41 Memorable Quotes From History

June 4, 2024, 9:45 p.m.

41 Memorable Quotes From History

Throughout the annals of human history, words have held the power to inspire, provoke, and endure across generations. From the stirring speeches of great leaders to timeless wisdom encapsulated in a few poignant sentences, memorable quotes have a unique way of resonating deeply within us. They've been the rallying cries of revolutions, the guiding principles for progress, and the spark for countless philosophical reflections. In this post, we invite you on a journey through time to rediscover 41 of the most impactful and memorable quotes ever spoken. Each one offers a glimpse into the mindset of those who shaped our world, providing insights that remain relevant and inspiring today.

1. “To be ignorant of what occurred before you were born is to remain always a child. For what is the worth of human life, unless it is woven into the life of our ancestors by the records of history?” - Marcus Tullius Cicero

2. “In the end I believe the essential spirit that animates those places animates me. If that spirit is God, then I found God...If that spirit is life, then I found life...If that spirit is awe, then I found awe. Part of me suspects it's all three...all I had to do to discover that spirit and the resulting feeling of humility and appreciation was not to look or listen or taste or feel. All I had to do was remember, for what I was looking for I somehow already knew.” - Bruce Feiler

3. “The problem is not the content of textbooks, but the very idea of them.” - Sam Wineburg

4. “What is the cause of historical events? Power. What is power? Power is the sum total of wills transferred to one person. On what condition are the willso fo the masses transferred to one person? On condition that the person express the will of the whole people. That is, power is power. That is, power is a word the meaning of which we do not understand. ” - Leo Tolstoy

5. “I knew I was alone in a way that no earthling has ever been before.” - Michael Collins

6. “Delight in smooth sounding platitudes, refusal to face unpleasant facts ... genuine love of peace and pathetic belief that love can be its sole foundation ... the utter devotion of the Liberals to sentiment apart from reality ...though free from wickedness or evil design, played a definite part in the unleashing upon the world of horrors and miseries [WWII]” - Winston S. Churchill

7. “Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it.” - Edmund Burke

8. “With the plundered people transferring their energies into relaxed and receptive thoughts, degradation and lust for power produced art.” - Peter Weiss

9. “To this day, good English usually means the English wealthy and powerful people spoke a generation or two ago.” - Jack Lynch

10. “There was something so heavy about the burden of history, of the past. I wasn't sure I had it in me to keep looking back.” - Sarah Dessen

11. “What we end up calling history is a kind of knife, slicing down through time. A few people are hard enough to bend its edge. But most won't even stand close to the blade. I'm one of those. We don't bend anything.” - Barbara Kingsolver

12. “If there is one central intellectual reality at the end of the twentieth century, it is that the biological approach to psychiatry--treating mental illness as a genetically influenced disorder of brain chemistry--has been a smashing success. Freud's ideas, which dominated the history of psychiatry for the past half century, are now vanishing like the last snows of winter.” - Edward Shorter

13. “A study of the history of opinion is a necessary preliminary to the emancipation of the mind.” - John Maynard Keynes

14. “But then what is the alternative to trying to tell the truth about the Holocaust, the Famine, the Armenian genocide, the injustice of dispossession in the Americas and Australia? That everyone should be reduced to silence? To pretend that the Holocaust was the work merely of a well-armed minority who didn’t do as much harm as is claimed-and likewise, to argue that the Irish Famine was either an inevitability or the fault of the Irish-is to say that both were mere unreliable rumors, and not the great motors of history they so obviously proved to be. It suited me to think so at the time, but still I believe it to be true, that if there are going to be areas of history which are off-bounds, then in principle we are reduced to fudging, to cosmetic narrative. ” - Thomas Keneally

15. “I am not a victim. No matter what I have been through, I'm still here. I have a history of victory.” - Steve Maraboli

16. “All historical writing, even the most honest, is unconsciously subjective, since every age is bound, in spite of itself, to make the dead perform whatever tricks it finds necessary for its own peace of mind.” - Carl Lotus Becker

17. “The sea is nothing but a library of all the tears in history.” - Lemony Snicket

18. “...the Bush administration may, in future years, be remembered 'for bringing peace to the Middle East' (as Condoleezza Rice has pronounced). History may be the mother of truth, but it can also give birth to illegitimate children.” - Alberto Manguel

19. “History, if it has taught us anything at all, has taught us that the strange ideas we deride today will one day be our celebrated truths.” - Dan Brown

20. “Everyone who wants to know what will happen ought to examine what has happened: everything in this world in any epoch has their replicas in antiquity.” - Niccolo Machiavelli

21. “There was no Disney World then, just rows of orange trees. Millions of them. Stretching for miles And somewhere near the middle was the Citrus Tower, which the tourists climbed to see even more orange trees. Every month an eighty-year-old couple became lost in the groves, driving up and down identical rows for days until they were spotted by helicopter or another tourist on top of the Citrus Tower. They had lived on nothing but oranges and come out of the trees drilled on vitamin C and checked into the honeymoon suite at the nearest bed-and-breakfast."The Miami Seaquarium put in a monorail and rockets started going off at Cape Canaveral, making us feel like we were on the frontier of the future. Disney bought up everything north of Lake Okeechobee, preparing to shove the future down our throats sideways."Things evolved rapidly! Missile silos in Cuba. Bales on the beach. Alligators are almost extinct and then they aren't. Juntas hanging shingles in Boca Raton. Richard Nixon and Bebe Rebozo skinny-dipping off Key Biscayne. We atone for atrocities against the INdians by playing Bingo. Shark fetuses in formaldehyde jars, roadside gecko farms, tourists waddling around waffle houses like flocks of flightless birds. And before we know it, we have The New Florida, underplanned, overbuilt and ripe for a killer hurricane that'll knock that giant geodesic dome at Epcot down the trunpike like a golf ball, a solid one-wood by Buckminster Fuller."I am the native and this is my home. Faded pastels, and Spanish tiles constantly slipping off roofs, shattering on the sidewalk. Dogs with mange and skateboard punks with mange roaming through yards, knocking over garbage cans. Lunatics wandering the streets at night, talking about spaceships. Bail bondsmen wake me up at three A.M. looking for the last tenant. Next door, a mail-order bride is clubbed by a smelly ma in a mechanic's shirt. Cats violently mate under my windows and rats break-dance in the drop ceiling. And I'm lying in bed with a broken air conditioner, sweating and sipping lemonade through a straw. And I'm thinking, geez, this used to be a great state."You wanna come to Florida? You get a discount on theme-park tickets and find out you just bough a time share. Or maybe you end up at Cape Canaveral, sitting in a field for a week as a space shuttle launch is canceled six times. And suddenly vacation is over, you have to catch a plane, and you see the shuttle take off on TV at the airport. But you keep coming back, year after year, and one day you find you're eighty years old driving through an orange grove.” - Tim Dorsey

22. “A daughter, a wife, a grandson,' You could say this place took away all I had. I could easily appear to be one of those unfortunate white men you hear about, who thought too lovingly of the other races and civilization of the world, who left his own country in the West to set up a home among them in the East, and was ruined as a result, paying dearly for his foolish mistake. His life smashed to pieces by the barbarians surrounding him.” - Nadeem Aslam

23. “On the journey towards the beloved, you live by dying at every step.” - Nadeem Aslam

24. “كان التاريخ في ذلك الوقت، كما كان في أكثر الأوقات ،أرستقراطياً لا يحفل إلا بالسادة ،ولا يلتفت إلا إلى القادة” - طه حسين

25. “When he asked if she was okay, her eyes welled with tears and she said, “Like I’m always telling my brothers, if you gonna go into history, you can’t do it with a hate attitude. You got to remember, times was different.” - Rebecca Skloot

26. “We need the courage to learn from our past and not live in it.” - Sharon Salzberg

27. “Memory, therefore, not simply as the resurrection of one’s private past, but an immersion in the past of others, which is to say: history - which one both participates in and is a witness to, is a part of and apart from. Everything, therefore, is present in his mind at once, as if each element were reflecting the light of all the others, and at the same time emitting its own unique and unquenchable radiance.” - Paul Auster

28. “I lived through all these times, these great events, without caring very much, concerned with my own aging rather than the world's. Most of us do likewise. History is the heavy traffic that prevents us from crossing the road. We're not especially interested in what it consists of. We wait, more or less patiently, for it to pause, so that we can get to the liquor store or the laundromat or the burger bar” - Mal Peet

29. “We are entitled to violate history, provided that it results in handsome offspring.” - Alexandre Dumas

30. “Newton's work on gravity led to the discovery of the Lagrange point, a place where opposing forces cancel one another out, and a body may remain at relative rest. This is where I am right now; the forces in my life confound one another. Better, for the moment, to be here and now, without history or future.” - Nick Harkaway

31. “To deal with history [life] means to abandon one's self to chaos but to retain a belief in the ordination and the meaning. It is a very serious task.” - Hermann Hesse

32. “History is about winners, not about losers. History is about assessing distortions, not copying out truths. History has much to say about the way the powerful handle power, for power engenders records. History is about evidence, and evidence flagrantly distorts. There is a bias between winners and losers. History is hopeless on love, but excellent on hatred. Such a state of things may not please all, but then history was never meant to please. One-sidedness lies at the heart of historical knowledge.” - J. R. Vincent

33. “Fin de l'Histoire (...) La panne du négatif, la fin de la dialectique, le renoncement au labeur technicien et à son inlassable souci de métamorphoser le donné, annonçaient-ils une humanité oisive mais heureuse, presque opulente, qui, en échange de son désir, de sa passion de la reconnaissance et des rivalités mimétiques qui allaient avec, se voyait libérée de ce que Marx appelait "le royaume de la nécessité" et, donc, de ses besoins ? Elle signifie, ici, une terre en friche et vouée à la vermine, les récoltes qui pourrissent, la fange dans les champs, les hommes affamés - elle signifie, non plus l'oisiveté, mais la misère : non plus l'opulence, mais le dénuement ; non plus la satisfaction mais l'empire absolu du besoin.(ch. 25 Hegel et Kojève africains)” - Bernard-Henri Levy

34. “I'm in the back of a limousine with Charlie Chaplin and it’s 1928. Charlie is beautiful; his body language seems to skip, and reel and rhyme, heartbreaking and witty at the same time. It seems to promise a better world.” - Geoff Ryman

35. “This side of the Kingdom of God upon Earth, it is a melancholy human fact that those who beat their swords into plowshares end up doing the plowing for those who kept their swords.” - Markham Shaw Pyle

36. “[On school uniforms] Don't these schools do enough damage making all these kids think alike, now they have to make them look alike too? It's not a new idea, either. I first saw it in old newsreels from the 1930s, but it was hard to understand because the narration was in German.” - George Carlin

37. “We have flattered ourselves by inventing proverbs of comparison in matter of blindness,--"blind as a bat," for instance. It would be safe to say that there cannot be found in the animal kingdom a bat, or any other creature, so blind in its own range of circumstance and connection, as the greater majority of human beings are in the bosoms of their families. Tempers strain and recover, hearts break and heal, strength falters, fails, and comes near to giving way altogether, every day, without being noted by the closest lookers-on.” - Helen Hunt Jackson

38. “أسهل الاختيارات هو موقف التبعية وأصعبها موقف الاستقلال. موقف التبعية اختيار مريح مرة واحدة طول العمر وموقف الاستقلال اختيار مرهق كل يوم إلي آخر العمر.” - محمد حسنين هيكل

39. “He knows different now. It's the living that chase the dead. The long bones and skulls are tumbled from their shrouds, and words like stones thrust into their rattling mouths: we edit their writings, we rewrite their lives. Thomas More had spread the rumor that Little Bilney, chained to the stake, had recanted as the fire was set. It wasn't enough for him to take Bilney's life away; he had to take his death too.” - Hilary Mantel

40. “France is to me the heroine in the romance of all the nations of all time. This feeling was born in me years ago when I read how her noble sons had defended America in its cradle. Today I am proud that I am one of the millions who will come to save our heroine from the clutches of the villain from across the Rhine.” - William Arthur Sirmon

41. “No one is going to give you the education you need to overthrow them. Nobody is going to teach you your true history, teach you your true heroes, if they know that that knowledge will help set you free.” - Assata Shakur