40 Sophie Quotes To Inspire

Aug. 20, 2024, 7:45 a.m.

40 Sophie Quotes To Inspire

In a world filled with endless information and overwhelming choices, sometimes all it takes is a few powerful words to uplift our spirits and fuel our ambitions. Sophie has long been known for her ability to capture profound wisdom and heartfelt emotions in her quotes. Whether you are seeking motivation, comfort, or a fresh perspective on life's myriad experiences, our curated collection of the top 40 Sophie quotes promises to inspire and resonate. Immerse yourself in this eloquent blend of thought-provoking insights and timeless truths, and let Sophie's words guide you toward greater clarity and purpose.

1. “The thing of it was that the girls in my class who date boys do hardly anything else. Girls who I used to think were just boring I now think stupid beyond belief. I call them A-Girls and it is not a compliment.” - Garret Freymann-Weyr

2. “I've got a hangover.""No, you hit your head on the floor.""I can't stay. I've got to rescue that fool Sophie.” - Diana Wynne Jones

3. “Somehow, my whole existence had become a really complicated word problem. I'd always sucked at those.” - Rachel Hawkins

4. “Please don't joke and bleed at the same time.” - Rachel Hawkins

5. “It just seems like overkill when you already have a dagger and I have superpowerful magic at my disposal.”“‘Superpowerful?’”He stood up, a gold chain dangling from his fingers. “Let me remind you of two words, Mercer: Bad. Dog.” - Rachel Hawkins

6. “The more beautiful the skin is, the more deadly it is. That's what Will's like. All that pretty face and whatnot just hides how twisted up and rotten he is on the inside.” - Cassandra Clare

7. “Let me drive," she said, reaching for the reins.He turned to her in disbelief. "This is a phaeton, not a single-horse wagon."Sophie fought the urge to throttle him. His nose was running, his eyes were red, he couldn't stop coughing, and still he found the energy to act like an arrogant peacock. "I assure you," she said slowly, "that I know how to drive a team of horses.” - Julia Quinn

8. “Archer?” I asked, raising my eyebrows. Hey, you might be able to take away my magical powers, but the power of sarcasm was still at my disposal. “Is your last name Newport or Vanderbilt? Maybe followed by some numbers? Ooh!” I said, widening my eyes, “or maybe even Esquire!”I’d hoped to hurt his feelings or, at the very least, make him angry, but he just kept smiling at me. “Actually, it’s Archer Cross, and I’m the first one. Now what about you?” He squinted. “Let’s see . . . brown hair, freckles, whole girl-next-door vibe going on . . . Allie? Lacie? Definitely something cutesy ending in ie.”You know those times when your mouth moves but no sound actually comes out? Yeah, that’s pretty much what happened. And then, of course, my mom took that opportunity to end her conversation with Justin’s parents and call out, “Sophie! Wait up.”“I knew it.” Archer laughed. “See you, Sophie,” he called over his shoulder as he disappeared into the house.” - Rachel Hawkins

9. “Some are just born bad, and that's all there is to it.” - Cassandra Clare

10. “If you're referring to yourself as a 'grown-up', then you're still totally a kid. 'Grown ups' call themselves adults” - Chelsea Fine

11. “They’re not really homes. More like houses where we sleep.Where we eat—if we’re lucky. Where we cry and fight.Where we bleed and break. Where we cower and scream.Where we give up. Where we sigh.Where we barely survive.” - Chelsea Fine

12. “Yeah, I was thinking about taking one of those showers where you huddle in the corner fully clothed and cry," Archer offered.” - Rachel Hawkins

13. “The hand on my hair moved to my back, and I realized someone was singing softly. The voice was familiar, and something about it made my chest ache. Well, that was to be expected. Angels' songs would be awfully poignant. "'I was working as a waitress in a cocktail bar, when I met you...'" the voice crooned. I frowned. Was that really an appropriate song for the Heavenly Host to be--” - Rachel Hawkins

14. “He probably would've raised an eyebrow in that annoying/hot way he had, and made a dirty joke about Elodie possessing me.” - Rachel Hawkins

15. “His voice was low, and I think he would've been hot if he weren't radiating that air of "I Am Super Evil--No, Really--And Not In The Sexy Way.” - Rachel Hawkins

16. “You know, I can see more than just the future or the past.""Really?" I asked, paging through through the papers in the file. "Can you also see the present? Because I can do that, too. Like, right now, I sense that I'm in a messy room with a total toolbox.” - Rachel Hawkins

17. “Um...Mercer? Haven't seen you in nearly a month. I was expecting something like, 'Oh Cross, love of my heart, fire of my loins, how I've longed--” - Rachel Hawkins

18. “Whoa, I'm your girlfriend now?" Archer shrugged. "We've tried to kill each other, fought ghouls, and kissed a lot. I'm pretty sure we're married in some cultures.” - Rachel Hawkins

19. “Okay, fine. But just so you know, following me into hell means you're all definitely the sidekicks.” - Rachel Hawkins

20. “We could go to Lough Bealach,' Aislinn answered.'Is that a place, or are you choking?' I asked, earning me a glare in return.Dad made a strangled sound that might have been a laugh.” - Rachel Hawkins

21. “Look, we are dealing with the possibility of an army of demons. I don’t know about you guys, but those words are right up there with ‘root canal’ and ‘school on Saturdays’ in terms of things that terrify me.” - Rachel Hawkins

22. “Jenna and Archer shared a look. “-Why would we need to ‘stay in touch’?” Jenna asked. “-Well, because…Look, I can’t ask you guys to stay at Hex Hall for a whole other year. Jenna, you have Vix, and Archer, you have…Actually, what DO you have?” “-You,” he said firmly. “And a whole bunch of holy knights who want to kill me.” - Rachel Hawkins

23. “Yeah, and we still have to deal with The Eye being…Eyeish, and me learning to be Head of the Council, which will probably involve lots of boring books and—” Archer pressed his mouth to mine, effectively shutting me up and kissing the hell out of me. When he pulled back, he was grinning. “And you have an arrogant, screwed-up former demon hunter who is stupidly in love with you.” - Rachel Hawkins

24. “Cal's face swam into view. I couldn't hear him over the ringing in my ears. I'm pretty sure he mouthed for me to lie still, which seemed easy enough.He held my hand, and while the pain didn't go away, a woozy sense of calm spread over me. So I was pretty dispassionate as I rolled my head to the side and watched Cal pull a six-inch shared of demonglass out of my shoulder. As soon as it was out, the burning faded, but I knew I'd have yet another another scar. "That present sucked," I muttered.” - Rachel Hawkins

25. “I told you, I suck at this. It's like any time I try to do a spell, it goes all big and scary and explodey...” - Rachel Hawkins

26. “What are those people doing?" Jenna whispered to me. "I don't know," I replied through a frozen grin, "but I'm afraid a musical number might be involved.” - Rachel Hawkins

27. “Dad was at his desk when I opened the door, doing what all British people do when they're freaked out: drinking tea.” - Rachel Hawkins

28. “They stared each other down, and while the dorky eleven-year-old in my soul kind of hoped that two hot boys might fight over me, the rational, seventeen-year-old knew that Archer need to get out of here, fast.” - Rachel Hawkins

29. “I wish we could go to the movies."I stared at him. "We're in a creepy dungeon. There's a chance I might die in the next few hours. You are going to die in the next few hours. And if you had one wish, it would be to catch a movie?” - Rachel Hawkins

30. “He gently pried my hand off his arm. "I have to," he said softly. He went to turn away, and then stopped, like maybe he was reconsidering. But instead of agreeing to come back to the Itineris with me, he reached out, cupped my face, and brought his lips to mine.I was so shocked that I literally froze in place, one hand hovering in the air next to Cal's shoulder. The kiss was brief--just a little too long to be considered chaste--but when he pulled away, all I could do was stare at him, my mouth slightly agape. He ran his thumb over my lower lip, sending a tiny flurry of sparks through me. "Goodbye, Sophie.” - Rachel Hawkins

31. “I could cut a star out of paper and drop it.” - Diana Wynne Jones

32. “He headed for the door but stopped halfway. “I love you, Sophie. I love you with my soul.”Her bare arms held up the duvet. “Don’t ruin this, Banallt, please.”“I’m not a villain from one of your novels, Sophie.” She stared at him, wide-eyed. “Unlike them, I can change. I have changed.”Unfortunately, she didn’t believe him.” - Carolyn Jewel

33. “Is it possible?” He could have sworn she was teasing. She shouldn’t have the energy for that.“What?” He lay next to her on his stomach, wrung out. Completely and utterly sated and yet thinking of the things he yet wanted to do to her.“You did.” Her voice was light, teasing even.“What?”“You begged, my lord.”He laughed softly. “To have you make love to me like that, I’ll beg you every night of my life, Lady Banallt.” - Carolyn Jewel

34. “Sophie.” He said her name softly. If her life depended on it, she could not have looked anywhere but into the flat, silver depths of his eyes. She didn’t think it was possible to be more aware of him than she already was, but the next moment proved her wrong. “Darling. I must turn down your offer. I am as astonished as you. But this is a subject upon which I’ve had months to think.You’re intelligent. You suspected my first offer of marriage was based upon my conviction that you would never consent to an affair with me and that it was desperation only for your personthat drove me to offer for you.”“And the second upon a need to rescue me.”He nodded. “Far more straightforward, darling, yet hopelessly complex.”She ignored the shiver in her belly. “Meaning?”“I love you.” He reached for the wine and filled the two glasses, though he left them on the table.“I’ve become like you. A hopeless fool who cannot break his vows. And I did make vows to you today.” - Carolyn Jewel

35. “Howl backed into the door to shut it and leaned there in a tragic attitude. "Look at you all!" he said. "Ruin stares me in the face. I slave all day for you. And not one of you, even Calcifer, can spare time to say hello!"Calcifer said, "I never do say hello.""Is something wrong?" asked Sophie."That's better," Howl said. "Some of you are pretending to notice me at last. Yes, something is wrong.” - Diana Wynne Jones

36. “And then, from behind me: "I thought about you. Every day."I froze, my hand still holding the canvas flap.Cal's voice was slightly hoarse as he continued. "Three weeks is a long time to wonder where someone is. All that time, I thought maybe I'd done the wrong thing, telling you to find the Brannicks.I turned around then. I wanted to make a joke, or say something sarcastic, anything that would cut the tension enveloping us. Instead, I said, "I thought about you, too.” - Rachel Hawkins

37. “My gracefulness took a vacation this weekend?” - E.C. Newman

38. “Demon pox," said Sophie. "Mr. Lightwood's got it, has had for years, and it'll kill him in a right couple of months if he doesn't get the cure. And Mortmain said he can get it for him." The room exploded in a hubbub. Charlotte raced over to Sophie; Henry called after her; Will leaped from his chair and was dancing in a circle.” - Cassandra Clare

39. “It's gonna be the scene of a homicide if you don't put bitchy on the back burner” - Rachel Vincent

40. “¿Puedes escucharlos? –reclamó. –¡Oh, eso no es justo para nada! –Todo es muy romántico, –dijo Gabriel y frunció el ceño. – O lo sería si mi hermano pudiera soltar una palabra sin sonar como una rana atragantándose. Me temo que no pasará a la historia como uno de los máximos conquistadores de las mujeres en el mundo.” - Cassandra Clare