35 Weight Loss Motivation Quotes

Aug. 6, 2024, 10:47 a.m.

35 Weight Loss Motivation Quotes

Are you on a weight loss journey and in need of a little extra motivation? Look no further! We've scoured the internet to bring you a curated collection of the top 35 weight loss motivation quotes. Whether you're just starting out or need a reminder to stay on track, these quotes are designed to inspire and empower you. Let these words of wisdom fuel your determination and remind you that every step you take brings you closer to your goal. So, take a deep breath, read on, and let the journey to a healthier you begin!

1. “In two decades I've lost a total of 789 pounds. I should be hanging from a charm bracelet.” - Erma Bombeck

2. “I stuff another handful of Raisinets in my mouth. What gets me is the 'pretty face' bit. 'Cause I won't mind being reminded I'm fat as long as you water it down first. Why not say, Hey I'm going to insult you, but first I will congratulate your fortunate genetics and appropriate appliclation of Bobbi Brown cosmetics to prevent you from hitting me. Sh*t; I kind of prefer being called a 'fat bitch.' At least it doesn't pull any punches.” - Jen Lancaster

3. “I want to change my life...except I sort of like it. I mean, I couldn't be more delighted every Monday night after Fletch goes to bed when I come downstairs, pull up the Bachelor on TiVo, drink Riesling, and eat cheddar/port wine Kaukauna cheese without freakign out over fat grams. I'm perpetually in a good mood because I do everything I want. I love having the freedom to skip the gym to watch a Don Knots movie on the Disney Channel without a twinge of guilt. I've figured out how to not be beholden to what other people believe I should be doing, and when the world tells me I ought to be a size eight, I can thumb my nose at them in complete empowerment.” - Jen Lancaster

4. “The weight of the world is a trifle, if we all put our two fingers under it and try to lift together.” - Vera Nazarian

5. “Shall we never never get rid of this Past? ... It lies upon the Present like a giant's dead body.” - Nathaniel Hawthorne

6. “Every bride and groom in the history of civilization has gained weight after their wedding day. It is only a matter of time until archaeologists unearth a married caveman who's wearing a pair of old tux pants that were so tight he couldn't get the zipper closed.” - Peter Scott

7. “Time to go run the calories away, do away with all the numbers stalking you, throw out the bad habits and excess weight.” - Alysha Speer

8. “I'm 190 pounds of rock hard muscle, underneath 40 pounds of sturdy protective fat.” - John Swartzwelder

9. “Dieting is the only game where you win when you lose!” - Karl Lagerfeld

10. “From his shoulder on down, the Rat felt the supple weight of her body. An odd sensation, that weight. This being that could love a man, bear children, grow old, and die; to think one whole existence was in this weight.” - Haruki Murakami

11. “I spent most of my youth hauling sides of beef and pork to my father's shop. Carrying you is far more enjoyable.""How sweet," Annabelle mumbled sickly, her eyes closed. "Every woman dreams of being told that she's preferable to a dead cow.” - Lisa Kleypas

12. “By choosing healthy over skinny you are choosing self-love over self-judgment. You are beautiful!” - Steve Maraboli

13. “When I fully enter time’s swift current, enter into the current moment with the weight of all my attention, I slow the torrent with the weight of me all here.” - Ann Voskamp

14. “Body acceptance means, as much as possible, approving of and loving your body, despite its “imperfections”, real or perceived. That means accepting that your body is fatter than some others, or thinner than some others, that your eyes are a little crooked, that you have a disability that makes walking difficult, that you have health concerns that you have to deal with — but that all of that doesn’t mean that you need to be ashamed of your body or try to change it. Body acceptance allows for the fact that there is a diversity of bodies in the world, and that there’s no wrong way to have one.” - Golda Poretsky

15. “Weight doesn’t matter. It really doesn’t. I mean, it does if you’re a model or whatever.” - Meg Cabot

16. “To ask women to become unnaturally thin is to ask them to relinquish their sexuality.” - Naomi Wolf

17. “A cultural fixation on female thinness is not an obsession about female beauty but an obsession about female obedience.” - Naomi Wolf

18. “Dieting is the most potent political sedative in women's history; a quietly mad population is a tractable one.” - Naomi Wolf

19. “In drawing attention to the physical characteristics of women leaders, they can be dismissed as either too pretty or too ugly. The net effect is to prevent women's identification with the issues. If the public women is stigmatized as too 'pretty,' she's a threat, a rival--or simply not serious; if derided as too 'ugly,' one risks tarring oneself with the same brush by identifying oneself with her agenda.” - Naomi Wolf

20. “Every woman knows that, regardless of all her other achievements, she is a failure if she is not beautiful.” - Germaine Greer

21. “She was heavier than he expected - women always are.” - Sylvia Townsend Warner

22. “That’s the key, you know, confidence. I know for a fact that if you genuinely like your body, so can others. It doesn’t really matter if it’s short, tall, fat or thin, it just matters that you can find some things to like about it. Even if that means having a good laugh at the bits of it that wobble independently, occasionally, that’s all right. It might take you a while to believe me on this one, lots of people don’t because they seem to suffer from self-hatred that precludes them from imagining that a big woman could ever love herself because they don’t. But I do. I know what I’ve got is a bit strange and difficult to love but those are the very aspects that I love the most! It’s a bit like people. I’ve never been particularly attracted to the uniform of conventional beauty. I’m always a bit suspicious of people who feel compelled to conform. I personally like the adventure of difference. And what’s beauty, anyway?” - Dawn French

23. “...I gotta burn these scales... sigh*” - Hiroko Sakai

24. “I study men like I study books: I skim their midsections.” - Bauvard

25. “Food cannot cause you to put on weight, unless you think it can.” - Rhonda Byrne

26. “Constantly stopping to explain oneself may expand into a frustrating burden for the rare individual, so ceasing to do so is like finally dropping the weights and sprinting towards his goals. Those who insincerely misunderstand, who intentionally distort the motives of a pure-intentioned individual, then, no longer have the opportunity to block his path; instead, they are the ones left to stand on the sidelines shouting frustratedly in the wind of his trail.” - Criss Jami

27. “She'd lost two more pounds. A picture of the models she'd cut out of the magazine flashed through Kessa's mind. And the winner is... seventy-three!” - Steven Levenkron

28. “J_Doe032692 wrote: I am not a thin person. However this does not give people the right to taunt me, calling me ugly and worthless, telling me to kill myself because no one will ever want me, or to make up songs about why I am so fat and how much food I eat. NO ONE, I repeat, NO ONE HAS THE RIGHT TO HURT ANOTHER HUMAN BEING THIS BADLY.My throat constricts. The neck brace feels as if it's shrinking and cutting off my esophagus. I reach up and cover the words with my hand and the web site dissolves.I want to go. Now.” - Julie Anne Peters

29. “iv. who was itwho invented size zero?who was itwho promisedthat if you gotto a certain pointyou would nolongerbe?” - David Levithan

30. “it's not his bodythat changesright away.it's somethinginside. he sayshe wants tobe a littleweaker. i don'tunderstand.i say 'thinner?'and he says'no, i wantto be strongerin a differentway.' notbecause of me,but for me.” - David Levithan

31. “and when hecatches meoff guardand says'i love you'i catch himoff guardand say 'i need your help.” - David Levithan

32. “On day one of the drive, I saw my first dome sky. The world was so flat that I could see the level horizon all around me and the sky looked like a dome. Skies like that will give you perspective when nothing else will. The second day, a tumbleweed blew across the interstate. I’m in a western movie, I said to myself, laughing. I found it so much easier to laugh now that this weight had been lifted from my shoulders.” - Kimberly Novosel

33. “REFUSALWhen you refuseto tell your weightand age,people knowyou're fat and old.” - Chocolate Waters

34. “If you've been fat, you will always feel and see the world as a fat person; you know how difficult it is... It's the same coming from a working-class background... it never leaves you.” - Caitlin Moran

35. “If the weight comes from bacon you can so deduct it off the scale total to get your true weight. #science” - Michelle M. Pillow