40 Quotes From The 39 Clues

Sept. 14, 2024, 12:45 p.m.

40 Quotes From The 39 Clues

The 39 Clues is a beloved multi-author series that has captivated readers of all ages with its thrilling adventure, family secrets, and thought-provoking quests. Throughout the pages of its various books, there are numerous quotes that resonate deeply and leave a lasting impression. Whether you’re a die-hard fan of the series or new to the exciting world of the Cahill family, you’ll find inspiration, wisdom, and perhaps even a bit of humor in these memorable lines. Join us as we explore a curated collection of the top 40 quotes from The 39 Clues, each one a testament to the series' enduring charm and appeal.

1. “You know how to steer a yacht?" Mr. McIntyre asked Ian worriedly."I was born knowing how to steer a yacht," Ian said. Then a stricken look came over his face. "But–do you suppose Jonah prepaid the full amount for renting this? Once my dad hears what Natalie and I did, he'll cancel our credit cards.""You mean we're...we're poor now?" Natalie gasped."Penniless," Ian said grimly."Actually," Mr. McIntyre said, "I should have mentioned this before the others left. Grace had an addendum to her will regarding everyone who made it through the gauntlet. There were eight of you–you will all receive double the amount you turned down to get the first clue.""It was a million dollars originally," Ian said. "So Natalie and I each get two million dollars? I suppose we could live on that."Natalie beamed."That is such a relief!" she said. "Being poor wasn't quite as bad as I thought it would be, but still–""You were only poor for about two seconds!" Dan protested, rolling his eyes.” - Margaret Peterson Haddix

2. “We meant to temporarily disable her," Ian said. "Just a drop. But Natalie slipped during air turbulence. Before we could warn your nose-ringed nanny, she drenched us. Luckily, she allowed us to retrieve the antidote from our carry-on.""That's kindness," Amy said."I made them agree to give me all their cash," Nellie explained."That's bribery," Natalie grumbled.” - Peter Lerangis

3. “A Styrofoam egg carton caught his eye. He opened it and found a single silver orb with little blinking red lights. "This is cool, too!" He dropped it into his backpack."Dan, no!""What? They've got plenty of other stuff, and we need all the help we can get!""It could be dangerous.""I hope so.” - Rick Riordan

4. “Dan was thrilled that the second clue had been safely smuggled out of the church in his pants."So, really, I saved the day," he decided."Wait a minute," Amy said, "I climbed onto the roof in the middle of a thunderstorm.""Yeah, but the clue was in my pants.” - Rick Riordan

5. “Nellie grinned. "I always wanted to go to Venice. It's supposed to be the romance capital of the world.""Sweet," put in Dan. "Too bad your date is an Egyptian Mau on a hunger strike."The au pair sighed. "Better than an eleven-year-old with a big mouth.” - Gordon Korman

6. “Amy turned to Nellie. "Can you create a diversion to draw the clerk outside?"The au pair was wary. "What kind of diversion?""You could pretend to be lost," Dan proposed. "The guy comes out to give you directions, and we slip inside.""That's the most sexist idea I've ever heard," Nellie said harshly. "I'm female, so I have to be clueless. He's male, so he's got a great sense of direction.""Maybe you're from out of town," Dan suggested. "Wait–you are from out of town."Nellie stashed their bags under a bench and set Saladin on the seat with a stern "You're the watchcat. Anybody touches those bags, unleash your inner tiger."The Egyptian Mau surveyed the street uncertainly. "Mrrp." Nellie sighed. "Lucky for us there's no one around. Okay, I'm going in there. Be ready."The clerk said something to her–probably May I help you? She smiled apologetically. "I don't speak Italian.""Ah–you are American." His accent was heavy, but he seemed eager to please. "I will assist you." He took in her black nail polish and nose ring. "Punk, perhaps, is your enjoyment?""More like a punk/reggae fusion," Nellie replied thoughtfully. "With a country feel. And operatic vocals."The clerk stared in perplexity.Nellie began to tour the aisles, pulling out CDs left and right. "Ah–Artic Monkeys–that's what I'm talking about. And some Bad Brains–from the eighties. Foo Fighters–I'll need a couple from those guys. And don't forget Linkin Park..."He watched in awe as she stacked up an enormous armload of music. "There," she finished, slapping Frank Zappa's Greatest Hits on top of the pile. "That should do for a start.""You are a music lover," said the wide-eyed cashier."No, I'm a kleptomaniac." And she dashed out the door.” - Gordon Korman

7. “I'll sue!" Ian sputtered. "I'll sue you AND the dog. And the country of South Korea. And...and...""The landscape architect?" Natalie asked."The landscape architect!" Ian shouted.” - Peter Lerangis

8. “You guys are related to Jonah Wizard?" Jake asked, his lip curled disdainfully."And the other guy," Dan grumbled. "Vin Diesel's stunt double.” - Peter Lerangis

9. “In a whirlwind, Reagan quickly knocked off fifty more push-ups, flipped, and did thirty crunches, then turned and landed a kick that dented the metal door. "I'm feeling sick, too, and look at me. What if Babe Ruth had said 'Time to Rest'? Or Michael Phelps? Or Neil Armstrong? Come on, guys–what are we?""Hungry," Natalie said."Sleepy," Alistair added."Grumpy," Fiske said."Sneezy," Phoenix piped up."Shot," Nellie said.” - Peter Lerangis

10. “The roar of an engine blasted from his left—and a Harley-Davidson motorcycle with flame decals jumped the sidewalk in front of him.A small crowd of travelers scattered."How do you say, 'You jerk!' in Turkish?" Jake asked."Erasmus!" Dan cried with relief.Jake balled his fist angrily and shouted, "Erasmus!"” - Peter Lerangis

11. “Once apon a time, Ian's dark, dreamy eyes had made her melt inside. The angle of his head, the wrinkle in the left corner of his lip—they'd obsessed her. And he'd been obsessed right back.Now all Amy wanted to do was throw her shoe at the screen.” - Peter Lerangis

12. “Daniello, you do not like the bread? Eat! ...per favore, have some pasticcio di gnocchi alla boscaiola!""As long as you don't ask me to repeat the name," Dan replied.Luna Amato chuckled. "Charming boy.""Handsome, too," Dan said.” - Peter Lerangis

13. “When we grow up," she said, "we'll have amazing families. Our dens will be better than this. Your kids and my kids will play together in a humongous room with every kind of toy and game.""Except I won't have kids," Dan said. "I'll come over myself and play...” - Peter Lerangis

14. “P.S. You'll have to meet with Dan's principal when you get back. He got in trouble for doing ninja moves in class. Don't worry. This happens all the time.” - Rick Riordan

15. “Caught in a bad romance. Whoaaa-oh-ooooh!"Nellie wailed along to the XM radio blaring from the enormous speakers."Can I uncover my ears now?" Dan called from the back, where he was reclined across the leather seat. "Has Nellie stopped her Lady Gag Me impression?” - Rick Riordan

16. “And now, the waitress standing in front of them. She was beaming, as if Ian had just handed her a puppy with a Visa Black card in its mouth."Can I get you anything else?" she asked as she cleared their untouched plates. "It doesn't look like enjoyed your breakfast very much!""Just the bill, please."She smiled. "Are you going sightseeing today? The first stop on the Freedom Trail is just around the corner. If you go ask Bob over there at the front desk, he can–""We have other plans," Ian interrupted. "That's great! Anything fun?"Natalie looked up at the waitress and gave her a fake smile. Except that on Natalie, it looked more demonic than cheerful. "Our mum's on trial for murder. Today's the verdict. But if it ends early, we'll be sure to pop by the Freedom Trail." The waitress's smile vanished.” - Rick Riordan

17. “Flight 2039 to Boston is now boarding at gate 14A," a voice announced over the PA system.Nellie sighed. "I love Irish accents." She paused. "And Australian accents. And English accents." A dreamy look came over her face. "Theo had an awesome accent."Dan snorted. "Yeah, there was just that one tiny problem. He turned out to be a two-timing, backstabbing thief.” - Rick Riordan

18. “It hurts," Nellie said."I know," Reagan said. "No pain, no gain.""Do you think they made that expression up for bullet wounds?” - Jude Watson

19. “I remember," she said. "Lawrence Malley. He was an expert in security systems.""Aka Lightfinger Larry." Dan grinned. "He was also wanted in five states.""Great," Amy groaned. "I sent you to a tutorial with a crook.""It got us in here, didn't it?""I guess I'm grateful to him, then," Amy said doubtfully."Don't be," Dan said. "The first lock I opened was on your diary. Don't worry, I read two pages and fell asleep.” - Jude Watson

20. “Amy felt her phone vibrate. She held it up. It was from Ian.DON'T ASK THE PRICE OF ANYTHING. DON'T SMILE. DON'T SAY "DO YOU HAVE ANYTHING CHEAPER?" DON'TAmy shoved the phone back in her pocket. "Just pretend to be Ian," she told Dan.” - Jude Watson

21. “McIntyre hesitated, and for a moment the tall, gray-haired man looked almost boyish. "After all this time...don't you think you could call me William?"Amy and Dan exchanged glances. As fond as they were of him, they couldn't imagine calling their lawyer by his first name.He saw the hesitation on their faces. "Will?"Amy cleared her throat. Dan fiddled with the new GPS."How about 'Mac'?""Mac," Dan said, trying out the name.Mr. McIntyre looked wistful. "I always wanted to be a Mac.” - Jude Watson

22. “Oh, terrific," Dan muttered. "Just what we need. Another code! Why can't people just say what they mean? Why can't they say THE MAP IS IN THE DESK?” - Jude Watson

23. “Listen!""Ludwig was mad, broBut he was also bad, bro,Was his own 'Iliad,' bro...""Jonah!" Amy breathed.” - Jude Watson

24. “The sunset was spectacular, and they were safe in the minibus with the students from Estonia who were on their way to Salzburg for the Sound of Music tour. Jonah sat up front with girls and led a sing-along.Who would have guessed that the hip-hop star knew all the words to "Climb Ev'ry Mountain"?” - Jude Watson

25. “Ninja Assasins Incorporated, Dan Cahill speaking. Who would you like offed today?” - Riley Clifford

26. “Dan opened the Zippo and lit the fuse.It hissed for half a seconds, then the rocket shot screaming away.Crack!"Over there!" One of the kidnappers shouted.Amy started to rise. "Let's go!""Wait," Dan said, aiming the second rocket. "It's a two-part plan." He lit the fuse and the rocket shot off in the direction of the would-be kidnappers."Auuuurrrrgghh!""Run now!" Dan said.Amy and Dan burst from the dumpster and scrambled for the entrance of the lot. Looking behind him, Dan saw that one of the kidnappers was frantically fanning his butt, which was smoking slightly."Part two was completely unnecessary, wasn't it?" Amy yelled as they ran."Yup!” - Riley Clifford

27. “Whoa," Madison whistled, craning her neck to examine the chandelier."This is even fancier than Red Lobster," Reagan said in awe."Look at this rich people's hockey-stick holder," Madison said as she ran a slightly grubby finger along the edge of the antique umbrella stand. "I want one!” - Riley Clifford

28. “Hi!" she said, a bit louder than she meant to. Ian raised one eyebrow and Amy felt the beginnings of a blush. She started to give Ian a hug, but he had already bent forward to kiss her on the cheek. Her sudden movement three him off, and they ended up bumping foreheads. "Sorry," Amy said, turning away so Ian wouldn't see that her face had turned bright red."Quite all right. I had forgotten you do things differently across the pond." He took a step back to look at Amy. "I take it jeans are the latest in evening wear here in the wild west?" He made an exaggerated show of narrowing her eyes. "Is that a juice stain on your blouse? How fetching.” - Riley Clifford

29. “Who's Evan?" Ian asked."Amy's boyfriend!""Amy, since when do you have a boyfriend?" Ian probed."Since none of your business!” - Gordon Korman

30. “Amy was profoundly shocked. "A little over an hour ago, our bus was attacked by three men in ski masks. They definitely knew me, and probably Dan, too. We fought them off, but it could've gone either way.""Like if they'd used a cookie truck instead of a gas tanker," Dan added. "Nobody's scared of Oreos.” - Gordon Korman

31. “Amy hugged Sinead, and Dan scratched Saladin. "Later, Saladin. Take it easy on Kabra. On second thought, don't.” - Gordon Korman

32. “Nellie Gomez awoke to a splitting headache. Worse, she was still hungry."Where's my croissant?" she demanded of the person leaning over her."Dear child," came a strangely familiar voice."Don't 'dear child' me!" she snapped. The twenty-two-year-old punk rocker ran black-polished fingernails through black-and-orange-dyed hair, which did nothing to soothe the pounding behind her black-shaded eyes. "Give me my croissant or I'll–"It was then that she suddenly realized she was threatening the venerable Alistair Oh. "Alistair, what are you doing here?” - Gordon Korman

33. “I'm starving. When we check into our hotel, let's ask the desk clerk where we can find one of those vast pizzas.""What are you talking about?""Your guidebook says Florence is a city of vast pizzas. Look it up yourself.""Those are vast piazzas, not pizzas! It means public squares!"Dan's face fell. "Oh."Amy sighed. "I honestly thought the clue hunt took the dweeb out of you. No such luck.” - Gordon Korman

34. “Here's some more stuff we're going to need."1 pair coveralls1 extension ladder (30 foot)1 glass cutter1 artist's portfolio (large)1 water pistol1 bottle india ink1 portable trampoline (collapsible)1 bicycle w/basket4 pizza boxesJonah whistled. "I hope you've got some crazy evil-genius strategy, 'cause–straight up–I don't get it.” - Gordon Korman

35. “Free food!" mumbled Hamilton, his mouth full. "No wonder you're rich. You don't have to pay for anything.""Since when is it free?" Jonah demanded. "If I don't leave a big tip, it'll be all over Europe that the Wiz is a cheapskate! They'll seat me behind the sound-man from the penguin movie at the Oscars!” - Gordon Korman

36. “Fiske spoke sharply to the four walls. "We need medical attention immediately. We have a gunshot wound that requires treatment.""You're not going to get through to them by talking like an English professor," scoffed Reagan. "Hey!" she bawled. "Get a doctor down here! She's in pain, thanks to you! What are you going to do about it?” - Gordon Korman

37. “The key to the city of Florence was about two feet long, and painted a garish gold.Hamilton was fascinated by it. "Wow! How big is the lock?"Jonah laughed. "There is no lock, cuz. It's an honorary gig. Back in my crib in LA, I've got a whole shed full of keys from different cities. Want to know the kicker? I can't get at them. The gardener lost the key to the shed.” - Gordon Korman

38. “Ian sighed wanly. "I once had the means to be gaga over art–before I found myself in a country where the standard of beauty is toaster waffles shaped like cartoon characters.” - Gordon Korman

39. “Hamilton dabbed a tissue at the cut under his eye. "Except for the time I met the Great Khali, that was the coolest thing I've ever done!"The foursome, only slightly the worse for wear, stood on the tarmac of the small airfield outside Milan, transferring their luggage from the limo to Jonah's jet for the flight back to Florence. "You didn't do anything, yo," Jonah seethed. "It was done to all of us by the freak show with the nerve to complain that the family branches are too violent!” - Gordon Korman

40. “Wonderful. What's the point of throwing a hissy fit without friends and family on hand to hear it?"-Amy Cahill” - Gordon Korman