35 Warriors Quotes

May 29, 2024, 12:45 p.m.

35 Warriors Quotes

In the annals of history and fiction, warriors have always held a special place as symbols of courage, honor, and resilience. Their words often encapsulate profound wisdom and a fierce resolve that can inspire us in our own battles, whether they be personal struggles, professional challenges, or life’s unpredictable twists and turns. Join us on a journey through time as we explore a carefully curated collection of the top 35 warriors quotes. These powerful messages are meant to invigorate your spirit, sharpen your focus, and remind you of the indomitable strength that lies within.

1. “Only the dead have seen the end of war.” - Plato

2. “Now Darkstripe,' Graypaw hissed to Firepaw under his breath, 'is neither young, nor pretty.” - Erin Hunter

3. “She brought me a crow's feather...," he whispered.” - Erin Hunter

4. “ThunderClan warriors don't kill unless they have to” - Erin Hunter

5. “You put quite a fight for a tame kitty” - Erin Hunter

6. “After the sharp-eyed jay and the roaring lion, peace will come on dove's gentle wing.” - Erin Hunter

7. “[Fireheart]mewed,"It's not my place to judge you." Greystripe looked up as Fireheart went on." Greystripe, whatever you decide to do, I will always be your friend.” - Erin Hunter

8. “You speak from your heart, young Firepaw. This will make you a stronger warrior one day." said LionheartTigerclaw growled. "Or it might make him give in to kittypet weakness right at the moment of attack” - Erin Hunter

9. “A medicine cat has no time for doubt. Put your energy into today and stop worrying about the past.” - Erin Hunter

10. “Bloodclan, Attack!" Not a cat movedTigerstar's amber eyes widened and he screeched "Attack, I order you!"Still none of the warriors moved, eccept for the small black cat who took a pace forward. He glanced twored Firestar. "I am Scourge, leader of Bloodclan," he meowed, his voice cold and quiet. "Tigerstar, my warriors are not yours to command. They will attack when I tell them, and not before."The look Tigerstar gave him was incredulous and glittered with all the hatred he had ever shown to Firestar, as is he couldn't beleive that this scrap of a cat was defying him. Firestar seized his oppertunity. He paced forward untill he stood right infront of the two leaders. Behind him, he heard graystripe hiss, "Firestar,be careful!" But this was no time for being careful. The very future of the forest was at stake, balanced on the breadth of a hair between Tigerstar's bloodthirsty quest for power and the whims of the unknown bloodclan.Now Firestar could see that the collar Scourge wore around his neck was studded with teath--The teath of dogs, and...CATS' teath too. Great Starclan! Did they kill their own kind and wear there teath as trophies?” - Erin Hunter

11. “He paused; a grim silence gripped the whole clearing, broken by a contemptious Rumble from Tigerstar. "Mew away, little kittypet. It won't change anything."Firestar ignored him. "Being deputy wasn't enough," he went on. "Tigerstar wanted to be leader of the clan. He set a trap for Bluestar by the Thunderpath, but my own apprentice strayed into it instead. That's how Cinderpelt came by her crippled leg."A shocked murmer swept through the clearing. Except for Bloodclan, they all knew of Cinderpelt, she was popular even with cats of other clans. Then Tigerstar conspired with Brokentail, the fomer leader of ShadowClan, who was ThunderClan's prisoner," Firestar told the listening cats. "He brought a pack of rogues into ThunderClan camp, and tried to murder Bluestar with his own claws. I stopped him, and when ThunderClan had beaten off the attack we drove him into excile. As a rogue, he slaughtered, Runningwind. Then before we knew what he was up too, he had made himself leader of ShadowClan.” - Erin Hunter

12. “Firepaw held the menacing amber gaze for few moments. Warrior and apprentice, for a heartbeat their eyes were locked as enemies.” - Erin Hunter

13. “He was the mythic Warrior, the protector of magic, defender of causes, even those not his own. His body was a weapon, and a beautiful one.” - Zoe Archer

14. “The time has come for Firepaw to be made a warrior.” - Erin Hunter

15. “[Leafpool] waved her tail in greeting as she padded past Cloudtail and Daisy; as she left the clearing she heard Cloudtail meowing, "This time try to pretend I'm a badger and I'm going to eat your kits.""But my kits really like you," Daisy protested.” - Erin Hunter

16. “Fireheart tensed, waiting for whatever had hunted down these apprentices to emerge from the trees and attack, but nothing stirred. Feeling as if his legs hardly belonged to him, he sprang down and stumbled across to Swiftpaw.The apprentice lay on his side, his legs splayed out. His black-and-white fur was torn, and his body was covered with dreadful wounds, ripped by teeth far bigger than any cat's. His jaws still snarled and his eyes glared. He was dead, and Fireheart could see that he had died fighting.” - Erin Hunter

17. “[Fireheart] was interrupted by a screech from Cloudtail. "Fireheart! Fireheart, Brightpaw isn't dead!"Fireheart spun around and raced across the clearing to crouch beside Brightpaw. Her white-and-ginger fur, which, she had always kept so neatly groomed, was spiky with drying blood. On one side of her face the fur was torn away, and there was blood where her eye should have been. One ear had been shredded, and there were huge claw marks scored across her muzzle.” - Erin Hunter

18. “I think it's vital that we do not sleep together. You know, for the safety of the world." His eyes sparkled and there was just a hint of a smile at the corners of his mouth."Okay," I said, and smiled back at him. "But kissing is allowed, right?""Oh, definitely," he said, pulling me close. "After all, the warrior always wins the heart of the fair young...man.” - Diana Peterfreund

19. “Silverstream: You idiot!!! What are you doing in my territory???Graystripe:...Drowning?Silverstream: Can't you do that in your own territory?Graystripe: Ah, but who would rescue me there?” - Erin Hunter

20. “Have courage. We still have our clan. There is always hope.” - Erin Hunter

21. “Because I'm a Thunderclan cat like you," she replied, ad darker shadow in the darkness of the tunnel. "My name is Hollyleaf” - Erin Hunter

22. “Ivypool felt her mouth drop open "Hollyleaf? But...you you're dead!" "Obviously not," the newcomer replied with an edge to her voice.” - Erin Hunter

23. “Soldiers manage by dividing themselves. They're one man in the killing, another at home, and the man that dandles his bairn on his knee has nothing to do wi' the man who crushed his enemy's throat with his boot, so he tells himself, sometimes successfully.” - Diana Gabaldon

24. “What are you, a door mouse?!" Cloudtail mewed impatiently, prodding Lionblaze. Lionblaze looked up at the white warrior looking down at him, "Aww did you have to do that?! I was having a really great dream!" "And now you can go on a really great water patrol!" Cloudtail grumbled.” - Erin Hunter

25. “Only through the group, I realised — through sharing the suffering of the group — could the body reach that height of existence that the individual alone could never attain. And for the body to reach that level at which the divine might be glimpsed, a dissolution of individuality was necessary. The tragic quality of the group was also necessary, the quality that constantly raised the group out of the abandon and torpor into which it was prone to lapse, leading it to an ever-mounting shared suffering and so to death, which was the ultimate suffering. The group must be open to death — which meant, of course, that it must be a community of warriors.” - Yukio Mishima

26. “Golfa spēlei ir savs skaists golfa tērps, tenisistiem ir tenisa uzvalki; polo spēlētājiem, riteņbraucējiem, autosportistiem atkal savi; bet visskaistākie tērpi ir kara spēlētājiem. Un kas ir jaukāk, kā tērptam mundierī ar zvaigznēm un krustiem pie krūtīm triekt alvas zaldātiņus…” - Anšlavs Eglītis

27. “For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast,And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed;And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill,And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!” - Lord Byron

28. “A wise woman knows when to stay silent. However, a wiser woman of faith knows that sometimes words can win the battle, when all odds stand against her.” - Shannon L. Alder

29. “Priests might divide the world into good and bad. In battle there was strong and weak and nothing else.” - A.J. Hartley

30. “If he can't reach you he can't hit youIf he can't hit you he can't hurt you” - Arun D. Ellis

31. “Lovers and warriors are not bound by the rules of fair play.” - Wayne Gerard Trotman

32. “I have yet to face Writer's Block and I don't believe I ever will. It is much more difficult for me to shut my imagination down to get a good nights sleep than it is to prod it to life.” - Kenneth J. Ester

33. “If you have to go up unarmed against an angry T rex with a four-digit IQ, it can't hurt to have a trained combat specialist at your side. At the very least, she might be able to fashion a pointy stick from the branch of some convenient tree.” - Peter Watts

34. “And I have to admit that there is something undeniably fulfilling about hunting with Rosie. Somehow, it makes me feel as if the long list of differences between us doesn't exist. We're dressed the same, we fight the same enemy, we win together ... It's as though for that moment I get to be her, the one who isn't covered in thick scars, and she gets to understand what it is to be me. It's different than hunting with Silas--he and I are partners, not part of the same heart.” - Jackson Pearce

35. “Lay downYour tired & weary head my friend.We have wept too longNight is fallingAnd you are only sleepingWe have come to this journey's endIt's time for us to goTo meet our friendsWho beckon usTo jump againFrom across a distant skyA C-130 comes to carry usWhere we shall all wait For the final green lightIn the light ofThe pale moon risingI see far on the horizonInto the world of night and darknessFeet and knees togetherTime has ceasedBut cherished memories still lingerThis is the way of life and all thingsWe shall meet againYou are only sleeping.” - José N. Harris