149 Self-Improvement Quotes To Inspire

Jan. 4, 2025, 12:45 p.m.

149 Self-Improvement Quotes To Inspire

In our fast-paced world, finding moments of introspection and motivation can be challenging. Whether you're navigating personal growth, professional development, or simply seeking a boost to start your day, powerful words can serve as a guiding beacon. This collection of 149 carefully selected self-improvement quotes aims to inspire and empower you on your journey. Each quote has been chosen for its ability to resonate deeply, spark transformation, and encourage positive change. Dive in and let these words of wisdom illuminate your path to becoming the best version of yourself.

1. “Those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.” - George Bernard Shaw

2. “There is only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that's your own self.” - Aldous Huxley

3. “Do your best, and be a little better than you are.” - Gordon B. Hinckley

4. “...It often seemed to her that she thought too much about herself, you could have made her blush any day of the year, by telling her she was selfish. She was always planning out her own development, desiring her own perfection, observing her own progress. Her nature had for her own imagination a certain garden-like quality, a suggestion of perfume and murmuring bows, of shady bowers and of lengthening vistas, which made her feel that introspection was, after all, an exercise in the open air, and that a visit to the recesses of one’s mind was harmless when one returned from it with a lapful of roses.” - Henry James

5. “Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.” - Jim Rohn

6. “The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change.” - Carl R. Rogers

7. “She hoped to be wise and reasonable in time; but alas! Alas! She must confess to herself that she was not wise yet.” - Jane Austen

8. “Let us cultivate our garden.” - Voltaire

9. “The never-ending task of self improvement.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson

10. “I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman, 'Where’s the self-help section?' She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.” - Steven Wright

11. “The distinction between pretending you are better than you are and beginning to be better in reality is finer than moral sleuth hounds conceive.” - C.S. Lewis

12. “No matter who you are, no matter what you did, no matter where you've come from, you can always change, become a better version of yourself.” - Madonna

13. “Everyday, you get home from the shops with a bag of cat food and bin-liners and realise that, yet again, you failed to have cosmetic surgery, book a cheap weekend in Paris, change your name to something more glamorous, buy the fifth series of The Sopranos, divorce your spouse, sell up and move to Devon, or adopt a child from Guatemala.” - Lynne Truss

14. “We become what we want to be by consistently being what we want to become each day.” - Richard G. Scott

15. “The study of doctrine and the teaching of doctrine will change behavior more than the study of behavior will change behavior.” - Boyd K. Packer

16. “If you can see yourself as an artist, and you can see that your life is your own creation, then why not create the most beautiful story for yourself?” - Don Miguel Ruiz

17. “Is your animosity towards a person warranted, or is it a reflection of your own insecurities?” - Trenice Carter

18. “Each store will fulfil some of your needs, but no individual store can meet all of your needs. Learning how to set realistic expectations now and in future relationships requires you to examine each of the existing stores to see what they can offer.” - Janet Crain

19. “As human beings, our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world - that is the myth of the atomic age - as in being able to remake ourselves.” - Mahatma Gandhi

20. “Man cannot remake himself without suffering, for he is both the marble and the sculptor” - Alexis Carrel

21. “If only I had used my powers for good instead of for trivia!” - Hermester Barrington

22. “Any youth which is not misspent is, by definition, misspent.” - Hermester Barrington

23. “What would Munchausen do?” - Hermester Barrington

24. “If you argue and rankle and contradict, you may achieve a victory sometimes; but it will be an empty victory because you will never get your opponent's good will.” - Dale Carnegie

25. “When two partners always agree, one of them is not necessary." If there is some point you haven't thought about, be thankful if it is brought to your attention.” - Dale Carnegie

26. “I do not believe in taking the right decision, I take a decision and make it right.” - Muhammad Ali Jinnah

27. “Work on your character, let life fall into place.” - Sonia Rumzi

28. “When you’re busy, avoid taking the quickest action. Instead make the extra effort to truly serve the customer.” - Marilyn Suttle

29. “We first make our habits, then our habits make us.” - John Dryden

30. “Everything is practice.” - Pelé

31. “I like to listen. I have learned a great deal from listening carefully. Most people never listen.” - Ernest Hemingway

32. “Part of abandoning the all-or-nothing mentality is allowing yourself room for setbacks. We are bound to have lapses on the road to health and wellness, but it is critical that we learn how to handle small failures positively so that we can minimize their long-term destructive effects. One setback is one setback—it is not the end of the world, nor is it the end of your journey toward a better you.” - Jillian Michaels

33. “If you’re not afraid of working hard, self-reliance comes easy!” - Lorii Myers

34. “One ought, every day at least, to hear a little song, read a good poem, see a fine picture, and, if it were possible, to speak a few reasonable words.” - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

35. “Logically, you should go to school, get good grades, go to college, get a good degree, go into the workplace, then work hard and be happy. The only problem is that happiness isn't logical.” - A.C. Ping

36. “WE ALREADY HAVE everything we need. There is no need for self-improvement. All these trips that we lay on ourselves—the heavy-duty fearing that we’re bad and hoping that we’re good, the identities that we so dearly cling to, the rage, the jealousy and the addictions of all kinds—never touch our basic wealth. They are like clouds that temporarily block the sun. But all the time our warmth and brilliance are right here. This is who we really are. We are one blink of an eye away from being fully awake.” - Pema Chodron

37. “Legendary innovators like Franklin, Snow, and Darwin all possess some common intellectual qualities—a certain quickness of mind, unbounded curiosity—but they also share one other defining attribute. They have a lot of hobbies.” - Steven Johnson

38. “The basic idea is that all things in the universe are intertwined.” - Stephen Richards

39. “The cosmic believer needs the energy of the universe to survive spiritually.” - Stephen Richards

40. “Our souls sparkle brightly with creative energy, our beings are as complex as the universe, and at the same time we help make up a higher body of energy.” - Stephen Richards

41. “There is nothing to prove to anyone, just concentrate on your own needs.” - Stephen Richards

42. “Using your mind is a faster method to getting what you want. I mean, all you have to do is sit there. What could be easier?” - Stephen Richards

43. “I have my own theory: ignorance is bliss. The less you know, the more confident you can be in tackling things.” - Stephen Richards

44. “A thought is a Cosmic Order waiting to happen.” - Stephen Richards

45. “Exhaust your worries and they will soon leave you.” - Stephen Richards

46. “Knowing that the brain is predisposed to religion and spirituality, then might it be that God is a creation of the brain?” - Stephen Richards

47. “You willed yourself to where you are today, so will yourself out of it.” - Stephen Richards

48. “Time and space have no meaning, just as your conscious thoughts are meaningless.” - Stephen Richards

49. “To heal physically, one must heal the emotional aspect of the issue first or it will resurface in another way.” - Stephen Richards

50. “There is no new knowledge, it already exists in the universe.” - Stephen Richards

51. “We tend to think of future inventions and discoveries, but in reality, these things already exist in the knowledge bank of the universe.” - Stephen Richards

52. “Stand out from the crowd, be yourself.” - Stephen Richards

53. “When you accomplish the impossible then you can achieve anything.” - Stephen Richards

54. “No matter whether you believe in luck or chance, the final decision is from yourself.” - Stephen Richards

55. “Thrill me, chill me I went in search of money and success, all I got was a bellyful of excess! Now that I've realigned myself I’m on my tip-toes because life is sweet! I'm overwhelmed with gratitude for all the blessings that are manifesting in my life … neat!” - Stephen Richards

56. “View life through a wide angle lens attitude and see your horizons broaden.” - Stephen Richards

57. “When you stop blaming others for where you are in life, that is when you can start to manifest your dream life!” - Stephen Richards

58. “Just let go of the need to care about whether it happens or not, then you are free from fear and can then concentrate on focusing.” - Stephen Richards

59. “Focusing is the great secret of power. If you want to use your full amount of focus, you must close down all other thought and direct your power of generating mental steam toward one outcome.” - Stephen Richards

60. “You cannot run at full throttle when applying your mindset to all of the different things running through your head. Focusing is the key to manifesting your desires.” - Stephen Richards

61. “The first place where self-esteem begins its journey is within us.” - Stephen Richards

62. “A good self-esteem level is mostly dependant on how we value ourselves without any bias.” - Stephen Richards

63. “How we relate with other people is dependent on how we rate ourselves and what we think about ourselves.” - Stephen Richards

64. “A failure is always in the passenger seat in his or her life.” - Stephen Richards

65. “A person today who seems to have a great sense of self-esteem has his or her childhood days to thank for it.” - Stephen Richards

66. “Each person has got a voice inside them. Communicate with it and take hold of it. Do not let it push and shove you around – you are its master!” - Stephen Richards

67. “Winning is great, but if it's not enough then then you'll never have enough!” - Stephen Richards

68. “If she[…] had known how much her first half-inch beginning to let go would take - and how long her noticing and renouncing owning and her turning her habits, and beginning the slimmest self-mastery whose end was nowhere in sight - would she have begun?” - Annie Dillard

69. “Whatever belief we have actually stems from the thankfulness that we feel and this feeling further attracts more happy feelings towards us.” - Stephen Richards

70. “The gratitude that you feel leads to faith in the abundance and with every resonance that radiates from your mind more strong feelings of faith start to reside in you.” - Stephen Richards

71. “Once we open our eyes to the infinite magic that the universe has in abundance, we are sure to be enthralled by what we see and this miraculous creation gets us closer to our dreams and to the world as a whole.” - Stephen Richards

72. “If you take any step, no matter how small it is, towards achieving your dreams then you will surely find the right path and reach the abundance that lies in store for you.” - Stephen Richards

73. “Circumstances, knowledge or birth do not determine the realisation of your desires. It is only you who are blocking the achievement of your dreams and goals.” - Stephen Richards

74. “On the other hand, if the future is not the one you chose then you may have to use your willpower to obtain the future of your liking.” - Stephen Richards

75. “According to the Law of Attraction, the physical reality that you experience at present is drawn towards the future probability you desired when it attains more power.” - Stephen Richards

76. “A day of Rest is always needed.” - Solange nicole

77. “Love thy neighbor yes, but love thyself first.” - Solange nicole

78. “When One judges another, they unconsciously allow themselves to be judged.” - Steven Farmer

79. “A lot of things are inherent in life -change, birth, death, aging, illness, accidents, calamities, and losses of all kinds- but these events don't have to be the cause of ongoing suffering. Yes, these events cause grief and sadness, but grief and sadness pass, like everything else, and are replaced with other experiences. The ego, however, clings to negative thoughts and feelings and, as a result, magnifies, intensifies, and sustains those emotions while the ego overlooks the subtle feelings of joy, gratitude, excitement, adventure, love, and peace that come from Essence. If we dwelt on these positive states as much as we generally dwell on our negative thoughts and painful emotions, our lives would be transformed.” - Gina Lake

80. “Little faults become great, and even monstrous in our eyes, in proportion as the pure light of God increases in us; just as the sun in rising, reveals the true dimensions of objects which were dimly and confusedly discovered during the night.” - Francois Fenelon

81. “Such is the strength of the burden of habit. Here I have the power to be but do not wish it. There I wish to be but lacks the power. On both grounds, I'm in misery.” - St. Augustine of Hippo

82. “In the event of a total loss of direction in life, be sure to sort our your own shit before you start telling people what to do.” - A.C. Ping

83. “But love your enemies, do good to them, and lend to them without expecting to get anything back. Then your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High, because he is kind to the ungrateful and wicked” (Luke 6:35).” - Michele Woolley

84. “We must accept the reality that the causes of impatience travel a two-way street.” - Allan Lokos

85. “Refrain to-night;And that shall lend a kind of easinessTo the next abstinence, the next more easy;For use almost can change the stamp of nature,And either master the devil or throw him outWith wondrous potency.” - William Shakespeare

86. “Trebuie sa înveti sa te stapânesti pentru a te adaptaimprevizibilului si a te mentine în activitate pe liniadreapta a obiectivelor” - Marty Gervais

87. “It's your life. What are you going to do about it?” - Andrea H Gold

88. “Your world of poverty can be recreated to that of affluence simply by speaking the Prince's language.” - Agu, Jaachynma N.E.

89. “Dining with the King; your attire, attitude and mentality must change.” - Agu, Jaachynma N.E.

90. “When our emotional health is in a bad state, so is our level of self-esteem. We have to slow down and deal with what is troubling us, so that we can enjoy the simple joy of being happy and at peace with ourselves.” - Jess C. Scott

91. “The question is why one should be so inwardly preoccupied at all. Why not reach out to others in love and solidarity or peer into the natural world for some glimmer of understanding? Why retreat into anxious introspection when, as Emerson might have said, there is a vast world outside to explore? Why spend so much time working on oneself when there is so much real work to be done?” - Barbara Ehrenreich

92. “Putting someone down with name calling reveals your own low self-esteem.” - Stephen Richards

93. “الحياة ليس فيها أخطاء و لكن دروس و لاوجود لشيء يدعى التجربة السلبية و لكن ثمة فرصة للنمو و التعلم و المضي قدما على درب التمكن من الذات فمن الصراع تنبع القوة و حتى الألم من الممكن أن يكون معلما بارعا” - روبن شارما

94. “The power behind taking responsibility for your actions lies in putting an end to negative thought patterns. You no longer dwell on what went wrong or focus on whom you are going to blame. You don't waste time building roadblocks to your success. Instead, you are set free and can now focus on succeeding.” - Lorii Myers

95. “The way to achieve your goals is step by step, you just need to build enough track, to be ahead of the train." ~ John Milton Lawrence” - John Milton Lawrence

96. “To change the world takes time; to change yourself takes courage.” - R.S. Lowel

97. “The barrier during self-improvement is not so much that we hate learning, rather we hate being taught. To learn entails that the knowledge was achieved on one's own accord - it feels great - but to be taught often leaves a feeling of inferiority. Thus it takes a bit of determination and a lot of humility in order for one to fully develop.” - Criss Jami

98. “إننا نربط أنفسنا - حين نصلي - بالقوة العظمى التي تهيمن على الكون، ونسألها ضارعين أن تمنحنا قبساً منها نستعين به على معاناة الحياة، بل إن الضراعة وحدها كفيلة بأن تزيد قوتنا ونشاطنا، ولن تجد احداً ضرع إلى الله مرة إلا عادت عليه هذه الضراعة بأحسن النتائج.” - Alexis Karel


100. “We are responsible for our own relationships, their successes, their failures, the good times, the bad times. Take responsibility for creating the relationships that you desire.” - Sam Owen

101. “Most misunderstandings in the world could be avoided if people would simply take the time to ask, "What else could this mean?” - Shannon L. Alder

102. “If you want to understand yourself,Then do not examine yourself.Just love yourself more sincerely,More soulfullyAnd more self-givingly.” - Sri Chinmoy

103. “Samadhi is the journey from individual to collective consciousness. The steps of Samadhi are the steps towards reaching the collective consciousness. In meditation, the more we radiate love, compassion, peace, harmony and tranquility, the more is our contribution towards the collective consciousness. The more we positively contribute towards the collective consciousness the more is our progress in Samadhi.” - Amit Ray

104. “The happiest people in the world are those who feel absolutely terrific about themselves, and this is the natural outgrowth of accepting total responsibility for every part of their life.” - Brian Tracy

105. “Things do not grow better; they remain as they are. It is we who grow better, by the changes we make in ourselves.” - Swami Vivekananda

106. “I'm more a collector of identities and words that feel right to me. To me this is an inarguable point. I am who I say I am and that's not up for debate.” - Ian Harvie

107. “Your own guilt is your own fault.” - Katerina Stoykova Klemer

108. “Self-help isn't really self-help unless someone else is also helping you. We'd like to be that someone.” - Kenneth Schwarz

109. “The most incredible architectureIs the architecture of Self,which is ever changing, evolving, revolving and has unlimited beauty and light inside which radiates outwards for everyone to see and feel. With every in breatheyou are adding to your lifeand every out breathe you are releasing what is not contributing to your life.Every breathe is a re-birth.” - Allan Rufus

110. “Если ваш единственный инструмент - молоток, то каждая проблема становится похожей на гвоздь.” - Maslow, Abraham H.

111. “Life is like a sandwich!Birth as one slice,and death as the other.What you put in-between the slices is up to you.Is your sandwich tasty or sour?Allan Rufus.org” - Allan Rufus

112. “Life is like a game of chess.To win you have to make a move.Knowing which move to make comes with IN-SIGHTand knowledge, and by learning the lessons that areacculated along the way.We become each and every piece within the game called life!” - Allan Rufus

113. “In order to live in the present, we have to learn how to feel safe even when a situation feels threatening to us.” - John Kuypers

114. “When you are present, you are not needy.” - John Kuypers

115. “There is one undeniable truth about our body: it only exists in the present moment.” - John Kuypers

116. “You cannot do what's important now for you if your mind cannot accept what is happening in this present moment.” - John Kuypers

117. “The ultimate goal of writing is forgiveness.” - Katerina Stoykova Klemer

118. “I have discovered there are only a handful of good ideas in the whole world. You already know them. You have heard them your entire life. Here are some of the main keys to being more successful:Take personal responsibility.Things change, so be flexible.Work smart and work hard.Serve others well.Be nice to others.Be optimistic. Have goals; want something big for yourself.Stay focused.Keep learning.Become excellent at what you do.Trust your gut.When in doubt, take action.Earn all you can. Save all you can. Give all you can.Enjoy all you've got.Above all keep it simple.” - Larry Winget

119. “Identify your Radar – it’s your brain functioning optimally; not a vague intuition or cosmic sixth sense.Train your Radar in key areas like: evaluating people, personal safety, healthy relationships, physical and mental well-being, money and credit cards, career choice, how to get organized.Meet the Radar Jammers. They have the power to turn down or turn off our clear thinking Radars.
Some are well known: alcohol and drugs, peer pressure, infatuation, sleep deprivation.
Others are surprising: showing off, fake complexity, anger, unthinking religions, the need for speed, dangerous personality disorders, and even fast food!
Learn reasonable approaches and specific techniques to deal with them all.” - C.B. Brooks

120. “The best jury of your peers that you’ll ever find is…well, you. Only you know what you’re capable of and what you want to be.” - Richelle Mead

121. “If you cannot do great things in life, make sure you do the small things in a great way.” - Habeeb Akande

122. “Enlightenment is not about cocooning one’s self, but about integrating more fully with both your self and life.” - jay woodman

123. “If what you achieve today is equal to what you achieved yesterday, then you are at a loss. And if what you have achieved today is less than what you achieved yesterday, then you are deprived from the Almighty's blessings. Anyone who is not progressing, is in fact regressing, and if you are regressing, then you might as well be dead.” - Ali-Ibne-Abu Talib

124. “I'm seriously laughing” - Guy Harduf

125. “Make your problems becomeopportunities instead ofobstacles.” - Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha

126. “Give yourself something to work toward -- constantly.” - Mary Kay Ash

127. “The wealthiest people in the world are those who can give the most value to the most number of people.” - Jan Mckingley Hilado

128. “Take time to improve your knowledge and skills so that you can put a premium on yourself. You don't have to be content in being simply a good doer if you can also become a great teacher.” - Jan Mckingley Hilado

129. “Sometimes it happens that you become one, in some rare moment. Watch the ocean, the tremendous wildness of it--and suddenly you forget your split, your schizophrenia; you relax. Or, moving in the Himalayas, seeing the virgin snow on the Himalayan peaks, suddenly a coolness surrounds you and you need not be false because there is no other human being to be false to. You fall together.” - Osho

130. “We all know many people who come from hard-working families, where they had to grow up with a bare minimum and become self-sufficient and independent at a very young age. We look at them now and see responsible citizens, self-reliant adults, successful members of the business community, outstanding performers, and just happy people. Yes, they’re happy, because they know the meaning of labor, they appreciate the pleasure of leisure, they value relationships with others, and they respect themselves. In contrast, there are people who come from wealthy families, had nannies to do everything for them, went to private schools where they were surrounded with special attention, never did their own laundry, never learned how to cook an omelet for themselves, never even gained the essential skills of unwinding on their own before bedtime, and of course, never did anything for anyone else either. You look at their adult life and see how dependent they are on others and how unhappy they are because of that. They need someone to constantly take care of them. They may see no meaning in their life as little things don’t satisfy them, because they were spoiled at a very young age. They may suffer a variety of eating disorders, use drugs, alcohol and other extremes in search of satisfaction and comfort. And, above all, in search of themselves.” - Anna Stevens

131. “Our mind takes an inventory of past events and uses them to project the probability of success in the future. Depending on the information it gathers, we either move forward—or thefear response is triggered and forward progress is circumvented. Page 48” - Nick Ortner

132. “Under chronic stress, your body is more apt to enter a state of dis-ease. Unable to achieve its natural balance, it can’t function the way it should. The ripple effects can be profound. And yet Western medicine has trained us to focus on symptomsrather than root causes like stress. Page 71” - Nick Ortner

133. “It sounds like a lot when you summarize it, but I don't do all of it every day. If you want to know the truth, most days I feel like I'm miserably behind and only doing about half of what I should be doing. But when you look back you can see that you're building something. I think people who say 'Don't look back' are crazy. I wouldn't survive if I weren't looking back and patting myself on the back all the time for making it this far.” - Charity Shumway

134. “When you assess your own life, consider it with the eye of a gardener. Underneath the surface lies rich, fertile soil waiting to nurture the seeds you sow. Even more than you can imagine will grow there if given a chance.” - Steve Goodier

135. “Confidence is a life ingredient that is essential to success and wholeness. It is perhaps the single most important trait that enables seemingly average people to do and become all that they can. And the good news is – it can be learned. No one has to suffer a lifetime of low confidence.” - Steve Goodier

136. “To reform a world, to reform a nation, no wise man will undertake; and all but foolish men know, that the only solid, though a far slower reformation, is what each begins and perfects on himself.” - Thomas Carlyle

137. “Five Truths About Your Inner Voice:1. It is here, always available, wherever you are, however you feel, whatever you have done.2. It is solely on your side.3. It knows what's absolutely right for you.4. It is your friend, your ally, your guide, your ultimate supporter. 5. It is always with you and for you. Whenever you're feeling perplexed, uneasy, anxious, mad, frustrated, sick, or any other other way you don't want to feel, ask your Inner Voice. Listen.” - Noelle Sterne

138. “One of the most powerful opponents of happiness is indeed fear. Unfortunately, the chains that bind people to their comfortable mediocrity are the same ones that bind their future to an unsuccessful destiny. The courage to dream is the very first step. LISTENING TO YOUR DREAMS is the second!” - Rossana Condoleo

139. “Intrinsic values and qualities are age-free. For example, social competencies or a good heart.” - Rossana Condoleo

140. “What about thinking of happiness as a right instead than as a gift?” - Rossana Condoleo

141. “Let your projects be independent organisms. They will develop their own beautiful architecture.” - Rossana Condoleo

142. “Do the things you like to be happier, stronger & more successful. Only so is hard work replaced by dedication.” - Rossana Condoleo

143. “Divorce is the start point for a brand new life. Don't lose the chance to redesign it upon your dreams!” - Rossana Condoleo

144. “When we do something we like, we are not only happy. We are also very strong!” - Rossana Condoleo

145. “If you talked to your friends the way you talk to your body, you’d have no friends left at all.” - Marcia Hutchinson

146. “Tomorrow is yesterday’s excuse for today; now has no excuses.” - George Alexiou

147. “Time is not a means to keep or prove your worth in the world, but a means to experience the richness of all that is.” - Elizabeth Grace Saunders

148. “Be happy NOW. This moment is all you’ve got” - Elizabeth Grace Saunders

149. “How do I structure my life to be at peace with who I am, & comfortable with what I’m doing & not doing?” - Elizabeth Grace Saunders