42 Erotica Quotes For Inspiration

July 30, 2024, 1:46 a.m.

42 Erotica Quotes For Inspiration

Indulging in the world of erotica is more than just a fleeting escape; it’s a celebration of passion, intimacy, and human connection. Whether you're a writer seeking inspiration or simply someone who appreciates the art of sensual storytelling, the right quote can ignite a spark of creativity. In this post, we’ve curated a collection of the top 42 erotica quotes that will not only stir your imagination but also elevate your understanding of erotic literature. Dive in and let these words awaken your senses and inspire your own passionate expressions.

1. “I nearly believe you. The challenge remains extended-make me believe you -- Benjamin” - Shermaine Williams

2. “But weren't done, not by a long shot. his great hands lifted me under my ass and my thighs, urging me to get on the table and lie on my side. His arm hooked under my leg right under the kneecap, and now everyone had a spectacular view of my dripping for him.” - Lisa Lawrence

3. “Drink from the fountain of love where every drop is eternal passion.” - Mahogany SilverRain

4. “We lay that way for a while, breathing together, watching the shadows flicker over the walls and each other's faces. She played with a wet strand of my hair, wrapping it around her finger. It should have been awkward, but somehow it wasn't. I felt something moving between us, like light or heat, growing with every breath.” - Selena Kitt

5. “It felt like he’d been dragged through the nine circles of hell — by his testicles.” - Kay Berrisford

6. “But in my growth and development, I knew I wanted more. And more. Oh, God. So much more. It's what being human is all about.” - James Lusarde

7. “Oh, do you understand what I mean? Have you ever felt that about the Moon? Have you ever ached with the sheer beauty of it?” - James Lusarde

8. “Good evening, Mrs. Grey," Christian says softly. He's standing by the piano, dressed in a tight black T-shirt, and jeans...those jeans- the ones he wore in the playroom. Oh my. They are over washed pale-blue denim, snug, ripped at the knee and hot. He saunters over to me, his feet bare, the top button of the jeans undone, his smoldering eyes never leaving mine. "Good to have you home. I've been waiting for you.” - E.L. James

9. “Just that one word—sound—sent a strong answering pulse through her body. His tongue curled around syllables that weren’t there, like a promise. This is what you’ll get, if you just let me hear.” - Charlotte Stein

10. “You are such a sleazeball, Rhodes—walking, talking proof of why siblings shouldn’t marry.” - Cherise Sinclair

11. “Pull up your big-girl panties, Gabi.” - Cherise Sinclair

12. “You dumb-ass ape, get your hand off me. What—are you the first in your family to be born without a tail?” - Cherise Sinclair

13. “If the goddess—and that would be me, by the way—is displeased, you’ll get bats in your hair and mice in your boots.” - Cherise Sinclair

14. “I believe that is what they call an erection. ~ Double Teamed” - Gia Blue

15. “I have to say, her blonde bob was amazing. The delicate way it hugged her face and neck. The softness of it...” - James Lusarde

16. “Ah, lust. It makes us forget anything we want to. The greatest relaxant, the greatest stimulant.” - James Lusarde

17. “I smile at you, hinting at the pleasures ahead, and silently point to the zip at the back of my dress…” - James Lusarde

18. “The hotness of a sex scene lies in the loins of the beholder.” - J.Leigh Hunter

19. “Giddyup, Sir.” - Kallypso Masters

20. “Not that the man needed clothes. God meant for that piece of perfection to have nothing masking the luscious, tanned flesh stretched taut over beautiful muscles.” - Rena Marks

21. “Tell me what I am to you.” …“Oh honey, you’re the man I call when I need a ride.” - Kimberly Dean

22. “Choose your tempo,” he whispered in her ear. “What?” “Fast and hard or slow and easy. Your tempo, your choice. You get to direct this symphony.” - Mari Carr

23. “Stay away from Mistress Laera,” said Frank, “or I'll find grounds to sue your ass off. Possibly for damaging my fist when I pound your pretty boy face in.” - Sindra van Yssel

24. “Males are simple creatures. If we can’t f**k it, we want to kill it.” - Morgan Hawke

25. “If my Master is lost, I'll find him. I'll lead him back to himself, because to serve doesn't always mean to follow.” - Joey W. Hill

26. “Men always want what they can’t have, or what other men want. It’s a scientific fact.” - Gina L. Maxwell

27. “Kyle held out his hand and Reid shook it like a good sport, but he made sure to add a little extra pressure and a meaningful stare in the universal male Don’t-f**k-with-this-chick-or-I’ll-eat-your-heart-for-breakfast-with-my-Wheaties look.” - Gina L. Maxwell

28. “Thank goodness it wasn't real sex.” - Lana Cox

29. “Hello, Miya.” His smooth tone speaking my name made a warm sensation tingle across the surface of my body. A hundred questions ran through my head, wanting to be spoken. How do they know who I am? Who are they? What do they want with me? I was a single, working-class associate professor with department store clothes. Surely they didn’t think they would get much of a ransom for me. The expression on the man’s face held me, and my demanding thoughts.“We aren’t going to harm you.”I smirked at him and glanced at my right arm, feeling its ache. My elbow might be badly bruised, but it wasn’t broken. His eyes followed mine and he sighed. “That was an accident.” His tan, sinewy hand touched my wrist then delicately ran down my bones to my elbow. I flinched, but didn’t feel any pain.” - Derendrea

30. “God, he was an evil bastard, but boy was he good!” - M.F. Roberts

31. “Join us. Play the game. It will bring you an untold number of rewards and you will finally have some direction and purpose in your lives. Take control of yourselves and those around you. Bend them to your will and all worldly pleasures will be yours...” - Martin Hopkins

32. “Por ti, el mundo cobra un sentido para mi que no tenia antes. Ahora ocupo un lugar, contigo.Gideon Cross” - Silvya Day

33. “You know what I want? I just want you to be open to the fact that I am a woman. I’ve got emotions. I’ve got expectations. I cry. I laugh. And I was drawn to you because, first, you are a handsome man. But, secondly, after spending the time that we’ve spent, I just have an intuition that you’re the type of man who can appreciate a good woman. I really don’t care about your past and how many women you’ve screwed.” - S.B. Redd

34. “I can give you a girl’s perspective,” Eve offered with a smile. “I’m totally not into the girl-on-girl thing, but I know an attractive pussy when I see one.” - Lexi Blake

35. “Holy crap. Is that an elephant penis?” - Lexi Blake

36. “He’s a sub dog. How did she find a sub dog?” - Lexi Blake

37. “I’m not playing at all. And f**k you, you’re trying to pull me into vagina talk. I won’t do it. I don’t have feelings. None at all. And I’m keeping it that way.” - Lexi Blake

38. “As I finished my rice, I sketched out the plot of a pornographic adventure film called The Massage Room. Sirien, a young girl from northern Thailand, falls hopelessly in love with Bob, an American student who winds up in the massage parlor by accident, dragged there by his buddies after a fatefully boozy evening. Bob doesn't touch her, he's happy just to look at her with his lovely, pale-blue eyes and tell her about his hometown - in North Carolina, or somewhere like that. They see each other several more times, whenever Sirien isn't working, but, sadly, Bob must leave to finish his senior year at Yale. Ellipsis. Sirien waits expectantly while continuing to satisfy the needs of her numerous clients. Though pure at heart, she fervently jerks off and sucks paunchy, mustached Frenchmen (supporting role for Gerard Jugnot), corpulent, bald Germans (supporting role for some German actor). Finally, Bob returns and tries to free her from her hell - but the Chinese mafia doesn't see things in quite the same light. Bob persuades the American ambassador and the president of some humanitarian organization opposed to the exploitation of young girls to intervene (supporting role for Jane Fonda). What with the Chinese mafia (hint at the Triads) and the collusion of Thai generals (political angle, appeal to democratic values), there would be a lot of fight scenes and chase sequences through the streets of Bangkok. At the end of the day, Bob carries her off. But in the penultimate scene, Sirien gives, for the first time, an honest account of the extent of her sexual experience. All the cocks she has sucked as a humble massage parlor employee, she has sucked in the anticipation, in the hope of sucking Bob's cock, into which all the others were subsumed - well, I'd have to work on the dialogue. Cross fade between the two rivers (the Chao Phraya, the Delaware). Closing credits. For the European market, I already had line in mind, along the lines of "If you liked The Music Room, you'll love The Massage Room.” - Michel Houellebecq

39. “You should really be more careful who you let put their hands on you.” A silky male voice hummed as hot, minty breath wafted around her ear and danced slowly across her nose. Sera inhaled deeply, her skin prickled with goose bumps.” - Flora Roberts

40. “Not much makes me feel uncomfortable about sexuality. It’s the most natural thing in the world. I don’t really get why people make such a stink. It’s like being embarrassed of hunger or thirst.” - Chloe Cole

41. “Oh God, can I keep you? You don’t need batteries, do you?” - Barbara Elsborg

42. “In my early teens, I heard about Naked Lunch and its mutating typewriters and talking cockroaches. While I would hardly classify its dystopic vision as erotica now, at the time, Naked Lunch was my first foray into consuming smut. It was because of Burroughs that I knew about the particular musk that blooms when a rectum is penetrated, and that death-by-hanging produces spontaneous trouser tents. The first Burroughs I read was Naked Lunch, but I buried myself in a few of his stories, and thus the arc of my recollection is just as non-linear as his narrative.” - Peter Dubé