33 Foolish Quotes

Sept. 12, 2024, 5:45 p.m.

33 Foolish Quotes

Quotes have a unique way of resonating with us, often sparking introspection or providing a fresh perspective on life's many facets. Some quotes, however, stand out for their sheer foolishness, offering wisdom wrapped in wit or folly. Whether you seek a chuckle, a head-scratching moment, or an eye-opening realization, our curated collection of the top 33 foolish quotes has something for everyone. Dive in to explore the humorous, the nonsensical, and the surprisingly profound musings that remind us not to take life too seriously.

1. “There are no foolish questions and no man becomes a fool until he has stopped asking questions.” - Charles Proteus Steinmetz

2. “It is indisputable that the being whose capacities of enjoyment are low, has the greatest chance of having them fully satisfied; and a highly endowed being will always feel that any happiness which he can look for, as the world is constituted, is imperfect. But he can learn to bear its imperfections, if they are at all bearable; and they will not make him envy the being who is indeed unconscious of the imperfections, but only because he feels not at all the good which those imperfections qualify. It is better to be a human being dissatisfied than a pig satisfied; better to be Socrates dissatisfied than a fool satisfied. And if the fool, or the pig, is of a different opinion, it is only because they only know their own side of the question.” - John Stuart Mill

3. “With the persistent loud voice, fool asks us to respect serenity.” - Toba Beta

4. “A sage is a former fool who has become tired of himself.A foolish sage is one who forgets this.Remember, or come full circle.” - Vera Nazarian

5. “To every rule there is an exception—and an idiot ready to demonstrate it. Don't be the one!” - Vera Nazarian

6. “Honor is a fool's prize. Glory is of no use to the dead.” - Drew Karpyshyn

7. “A man learns to skate by staggering about and making a fool of himself. Indeed he progresses in all things by resolutely making a fool of himself.” - George Bernard Shaw

8. “If it is ones lot to be cast among fools, one must learn foolishness.” - Alexandre Dumas

9. “[...] Y'know, the Duchess Regan is living here at the tower now? I took your advice about not talking about her boffnacity [footnote], even with the duke dead and all, can't be too careful. Although, I caught sight of her in a dressing gown one day she was up on the parapet outside her solar. Fine flanks on that princess, despite the danger of death and all for sayin' so, sir." -YeomenAye, the lady is fair, and her gadonk as fine as frog fur [...]" -Pocketfootnote: Boffnacity: an expression of shagnatiousness, fit. from the Latin boffusnatious” - Christopher Moore

10. “I'll not have an exchange with an impudent fool." [Oswald]He's not impudent," said Jones [the puppet]. "With proper inspiration, the lad sports a woody as stout as a mooring pin. Ask your lady."I nodded in agreement with the puppet, for he is most wise for having a brain of sawdust.Impudent! Impudent! Not impotent!" said Oswald, frothing a bit now.” - Christopher Moore

11. “A hundred brilliant witticisms died suffocating on the captain's heavy glove. Thus muted, I pumped my codpiece at the duke and tried to force a fart, but my bum tumpet could find no note.” - Christopher Moore

12. “Advice, then, young yeoman: When referring to the king's middle daughter, state that she is fair, speculate that she is pious, but unless you'd like to spend your watch looking for the box where your head is kept, resist the urge to wax ignorant on her naughty bits." -PocketI don't know what that means, sir." -YeomanSpeak not of Regan's shaggacity, son" [...] -Pocket” - Christopher Moore

13. “I still believe that peace and plenty and happiness can be worked out some way. I am a fool.” - Kurt Vonnegut

14. “The first thing every mage should learn is that magic makes fools of us. Now you may call yourself a mage. You have learned the most important lesson.” - Tamora Pierce

15. “You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.” - Abraham Lincoln

16. “The Cutter leaned toward me, resting his forehead against mine. 'Fool me once,' he whispered, 'shame on you.' He pressed the bridge of his nose against mine, his breath burning the back of my throat. His voice was rough and furious. 'Fool me twice, and I will cut out your fucking throat.” - Brenna Yovanoff

17. “A fool tries to shut others' mouth instead of listens to his own heart.” - Toba Beta

18. “As I drifted along with my bodiless invisibility, I felt myself more and more becoming an empty, floating shape, seeing without being seen and walking without the interference of those grosser creatures who shared my world. It was not an experience completely without interest or even pleasure. The clown's shibboleth of "here we are again" took on a new meaning for me as I felt myself a novitiate of a more rarified order of harlequinry. ("The Last Feast Of The Harlequin")” - Thomas Ligotti

19. “Any fool can do something cool and look cool, but it takes skill to make something uncool cool again.” - Criss Jami

20. “The only thing more frustrating than slanderers is those foolish enough to listen to them.” - Criss Jami

21. “I don't agree that when you love, you are blind or fool. You just get wiser and see clearer what is best and of worth.” - Hark Herald Sarmiento

22. “You have been given a second chance to start your life over. You can't throw this opportunity away. If you do you will be a colossal fool. If you get the chance to do something and don't do it then you'll simply live with regret. That's a worse situation than trying something daring and maybe not succeeding. At least you tried. Isn't that what you want to show your kids?” - Lorena Bathey

23. “None of them seemed to mind sliding around in the faeces and choking in the smoke. They were determined not to miss the opportunity of watching a foreigner make a fool of himself.” - Tahir Shah

24. “Every man is a divinity in disguise, a god playing the fool.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson

25. “It's better to be silent than to be a fool.” - Harper Lee

26. “What would have been the fate of sages if there were no fools?” - Ogwo David Emenike

27. “Even if there are instances in which it can be mistook by onlookers, never fool yourself into using misunderstood genius as an excuse to be a fool.” - Criss Jami

28. “Good madonna, give me leave toprove you a fool.” - William Shakespeare

29. “I am evenThe natural fool of fortune.” - William Shakespeare

30. “What kind of fool had he been, to throw away romance untried?” - Piers Anthony

31. “Cucullus non facit monachum; that’s as much to say, as I wear not motley in my brain.” - William Shakespeare

32. “But what's left on earth that I haven't tried?" Prince Lír demanded. "I have swum four rivers, each in full flood and none less than a mile wide. I have climbed seven mountains never before climbed, slept three nights in the Marsh of the Hanged Men, and walked alive out of that forest where the flowers burn your eyes and the nightingales sing poison. I have ended my betrothal to the princess I had agreed to marry — and if you don't think that was a heroic deed, you don't know her mother. I have vanquished exactly fifteen black knights waiting by fifteen fords in their black pavilions, challenging all who come to cross. And I've long since lost count of the witches in the thorny woods, the giants, the demons disguised as damsels; the glass hills, fatal riddles, and terrible tasks; the magic apples, rings, lamps, potions, swords, cloaks, boots, neckties, and nightcaps. Not to mention the winged horses, the basilisks and sea serpents, and all the rest of the livestock." He raised his head, and the dark blue eyes were confused and sad."And all for nothing," he said. "I cannot touch her, whatever I do. For her sake, I have become a hero — I, sleepy Lír, my father's sport and shame — but I might as well have remained the dull fool I was. My great deeds mean nothing to her.” - Peter S. Beagle

33. “Only a fool believes that his actions don't shape the world.” - Richelle E. Goodrich