38 Angel Quotes

July 11, 2024, 1:46 p.m.

38 Angel Quotes

In a world that often feels chaotic and unpredictable, sometimes we find solace in the thought of celestial beings guiding and protecting us. Angel quotes provide a beautiful reminder of the ethereal presence and comforting wisdom that many believe surround us. Whether you’re looking for a source of inspiration, a gentle reminder of hope, or simply a touch of divine light in your daily life, our curated collection of the top 38 angel quotes is sure to lift your spirits and warm your heart. Dive into these heavenly words and let them inspire your soul.

1. “They all have tired mouthsand bright seamless souls.And a longing (as for sin)sometimes haunts their dreams.They are almost all alike; in God's gardens they keep still,like many, many intervalsin his might and melody.Only when they spread their wingsare they wakers of a wind:as if God with his broad sculptor-hands leafed through the pagesin the dark book of the beginning.” - Rainer Maria Rilke

2. “Gabriel.This has to be his fault, somehow. I'm going to track him down, pluck out his angel feathers, and stuff a pillow with them.” - Lisa Desrochers

3. “I have need of angels. Enough hell has swallowed me for too many years. But finally understand this--I have burned up one hundred thousand human lives already, from the strength of my pain.” - Antonin Artaud

4. “Be a light unto the world, and hurt it not. Seek to build not destroy. Bring My people home. How? By your shining example. Seek only Godliness. Speak only in truthfulness. Act only in love. Live the Law of Love now and forever more. Give everything require nothing. Avoid the mundane. Do not accept the unacceptable. Teach all who seek to learn of Me. Make every moment of your life an outpouring of love. Use every moment to think the highest thought, say the highest word, do the highest deed. In this, glorify your Holy Self, and thus too, glorify Me. Bring peace to the Earth by bringing peace to all those whose lives you touch. Be peace. Feel and express in every moment your Divine Connection with the All, and with every person, place, and thing. Embrace every circumstance, own every fault, share every joy, contemplate every mystery, walk in every man’s shoes, forgive every offense (including your own), heal every heart, honor every person’s truth, adore every person’s God, protect every person’s rights, preserve every person’s dignity, promote every person’s interests, provide every person’s needs, presume every person’s holiness, present every person’s greatest gifts, produce every person’s blessing, pronounce every person’s future secure in the assured love of God. Be a living, breathing example of the Highest Truth that resides within you. Speak humbly of yourself, lest someone mistake your Highest Truth for boast. Speak softly, lest someone think you are merely calling for attention. Speak gently, that all might know of Love. Speak openly, lest someone think you have something to hide. Speak candidly, so you cannot be mistaken. Speak often, so that your word may truly go forth. Speak respectfully, that no one be dishonored. Speak lovingly, that every syllable may heal. Speak of Me with every utterance. Make of your life a gift. Remember always, you are the gift! Be a gift to everyone who enters your life, and to everyone whose life you enter. Be careful not to enter another’s life if you cannot be a gift. (You can always be a gift, because you always are the gift—yet sometimes you don’t let yourself know that.) When someone enters your life unexpectedly, look for the gift that person has come to receive from you…I HAVE SENT YOU NOTHING BUT ANGELS.” - Neale Donald Walsch

5. “I have spoken here of heavenly help, of angels dispatched to bless us in time of need. But when we speak of those who are instruments in the hand of God, we are reminded that not all angels are from the other side of the veil. Some of them we walk with and talk with—here, now, every day. Some of them reside in our own neighborhoods. Some of them gave birth to us, and in my case, one of them consented to marry me. Indeed heaven never seems closer than when we see the love of God manifested in the kindness and devotion of people so good and so pure that angelic is the only word that comes to mind.” - Jeffery R. Holland

6. “O smile, going where? O upturned look:new, warm, receding surge of the heart--;alas, we are that surge. Does then the cosmic spacewe dissolve in taste of us? Do the angelsreclaim only what is theirs, their own outstreamed existence,or sometimes, by accident, does a bit of usget mixed in? Are we blended in their featureslike the slight vagueness that complicates the looksof pregnant women? Unnoticed by them in theirwhirling back into themselves? (How could they notice?)” - Rainer Maria Rilke

7. “God will reward you,' he said. 'You must be an angel since you care for flowers.” - Victor Hugo

8. “He reached forward to cup my cheek, the touch surprising me. "Please understand that no matter what I am or what has happened in the past, I am yours. I am devoted to you above all else, including my own life."I exhaled after holding my breath for what felt like forever. "That's pretty heavy, Will." His expression was impassioned, and the backs of his fingers brushed the side of my neck."It is a burden I am glad to carry.” - Courtney Allison Moulton

9. “The mystic chords of memory, stretching from every battle-field, and patriot grave, to every living heart and hearth-stone, all over this broad land, will yet swell the chorus of the Union, when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature.--as quoted in THE RIVER OF WINGED DREAMS” - Abraham Lincoln

10. “When once we quit the basis of sensation, all is in the wind. To talk of immaterial existences is to talk of nothings. To say that the human soul, angels, god, are immaterial, is to say they are nothings, or that there is no god, no angels, no soul. I cannot reason otherwise: but I believe I am supported in my creed of materialism by Locke, Tracy, and Stewart.{Letter to John Adams, from Monticello, 15 August 1820}” - Thomas Jefferson

11. “When angels' tears do flood the earth, the gates of hell shall see rebirth. Wheh the demise of angels doth impend , the human boy shall meet his end' Halo -Alexandra Adornetto” - Alexandra Adornetto

12. “She hadn’t planned any of this, but her thoughts ran away with her, and she hated how pathetic she must sound. Poor little human needed the big bad angel to rescue her. Yuck.” - India Drummond

13. “No. It is said that the Nephilim are the children of men and angels. All that this angelic heritage has given to us is a longer distance to fall.” - Cassandra Clare

14. “The sudden urge to join the fray was intoxicating.Aaron Corbet” - Thomas E. Sniegoski

15. “I've been sleeping with the night light unpluggedWith a note on the rocking chairIt says I'm dreaming of the life I once lovedSo wake me if you're out there” - Owl City

16. “We’re not exactly heavenly angels. More like prison inmates with wings.” - Keri Lake

17. “Unfortunately for you love, I take my pleasure with a shot of pain” - Keri Lake

18. “I blinked at him just casually talking about my new sex life with his genie-shiny head, and I knew at any second I would break into hysterics.” - Laura Kreitzer

19. “The satisfying sound of bone giving way, as well as his outraged cry, made the you-had-it-coming-asshole angles sing.” - J.A. Saare

20. “If the bards of old the true has toldThe sirens have raven hair.But over the earth since art had birth,They paint the angels fair.” - L.M. Montgomery

21. “The treachery of demons is nothing compared to the betrayal of an angel.” - Brenna Yovanoff

22. “His angelic wings blackened when the dark fury assailed his mind. Summoning new strength from the unholy power that ravaged his soul, grieved to drastic levels of desperation by the tainting of the holy light within him, he combated ally and enemy alike, bent on destroying both sides in order to ensure the quelling of the dark energies there and then. For days and nights, the lone warrior bathed himself in the blood of angels and demons. And when it was over, he stood alone on contaminated land, with a contaminated soul. He was banned forever from Heaven and not even Hell had space for a creature which seemed to cherish Oblivion over Pandemonium. The dark angel, not so far removed from his former self as his superiors seemed to believe, died on the edge of the cliffs, of utter loneliness and despair.” - T. A. Miles

23. “What is it?" she asked. "I'm looking for your wings. You are my guardian angel, aren't you?" "I'm afraid not," she replied, her cheeks dimplingwith a wry smile. "There's too much of the devil in me for that." "Just how much devil," I grinned, "are we talking about here?” - Gregory David Roberts

24. “Darkness as well as light. Or do I mean darkness, another kind of light? Lucifer would say so, and I have a weakness for fallen angels.” - Jeanette Winterson

25. “We be light, we be life, we be fire! We sing electric flame, we rumble underground wind, we dance heaven! Come be we and be free!” - Kate Griffin

26. “Un-winged and naked, sorrow surrenders its crown to a throne called grace.” - Aberjhani

27. “Whose are all these ghosts?” she said, smiling at a flustered-looking Geraldine. “Oh,” said Geraldine, “I think they might be mine...?” - Diane Hall

28. “Taking advantage of me in my sleep, archangel?” --Gin” - Sarah Gilman

29. “L'avrebbe trovata?Senza il minimo dubbio.L'avrebbe salvata?Sempre.” - Lauren Kate

30. “In the meantime, when he went on his way back, the seed had grown into a tree which reached up to the sky. Then thought the peasant, 'As thou hast the chance, thou must just see what the angels are doing up there above, and for once have them before thine eyes.' So he climbed up, and saw that the angels above were threshing oats, and he looked on.” - Brothers Grimm

31. “To commit the least possible sin is the law for man. To live without sin is the dream of an angel. Everything terrestrial is subject to sin. Sin is a gravitation.” - Victor Hugo

32. “You are blessed with a knack for sucking the wonder out of the extraordinary.” - Daniel McHugh

33. “If an ancient man saw planes two thousand years ago He would've thought they were birds Or angels from another world Or messengers from other planets.” - Dejan Stojanovic

34. “Bitter, bitter, this desolation of angels.” - Laini Taylor

35. “What’s ‘at supposed tae mean?” He asked insulted.“Everyone always has an ulterior motive.” I replied.“Well I dinnae, an’ I’m nae claimin’ tae be innocent. I was lookin’ fur ye, as per yer mother’s request. Nae hidden agenda here!” He said sternly. “Besides, if I wanted ye dead, you’d be dead.” He stressed out the last part.” - S.L. Ross

36. “What are you doing?” Egnatious asked, eyebrows furrowed as he watched Gabriella do a flip.Firen mimicked Gabriella and turned to Egnatious. “Fun times. Go with it.” She didn’t even crack a smile, though her body language said she was laughing on the inside.Instead of following their act, Egnatious simply dove for an outcrop just as it began moving away. He nearly lost his balance, but Firen caught his flailing arms.“Are you having a seizure or something?” she jested, displaying a rare vein of humor.Egnatious sent her a queasy glare.” - Laura Kreitzer

37. “The Ferryman will transport us across the moat,” Chris informed. “Yeah. This seems legit,” Gabriella quipped as Chris helped her onto the boat. Andrew followed behind.“Are you sure this isn’t a trick?” Egnatious asked.Again, uncertainty filtered into Chris’s blue eyes, but he nodded anyway. “This is the only way.” - Laura Kreitzer

38. “I hate fallen angels. They can talk about nothing but their fall and sins.” - Lara Biyuts