145 Reality Quotes

June 28, 2024, 2:47 p.m.

145 Reality Quotes

In a world often dominated by illusion and the facade of perfection, reality can serve as a grounding force, bringing us back to our truest selves. Reality is a multifaceted concept, encompassing our day-to-day experiences, the challenges we face, and the undeniable truths that guide us. To help you navigate this intricate tapestry of life, we've curated a collection of the top 145 reality quotes. These quotes, drawn from various sources and perspectives, offer profound insights and reflections on what it means to live authentically and embrace the real. Whether you're seeking wisdom, comfort, or a new perspective, these quotes are sure to resonate with you on your journey toward truth and self-discovery.

1. “It is sometimes an appropriate response to reality to go insane.” - Philip K. Dick

2. “Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away.” - Philip K. Dick

3. “Reality is just a crutch for people who can't handle drugs.” - Robin Williams

4. “When the voice of your friend or the page of your book sinks into democratic equality with the pattern of the wallpaper, the feel of your clothes, your memory of last night, and the noises from the road, you are falling asleep. The highly selective consciousness enjoyed by fully alert men, with all its builded sentiments and consecrated ideals, has as much to be called real as the drowsy chaos, and more.” - C.S. Lewis

5. “To make things 'perfectly clear' is reactionary and stupefying. The real is not perfectly clear.” - Avital Ronell

6. “Nothing ever becomes real 'til it is experienced.” - John Keats

7. “Nothing is real.” - John Lennon

8. “I've been making a list of the things they don't teach you at school. They don't teach you how to love somebody. They don't teach you how to be famous. They don't teach you how to be rich or how to be poor. They don't teach you how to walk away from someone you don't love any longer. They don't teach you how to know what's going on in someone else's mind. They don't teach you what to say to someone who's dying. They don't teach you anything worth knowing.” - Neil Gaiman

9. “I wished the dream were real, and this reality a dream. But that wasn't the case. And that was why, whenever I woke up, I'd be crying. It wasn't because I was sad. When you return from a happy dream to sad reality, there's a chasm you have to step across, and you can't cross it without shedding tears. It doesn't matter how many times you do it.” - kyoichi katayama

10. “Fais de ta vie un rêve, et d'un rêve, une réalité.” - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

11. “No word matters. But man forgets reality and remembers words.” - Roger Zelazny

12. “Cherish those who seek the truth but beware of those who find it.” - Voltaire

13. “He thought that the rose was to be found in its own eternity and not in his words; and that we may mention or allude to a thing, but not express it.” - Jorge Luis Borges

14. “Basically, Sherri's idea had to do with bringing Fat's mind down from the cosmic and the abstract to the particular. She had hatched out the practical notion that nothing is more real than a large World War Two Soviet tank.” - Philip K. Dick

15. “I felt as if I was the only person awake in a city of sleepwalkers. That's an illusion, of course. When you walk through a crowd of strangers it's next door to impossible not to imagine that they're all waxworks, but probably they're thinking just the same about you.” - George Orwell

16. “The world of reality has its limits; the world of imagination is boundless.” - Jean Jacques Rousseau

17. “Twisted and perverse are the ways of the human mind," Jane intoned. "Pinocchio was such a dolt to try to become a real boy. He was much better off with a wooden head.” - Orson Scott Card

18. “To predict the behavior of ordinary people in advance, you only have to assume that they will always try to escape a disagreeable situation with the smallest possible expenditure of intelligence.” - Friedrich Nietzsche

19. “The child intuitively comprehends that although these stories are unreal, they are not untrue ...” - Bruno Bettelheim

20. “Deep in the human unconscious is a pervasive need for a logical universe that makes sense. But the real universe is always one step beyond logic.” - Frank Herbert

21. “Please, touch me, I pray.” - Jess C. Scott

22. “And it all came to pass, all that she had hoped, but it did not fill her with rapture nor carry her away with the power or the fervor she had expected. She had imagined it all different, and had imagined herself different, too. In dreams and poems everything had been, as it were, beyond the sea; the haze of distance had mysteriously veiled all the restless mass of details and had thrown out the large lines in bold relief, while the silence of distance had lent its spirit of enchantment. It had been easy then to feel the beauty; but now that she was in the midst of it all, when every little feature stood out and spoke boldly with the manifold voices of reality, and beauty was shattered as light in a prism, she could not gather the rays together again, could not put the picture back beyond the sea. Despondently she was obliged to admit to herself that she felt poor, surrounded by riches that she could not make her own.” - Jens Peter Jacobsen

23. “Listen closely... the eternal hush of silence goes on and on throughout all this, and has been going on, and will go on and on. This is because the world is nothing but a dream and is just thought of and the everlasting eternity pays no attention to it.” - Jack Kerouac

24. “Memory warps time, as it does the sights and sounds and smells of reality; for what shapes it is emotion, which can twist what seems clear, just as the surface of a pond seems to bend the stick thrust into the water.” - Sherwood Smith

25. “Appearances are not reality; but they often can be a convincing alternative to it. You can control appearances most of the time, but facts are what they are. When the facts are too sharp, you can craft a cheerful version of the situation and cover the facts the way that you can covered a battered old four-slice toaster with a knitted cozy featuring images of kittens.” - Dean Koontz

26. “To say "all that which does not exist" is to introduce, effectively, a new concept, but it does not bring into existence anything more than that very concept which it introduces. That is, a certain entity about which we know nothing except that it bears the name of "all that which does not exist.” - Pablo Tusset

27. “If you meet a loner, no matter what they tell you, it’s not because they enjoy solitude. It’s because they have tried to blend into the world before, and people continue to disappoint them.” - Jodi Picoult

28. “Reality can be beaten with enough imagination.” - Mark Twain

29. “Rightness of limitation is essential for growth of reality.Unlimited possibility and abstract creativity can procure nothing. The limitation, and the basis arising from what is already actual, are both of them necessary and interconnected.” - Alfred North Whitehead

30. “You get what you give. What you put into things is what you get out of them.” - Jennifer Lopez

31. “Truth must be found in reality, not systems.” - Joseph Beuys

32. “Don't be afraid of the space between your dreams and reality. If you can dream it, you can make it so.” - Belva Davis

33. “Nature is a word, an allegory, a mold, an embossing, if you will.” - Charles Baudelaire

34. “I considered the case and realized that if something can exist in opinion without existing in reality, or exist in reality without existing in opinion, the conclusion is that of the two parallel lives, only opinion is necessary – not reality, which is only a secondary consideration.” - Machado de Assis

35. “The agreement or disagreement or its sense with reality constitutes its truth or falsity.” - Ludwig Wittgenstein

36. “We both wondered whether these contradictions that one can't avoid if one begins to think of time and space may not really be proofs that the whole of life is a dream, and the moon and stars bits of nightmare.” - Arthur Machen

37. “The more real you get the more unreal the world gets. ” - John Lennon

38. “All that looks like reality to us is dependent on God. There is creation and Creator, nothing more. And creation gets all its meaning and purpose from God.” - John Piper

39. “The realities of life do not allow themselves to be forgotten.” - Victor Hugo

40. “There is no point in using the word 'impossible' to describe something that has clearly happened.” - Douglas Adams

41. “We cuss them because we're not good enough for them. We hate them because they wouldn't look at us, couldn't be bothered to give us an interview. I guess there's a Trent & Brent in every city, in every field. I didn't make it and I don't belong, so I'll just go through life hating them.” - John Grisham

42. “We're all pieces of the same ever-changing puzzle;some connected for mere seconds, some connected for life,some connected through knowledge, some through belief,some connected through wisdom, some through Love, and some connected with no explanation at all. Yet, as spiritual beings having a human experience, we're all here for the sensations this reality or illusion has to offer. The best anyone can hope for is the right to be able to Live, Learn, Love then Leave. After that, reap the benefits of their own chosen existence in the hereafter by virtue of simply believing in what they believe. As for here, it took me a while but this progression helped me with my life: "I like myself. I Love myself. I am myself.” - Stanley Victor Paskavich

43. “One might suppose that reality must be held to at all costs. However, though that may be the moral thing to do, it is not necessarily the most useful thing to do. The Greeks themselves chose the ideal over the real in their geometry and demonstrated very well that far more could be achieved by consideration of abstract line and form than by a study of the real lines and forms of the world; the greater understanding achieved through abstraction could be applied most usefully to the very reality that was ignored in the process of gaining knowledge.” - Isaac Asimov

44. “Dreams are manifestation of the reality.” - Santosh Kalwar

45. “To deal with reality you must first recognize it as such.” - Laurence Gonzales

46. “Antonin Artaud wrote on one of his drawings, "Never real and always true," and that is how depression feels. You know that it is not real, that you are someone else, and yet you know that it is absolutely true.” - Andrew Solomon

47. “God, it's like reality's completely shifted on me. I used to think I was standing on such solid ground. If I wanted something badly enough, I just worked like hell for it. Now I can't decide what to do, which move to make. All the things I counted on aren't there for me anymore.” - Tess Gerritsen

48. “I tell you about a fact and truth. In physical reality of matter, there's no such thing as an imaginary spirit nor spiritual ghost. They are also made of matter, but totally different in size andlaws of physics which rule their life and the way they interact.” - Toba Beta

49. “Julian spoke with the clear, unequivocal lucidity of madmen who have escaped the hypocrisy of having to abide by a reality that makes no sense.” - Carlos Ruiz Zafon

50. “If we knew everything would change we would have turned back but we didn't know. Thats how things happen. Especially sunny days hide dark moments in their pockets.” - Karen Foxlee

51. “Even if it were possible to cast my horoscope in this one life, and to make an accurate prediction about my future, it would not be possible to 'show' it to me because as soon as I saw it my future would change by definition. This is why Werner Heisenberg's adaptation of the Hays Office—the so-called principle of uncertainty whereby the act of measuring something has the effect of altering the measurement—is of such importance. In my case the difference is often made by publicity. For example, and to boast of one of my few virtues, I used to derive pleasure from giving my time to bright young people who showed promise as writers and who asked for my help. Then some profile of me quoted someone who disclosed that I liked to do this. Then it became something widely said of me, whereupon it became almost impossible for me to go on doing it, because I started to receive far more requests than I could respond to, let alone satisfy. Perception modifies reality: when I abandoned the smoking habit of more than three decades I was given a supposedly helpful pill called Wellbutrin. But as soon as I discovered that this was the brand name for an antidepressant, I tossed the bottle away. There may be successful methods for overcoming the blues but for me they cannot include a capsule that says: 'Fool yourself into happiness, while pretending not to do so.' I should actually want my mind to be strong enough to circumvent such a trick.” - Christopher Hitchens

52. “beauty’ is related not to ‘loveliness’ but to a state in which reality plays a part.” - William Carlos Williams

53. “On the planet O there has not been a war for five thousand years, she read, and on Gethen there has never been a war." She stopped reading, to rest her eyes and because she was trying to train herself to read slowly. "There has never been a war." In her mind the words stood clear and bright, surrounded by and sinking into an infinite, dark, soft incredulity. What would that world be, a world without war? It would be the real world. Peace was the true life, the life of working and learning and bringing up children to work and learn. War, which devoured work, learning, and children, was the denial of reality. But my people, she thought, know only how to deny. Born in the dark shadow of power misused, we set peace outside our world, a guiding and unattainable light. All we know to do is fight. Any peace one of us can make in our life is only a denial that the war is going on, a shadow of the shadow, a doubled unbelief. So as the cloud-shadows swept over the marshes and the page of the book open on her lap, she sighed and closed her eyes. thinking, "I am a liar." Then she opened her eyes and read more about the other worlds, the far realities.” - Ursula K. Le Guin

54. “[...] I grew up out of that strange, dreamy childhood of mine and went into the world of reality. I met with experiences that bruised my spirit - but they never harmed my ideal world. That was always mine to retreat into at will. I learned that that world and the real world clashed hopelessly and irreconcilably; and I learned to keep them apart so that the former might remain for me unspoiled. I learned to meet other people on their own ground since there seemed to be no meeting place on mine. I learned to hide the thoughts and dreams and fancies that had no place in the strife and clash of the market place. I found that it was useless to look for kindred souls in the multitude; one might stumble on such here and there, but as a rule it seemed to me that the majority of people lived for the things of time and sense alone and could not understand my other life. So I piped and danced to other people's piping - and held fast to my own soul as best I could.” - L.M. Montgomery

55. “Romance is the deepest thing in life. It is deeper than reality.” - G.K. Chesterton

56. “But do we know how to make love stay?'I can't even think about it. The best I can do is play it day by day.” - Tom Robbins

57. “We must therefore rediscover, after the natural world, the social world, not as an object or sum of objects, but as a permanent field or dimension of existence.” - Maurice Merleau-Ponty

58. “Creativity is that marvelous capacity to grasp mutually distinct realities and draw a spark from their juxtaposition.” - Max Ernst

59. “In a reality known as the garden of beautiful eden, Adam is dreaming about his sinful children on earth.He is struggling to wake up from a terrible nightmare.” - Toba Beta

60. “So it is more useful to watch a man in times of peril, and in adversity to discern what kind of man he is; for then at last words of truth are drawn from the depths of his heart, and the mask is torn off, reality remains.” - Lucretius

61. “In order to survive in a world of instinct,its' alternative is to hunt or being hunted.Reject this, then be prepared to be hunted.” - Toba Beta

62. “Outside, the ocean was crashing, waves hitting sand, then pulling back to sea. I thought of everything being washed away, again and again. We make such messes in this life, both accidentally and on purpose. But wiping the surface clean doesn't really make anything neater. It just masks what is below. It's only when you really dig down deep, go underground, that you can see who you really are.” - Sarah Dessen

63. “To rule out the possibility of belief in another's reality is to encapsulate that reality and, thus, to impose implicity the hegemony of one's own view of the world.” - Katherine P. Ewing

64. “Illusion is Reality's coy lover who cheers him when he is grim. Illusion is cunning to his wisdom of ages, weet oblivion to his knowledge. A bounty to his lack. [Sabine]” - Kresley Cole

65. “Crazy Horse dreamed and went into the world where there is nothing but the spirits of all things. That is the real world that is behind this one, and everything we see here is something like a shadow from that one.” - Black Elk

66. “You don't have to disrespect and insult others simply to hold your own ground. If you do, that shows how shaky your own position is.” - Red Haircrow

67. “Reality is what trips you up when you walk around with your eyes closed.” - F. Paul Wilson

68. “I learned a long, long time ago, that I could accomplish things in this place we call reality and yet still spend most of my time in the better reality of my mind.” - Kevin Walker

69. “Oh. I see. People don't want to see what can't possibly exist.” - Terry Pratchett

70. “And for all I can tell, the only difference is that what many see we call a real thing, and what only one sees we call a dream. But things that many see may have no taste or moment in them at all, and things that are shown only to one may be spears and water-spouts of truth from the very depth of truth.” - C.S. Lewis

71. “The girl's arms jutted out at awkward angles, not quite hands on the hips belligerent but not relaxed either, as if they weren't all the way under the girl's control. "I came to find you.""I didn't know. If I'd known...""It doesn't matter now." The girl's attention was unwavering. "This is where you are.” - Melissa Marr

72. “Hay una realidad que demuestra la verdad de un hecho. Porque nuestra memoria y nuestros sentidos son demasiado inseguros, demasiado parciales. Incluso podemos afirmar que muchas veces es imposible discernir hasta qué punto un hecho que creemos percibir es real y a partir de qué punto sólo creemos que lo es. Así que para preservar la realidad como tal, necesitamos otra realidad -una realidad colindante- que la relativice. Pero, a su vez, esta realidad colindante necesita una base para relativizarse a sí misma. Es decir, que hay otra realidad colindante que demuestra, a su vez, que ésta es real. Y esta cadena se extiende indefinidamente dentro de nuestra conciencia y, en un cierto sentido, puede afirmarse que es a través de esta sucesión, a través de la conservación de esta cadena, como adquirimos conciencia de nuestra existencia misma. Pero si esta cadena, casualmente, se rompe, quedamos desconcertados. ¿La realidad está al otro lado del eslabón roto? ¿Está a este lado?” - Haruki Murakami

73. “The deeper reality is that I’m not sure if what I do is real. I usually believe that I’m certain about how I feel, but that seems naive. How do we know how we feel?…There is almost certainly a constructed schism between (a) how I feel, and (b) how I think I feel. There’s probably a third level, too—how I want to think I feel.” - Chuck Klosterman

74. “In looking out upon the world, we forget that the world is looking at itself.” - Alan Wilson Watts

75. “If something cannot go on forever, it will stop.” - Herbert Stein

76. “According to this model, human beings are, at least in one aspect, sensation-receiving machines; and although our receptory apparatus is competent to select and organize outward stimuli within the narrow range necessary for physical survival within our environment, it does not necessarily tell us very much about the nature of that environment. People, in other words, have little access to the possible world existing beyond their sensations.” - Cruce Stark

77. “Human suffering has been caused because too many of us cannot grasp that words are only tools for our use.The mere presence in the dictionary of a word like 'living' does not mean it necessarily has to refer to something definite in the real world.” - Richard Dawkins

78. “Out of the unreal shadows of the night comes back the real life that we had known” - Oscar Wilde

79. “There is a time for faith, Bishop, and a time for action. It would be a foolish man who stood on a battlefield and faced an army with a Bible in his hands. We are here to do the bidding of our Lord Almighty, but it is through deeds, as well as piety, that we serve Him.” - Robyn Young

80. “Attachment is the great fabricator of illusions; reality can be obtained only by someone who is detached. ” - Simone Weil

81. “Some women just aren’t cut out to be mothers, and unfortunately it had taken Susanna three kids to realize she was one of them.” - Kelley Armstrong

82. “The illusion is we are only physical.” - Vanna Bonta

83. “Why would our brains have this capacity to sense the oneness of the universe, a sense that can be induced in many ways, even technological, if that capacity did not reflect an external reality?” - Kara Dalkey

84. “We have pain and hate and love and joy and war in the world because we want them.” - Chuck Palahniuk

85. “The undiscovered is not far away. It’s not something to be found eventually. It is contained within what is right in front of us. The essence of reality is being born right now. It has never existed before. Reality is constant creation and destruction, and in this constant change is something unborn and undying, something that cannot be approached through the known or the past. It isn’t seen through striving to become something based on ideals stemming from former experiences. It comes to that which is being, not striving. In this state of being in the moment, without the known, without knowing at all, with neither past nor future, is a space that is not filled with time. And in this space, the undiscovered and ever-changing moment exists—a moment containing all possibilities, the totality of existence, absolute reality. Reality is now, and in the now, we can experience the true nature of the universe and the universal mind.” - H.E. Davey

86. “Universal emptiness is mere concept.The fact is, there was never emptiness.” - Toba Beta

87. “what is love? love is you!” - Sonia Dea Octalia

88. “Faith is the poetry of our dreams; action is the builder of our reality.” - Steve Maraboli

89. “If this book has made any point clear, I hope it's that things don't have to be real to be true. Or vice versa.” - Grant Morrison

90. “I wanted to write in Kitchenese, the secret language of cooks, instantly recognizable to anyone who has ever dunked french fries for a summer job or suffered under the despotic rule of a tyrannical chef or boobish owner.” - Anthony Bourdain

91. “But a small part of him also knew that the reason he'd never ventured anywhere was because of the worry that the reality of the world wouldn't match up to his dreams.” - Jennifer E. Smith

92. “What I aim to do is not so much learn the names of the shreds of creation that flourish in this valley, but to keep myself open to their meanings, which is to try to impress myself at all times with the fullest possible force of their very reality. I want to have things as multiply and intricately as possible present and visible in my mind. Then I might be able to sit on the hill by the burnt books where the starlings fly over, and see not only the starlings, the grass field, the quarried rock, the viney woods, Hollins pond, and the mountains beyond, but also, and simultaneously, feathers’ barbs, springtails in the soil, crystal in rock, chloroplasts streaming, rotifers pulsing, and the shape of the air in the pines. And, if I try to keep my eye on quantum physics, if I try to keep up with astronomy and cosmology, and really believe it all, I might ultimately be able to make out the landscape of the universe. Why not?” - Annie Dillard

93. “Do you know that one of the great problems of our age is that we are governed by people who care more about feelings than they do about thoughts and ideas.” - Margaret Thatcher

94. “There were two ways to be happy: improve your reality, or lower your expectations” - Jodi Picoult

95. “My space chums think reality was once a primitive method of crowd control that got out of hand. In my view, it’s absurdity dressed up in a three-piece business suit.” - Jane Wagner

96. “Beauty soaks reality as water fills a rag.” - Chet Raymo

97. “Reality is a cliché from which we escape by metaphor.” - Wallace Stevens

98. “And that's when I heard the whisper in my heart's ear: "It's not about your childhood. It's about who you are!” - C. JoyBell C.

99. “De werkelijkheid bestaat pas, als je je er iets van aantrekt. Je moet de werkelijkheid de kans niet geven, te bestaan.” - Renate Dorrestein

100. “But it wasn't till he'd been there nearly two weeks that one morning Paris and its people suddenly became more than a background for his vacation. He was sitting in a café, out on the walk, having a tiny cup of Paris-tasting, Paris-smelling coffee, watching traffic stream by, pleased as always with the countless people on bikes expertly threading their way between and around the cars and buses and trucks. Then a traffic light changed, the stream stopped and waited, and a man on a bike, one foot on the pavement, lifted his arm and wiped his forehead with the back of his hand. And he turned real. In that instant he was no longer a quaint part of a charming background; he turned into a real man, tired from pumping that bike, and for the first time it occurred to my friend that there was a reason so many people picturesquely rode bikes through the heavy traffic, and the reason was to save bus fare and because they couldn't afford cars. After that, for the few days that were left to him there, my friend continued to enjoy Paris. But now it was no longer an immense travel poster but a real city, because now so were its people.” - Jack Finney

101. “It’s madness to see life as it is and not how it should be.” - Knight of the woeful countenance

102. “Poetry is more than a form of art. It's a vibration and a pulsing heart. Whether it's sour or whether it's sweet. It can give you strength no one can defeat” - Stanley Victor Paskavich

103. “Common sense tells us that the things of the earth exist only a little, and that true reality is only in dreams.” - Charles Baudelaire

104. “Dreams can be of value even if you don’t have an opportunity to turn them into reality.” - Henning Mankell

105. “Quite aside from supernatural experiences, after having given this much thought and extensive consideration, I am quite certain that it is Christianity that is based in Objective Reality and Truth and is therefore validpp” - R. Alan Woods

106. “Psychologists have devised some ingenious ways to help unpack the human "now." Consider how we run those jerky movie frames together into a smooth and continuous stream. This is known as the "phi phenomenon." The essence of phi shows up in experiments in a darkened room where two small spots are briefly lit in quick succession, at slightly separated locations. What the subjects report seeing is not a succession of spots, but a single spot moving continuously back and forth. Typically, the spots are illuminated for 150 milliseconds separated by an interval of fifty milliseconds. Evidently the brain somehow "fills in" the fifty-millisecond gap. Presumably this "hallucination" or embellishment occurs after the event, because until the second light flashes the subject cannot know the light is "supposed" to move. This hints that the human now is not simultaneous with the visual stimulus, but a bit delayed, allowing time for the brain to reconstruct a plausible fiction of what has happened a few milliseconds before.In a fascinating refinement of the experiment, the first spot is colored red, the second green. This clearly presents the brain with a problem. How will it join together the two discontinuous experiences—red spot, green spot—smoothly? By blending the colors seamlessly into one another? Or something else? In fact, subjects report seeing the spot change color abruptly in the middle of the imagined trajectory, and are even able to indicate exactly where using a pointer. This result leaves us wondering how the subject can apparently experience the "correct" color sensation before the green spot lights up. Is it a type of precognition? Commenting on this eerie phenomenon, the philosopher Nelson Goodman wrote suggestively: "The intervening motion is produced retrospectively, built only after the second flash occurs and projected backwards in time." In his book Consciousness Explained , philosopher Daniel Dennett points out that the illusion of color switch cannot actually be created by the brain until after the green spot appears. "But if the second spot is already 'in conscious experience,' wouldn't it be too late to interpose the illusory content between the conscious experience of the red spot and the conscious experience of the green spot?” - Paul Davies

107. “Open your mind to the infinite possibilities that exist for you; then create within your reality the things that you desire.” - Steven Redhead

108. “When things run out of control it is because we failed to control how reality plays out. How you manage and control your reality will come to determine your life.” - Steven Redhead

109. “People aren’t interested in the truth, Dafar. They’re interested in what keeps them safe. They’re interested in being looked after. They’re interested in a tale being spun... Mighty men have moments of great despair that common people do not want to know about.” - Melina Marchetta

110. “Sometimes I think this planet is under a spell," Elias said. "We are asleep or in a trance, and something causes us to see what it wants us to see and remember and think what it wants us to remember and think. Which means we're whatever it wants us to be. Which in turn means that we have no genuine existence. We're at the mercy of some kind of whim.” - Philip K. Dick

111. “Mostly you are what they think you are.” - Neil Gaiman

112. “As the beautiful does not exist for the artist and poet alone—though these can find in it more poignant depths of meaning than other men—so the world of Reality exists for all; and all may participate in it, unite with it, according to their measure and to the strength and purity of their desire.” - Evelyn Underhill

113. “I think it simply comes down to fantasy being the language I speak. While I cannot get into epic sword and sorcery, I see the world as having the potential to be slightly off-kilter. I have run into people who do not quite seem human – though of course they are – and have been privy to coincidences that almost make me believe in magic. Fantasy is sometimes just asking yourself, “Well, what if you are wrong? What if the world doesn’t work the way you think? What would that mean?” - Thomm Quackenbush

114. “For the first time in my life I actually feel sorry for Carol. I'm only seventeen years old, and I already know something she doesn't know: I know that life isn't life if you just float through it. I know that the whole point- the only point- is to find things that matter, and hold on to them, and fight for them, and refuse to let them go.” - Lauren Oliver

115. “If just once you were depressed for no reason, you have been so all your life without knowing it.Becoming: an agony without an ending.The older I grow, the less I enjoy performing my little Hamlet. The desire to die was my one and only concern; to it I have sacrificed everything, even death. If History had a goal, how lamentable would be the fate of those of us who have accomplished nothing!On the frontiers of the self: ‘What I have suffered, what I am suffering, no one will ever know, not even I’. Events - tumours of time.Man secretes disaster.The secret of my adaptation to life? - I’ve changed despairs the way I’ve changed shirts. Each day is a Rubicon in which I aspire to be drowned.” - Emil Cioran

116. “To be real is to be blessed.” - Kevin Zarbailov

117. “Who are you? No really. Way, way down deep. Who are you?” - Doug Dillon

118. “Men are like parking spots. All the good ones aretaken, and those that aren’t are inaccessible.”PHOEBE TRAEGER” - Jill Shalvis

119. “Depending on the reality one must face, one may prefer to opt for illusion.” - Judith Guest

120. “You don’t question Providence. If you can’t have the reality, a dream is just as good.” - Ray Bradbury

121. “We don't see things how they are, we see things the way we are.” - Anais Nin

122. “Dream are different than real life but important too.” - Audrey Niffenegger

123. “I suffer from life and from other people. I can’t look at reality face to face. Even the sun discourages and depresses me. Only at night and all alone, withdrawn, forgotten and lost, with no connection to anything real or useful — only then do I find myself and feel comforted.” - Fernando Pessoa

124. “I look at the human sciences as poetic sciences in which there is no objectivity, and I see film as not being objective, and cinema verite as a cinema of lies that depends on the art of telling yourself lies. If you’re a good storyteller then the lie is more true than reality, and if you’re a bad one, the truth is worse than a half lie.” - Jean Rouch

125. “Time is something you can't replace” - Nadine

126. “All he ever knew of her was who he saw every day. All I am is who I am every day. All anyone is to anyone is a series of days.” - Charles Yu

127. “I believe that an orderly universe, one indifferent to human preoccupations, in which everything has an expla nation even if we still have a long way to go before we find it, is a more beautiful, more wonderful place than a universe tricked out with capricious, ad hoc magic.” - Richard Dawkins

128. “If you know something is an illusion, why pretend it is reality?” - Lionel Suggs

129. “It was queer how sometimes a child's innocent eyes can see things that grown men are blind to.” - George R.R. Martin

130. “...I retreat into my fictional world where everything makes sense - but even there I can't even control what people do...” - John Geddes A Familiar Rain

131. “You Believe what you see, You Perceive what you do.” - Zohaib Naseer

132. “Cucullus non facit monachum; that’s as much to say, as I wear not motley in my brain.” - William Shakespeare

133. “I had lots of good intentions but I wasted them on people who didn't deserve them...” - Bellamkonda Avinash Babu

134. “Like the appearance of silver in mother of pearl, the world seems real until the Self, the underlying reality, is realized.” - Shankara

135. “Detik itu juga aku merasa seolah-olah jantungku diremas. Ah. Inilah sebabnya mengapa aku menyukai film dokumenter. Film dokumenter membuat aku sadar bahawa hidup ini nyata, bahwa dunia yang kutinggali ini tidak sempurna.” - Windry Ramadhina

136. “As humans, reality for us is largely based on other people's perceptions. If there's 20 bodies in your crawl space but you haven't been caught yet, you tell yourself you're still a birthday clown, and that's how you keep doing it.” - Dan Harmon

137. “The best way to think about reality, I had decided, was to get as far away from it as possible.” - Haruki Murakami

138. “A worldview is a commitment, a fundamental orientation of the heart, that can be expressed as a story or in a set of presuppositions (assumptions which may be true, partially true or entirely false) which we hold (consciously or subconsciously, consistently or inconsistently) about the basic constitution of reality, and that provides the foundations on which we live and more and have our being.” - James W. Sire

139. “No one is normal. Everyone is just pretending to be normal.” - Alessandra Torre

140. “I wish I could do whatever I liked behind the curtain of “madness”. Then: I’d arrange flowers, all day long, I’d paint; pain, love and tenderness, I would laugh as much as I feel like at the stupidity of others, and they would all say: “Poor thing, she’s crazy!” (Above all I would laugh at my own stupidity.) I would build my world which while I lived, would be in agreement with all the worlds. The day, or the hour, or the minute that I lived would be mine and everyone else’s - my madness would not be an escape from “reality”.” - Frida Kahlo

141. “Real education is about revolution.” - Bryant McGill

142. “Choosing with integrity means finding ways to speak up that honor your reality, the reality of others, and your willingness to meet in the center of that large field. It’s hard sometimes.” - Terry Tempest Williams

143. “Kropp on the other hand is a thinker. He proposes that a declaration of war should be a kind of popular festival with entrance-tickets and bands, like a bull fight. Then in the arena the ministers and generals of the two countries, dressed in bathing-drawers and armed with clubs, can have it out on themselves. Whoever survives the country wins. That would be much simpler and more than just this arrangement, where the wrong people do the fighting” - Enrich Maria Remarque

144. “There really is more to this world than meets the casual or untutored eye.” - H.M. Forester

145. “Assholes are like weeds, a bitch to get rid of and when you do another one grows back in its place.” - Jonathan Kellerman