146 Paranormal Romance Quotes

Aug. 22, 2024, 12:45 p.m.

146 Paranormal Romance Quotes

For those who are enchanted by otherworldly love stories and the thrill of supernatural encounters, paranormal romance is the perfect genre to delve into. These tales weave together the intense emotions of romance with the mysterious allure of the unknown, creating compelling narratives that capture the imagination. In celebration of this intriguing blend, we've gathered a curated collection of the top 146 paranormal romance quotes. Each quote is a testament to the power of love, magic, and the worlds that exist just beyond our reality. Whether you're a long-time fan or new to the genre, prepare to be captivated by these memorable and spellbinding excerpts.

1. “You think I am very cute, you think me sexy, as well. I can read your thoughts, remember.” I hoisted myself up and slid across his body. You are conceited, arrogant, and domineering, everything I dislike in a man. And you are independent, stubborn, and heedless, everything I dislike in a women. I slid my hands under his back and kissed his dampened lips. So why is it that I love you so much? He smiled a smug, masculine little smile and captured my legs with his. Because I love you, and to be loved by a Dark One is enough for any woman.I pinched him in a particularly vulnerable spot and allowed him to kiss me with all the sexy arrogance he had.” - Katie MacAlister

2. “Close your mouth Lily, you look like a codfish.""I can't help it. This place looks like something out of medieval times. I'm surprised there aren't rushes on the floor or half-dressed serving wenches carrying trenchers of food.""Read Harlequin much?""Shut up. There's nothing wrong with romance novels. You could learn something from them you know."Sean's mouth curved into a slow, seductive grin. He let his fingers drift casually along the side of her arm, deliberately grazing the edge of her breast. "Could I now?” - Marianne Morea

3. “You, my dear, are a creature of the night, you are a vampire.” - Lauren Hammond

4. “Rilke says: Verweilung, auch am Verstrautesten nicht, ist uns gegeben - We are not allowed to linger, even with what is most intimate.” - Maggie Stiefvater

5. “That’s the last time I put you in charge of the tequila when we’re making margaritas” - JoAnne Kenrick

6. “By the time Bones announced it was Tammy's turn, I'd fallen in love with him all over again. Flowers and jewelry worked for most girls as a romantic gesture, but here I was, misty-eyed at watching him show my mother how to stab the shit out of him.” - Jeaniene Frost

7. “Then, I guess, I can only hope that you will change your mind. But I will love you, without a doubt, for all eternity.” - A.M. Hudson

8. “I don't think you need anything to wear, Blue. In fact, given what I've seen, I'd prefer it that way.” - Gayle Ann Williams

9. “I should go," I said thickly. "Let me know when you want to start practice again. And thanks for...talking."I started to turn; then I heard him say abruptly, "No."I glanced back. "What?"He held my gaze, and something warm and wonderful and powerful shot between us."No," he repeated. "I told her no.""I..." I shut my mouth before my jaw hit the floor. "But...why? That was a once-in-a-lifetime thing. You could have had a baby. And she...she was, you know, into you..."The ghost of a smile flickered on his face. "Yes, she was. Is. And that's why I had to say no. I couldn't return that...couldn't give her what she wanted. Not when..." He took a few steps toward me. "Not when my heart is somewhere else.” - Richelle Mead

10. “It's a lot easier to understand things once you name them. It's the unknown that mostly freaks me out. I don't know the name of that fear, but I know I've got it, the fear of the unknown.” - Carrie Jones (Need)

11. “Run first,' Shane said. 'Mourn later.'It was the perfect motto for Morganville.” - Rachel Caine

12. “Your heart can't be in two places at once, at least not while maintaining a relationship.” - Jordan Deen

13. “The minute you see him, your hand will throb, your heart will pound out of your chest, and you won't be able to breathe.” - Jordan Deen

14. “The Winter Prince was before me, with his noble, knightly bearing and the impossible beauty that is paralytic at close range. And I wanted nothing more than to vanish into his arms, and his embrace, but I saw the look on his face and I remembered then that he was my enemy and that there was only one thing to do.Run.” - Kailin Gow

15. “I never thought the touch of another person could make the nerves jangle and dance beneath my skin. It was like I had slept the last few months away and now, suddently, I was waking up.” - Shannon Delaney

16. “Whoa. Fangs. She had fangs.She leaned in, prodded them a little. Eating with those puppies was going to take some getting used to, she thought.On impulse, she brought up her hands, turned her fingers into claws. Hissed.Cool.” - J.R. Ward

17. “Regrets are about decisions that you know you should have done different.” - Laurell K. Hamilton

18. “It hurt, remembering. Hurt because there was so much I'd done, so much I'd yet to do. In so many different ways, I now realized, not remembering had been a blessing. A brief respite in the twisted bloody mess that my life had become.But at least I knew who I was.” - Keri Arthur

19. “The second thing which made speechless--a state my dad would have found amusing--was the fact Mr. Hunky gave me a masculine grin--a naughty one which made me cream my panties--and said in a velvety baritone, “Run along, sweetheart. I’ve got this.”Me, one of Hell’s most successful bounty hunters, dismissed with a smile and a wave of his hand. His treatment made me want to tear his pants off and ride him like a cowgirl--I mean, he’d called me sweetheart, how hot was that?--while at the same time making me see red. I’m gonna wipe the smirk off his face. Then I’m gonna kiss him. Then..” - Eve Langlais

20. “Ella knew she should be horrified. Zane had killed someone for just touching her. But, and she might burn in hell for thinking this, she thought it was the nicest thing anyone had ever done for her. In a perverted way, she also found it romantic. She finally had someone who wanted to protect her. My very own vampire in dark armor.” - Eve Langlais

21. “Have you ever met someone for the first time, but in your heart you feel as if you’ve met them before?” - JoAnne Kenrick

22. “I fell back into my favorite chair and tucked my hands between my knees to stop them from shaking. I sucked in a deep breath, held it, and marveled at my own transformation into a ridiculous ninny.” - Tess Oliver

23. “He will give his life, for anything he feels has more of a right to live than he. Make no mistake, Elias. He's a Reed. It's what he does.” - Allie Burke

24. “Tolerence ought to be humanities community and knowledge should be an individuals goal.” - Clarrissa Lee Moon

25. “I think we need to have a little talk, woman to skank.” - Jeaniene Frost

26. “Why don't I just give you a pair of my panties to hang around your neck? Then whenever you feel jealous, you can wave them at whoever's pissing you off.” - Jeaniene Frost

27. “A warrior knows death is always a hair's breadth away, but he doesn't dwell on the possibility of his death when he goes into battle. A warrior just fights. He fights to protect his family, his home, his people, himself, and often, the good of man. The wolf never gives a passing thought to the possibility of his death. For the wolf, he will fight to the end if need be, solely to defend his territory. Neither of these things are necessarily a reason to enter into battle when you are already weakened. They just are what they are. They live in a warrior's heart, in a wolf's heart. And both, for me, are in my heart.” - D.C. Grace

28. “Thank you for that, boy genius! Where did you graduate from? Hogwarts School for the Mentally Unbalanced?” - Leia Shaw

29. “You do not mind my humor?”“Not at all. I’ve not laughed like this …” His brows drew together. “I think I’ve never laughed like this.”“Usually I exasperate people. And I jest at inappropriate times. Such as during executions. Freya says ’tis my gift and my bane to frustrate others.”“I like your manner, Reginleit. Life is long without humor.” - Kresley Cole

30. “Face it, Nat, this is one tiger who will never be jumping through your flaming hoop--” - Kresley Cole

31. “Valkyrie, if there was ever a cradle to be robbed ... Gods, just look at him." ...... "Face it, Nat, this is one tiger who will never be jumping through your flaming hoop--” - Kresley Cole

32. “You see, that's the thing with you detrus," Chase began in a contemplative tone. "Your bodies are abominations. If I severed your arms--"Lothaire yawned loudly."--you'd merely regenerate from the injury. You might experience pain, but you wouldn't suffer the horror of permanent loss, not like a human."Lothaire grew increasingly bored by this. "When I get free, I believe I'll show you your spine. I'll hand it to you so casually, politely even, as if expecting you to remark upon it.” - Kresley Cole

33. “Regin!" He leapt up from a bunk."Well, well, the gang's all here." Nix must've given him Regin's whereabouts. Again."I'm going to get you out of here," he said, his green eyes aglow.She snorted. "Let me know how that works out for you, Job MacBangup." Seeing Brandr here just brought her situation into stark relief. "It's curious though--you don't usually show up until it's time to bury him.” - Kresley Cole

34. “Valkyrie, I will get answers from you one way or another. Either through this painful exercise in futility, as you believe, or through a civilized conversation.""You call this civilized?" She strained against her cuffs, leaning in to whisper, "Psst, Chase. The sexual tension between us is grueling.” - Kresley Cole

35. “I'm told the effect is cumulative--it will continue to worsen." Though outwardly calm as he explained this, his face had paled even more. "But if you tell me about the Valkyrie's weaknesses, I'll administer the antidote.""Weaknesses? So many. Foremost, we're ... ticklish.” - Kresley Cole

36. “The largest one laughed. Until Natalya's glass shard plugged his jugular. Regin aimed and pulled the trigger. The gun kicked as bullets sprayed. It was shredding their torsos like cheese, halving their bodies. "Let's do this! Rock out with your cocks out!” - Kresley Cole

37. “I give you a week, maybe two, before you're driven to bite someone.""I don't know how to... to bite or drink! But you could teach me.""And what could you possibly do in return?" Lothaire waved a negligent hand. "Play football for me? Break in my jeans really well?” - Kresley Cole

38. “Lothaire briefly gazed heavenward. "Chase is clearly a reluctant sharer. Which should incite her curiosity about what's going on in his head. She's a disgustingly self-righteous Valkyrie, filled with the need to fix things, to right wrongs. If anything needed fixing ..." He waved a hand to indicate Declan from head to toe. "As wrong as he can be.” - Kresley Cole

39. “What'd you want to talk about?""Just to commend you on your revenge last night. It must have been fiendish. Of course, I can only imagine since there wasn't a mark on Chase this morning, only residual bliss.""He heals fast! I whaled on his face. Must've been thirty hits."Natalya's lips quirked. "You're glowing like a Lite-Brite.""Shut it, fairy.” - Kresley Cole

40. “Just hear me out. While you were napping, I was busy chatting up our allies. Didn't you know--your woman's a golden-tongued ambassador! My sisters always said I graduated from the shock-and-awe school of diplomacy, but joke 'em if they can't take a fuck, right?” - Kresley Cole

41. “Declan and Regin:"Kiss you?" As he waited for the revulsion to seize him, he found himself wondering how she would react. Would she moan into his mouth?"It will help you remember me. Kiss me. Come on, you know you want to so bad. You want me so bad.""Never." Bloody get off her, get away from her. But he needed to be above her like this, to master her, overpower her."Never? That boner of yours just called you a lair.” - Kresley Cole

42. “Regin to Declan:"Lemme guess," Regin said. "You had your introductory spiel all planned, but rational thought deserted you when you saw me stroll in braless."----"For the record," She continued, "it's not my fault I came in here looking like Chesty LaRue. You caught me on laundry day, so I have no undergarments on. Though I will cop to a little extra spring in my step for your benefit.” - Kresley Cole

43. “If I couldn't be a good example, I'd just have to be a horrible warning.” - Darynda Jones

44. “V had a passing thought that she used the word "anyway" like an eraser on a crowded chalkboard. She said it whenever she needed to clear off the things she'd just shared to make room for more.” - J.R. Ward

45. “Okay, God, I thought. Get me out of this and I’ll stop my half-assed church-going ways. You got me past a pack of Strigoi tonight. I mean, trapping that one between the doors really shouldn't have worked, so clearly you're on board. Let me get out of here, and I’ll...I don’t know. Donate Adrian’s money to the poor. Get baptized. Join a convent. Well, no. Not that last one.” - Richelle Mead

46. “They don't fit you?" V asked his roommate. "Not the point. No offense, but these are wicked Village People." Butch held his heavy arms out and turned in a circle, his bare chest catching the light. "I mean, come on.""They're for fighting, not fashion.""So are kilts, but you don't see me rocking the tartan.""And thank God for that. You're too bowlegged to pull that shit off."Butch assumed a bored expression. "You can bite me.” - J.R. Ward

47. “Gavin turned us to face Josh, a satisfied grin springing up when he noticed the condition of Josh’s clothes. “Thanks for the last-minute invitation, man.” Josh chuckled, patting Gavin on the shoulder. “Shall I do the honors, Mr. Suave?” “Sure thing, Frodo Baggins. By the way, I hear the Shire has impeccable dinner parties this time of year.” The corners of Gavin’s lips twitched and his eyebrows shot up as he gestured to a food stain of some sort near the collar of Josh’s white shirt. Josh’s chin shot down to follow Gavin’s amusement and he quickly tried to wipe away the crumbs. “Yeah, well … you know how we hobbits like to eat.” - Rachael Wade

48. “Life was sucked from me, not any life, my life. And so it goes…..” - Holly Hood

49. “Weave the circle, tightly sewn,Let nothing evil or unknownEnter within. Stay withoutOn pain of death, we cast you out.” - Yasmine Galenorn

50. “Do you truly feel that she is worth your wings?”He smiled. “What good are my wings, friend, when I can hold theworld in my arms?” - Elizabeth Morgan

51. “Inch by inch it's all a cinch, by the yard it's hard. Go for it -- no matter how slow or long the process seems at first.” - Mardi Ballou

52. “By the Lord, Reule better bed that Wench soon! Mara is going to start thinking her p***y is made of gold if I keep frequenting her bed like this! -Rye "Drink of Me” - Jacquelyn Frank

53. “I love her so damned much." Manny heard himself say. “That’s my heart right there. That’s my woman”.” - J.R. Ward

54. “He kissed her, lay next to her on his bed, pulled her to him. Their foreheads pressed flat against one another, the admiration in their eyes intricately adjoined as one enchanted gaze, he said, "Stay.""Yes," she said. She knew what he meant. Stay with me tonight, sleep in my bed with me tomorrow, but she meant it the other way. Forever.” - Allie Burke

55. “Anytime his gaze fell upon her, it was always the same. That awful chest pain, so relentless it was like his heart exploded.” - Allie Burke

56. “The woman trembled, eyes wide as she stared at the bluff. Her teeth pressed against her lower lip hard enough he wouldn’t have been surprised to see blood. Devyn recognized the building hysteria. His chest tightened; he’d seen like expressions all too often and it opened a raw, bleeding hurt in his chest.” - Lynda K. Scott

57. “My goal is that Julie and Brody do not become the other's half. They should be two wholes that become a greater one. That is the only way to overcome evil in the end.” - Melissa D. Ellis

58. “Asshat! You Darth Vadered me!" (Delaney to Rowan)” - Diana Duncan

59. “Don't ever 'influence' me against my will again, MacLachlan,. Or I will load your balls into my Cuisinart and press 'chop.” - Diana Duncan

60. “Just a friendly warning: the forces of spiritual darness are nothing to trifle with. Vampires do exist, no matter what the so-called scientific minds might say, and they ARE dangerous!” - C.c. Brown

61. “When God ignores you, the devil starts looking good.” - Laurell K. Hamilton

62. “Then the Skopamish showed up. Their chests heaving, rotting eyes like dull raisins in their skulls. Their eyes found mine like a witching wand seeking water.” - Tamara Rose Blodgett

63. “A true test of someone’s love is how they act when they’re stressed and not how much they love you when everything’s goin’ good.” - T.R. Graves

64. “Fate and destiny go hand in hand. It is impossible to change our destiny. Only the path upon which we walk to reach our destination alters. If we should stray from that path, fate will take control and guide us in the right direction.” - J.A. Belfield

65. “Why did you wear heels? How are you supposed to fight a gargoyle in what you're wearing?” - Priya Ardis

66. “Get the Girl," he demanded. "She knows too much!"Dammit. Why did people keep presuming that, and if it was true, why the hell couldn't my GPA reflect the fact?” - Shannon Delany

67. “Misery, thy name is Mudslide” - Molly Harper

68. “He's reading a book called Great Warlocks of the 18th Century, and to get this ball rolling before Dean Devlin shows up and rains on our private parade, I snort and ask, "Good book?"I forget I'm pretending to be sitting behind my two-thousand-ninety-eight-page Highlights of Modern Chemistry book, so he snorts back. "Better than yours.” - Rusty Fischer

69. “Be careful what you wish for...” - Beth Bares

70. “He should have known. She was the only wanna be immortal he’d ever known.” - Beth Bares

71. “A meeting of the hearts of two Gemini has been known to end with explosive results, Mr Holloway.” - (Jem) J.A. Belfield

72. “Matt was almost completely naked. A tattered loincloth and an ugly chain with a yellow diamond were his only apparel.” - Priya Ardis

73. “You picked the wrong girl to dominate, Dracula.” - Rebecca Zanetti

74. “Whose are all these ghosts?” she said, smiling at a flustered-looking Geraldine. “Oh,” said Geraldine, “I think they might be mine...?” - Diane Hall

75. “You're just a regular Wikipedia aren't you?” - Holly Hood

76. “Do you really want to put yourself through this? Is loving me really enough to endure everything you have to just to be with me?"Meeting his fiery gaze, I ran my fingers through his hair, kissed him gently before I attempted to set us both free. "It will always be enough.” - Rachael Wade

77. “I'm looking for a man" Bree started."Aren't we all, dear? All I got's bread and doughnuts, but they're the next best thing""I don't know about that .. well maybe doughnuts. I've lost my .. friend. He's tall-sixfour-longish dark hair, wearing a kilt""Oh him" She smacked a hand over her heart "I'd take him over doughnuts any day” - Anita Clenney

78. “I am familiar with the phrase, ‘needle in a haystack’ and I think I understand its meaning more than I wish to.” - David Sadler, Wasteland

79. “There are no endings for any of us, happy orotherwise, until we die. A fairy tale only endshappily because that’s the point where thestoryteller stops telling the story.” - Lilly Gayle

80. “He was one of those capital M Men.” - Lauren Dane

81. “Their eyes locked.They could see into each other's souls. This was why she had been bored.” - Marion Croslydon

82. “Unexpected Elizabeth wasn’t falling into his arms as he’d anticipated, even after he had acted heroic and been valiantly injured. Perhaps he had lost her.” - Kresley Cole

83. “This is me figuring good behavior is for someone much younger." --Kestrel” - Sarah Gilman

84. “Pregnant? But that's impossible. My patient's a man!” - Sara Trimble

85. “Rena?” I looked up as a figure emerged from the white void of snowfall. The snow dusted his broad shoulders as he took long, measured strides toward me, his black coat flapping in the wind. As he neared, I made out his startled features. “Wallace?” His gaze burned with indiscernible emotion. “Are you hugging the lamp post?” - Carrie Butler

86. “Commitment and family were important decisions, but so were matters of the heart. [Monique] might not know much about politics, but she knew she couldn’t command her heart to love. And she’d never be pressured into giving herself to Eero, not to appease her family or to strengthen her brother’s political position. She’d seen all she cared to of him and his power in the short week that he pursued her and that night he’d tried to bind their powers without her consent.” - Constance Phillips

87. “I'm looking forward to the noose. Nothing better than a good hanging.” - Victoria Lamb

88. “Why was it that boys said girls were so hard to understand when she hadn't known a single guy who hadn't confused her to the point of screaming?” - C.C. Hunter

89. “Should she slam his head into the bar or toss her beer on him? Damn shame to waste good beer.” - Mina Khan

90. “I prescribe a quick jerk off in the shower and a return to sanity. (Dr. Hugo Peralta)” - Kate Richards

91. “Good does not exist without the evil and right does not hold weight without knowing the wrong.” - Stephanie Hudson

92. “Out of misery, comes unexpected joy.” - Milly Silver

93. “It shatters the game, exposing the players” - Poppet

94. “she's so caught up she's unaware she's no longer the prisoner here, I am” - Poppet

95. “Free your mind, Jowendrhan. A cage is only a cage as long as you believe it is.” - Poppet

96. “Your lack of questioning and curiosity has been the bane of my existence.” - Poppet

97. “Aye,” he smiles, joy igniting in his stormy gray eyes, stroking my hand possessively as if unwilling to let me go for fear I am nothing more than a hallucination about to wear off.” - Poppet

98. “The sun sets, the strange clouds glowing eerily like a full moon laced with arsenic and occult warnings. Eternity stretches out her mocking red carpet, hinting at the long lonely walk of regret I have ahead of me.” - Poppet

99. “Fear only has power when I cower under the illusion.” - Poppet

100. “Kin is a shortened term for kinetic. Kinetic means to move. All that moves is your kin” - Poppet

101. “Inhaling, I am ignited with the first breath of freedom” - Poppet

102. “He gives me one of those twinkling stares. His eyes coalesce and fragment color, glinting specks of midnight purple and an electric blue, when the light catches them just right. Straight on they look like indelible pitch, well deep with secrets and primordial darkness.” - Poppet

103. “Desire filters toxins through my system at the sight and I lower again, shoving her against the padded wall to snake my tongue over the elixir of pain.” - Poppet

104. “A man who is obviously too handsome for his own good smiles at me. His eyes are mischievous, as if he's harboring wicked thoughts and is tempted to subject me to them.I hold his dark gaze for a moment too long, and then pin my focus back on the” - Poppet

105. “This time you aren't escaping. It's time for a heart transplant.” - Poppet

106. “Hold tight, and I promise to do the same. We don't need a safety net Zena. We have each other.” - Poppet

107. “Eyes sparkling with blue open and stare a scalded soul at me.” - Poppet

108. “In a perfect patch of paradise he stays immobile for an eternity while the predawn breath strokes his skin and kisses each vertebrae down his spine.” - Poppet

109. “Maybe that was why another part of me--a very small part--had wanted to kiss Wallace then. Both sides of his mouth, between his brows, and every other place those stupid worry lines marred his expression. That part of me had wanted to hold him tight and give him the comfort I knew he couldn’t ask for.But that part terrified me the most.” - Carrie Butler

110. “Cole radiated that cool, bad boy sort of confidence—the kind that left most women flustered and ready.” - Carrie Butler

111. “if i had to choose between breathing or loving you, i would say 'i love you' with my last breath” - Shannon Dermott

112. “Bay stood there, red hair curling around her face and the mass tumbling down her back and over her shoulders. Her green eyes were bright with the fear she probably thought she’d hidden so well.” ENFORCER’S REDEMPTION” - Carrie Ann Ryan

113. “She smiled, content in knowing no one had ever loved her as much as Lucas, and now she knew why. Because no one could love her more, or better, than the demon king.” - J.L. Sheppard

114. “Something was bleeding… and something was broken. It was my heart… because I had to leave you. (Chase to Rayne)” - Kimberly Brockman

115. “I woke with sweat beading across my forehead and my hands balled into fists clutching the sheet over my eyes. The dreams. They were back. Haunting me relentlessly. I thought they were gone... I should've known better. (Rayne)” - Kimberly Brockman

116. “Hero Intercedes”:His hands flickered upward, and before I knew it, they were cupping my face. So, damnably fast now. Demonic-like fast. Trent reeled me closer. Our foreheads joined. He held me, while I trembled in his arms. I was vaguely aware of Evans and Maxwell watching, although it didn’t seem important. Nothing seemed important whenever he did this. It felt like we were enclosed in our own personal bubble made only for the two of us. Trent murmured something in my ear. We stood like that until my shaky legs gradually regained strength. I shut my eyes and pretended my body wasn’t sizzling with heat-lightning because Trent stood so close. My hormones always decided to rebel whenever he put his arms around me. And it wasn’t totally awkward and uncomfortable. No, it felt like the best thing I’d experienced since before Dad’s death. And that’s saying a lot.” - Sherry J. Soule

117. “Although only three legs would obey him, the white wolf began to run. Run, to outpace the agony that could rip and tear a human heart. Run, to outdistance the human grief that could not be borne. Run, to be as the moon, a swift white shape gleaming in the night. Run, to be a wolf and only a wolf.As he raced away into the welcoming arms of the night, James was only fleetingly aware that he had just buried his human self alongside Evelyn.And then he was aware of nothing.” - Dani Harper

118. “For there has never been a story nearly as tragic as the one of Frankenstein, except for that of Johnny Heart and his Francesca Valentine.” - Rae Hachton

119. “Just a taste. That was the Cambion policy, our credo. 'Just take enough to appease the spirit, then move on.' It sounded simple enough, but sometimes taking a little was worse than taking none at all.” - Jaime Reed

120. “His power reached out to her like physical touch of a lover, sending tingles over her skin. His sculptured body moved in a sensual, yet deadly manner. Her hands itched to touch him, to feel his warm skin under her palms. She closed her eyes to stop the urge to go to him, shivered, and cursed her body for responding to him.” - Lia Davis

121. “You like playing with fire?”“Yes. It is my favorite element.” She extracted her arm from his grip and stepped inside the elevator” - Lia Davis

122. “I said alone!”He nodded in agreement. “Aye, you usually say that, and I still stay. It’s our way.” - Kresley Cole

123. “Looks like my superpowers don’t come with automatic manicures, thank heaven. I hate long nails.” - Jennifer Silverwood

124. “Between dainty bites, she told Amie, 'Oh, you simply are as darling a creature as Henry described! I had no idea of your being so grown up! Henry, she is positively frazzleging!' Amie deepened her smile, saying, 'And I had no idea you would be so pretty either, madam.” - Jennifer Silverwood

125. “But there was only so much worrying you could do before you just had to accept what life throws at you and move on, because some things were going to be out of your control, and others can’t be fixed or changed. And for everything I’d lost over the last couple of months, I still had a lot. More than I expected, actually.”.” - Jenn Bennett

126. “What are you most scared of, Caitlin? What I can do to you, or how I make you feel?” - Lindsay J. Pryor

127. “�“You swore this deal would be a safe little exchange. I didn�’t sign up for this�—Chinese mafia and Hashishins. I�’m an MD, not special ops.�”Kira Hardy in Dawn of a Dark Knight” - Zoe Forward

128. “I think I found your vampire,” Andrew said, except this time he wasn’t so amused.However, Gabriella was, her smile huge as she laughed, the sound a trill in the densely packed cold air.“You think this is funny?” The words came out surly, but Andrew couldn’t stop his lips from twitching over her amusement.“I thought they’d be bigger,” she said, stifling another round of giggles. “Are you okay?”“Just a flesh wound.” - Laura Kreitzer

129. “The stars sparkled above the mist shrouded tents and caravans of the carnival. The night crackled with an odd vibration, as if a veil of peculiarity settled over the company.” - A.F. Stewart

130. “I mean, that was the code, wasn’t it? Single girls and taken guys weren’t allowed to be friends. The leash always got in the way.” - Carrie Butler

131. “I started picturing Rens smiling face, the warmth of his touch, the slight curl of his lip before he kissed me. Every happy memory came rushing back through the blackness illuminating it in brilliant color.” - S.G. Holster

132. “As for peace, it was never free and laws were made to be broken. Peacemaker or lawbreaker, someone, somewhere always paid the price no matter what side of the words they were on.” - Virginia McKevitt

133. “I’d seen weirder things than a haunted shoe, but not many.” - Richelle Mead

134. “I’m more than twisted. I’m the worst kind of vampire… But you’re the one who’s craving me, so what does that make you?” - Lindsay J. Pryor

135. “Playing the martyr doesn’t suit you, Leila.’‘Maybe not, but playing the complete and utter bastard clearly suits you.” - Lindsay J. Pryor

136. “But where would she go, Raven wondered. Where was home now that Drew was her heart?” - J.K. Hogan

137. “Yeah, sure,” I scoffed. “You’re the picture of respectability and moral character…You expect me to believe you were your parents’ worst nightmare? What was your criminal act of choice—drunken bar fights? Or maybe grand theft auto? Don’t tell me you sold the crown jewels to buy drugs…It’s so disappointingly cliché.” - M.A. George

138. “I can only imagine what goes on in that head of yours…” he teased. “I assure you I haven’t taken up black magic, ritualistic sacrifice, or—”“Plushophilia?” I tagged on.“Excuse me?…” came his half-confused, half-intrigued reaction.“An obsession with stuffed animals,” I clarified. “I mean, you are a young one…”“Where did you come up with that?” He kept his hands firmly covering my eyes, but I could hear the amused smile in his voice. “Is that even a real word?”“I’m a doctor, I know these things,” I shrugged.” - M.A. George

139. “Aeron’s stone-faced expression cracked, as he turned to give me a dumbfounded look. Meeting his questioning eyes, I let out a little annoyed sigh, “I refuse to believe that you don’t know the meaning of ‘cojones’.”“I’m well aware of the meaning,” he raised his eyebrows, fighting back a smile. “Just a little surprised at your choice of words…”“Yeah, I can really paint a verbal picture,” I responded dryly.” - M.A. George

140. “I’m not familiar with this word you were repeating before…‘cojones’, was it?”I blushed as Dominick patted me on the back. “Way to introduce him to the vernacular, Palta.” - M.A. George

141. “Silence upon silence, with a heaping pile of extra silence.” - M.A. George

142. “It’s a sad state of affairs when I’m the one bringing sanity to the equation” - M.A. George

143. “Men…” I huffed. “No guts, no glory…Do you guys stop to consider the insanity of all of it, or do you just charge ahead without a second thought?”“This from the woman who would surrender her own life without a moment’s consideration?”He had me there.” - M.A. George

144. “Me?...Stupid?” I fluttered my eyes innocently. “When have I ever done anything stupid?”“Don’t get me wrong, you’re the smartest person I know…” She fought back a smile. “But you have done some of the dumbest things I ever thought possible.”“So you have a point…” I shrugged. “Still not stopping me.” - M.A. George

145. “With an ashamed sigh, I confessed, “You have seen nothing but the worst of me since then, Aeron. I’ve been a bitter, defiant, irrational shrew…and now I’m selfishly dragging you into a hopeless situation against your better judgment. What would possibly entice you to make good on a marriage proposal under such circumstances?”“You would…” his voice was gentle, as his troubled eyes searched mine. “If what I’ve seen is the worst of you…then it will be a miracle if I ever find a way to deserve you.” - M.A. George

146. “We broke into laughter—the kind that’s your only recourse when you feel like curling up in a fetal position and whimpering like a little girl.” - M.A. George