36 Inspiring Body Positivity Quotes

June 6, 2024, 5:45 a.m.

36 Inspiring Body Positivity Quotes

In a world where societal standards and media often dictate how we should look, embracing body positivity can feel like an act of courage. It's about loving yourself, celebrating your uniqueness, and recognizing that your worth is not determined by your appearance. To inspire this journey of self-love and confidence, we've curated a collection of the top 36 Inspiring Body Positivity Quotes. Whether you're seeking motivation for yourself or looking to lift someone else up, these quotes are here to remind you that every body is beautiful.

1. “If I could put my brain in her body, the world would be mine for the taking.” - Susan Elizabeth Phillips

2. “The Church says: the body is a sin.Science says: the body is a machine.Advertising says: The body is a business.The Body says: I am a fiesta.” - Eduardo Galeano

3. “Consider the holiness of your hands. They are how you do your work on this earth; they are a microcosm of the hands of the Goddess, and can change the world as easily as hers can.” - Dianne Sylvan

4. “Whatever happens to your body, your soul will survive, untouched...” - J.K. Rowling

5. “And still the brain continues to yearn, continues to burn, foolishly, with desire. My old man's brain is mocked by a body that still longs to stretch in the sun and form a beautiful shape in someone else's gaze, to lie under a blue sky and dream of helpless, selfless love, to behold itself, illuminated, in the golden light of another's eyes.” - Meg Rosoff

6. “I worship her, Alyosha, worship her. Only she doesn't see it. No, she still thinks I don't love her enough. And she tortures me, tortures me with her love. The past was nothing! In the past it was only that infernal body of hers that tortured me, but now I've taken all her soul into my soul and through her I've become a man. Will they marry us? If they don't I will die of jealousy. I imagine something every day...” - Fyodor Dostoyevsky

7. “I got a shotgun and a backhoe and no one looks under a septic tank for a dead body. (Bubba)” - Sherrilyn Kenyon

8. “Live to learn to love. Learn to love to live. Love to live to learn so that you may live the life that you yearn.” - Rico Dasheem

9. “your body is not a temple, it's an amusement park. Enjoy the ride.” - Anthony Bourdain

10. “If it ever occurs to people to value the honour of the mind equally with the honour of the body, we shall get a social revolution of a quite unparalleled sort.” - Dorothy L. Sayers

11. “Mental strength induces mind and body.” - Toba Beta

12. “There's no such thing as emotion.It's only body chemistry in action.” - Toba Beta

13. “People took such awful chances with chemicals and their bodies because they wanted the quality of their lives to improve. They lived in ugly places where there were only ugly things to do. They didn't own doodley-squat, so they couldn't improve their surroundings. so they did their best to make their insides beautiful instead.” - Kurt Vonnegut

14. “My body is the shape I live in and it shapes the way I live.” - Raquel Welch

15. “I was flipping channels, watching this cheerleading program on MTV. They took a field hockey girl and “transformed” her into a cheerleader by the end of the show. I was just wondering: what if she liked field hockey better?” - Jess C. Scott

16. “Passion can transform the mind, body and spirit...Passion can align you with the wisdom of nature and the power of what is in your heart.” - Jo Lynne Valerie

17. “To know intense joy without a strong bodily frame, one must have an enthusiastic soul.” - George Eliot

18. “They dream of men with gentle hands, eloquent with tenderness, fingers that brushed along a cheek, that outlined open lips in the lovers' braille. Hands that sculpted sweetness from sullen flesh, that traced breast and ignited hips, opening, kneading. Flesh becomes bread in the heat of those hands, braided and rising.” - Janet Fitch

19. “And so I was scared. I was scared of my own sexual hunger, which felt so secretive and uncharted, and I was scared of the sexual hunger of boys, which felt so vivid and overt, and I was terribly uncertain of the relationships between sex and power and value, which seemed so merged and hard to tease apart. In the midst of all that, I didn't exactly loathe my body, or feel ashamed of it, but I was deeply ashamed of my fear, which felt disabling and immature and woefully, painfully uncool, a terrible secret, evidence of some profound failing and ignorance on my part. Other girls, or so I imagined, knew what to do, how to use their power, how to derive pleasure from it, and in contrast, I felt not only freakish but isolated, as though I was standing outside a vital, defining loop.” - Caroline Knapp

20. “Even as your body betrays you, your mind denies it.” - Sara Gruen

21. “Just like your body and lifestyle can be healthy or unhealthy, the same is true with your beliefs. Your beliefs can be your medicine or your poison.” - Steve Maraboli

22. “Look, hasn't my body already felt like the body of a flower?” - Mary Oliver

23. “She felt like parts of her soul were missing, had left her body long ago. It had happened not in Greece three months ago, but long before that. It was in Greece that she'd realized those parts had left her and were not coming back.” - Ann Brashares

24. “Action is the activity of the rational soul, which abhors irrationality and must combat it or be corrupted by it. When it sees the irrationality of others, it must seek to correct it, and can do this either by teaching or engaging in public affairs itself, correcting through its practice. And the purpose of action is to enable philosophy to continue, for if men are reduced to the material alone, they become no more than beasts.” - Iain Pears

25. “Nakamura Tempu Sensei viewed the mind as a segment of the body that could not be seen and the body as the element of the mind that was observable. He also likened the mind and body to a stream, with the mind as the source flowing down to the body. Whatever we drop in the stream will be carried down by the current. In like manner, our thoughts will influence the body and our well being.” - H.E. Davey

26. “Naturally, for a person who finds his identity in something other than his full organism is less than half a man. He is cut off from complete participation in nature. Instead of being a body, he 'has' a body. Instead of living and loving he 'has' instincts for survival and copulation.” - Alan Wilson Watts

27. “You only get one body; it is the temple of your soul. Even God is willing to dwell there. If you truly treat your body like a temple, it will serve you well for decades. If you abuse it you must be prepared for poor health and a lack of energy.” - Oli Hille

28. “The human body is not a thing or a substance, given, but a continuous creation.” - Norman O. Brown

29. “This is why we must transcend our physical bodies. Because a body is always going to piss you off” - Suzanne Morrison

30. “my problem is that my body acts before my brain thinks... it sometimes brings me huge trouble, or also huge success. recently, my body and brain got come to an agreement. it may be far better to live this gambling life than living in boring average ...they at least make my art more interesting” - Hiroko Sakai

31. “I wanted her body and soul, but body first.” - Philip Sington

32. “Our shoes carry our body, so we polish them; our body carries our soul, so we clean the body, but, what about our soul”?” - Rahul Rampal

33. “It was a bitch living with your old English teacher, especially when your old English teacher wasn’t old at all, and he had exactly the kind of body that most appealed to her, tall and lean, broad in the shoulder, narrow at the hip. Then there was his brain. It had taken her a lot of years to find that particular part of a man appealing, but she’d finally gotten in the habit, and she couldn’t seem to give it up.” - Susan Elizabeth Phillips

34. “For me it is the virgin birth, the Incarnation, the resurrection which are the true laws of the flesh and the physical. Death, decay, destruction are the suspension of these laws. I am always astonished at the emphasis the Church puts on the body. It is not the soul she says that will rise but the body, glorified.” - Flannery O'Connor

35. “Old age. All the facial detail is visible; all the traces life has left there are to be seen. The face is furrowed, wrinkled, sagging, ravaged by time. But the eyes are bright and, if not young, then somehow transcend the time that otherwise marks the face. It is as though someone else is looking at us, from somewhere inside the face, where everything is different. One can hardly be closer to another human soul.” - Karl Ove Knausgård

36. “Visualization engages the mind and encourages the body.” - Lorii Myers