31 Japanese Quotes

July 18, 2024, 7:46 p.m.

31 Japanese Quotes

Japan's rich cultural tapestry is woven with threads of wisdom, tradition, and timeless beauty. From the profound teachings of Zen masters to the eloquent simplicity of daily proverbs, Japanese quotes have inspired countless individuals around the world. In this collection, we have handpicked 31 of the most insightful and inspiring Japanese quotes, each offering a glimpse into the philosophies and values that have shaped Japan's unique heritage. Whether you're seeking motivation, solace, or a fresh perspective, these quotes are sure to resonate deeply and stir your soul. Join us on this journey of discovery as we explore the essence of Japanese wisdom.

1. “In this world, not everything will be won by justice. If you want to win, you have to learn how to cheat. (Nana)” - Ai Yazawa

2. “ To be pleasant, gentle, calm and self-possessed: this is the basis of good taste and charm in a woman. No matter how amorous or passionate you may be, as long as you are straightforward and refrain from causing others embarrassment, no one will mind. But women who are too vain and act pretentiously, to the extent that they make others feel uncomfortable, will themselves become the object of attention; and once that happens, people will find fault with whatever they say or do; whether it be how they enter a room, how they sit down, how they stand up or how they take their leave. Those who end up contradicting themselves and those who disparage their companions are also carefully watched and listened to all the more. As long as you are free from such faults, people will surely refrain from listening to tittle-tattle and will want to show you sympathy, if only for the sake of politeness. I am of the opinion that when you intentionally cause hurt to another, or indeed if you do ill through mere thoughtless behavior, you fully deserve to be censured in public. Some people are so good-natured that they can still care for those who despise them, but I myself find it very difficult. Did the Buddha himself in all his compassion ever preach that one should simply ignore those who slander the Three Treasures? How in this sullied world of ours can those who are hard done by be expected to reciprocate in kind?” - Murasaki Shikibu

3. “The woman was silent, her eyes on the floor. Shimamura had come to a point where he knew he was only parading his masculine shamelessness, and yet it seemed likely enough that the woman was familiar with the failing and need not be shocked by it. He looked at her. Perhaps it was the rich lashes of the downcast eyes that made her face seem warm and sensuous. She shook her head very slightly, and again a faint blush spread over her face.” - Yasunari Kawabata

4. “But even more than her diary, Shimamura was surprised at her statement that she had carefully cataloged every novel and short story she had read since she was fifteen or sixteen. The record already filled ten notebooks."You write down your criticisms, do you?""I could never do anything like that. I just write down the author and the characters and how they are related to each other. That is about all.""But what good does it do?""None at all.""A waste of effort.""A complete waste of effort," she answered brightly, as though the admission meant little to her. She gazed solemnly at Shimamura, however.A complete waste of effort. For some reason Shimamura wanted to stress the point. But, drawn to her at that moment, he felt a quiet like the voice of the rain flow over him. He knew well enough that for her it was in fact no waste of effort, but somehow the final determination that it had the effect of distilling and purifying the woman's existence.” - Yasunari Kawabata

5. “The hanging gate, of something like trelliswork, was propped on a pole, and he could see that the house was tiny and flimsy. He felt a little sorry for the occupants of such a place--and then asked himself who in this world had a temporary shelter.[Anonymous, Kokinshuu 987:Where in all this world shall I call home?A temporary shelter is my home.]A hut, a jeweled pavilion, they were the same. A pleasantly green vine was climbing a board wall. The white flowers, he said to himself, had a rather self-satisfied look about them.'I needs must ask the lady far yonder," he said, as if to himself.[Anonymous, Kokinshuu 1007:I needs must ask the lady far yonderWhat flower it is off there that blooms so white.]An attendant came up, bowing deeply. "The white flowers far off yonder are known as 'evening faces," he said. "A very human sort of name--and what a shabby place they have picked to bloom in."It was as the man said. The neighborhood was a poor one, chiefly of small houses. Some were leaning precariously, and there were "evening faces" at the sagging eaves.A hapless sort of flower. Pick one off for me, will you?"The man went inside the raised gate and broke off a flower. A pretty little girl in long, unlined yellow trousers of raw silk came out through a sliding door that seemed too good for the surroundings. Beckoning to the man, she handed him a heavily scented white fan.Put it on this. It isn't much of a fan, but then it isn't much of a flower either.” - Murasaki Shikibu

6. “I was surprised to find authors like Kaizan Nakazato and Sanjugo Naoki in a corner of the bookcase where I've never noticed them before. I dip into a book, and if it's dull I go straight onto the next. I never used to do that--even if I was bored I'd plod on to the end. But, look, if I'm to die at any moment, there's no sense being in the middle of a boring book, is there?” - Shizuko Go

7. “I have been brought up in a world dominated by honor. I have known neither crime, poverty, nor betrayal, and here I taste hatred for the first time: it is sublime, like a thirst for justice and revenge."-the girl who played go” - Shan Sa

8. “In the middle distance, sails were gliding like butterflies, and farther away, ships dotted the mouth of the bay between Awa and Sagami as if brushed in ink in a single flowing stroke.” - Haruo Shirane

9. “Those who hurt others will also hurt themselves.” - Natsuki Takaya

10. “いまの彼には、彼がしっかり目におさめて、そして理解した、あの高い、正しい、美しい大空に比べたら、ナポレオンの心を占めているあらゆる利害が、いかにもむなしいものに思われ、このちっぽけな虚栄心と勝利の喜びに酔っている彼の憧れの英雄自身も、いかにも小さな人間に思われた――『戦争と平和』より” - Tolstoj L.N.

11. “From the girl who sat before me now...surged a fresh and physical life force. She was like a small animal that has popped into the world with the coming of spring. Her eyes moved like an independent organism with joy, laughter, anger, amazement, and despair. I hadn't seen a face so vivid and expressive in ages, and I enjoyed watching it live and move.” - Haruki Murakami

12. “There are many, many difficult times, god knows. If a person wants to stand on her own two feet, I recommend undertaking the care and feeding of something. It could be children, or it could be house plants, you know? By doing that you come to understand your own limitations. That's where it starts.” - Banana Yoshimoto

13. “Chilled-looking people walking along the riverside, the snow beginning, faintly, to pile up on the roofs of cars, the bare trees shaking their heads left and right, dry leaves tossing in the wind. The silver of the metal window sash sparkling coldly.Soon after, I heard sensei call, "Mikage! Are you awake? It's snowing, look! It's snowing!""I'm coming!" I called out, standing up. I got dressed to begin another day. Over and over, we begin again.” - Banana Yoshimoto

14. “And then there was her face: her white skin, her brown eyes, and her expression, so soft and beautiful; she looked as though she were constantly getting ready to ask a question. Even an immaculately crafted doll could not have been as lovely.” - Natsuo Kirino

15. “Real haiku is the soul of poetry. Anything that is not actually present in one's heart is not haiku. The moon glows, flowers bloom, insects cry, water flows. There is no place we cannot find flowers or think of the moon. This is the essence of haiku. Go beyond the restrictions of your era, forget about purpose or meaning, separate yourself from historical limitations—there you will find the essence of true art, religion, and science.” - Santoka Taneda

16. “...O-suzu left whatever work she was doing at her sewing machine and dragged Takeo back to O-yoshi and her son.How dare you behave so selfishly! Now tell O-yoshi-san that you are sorry. Get down on the mats and make a proper bow!” - Ryunosuke Akutagawa

17. “Those who get in the way of love's path will be kicked by horses.~Kyoya” - Bisco Hatori

18. “I am a lonely man,' Sensei said. 'And so I am glad that you come to see me. But I am also a melancholy man, and so I asked you why you should wish to visit me so often.” - Natsume Soseki

19. “People used to say that on moonless nights Her Ladyship's broad-skirted scarlet trousers would glide eerily along the outdoor corridor, never touching the floor.” - Ryunosuke Akutagawa

20. “I could have sworn that the man's eyes were no longer watching his daughter dying in agony, that instead the gorgeous colors of flames and the sight of a woman suffering in them were giving him joy beyond measure.” - Ryunosuke Akutagawa

21. “Great robber though he was, Kandata could only trash about like a dying frog as he choked on the blood of the pond.” - Ryunosuke Akutagawa

22. “You know Americans...Self-improvement. No matter who or what we are, we're always working on ways to become somebody else.” - Alan Brown

23. “...and where shall we go from here? The Library is vast and infinite.” - Hideyuki Kurata

24. “Aina liikkeellä.Aina ikävä kotiin.Tuolla kaukanasoutaa avomerta päintulipunainen laiva.” - Takechi Kurohito

25. “Kun, aamutuuli,koko unettoman yönkaivattuanikosketat häntä, koskeminua myös, minua!” - Kakinomoto Hitomaro

26. “Lupasit tullaluokseni viime yönä.Se yö on mennyt.En luota sinuun enää.Rakastan sinua aina.” - Ariwara no Narihira

27. “Ikivihreittenhumisevien mäntyjenvarjossa katsonepäuskoisena kukkienlyhyttä kukoistusta.” - Sakanoue no Korenori

28. “Yö. Vartiostopalatsin edustalla.Aamu. Nuotiotpoljetaan sammuksiin. Kuinmieleni ne kytevät.” - Ōnakatomi no Yoshinobu

29. “Ulkona alkaasadella, pehmeästi.Minä kuuntelen.Käännän lampun seinään päinniin tulee hämärämpää.” - Fushimi Tennō

30. “Lady #1, Maki, had never once given any thought to what was really right for her in her life, simply believing that if she surrounded herself with super-exclusive things, she'd become a super-exclusive person.” - Ryu Murakami

31. “When you're a kid, getting lost isn't just an event or a situation, it's like a career move. You get this thrill of anxiety and fear and a feeling that you've done something that can never be undone.” - Ryu Murakami