37 Inspiring Face Quotes

June 15, 2024, 11:45 a.m.

37 Inspiring Face Quotes

In a world where expressions speak louder than words, the face becomes the canvas of human emotion. From the bravery etched in a veteran’s eyes to the joy captured in a child's smile, our faces tell extraordinary stories. Whether you're seeking motivation, reflection, or a deeper understanding of human connection, our carefully selected quotes offer a fresh perspective on the beauty and complexity of the human countenance. Join us as we explore 37 inspiring face quotes that celebrate the power of expression and the emotions that define us.

1. “Art is the child of nature in whom we trace the features of the mothers face.” - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

2. “Every face, every shop, bedroom window, public-house, and dark square is a picture feverishly turned--in search of what? It is the same with books. What do we seek through millions of pages?” - Virginia Woolf

3. “The face is a picture of the mind with the eyes as its interpreter.” - Marcus Tullius Cicero

4. “Know that it is a corpse who loves you and adores you and will never, never leave you!...Look, I am not laughing now, crying, crying for you, Christine, who have torn off my mask and who therefore can never leave me again!...Oh, mad Christine, who wanted to see me!” - Gaston Leroux

5. “She was not one for emptying her face of expression. ” - J.D. Salinger

6. “His face was the sort of British face from which emotion has been so carefully banished that a foreigner is apt to think the wearer of the face incapable of any sort of feeling; the kind of face which, if it has any expression at all, expresses principally the resolution to go through the world decorously, without intruding upon or annoying anyone.” - Edward Lucas White

7. “It is common knowledge that a well-bred man should as far as possible have no face. That is to say, not so much be completely without one, but rather, should have a face and yet at the same time appear faceless. It should not stand out, just as a shirt made by a good tailor does not stand out. Needless to say, the face of a well-bred man should be exactly like that of other (well-bred) men and of course in no circumstances whatsoever should it alter. Naturally houses, trees, streets, sky and everything else in the world must satisfy the same conditions to have honor of being known as respectable and well-bred.” - Yevgeny Zamyatin

8. “One day we took the children to see a goldsmith refine gold after the ancient manner of the East. He was sitting beside his little charcoal fire. ("He shall sit as a refiner"; the gold- or silversmith never leaves his crucible once it is on the fire.) In the red glow lay a common curved roof tile; another tile covered it like a lid. This was the crucible. In it was the medicine made of salt, tamarind fruit and burnt brick dust, and imbedded in it was the gold. The medicine does its appointed work on the gold, "then the fire eats it," and the goldsmith lifts the gold out with a pair of tongs, lets it cool, rubs it between his fingers, and if not satisfied puts it back again in fresh medicine. This time he blows the fire hotter than it was before, and each time he puts the gold into the crucible, the heat of the fire is increased; "it could not bear it so hot at first, but it can bear it now; what would have destroyed it then helps it now." "How do you know when the gold is purified?" we asked him, and he answered, "When I can see my face in it [the liquid gold in the crucible] then it is pure.” - Amy Carmichael

9. “Phyllida's hair was where her power resided. It was expensively set into a smooth dome, like a band shell for the presentation of that long-running act, her face.” - Jeffrey Eugenides

10. “The little girl’s face was from Will’s vilest nightmares. Cavernous mouth, distended chin, bastardized nose. The enormous, bulging eyes glared at Will, demanded he see the truth, commanded him to acknowledge his sin.” - Kevin Wallis

11. “People felt themselves watching him even before they knew that there was anything different about him. His eyes made a person think that he heard things that no one else had ever heard, that he knew things no one had ever guessed before. He did not seem quite human.” - Carson McCullers

12. “Gussie, a glutton for punishment, stared at himself in the mirror.” - P.G. Wodehouse

13. “If you build the guts to do something, anything, then you better save enough to face the consequences.” - Criss Jami

14. “Life's true face is the skull.” - Nikos Kazantzakis

15. “Be patient. Your skin took a while to deteriorate. Give it some time to reflect a calmer inner state. As one of my friends states on his Facebook profile: "The true Losers in Life, are not those who Try and Fail, but those who Fail to Try.” - Jess C. Scott

16. “Jake? Do me a favor. Don't ever say 'so far, so good'. The only time anyone ever says 'so far, so good' is right before everything blows up in his face!"-Marco” - Katherine Applegate

17. “Pretty girls kissed me on victory day, their lips soft red petals brushing my face.” - Steven Herrick

18. “Tillie studied her mother’s face. The face which had seen thirty-seven years of life. Twenty-one years of marriage. The birth of ten babies. The death of one.” - Deeanne Gist

19. “Closing the door, Claudine looked at him. She looked at him, and while he waited for some expression to come to her face he knew how a doctor must feel sometimes when he looks at a belly. For her face was no more than a cover of skin, showing nothing of the terrible, complicated things, ugly and beautiful, that were going on inside her.” - Douglas Woolf

20. “Midland City had a goddess of discord all its own. This was a goddess who could not dance, would not dance, and hated everybody at the high school. She would like to claw away her face, she told us, so that people would stop seeing things in it that had nothing to do with what she was like inside. She was ready to die at any time, she said, because what men and boys thought about her and tried to do to her made her so ashamed. One of the first things she was going to do when she got to heaven, she said, was to ask somebody what was written on her face and why had it been put there.” - Kurt Vonnegut

21. “The serial number of a human specimen is the face, that accidental and unrepeatable combination of features. It reflects neither character nor soul, nor what we call the self. The face is only the serial number of a specimen” - Milan Kundera

22. “A mask tells us more than a face.” - Oscar Wilde

23. “...and to-morrow looked in my face more steadily than I could look at it” - Charles Dickens

24. “There is an icy window before every man! Faces cannot be seen clearly! Wait for the ice to melt down!” - Mehmet Murat ildan

25. “Disease often comes with a smiling face.” - Dejan Stojanovic

26. “Devil and God – two sides of the same face.” - Dejan Stojanovic

27. “„Dva su načina na koja gledamo lice druge osobe. Jedan je da gledamo oči kao dio lica. A drugi, gledamo u oči i to je to, kao da su one lice. Takvih se stvari čovjek jednostavno preplaši. Jer oči su život u malome.” - Alessandro D'Avenia

28. “Buthe had the kindest face in the world, with big, dark eyes and buzzed-cutbrown hair.” - S.C. Stephens

29. “...summer softens lines that winter cruelly shows...” - John Geddes A Familiar Rain

30. “...I'm a modern mountebank - I believe in Physiognomy - after all, we are in control of our face - it's the map of where we've been...” - John Geddes

31. “... only darkened trails of rain could paint your face upon a pane...” - John Geddes

32. “The most beautiful face is always the face of the peaceful mind!” - Mehmet Murat ildan

33. “All of them are the same type; girls with overprocessed hair and too much makeup and way too much access to Daddy’s credit cards. Girls who, if you took away the designer labels, hair dye and cover-up, wouldn’t be more than average-looking, but with all that stuff look too plastic to be pretty.” - Hannah Harrington

34. “To hear never-heard sounds, To see never-seen colors and shapes, To try to understand the imperceptible Power pervading the world; To fly and find pure ethereal substances That are not of matter But of that invisible soul pervading reality. To hear another soul and to whisper to another soul; To be a lantern in the darkness Or an umbrella in a stormy day; To feel much more than know. To be the eyes of an eagle, slope of a mountain; To be a wave understanding the influence of the moon; To be a tree and read the memory of the leaves; To be an insignificant pedestrian on the streets Of crazy cities watching, watching, and watching. To be a smile on the face of a woman And shine in her memory As a moment saved without planning.” - Dejan Stojanovic

35. “Searching for the real faces of every face we met! This is what our life is!” - Mehmet Murat ildan

36. “Toda dor não originária de jogar óleo fervente na própria face constitui sacanagem.” - Filipe Russo

37. “A máquina social esmaga o cidadão, gargareja o suco gástrico e o cospe na face da próxima vítima.” - Filipe Russo