33 Stories And Quotes

June 20, 2024, 12:46 a.m.

33 Stories And Quotes

Are you in search of inspiration, motivation, or a poignant reminder of life's beauty? Look no further. We've carefully curated a collection of the top 33 stories and quotes that encapsulate rich lessons, timeless wisdom, and heartwarming narratives. Each story and quote has been chosen to uplift, provoke thought, and instill a sense of wonder. Whether you're looking to find solace, spark creativity, or simply bask in the brilliance of well-chosen words, this collection promises to add a touch of magic to your day. Dive in and let these stories and quotes guide you through the remarkable tapestry of human experience.

1. “It's like everyone tells a story about themselves inside their own head. Always. All the time. That story makes you what you are. We build ourselves out of that story.” - Patrick Rothfuss

2. “By Aladdin's lamplit scrotum, man! Everything is a story. What is there but stories? Stories are the only truth.” - Christopher Moore

3. “I think about stories and their logic and wonder if there can be any such thing as simply "there is a book.” - Scarlett Thomas

4. “We tell our stories, especially as young people, in part because we want them to be true. We want life to be full of adventure and creativity and daring that might, just might, be real.” - Dana Frank

5. “Stories come alive in the telling. Without a human voice to read them aloud, or a pair of wide eyes following them by flashlight beneath a blanket, they had no existence in our world. They were like seeds in the beak of a bird, waiting to fall to earth. Or the notes of a song laid out on a sheet, yearning for an instrument to bring their music into being. They lay dormant, hoping for the chance to emerge. Once someone started to read them, they could begin to change. They could take root in the imagination and transform the reader. Stories wanted to be read. They needed it. It was the reason they forced themselves from their world into ours. They wanted us to give them life.” - John Connolly

6. “People who understand everything get no stories.” - Bertolt Brecht

7. “But there was more to it than that. As the Amazing Maurice said, it was just a story about people and rats. And the difficult part of it was deciding who the people were, and who were the rats.” - Terry Pratchett

8. “Those around you can have their novellas, sweet, their short stories of cliché and coincidence, occasionally spiced up with tricks of the quirky, the achingly mundane, the grotesque. A few will even cook up Greek tragedy, those born into misery, destined to die in misery. But you, my bride of quietness, you will craft nothing less than epic with your life. Out of all of them, your story will be the one to last.” - Marisha Pessl

9. “All we are, all we can be, are the stories we tell," he says, and he is talking as if he is talking only to me. "Long after we are gone, our words will be all that is left, and who is to say what really happened or even what reality is? Our stories, our fiction, our words will be as close to truth as can be. And no one can take that away from you.” - Nora Raleigh Baskin

10. “So I found myself telling my own stories. It was strange: as I did it I realised how much we get shaped by our stories. It's like the stories of our lives make us the people we are. If someone had no stories, they wouldn't be human, wouldn't exist. And if my stories had been different I wouldn't be the person I am.” - John Marsden

11. “We are each born into a situation—a particular body (its race, sex, health...), a set of ancestors, a community, a nation—and born into the stories told of each of these.” - Lewis Hyde

12. “Everyone has a story inside them. Some are bedtimes stories, some thrill and others scare and horrify their readers. Find out what your story is and share it with the world.” - CK Webb

13. “People take on the shapes of the songs and the stories that surround them, especially if they don't have their own song.” - Neil Gaiman

14. “Stories nurture our connection to place and to each other. They show us where we have been and where we can go. They remind us of how to be human, how to live alongside the other lives that animate this planet. ... When we lose stories, our understanding of the world is less rich, less true.” - Susan J. Tweit

15. “All my stories are webs of style and none seems at first blush to contain much kinetic matter. For me style is matter. ” - Vladimir Nabokov

16. “Stories are a different kind of true.” - Emma Donoghue

17. “This is how deeply rooted stories are, folks. We crave them before we can walk, and we start telling them before we can talk.” - Patrick Rothfuss

18. “بعد رحيلك كان صعبا علي الاحتفاظ بأي من ذكرياتك، بأي شيء يمكن أن يعيدني إليك أو يعيدك إلي، أردت أن أتغير طناا مني إني سأتخلص منك.” - لطيفة الحاج

19. “The historical fact is that cinema was constituted as such by becoming narrative, by presenting a story, and by rejecting its other possible directions. The approximation which follows is that, from that point, the sequences of images and even each image, a single shot, are assimilated to propositions or rather oral utterances [...].” - Gilles Deleuze

20. “All stories are, in some form, prayers.” - Brian Doyle

21. “Writers are liars, my dear, surely you know that by now? And yet, things need not have happened to be true. Tales and dreams are the shadow-truths that will endure when mere facts are dust and ashes, and forgot.” - Neil Gaiman

22. “We come together as a community — in our sitting room, in sacred space or in a coffee shop. We share our joy and pain, our surprises and disappointments, successes and failures and we try to make some sense of it all. We listen to find some way to connect. We give reassurance or advice. Sometimes we say nothing because just being there is enough. Storytelling is that moment in time when we are not alone - I met my Soul in a Coffee Shop” - Louise Gilbert

23. “I told her about school and how I sat on a wall there and felt stories and words move through me ...” - Markus Zusak

24. “...it's not the stories - it's the pain and the joy and the people who stay with you long after the stories are told ...” - John Geddes

25. “This is not the way these tales end," Calliope said firmly."This is not the way that things end when they get to be tales," Amatus said, "but since ours is not yet told, we cannot count on it. There were a hundred dead princes on the thorns outside Sleeping Beauty's castle, and I'm sure many of them were splendid fellows.” - john barnes

26. “All we have is the story we tell. Everything we do, every decision we make, our strength, weakness, motivation, history, and character-what we believe-none of it is real; it's all part of the story we tell. But here's the thing: it's our goddamned story!” - Jess Walter

27. “Mark Spitz didn't ask about Harry. You never asked about the characters that disappeared from a Last Night story. You knew the answer. The plague had a knack for narrative closure.” - COLSON WHITEHEAD

28. “For anyone to understand a regime like the GDR, the stories of ordinary people must be told. Not just the activists or the famous writers. You have to look at how normal people manage with such things in their pasts.” - Anna Funder

29. “Humans like stories. Humans need stories. Stories are good. Stories work. Story clarifies and captures the essence of the human spirit. Story, in all its forms—of life, of love, of knowledge—has traced the upward surge of mankind. And story, you mark my words, will be with the last human to draw breath.” - Jasper Fforde

30. “The Talmud tells a story about a great Rabbi who is dying, he has become a goses, but he cannot die because outside all his students are praying for him to live and this is distracting to his soul. His maidservant climbs to the roof of the hut where the Rabbi is dying and hurls a clay vessel to the ground. The sound diverts the students, who stop praying. In that moment, the Rabbi dies and his soul goes to heaven. The servant, too, the Talmud says, is guaranteed her place in the world to come.” - Jonathan Rosen

31. “The voices in my head wouldn't shut up, so I let them write their story.” - Shandy L. Kurth

32. “But bad luck makes good stories.” - Bernard Evslin

33. “I watched the people passing below, each of them a story, each story part of somebody else's, all of it connected to the big story of the world. People weren't islands, so far as I was concerned. How could they be, when their stories kept getting tangled up in everybody else's?” - Charles de Lint