31 Anxiety-Relief Quotes

Sept. 15, 2024, 1:45 a.m.

31 Anxiety-Relief Quotes

In the hustle and bustle of modern life, anxiety can often creep in, leaving us feeling overwhelmed and stressed. Whether it's the pressures of work, personal challenges, or the daily grind, it's essential to find ways to manage and alleviate these feelings. One powerful method is through the wisdom and comfort found in words. To help calm your mind and soothe your soul, we've put together a curated collection of the top 31 anxiety-relief quotes. These quotes aim to provide inspiration, reassurance, and a gentle reminder that you are not alone in your journey towards peace and tranquility. Dive in, and let these words offer you a moment of solace.

1. “The pleasure of living and the pleasure of the orgasm are identical. Extreme orgasm anxiety forms the basis of the general fear of life.” - Wilhelm Reich

2. “Our anxiety does not empty tomorrow of its sorrows, but only empties today of its strengths.” - C. H. Spurgeon

3. “But if we define the Megaphone as the composite of the hundreds of voices we hear each day that come to us from people we don't know, via high-tech sources, it's clear that a significant and ascendant component of that voice has become bottom-dwelling, shrill, incurious, ranting, and agenda-driven. It strives to antagonize us, make us feel anxious, ineffective, and alone; convince us that the world is full of enemies and of people stupider and less agreeable than ourselves; is dedicated to the idea that, outside the sphere of our immediate experience, the world works in a different, more hostile, less knowable manner. This braindead tendency is viral and manifests intermittently; while it is the blood in the veins of some of our media figures, it flickers on and off in others.” - George Saunders

4. “He was agitated for some reason that he could not name. (page 35)” - kate dicamillo

5. “We live only a few conscious decades, and we fret ourselves enough for several lifetimes.” - Christopher Hitchens

6. “Did you have one of those days today, like a nail in the foot? Did the pterodactyl corpse dropped by the ghost of your mother from the spectral Hindenburg forever circling the Earth come smashing through the lid of your glass coffin? Did the New York strip steak you attacked at dinner suddenly show a mouth filled with needle-sharp teeth, and did it snap off the end of your fork, the last solid-gold fork from the set Anastasia pressed into your hands as they took her away to be shot? Is the slab under your apartment building moaning that it cannot stand the weight on its back a moment longer, and is the building stretching and creaking? Did a good friend betray you today, or did that good friend merely keep silent and fail to come to your aid? Are you holding the razor at your throat this very instant? Take heart, comfort is at hand. This is the hour that stretches. Djan karet. We are the cavalry. We're here. Put away the pills. We'll get you through this bloody night. Next time, it'll be your turn to help us."Eidolons" (1988)” - Harlan Ellison

7. “Meditation did not relieve me of my anxiety so much as flesh it out. It took my anxious response to the world, about which I felt a lot of confusion and shame, and let me understand it more completely. Perhaps the best way to phrase it is to say that meditation showed me that the other side of anxiety is desire. They exist in relationship to each other, not independently.” - Mark Epstein

8. “While fear depletes power, faith gives wings for the soul’s elevation.” - T.F. Hodge

9. “The narrator, a time traveler from 2011, scoffs at the despondency caused by the Cuban Missile Crisis -- especially the drug and alcohol use of a resident of 1962 he supposedly cares about. Then he finds his compassion because he remembers he is the exception in being able to see beyond the immediate -- and foreboding -- horizon.” - Stephen King

10. “The punishment of every disordered mind is its own disorder.” - St. Augustine of Hippo

11. “It was that sort of sleep in which you wake every hour and think to yourself that you have not been sleeping at all; you can remember dreams that are like reflections, daytime thinking slightly warped.” - Kim Stanley Robinson

12. “When my sons arrived in the family, their legal status was not ambiguous at all. They were our kids. But their wants and affections were still atrophied by a year in the orphanage. They didn't know that flies on their faces were bad. They didn't know that a strange man feeding them their first scary gulps of solid food wasn't a torturer. Life in the cribs alone must have seemed to them like freedom. That's what I was missing about the biblical doctrine of adoption. Sure it's glorious in the long run. But it sure seems like hell in the short run. . . .” - Russell D. Moore

13. “Behind every flinch is a fear or an anxiety - sometimes rational, sometimes not. Without the fear, there is no flinch. But wiping out the fear isn't what's important - facing it is.” - Julien Smith

14. “All this wondering was the weather vane on top of the building of unrest and of discontent” - Steinbeck

15. “What some call health, if purchased by perpetual anxiety about diet, isn't much better than tedious disease.” - George Dennison Prentice

16. “It ain't no use putting up your umbrella till it rains!” - Alice Caldwell Rice

17. “The largest part of what we call 'personality' is determined by how we've opted to defend ourselves against anxiety and sadness".” - Alain De Botton

18. “Self-observation is the first step of inner unfolding.” - Amit Ray

19. “When I don't have something to worry about, I worry. Nothing comes so naturally to a human being as anxiety and worry.” - Brian Richardson

20. “I have always felt that fear possesses such great power, enough to paralyze and quake an individual. Pondering this, I realized that the source of fear's power comes from within me. So, I ask myself, does that not make me the powerful one?” - Richelle E. Goodrich

21. “One source of frustration in the workplace is the frequent mismatch between what people must do and whatpeople can do. When what they must do exceeds their capabilities, the result is anxiety. When what they must do falls short of their capabilities,the result is boredom. But when thematch is just right, the results can be glorious. This is the essence of flow.” - Daniel H. Pink

22. “Arrogance is someone claiming to have come to Christ, but they won't spend more than five minutes listening to your journey because they are more concerned about their own well being, rather than being a true disciple of Christ. Blessed is the person that takes the time to heal and hear another person so they can move on.” - Shannon L. Alder

23. “When someone is stalking you because they think you are stalking them, it makes you wonder who really is the true stalker?” - Shannon L. Alder

24. “All the greatest blessings are a source of anxiety, and at no time should fortune be less trusted than when it is best; to maintain prosperity there is need of other prosperity, and in behalf of the prayers that have turned out well we must make still other prayers. For everything that comes to us from chance is unstable, and the higher it rises, the more liable it is to fall. Moreover, what is doomed to perish brings pleasure to no one; very wretched, therefore, and not merely short, must the life of those be who work hard to gain what they must work harder to keep. By great toil they attain what they wish, and with anxiety hold what they have attained; meanwhile they take no account of time that will never more return.” - seneca

25. “The other day in prayer I said to God, "Look - I understand that an unexamined life is not worth living, but do you think I could someday have an unexamined lunch?".” - Elizabeth Gilbert

26. “Keep making noise, I prayed, laughing. Bang drums. Clamor and ring bells for I cannot stand to hear the tired beating of this almost heart.” - Meg Howrey

27. “I like to read and write because it is the ONLY thing that takes my mind off of the real world and my spinning worries. It is a time I can be free of anxiety, worry, and stress. When my life gets hectic I HAVE to read and write or I'll drown.” - Shandy L. Kurth

28. “She felt happy these days, yet there was always an undercurrent of sadness just below the surface” - Diane Chamberlain

29. “The vision I see in the mirror is me, who I am, supposedly, but that vision does not express the way my mind works or the way I feel inside. A realization creeps over me, the words tumbling into my head quietly like falling leaves.I.Am.Crazy.This is my new shameful truth. Something changed yesterday. A door has been opened that I can never close again. I touch my reflection, the glass smooth and cold, not really believing that the girl I see is me.” - Victoria Sawyer

30. “I felt so weak and unhappy that I buried my face in the ground: I could not bear the strain of seeing around me the things of the earth. I felt convinced that every movement and every thought was forced, and that one had to be on one's guard against them.” - Franz Kafka

31. “She inhaled a worry. She exhaled a prayer." Mary Lou Quinlan, author” - Mary Lou Quinlan