40 Inspiring Wish Quotes

Aug. 21, 2024, 9:45 a.m.

40 Inspiring Wish Quotes

Are you seeking a dose of inspiration to brighten your day? Look no further. We've compiled a curated collection of the top 40 inspiring wish quotes, each designed to fill your heart with hope and your mind with motivation. Whether you're at the cusp of a new journey, striving to achieve a long-held dream, or simply in need of a spark to ignite your spirit, these quotes will remind you of the boundless possibilities that await. Dive into this treasure trove of wisdom and let the words of these visionaries guide you toward a more fulfilling life.

1. “When I was growing up I always wanted to be someone. Now I realize I should have been more specific.” - Lily Tomlin

2. “You’re wishin’ too much, baby. You gotta stop wearing your wishbone where your backbone oughtta be.” - Elizabeth Gilbert

3. “Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” - Mahatma Gandhi

4. “Nothing is easier than self-deceit.For what every man wishes,that he also believes to be true.” - Demosthenes

5. “It sounds like a fairy-tale, but not only that; this story of what man by his science and practical inventions has achieved on this earth, where he first appeared as a weakly member of the animal kingdom, and on which each individual of his species must ever again appear as a helpless infant... is a direct fulfilment of all, or of most, of the dearest wishes in his fairy-tales. All these possessions he has acquired through culture. Long ago he formed an ideal conception of omnipotence and omniscience which he embodied in his gods. Whatever seemed unattainable to his desires - or forbidden to him - he attributed to these gods. One may say, therefore, that these gods were the ideals of his culture. Now he has himself approached very near to realizing this ideal, he has nearly become a god himself. But only, it is true, in the way that ideals are usually realized in the general experience of humanity. Not completely; in some respects not at all, in others only by halves. Man has become a god by means of artificial limbs, so to speak, quite magnificent when equipped with all his accessory organs; but they do not grow on him and they still give him trouble at times... Future ages will produce further great advances in this realm of culture, probably inconceivable now, and will increase man's likeness to a god still more.” - Sigmund Freud

6. “And so sepúlchred in such pomp dost lie,That kings for such a tomb would wish to die.” - John Milton

7. “I wish...I wish I were dead...”“And what use would that be to anyone?” - J.K. Rowling

8. “As soon as he was gone, we opened, "Baucis and Philemon." An elderly couple living in a cottage, they're granted a wish by Jove. They confer in private before Philemon asks, "May one hour take us both away; let neither outlive the other." The wish is granted. I said, "Simultaneous deaths? Why didn't they wish for eternal happiness instead? What else would anyone wish for?" "They did wish for that," answered Jamie.” - David Guterson

9. “If you have a goal, write it down. If you do not write it down, you do not have a goal - you have a wish.” - Steve Maraboli

10. “At the heart of the matter is a battle between wish and fear. Fear generally proves stronger than a wish, but it leaves a taste of disappointment on the tongue.” - George Packer

11. “Death and what came after death was no great mystery to Sabriel. She just wished it was.” - Garth Nix

12. “Ruri: Is it possible that Shuichiro gets more cuddly every day?Hari: Indubitably...” - Clamp

13. “I wish sometimes that the gods would either choose better, or make their wishes clearer” - Jacqueline Carey

14. “Smartass Disciple: Master, why do some people so stubborn and unruly ?Master of Stupidity: Only when you want them do according to your wish.” - Toba Beta

15. “We ate the birds. We ate them. We wanted their songs to flow up through our throats and burst out of our mouths, and so we ate them. We wanted their feathers to bud from our flesh. We wanted their wings, we wanted to fly as they did, soar freely among the treetops and the clouds, and so we ate them. We speared them, we clubbed them, we tangled their feet in glue, we netted them, we spitted them, we threw them onto hot coals, and all for love, because we loved them. We wanted to be one with them. We wanted to hatch out of clean, smooth, beautiful eggs, as they did, back when we were young and agile and innocent of cause and effect, we did not want the mess of being born, and so we crammed the birds into our gullets, feathers and all, but it was no use, we couldn’t sing, not effortlessly as they do, we can’t fly, not without smoke and metal, and as for the eggs we don’t stand a chance. We’re mired in gravity, we’re earthbound. We’re ankle-deep in blood, and all because we ate the birds, we ate them a long time ago, when we still had the power to say no.” - Margaret Atwood

16. “You can want one thing and have a secret wish for its opposite.” - Deb Caletti

17. “Wish it, believe it, and it will be so.” - Deborah Smith

18. “Now you know how badly someone wanted you, Charley. Children forget that sometimes. They think of themselves as a burden instead of a wish granted.” - Mitch Albom

19. “She wondered again about her inclination to wish for things that made her so deeply unhappy.” - Ann Brashares

20. “İstediğin bir şey olmuyorsa ya daha iyisi olacağı için ya da gerçekten de olmaması gerektiği için olmuyordur.” - Rumi

21. “But I don't want more things than I need, either.” - Isabel Allende

22. “Don't wish,"said Rain, "don't start. Wishing only...” - Gregory Maguire

23. “That wish - that prayer - both men and women would have scorned me for - "But, Father, Thou wilt not despise!" I said, and felt that it was true.” - Anne Brontë

24. “The only difference between a wish and a prayer is that you're at the mercy of the universe for the first, and you've got some help with the second.” - Jodi Picoult

25. “If I told you to wish for good health, you would think I'm ridiculous; but when I exchange the word "wish" for the word "pray", you believe it can work. That is the disempowering delusion religions have brought us.” - Steve Maraboli

26. “My life changed the day I moved beyond just wishing for things and I started earning them. That is the day I learned that we don't get what we wish for, we get what we work for.” - Steve Maraboli

27. “Apparently, the world is not a wish-granting factory.” - John Green

28. “Sometimes the soul takes pictures of things it has wished for, but never seen.” - Anne Sexton

29. “Life is not about finding your true self, but creating who you wish to be.” - Steven Redhead

30. “He knew that people were staring at him. He looked different. Even different from other Erasers. He wasn't as —seamless. He didn't look as human as the rest of them did when they weren't morphed. He kind of looked morphy all the time. He hadn't seen his plain real face in —a long time."I know who you are."Ari almost jumped —he hadn't noticed the boy slide onto the bench next to him.He frowned down at the small, open face. "What?" he growled. This was when the little boy would get scared and probably turn and run. It always happened.The boy smiled. "1 know who you are," he said, pointing at Ari happily.Ari just snarled at him.The boy wiggled with excitement. "You're Wolverine!"Ari stared at him."You look awesome, dude," said the boy. "You're totally my favorite. You're the strongest one of all of them and the coolest too. I wish 1 was like you."Ari almost gagged. No one had ever, ever said anything like that to him.” - James Patterson

31. “Miki-san... do you truly want that person's dream to come true? Or is it that you want to be that person's savior for making that dream come true? If you're going to fulfill someone else's dream, that's the time when it's most important to be sure you know your own wish. The two might seem the same, but they're entirely different.” - Magica Quartet

32. “The only thing I can tell you is when it's there, you know it. And when it ain't, no amount of wishful thinking will make it so.” - Ginny Baird

33. “PERMALINK · 169465 · 15 HOURS AGO"She tried to feel sad, or guilty, or even to be angry about the way things had happened, but there frankly wasn’t much room in either her head or her heart for wishing or moping.” - Megan Hart

34. “He wants to be grown-up. How different dreams can be! Nature will soon grant your wish.” - Cornelia Funke

35. “I wish I could take it all back, but I can’t. And I definitely can’t un-feel a feeling.” - Jolene Stockman

36. “Be not wishing and pining but thankfully content.  For it is a short bridge between wanting and regret."- from "Dimpellumpzki” - Richelle E. Goodrich

37. “I once had a dreams of becoming a beautiful poet, but upon an unfortunate series of events some of those dreams dashed and divided like a million stars in the night sky that I wished on over and over again, sparkling and broken.But I didn't really mind, because I knew that it takes getting everything you ever wanted, and then losing it to know what true freedom is.” - Lana Del Rey

38. “What our contempt often hurls from us,We wish it our again; the present pleasure,By revolution lowering, does becomeThe opposite of itself” - William Shakespeare

39. “He imagined them sitting somewhere, just enjoying each other's company, her head on his chest, his arm around her. And he realized how desperately lonely he had become.” - Tim LaHaye

40. “Kiss a frog with your eyes wide open. If he turns into a prince you won't miss the transformation, but if he doesn't, you won't be fooled by some wishful illusion in your head.” - Richelle E. Goodrich