43 Inspiring Color Quotes

Aug. 28, 2024, 1:45 p.m.

43 Inspiring Color Quotes

Color is an undeniable part of our lives, influencing emotions, setting moods, and even shaping cultures. It's a source of endless fascination and inspiration, touching every aspect of our world. In this blog post, we're excited to share a specially curated collection of 43 inspiring quotes that celebrate the power and beauty of color. Whether you're an artist, designer, or simply someone who loves the vibrant spectrum that surrounds us, these quotes are sure to inspire and uplift. Dive in and let the wisdom and creativity of these words illuminate your day!

1. “On and on they flew, over the countryside parceled out in patches of green and brown, over roads and rivers winding through the landscapes like strips of matte and glossy ribbon.” - J.K. Rowling

2. “She would be half a planet away, floating in a turquoise sea, dancing by moonlight to flamenco guitar.” - Janet Fitch

3. “After sleeping through a hundred million centuries we have finally opened our eyes on a sumptuous planet, sparkling with color, bountiful with life. Within decades we must close our eyes again. Isn’t it a noble, an enlightened way of spending our brief time in the sun, to work at understanding the universe and how we have come to wake up in it? This is how I answer when I am asked—as I am surprisingly often—why I bother to get up in the mornings.” - Richard Dawkins

4. “Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher storm, but to add color to my sunset sky.” - Rabindranath Tagore

5. “Grey has no agenda. . . . Grey has the ability, that no other colour has, to make the invisible visible.” - Roma Tearne

6. “To my surprise, I had not just doodled, I had prayed (I drew new shapes and names of each friend and focused on the person whose name stared at me from the paper). I had though OF each person as I drew but not ABOUT each person. I could just sit with them in a variation on stillness. I could hold them in prayer.” - Sybil MacBeth

7. “It's good to let God pick a man for you. We don't do so well when we pick them ourselves. They end up lipsticks in a drawer, all those wrong colors you thought looked so good in the package.” - Deb Caletti

8. “Whatever you choose for your stationery is your favorite color because it's where you pour your heart out.” - Mary E. Pearson

9. “Her skin is pale as watermelon sucked free of its juices.” - Jaclyn Moriarty

10. “…“white supremacy” is a much more useful term for understanding the complicity of people of color in upholding and maintaining racial hierarchies that do not involve force (i.e slavery, apartheid) than the term “internalized racism”- a term most often used to suggest that black people have absorbed negative feelings and attitudes about blackness. The term “white supremacy” enables us to recognize not only that black people are socialized to embody the values and attitudes of white supremacy, but we can exercise “white supremacist control” over other black people.” - bell hooks

11. “... los colores no pueden comprenderse, se sienten.” - Orhan Pamuk

12. “El significado de los colores es que están ante nosotros y podemos verlos - le contestó el otro -. No se puede explicar el rojo a quien no lo ha visto.” - Orhan Pamuk

13. “It felt as though the whole globe was dressed in snow. Like it has pulled it on, the way you pull on a sweater. Next to the train line, footprints were sunken to their shins. Trees wore blankets of ice. As you may expect, someone has died.” - Markus Zusak

14. “Each day has a color, a smell.” - Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni

15. “I wanted this day, the perfect buttery sun like peach ice cream, the speed, the satin leather of the car seat, the fair. Forbidden fruit, a day like no other. ” - Beth Gutcheon

16. “He had that curious love of green, which in individuals is always the sign of a subtle artistic temperament, and in nations is said to denote a laxity, if not a decadence of morals. ” - Oscar Wilde

17. “Music gives color to the air of the moment.” - Karl Lagerfeld

18. “Love was a feeling completely bound up with color, like thousands of rainbows superimposed one on top of the other.” - Paulo Coelho

19. “They sang the words in unison, yet somehow created a web of sounds with their voices. It was like hearing a piece of fabric woven with all the colors of a rainbow. I did not know that such beauty could be formed by the human mouth. I had never heard harmony before.” - Anita Diamant

20. “Sunrise paints the sky with pinks and the sunset with peaches. Cool to warm. So is the progression from childhood to old age.” - Vera Nazarian

21. “If I can put one touch of rosy sunset into the life of any man or woman, I shall feel that I have worked with God.” - G.K. Chesterton

22. “And like flowers in the fields, that make wonderful views, when we stand side-by-side in our wonderful hues..We all make a beauty so wonderfully true.We are special and different, and just the same, too!So whenever you look at your beautiful skin, from your wiggling toes to your giggling grin...Think how lucky you are that the skin you live in, so beautifully holds the "You" who's within.” - Michael Tyler

23. “Western funerals: black hearses, and black horses, and fast-fading flowers. Why should black be the colour of death? Why not the colours of a sunset?” - Daniele Vare

24. “God is colourblind. But we are not God. God does not need to see colour and difference. God is far bigger than all of that. We are human. We are destined to grow and learn from each other and with each other and there is no growing, there is no learning, there is no wonder and no majesty in life if we were like God. We were meant to see colour and difference.To deny these is to lack respect. To blind ourselves to these is to fool one another. To shun these is to deny ourselves growth and knowledge.” - C. JoyBell C.

25. “When you photograph people in color, you photograph their clothes. But when you photograph people in Black and white, you photograph their souls!” - Ted Grant

26. “[Orange] is one of God's favorite colors--- He stuck it right there between red and yellow as the second color in the rainbow. He decorates entire forests with shades of orange every autumn. It shows up in sunrises at the start of the day, sunsets at the end of the day, and in the glow of the moon at the right time of night.” - Reggie Joiner

27. “When yellow lights struggle with blue shades in hairlike lines.” - Thomas Hardy

28. “Your paintings are staggeringly beautiful. Did I ever tell you that,or was I just too concerned that you weren't going to earn a living? I know the answer...I worried that the paint was so thickly applied that it might snap off and ruin someone's carpet, rather than realizing that you'd made color itself tactile.” - Rosamund Lupton

29. “Years later, on a Steve Jobs discussion board on the website Gawker, the following tale appeared from someone who had worked at the Whole Foods store in Palo Alto a few blocks from Jobs' home: 'I was shagging carts one afternoon when I saw this silver Mercedes parked in a handicapped spot. Steve Jobs was inside screaming at his car phone. This was right before the first iMac was unveiled and I'm pretty sure I could make out, 'Not. Fucking. Blue. Enough!!!” - Walter Isaacson

30. “The beauty and mystery of this world only emerges through affection, attention, interest and compassion . . . open your eyes wide and actually see this world by attending to its colors, details and irony.” - Orhan Pamuk

31. “So dawn goes down today... Nothing gold can stay.-- Robert Frost” - John Green

32. “In every motions to put colors on my canvas, I feel like I am screaming, "I AM HERE"... To whom?.. To where?... Where am I going to...?” - Hiroko Sakai

33. “...I'm innocent still -inside me are stained glass windows that have never been broken- and when I see your light it stains my soul with color ...” - John Geddes

34. “What a strange thing it is to wake up to a milk-white overcast June morning! The sun is hidden by a thick cotton blanket of clouds, and the air is vapor-filled and hazy with a concentration of blooming scent.The world is somnolent and cool, in a temporary reprieve from the normal heat and radiance.But the sensation of illusion is strong. Because the sun can break through the clouds at any moment . . .What a soft thoughtful time.In this illusory gloom, like a night-blooming flower, let your imagination bloom in a riot of color.” - Vera Nazarian

35. “Any other questions?""Just one," I say. "What color are your eyes?" I want to know what he thinks, how he sees himself - the real Ky - when he dares to look."Blue," he says sounding surprised, "they've always been blue.""Not to me.""What do they look like to you?" he says puzzled, amused. Not looking at my mouth anymore, looking into my eyes."Lots of colors," I say. "At first I thought they were brown. Once I thought they were green...""What are they now?" he asks. He widens his eyes a little, leans closer, lets me look as long and deep as I want."Well?""Everything," I tell him, "They're everything.” - Ally Condie

36. “I hear the question upon your lips: What is it to be a colour?Colour is the touch of the eye, music to the deaf, a word out of the darkness. Because I’ve listened to souls whispering – like the susurrus of the wind – from book to book and object to object for tens or thousands of years, allow me to say that my touch resembles the touch of angels. Part of me, the serious half, calls out to your vision while the mirthful half sours through the air with your glances.I’m so fortunate to be red! I’m fiery. I’m strong. I know men take notice of me and that I cannot be resisted.I do not conceal myself: For me, delicacy manifests itself neither in weakness nor in subtlety, but through determination and will. So, I draw attention to myself. I’m not afraid of other colours, shadows, crowds or even of loneliness. How wonderful it is to cover a surface that awaits me with my own victorious being! Wherever I’m spread, I see eyes shine, passions increase, eyebrows rise and heartbeats quicken. Behold how wonderful it is to live! Behold how wonderful to see. I am everywhere. Life begins with and returns to me. Have faith in what I tell you.” - Orhan Pamuk

37. “Let me, O let me bathe my soul in colours; let me swallow the sunset and drink the rainbow.” - Khalil Gibran

38. “Colors. Would it be green or blue today? Maybe white—my favorite. A dark voice in the back of my mind offered no color at all as an alternative. I smothered that voice. The days of no color were simply too hard to bear. I needed color today.” - Julie Hockley

39. “The cyclone had set the house down gently, very gently – for a cyclone—in the midst of a country of marvelous beauty. There were lovely patches of green sward all about, with stately trees bearing rich and luscious fruits. Banks of gorgeous flowers were on every hand, and birds with rare and brilliant plumage sang and fluttered in the trees and bushes. A little way off was a small brook, rushing and sparkling along between green banks, and murmuring in a voice very grateful to a little girl who had lived so long on the dry, gray prairies.” - L. Frank Baum

40. “How do you know, when you think blue — when you say blue — that you are talking about the same blue as anyone else?You cannot get a grip on blue.Blue is the sky, the sea, a god’s eye, a devil’s tail, a birth, a strangulation, a virgin’s cloak, a monkey’s ass. It’s a butterfly, a bird, a spicy joke, the saddest song, the brightest day.Blue is sly, slick, it slides into the room sideways, a slippery trickster.This is a story about the color blue, and like blue, there’s nothing true about it. Blue is beauty, not truth. ‘True blue’ is a ruse, a rhyme; it’s there, then it’s not. Blue is a deeply sneaky color.” - Christopher Moore

41. “The color palette is confined to that of a Gustave Dore' engraving, greys and blacks, and subtle shadings of these rendered in harrowing crosshatches and highlighted with sudden glaring areas of nothingness, like splotches of vitiligo sent to haunt the dead with memories of what real light did to the eyes.” - Kevin Hearne

42. “We made love like green is blue. That’s because we were only half into it, though for the record I was the blue and she was the disinterested yellow.
” - Dark Jar Tin Zoo

43. “Gratitude is the real treasure God wants us to find, because it isn't the pot of gold but the rainbow that colors our world.” - Richelle E. Goodrich