37 Self-Help Quotes

July 17, 2024, 8:45 a.m.

37 Self-Help Quotes

In a world that constantly demands our attention and energy, finding motivation and clarity can be challenging. Self-help quotes offer more than just words; they provide insight, inspiration, and a fresh perspective to face life's hurdles. We've gathered a curated collection of the top 37 self-help quotes that can serve as your daily dose of wisdom. These quotes are sourced from brilliant minds across various fields, each one carrying a powerful message to uplift and empower you on your journey to personal growth and fulfillment. Whether you need a gentle nudge to start your day or a moment of reflection during a tough time, these quotes are here to spark inspiration and guide you toward a better self.

1. “We must realize that we are all, like Dr. Faust, ready to accept the devil's inducements. The devil is in each one of us in the form of an ego that promises the fulfillment of desire on condition that we become subservient to its striving to dominate. The domination of the personality by the ego is a diabolical perversion of the nature of man. The ego was never intended to be the master of the body, but its loyal and obedient servant. The body, as opposed to the ego, desires pleasure, not power. Bodily pleasure is the source from which all our good feelings and good thinking stems. If the bodily pleasure of an individual is destroyed, he becomes an angry, frustrated, and hateful person. His thinking becomes distorted, and his creative potential is lost. He develops self-destructive attitudes.” - Alexander Lowen

2. “When you love yourself, when you appreciate yourself, and are able to make peace with yourself, then because you are the same energy as the universe, it responds. It loves you in return, appreciates you in return, and makes its peace with you in return.” - Stephen Richards

3. “The time is now, the person is you; better your life and become a name to conjure with in this day and age.” - Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha

4. “I know I've said this before, but itcan't be said enough -- you reallymatter. Not just to me, but to thisplanet at this time.Don't ever forget that. As you do theinner work and have breakthroughs,you are literally changing humanconsciousness -- it's all connected.Every time you have an ‘Ah-Ha’ or growthrough something and are lifted, youare lifting someone somewhere in theworld -- or many people. Not tomention those closest to you.You really are God's gift to the world.Stay Inspired, Derek” - Derek Rydall

5. “If you want more time, spend more time in the Timeless.” - Derek Rydall

6. “You have to feel your own personal truth with a little ‘t’ – your sadness, rage, frustration for example -- in order to get to the Truth with a big ‘T’.” - Derek Rydall

7. “Little kids learn to walk by falling. They fall forward and eventually they start catching themselves. All walking is, is controlled falling. It’s the same with success. You learn by failing. Success is just controlled failing.” - Derek Rydall

8. “Whatever’s missing is what you’re not giving. You are a divine power plant. And a power plant doesn’t receive energy, it generates it. It’s the same as saying you already have the kingdom of heaven within you. And when you activate the best in you, it generates an energy that must appear in your experience.” - Derek Rydall

9. “Enter every moment as if it’s already a success. It’s already done. Your affirmation isn’t trying to get anything; rather it’s an opening that lets something OUT. That’s the real power of the law of emergence.” - Derek Rydall

10. “We can’t heal what we don’t feel. We can’t have a future until we fully inhabit our present. It’s like the proverbial Groundhog Day. Most people don’t live 70-90 years; they live the same year 70-90 times because they keep regurgitating an incomplete present.” - Derek Rydall

11. “A vision without a plan is fantasy. A plan without a vision is mediocrity.  Believing 'God will do it for you' is magical thinking. Believing you can do it yourself is the ultimate arrogance. Plan your life as if you're doing the work -- but live your life as if God is.” - Derek Rydall

12. “You cannot make a demand on your life that exceeds your belief about it. Your belief is creating a personal law. It’s not the truth, but a lie believed will act like a law until it’s neutralized.” - Derek Rydall

13. “The universe isn’t neutral, it has a plan, it has a pattern, a big idea that is seeking willing places for its ever expanding expression; and the good news is that it is always conspiring for your freedom. No matter how it may appear.” - Derek Rydall

14. “But the meaning of these events is not that you are being punished or that someone is to blame, it is that you are living in a world too small, and that you must open up to a larger vision. As the gospel of Thomas says, “If you bring forth what is within you, it will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, it will destroy you.” Look within and Stay Inspired. Derek Rydall” - Derek Rydall

15. “There is only this one life going on, this one loving, all giving, perfect intelligence. This one perfect pattern of infinite potential, and as it emerges, where there is resistance, or in some cases where there is a need to develop certain abilities in this three dimensional realm called human existence, it appears like crisis, it appears like problems, it appears like bad things.But when you really understand this oneness, you get to understand and discover that, in fact, all of it is really a conspiracy of good; a conspiracy of wholeness. All of it is conspiring to awaken you to your full potential and set you free.” - Derek Rydall

16. “Your darkness is not the enemy. It is the rich soil you must dig into and sometimes be planted in before something new can break through the surface; and those parts of you that seem wounded or lacking don’t need to be healed or improved, per say, but rather loved and accepted.” - Derek Rydall

17. “This not only makes you more complete, but develops in you the strength to be a healing, unifying influence to all those around you.” - Derek Rydall

18. “In order to succeed, one must develop the capability of sustained focus. One of the key distinctions that separate achievers from the ‘non-achievers,’ is that the non-achievers stop when things get hard, when they get bored, or when results aren’t forthcoming; whereas the achievers stay the course until they reach the finish line no matter how hard it is.” - Derek Rydall

19. “Whatever is missing is what you’re not giving.” - Derek Rydall

20. “Be in the world but not of it; become less attached to outcome and more attuned to outgo, which is the natural radiance of your being.” - Derek Rydall

21. “We can have all the food and water we need, but without the sustenance ofreal story, real art — without the wisdom, insight, and “life instruction” it brings — we will stagnate as a culture and become a swamp where quality life can no longer be sustained. So share your gifts! Share your art!” - Derek Rydall

22. “It’s never too late to tell a good story, to create a new myth that rouses us from our intoxicated slumber, that lifts us above the din of confusion and arms us against the weapons of mass distraction.” - Derek Rydall

23. “Instead of doing ‘Af-for-mations’ where you are praying FOR something, do ‘Af-FROM-mations’ where you are praying FROM the realization that you already are whole and complete and already have everything within you.” - Derek Rydall

24. “Story is the mechanism by which we live, express, understand, and evolve. Story is more than just equipment for living — it’s life itself. When a culture’s stories are honest, authentic, and connected to the truth, the culture is strong, productive, and progressive. When a culture’s stories stagnate and become derivative, deceptive, shallow, and unconnected to the energy of life, the culture erodes, degrades, and eventually perishes (although the people may not realize they’re dead!). Stories are the manner by which we extract meaning out of the fibrous pulp of our everyday lives. And meaning is the spiritual oxygen that allows our soul to breathe. Without stories, life has no meaning. Without meaning, we cannot live.” - Derek Rydall

25. “What you want is already here, in the unified field of pure potential. Everything you need to fulfill your greatest desire is already part of your being. But it can’t come out until you align with it, let go of the obstructions to it, and raise your vibration to the level at which it already exists.” - Derek Rydall

26. “This is a uni-verse (”one song’). There’s one song playing everywhere and we are all notes in it. There are no “special” or “better” notes.Every note is necessary and contains the whole essence of the music. All the power and substance of the universe is seeking to sing its song through you as magnificently as it has ever been sung before.” - Derek Rydall

27. “The fact that you already have it all within you doesn’t mean you shouldn’t go to school, learn your craft, read books, or go to workshops. Just remember that all you’re really doing is using other people and things to remind you of what you already know. And you don’t have to wait until you know “enough” before you go for it and become successful.” - Derek Rydall

28. “Remember, it is done unto you as you believe. It’s not “I’ll believe it when I see it,” it’s “You’ll see it when you believe it.” You can’t make a demand on life that exceeds your belief about it — because you don’t experience life as it is, you experience life as you are. You literally experience the personification of your own perceptions.” - Derek Rydall

29. “A lie believed acts as truth until it is neutralized.” The false beliefs you hold about your life become the personal laws of your life, holding you prisoner until you break your agreement with them.” - Derek Rydall

30. “You have a mighty purpose, a function to fulfill — a reason for being. And it’s more than just “make a living.” You are here to make a unique and valuable contribution, to assist (if even in a small way) the evolution of humanity. Look at nature. Everything serves a purpose. Everything is connected to a larger system that allows the whole to operate in harmony.” - Derek Rydall

31. “You’re no different. You came into this world as an answer to a prayer, a solution to a need. If there was no need for you, you never would’ve shown up. The fact that you were born is the guarantee that you have a reason for being here. There’s something you came to give — a gift, a talent, a message, a meaning. The world needs you to be you.” - Derek Rydall

32. “The interesting (and sometimes scary) thing about living a purposeful life is you begin to realize that, in a very real way, your life is not your own. You’re not here to just get all the good stuff for yourself — and maybe your loved ones — so you can live a happy, pleasure-filled existence. You are part of a larger organism, a larger system, and all the good that you receive, all the talent you possess, everything that you have, is not for your benefit only — but for the benefit of the whole system. And the more you surrender to this, the more the universe will pour its bounty through you so you can be a bigger giver.” - Derek Rydall

33. “42. The word “desire” means “of the sire” or “of the father.” In other words, that strong impulse to achieve something is actually the “something” already in you, seeking to come out!” - Derek Rydall

34. “Failures give us wisdom. Your failures are just as valuable and rich with blessings. But you must be willing to contemplate them, ask what lesson they have for you, and apply it the next time around.” - Derek Rydall

35. “We didn’t come to earth to get anything. We came to awaken our full potential and infuse this dimension with divine light.” - Derek Rydall

36. “Cultivating an intimate relationship with your inner life is the greatest gift you can give yourself and everyone else on the planet. Within you all the power and substance of life resides. In the stillness at the center of your being is the fountain of pure genius, the source of every masterpiece, the answer to every question, the solution to every problem, and the fulfillment of every dream. But you must daily practice the art of making inner contact in order to actualize this truth.” - Derek Rydall

37. “He that would govern others first should be master of himself.” - Philip Massinger