30 Clary Fray Quotes

July 8, 2024, 2:47 p.m.

30 Clary Fray Quotes

Clary Fray, the spirited protagonist from Cassandra Clare's bestselling "The Mortal Instruments" series, has captivated readers worldwide with her courage, wit, and unwavering determination. As she navigates the treacherous world of Shadowhunters, demons, and hidden truths, Clary delivers memorable lines that resonate deeply with fans. Whether you're a longtime devotee of the series or a newcomer intrigued by the magic and mayhem, this collection of the top 30 Clary Fray quotes promises to inspire, entertain, and give a glimpse into the heart and mind of one of fiction's most beloved heroines. Join us as we delve into the words that define Clary's extraordinary journey.

1. “Even in half demon hunter clothes, Clary thought, he looked like the kind of boy who'd come over your house to pick you up for a date and be polite to your parents and nice to your pets.Jace on the other hand, looked like the kind of boy who'd come over your house and burn it down just for kicks.” - Cassandra Clare

2. “Wait." Clary was suddenly nervous. "The melted metal-it could be, like, toxic or something."Maia snorted. "I'm from New Jersey. I born in toxic sludge.” - Cassandra Clare

3. “Clary wasn't sure what she'd expected -exclamations of delight, perhaps a smattering of applause. Instead there was silence, broken only when Jace said, "Somehow, I thought it would be bigger."Clary looked at the Cup in her hand. It was the size, perhaps, of an ordinary wineglass, only much heavier. Power thrummed through it, like blood through living veins. "It's a perfectly nice size," she said indignantly."Oh, it's big enough," he said patronizingly, "but somehow I was expecting something… you know." He gestured with his hands, indicating something roughly the size of a house cat."It's the Mortal Cup, Jace, not the Mortal Toilet Bowl," said Isabelle.” - Cassandra Clare

4. “Meliorn?” said Clary. “I’ve met you, haven’t I? You used to go out with Isabelle Lightwood.”Meliorn was almost expressionless, but Clary could have sworn he looked ever so slightly uncomfortable. Luke shook his head. “Clary, Meliorn is a knight of the Seelie Court. It’s very unlikely that he – ““He was totally dating Isabelle,” Simon said, “and she dumped him too. At least she said she was going to. Tough break, man.” - Cassandra Clare

5. “There is no pretending",Jace said with absolute clarity."I love you,and I will love you until I die,and if there's a life after that,I'll love you then."She caught her breath.He had said it-the words there was no going back from.” - Cassandra Clare

6. “I figured all your classes were stuff like Slaughter 101 and Beheading for Beginners."Jace flipped a page. "Very funny, Fray.” - Cassandra Clare

7. “Isabelle drifted over, Jace a pace behind her. She was wearing a long black dress with boots and an even longer cutaway coat of soft green velvet, the color of moss. "I can't believe you did it!" she exclaimed. "How did you get Magnus to let Jace leave?""Traded him for Alec," Clary said.Isabelle looked mildly alarmed. "Not permanently?""No," said Jace. "Just for a few hours. Unless I don't come back," he added thoughtfully. "In which case, maybe he does get to keep Alec. Think of it as a lease with an option to buy."Isabelle looked dubious. "Mom and Dad won't be pleased if they find out.""That you freed a possible criminal by trading away your brother to a warlock who looks like a gay Sonic the Hedgehog and dresses like the Child Catcher from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang?" Simon inquired. "No, probably not.” - Cassandra Clare

8. “She had no recollection, later, of having decided what to do next, or of having hunted for something to wear, but somehow she was hurrying down the stairs, dressed in shadowhunter gear, the letter in one hand and the chain with the ring clasped hastily around her throat.” - Cassandra Clare

9. “A diary with no drawings of me in it? Where are the torrid fantasies? The romance covers?” - Cassandra Clare

10. “But maybe you never really had someone, she thought now. Maybe, no matter how much you loved them, they could slip through your fingers like water, and there was nothing you could do about it.” - Cassandra Clare

11. “Well, not in this case. He reached into the Inquisitor and he twisted..." Clary shuddered. "There was a lot of blood.""Like a special bonus for you," Jace said to Simon.Simon ignored this.” - Cassandra Clare

12. “They had just showed up, Amatis had said. Which meant Simon had spent the entire night at Isabelle's. She stared at him. He didn't look any different.” - Cassandra Clare

13. “I know it's wrong - God, it's all kinds of wrong - but I just want to lie down with you and wake up with you, just once, just once ever in my life.” - Cassandra Clare

14. “But they love each other. Isn't that what love means? That you're supposed to be there for the other person to turn to, no matter what?” - Cassandra Clare

15. “You really want to know what else it was my mom said about you?" he asked.She shook her head.He didn't seem to notice. "She said you'd break my heart," he told her, and left.” - Cassandra Clare

16. “I’ll tell them,” she said. “I’ll tell them it was my fault.”He looked at her, gold eyes incredulous. “You can’t lie to them.”“I’m not. I brought you back,” she said. “You were dead, and I brought you back. I upset the balance, not you. I opened the door for Lilith and her stupid ritual. I could have asked for anything, and I asked for you.” She tightened her grip on his shirt, her fingers white with cold and pressure. “And I would do it again. I love you, Jace Wayland—Herondale—Lightwood—whatever you want to call yourself. I don’t care. I love you and I wil always love you, and pretending it could be any other way is just a waste of time.” - Cassandra Clare

17. “Wait a second," Clary said."I never understand why people say that," Luke said, to no one in particular. "I wasn't going anywhere.” - Cassandra Clare

18. “The dark prince sat astride his black steed, his sable cape flowing behind him. A golden circlet bound his blond locks, his handsome face was cold with the rage of battle, and..."And his arm looked like an eggplant," Clary muttered to herself in exasperation.” - Cassandra Clare

19. “And then we met you, and it was like he woke up. You couldn't see it, because you'd never known him any different. But I saw it. Hodge saw it. Alec saw it -why do you think he hated you so much? It was like that form the second we met you. You thought it was amazing that you could see us, and it was, but what was amazing to me was that Jace could see you too.” - Cassandra Clare

20. “She turned and looked at him. "Ducks?" she said again.A smile tugged the edge of his mouth. "I hate ducks. Don't know why. I just always have.” - Cassandra Clare

21. “Despite the heat in her face, it felt as if cold needles of ice were running up and down her veins. "What are you doing here?"He drew back slightly, looking disappointed. "That isn't really an answer to my question, you know. I was expecting more of a "Hallelujah Chorus.' I mean, it's not every day your boyfriend comes back from the dead.""I already knew you weren't dead." She spoke through numb lips. "I saw you in the library. With--""Colonel Mustard?""Sebastian.” - Cassandra Clare

22. “But Jace", Clary said. "Valentine taught him more than just fighting. He taught him languages, and how to play the piano""That was Jocelyn's influence." Sebastian said her name unwillingly, as if he hated the sound of it. "She thought Valentine ought to be able to talk about books, art, music...not just killing things. He passed that on to Jace."A wrought iron blue gate rose to their left. Sebastian ducked under it and beckoned Clary to follow him. She didn't have to duck but went after him, her hands stuffed into her pockets. "What about you?" she asked.He held up his hands. They were unmistakably her mother's hands - dexterous, long-fingered, meant for holding a brush or a pen. "I learned to play the instruments of war, " he said, "and paint in blood. I am not like Jace.” - Cassandra Clare

23. “I don't know who Azazel is," he said. "Isn't he the cat from The Smurfs?" He cast about , but Isabelle just looked up and rolled her eyes at him."Clary?" he thoughtHer voice came through, tinged with alarm. "What is it? What happened? Did my mom find out I'm gone?""Not yet," he thought back. "Is Azazel the cat from The Smurfs?" There was a long pause. "That's Azrael, Simon. And no more using the magic rings for Smurf questions.” - Cassandra Clare

24. “No kissing?""Well, kissing, probably. But as for the rest of it..."She brushed her cheek lightly against his. "It's okay with me if it's okay with you.""Of course it's not okay with me. I'm a teenage boy. As far as I'm concerned, this is the worst thing that's happened since I found out why Magnus was banned from Peru.” - Cassandra Clare

25. “Is it really love to tell someone that if it came down to picking between them and every other life on the planet, you’d pick them? Is that — I don’t know, is that a moral sort of love at all?''Love isn’t moral or immoral,' said Clary. 'It just is.''I know,' Simon said. 'But the actions we take in the name of love, those are moral or immoral.” - Cassandra Clare

26. “So it's true what they say about warlocks, then?"Alec gave him a very unpleasant look. "What's true?""Alexander," said Magnus coldly, and Clary met Simon's eyes across the table. Hers were wide, green, and full of an expression that said Uh-oh. "You can't be rude to everyone who talks to me."Alec made a wide, sweeping gesture. "And why not? Cramping your style, am I? I mean, maybe you were hoping to flirt with werewolf boy here. He's pretty attractive, if you like the messy-haired, broad-shouldered, chiseled-good-looks type.""Hey, now," said Jordan mildly. Magnus put his head in his hands. "Or there are plenty of pretty girls here, since apparently your taste goes both ways, Is there anything you aren't into?""Mermaids," said Magnus into his fingers. "They always smell like seaweed.""It's not funny," Alec said savagely, and kicking back his chair, he got up from the table and stalked off into the crowd.” - Cassandra Clare

27. “But the person who stepped out of the front door was tall and thin, with short, spiky dark hair. he was wearing a gold mesh vest and a pair of silk pajama pants. He regarded Clary with mild interest, puffing gently on a fantastically large pipe as he did so. Though he looked nothing at all like a Viking, he was instantly and totally familiar. Magnus Bane” - Cassandra Clare

28. “But you have to learn to bend a little,” said Clary with a yawn. Despite the story’s content, the rhythm of Jace’s voice had made her sleepy. “Or you’ll break.” “Not if you're strong enough,” said Jace firmly.” - Cassandra Clare

29. “She looked at him with loathing. "I knew you were crazy," she said. "But I didn't realize you were absolutely, spectactularly out of your goddamned mind.” - Cassandra Clare

30. “And when Jace was ten years old, Valentine killed him. Michael,I mean.""That sounds like something he would do," said Luke. His tone was neutral, but there was something in his voice that made Clary look at him sideways. Did he not believe her?"Jace saw him die, " she added, as if to bolster her claim."That's awful," said Luke. "Poor messed-up kid.” - Cassandra Clare