42 Inspiring Birth Quotes

Sept. 10, 2024, 3:45 p.m.

42 Inspiring Birth Quotes

Welcoming a new life into the world is nothing short of miraculous. The journey of birth is filled with anticipation, courage, and profound love. Whether you're an expectant parent, a supportive friend, or simply someone who finds inspiration in the wonders of life, our curated collection of inspiring birth quotes is sure to touch your heart. Each quote encapsulates the beauty, strength, and transformative power of bringing a new life into the world. Dive in and let these words of wisdom uplift and inspire you on this remarkable journey.

1. “All children mythologise their birth. It is a universal trait. You want to know someone? Heart, mind and soul? Ask him to tell you about when he was born. What you get won’t be the truth: it will be a story. And nothing is more telling than a story.” - Diane Setterfield

2. “I am human. Like all humans, I do not remember my birth. By the time we wake up to ourselves, we are little children, and our advent is something that happened an eternity ago, at the beginning of time. We live like latecomers to the theater; we must catch up as best we can, divining the begging from the shape of later events. - Vida Winter” - Diane Setterfield

3. “My mother groaned, my father wept,into the dangerous world I leapt.” - William Blake

4. “Among industrialized countries, the U.S. ranks 29th in infant survival.” - Jennifer Block

5. “Of course, if 40% of women need oxytocin to progress normally, then something is wrong with the definition of normal.” - Henci Goer

6. “The main facts in human life are five: birth, food, sleep, love and death.” - E. M. Forster

7. “I took the life of the woman I was supposed to call mother in the process of being born... in order to become the world's strongest shinobi... an incarnation of sand was implanted inside of me...” - Masashi Kishimoto

8. “We cry coming into the world, as everyone around us laughs with joy. And we laugh with joy leaving this world, when everyone around us cries.” - Wendy Corsi Staub

9. “A mother does not become pregnant in order to provide employment to medical people. Giving birth is an ecstatic jubilant adventure not available to males. It is a woman's crowning creative experience of a lifetime.” - John Stevenson

10. “The dream crossed twilight between birth and dying.” - T.S. Eliot

11. “Some of us hover when we weep for the other who wasdying since the day they were born.” - Lisa Loeb

12. “He came into the world like a delivery that no one knew what to do with, and nobody wanted to sign for.” - Obert Skye

13. “Man begets, but land does not beget. ” - Cecil Rhodes

14. “Are you sure you weren't adopted?""Mom would like to think so, but it was a natural birth, so her memory's real clear.” - Jana Deleon

15. “when you came you cried and everybody smiled with joy; when you go smile and let the world cry for you.” - Rabindranath Tagore

16. “Imagine that the world had created a new 'dream product' to feed and immunize everyone born on earth. Imagine also that it was available everywhere, required no storage or delivery, and helped mothers plan their families and reduce the risk of cancer. Then imagine that the world refused to use it.” - Frank Oski

17. “The midwife considers the miracle of childbirth as normal, and leaves it alone unless there's trouble. The obstetrician normally sees childbirth as trouble; if he leaves it alone, it's a miracle.” - Sheila Stubbs

18. “There is just as much beauty in birth as there is in death, and it changes our lives just the same. They both add things to us and take things away." Pg. 155 Undone” - Brooke Taylor

19. “Attempts to locate oneself within history are as natural, and as absurd, as attempts to locate oneself within astronomy. On the day that I was born, 13 April 1949, nineteen senior Nazi officials were convicted at Nuremberg, including Hitler's former envoy to the Vatican, Baron Ernst von Weizsacker, who was found guilty of planning aggression against Czechoslovakia and committing atrocities against the Jewish people. On the same day, the State of Israel celebrated its first Passover seder and the United Nations, still meeting in those days at Flushing Meadow in Queens, voted to consider the Jewish state's application for membership. In Damascus, eleven newspapers were closed by the regime of General Hosni Zayim. In America, the National Committee on Alcoholism announced an upcoming 'A-Day' under the non-uplifting slogan: 'You can drink—help the alcoholic who can't.' ('Can't'?) The International Court of Justice at The Hague ruled in favor of Britain in the Corfu Channel dispute with Albania. At the UN, Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko denounced the newly formed NATO alliance as a tool for aggression against the USSR. The rising Chinese Communists, under a man then known to Western readership as Mao Tze-Tung, announced a limited willingness to bargain with the still-existing Chinese government in a city then known to the outside world as 'Peiping.'All this was unknown to me as I nuzzled my mother's breast for the first time, and would certainly have happened in just the same way if I had not been born at all, or even conceived. One of the newspaper astrologists for that day addressed those whose birthday it was:There are powerful rays from the planet Mars, the war god, in your horoscope for your coming year, and this always means a chance to battle if you want to take it up. Try to avoid such disturbances where women relatives or friends are concerned, because the outlook for victory upon your part in such circumstances is rather dark. If you must fight, pick a man!Sage counsel no doubt, which I wish I had imbibed with that same maternal lactation, but impartially offered also to the many people born on that day who were also destined to die on it.” - Christopher Hitchens

20. “It is important to keep in mind that our bodies must work pretty well, or their wouldn't be so many humans on the planet.” - Ina May Gaskin

21. “The world begins anew with every birth, my father used to say. He forgot to say, with every death it ends. Or did not think he needed to. Because for a goodly part of his life he worked in a graveyard.” - Sebastian Barry

22. “He allowed himself to be swayed by his conviction that human beings are not born once and for all on the day their mothers give birth to them, but that life obliges them over and over again to give birth to themselves.” - Gabriel Garcia Marquez

23. “It was mild monsters like these that made Jack the Ripper go after young women, she decided: who could tolerate yielding the world to someone who behaved as if she had given birth to the very world herself?” - Gregory Maguire

24. “I am what the water gave me, / a smoke-ring in a jar, / the braided rope / my ladder-to-the-light, / my shivering bird heart / caught” - Pascale Petit

25. “The energy it took to exit mother’s womb is the same force required to manifest a dream...a different kind of struggle. Push, push, push!” - T.F. Hodge

26. “... we die, just as we were born, at the edge of a road not of our choosing.” - amin maalouf

27. “It was no accident, no coincidence, that the seasons came round and round year after year. It was the Lord speaking to us all and showing us over and over again the birth, life, death, and resurrection of his only begotten Son, our Savior, Jesus Christ, our Lord. It was like a best-loved story being told day after day with each sunrise and sunset, year after year with the seasons, down through the ages since time began.” - Francine Rivers

28. “When the Aggregates arise, decay and die, O bhikkhu, every moment you are born, decay, and die.” - Gautama Buddha

29. “One way to measure a particular doctor's openness and attitude toward women in general is simply to ask about the doctor's opinion of midwifery.” - Marsden Wagner

30. “The heart is capable of sacrifice. So is the vagina. The heart is able to forgive and repair. It can change it's shape to let us in. It can expand to let us out. So can the vagina. It can ache for us and stretch for us, die for us and bleed and bleed us into this difficult, wondrous world. So can the vagina. I was there in the room. I remeber.” - Eve Ensler

31. “I am often slow in catching up to the times, but even so, I still cannot even grip this idea: With nothing more than pitocin in your IV drip, you can sooner control the date and time of the birth of a human being-- the gushing entry into the great blue world of a whole new person-- than you can the scheduling of a few line cooks in your operation.” - Gabrielle Hamilton

32. “For that half-hour in the hospital delivery room I was intimate with immensity, for that half-minute before birth I held her hands and for that duration we three were undivided, I felt the blood of her pulse as we gripped hands, felt her blood beat in the rhythm that reached into the baby as she slipped into the doctor's hands, and for a few days we touched that immensity, we saw through her eyes to an immense intimacy, saw through to where she had come from, I felt important being next to her, and the feeling lasted when we entered our car for the drive home, thinking to myself that we weren't to be trusted with our baby, the feeling lasting while I measured us against the landscape, the February rain, the pewter sky, and then the rain freezing to the roadway, the warmth of the interior of the car with its unbreakable transparent sky dome and doors, until the car spun on the ice in the lane and twirled so that I could take an hour to describe how I threw up my hands in anguish as the baby slipped from her arms and whipped into the face of her mother reflected in the glass door, and she caught the baby back into her arms as the car glided to a stop in its usual place at the end of the drive, and nothing but silence and a few drops of blood at a nostril suggested that we would now be intimate with the immensities of death ("Interim")” - William S. Wilson

33. “Birth is okay and death is okay, if we know that they are only concepts in our mind. Reality transcends both birth and death.” - Thich Nhat Hanh

34. “We must learn to accept ourselves in the painful experiment of living. We must embrace the spiritual adventure of becoming human, moving through the many stages that lie between birth and death.” - Johann Baptist Metz

35. “Precarious, life is. A flying leap. A sweep of hand. A star flung across the night. A lucky catch in this whirling juggling circus act.From Steam Drills, Treadmills, and Shooting Stars” - Rivera Sun

36. “Birth and death: there was the same consciousness of heightened existence and of her own elevated importance” - J.K. Rowling

37. “If women lose the right to say where and how they birth their children, then they will have lost something that's as dear to life as breathing.” - Ami McKay

38. “Where is an intimate friend who’ll hear the secret from me straight out– of what human beings have been from the moment they began? They are born of toil and molded from the clay of sorrow.They wander the world for a time, then set off.” - Omar Khayyám

39. “We're all born an empty page.” - Lauren DeStefano

40. “They didn’t fly out of my body, I actually had to push the little fuckers out.” - Sonia Clement on Tegan and Sara

41. “At the wondrous moment you were born, as you took your first breath, a great celebration was held in the heavens and twelve magnificent gifts were granted to you.” - Charlene Costanzo

42. “Ne scapă mereu câte ceva în viaţă, de aceea trebuie să ne naştem mereu.” - Marin Sorescu