41 Jack Quotes

July 14, 2024, 5:46 a.m.

41 Jack Quotes

In the world of quotes, few names resonate as strongly as Jack. Whether he's a character in literature, a historical figure, or an everyday person, Jack's words often carry wisdom, wit, and inspiration. In this post, we've curated a collection of the top 41 Jack quotes that span a variety of contexts and genres. From memorable movie lines to timeless book excerpts, these quotes capture the essence of what makes Jack a universally compelling name. Dive in and discover poignant reflections, clever quips, and profound insights that will inspire and entertain you.

1. “Kate lost a mother," I said, "but I lost a nothing."Kate doesn't feel that way," Jack assured me.But what about everybody else besides Kate? How can I ever explain to anyone what she was when she and I had no name? People need names for everything. I wasn't a relative or a friend, I was just an object of her kindness."He wiped my cheeks, saying Ssshh. I buried my face in his shoulder.True kindness is stabilizing," I went on. "When you feel it and when you express it, it becomes the whole meaning of things. Like all there is to achieve. It's life, demystified. A place out of self, a network of simple pleasures, not a waltz, but like whirls within a waltz."You're the one now," Jack said definitively. "That's why you met her. She had something she had to pass on." (p. 95)” - Hilary Thayer Hamann

2. “Hey, times are tough, and thirty gold coins can do a lot of good. But I guess you wouldn't know about needing money, since you grew up like a little princ..."(Rapunzel glares)"Prin... soner. I mean, prisoner! A prisoner in a tower, such a shame, that.” - Shannon Hale

3. “Commander! Sir! Wake up!"Jack surfaced from sleep, wondering who the commander was and wishing he'd respond so he could go back to sleep - until he remembered that he was the commander.” - Cinda Williams Chima

4. “Why use a 10 letter word you can barely pronounce...when a four letter one will do.” - Timothy Pina

5. “A person who gossips & talks too much may not suffer from Bipolar Disorder but may suffer from Verbal Diarrhea.:)” - Timothy Pina

6. “If you come to a fight thinking it will be a fair one, you didn't come prepared.” - F. Paul Wilson

7. “Maybe I’m a human, but I’m a me-and-Ma as well.” - Emma Donoghue

8. “Do you know who I am, you sodding barn animal?" he hissed. The publican gurgled. "I'm Jack fucking Winter." Jack said, releasing him with a push that rattled clean glasses on the bar back.” - Caitlin Kittredge

9. “Jack lifts his mug. Me an Ike do the same.To Molly Pratt, says Jack.Ike scowls at him. Watch yer mouth, he says.Jeez, Ike, says Jack. All I’m sayin is … to Molly Pratt.Ike looks sly. Leans in an waggles his eyebrows. To Molly Pratt, he says, an her frilly red bloomers.One helluva woman, says Jack.One helluva pair of undies, says Ike.Then they throw their drinks down their necks.” - Moira Young

10. “Grandpa?" Declan raised his eyebrows."We keep him in the shed out back," Jack said helpfully. "So he doesn't eat dog brains.” - Ilona Andrews

11. “He leaned forward and said, "Tell me, friend. Is there more for us?"I looked down at my feet. "There's everything for us.” - Brodi Ashton

12. “Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. He had the two wards of the fucking Marshal of the fucking Southern Provinces in a stolen car. An entire continent away from where the two of them were supposed to be. In the Broken. Where they had beat up some Broken children. Well, if those children weren’t broken before, they were surely broken now. Fate, that broody, vicious, fickle bitch.” - Ilona Andrews

13. “Sweet,” he whispered, and stole a kiss from her lips. “Sweet… let me stay with you a little longer.”-Jack to Amanda” - Lisa Kleypas

14. “Rather than argue, Amanda smiled at him. “And then what will you do while your son or daughter is in charge of your store and your companies?” “I’ll spend my days and nights pleasing you,” he said. “It’s a challenging occupation, after all.” He laughed and dodged as she went to swat his attractive backside.” - Lisa Kleypas

15. “That's all right," she told him. "I can manage. I can sleep outside just fine."Four pairs of eyes looked at her with a distinctly male skepticism.” - Ilona Andrews

16. “Doode," George said.He'd practiced all morning but still didn't get it quite right. "Nope, more u, less oo. Duuude.""Dude.""Dude.""Okay, dude." George nodded. "How's it hanging?" Jack asked. "How am I supposed to answer that?" George looked at him. "I don't think Kaldar said anything about that. I guess 'good'? I don't get it. What's hanging anyway?"George shook his head. "Your stuff, you nimwit."His stuff...Oh. Ha! "In that case, it's hanging long!" Jack dissolved in giggles. "Long, get it?” - Ilona Andrews

17. “It really turns me on when you talk geek.” - Marta Acosta

18. “Now I know this is going to seem counter to every instinct that you have, but I'm going to ask you to sit still, or I'll put you in the trunk.” - Anna White

19. “...the future is not written. It lies in the choices you make. Our future is ours to decide. Always.” - Matt Myklusch

20. “I guess it could be worse. My name could be Tlaquepaque, or Irkutsk, or Pyongyang. Or, you know, Pittsburgh. Sometimes I flip through the atlas just to remind myself of all the names that would be worse than mine.” - Tamara Summers

21. “So …” Jack clears his throat. “We …”Is Jack Coombs at a loss for words? I guess we don’t have to worry about the performance since the world is clearly going to end.” - Elizabeth Eulberg

22. “Have you ever loved anyone?""You mean besides my mum?"Luke was dumbfounded as he stared at Jack. He knew his friend's story. "She sold you when you were five."Jack shrugged. "Doesn't mean I didn't love her. Just means she didn't love me.” - Lorraine Heath

23. “Jack might look my age, but he was like a little kid on a sugar high --- in need of a good spanking. --- Good heavens, that sounded creepy.” - Kiersten White

24. “Jack stares at me blankly. ‘A what?’ he asks. I choke back the laugh. ‘A boy. You know? A Y-chromosome holder? You don’t seem to notice them as much as you do the X-carriers.’ ‘What are you talking about?’ Jack asks, ‘A boy? She’s just a kid.’ I hesitate, wondering how Jack is only just doing the maths on this one now. ‘She’s seventeen. She’s not a kid anymore.’ Jack looks like he’s about to go all Incredible Hulk and burst out of his clothes before rampaging through the bar. He jumps off the stool. ‘If any boy ever lays a finger on my sister, I’m going to kill him,’ he says. Again I stare at him in silence, thinking of all the girls Jack has laid fingers and much more of his anatomy on besides. Poor Lila. If she ever wants to have a shot at a normal life, as in one that doesn’t require a vow of celibacy, she needs to stay in London.” - Sarah Alderson

25. “Put the gun to my head and paint walls with my brains.” - Chuck Palahniuk

26. “I wasn´t looking for a man at all. That changed when I saw you. I picked you because I couldn´t not pick you".” - Robin Covington

27. “Do Engineers have stories, Jack?" he asked. "What?" Jack said, without moving."Stories. Myths. Things to keep the boredom out on a long shift.""I think they play cards, mostly," Jack answered. It was a lie, but he told it with surprising deftness; not a waver in his voice or a hesitation in his words. Only the tightening of his shoulders told Ellis he was lying.” - Sam Starbuck

28. “People can be in love with more than one person. That doesn't mean there isn't one more special than the others, and that they can't end up with the one they should be with.” - Sean Develin

29. “Move fast, travel light, an never tell 'em your real name.” - Moira Young

30. “We're bein cut asunder, Lugh an me.BitBy bit.An it makes me think.It makes me wonder.Is this how he feels when he sees me with Jack? Do I look at Jack the way Lugh looks at Maev?Helpess.Throat bared.Hopeless.” - Moira Young

31. “Thank you, I guess.It’s good to see they’ve replaced Silas Briggs withsomeone who’s a little more reasonable.” He grinned.“Not to mention, someone with a much prettier face.”Agent Pallas snapped the ankle monitor on, and Kyleyelled out in pain.“Son of a bitch, you got some skin there!” he said toPallas.Cameron threw the FBI agent a look. “Jack.”He shrugged. “It slipped.” He turned back to Kyle witha look that could wilt plants.” - Julie James

32. “You know, they say when someone keeps making excuses to say your name it means they like you.” - Kiersten White

33. “Fabulous" Jack said, reaching down and plucking a crimson flower. A small scream sounded from it as he severed the stem. He smiled maliciously, then started stomping with abandon through the beds of blossoms, a chorus of tinny, shrill screams punctuating every step.” - Kiersten White

34. “However he'd found his way here, it didn't matter. I knew then that the boy under the tree had to be mine. That floppy hair should be mine to touch. That big, knuckly boy hand should be mine to hold. That gruff voice should be mine to hear, and those ears should be mine to tell all my secrets to. Except for the biggest secret. That I loved him. More than the crush I was dealing with for years. More than I should've loved a best friend. More than he would ever love me back. I was gone for him.” - Brodi Ashton

35. “Hey, if you're going to say what I think you're going to say…wait, are you going to say it?” he asked, smiling down at me.“Yes, yes I think so.” I grinned shyly back.“Well, then I think we should say it at the same time, yes?” he suggested.“Count of three?” I asked. He nodded.“One…” I started.“Two…” he said, eyes twinkling.“Three,” we said together. We both paused, smiling hugely, and then I took a deep breath.“Jack, I love you.”“I know,” he said at the same time.Ass…“Ass!” I said, smacking him on the arm.“That was great!” he laughed.” - Alice Clayton

36. “Did you just pimp slap my ass with your angel hand?” - Debra Anastasia

37. “I’m not leaving you. Right here, right now is the happiest I’ve ever been. I love you. That means I don’t leave. Sorry.” - Debra Anastasia

38. “How can it be wrong? Love picks the right path, not the one of least resistance.” - Debra Anastasia

39. “My love, I’d volunteer to live a thousand lives if I got to spend any part of them with you.” - Debra Anastasia

40. “The reason faeries don't like iron is that it ties them too strongly to this world. The Paths aren't part of this world - you can't take iron there. It won't let you.'I frowned. "You do realize that makes no sense."'Unlike being able to open a door in the wall and take you to another hemisphere in a matter of minutes? How odd. Everything about Faerie is usually so rational.” - Kiersten White

41. “How did you know to turn back?" I said.With his head still down, he said, "I waited for you.""But its a race. Why did you wait for me?"He lifted his head so that his eyes met mine. "I always wait for you." He took a deep breath, my ankle still in his hands. "I'm always waiting for you."In an embarrassingly breathless voice that didn't sound like my own, I said, "Because I'm so slow?"He smiled. "Yes. But not in the way that you think.” - Brodi Ashton