31 Comics Quotes

July 30, 2024, 11:45 a.m.

31 Comics Quotes

Comics have a unique way of blending art and storytelling, delivering powerful messages wrapped in vibrant illustrations. From the profound wisdom of superheroes to the witty banter of quirky sidekicks, comics provide memorable quotes that resonate with readers of all ages. In this post, we've curated a collection of the top 31 comics quotes that capture the essence of both classic and contemporary comic lore. These quotes not only reflect the heart and soul of their characters but also offer insights and inspiration for everyday life. Dive in and relive some of the most iconic moments from the world of comics.

1. “Did you ever want to set someone's head on fire, just to see what it looked like? Did you ever stand in the street and think to yourself, I could make that nun go blind just by giving her a kiss? Did you ever lay out plans for stitching babies and stray cats into a Perfect New Human? Did you ever stand naked surrounded by people who want your gleaming sperm, squirting frankincense, soma and testosterone from every pore? If so, then you're the bastard who stole my drugs Friday night. And I'll find you. Oh, yes.” - Warren Ellis

2. “Abstract art is a product of the untalented, sold by the unprincipled to the utterly bewildered.” - Al Capp

3. “Words and pictures are yin and yang. Married, they produce a progeny more interesting than either parent.” - Dr. Seuss

4. “Pictures that don't make sense are magic. they hold balls of light covered in millions of spells swirled into a cell.” - Alexa Kitchen (age 7)

5. “With great power comes great responsibility.” - Stan Lee

6. “Coming from your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man!” - Stan Lee

7. “Comics deal with two fundamental communicating devices: words and images. Admittedly this is an arbitrary separation. But, since in the modern world of communication they are treated as independent disciplines, it seems valid. Actually, the are derivatives of a single origin and in the skillful employment of words and images lies the expressive potential of the medium.” - Will Eisner

8. “Thus, sped by currents of curiosity afloat the swift river of rumor do secrets sail to strange ports.” - Will Eisner

9. “At one point in the story, following a brazen daytime bank robbery, Electro is shown escaping from the authorities by climbing up the side of a building, as easily as Spider-Man . . . we see one observer exclaim, "Look!! That strangely-garbed man is racing up the side of the building!" A second man on the street picks up the narrative: "He's holding on to the iron beams in the building by means of electric rays—using them like a magnet!! Incredible!"There are three feelings inspired by this scene. The first is wonder as to why people rarely use the phrase "strangely-garbed" anymore. The second is nostalgia for the bygone era when pedestrians would routinely narrate events occurring in front of them, providing exposition for any casual bystander. And the third is pleasure at the realization that Electro's climbing this building is actually a physically plausible use of his powers.” - James Kakalios

10. “The phrase 'I just turn on my monkey and it makes me feel good' sounds very dirty, but I can't explain why. It's great to try to use expressions like that on the comics page. People want to complain but they can't, because they can't figure out quite what they should be complaining about.” - Stephan Pastis

11. “When you can't draw chameleons and you can't draw blenders, it's a bad idea to write strips where chameleons become blenders.” - Stephan Pastis

12. “Batman is easily my most favorite character beside Spawn.” - Todd McFarlane

13. “Marion: What is all this? What's going on?Clint: The same thing that's always going on. The end of the world.” - Rachel Pollack

14. “Ik wil maar zeggen dat, als ik iets wil zeggen, het liever nu zeg dan dat ik het straks moet zeggen. Dit gezegd zijnde moet ik zeggen dat ik dat goed gezegd heb. Je moet het maar kunnen zeggen, zeg ik altijd maar! Ik heb gezegd! - Lambik” - Paul Geerts

15. “I just wanted all the wars to be over so that we could spend the money on starships and Mars colonies.” - Grant Morrison

16. “Remember the Wizard Archer's drill arrows that rescued the entombed miners? Well, we're drilling holes in your swiss cheese building to rescue you from a costly boner!” - Robert Bernstein

17. “Corto à lui même: Ce serait bon de vivre dans une fable.Bouche Dorée à Corto: Oh oui!… Mais toi tu vis continuellement une fable et tu ne t'en aperçois plus. Lorsqu'un adulte entre dans le monde des fables, il ne peut plus en sortir. Le savais-tu?” - Hugo Pratt

18. “Comics are a gateway drug to literacy.” - Art Spiegelman

19. “Art, as I see it, is any human activity which doesn’t grow out of either of our species’ two basic instincts: survival and reproduction.” - Scott McCloud

20. “Does Batman ever NOT have a plan...?” - Mark Waid

21. “The 'medium' is unaware of its attractiveness, that's all. Everyone loves comics. I've proven this to my own satisfaction by handing them out to acountants, insurance brokers, hairdressers, mothers of children, black belts, pop stars, taxi drivers, painters, lesbians, doctors etc. etc. The X-Files, Buffy, the Matrix, X-Men - mainstream culture is not what it once was when science fiction and comics fans huddled in cellars like Gnostic Christians dodging the Romans. We should come up into the light soon before we suffocate.” - Grant Morrison

22. “I'm back, boys and girls! back from the pink padded couch palace!” - Scott McCloud

23. “These characters were like twelve-bar blues or other chord progressions. Given the basic parameters of Batman, different creators could play very different music.” - Grant Morrison

24. “Japan is the first nation in the world to accord 'comic books'--originally a 'humorous' form of entertainment mainly for young people--nearly the same social status as novels and films.” - frederik l. schodt

25. “Gotham City. Clean shafts of concrete and snowy rooftops. The work of men who died generations ago. From here, it looks like an achievement. From here, you can't see the enemy.” - Frank Miller

26. “Even if there are no new Mighty Atom manga or films created, the Mighty Atom character has become a permanent fixture of both Japanese and global pop culture.” - frederik l. schodt

27. “Comics are drawings, not photographs, and as such they present a subjective view of reality.” - frederik l. schodt

28. “He likes to pretend he lives inside the comic books. I guess a fake life inside a cartoon is a lot better than his real life.” - Sherman Alexie

29. “Wives should be kissed - not heard.” - Stan Lee

30. “Of what import are brief, nameless lives . . . to Galactus?” - Stan Lee

31. “There is a rage inside me that I mitigate with my constant drawing.” - David B.