147 Inspirational Quotes List

Aug. 26, 2024, 8:45 p.m.

147 Inspirational Quotes List

In a world that often feels overwhelming, a few well-chosen words can provide the spark of inspiration we need to keep moving forward. Whether you're seeking motivation to conquer challenges, wisdom to navigate life's twists and turns, or simply a daily dose of positivity, finding the right quote can make all the difference. We've painstakingly curated a collection of the top 147 inspirational quotes, each one thoughtfully selected to uplift, encourage, and empower you. Dive in and let these timeless words of wisdom guide your journey and illuminate your path.

1. “My Life is My Message” - Mahatma Gandhi

2. “True happiness is to enjoy the present, without anxious dependence upon the future, not to amuse ourselves with either hopes or fears but to rest satisfied with what we have, which is sufficient, for he that is so wants nothing. The greatest blessings of mankind are within us and within our reach. A wise man is content with his lot, whatever it may be, without wishing for what he has not.” - seneca

3. “Oh, Jo. Jo, you have so many extraordinary gifts; how can you expect to lead an ordinary life? You’re ready to go out and – and find a good use for your talent. Tho’ I don’t know what I shall do without my Jo. Go, and embrace your liberty. And see what wonderful things come of it.” - Louisa May Allcott

4. “When wealth flees, untrue friends follow.” - Thomas F. Shubnell

5. “Sometimes change was good. Sometimes it was even exactly what you needed.” - Jenny O'Connell

6. “Once you discover that you can, you must.” - Al Jarreau

7. “To those who are given much, much is expected.” - Maya Angelou

8. “Feed your self-esteem; not your ego!” - Deborah Brodie

9. “I've never met a person, I don't care what his condition, in whom I could not see possibilities. I don't care how much a man may consider himself a failure. I believe in him, for he can change the thing that is wrong in his life any time he is ready and prepared to do it. Whenever he develops the desire he can take away from his life the thing that is defeating it. The capacity for reformation and change lies within.” - Preston Bradley

10. “Genius is the power of lighting one's own fire!” - John Forster

11. “Am I getting braver, or just getting accustomed to being terrified?” - Randy Alcorn

12. “For every dilemma, find at least three or four possible solutions. The creative process leads to better results.” - Marilyn Suttle

13. “I suppose we must work on being gracious and grateful until we can do for ourselves. Someday the wheel of fate will put us in a position to be of use to them, and we will remember how much easier it is to give help than it is to accept it.” - Patricia Briggs

14. “Grace is what picks me up and lifts my wings high above and I fly! Grace always conquers! Be graceful in everything; in anger, in sadness, in joy, in kindness, in unkindness, retain grace with you!” - C. JoyBell C.

15. “There are two things we should always be 1. raw and 2. ready. When you are raw, you are always ready and when you are ready you usually realize that you are raw. Waiting for perfection is not an answer, one cannot say "I will be ready when I am perfect" because then you will never be ready, rather one must say "I am raw and I am ready just like this right now, how and who I am.” - C. JoyBell C.

16. “Don't be afraid of your fears. They're not there to scare you. They're there to let you know that something is worth it.” - C. JoyBell C.

17. “The coward says in his heart “There is no love.” Because, standing in the shadows of the big, grand, and powerful existence of love, his small spirit is left feeling even smaller and less significant. And so he chooses to deny the existence of love altogether. Because he is too small to have it.” - C. JoyBell C.

18. “I think that we are like stars. Something happens to burst us open; but when we burst open and think we are dying; we’re actually turning into a supernova. And then when we look at ourselves again, we see that we’re suddenly more beautiful than we ever were before!” - C. JoyBell C.

19. “God and Destiny are not against us, rather they are for us, they are the ones who never forget the things we have long forgotten, the ones who hear the desires of our heart that our own heads can't hear, and they are the ones who never forget who we really are, long after our minds have forgotten the images of who we are. We come from God and we belong to Destiny, yet for some reason of ignorance we think that to be the master of our own fates and the captain of our own souls means to write everything down on a paper and plan everything out on a grid! Such great things to be done, and we think they are accomplished by our primitive ways! No. We must only know what we want. And want what we want. And then fly high enough to see all that which we want that we couldn't yet see.” - C. JoyBell C.

20. “There are powers far beyond us, plans far beyond what we could have ever thought of, visions far more vast than what we can ever see on our own with our own eyes, there are horizons long gone beyond our own horizons. This is courage- to throw away what is our own that is limited and to thrust ourselves into the hands of these higher powers- God and Destiny.To do this is to abide in the realm of the eternal, to walk in the path of the everlasting to follow in the footprints of God and demi-gods. The hardest part for man is the letting go. For some reason, he thinks himself big enough to know and to see what's good for him. But in the letting go........is found freedom. In the letting go........ is found the flight!” - C. JoyBell C.

21. “I looked long and hard for the paper roses! I found the reddest red ribbon, and a little golden card! We were all there together, many of us, in the same place; but I was the only one who found the paper roses, the only one who chose the reddest red ribbon, and the only one who topped off with a golden card. And so I learned that if people are unhappy, it is only because they don't know how to look for the paper roses, they don't see the reddest red ribbon, and they don't like the little golden cards. We are all in the same wrap-shoppe in this life. But we are different. Because some of us are looking for the paper roses, choosing the reddest red ribbon, and picking up the little golden cards.” - C. JoyBell C.

22. “‎"What does it mean if i'm afraid? Does it mean something bad is going to happen?" "No, it doesn't mean something bad is going to happen. It just means that you have the chance to be brave.” - C. JoyBell C.

23. “A matter, as the famous book intoned, of finding the shade of the parachute that best complemented you. But really: With no parachute at all you'd hit the pavement so hard it probably wouldn't even hurt, and you'd unleash a whole new color palate-bone, blood, muscle-in the process.” - Elisa Albert

24. “Orang-orang itu telah melupakan bahwa belajar tidaklah melulu untuk mengejar dan membuktikan sesuatu, namun belajar itu sendiri, adalah perayaan dan penghargaan pada diri sendiri. (hlm. 197)” - Andrea Hirata

25. “You can't understand where someone's going unless you understand where they've been.” - Jerry B. Jenkins

26. “Pray for "all men." We usually pray more for things than we do for men. Our prayers should be thrown across their pathway as they rush in their downward course to a lost eternity.” - E.M.Bounds

27. “Simbol, huruf dan angka adalah alat, sedangkan gagasan adalah roh sebuah tulisan.” - I Made Iwan Darmawan

28. “Each of us has a vulnerability like Edmund's that Satan is eager to exploit. It may be something addictive like drugs or alcohol, or it may be something seemingly harmless and perhaps even good like food, friendship, or work.” - Discovery House Publishers

29. “Your success and happiness lie in you.” - Helen Keller

30. “Focus on making yourself better, not on thinking that you are better.” - Bohdi Sanders

31. “Do you have a leather jacket? One for a ten-year-old boy?" I asked the man selling leather jackets and gloves in Covent Garden, London. "Yes, I have one right here!" And the man dug out a fine leather jacket that looked styled and tailored for a young boy. "I'm buying this for my son" I said to him. "I love this jacket, it's perfect, I think I will just come back for it tomorrow, though! I'll be back tomorrow, okay?" And the man reached his arms above his head, and said with a big smile upon his face "You only have one life to live! What is the difference if you do something today, or if you do it tomorrow?" I thought about the man's words. And I bought the jacket. He was right, there is no difference, really, between doing something today and doing something tomorrow, when you only have one life to live! Afterall, tomorrow may never come! All you really have is today!” - C. JoyBell C.

32. “I feel like, God expects me to be human. I feel like, God likes me just the way I am: broken and empty and bruised. I feel like, God doesn't look at me and wish that I were something else, because He likes me just this way. I feel like, God doesn't want me to close my eyes and pray for Him to make me holy or for Him to make me pure; because He made me human. I feel like, God already knows I'm human...it is I who needs to learn that.” - C. JoyBell C.

33. “Ye'll never best your fears until ye face them” - Susanna Kearsley

34. “No one loses anyone, because no one owns anyone. That is the true experience of freedom: having the most important thing in the world without owning it” - Paulo Coelho

35. “make the most of the day, by determining to spend it on two sorts of acquaintances only - those by whom something may be got, and those from whom something may be learned. - Colton” - Colton Robinsmith

36. “I am; I was. I want to be.” - Joe Hill

37. “Laughter is good for both the body and the soul.” - Mike Meyer

38. “Meditation is a way for nourishing and blossoming the divinity within you.” - Amit Ray

39. “When life takes away, something of greater value is always given in return.” - Michael J. Fox

40. “Even when muddy your wings sparkle bright wonders that heal broken worlds.” - Aberjhani

41. “I find no importance in showing others that I am happy; it's not important to me that they know or think that I am happy but what is important to me is that I am happy. I am interested in being happy, not in making others think or know that I am.” - C. JoyBell C.

42. “Before, I wanted to say: "I found love!" But now, I want to say: "I found a person. And he belongs to me and I belong to him.” - C. JoyBell C.

43. “Men brave and generous live the best lives, seldom will they sorrow; then there are fools, afraid of everything, who grumble instead of giving.” - Anonymous

44. “بيست سال بعد، بابت کارهايي که نکرده‌ای بيشتر افسوس می‌خوری تا بابت کارهايی که کرده‌ای. بنابراين روحيه تسليم‌پذيری را کنار بگذار . از حاشيه امنيت بيرون بيا . جستجو کن . بگرد . آرزو کن . کشف کن.” - مارک تواين

45. “What you believe you can receive if you doubt it you will do without it.” - JoCecelia Shinn

46. “The best love in the world, is the love of a man. The love of a man who came from your womb, the love of your son! I don't have a daughter, but maybe the love of a daughter is the best, too. I am first and foremost me, but right after that, I am a mother. The best thing that I can ever be, is me. But the best gift that I will ever have, is being a mother.” - C. JoyBell C.

47. “The Buddha encouraged people to "know for yourselves that certain things are unwholesome and wrong. And when you do, then give them up. And when you know for yourselves that certain things are wholesome and good, then accept them and follow them."The message is always to examine and see for yourself. When you see for yourself what is true-and that's really the only way that you can genuinely know anything-then embrace it. Until then, just suspend judgment and criticism.” - Steve Hagen

48. “Any serious social, political, and economic change must include veganism.” - GaryLFrancione

49. “The notion that we should promote “happy” or “humane” exploitation as “baby steps” ignores that welfare reforms do not result in providing significantly greater protection for animal interests; in fact, most of the time, animal welfare reforms do nothing more than make animal exploitation more economically productive by focusing on practices, such as gestation crates, the electrical stunning of chickens, or veal crates, that are economically inefficient in any event. Welfare reforms make animal exploitation more profitable by eliminating practices that are economically vulnerable. For the most part, those changes would happen anyway and in the absence of animal welfare campaigns precisely because they do rectify inefficiencies in the production process. And welfare reforms make the public more comfortable about animal exploitation. The “happy” meat/animal products movement is clear proof of that. We would never advocate for “humane” or "happy” human slavery, rape, genocide, etc. So, if we believe that animals matter morally and that they have an interest not only in not suffering but in continuing to exist, we should not be putting our time and energy into advocating for “humane” or “happy” animal exploitation.” - GaryLFrancione

50. “Never waste any amount of time doing anything important when there is a sunset outside that you should be sitting under!” - C. JoyBell C.

51. “To know a species, look at its fears. To know yourself, look at your fears. Fear in itself is not important, but fear stands there and points you in the direction of things that are important. Don't be afraid of your fears, they're not there to scare you; they're there to let you know that something is worth it.” - C. JoyBell C.

52. “One of the most scariest thing in life is when you come to the realization that the only thing that can save you is...yourself” - Demi Lovato

53. “But even if we don't have the power to choose where we come from we can still choose where we go from there. We can still do things.” - Stephen Chbosky

54. “The thing about life is, you’ve got to somehow make it through the day. Don’t wait for the beautiful evening. Go on with your life. Of course, the beautiful evening will come. In fact, she’s on her way. And she’s coming to you as fast as she can. And dude, she’s beautiful.” - Thisuri Wanniarachchi

55. “Que as nossas palavras ressoem para sempre pela eternidade e que nunca sejam esquecidas. Se por ventura se perderem perdidos estaremos.” - Rute Canhoto

56. “I don’t want to freeze my eggs. I don’t want to visit a sperm bank. I don’t want to be a single parent, if I have any choice in the matter. I want a nuclear family. I want to put down roots, to let my seeds germinate, to watch them bloom and flourish. Not one day, if and when I ever fall in love again, but now. While I still have my youth, damn it.” - Monica Pradhan

57. “Do not blame your parents for not working hard enough to birth you with silver spoon in your mouth because tomorrow you will be a parent and your children will in turn blame you for not giving birth to them with the desired silver spoon.” - Agu, Jaachynma N.E.

58. “Be patient. Your skin took a while to deteriorate. Give it some time to reflect a calmer inner state. As one of my friends states on his Facebook profile: "The true Losers in Life, are not those who Try and Fail, but those who Fail to Try.” - Jess C. Scott

59. “It is the road you take that decides your destiny and not your destiny that decides the road you take.” - Apoorve Dubey


61. “At the end of the day, it's not about what you have or even what you've accomplished. It's about what you've done with those accomplishments. Its about who you've lifted up, who you've made better. It about what you've given back" (23).” - Denzel Washington

62. “decision is of the mind not of the mouth also determination is of the heart not of the head- Golden Life Foundation” - Chris C Nwakanma

63. “Maybe we shouldn't begin to stop believing in God when He starts to let go of our hand; because at that moment He begins to let go of your hand, that's the moment He's begun to believe in YOU! He says, "I believe in you, I know you can." And that's not the time to stop believing in someone, when He is believing in you. A good father knows when to let go and start believing that you can. We may not understand it at first, but after we look at ourselves and say "Wow, I'm awesome, I did that all by myself." Then we say "Thanks, dad. If you never let go of me, I would have never learned how to fly.” - C. JoyBell C.

64. “Kein Schiff trägt uns besser in ferne Länder, als ein Buch.” - Emily Dickinson

65. “A drop of water shall be returned with a burst of spring.” - Pat Cher

66. “When you let go of past pain, believe in yourself, and follow your dreams—you can find true happiness!” - Casi McLean

67. “The choices one makes, not one's blood, determine one's destiny - John Steinbeck” - Laxmi Hariharan

68. “I know from the bottom of my heart and with all of it, that it doesn't matter if at the end of your life you can say that you shared the best of yourself with the rest of the world and it doesn't matter if everyone in the world remembers you as wonderful; but what matters is if at the end of your life you can say that you shared the best of yourself with the handful of people who are around you, that you gave the wonderful in you, to the people you love and who love you. Happiness never has and never will come from fame.” - C. JoyBell C.

69. “I am reminded that the children we birth do not belong to us. They belong to God. We are simply the vessel through which they arrive on this earth. We are appointed to care for and guide them; however, we must recognize when the time comes for them to govern their own lives.” - Nancy B. Brewer

70. “[Jesus] not only kept Himself from engaging in evil, He also continually acted in ways that honored and glorified god. He not only continually avoided the negative, He always pursued the positive.” - David Jeremiah

71. “Jesus knew that many of his listeners believed the old wineskin (or way of doing things) was good enough. They were comfortable with their beliefs and practices, but Jesus hadn't come to patch up old religious traditions. He was offering a new garment, a new wineskin, a way of life that didn't abolish the old ways, but fulfilled them.The teaching illuminated my own need to remain pliable before God. I realize that I must have a softer housing for my growing faith, one that can flex and change as God is at work inside of me. All too often I find myself clinging to that which is comfortable and familiar, rather than embracing the challenges that emerge with change and growth. Sometimes I shy away from people who have strong views that differ from mine, even though sharing a great conversation... could temper both our viewpoints and deepen our relationship. Why do I run away from strong opinions and potential conflict? Am I too comfortable and unwilling to change? Such a realization highlights the need for the Spirit in my life not just to discern and distinguish, but also to illuminate and invite me to move forward into the fullness of life with him." -Scouting the Divine” - Margaret Feinberg

72. “We can't be afraid of change. You may feel very secure in the pond that you are in, but if you never venture out of it, you will never know that there is such a thing as an ocean, a sea. Holding onto something that is good for you now, may be the very reason why you don't have something better.” - C. JoyBell C.

73. “Love cannot be hidden. It even shines in the darkest places." ~ Carla Olson Gade, The Shadow Catcher's Daughter” - Carla Olson Gade

74. “Some days flowed smoothly while others raged over rough waters, but through it all the current brought her closer to the Lord." Carla Olson Gade, The Shadow Catcher's Daughter” - Carla Olson Gade

75. “The mandarins of culture—what do they do to teach the common folk to read? It's no good writing down lists of books for farmers and compiling five-foot shelves; you've got to go out and visit the people yourself—take the books to them, talk to the teachers and bully the editors of country newspapers and farm magazines and tell the children stories—and then little by little you begin to get good books circulating in the veins of the nation. It's a great work, mind you!” - Moley, Christopher

76. “There's only one truth!” - Felix Y. Siauw

77. “If you walk on sunlight, bathe in moonlight, breathe in a golden air and exhale a Midas' touch; mark my words, those who exist in the shadows will try to pull you into the darkness with them. The last thing that they want is for you to see the wonder of your life because they can't see theirs.” - C. JoyBell C.

78. “The ultimate weakenss of a man is when his spirit is crushed with no hope rather than how disable or handicapped he is .” - Rudzani Ralph

79. “And that's when I heard the whisper in my heart's ear: "It's not about your childhood. It's about who you are!” - C. JoyBell C.


81. “If you don't have dreams, how do you maneuver reality? Where do you get the ideas to change reality if not from dreams?” - Yann Martel

82. “It is not your opponent but your weaknesses that hurt you the most." -Apoorve Dubey” - Apoorve Dubey

83. “Hope is the universal currency of a recession. Invest it wisely!” - Paul Guildea

84. “If our lives were smooth sailing without painful hardships, unexpected disappointments or frustrating challenges, we wouldn't have our own personal testimony as credible evidence revealing God's omnipotent power.” - Dana Arcuri

85. “Always be true to yourself and follow your dreams!” - LaDonna M. Cook

86. “Selama kita memiliki hari esok, teruslah berusaha untuk menjadi lebih baik. Percayalah bahwa dengan kita berbuat demikian akan ada hari yang lebih baik untuk dinikmati” - Rizki De

87. “I've learned, that not all worth is measured by price. I've found so many gems that didn't cost me much!” - C. JoyBell C.

88. “Some of us are crèmes brûlées, unfortunately in the presence of those who would rather have corn dogs. We can try to degenerate into corn dogs to make them happy, or we can just accept the fact that we were made for Paris!” - C. JoyBell C.

89. “Self-discovery means learning to live free!” - Tae Yun Kim

90. “Always Remember: He Can Do! She Can Do! Why Not Me?!” - Tae Yun Kim

91. “no man is free until he s a master of himself!!” - epictitus

92. “Look at your life as a patient and a doctor!” - Tae Yun Kim

93. “Green strongly influences the heart and helps alleviate tension. Positive qualities associated with green are generosity, humility, and cooperation. Foods of the green vibration are all green fruits and green vegetables.” - Tae Yun Kim

94. “Scars are just another kind of memory.” - M.L. Stedman

95. “We are much better able to evaluate someone else's behavior than we are our own.” - Alan E. Nelson

96. “The one ironclad rule is that I have to try. I have to walk into my writing room and pick up my pen every weekday morning.” - Anne Tyler

97. “~ Faith lightens the path your shadowed mind has to walk ~” - Michelle Horst

98. “If you're lost and aloneOr you're sinking like a stoneCarry on...May your past be the soundOf your feet upon the groundCarry on” - Fun

99. “It's the soul's eye which stares at your beauty and knows you well. And from it's vantage point you're as visible as a sunny day” - Leandra J. Kalsy

100. “hating people is like a poisoned apple.The more you hated them , the faster the poisons spread.” - Hihi

101. “Dream big, because really... what's stopping you? Envision the end result and then reach out and get it!” - Tracee Ford

102. “It’s been said that love is all there is; that a lack of love causes people to do evil things. I can buy that. Take it a step further: capitalism, by itself, is not a bad thing; but when taken to an extreme, as it has been in America—when Christmas is but a measuring stick for how well the economy is doing, when Wall Street and the banking industry turn nescient heads to morality in pursuit of the Almighty Dollar, when love of money overshadows love of self and others—what then?In the grand scheme of the universe—whatever that scheme may be—when one considers its immensity, that it has existed for billions of years, some of us realize how insignificant our seventy or eighty years is; while others, for whatever reason (selfishness?) pursue materialism to a vulgar degree. In the end, what does all that matter, really?It’s nice to spoil oneself from time to time; but really, life’s true gift to oneself is doing and giving to others. That’s love.” - J. Conrad Guest, novelist

103. “The great passions had never been moved by a perfect body but by an evolved mind.” - Merce Cardus

104. “It is when we fall that we are given the opportunity to rise up and reach new heights.” - Christopher Earle

105. “Never lose hope, and if you can, find the courage to love again.” - danielle steel

106. “They would hit a man in the water, if they were hungry, even if the man had no smell of fish blood nor of fish slime on him.“Ay,” the old man said. “Galanos. Come on galanos.” - Ernest Hemingway

107. “Each of us is the best we can be when we are fully present, focused yet relaxed, curious yet non-judgmental, committed yet flexible.” - John Kuypers

108. “Hold love like a butterfly, with gentle preservation. Hold life like the reigns of a wild stallion, with fierce assertion. Encompass that, and you find the nectar of the immortal spirit.” - Kellie Elmore

109. “It's better to remain silent and give the impression of being foolish then to speak and remove all doubt.” - Rami Belson

110. “He who fights with guns and knives is a coward! For how easy is it to kill with the single pull of a trigger? And how does human flesh stand to a sharpened metal? Even an idiot can kill with a gun and a knife! A man needs no courage at all to stand behind these things that make him feel invincible and bigger than he ever will be! I don't say that no one should fight! Because battles must be fought, and wars will always be won! But let those who fight, fight with bare hands! The measure of true strength! With his hands and feet and nothing but! The country with truly strong men is able to have soldiers that need not a knife, that need no guns! And if you can soar even higher than that; fight with your pens! Let us all write! And see the substance of the man through his philosophies and through his beliefs! And let one philosophy outdo another! Let one belief outlast another! And let this be how we determine the outcome of a war!” - C. JoyBell C.

111. “الإحسان هو أن تصنع عالما أحسن من الذى ولدت فيه” - احمد الشقيري

112. “الطرق المستقيمة لا تصنه سائق ماهر” - باولو كويلو

113. “Writer's block is caused by forcing your will on the Divine.” - Chriscinthia Blount

114. “Focus is the soul of success.” - Sandeep Kakkar

115. “Only you can take inner freedom away from yourself, or give it to yourself. Nobody else can.” - Michael A. Singer

116. “Some choose to dream with a safety net. I dream with nothing to catch me, that way if I fall nothing can stop me from rising back up.” - Evelyn Shepherd

117. “My religion consists of laughing at myself. My motto is this: As long as there is a me, there is a reason to laugh out loud!” - C. JoyBell C.

118. “Nothing disappoints an atheist more than meeting God.” - Srini Chandra

119. “Born to be a blessing!” - D.D. Jewell

120. “Faith is the courage to live your life as if everything that happens does so for your highest good and learning. Like it or not.” - Dan Millman

121. “Miracles aren't always a grand happening like the kind I learned about in Sunday school. Sometimes they're as small as giving someone a break.” - Brian Spangler

122. “The mind can be our best friend and advocate in getting what we want in life, or it can pull the brakes on and be a nasty little foe – the choice is yours – choose your attitude.” - Rachael Bermingham

123. “The only way we can change our world is to take responsibility for our part in it.” - Rachael Bermingham

124. “Do not be concerned with how others treat you. Be only concerned with how you treat others.” - Julia Heywood

125. “Know your magic, trust your magic, use your magic and know that you are a manifestation of life's magic.” - Rasheed Ogunlaru

126. “Be strong,be kind,be generous of spirit, be understanding and let people know how grateful you are.Dont get even.Comfort the ones i've hurt and let down.Say your prayers and ask for Gods understanding and strength.Finish with a smile and some gustoand do what's' right and finish strong.” - george herbert walker bush

127. “You'll never get ahead if your always running behind” - Jeremy Coates

128. “If there is a God and future life, there is truth and good, and man's highest happiness consists in striving to attain them. We must live, we must love, and we must believe that we live not only today on this scrap of earth, but have lived and shall live” - Leo Tolstoy

129. “Beauty derives from truth not perfection.” - Thomas Davis Jr.

130. “I'm holding back, delaying the information. I'm lingering in the prior moment because it was a time when other outcomes were still possible.” - Ian McEwan

131. “Happy is the woman who has a man that shares the little things in life with her.” - Jean Williams

132. “There were millions of different infinities and they weren’t only measured in time, but in people. And in each one, I could find a reason to matter forever.” - Mackie Burt

133. “Sometimes life isn't what you think it should be or want it to be. Sometimes life is just life and it goes on even without you. The key is to make the most out of it while you can.” - Jean Williams

134. “Knowledge comes from learning - Ignorance is born from not wanting to know the difference!” - Robbie Thomas

135. “Minn, I love you the way you're today, nonetheless beforeI wanted fate to fare you betterFate is faring me best with you by my sideI'm not perfectSo do II'm still adjusting with the new meW'll get through it togetherWe've never had anything to do with each other beforeWe'll start from step oneWe need time to work things outWe have forever” - Hlovate

136. “Write what pleases you.If you please others in the process it's a bonus.” - Roy A Higgins

137. “A yummy mummy is a dedicated and loving mom who embodies a healthy lifestyle while retaining a sense of the person she was before having kids.” - Marina Delio

138. “Everything occurs for good, in everything there is good and in everything there is beauty...” - Radostin Chernev

139. “Tell the facts even if the person doesn't want to hear them, if they don't like the facts than they can change them.” - Trudy Shourt

140. “I promise.For the other side of the card, I put the giraffe and penguin on it and wrote:To think and try not to over think.To breathe, but not hyperventilate.To try to envision the best, and not dwell on the worst.To call you when I'm in trouble.To not do anything permanent on a situation that might be temporary.” - Shirley Miranda

141. “The two toughest lessons to learn In life are “LET GO” & “LETs GO..!” - Sujit Lalwani

142. “IT’s All In The Game Of Mind.” - Sujit Lalwani

143. “Sure, genetics do play a role in alcholism. You're more likely to be an alcoholic if one or both of your parents are also alcoholics. But that's just one part of the equation; the other part is your behavior. You can't become an alcoholic if you never take a drink. So if you know you're predisposed to addiction because of your family history, then just don't get started, and you'll never find yourself on that path. Same with any other type of 'family curse.' If you parents smoke, don't pick up a cigarette. If your parents are obese, work hard to exercise and eat right so you don't follow in their foosteps. But some people find it easier to play the victim. They do whatever bad habits they want to because they think they have a built-in defense - "I grew up this way.” - Gaby Rodriguez

144. “There is no way to peace, peace is the only way” - Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi

145. “If you're looking for an Inspiration, then I think Rahul Mahajan is a perfect example for all the fainthearted people out there who fear to show their talent. Many people around us assume themselves as "not so special" person and people will laugh at them if they perform in public. I've seen Rahul Mahajan in a reality show of dancing, which is no way related to him. He is been asked to dance various dance forms, but the fact is he doesn't have the body language to perform like a dancer. His dances make people laugh, and his mistakes in the performances are taken as humor. Rahul never thinks about the results or what the audiences are thinking and keep on performing. Not only that but he is a favorite contestant of all the judges and the audiences too. The power is his honesty, hardwork, innocence, ego-less and he enjoys every bit of his performance to the core. I think that’s the reason why he's successful and lives in the heart of the Indian Audiences. Hats off to your spirit Rahul Mahajan. :)” - Ritesh Rangare

146. “Daun yang jatuh tak pernah membenci angin, dia membiarkan dirinya jatuh begitu saja. Tak melawan, mengikhlaskan semuanya.Bahwa hidup harus menerima, penerimaan yang indah. Bahwa hidup harus mengerti, pengertian yang benar. Bahwa hidup harus memahami, pemahaman yang tulus.Tak peduli lewat apa penerimaan, pengertian, pemahaman itu datang. Tak masalah meski lewat kejadian yang sedih dan menyakitkan. Biarkan dia jatuh sebagaimana mestinya. Biarkan angin merengkuhnya, membawa pergi entah kemana.” - Tere Liye

147. “Just because you can speak louder than me does not make you more right!” - Mark W Boyer