37 Cynical Quotes To Ponder

July 4, 2024, 6:46 a.m.

37 Cynical Quotes To Ponder

In a world filled with relentless positivity and relentless demands for optimism, sometimes a dose of cynicism is just what we need to balance things out. It allows us to see through the facades, question the status quo, and confront inconvenient truths. These top 37 cynical quotes have been carefully curated to provoke thought, spark debate, and perhaps even bring a wry smile to your face. Whether you're a seasoned skeptic or just curious about the darker musings of humanity, these quotes offer a refreshing perspective on life’s complexities. Dive in and let the cynicism challenge your outlook.

1. “Seeing ourselves as others see us would probably confirm our worst suspicions about them.” - Franklin P. Adams

2. “One cannot answer for his courage when he has never been in danger.” - Francois de La Rochefoucauld

3. “Nothing is more humbling than to look with a strong magnifying glass at an insect so tiny that the naked eye sees only the barest speck and to discover that nevertheless it is sculpted and articulated and striped with the same care and imagination as a zebra. Apparently it does not occur to nature whether or not a creature is within our range of vision, and the suspicion arises that even the zebra was not designed for our benefit.” - Rudolf Arnheim

4. “Sometimes life takes hold of one, carries the body along, accomplishes one's history, and yet is not real, but leaves oneself as it were slurred over.” - D.H. Lawrence

5. “And if you're doing a deal with a religious son of a bitch, get it in writing.” - William S. Burroughs

6. “They speak very well of you".- "They speak very well of everybody."- "That so bad?"- "Yes. It means you can´t trust them.” - Iain M. Banks

7. “Si al final mis problemas no eran solubles, cuando menos serían adulterables.” - Xavier Velasco

8. “Republican or Democrat, this nation's affluent urban and suburban classes understand their bread is buttered on the corporate side. The primary difference between the two parties is that the Republicans pretty much admit that they grasp and even endorse some of the nastiest facts of life in America. Republicans honestly tell the world: "Listen in on my phone calls, piss-test me until I'm blind, kill and eat all of my neighbors right in front of my eyes, but show me the money! Let me escape with every cent I can kick out of the suckers, the taxpayers, and anybody else I can get a headlock on, legally or otherwise." Democrats, in contrast, seem content to catalog the GOP's outrages against the Republic, showing proper indignation while laughing at episodes of The Daily Show. But they stand behind the American brand: imperialism. They "support our troops," though you will be hard put to find any of them who have served alongside them or who would send one of their own kids off to lose an eye or an arm in Iraq. They play the imperial game, maintain their credit ratings, and plan to keep the beach house and the retirement investments if it means sacrificing every damned Lynndie England in West Virginia.” - Joe Bageant

9. “Being unhappy alone isn't all that much fun, but what's even tougher is playing one's part without forgetting one's lines, coping with other people's compassion, their comments, being there with the right line when they give the cue.” - Francois Maspero

10. “A lifetime spent in the study of the history of societies since the dawn of mankind presumably inclined him to skepticism and misgivings in regard to any great scheme, religious or political, that set out to create universal happiness in one fell swoop; what it was more likely to create, in his opinion, was universal misery; and his faith in heaven-sent saviors was hardly greater.” - Francois Maspero

11. “The universe is a meat grinder and we're just pork in designer shoes, keeping busy so we can pretend we're not all headed for the sausage factory. Maybe I've been hallucinating this whole time and there is no Heaven and Hell. Instead of having to choose between God and the devil, maybe our only real choice comes down to link or patty?” - Richard Kadrey

12. “They can talk shit about each other behind the others' backs, but when it comes down to it, money is the one true race and everyone down here is the color of greenbacks and as tall as mountains.” - Richard Kadrey

13. “When a distinguished but elderly scientist states that something is possible, he is almost certainly right. When he states that something is impossible, he is very probably wrong.” - Arthur C. Clarke

14. “Humans are part of nature, and nature is one great big wood chipper. Sooner or later, everything shoots out the other end in a spray of blood, bones, and hair.” - Douglas Coupland

15. “Most writers regard the truth as their most valuable possession, and therefore are economical in its use.” - Mark Twain

16. “Go to Old Delhi,and look at the way they keep chickens there in the market. Hundred of pale hens and brightly colored roosters, stuffed tightly into wire-mesh cages. They see the organs of their brothers lying around them.They know they are next, yet they cannot rebel. They do not try to get out of the coop. The very same thing is done with humans in this country.” - Aravind Adiga

17. “Catholics don't believe in divorce. We do believe in murder. There's always Confession, after all.--Brianna Fraser to Roger MacKenzie” - Diana Gabaldon

18. “There's nothing deeper than love. In fairy tales, the princesses kiss the frogs, and the frogs become princes. In real life,the princesses kiss princes, and the princes turn into frogs.” - Paulo Coelho

19. “It's just so perfuck.” - Toba Beta

20. “A little bit of this town goes a very long way. After five days in Vegas you feel like you've been here for five years.” - Hunter S. Thompson

21. “You are a cynical man, Mr. Pleasant.""We live in cynical times, Miss Cain.” - Derek Landy

22. “Life made you get your hands dirty; life was vengeful if you tried an easy route.” - Meghan Ciana Doidge

23. “It's weird, marriage. It's like this license that gives a person the legal right to control their spouse / their 'other half.” - Jess C. Scott

24. “I have never fully unbosomed myself to any human being; I have never been encouraged to trust much in the sympathy of my fellow men. But we have all a chance of meeting with some pity, some tenderness, some charity, when we are dead: it is the living only who cannot be forgiven - the living only from whom men's indulgence and reverence are held off, like the rain by the hard east wind. While the heart beats, bruise it - it is your only opportunity; while the eye can still turn towards you with moist, timid entreaty, freeze it with an icy unanswering gaze; while the ear, that delicate messenger to the inmost sanctuary of the soul, can still take in the tones of kindness, put it off with hard civility, or sneering compliment, or envious affectation of indifference; while the creative brain can still throb with the sense of injustice, with the yearning for brotherly recognition - make haste - oppress it with your ill-considered judgements, your trivial comparisons, your careless misrepresentations. The heart will by and by be still - ubi saeoa indignatio ulterius cor lacerate nequit; the eye will cease to entreat; the ear will be deaf; the brain will have ceased from all wants as well as from all work. Then your charitable speeches may find vent; then you may remember and pity the toil and the struggle and the failure; then you may give due honour to the work achieved; then you may find extenuation for errors, and may consent to bury them ("The Lifted Veil")” - Mary Ann Evans

25. “Marc Marronnier is twenty-seven years old, he has a beautiful apartment, a cool job and still he doesn't kill himself. Go figure.” - Frédéric Beigbeder

26. “If you stare at someone long enough, they'll eventually look back at you.” - Cory Doctorow

27. “I can never get used to the fact, though I know it, that women are born cynics. Men have to learn cynicism. Infant girls could teach it to them.” - Ursula K. Le Guin

28. “Home? What is home? Home is where a house is that you come back to when the rainy season is about to begin, to wait until the next dry season comes around. Home is where your woman is, that you come back to in the intervals between a greater love - the only real love - the lust for riches buried in the earth, that are your own if you can find them. Perhaps you do not call it home, even to yourself. Perhaps you call them 'my house,' 'my woman,' What if there was another 'my house,' 'my woman,' before this one? It makes no difference. This woman is enough for now.Perhaps the guns sounded too loud at Anzio or at Omaha Beach, at Guadalcanal or at Okinawa. Perhaps when they stilled again some kind of strength had been blasted from you that other men still have. And then again perhaps it was some kind of weakness that other men still have. What is strength, what is weakness, what is loyalty, what is perfidy?The guns taught only one thing, but they taught it well: of what consequence is life? Of what consequence is a man? And, therefore, of what consequence if he tramples love in one place and goes to find it in the next? The little moment that he has, let him be at peace, far from the guns and all that remind him of them.So the man who once was Bill Taylor has come back to his house, in the dusk, in the mountains, in Anahuac. ("The Moon Of Montezuma")” - Cornell Woolrich

29. “A cynical modification of letting go doesn't bring forgiveness, it's when, once you forgive, will you be able to let go.” - Anthony Liccione

30. “- We're winning!- Who is 'we', mon Prince?- Not a word! I will tell you tomorrow.” - Talleyrand

31. “The first of ‘Goose’s Two Laws of Survival.’ It runs thus, ‘The weak are meat the strong do eat.’ ” ... Henry grinned in the dark & cleared his throat. “The second law of survival states that there is no second law. Eat or be eaten. That’s it.” - David Mitchell

32. “At least you pay for them.”“I could support a foundling hospital, and you would applaud my virtue.”“I didn’t expect you to populate your own orphanage,” she said.” - Eloisa James

33. “One child out of wedlock is an error. Two suggests carelessness. Three—and six—is simply wrong. Wrong.” - Eloisa James

34. “Writers whose thoughts are expressed with clarity and precision are assumed by readers to be superficial. Where the meaning is obscured, then readers give more attention and consider the fruit of their labour more valuable” - Friedrich Nietzsche

35. “There just isn’t enough cock in this world to be caught suckin’ and be called anything but a slut for life. The cynic in me would call it a bad habit, but that’d make me a whore in denial and if there’s one thing I am, it’s an honest bitch. Then again, you don’t get famous for being daddy’s little angel, but you can easily fall into the Infamy Bracket by preaching a made-up Bible quote now and again. They say I’m shallow, but I’ve made a living out off diving off the deep end.” - Dave Matthes

36. “I am discovering that I can live far better without cynicism than I can without trust.” - Steve Goodier

37. “Did it ever occur to you that when he told you he would come back he was lying? Many a man has done it. He probably meant no malice – he just did not want to see your tears and pleading. If you find him in Tarras you may not like what you discover. He won't thank you for crossing 'mountain and down' to find him. Life is not like the songs Avalon, tis far less pretty.” - Sam J. Charlton