32 Inspirational Quotes For People

July 19, 2024, 2:46 a.m.

32 Inspirational Quotes For People

Everyone needs a little inspiration from time to time, whether you're facing challenges or simply seeking a boost in your day. The power of words can be transformative, offering wisdom, comfort, and motivation. In this post, we've gathered a carefully curated collection of the top 32 inspirational quotes designed to uplift and empower you. These quotes come from a diverse range of voices, each offering a unique perspective on life's journey. Dive in, and let these words serve as a guiding light to fuel your ambitions and brighten your outlook.

1. “Electronic communities build nothing. You wind up with nothing. We are dancing animals. How beautiful it is to get up and go out and do something. We are here on Earth to fart around. Don't let anybody tell you any different.” - Kurt Vonnegut

2. “Life is hell, at some point we all just have to get used to it.” - Alysha Speer

3. “A respectable appearance is sufficient to make people more interested in your soul” - Karl Lagerfeld

4. “When real people fall down in life, they get right back up and keep on walking.” - Michael Patrick King

5. “Because, sometimes, things happen to people and they're not equipped to deal with them.” - Suzanne Collins

6. “Can you be sure that others have not come before you and destroyed the pristine state of the native myth? Can you be sure that the natives are not humoring you or pulling your leg? Bronislaw Malinowski thought he had discovered a people in the Trobriant Islands who had not worked out the connection between sexual intercourse and childbirth. When asked how children were conceived, they supplied him with an elaborate mythic structure prominently featuring celestial intervention. Amazed, Malinowski objected that was not how it was done at all, and supplied them instead with the version so popular in the West today – including a nine-month gestation period. “Impossible,” replied the Melanesians. “Do you not see that woman over there with her six-month-old child? Her husband has been on an extended voyage to another island for two years.” Is it more likely that the Melanesians were ignorant of the begetting of children or that they were gently chiding Malinowski? If some peculiar-looking stranger came into my town and asked ME where babies came from, I’d certainly be tempted to tell him about storks and cabbages. Prescientific people are people. Individually they are as clever as we are.” - Carl Sagan

7. “But he doesn't love her. I invented that. It is a plot if you imagine people in love--the lazy looping criss crosses of love, blows, stares, tears. No. It doesn't happen. No love. People meet, touch, stare into one another's faces, shake their heads clear, move on, forget. It doesn't happen.” - Joyce Carol Oates

8. “- Ne treba se bojati ljudi.- Pa ja se i ne bojim ljudi, nego onog što je neljudsko u njma.” - Ivo Andrić

9. “In framing a government, which is to be administered by men over men, the great difficulty is this: You must first enable the government to control the governed; and in the next place, oblige it to control itself.” - James Madison

10. “He mentioned the connection between us. He identified with me. These are the things that many people want to hear, that most “normal” people want to be able to truthfully say, but almost no one can.” - Rasmenia Massoud

11. “We never see other people anyway, only the monsters we make of them.” - COLSON WHITEHEAD

12. “We can always count on people to hate and to fear.To harm one another and to be harmed.To kill and be killed.It is what opens the gate.” - Simon Holt

13. “You take a straight tip from the stable, Cokey, if you must hate, hate the government or the people or the sea or men, but don't hate an individual person. Who's done you a real injury. Next thing you know he'll be getting into your beer like prussic acid; and blotting out your eyes like a cataract and screaming in your ears like a brain tumour and boiling round your heart like melted lead and ramping though your guts like a cancer. And a nice fool you'd look if he knew. It would make him laugh till his teeth dropped out; from old age.” - Joyce Cary

14. “The worst wounds, the deadliest of them, aren't the ones people see on the outside. They're the ones that make us bleed internally.” - Sherrilyn Kenyon

15. “He always believed that people live up or down to the amount of trust you put in them.” - Hilary Duff

16. “I don’t care about someone being intelligent; any situation between people, when they are really human with each other, produces ‘intelligence.” - Susan Sontag

17. “So I saw that there was only me. There was only me who could worry about what was happening here, inside these walls of my life. Other people had their own worlds to worry about, and in the end, they had to fend for themselves, just like us.” - Markus Zusak

18. “He passed his hands over some of the fine embossed bindings as he thought, I am a book also, words and thoughts and stories held together by flesh. We open and close ourselves to the world. We are read by others or put away by them. We wait to be seen, sitting quietly on shelves for someone to bother having a look inside us. ” - Ari Berk

19. “As a recluse I couldn't bear traffic. It had nothing to do with jealousy, I simply disliked people, crowds, anywhere, except at my readings. People diminished me, they sucked me dry.” - Charles Bukowski

20. “In a way she actually preferred Peter to other people because of this. He always acted out of intelligent self-interest.” - Orson Scott Card

21. “On having a backup plan: "Always a good plan anytime you want to follow your dream - I love writing, acting, and psychiatry - there are crazy people everywhere which means I can take my career anywhere my dream needs to go.” - Samantha Steele

22. “Ir divu veidu cilvēki.Ir tie, kas dzīvo, spēlē un mirst.Un tie, kas nekad nedara neko citu, kā vien turas līdzsvarā uz dzīves smailes.Ir aktieri.Un ir virves dejotāji.” - Maxence Fermine

23. “People are only taken seriously as they take themselves.” - Jane Stanton Hitchcock

24. “But I find it difficult to recognize people. Human beings are so much alike.” - Eric Linklater

25. “Le persone non cambiano, fanno solo momentanei passi fuori dal loro vero carattere, isolate azioni contrarie alla loro vera natura.” - Chad Kultgen

26. “She liked people. Me, I can take them or leave them, but mostly leave them.” - Sue Townsend

27. “That was his mother. When she wasn't crying over the breakfast cereal, she was laughing about killing herself.” - Nick Hornby

28. “I don't like people--much. This kind, I mean. And they don't like me at all, as a rule. Maybe the latter explains the former.” - Philip Wylie

29. “If you love three people at the same time, choose the first one, because if there was a 4th or 5th one, you might still fall for them.” - Emmanuel Aghado

30. “By the end, you should be inside your character, actually operating from within somebody else, and knowing him pretty well, as that person knows himself or herself. You're sort of a predator, an invader of people.” - William Trevor

31. “We're all made the same but then born to change. Which then don't make us the same.” - Jonathan Anthony Burkett

32. “With people you love, you should try to spend as much free time as you can with them ,because they might not aways be there.” - Eden Griffith