148 Sexy Love Quotes

June 21, 2024, 11:45 p.m.

148 Sexy Love Quotes

In the intricate dance of romance, words have the power to ignite passion, express deep affection, and create unforgettable moments. Whether you're crafting the perfect love letter, sending a flirtatious text, or simply looking to inspire your own romantic endeavors, the right words can make all the difference. In this collection, we've meticulously gathered the top 148 sexy love quotes—each one designed to stir the heart and kindle the flame of desire. Dive in, and let these evocative expressions enhance your romantic connections.

1. “[novan]: bassists are very good with their fingers[novan]: and some of us sing backup vocals, so that means we're good with our mouths too...(~ IM chat with Novan Chang, 18, bassist)” - Jess C. Scott

2. “He had to remember what she was. Human. Breakable. And he was an animal who liked to play rough.” - Rhyannon Byrd

3. “His voice is deep and gravelly. I once heard one of the girls say that he had the voice of a sex god, but because I've never really heard what a sex god sounds like, I can't verify that.” - Melina Marchetta

4. “[Jack] checked his watch, then returned to studying her back. damn if she didn't have a nice back, too - smooth, unblemished skin, nicely shaped vertebrae-He pulled himself up short. Nicely shaped vertebrae? Was he going insane?” - Sarah Mayberry

5. “He wrapped his lips around her finger and sucked hard as he slowly pulled the digit free, and that secret entrance deep between her thighs clenched like the mouth of a drawstring purse.” - Susan Anderson (Burning Up)

6. “You're so full of it, darlin'.” - Lisa Kleypas

7. “He was unbelievably hard. Everywhere. He was in control, infinitely stronger, and he wanted me to know it. -Ella” - Lisa Kleypas

8. “I respect you," he murmured. "and your views. I think of you as an equal. I respect your brains, and all those big words you like to use. But I also want to rip your clothes off and have sex with you until you scream and cry and see God." -Jack Travis (Smooth Talking Stranger)” - Lisa Kleypas

9. “The look of experience suited him, especially because somewhere deep in those eyes, there still lurked a dangerous invitation to play. He had a quality of masculine confidence that was a thousand times more potent than mere handsomeness. Perfect goodlooks could leave you cold, but this kind of sexy charisma went straight to your knees. -Haven Travis” - Lisa Kleypas

10. “I had to admit the man looked amazing in jeans. The ancient denim clung lightly to his hips and followed the long lines of some remarkable thigh muscles. And although I made a point of not checking out his rear view, my peripheral vision was having a very good day.” ~ Haven Travis on Hardy Cates” - Lisa Kleypas

11. “And you are?”She fluttered her hand over her face andbrushed a wisp of light brown hair from her brow.The governor calls me Kitty. It’d probably be best if you did, too.”What an alluring name? It makes me think of a cat with its lips covered by a luscious coat of cream.”Jack stared at Kitty’s mouth, and his tongue tingled at the idea of tasting her rich, flavorful lust.She giggled and wove her hand through the crook in his arm. The soft swell of her breast bumped against his arm. “Oh, you’re naughty, but I love the alluring image.”Then, I hope you’ll let me have a taste later.”He didn’t crowd her but allowed her to step back.She led him across the entranceway to a door on the other side.Remember she’s a princess.” - Anita Philmar

12. “I heard that the best way to get over someone is to get under someone else.” - Kerry Cohen

13. “Alright, good night,” he said, his words a little slurred. “But before I pass out, I want you to know that you’re the hottest biscuit this side of the gravy boat.” - Erin McCarthy

14. “Clever as the Devil and twice as pretty.” - Holly Black

15. “Oh, for God's sake," I said. "Just give me the stupid thing." I took the panic button and stuck it into my Super Sexy Miracle Bra. "GPS," Ranger said to Morelli. "Probably I can find her breast without it," Morelli said. "But it's good to know there's a navigational system on board if I need it.” - Janet Evanovich

16. “People who could easily be mistaken as preteens just shouldn’t even try to pull off the look-at-me-I’m-so-serious-and-mysterious-and-sexy look. Especially while driving because, please, you look like you are twelve and a half and driving with a serious look. Most kids who get the opportunity to drive illegally are smiling so big that they look dyslexic and about to piss their pants with excitement because they are in operation of a vehicle that isn’t manufactured by PlayStation. ” - Chase Brooks

17. “What are you doing?” she cried in protest.“Playing,” he said, the single word rough, almost guttural.” - Linda Howard

18. “Are you related to Criss Angel? Because you look like an angel.” - Kristen Schaal/ Rich Blomquist

19. “You know what comes after looking... physical contact.” - K.R. Caldwell

20. “My toes are going to come,"-MariannThe Night Owl” - Emma Holly

21. “- Deitei-me diante da tua lareira e falei contigo sobre a tua vida. - disse. Não tinha nada a ver com o assunto.-Humm... Sim. Fizemos isso.- Recordo o nosso duche juntos.- Também fizemos isso.- Fizemos tanta coisa.- Ah... pois. Está bem.- Se não tivesse tanta coisa para fazer aqui em Shreveport, sentir-me-ia tentado a visitar-te para te recordar como gostaste de cada uma dessas coisas.- Se bem me lembro - afirmei -, também gostaste.- Ó, sim.- Eric, preciso de desligar. Tenho de ir trabalhar. - Ou de entrar em combustão espontânea. O que acontecesse primeiro.” - Charlaine Harris

22. “Zane brought her hand to his chest, over his heart and she felt the strong rapid beat through his shirt. “Feel that?” His throat worked as he swallowed. “It would break if I fell for you and anything happened that would take you away from me.”--Zane to Willow in 'The Edge of Sin' in the Real Men Last all Night anthology” - Cheyenne McCray

23. “I'm William, but you can call me Sexy. Everyone does.” - Gena Showalter

24. “You're not having sex with him. I know these guys, and you don't. I'm trusting you with Claudia Reeshman. You need to trust me about Dean Robillard." She wouldn't let him off that easily. "You're looking for a wife. Maybe I'm just looking for a little fun." "If you need fun," he shot back, 'I'll give you fun." She was stunned.” - Susan Elizabeth Phillips

25. “I am going to love you now, slow and sweet, but when you come, I'm going to f*** you the way I need to. The way I've been dreaming about since the moment I saw you.” - Karen Marie Moning

26. “It’s like a meatloaf.” - Nicki Elson

27. “A girl’s got to use what she’s given and I’m not going to make a guy drool the way a Britney video does. So I take it to extremes. I don’t say I dress sexily on stage - what I do is so extreme. It’s meant to make guys think: ‘I don’t know if this is sexy or just weird.” - Lady Gaga

28. “Across from her, Hunter devoured her meal even more completely than she had. Sinclair watched her sink sharp teeth into the chicken bone, heard it snap, then the soft grunt of satisfaction. She made soft sucking sounds then emptied her mouth of the tiny ground up remains on a corner of her dish. Hunter ate with rabbit-like intensity, biting and sucking and spitting in an even rhythm until all that was left on the plate was a small brown and beige pile of ground bones. She finally looked up and caught Sinclair staring.” - Fiona Zedde

29. “Do you want me to ride you like a rented mule, or do you prefer to be Mr. Missionary Position? I'm fine with wither, so it doesn't matter to me.” - Katie MacAlister

30. “I think a man's "wordplay" can be so fucking sexy!!! I love a good mind fuck!!” - Junnita Jackson

31. “Come make me sticky.Dimitri to Honor” - Nalini Singh

32. “Watching him, his hands buried in his pockets—to keep from circling her neck she supposed—she couldn't help but marvel at the curious mix of Southern courtesy and male arrogance, the natural assumption he shouldered of being lawfully in control. "Engaging in a moral battle isn't always hazardous to one's health, you know.""Doesn't look like it's doing wonders for yours.""Saints be praised, it can actually be rewarding."Looking over his shoulder, he halted in the middle of the room. "Irish.""I beg your pardon?""You. Irish. The green eyes, the tiny bit of red in your hair. Is Connor your real name?""Yes, why..." she said, stammering. Bloody hell. "Of course.""Liar."She felt the slow, hot roll of color cross her cheeks. "What could that possibly have to do with anything?""I don't know, but I have a feeling it means something. It's the first I've heard come out of that sassy mouth of yours that didn't sound like some damned speech." He tapped his head, starting to pace again. "What I wonder is, where are you in there?” - Tracy Sumner

33. “Yes. Kissing. Overrated.""I could change your mind," Zach said, surprising the hell out of them both. Why would he take something as simple as this banter as a challenge? "I don't know that I want to, but I feel right sure I could.""How arrogant. How typically male.""I suppose." He shrugged and reached for the wine bottle. "More?"She nodded, frowning now. "How do you know you could change my mind? It's been a long time since you... well—""Over two years." The pain was there, an ache in his chest he imagined he would feel every time he thought of Hannah.And he thought of her every day. Dreamed of her about as often. But lately, maybe only in the past week, he'd begun to realize that his life had not ended with his wife's.He either had to die or start living again.” - Tracy Sumner

34. “Standing in front of him I wipe his liquid from the corner of my mouth and stare deeply. I can see the panic in his eyes. I can smell his fear, deep, rich and growing, and for the first time tonight I’m actually aroused.” - Dennis Sharpe

35. “Katy skipped over, her low-rise jeans threatening to fall off her skinny hips. With some girls, that was a sexy look. With Katy, it made you nervous.” - Sara Zarr

36. “A faint smile that made every tiny hair on her body rise in quivering attention. "How fast can you run?" A wolf's question.” - Nalini Singh

37. “Bella,leave the aggressive stuff to me." My heart quirks in my chest. I may not like this guy but that sounded so hot. "Um..." Focus,focus. "What?” - Jenny B. Jones

38. “Angel clicked on a few more pictures on the screen, and Alex made small talk about the place. Then he finally walked away. He stopped just before walking out.“Did Valerie say anything else to Sarah?”Angel glanced back at him. “About what?”“You know about that guy she’s seeing.”Angel turned his attention back to the computer. “No, not really.” Alex frowned. He wasn’t one of those guys, so he wasn’t about to keep asking. If Angel knew anything, he’d tell him. He’d just have to wait until the rehearsal dinner.He started back out when Angel spoke up. “I’m not sure, because she didn’t actually tell me, but I overheard Sarah on the phone last night. It sounded like Valerie was telling her about him.” “Yeah, what did you hear?”Angel looked up trying to remember. Something seemed to come to him but he hesitated. “I don’t think you wanna hear it, Alex. I know I wouldn’t.”Alex squeezed the doorway with his hand. What the hell could he have heard? “Tell me.” Angel shook his head and looked back at the monitor. “Only reason I caught my attentions was because I overheard Sarah ask her something about wearing lingerie.”Alex felt the hair on the back of his neck rise and his gut tightened. He banged his fist against the doorway. He didn’t need to hear any more. Angel had been right that’s the last thing he needed right now. He charged back out of the office, infuriated with himself. Why the fuck had he asked?” - Elizabeth Reyes

39. “Never be afraid to be sexy!” - Alysha Speer

40. “If you lie there much longer, I’ll be tempted to tie you to the table legs and try buttering your ass instead of the toast.” - Cari Silverwood

41. “Emil on top of me, his breath heavy on my neck. As our eyes met and held, the playfulness turned into something else entirely, something with a lot more heat. Emil leaned in, barely brushing his lips against my own he whispered, “We were good at this then too.”As his soft lips met mine, my entire body felt molten—liquid and hot, moving seamlessly with his.” - Angela Corbett

42. “I put the sexy in dyslexia.” - Mariah Gonzales

43. “Maybe I’m strange and perverse, but I’ve always thought there was something sexy about a compelling argument.” - Therese Doucet

44. “He moved like a bird; twitching and bunching his shoulders. His head angled back and forth to watch me, and as he did, his biceps tightened. His dark hair was chin length and concealed most of his face. His mouth was wide in a disturbing smile that displayed his perfectly white teeth; the upper and lower canines sharpened to fine points.” - J.D. Stroube

45. “The longer I lived, the longer it would be until I saw him alive again, until I could taste his new lips and run my fingers through his new hair. We could be young and beautiful again . . .” - Chelsie Shakespeare

46. “Wait," I said as Noah slipped a book from a shelf and headed toward the door. "Where are you going?""To read?"But I don't want you to. "But I need to go home," I said, my eyes meeting his. "My parents are going to kill me.""Taken care of. You're at Sophie's house."I loved Sophie."So I'm...staying here?""Daniel's covering for you."I loved Daniel."Where's Katie?" I asked, trying to sound casual."Eliza's house."I loved Eliza."And your parents?" I asked."Some charity thing."I loved charity."So why are you going to read when I'm right here?” - Michelle Hodkin

47. “Is there any point asking what you're going to make me do on Sunday?''Not really.'Okay. 'Is there any point asking what you're going to do to me?'He grinned wickedly. 'Not really.'Fabulous. 'Does it involve the use of a safe word?''That will depend entirely on you.' Noah moved impossibly closer, just inches away. A few freckles disappeared into the scruff on his jaw. 'I'll be gentle,' Noah added. My breath caught in my throat as he looked at me from beneath those lashes, ruining me.I narrowed my eyes at him. 'You're evil.'In response, Noah smiled, and raised his finger to gently tap the tip of my nose. 'And you're mine,' he said, then walked away.” - Michelle Hodkin

48. “Noah's eyes held my face. I swallowed hard. The juxtaposition of him sitting in a room full of people while staring at no one but me was overwhelming. Something shifted inside of me at the intimacy of us, eyes locked amid the scraping of twenty graphite pencils on paper.I shaded his face out of nothingness. I smudged the slope of his neck and darkened his delinquent mouth, while the lights accented the right angle of his jaw against the cloudy sky outside. I did not hear the bell. I did not hear the other students rise and leave the room. I did not even notice that Noah no longer sat at the stool.” - Michelle Hodkin

49. “I laughed as I twisted to face him and raised my arm to hit in one move. He caught my wrist and my laugh caught in my throat. A mischievous grin curved my mouth as I raised my other hand to hit him. He reached over me and caught that wrist too, gently pinning my arms above my head as he straddled my hips. The space between us boiled my blood.” - Michelle Hodkin

50. “I was warned about you, you know."And with that half-smile that wrecked me, Noah said, "But you're here anyway.” - Michelle Hodkin

51. “Parker didn’t so much melt against him as he tried to inhabit the same skin Jake was wearing, and Jake wasn’t going to complain about that.” - Ashlyn Kane

52. “His voice was low, and I think he would've been hot if he weren't radiating that air of "I Am Super Evil--No, Really--And Not In The Sexy Way.” - Rachel Hawkins

53. “So hologram means--" I finally said."It means non-corporeal, yeah. Which sucks seeing as how there are a lot of very corporeal things I'd like to do with you right now.” - Rachel Hawkins

54. “No. Don't distract me with your sexy talk.” - Rachel Hawkins

55. “We are only victims if we allow ourselves to be.” - McCartney Green

56. “Hey," Anaxantis protested. "Oh," he added, when the Muktar prince took his member in his mouth. "Oh... that's what you meant by servicing." He laughed softly."Aw, aw, teeth, teeth, no teeth," he hissed suddenly."Sowwy," Timishi, mumbled with his mouth full. "Towd you it wouldn't je jood.” - Andrew Ashling

57. “You need to acquire a lover, Madam President.” - Lynn Raye Harris

58. “Sometimes waiting makes the culmination that much sweeter.” - Lynn Raye Harris

59. “I won’t touch you,” I assured him, knowing I could throw a burst of energy that would undoubtedly drop the curtain on the moment. “I have it under control.”He traced the line of my clavicle with this finger and kissed the corners of my mouth. “Not even if I ask? I want your fingerprints all over me like a crime scene.” - Dannika Dark

60. “Now turn around and go to sleep. I'm warning you that I plan to sleep with you in my arms all night long.” - Colleen Houck

61. “I'm a whore!"Miki hit the brakes...her hands.. gripping the steering wheel, glanced at Sara. "You're not wearing any underwear, are you?"Sara let out a strangled squeal...” - Shelly Laurenston

62. “Raphael lifted a finger, tracing it over her cheekbone. She flinched. Not because he was hurting her. The opposite. The places he touched ... it was as if he had a direct line to the hottest, most feminine part of her. A single stroke and she was embarrassingly damp. But she refused to pull away, refused to give in." (page 33 , Gollancz edition)” - Nalini Singh

63. “Baby, where we're going, you won't need a shirt.” - Vernon D. Burns

64. “Perhaps I was being picky, but I really didn’t think being able to spell orgasm without being spotted a vowel was asking too much.” - Summer Daniels

65. “I spend a quarter of every day inside you. When you set limits outside of that I can't help but see them as arbitrary.” - Sylvia Day

66. “He was sexual in a way that made women think of deeply repressed fantasies therapists and feminists alike would cringe to hear tell of.” - Karen Marie Moning

67. “She was tipping her head back to inquire, when two men entered the great hall and the question flew right out of her head. They were simply two of the most gorgeous men she'd ever seen. Twins, though different. They were both tall and powerfully built. One was taller by a few inches, with dark hair that swept just past his shoulders and eyes like shard of silver and ice while the other had long black hair falling in a single braid to his waist, and eyes as gold as Adam's torque. They were elegantly dressed in tailored clothing of dark hues, with magnificent bodies that dripped with raw sex appeal. Oh, my, she marveled, they don't amek men like these in the States. Were these typical Scotsmen? If so, she was going to have to get Elizabeth over here somehow. A connoisseur of romance novels, Elizabeth's favorites were the Scottish ones, and these two men looked as if they'd just stepped straight off one of those covers. "Try not to gape, ka-lyrra. They're only human. Mortal. Puny. And married. Both of them. Happily.” - Karen Marie Moning

68. “Finally, Dageus finished, and she heard Gwen and Chloe say simultaneously, breathlessly, "Oh, my God."Gabby opened her eyes. Drustan had risen to his feet and was scowling, an expression mirrored by his twin. Both were glaring at Adam--whom they obviously could now see. Then at their wives, then back at Adam.” - Karen Marie Moning

69. “All human males were as fascinated with cars as they were with breasts.” - Anita Clenney

70. “Her mouth was on his with such ferocity, it knocked him back a step. He managed to haul her back so he could gasp for air and answers. "Not that I'm complaining." "Then don't. Shut up and put out Savoie." "You are so romantic, detective." She chained rough kisses about his neck. "What if I can't perform under this unexpected pressure?" Her hand dropped below his belt for an assessing fondle. "Just my luck. Appears to be high performance all the way." He chuckled and began to nuzzle and nip at her rather roughly, his attention supercharged by her aggression. "And what kind of handling are you looking for?" "Fast and reckless” - Nancy Gideon

71. “I never arrive unannounced without something big and juicy in hand.- Simon Hunt” - Dannika Dark

72. “Women were gravitating towards him from all directions like a planetary orbit.(Zoe on meeting Justus)” - Dannika Dark

73. “[T.J.] Without thinking, I held them out to her. She stopped laughing, and looked at me like she wasn't quite sure what I meant. I waited, and she leaned toward me and opened her mouth. I slid my fingers inside, wondering if my eyes were as big as hers. When she sucked the breadfruit off, my breathing got all messed up."More?"She nodded, just barely, and her breathing didn't sound right either. I scooped up some breadfruit and this time, when I put my fingers in her mouth, she put her hand on my wrist. I waited for her to swallow and then I lost my shit completely. I grabbed her face with both hands, and I kissed her, hard. She opened her mouth and I slipped my tongue inside. I could have kissed her for days, and if she told me to stop I wasn't sure I'd be able to.” - Tracey Garvis-Graves

74. “The problem isn't that I'm uncomfortable with it, the problem is that I want it!" I yelled. It was official; I'd lost it. Oh well, I wasn't known for having a long fuse. "Are you happy? Jesus. You say something like that and then expect me to just be whatever about it. That's like teasing someone with a giant red velvet cake and then putting it in one of those glass rotating desert thingies." I wasn't my most eloquent at the moment."Does this mean I'm the cake?""Shut up, it was a metaphor.""So you want me?"So much it hurt. "Yes," I whispered. "Right now?""Yes.""Oh." Now he was the one who sounded nervous. "It's just... a surprise.""I told you I would entertain the idea.""I know. I just didn't think you'd be so enthusiastic so soon.""Hunter, I'm a virgin. Not a nun."He didn't talk for a moment."That was the sexiest thing you've ever said. God, why do you do this to me?” - Chelsea M. Cameron

75. “Rejection is an opportunity for your selection.” - Bernard Branson

76. “You are old and grey,” she teased.“And you’re never too immortal for a spanking,” he shot back...” - Dianna Hardy

77. “Could the two people who are making out please be quiet?" the Colonel asked loudly from his sleeping bag. "Those of us who are not making out are drunk and tired.” - John Green

78. “I tried to curl around him, holding him with my arching body. His mouth was slow and searching, the kisses hard at first, then loosening as if unraveling from their own heat. The pleasure thickened, hard flushes rising through me, bringing the desire to full-slip ripeness.” - Lisa Kleypas

79. “Kane wondered if any man in her life had really noticed how beautiful she was.” - Dannika Dark

80. “Love Rocks The De La Cruz's World” - P.T. Macias

81. “She pulled away from Eric's grasp, knelt before Brian and looked up at him."Let me suck you off," she said. "Please.” - Olivia Cunning

82. “Well, with that filly in my line of vision blushing like a virgin, something in me was bound to stand at attention. And my walking legs were occupied.” - A.G. Starling

83. “[Lizzie Bennington to a reporter who has asked for her opinion about Jack Archer's celebrated thighs.] “When you come back from a set down and bring the match to a final set tiebreak and are a point away from winning the match, only to have what looks like an extremely fit player call a time out because of a cramp and then watch that player sit back and casually converse and laugh while you do your best to keep your mental focus and your body moving so you don’t grow cold and cramp yourself, I hardly think you’d concern yourself with his burgeoning manhood, let alone his thighs!” - A.G. Starling

84. “Writing is my dream. From romance to dragons; fairies to fantasy worlds, this is where I live and play. Thanks be to God!” - Lisa Hannah Wells

85. “His eyes twinkled mischievously as he gazed at me with that look that always made me melt: as if I were edible and he could barely restrain himself from taking a bite.” - Amy Plum

86. “Oh dios mio, she makes me burn, she makes me need. She is etching herself into mi alma” - P.T. Macias

87. “Is it possible for g.r to put the g.r page back into my computer because I lost the data.” - Vincent Collins

88. “Gabby couldn't believe what he had just said. Her mouth gaped open and a flirty smile came over her. She slowly peeled her half wet white t-shirt over her head and then slowly shimmied out of her shorts. What had gotten into her? She had never acted like this before, but she suddenly felt playful, fun and daring. If he wanted to play, so could she.” - J.B. McGee

89. “If I were being honest with myself, he lit a blaze, not just a blush, but that’s too much reality for me to admit.” - S.L. Scott

90. “She didn't want soft and gentle. She needed his rough possession, claiming her, branding her, taking her in a firestorm of heat and flame that would end the world around them, leaving them nothing but ashes, clean and fierce and forever welded together.” - Christine Feehan

91. “Out running errands—be back before noon. I made a list of some things I like. Check the ones you're interested in, underline any maybes, and cross off your no's. I'm going to do two of the things on that list to you when I get back—your choice. Surprise me.-M” - Nenia Campbell

92. “Sex had always been at the top of her favorite-things list, but this desire-this total, all-encompassing need-was something else entirely.” - Bella Andre

93. “Come on, Princess," he called to the bench, and Carlotta bounced up. She was wide like the rest of them, but no man could fairly say she was too wide. The most that could be said was that she did not have much further to go before she would have to start squeezing it in and strapping it up, which she clearly did not do now. She let it hang where it was, and it did very nicely by itself. As she passed among the boys they looked her over with unconcealed envy, as though they knew she had something they didn't have but were not quite sure what it was. One thing was certain, she got more exercise than they did.The next to be noticed were her braids, they hung forward over her terrain, ignoring as much as possible her contours, like two shiny black meridianal lines demarking her longitudes as far down as the equator. It was not hard to imagine oneself spending a long lifetime on that bare little island alone, with no plan or ambition, too overcome with the heat to continue on south to the pole, far less return to the continents. Nothing productive could ever be accomplished there, but there would be comfort such as few men have known, there would be torpor. The body swelled with such thoughts, the mind shrank from them, and the longing eyes traveled finally up north, to where those meridians came together at a point above a bland white area vaguely charted, with few landmarks, no doubt sparsely inhabited. There the imagination halted.” - Douglas Woolf

94. “It was like my uterus was tapping out a happy dance on the rest of my organs. God, I was dying the longest, most tortuous, and arousing death in the history of the world.” - Cora Carmack

95. “She's a slinky sort of person, no angles at all; and magnetic - you can't take your eyes off her. She's dressed like a Westerner, but her eyes have a slant to them. They are the eyes of an Easterner. She doesn't walk like our women do, she seems to writhe all in one piece - undulates is the word. ("Kiss Of The Cobra")” - Cornell Woolrich

96. “When she comes down to supper I don't like her any better; in fact, a hell of a lot less. She's put on a shiny dress, all fishscales, like this was still India or the boat. On her head she's put a sort of beaded cap that fits close-like a hood. A mottled green-and-black thing that gleams dully in the candlelight. Not a hair shows below it, you can't tell whether she's a woman or what the devil she is. Right in front, above her forehead, there's a sort of question-mark worked into it, in darker beads. You can't be sure what it is, but it's shaped like a question mark. ("Kiss of the Cobra")” - Cornell Woolrich

97. “He was really having a hard time with this. He was not a seductive kind of guy, and if he tried to be sexy, he was going to sound like Romeo, the porn version.” - Erin McCarthy

98. “The one luxury that I'll never give up is men.” - Carolyn Roehme

99. “Megan loves orgasms so much, she would not hesitate to steal yours.” - Roy Station

100. “Careful, Love. You can't offer a starving man a feast and expect him not to take you up on it.” - R.K. Lilley

101. “It's taking all my self-control not to fuck you on the hood of this car, just to show you that you're mine, and if I want to buy you a fucking car, I'll buy you a fucking car" Christian Grey” - E.L. James

102. “Well I guess I should ask what your name is in case I slip and touch you without getting permission, I'd like to know who's punching me." She giggled and said, "Nah, you have permission but if you need a name it’s Sindy, S-I-N, not like the girl next door, and what should I call you, besides the man I want to get naked?” He said “Keith, and if you want me to be the boy next door I can try, but I’ll probably fail.” She said- “Nope the boy next door is too much like the one whose nose I just tried to break; you can be the sexy stranger.” - Sarina Asheford

103. “He stops rocking the cage. "Oh, come on, Callie. It won't be fun if we don't rock it. In fact, the more we rock it, the better it'll feel." His voice drops to a deep whisper. "We can rock it nice and slow or really, really fast."..."Do I have your permission to rock away and give you the ride of your life?" Why does it feel like he's secretly talking dirty to me? "Yeah, go ahead, rock it nice and hard," I say without thinking, then bite down on my lip as the dirty section of my brain catches up with me. Honestly, I didn't even know that side existed.” - Jessica Sorensen

104. “He shifted his attention back to me and leaned in closer. “I told you to behave. I don’t want to have to arrest you ever again.”“Um . . . okay.”I felt him slide something under my hand. He leaned in even closer, his mouth by my ear, and whispered, “Although I wouldn’t mind handcuffing you.”Oh. My. God.” - Robyn Peterman

105. “Bene, nell’esame orale ti meriti un 10. Vieni, andiamo a letto, ti devo un orgasmo.” - E.L. James

106. “That sounded sweet enough to almost be intelligent, but it was chauvinistic as hell.” - Missy Lyons

107. “Bella, I can't!” - Stephenie Meyer

108. “I wanted to. You look beautiful wearing my heart.” - Tina Reber

109. “You are unbelievably sexy.” - Cora Carmack

110. “No, I don’t think you do, fighting isn’t the release you desire.” - Magen McMinimy

111. “He looked at me with such raw need that my heart skipped a beat. He licked his lips and slowly lowered his head to mine. Does it even matter if he only wants me for my blood?” - J.L. McCoy

112. “If you can fix a problem with money, it's not really a problem.” - Kim Kardashian

113. “It doesn't matter if you're 20, 40, 60, 80, or 100. Embrace your sexy-ass self and express it!” - Steve Maraboli

114. “What else makes you hot?" You asking what makes me hot makes me hot.” - Olivia Cunning

115. “I added pieces the same way I’d constructed my body, from the inside out: boy-cut panties first (lacy), bra (sheer), stockings (thigh high), knee-length leather skirt (black), lime green midriff-baring shirt (polyester). David leaned against the wall and watched this striptease-in-reverse with fabulously expressive eyebrows slowly climbing toward heaven, I finished it off with a pair of strappy lime green three-inch heels, something from the Manolo Blahnik spring collection that I’d seen two months ago in Vogue.He looked me over, blinked behind the glasses, and asked, “You’re done?”I took offense, “Yeah. You with the fashion police?”“I don’t think I’d pass the entrance exam.” The eyebrows didn’t come down. “I never knew you were so…”“Fashionable?”“Not really the word I was thinking.”I struck a pose and looked at him from under my supernaturally lustrous eyelashes. “Come on, you know it’s sexy.”“And that’s sort of my point.” - Rachel Caine

116. “And Sarah still looked like the sexiest librarian on earth, which is as those of you who frequent libraries know means very sexy indeed, but with that added owlish touch that drives you wild.” - Kim Stanley Robinson

117. “Oh, this is going to be fun; he actually thinks he's teaching me something.” - J.A. Redmerski

118. “His gaze swept her head to toe. “You’re wearing my colors, love.” He stalked forward and leaned down to brush her cheek with a kiss. “Soon you’ll be wearing me,” he whispered for her ears only.” - Rebecca Zanetti

119. “I'd never wanted to consume another body as rabidly as I did when he was inside me, but even like this, I could never seem to get close enough to the parts of him I wanted to feel. And it was with that thought in my mind that the delicious ratcheting tension along my skin and in my belly crystallized into an ache so heavy I slipped my legs off his shoulders, pulling all of his weight on top of me and pleading, "Please, please, please," over and over.” - Christina Lauren

120. “I’m not a warrior or a goddess,” I said at last.Adrian leaned closer. “As far as I’m concerned, you’re both.” - Richelle Mead

121. “My nails dug into his back, and he trailed his lips down the edge of my chin, down the center of my neck. He kept going until he reached the bottom of the dress’s V-neck. I let out a small gasp, and he kissed all around the neckline, just enough to tease.” - Richelle Mead

122. “So many details came into focus. The shape of his lips, the line of his neck. “I’m not dangerous,” I breathed. He brought his face toward mine. “You are to me.” And somehow, against all reason, we were kissing. I closed my eyes, and the world around me faded.” - Richelle Mead

123. “I blink rapidly, breaking our reverie and force myself to focus on something,anything, other than his beauty. Or his body. A body I want pressed against mine, limbs and tongues twisted and tangled, our flesh contortioned into X-rated abstract art...” - S.L. Jennings

124. “—¿Así que no vas a preguntar?Lo estudié, entrecerrando los ojos. Tenía un mal presentimientos sobre esto. Pero las palabras salieron de mi boca, totalmente fuera de mi control.—¿Por qué te llaman Horse?—Porque me cuelga como a uno —respondió, sonriendo.” - Joanna Wylde

125. “I'm going to be fit and slim and beautiful. I'm going on a diet as of today.""Why? You've always said that looks don't matter and women only diet for men and life is obsessed with the superificial.""Yes, I know, but then I thought, hey wouldn't it be fun to be sexy?” - Melissa Nathan

126. “…the door banged wide open, and the most striking man I had ever seen stood in the frame, the black winds whipping around him like a chariot of storm clouds.” - Heather Heffner

127. “She listened to silence. Except the birds. The waves. A few voices in the distance. She would not turn to him. He had to come to her. He HAD to come to her.” - Ella M. Kaye

128. “He paused for a minute and I could feel him trembling. “I love you,” he whispered against my skin and then his teeth, broke through.” - Kristen Middleton

129. “Emerson lifts his head. His eyes are two dark pools of desire, a clouded night’s sky. He catches his breath a moment, unsteady, and then drops a kiss on my lips. Sweet. Almost tender. I barely have time to take it in before he grabs my shoulder and spins me around, pushing me so my bare chest is slammed up into the wall, my cheek pressed against the cold concrete. I gasp, my heart skipping with the thrill. I can feel him up against me, a solid wall of muscle trapping me in place, the hard ridge of him pressed against the small of my back. I can’t move, or see the expression on his face, only hear the hoarse groan Emerson sounds as he twists a handful of my hair and yanks it to one side, kissing a searing trail along the curve of my neck.I whimper, bound and powerless against him, and oh God, loving every minute of it.” - Melody Grace

130. “I turned to face him, knowing in him, I'd find the temporary cure. "Do you want to fuck it out?" Braden smiled slowly, bemused, causing another twist of attraction in my gut. "Fuck it out?""All the bullshit. What she did. What he did. Every soulless bitch that wanted something from you"His expression changed immediately, becoming hard, unfathomable, as he took a step towards me. "Are you saying you don't want anything from me?""I want this. I want our arrangement. I want you..." I sucked in a breath, feeling my control slip. "... to fuck it out of me.” - Samantha Young

131. “Oh yeah," Zane says and smirks at me. "I had her for dinner once. Best meal of my life.” - Nicole Christie

132. “I’m talking to you in bed at one in the morning. How mad can I be?”I picture him there, in what, flannel pajamas? Underwear? Nothing at all?” - Jeannine Garsee

133. “I still love the book-ness of books, the smell of books: I am a book fetishist—books to me are the coolest and sexiest and most wonderful things there are.” - Neil Gaiman

134. “Dr. Webber rolled her eyes, unimpressed with my timing, and probably a little irritated with my lack of materials. I winked, and the slightest smile touched her lips.” - Jamie McGuire

135. “I see the beginning, I see the end. And in the middle I just hope I don't fall on my ass to much” - Shehanne Moore

136. “I pulled him in and kissed back, and he threw his hands through my hair, his tongue licking hard over mine, picked me up by my thighs and wrapped them around him, he had a leather couch in his office and he threw me onto it, he quickly yanked his tie off and ripped his shirt off. I lay on the sofa looking over his sculpted chest, his deep pecks his hard abs, he came at me and grabbed my hair, he pulled it back exposing my throat, he kissed from my jaw down to my collarbone.” - Mercy Cortez

137. “What if I say no?""I keep asking till the only option is yes. I always win, Ms. Payne.” - Mercy Cortez (LiveForeverAnon)

138. “She stared stupidly into his eyes, thinking about how very much she’d like to make that noise again…with him.” - Nicki Elson

139. “Confidence is sexy!” - Tracy Allen

140. “He laughed, a low, sexy growl, as she moaned in obvious frustration. “Patience is a virtue,” he said. “Torture is a federal offense,” she replied.” - Carla Cassidy

141. “What is it about Paris that I just can’t keep my hands off of you?” I ask him in between kisses.“It has nothing to do with Paris and everything to do with my raw sexuality, baby. I’m fucking irresistible,” he growls just before he shoves his tongue down my throat. I can’t argue with that.” - Ella Dominguez

142. “As if reading her mind, he leaned into her again, pupils dark, irises glowing like a forest caught in the last rays of sun before dusk… “Do you want me to make you come?”“Is that a trick question?” - Dianna Hardy

143. “In public, you’re Joss Butler. Cool, self-possessed. In bed, you’re Jocelyn Butler—you’re hot, babe. Uncontrolled. Needy. Sweet,” he breathed. “I like that I know that. I don’t like the fact that other men do too.” - Samantha Young

144. “Please, Sir, make it hurt.” - Ella Dominguez

145. “Fifty minutes, huh?” he muttered. “Too long?” she managed with a teasing smile, knowing she longer had the strength to turn him away. She wanted Dalton to make love to her again. Needed him to. He arched a brow. “You questioning my stamina?” Laughing softly, she reached for his shirt, pulling him to her. “Not on your life. I know better. I was just thinking that for a man who spent years perfecting the eight second ride, fifty minutes might be quite a stretch.” Threading his fingers through her hair, he looked down at her. “The stretching part is no longer in question. Hell, much longer and it’s gonna take a crow bar to get me out of these jeans.” “Then what are you waiting for?” - Lindsey Brookes

146. “She tossed her towel on her dresser and turned to the bed where shed left her PJs. Only it wasn't just her PJs on the bed anymore. Lucas, eyes wide, sat on the foot of her bed, about four feet from where she stood completely naked. She squealed. He laughed. She dashed for the towel. Once she had it around her, she glared from a still grinning Lucas to the door. "I'm killing Della!" He laughed again. "I'm afraid I might have to protect her for this one.” - C.C. Hunter

147. “Pity.""You're serious? You just met me.""And already I have a strong urge to devour you.” - Christina Lauren

148. “valor is sexy.” - Toba Beta