--the depth of awareness, the expanded consciousness, the increased sensitivity, the awareness of limitation, the tenderness of love, the meaning of friendship, the apreciation of life, the joy of a passionate heart--I would say, 'This is a Faustian bargain! Give me my depressions. Let the darkness descend. But do not take away the gifts that depression, with the help of some unseen hand, has dredged up from the deep ocean of my soul and strewn along the shores of my life. I can endure darkness if I must; but I cannot lie without these gifts. I cannot live without my soul.' (p. 188)” - David Elkins

21. “A respectable appearance is sufficient to make people more interested in your soul” - Karl Lagerfeld

22. “The soul is an irrational, indivisible equation that perfectly expresses one thing: you. The soul would be no good to the devil if it could be destroyed. And it is not lost when placed in Satan's care, as is so often said. He always know exactly how to put his finger on it.” - Joe Hill

23. “Words his soul danced to.” - David Malouf

24. “Who was it who said, "I hold the buying of more books than one can peradventure read, as nothing less than the soul's reaching towards infinity; which is the only thing that raises us above the beasts that perish?" Whoever it was, I agree with him.” - A. Edward Newton

25. “There is no such thing as a good influence. Because to influence a person is to give him one's own soul. He does not think his natural thoughts, or burn with his natural passions. His virtures are not real to him. His sins, if there are such thing as sins, are borrowed. He becomes an echo of someone else's music, an actor of a part that has not been written for him.” - Oscar Wilde

26. “Did he show himself?” Nash asked, and I glanced to my right to see him staring at my father, as fascinated as I was.My dad nodded. “He was an arrogant little demon.”“So what happened?” I asked.“I punched him.”For a moment, we stared at him in silence. “You punched the reaper?” I asked, and my hand fell from the strainer onto the edge of the sink.“Yeah.” He chuckled at the memory, and his grin brought out one of my own. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d seen my father smile. “Broke his nose.” - Rachel Vincent

27. “The torture of a bad conscience is the hell of a living soul.” - John Calvin

28. “I've known rivers:I've known rivers ancient as the world and older than the flow of human blood in human veins.My soul has grown deep like the rivers.” - Langston Hughes

29. “I love you," Matt said.I love you, too," Maria replied. "I know that's a sin, and I'll probably go to hell for it."If I have a soul, I'll go with you," promised Matt.” - Nancy Farmer

30. “You can exist without your soul, you know, as long as your brain and heart are still working. But you’ll have no sense of self anymore, no memory, no . . . anything. There’s no chance at all of recovery. You’ll just — exist. As an empty shell. And your soul is gone forever . . . lost.” - J.K. Rowling

31. “That's what makes it so right. Your eyes—your soul is there, but the rest of you is still so undefined. That's the beauty of childhood. The eyes show everything you've seen so far, but the rest of you is still so open to possibility, to whatever you might become.” - Bree Despain

32. “The body grows slowly and steadily but the soul grows by leaps and bounds. It may come to its full stature in an hour.” - L.M. Montgomery

33. “...it was if another planet were calling. The call, embodied, issued in liquid syllables from the mouth of the Arab sailor who, on the prow of the Vestra each sun-up, looked toward the East and sang the Persian song:Hearken unto dawn, oh, my soul...Let good come unto the world.” - Robert Edison Fulton Jr.

34. “A woman made of parts is a dangerous thing. You never know when she'll throw away a piece you may need.” - Heidi W. Durrow

35. “But souls can't be sold. They can only be lost and never found again.” - Ray Bradbury

36. “Beauties in vain their pretty eyes may roll; Charms strike the sight, but merit wins the soul.” - Alexander Pope

37. “Study, along the lines which the theologies have mapped, will never lead us to discovery of the fundamental facts of our existence. That goal must be attained by means of exact science and can only be achieved by such means. The fact that man, for ages, has superstitiously believed in what he calls a God does not prove at all that his theory has been right. There have been many gods – all makeshifts, born of inability to fathom the deep fundamental truth. There must be something at the bottom of existence, and man, in ignorance, being unable to discover what it is through reason, because his reason has been so imperfect, undeveloped, has used, instead, imagination, and created figments, of one kind or another, which, according to the country he was born in, the suggestions of his environment, satisfied him for the time being. Not one of all the gods of all the various theologies has ever really been proved. We accept no ordinary scientific fact without the final proof; why should we, then, be satisfied in this most mighty of all matters, with a mere theory?Destruction of false theories will not decrease the sum of human happiness in future, any more than it has in the past... The days of miracles have passed. I do not believe, of course, that there was ever any day of actual miracles. I cannot understand that there were ever any miracles at all. My guide must be my reason, and at thought of miracles my reason is rebellious. Personally, I do not believe that Christ laid claim to doing miracles, or asserted that he had miraculous power...Our intelligence is the aggregate intelligence of the cells which make us up. There is no soul, distinct from mind, and what we speak of as the mind is just the aggregate intelligence of cells. It is fallacious to declare that we have souls apart from animal intelligence, apart from brains. It is the brain that keeps us going. There is nothing beyond that.Life goes on endlessly, but no more in human beings than in other animals, or, for that matter, than in vegetables. Life, collectively, must be immortal, human beings, individually, cannot be, as I see it, for they are not the individuals – they are mere aggregates of cells.There is no supernatural. We are continually learning new things. There are powers within us which have not yet been developed and they will develop. We shall learn things of ourselves, which will be full of wonders, but none of them will be beyond the natural.[Columbian Magazine interview]” - Thomas A. Edison

38. “The soul is a prolonged anniversary of our lives in this world.” - Sorin Cerin

39. “I am an empty mind with an empty body and with an empty soul. I am neither haunting for anything nor something.” - Santosh Kalwar

40. “Every book has a soul, the soul of the person who wrote it and the soul of those who read it and dream about it.” - Carlos Ruiz Zafon

41. “A great song should lift your heart, warm the soul and make you feel good.” - Colbie Caillat

42. “There is emotion in the hug, and there is respect and a form of love. Emotion that comes from honesty, respect that comes from challenge, and the form of love that exists between people whose minds have touched, whose hearts have touched, whose souls have touched. Our minds touched. Our hearts touched. Our souls touched.We separate.” - james frey

43. “By writing quotes...I mark a trail of my soul's journey in this realm.” - Toba Beta

44. “Smartass Disciple: Master, where will you go after your soul leaves your body?Master of Stupidity: What makes you think a soul will go elsewhere physically?” - Toba Beta

45. “And it is you, spirit--with will and energy, and virtue and purity--that I want, not alone with your brittle frame.” - Charlotte Brontë

46. “As bronze may be much beautified by lying in the dark damp soil, so men who fade in dust of warfare fade fairer, and sorrow blooms their soul.” - Wilfred Owen

47. “The Soul selects her own Society.” - Emily Dickinson

48. “The hidden well-spring of your soul must needs rise and run murmuring to the sea;And the treasure of your infinite depths would be revealed to your eyes.But let there be no scales to weigh your unknown treasure;And seek not the depths of your knowledge with staff or sounding line.For self is a sea boundless and measureless.Say not, “I have found the truth,” but rather, “I have found a truth.”Say not, “I have found the path of the soul.” Say rather, “I have met the soul walking upon my path.”For the soul walks upon all paths.The soul walks not upon a line, neither does it grow like a reed.The soul unfolds itself, like a lotus of countless petals.” - Kahlil Gibran

49. “My soul is impatient with itself, as with a bothersome child; its restlessness keeps growing and is forever the same. Everything interests me, but nothing holds me. I attend to everything, dreaming all the while. […]. I'm two, and both keep their distance — Siamese twins that aren't attached.” - Fernando Pessoa

50. “A good reading strengthens the soul.” - Toba Beta

51. “Some years ago, there was a lovely philosopher of science and journalist in Italy named Giulio Giorello, and he did an interview with me. And I don’t know if he wrote it or not, but the headline in Corriere della Sera when it was published was "Sì, abbiamo un'anima. Ma è fatta di tanti piccoli robot – "Yes, we have a soul, but it’s made of lots of tiny robots." And I thought, exactly. That’s the view. Yes, we have a soul, but in what sense? In the sense that our brains, unlike the brains even of dogs and cats and chimpanzees and dolphins, our brains have functional structures that give our brains powers that no other brains have - powers of look-ahead, primarily. We can understand our position in the world, we can see the future, we can understand where we came from. We know that we’re here. No buffalo knows it’s a buffalo, but we jolly well know that we’re members of Homo sapiens, and it’s the knowledge that we have and the can-do, our capacity to think ahead and to reflect and to evaluate and to evaluate our evaluations, and evaluate the grounds for our evaluations.It’s this expandable capacity to represent reasons that we have that gives us a soul. But what’s it made of? It’s made of neurons. It’s made of lots of tiny robots. And we can actually explain the structure and operation of that kind of soul, whereas an eternal, immortal, immaterial soul is just a metaphysical rug under which you sweep your embarrassment for not having any explanation.” - Daniel C. Dennett

52. “But don't forget who you really are. And I'm not talking about your so-called real name. All names are made up by someone else, even the one your parents gave you.   You know who you really are. When you're alone at night, looking up at the stars, or maybe lying in your bed in total darkness, you know that nameless person inside you.   Your life is about to be ripped apart. You will be turned into a digging machine. Your muscles will toughen. So will your heart and soul. That's necessary for survival. But don't lose touch with that person deep inside you, or else you won't really have survived at all.” - Louis Sachar

53. “To regret one’s own experiences is to arrest one’s own development. To deny one’s own experiences is to put a lie into the lips of one’s own life. It is no less than a denial of the soul.” - Oscar Wilde

54. “My soul is a hidden orchestra; I know not what instruments, what fiddlestrings and harps, drums and tamboura I sound and clash inside myself. All I hear is the symphony.” - Fernando Pessoa

55. “If life is a journey then let my soul travel and share your pain.” - Santosh Kalwar

56. “...and the vessel was not full, his intellect was not satisfied, his soul was not at peace, his heart was not still.” - Hermann Hesse

57. “And suddenly solitude fell across his heart like a dusty reflection. He closed his eyes. The dark doors within him opened and he entered. The next performance in the theater of Grenouille's soul was beginning.” - Patrick Suskind

58. “The essence of all things determines souls that are fit to send messages for their kinds.” - Toba Beta

59. “When you plant a seed of love, it is you that blossoms.” - Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati

60. “A soul gives power to the mind; and the mind empowers the soul” - Jeremy Aldana

61. “War is the greatest evil Satan has invented to corrupt our hearts and souls. We should honor our soldiers, but we should never honor war.” - Dean Hughes

62. “This path was not that of my conscious choosing. But after persistent subconscious confrontation, I have finally embraced what is, 'souly' for me...and I am thankful, when called upon, to be able to share and give to those who seek their own way of the path.” - T.F. Hodge

63. “Soulmate" is an overused term, but a true soul connection is very rare, and very real.” - Hilary Duff

64. “We think to dance, and dance in thought. But to hibernate in the mind, is to bring upon us an apocalypse of the Soul.” - Ilyas Kassam

65. “She discovered that underneath the aspect of the Rumpled Porcupine, a tortured Marxist was at war with an impossible, incurable Romantic - who forgot the candles, who broke the wine glasses, who forgot the ring. Who made love to her with a passion that took her breath away. She had always thought of herself as a somewhat uninteresting, thick-waisted, thick ankled girl. Not bad-looking. Not special. But when she was with Chacko, old limits were pushed back. Horizons expanded.She had never before met a man who spoke of the workd - of what it was, and how it came to be, or what he thought would become of it - in the way in which other men she knew discussed their jobs, their friends or their weekends at the beach.Being with Chacko made Margaret Kochamma feel as though her soul had escaped from the narrow confines of her island country, into the vast extravagant spaces of his. He made her feel as though the world belonged to them - as though it lay before thm like an opened frog on a dissecting table, begging to be examined.” - Arundhati Roy

66. “When you give yourself permission to communicate what matters to you in every situation you will have peace despite rejection or disapproval. Putting a voice to your soul helps you to let go of the negative energy of fear and regret.” - Shannon L. Alder

67. “He offered her power, money, status...a giant prison, all in exchange for only...her soul.” - Jamie Weise

68. “There is no point in getting rich if we lose our soul along the way.” - Farahad Zama

69. “Emotion is always multiplied in the art of a person who doesn't really show much emotion. It once expanded deep within his hidden soul, and following the downplay his audience is blown away.” - Criss Jami

70. “The soul is a magician. Only living flesh hampers it.” - Tanith Lee

71. “Dreams won't always take you on a straight path to destiny but they're usually related to what your soul wants for you. They'll force you to ask yourself the hard questions, they'll kick your ass and more importantly, they'll turn you on.” - Kelly Cutrone

72. “You are beholdenTo the truthIt is the wayIt is the pathIt is your destinyTo be trueIs to be” - Karen Hackel

73. “Man is complete in himself. When they go into the world, the world will disagree with them. That is inevitable. The world hates Individualism. But that is not to trouble them. They are to be calm and self-centred. If a man takes their cloak, they are to give him their coat, just to show that material things are of no importance. If people abuse them, they are not to answer back. What does it signify? The things people say of a man do not alter a man. He is what he is. Public opinion is of no value whatsoever. Even if people employ actual violence, they are not to be violent in turn. That would be to fall to the same low level. After all, even in prison, a man can be quite free. His soul can be free. His personality can be untroubled. He can be at peace. And, above all things, they are not to interfere with other people or judge them in any way. Personality is a very mysterious thing. A man cannot always be estimated by what he does. He may keep the law, and yet be worthless. He may break the law, and yet be fine. He may be bad, without ever doing anything bad. He may commit a sin against society, and yet realise through that sin his true perfection.” - Oscar Wilde

74. “I gradually became aware that my interiority was inseparable from my exteriority, that the geography of my city was the geography of my soul.” - Aleksandar Hemon

75. “She felt like parts of her soul were missing, had left her body long ago. It had happened not in Greece three months ago, but long before that. It was in Greece that she'd realized those parts had left her and were not coming back.” - Ann Brashares

76. “Even knowing that my presence brought a shadow over the lives of my loved ones, I can't regret the experiences I've had with them. They gave me life, becoming an integral part of my soul. They healed me when I was broken and somehow they recovered those parts of me, I thought lost forever.” - J.D. Stroube

77. “Where my soul went during that swoon I cannot tell. Whatever she saw, or wherever she travelled in her trance on that strange night she kept her own secret; never whispering a word to Memory, and baffling imagination by an indissoluble silence. She may have gone upward, and come in sight of her eternal home, hoping for leave to rest now, and deeming that her painful union with matter was at last dissolved. While she so deemed, an angel may have warned her away from heaven's threshold, and, guiding her weeping down, have bound her, once more, all shuddering and unwilling, to that poor frame, cold and wasted, of whose companionship she was grown more than weary. I know she re-entered her prison with pain, with reluctance, with a moan and a long shiver. The divorced mates, Spirit and Substance, were hard to re-unite: they greeted each other, not in an embrace, but a racking sort of struggle.” - Charlotte Brontë

78. “When a tree is polled, it will sprout new shoots nearer its roots. A soul that is ruined in the bud will frequently return to the springtime of its beginnings and its promise-filled childhood, as though it could discover new hopes there and retie the broken threads of life. The shoots grow rapidly and eagerly, but it is only a sham life that will never be a genuine tree.” - Hermann Hesse

79. “The green-eyed angel came in less than a half hour and fell docile as a lamb into my arms. We kissed and caressed, I met no resistance when I unlaced the strings to free her dress and fill myself in the moist and hot bed nature made between her thighs. We made love outdoors—without a roof, I like most, without stove, my favorite place, assuming the weather be fair and balmy, and the earth beneath be clean. Our souls intertwined and dripping with dew, and our love for each other was seen. Our love for the world was new.” - Roman Payne

80. “It's not worth losing your soul to win a guy.” - Daniel Nayeri

81. “Many of the most deeply spiritual moments of my life haven't happened just in my mind or in my soul. They happened while holding my son in the middle of the night, or watching the water break along the shore, or around my table, watching the people I love feel nourished in all sorts of ways.” - Shauna Niequist

82. “Meditation is an essential travel partner on your journey of personal transformation. Meditation connects you with your soul,and this connection gives you access to your intuition, your heartfelt desires, your integrity, and the inspiration to create a life you love.” - Sarah McLean

83. “But that did not stop her heart from shattering into countless pieces or her soul from shredding into slivers.” - Farrah Naseem

84. “What happened to you?" she asked."Ben was feeling artistic. Wanted to rearrange my face.” - Stacey Kade

85. “A writer is dear and necessary for us only in the measure of which he reveals to us the inner workings of his very soul.” - Leo Tolstoy

86. “If her soul ever leaks, I want it to land on me.” - Markus Zusak

87. “Formation may be the best name for what happens in a circle of trust, because the word refers, historically, to soul work done in community. But a quick disclaimer is in order, since formation sometimes means a process quite contrary to the one described in this book----a process in which the pressure of orthodox doctrine, sacred text, and institutional authority is applied to the misshapen soul in order to conform it to the shape dictated by some theology. This approach is rooted in the idea that we are born with souls deformed by sin, and our situation is hopeless until the authorities "form" us properly. But all of that is turned upside down by the principles of a circle of trust: I applaud the theologian who said that "the idea of humans being born alienated from the Creator would seem an abominable concept." Here formation flows from the belief that we are born with souls in perfect form. As time goes on, we subject to powers of deformation, from within as well as without, that twist us into shapes alien to the shape of the soul. But the soul never loses its original form and never stops calling us back to our birhtright integrity.” - Parker J. Palmer

88. “Fear not of men because men must die. Mind over matter and soul before flesh.” - Mos Def

89. “Donde termina el arco iris,en tu alma o en el horizonte?Where does the rainbow end,in your soul or on the horizon?” - Pablo Neruda

90. “Belief consists in accepting the affirmations of the soul; unbelief, in denying them.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson

91. “Deep, hearty, clean and compassionate laughter is vitamin-tastic fuel for the soul.” - Ethel Russell-Ajisomo

92. “...I deliberately spilled the black ink of despair because my perfect soul was a stained glass illusion - can you understand that?...” - John Geddes

93. “There is no need for us all to be alike and think the same way, neither do we need a common enemy to force us to come together and reach out to each other. If we allow ourselves and everyone else the freedom to fully individuate as spiritual beings in human form, there will be no need for us to be forced by worldly circumstances to take hands and stand together. Our souls will automatically want to flock together, like moths to the flame of our shared Divinity, yet each with wings covered in the glimmering colors and unique patterns of our individual human expression.” - Anthon St. Maarten

94. “The buying of more books than one can read is nothing less than the soul reaching toward infinity...” - A. Edward Newton

95. “I agree. To me, it [galloping on horseback] is the essence of freedom—the power of the beast beneath you, the wind in your face, the thundering of the hooves. It is a great elixir for the soul.”“And does your soul need healing, Benjamin?” she asked quietly, gently running her fingertips across his bicep and down his forearm.He turned away from the view of the pond and looked at her with clear, blue eyes, his expression serious. He captured her fingers in the palm of his hand. “My healing started the day I met you. You are my elixir.”“Then perhaps you need another dose,” she whispered, her face upturned as she leaned closer to him.” - Suzannah Daniels

96. “I wanted her body and soul, but body first.” - Philip Sington

97. “...thinking about laughing with 2 yr old Findlay today - Dostoyevsky was right, “The soul is healed by being with children.” ...” - John Geddes

98. “...a sensual life is a ghostly existence where you live on the surface and your soul passes through everything, touching nothing ...” - John Geddes

99. “...in my dream the shadings of your soul are the dark tincture of rain...” - John Geddes

100. “Is that all souls are for? For when we die?" "No. They're for living, too.” - Laini Taylor

101. “Thinking goes on in your head. It is not really deep into the roots of your being; it is not your totality.” - Osho

102. “He's satisfied with himself. If you have a soul you can't be satisfied.” - Graham Greene

103. “Odonato já não tinha força para desenhar nos lábios um gesto mínimo de espanto ou o que fosse um vulgar sorriso, a temperatura chegava-lhe à alma, os olhos ardiam por dentrochorar afinal não tinha que ver com lágrimas, antes era o metamorfosear de movimentos internos, a alma tinha paredes - texturas porosas que vozes e memórias podiam alterar” - Ondjaki

104. “A daily dose of daydreaming heals the heart, soothes the soul, and strengthens the imagination.” - Richelle E. Goodrich

105. “..Imam Ali [A]..'However knows himself (his soul or spirit) knows [or has known] his Lord” - DR MUHAMMAD ALI SHOMALI

106. “Then came the healing time, hearts started to shine, soul felt so fine, oh what a freeing time it was.” - Aberjhani

107. “If the eyes are the window to the soul, then Edward's in trouble 'cause no one is home.” - Laurell K. Hamilton

108. “The human soul is heavy, clumsy, held in the mud of the flesh. Its perceptions are still coarse and brutish. It can divine nothing clearly, nothing with certainty.” - Nikos Kazantzakis

109. “I am the soul in limbo.” - André Breton

110. “You can't judge people and touch their souls at the same time.” - Tama Kieves

111. “I want to be a woman who lives totally abandoned to the first commandment: to love my Lord, my God, with all my heart. I don’t want the reputation that I love God, I don’t want to write songs about loving God, I don’t want to talk about loving God. I want to actually love God. When I close my eyes, I want my heart to move. When I close my eyes and I look at Him, I want to feel alive on the inside. I want to look at Him with a fire in my heart and it’s real.” - Misty Edwards

112. “Life can be seen through several spectrums of light, but it’s the person who is doing the soul searching that defines what they may see.” - Nadège Richards

113. “An idea can destroy the mind of a human being, twist it into a dark path of destruction and illness. But only the human can destroy the mind with a bullet to the soul. Ideas do not kill people; they ruin them. People kill people.” - Ingrid

114. “Feeling sorry for yourself is a universal solvent of salvation.” - Paul Hoffman

115. “The soul that loves and suffers is in the sublime state.” - Victor Hugo

116. “...so now you know my eyes are green - because of my shirt? You never looked into my soul to know how much in me is green...” - John Geddes

117. “You put your soul into those paintings, and nothing in this world is more beautiful to me than that soul of yours.” - R.K. Lilley

118. “John will never forsake the weak and the helpless, nor fail to bring hope to the hopeless. That is what they believe, and so they do not worry. They go on and laugh and sing. Things are bound to come out right tomorrow. That is the secret of Negro song and laughter.” - Zora Neale Hurston

119. “Leila dreamt that her Soul was on fire. It was not a nightmare. Shannon was in the dream. Shannon was telling her to wake up. She woke up, burning as if she had a fever, nearly soaking wet with sweat. Kevin was asleep beside her.” - H Raven Rose

120. “My soul feels reborn each time I see you; falling in love with you again and again.” - Steve Maraboli

121. “He plashed away, like paddles on water, toward the door, and every step he made returned to me gradually my feet, my hands, my fingers. My soul again spread equally throughout my body. I was able to breathe.” - Yevgeny Zamyatin

122. “When we accomplish one thing, our ego wants to bask in the glory, though our soul is ready to move on to the next.” - S. Kelley Harrell

123. “Traditionally men have created a deep split between the inner and outer world, between body and soul, between the material and spiritual world, between love and money and between male and female qualities. The inner man and woman are related to money, creativity and financial abundance. Through investigating the roots of the inner man and woman, we can find the creative potential of both the inner man and woman. Sometimes can either the inner man or woman also provide financial support for both sides, while the other side has the idea that it cannot support itself financially.” - Swami Dhyan Giten

124. “You say great artists sell their souls for their art?""Maybe," she ventured."That's true, I suppose. If you're doing it right, anyway. I've probably sold mine. Jack's certainly sold his. And you, I imagine.""I have not!" she said, anger showing clear in her eyes. "Not literally," he said hastily. "But we give up being a person to be an artist, don't we?” - Sam Starbuck

125. “The Memory Of You Is Like A Drug To Me” - Jeremy Aldana

126. “Souls are unique, but they still come in pairs” - PJ Bayliss

127. “Like the small flame of a match to a cigarette, Rudolf’s fury lit the crumpled edge of his German soul.” - Geraldine Birch

128. “When you eliminate the Ego's intense desire to be correct, the clarity of the moment can come through. How simple is that?” - Beth Johnson

129. “If you find yourself unwilling to share, you are cheating yourself.” - Beth Johnson

130. “Tightness takes more energy than the letting go.” - Beth Johnson

131. “They say you cannot love two people equally at once,” she said. “And perhaps for others that is so. But you and Will—you are not like two ordinary people, two people who might have been jealous of each other, or who would have imagined my love for one of them diminished by my love of the other. You merged your souls when you were both children. I could not have loved Will so much if I had not loved you as well. And I could not love you as I do if I had not loved Will as I did.” - Cassandra Clare

132. “[...] the body is what we lean toward,tensing as it darts, dancing away.but it's the voice that enters us. evensaying nothing. even saying nothingover and over absently to itself” - Tracy K. Smith

133. “My soul absorbs you, my mind inhales your essence, you confirm my life.” - Al Cash

134. “If you want to discover the true character of a person, you have only to observe what they are passionate about.” - Shannon L. Alder

135. “The reflection, the verisimilitude, of life that shines in the fleshly cells from the soul source is the only cause of man's attachment to his body; obviously he would not pay solicitous homage to a clod of clay. A human being falsely identifies himself with his physical form because the life currents from the soul are breath-conveyed into the flesh with such intense power that man mistakes the effect for a cause, and idolatrously imagines the body to have life of its own.” - Paramahansa Yogananda

136. “My soul longs for God, but a man is not just his soul, is he? Terrible to say, my clay lusts after the clay of nubile girl. To soothe my guilt, and please forgive my indelicacy, I have convinced myself that I seek to find God again in their arms and their unmentionable places.” - K.J. Bishop

137. “The light of love is the brightest, because it shines into those who contact it and purify their soul. It is also dangerous in the fact that when you come into contact with it just once, you can't truly live life if it is to leave.” - Shannan Jacoby

138. “God created hand, head, and heart; the hand for the deed, the head for the world, the heart for mysticism.” - Abraham Kuyper