43 Possibilities Quotes To Inspire

June 18, 2024, 12:46 p.m.

43 Possibilities Quotes To Inspire

In a world brimming with endless possibilities, finding the inspiration to break boundaries and chart new paths can make all the difference. Whether you're embarking on a new venture, seeking motivation to overcome obstacles, or simply looking for a fresh perspective, the right words can spark the change you desire. This blog post features a curated collection of the top 43 possibilities quotes designed to inspire, uplift, and empower you to reach new heights. Dive in and let these powerful words open your mind to the infinite opportunities that await.

1. “Listen to the mustn'ts, child. Listen to the don'ts. Listen to the shouldn'ts, the impossibles, the won'ts. Listen to the never haves, then listen close to me... Anything can happen, child. Anything can be.” - Shel Silverstein

2. “We know what we are, but not what we may be.” - William Shakespeare

3. “With respect to the requirement of art, the probable impossible is always preferable to the improbable possible.” - Aristotle

4. “It is a denial of the divinity within us to doubt our potential and our possibilities.” - James E. Faust

5. “What is a weed? A plant whose virtues have not yet been discovered.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson

6. “First, if it is true that a spatial order organizes an ensemble of possibilities (e.g., by a place in which one can move) and interdictions (e.g., by a wall that prevents one from going further), than the walked actualizes some of these possibilities. In that way, he makes them exist as well as emerge. But he also moves them about and he invents others, since the crossing, drifting away, or improvisation of walking privilege, transform, or abandon spatial elements.” - Michel de Certeau

7. “Unfortunately, the clock is ticking, the hours are going by. The past increases, the future recedes. Possibilities decreasing, regrets mounting.” - Haruki Murakami

8. “Show not what has been done, but what can be. How beautiful the world would be if there were a procedure for moving through labyrinths.” - Umberto Eco

9. “It is the possibility that keeps me going, and though you may call me a dreamer or a fool or any other thing, I believe that anything is possible.” - Nicholas Sparks

10. “This new day has greeted us with no rules; unconditional opportunity. Do not dilute the power of this new day with the hardship of yesterday. Greet this day the way it has greeted you; with open arms and endless possibility.” - Steve Maraboli

11. “Even as a child, she had preferred night to day, had enjoyed sitting out in the yard after sunset, under the star-speckled sky listening to frogs and crickets. Darkness soothed. It softened the sharp edges of the world, toned down the too-harsh colors. With the coming of twilight, the sky seemed to recede; the universe expanded. The night was bigger than the day, and in its realm, life seemed to have more possibilities.” - Dean Koontz

12. “I suppose at heart it was the haircut that did it; that exploded the ordinary order of things and showed me the possibilities that had been there all along, hidden among the patterns in the wallpaper. In a different age, we used to take acid for more or less the same reason.” - Michael Cunningham

13. “Ah, the magic of music, with it, all things are possible.” - E.A. Bucchianeri

14. “Someone needs to tell those tales. When the battles are fought and won and lost, when the pirates find their treasures and the dragons eat their foes for breakfast with a nice cup of Lapsang souchong, someone needs to tell their bits of overlapping narrative. There's magic in that. It's in the listener, and for each and every ear it will be different, and it will affect them in ways they can never predict. From the mundane to the profound. You may tell a tale that takes up residence in someone's soul, becomes their blood and self and purpose. That tale will move them and drive them and who knows what they might do because of it, because of your words. That is your role, your gift. Your sister may be able to see the future, but you yourself can shape it, boy. Do not forget that... there are many kinds of magic, after all.” - Erin Morgenstern

15. “Nothing is impossible to kill. It's just that sometimes after you kill something you have to keep shooting it until it stops moving” - Mira Grant

16. “They rode out along the fenceline and across the open pastureland. The leather creaked in the morning cold. They pushed the horses into a lope. The lights fell away behind them. They rode out on the high prairie where they slowed the horses to a walk and the stars swarmed around them out of the blackness. They heard somewhere in that tenantless night a bell that tolled and ceased where no bell was and they rode out on the round dais of the earth which alone was dark and no light to it and which carried their figures and bore them up into the swarming stars so that they rode not under but among them and they rode at once jaunty and circumspect, like thieves newly loosed in that dark electric, like young thieves in a glowing orchard, loosely jacketed against the cold and ten thousand worlds for the choosing.” - Cormac McCarthy

17. “When you see people only as personalities, rather than souls with life missions to fulfill, you forever limit the growth and possibilities of what God has in store for another person.” - Shannon Alder

18. “I remember walking across Sixty-second Street one twilight that first spring, or the second spring, they were all alike for a while. I was late to meet someone but I stopped at Lexington Avenue and bought a peach and stood on the corner eating it and knew that I had come out out of the West and reached the mirage. I could taste the peach and feel the soft air blowing from a subway grating on my legs and I could smell lilac and garbage and expensive perfume and I knew that it would cost something sooner or later—because I did not belong there, did not come from there—but when you are twenty-two or twenty-three, you figure that later you will have a high emotional balance, and be able to pay whatever it costs. I still believed in possibilities then, still had the sense, so peculiar to New York, that something extraordinary would happen any minute, any day, any month.” - Joan Didion

19. “It's entirely conceivable that life's splendor surrounds us all, and always in its complete fullness, accessible but veiled, beneath the surface, invisible, far away. But there it lies—not hostile, not reluctant, not deaf. If we call it by the right word, by the right name, then it comes. This is the essence of magic, which doesn't create but calls.” - Gustav Kafka

20. “No individual existence can be traced further than the moment of conception, which determined that what was to be born would be this person and no other. The person may change from baby to child, and from boy to man, but through all these changes he will remain this person and cannot be another, because all possibilities to the contrary that may have existed before the moment of conception ended forever with the moment of conception.” - Nick Joaquin

21. “We forget that every good that is worth possessing must be paid for in strokes of daily effort. We postpone and postpone until those smiling possibilities are dead... By neglecting the necessary concrete labor, by sparing ourselves the little daily tax, we are positively digging the graves of our higher possibilities.” - William James

22. “Fear was about possibilities. Not things that happened. Things that might.” - Michael Grant

23. “I have a habit of letting my imagination run away from me. It always comes back though . . . drenched with possibilities.” - Valaida Fullwood

24. “Before I had a chance to feel too sorry for myself, I turned toward the front of the cabin and found the bookcases carved right into the wall. Hundreds of leather-bound volumes rested in dim alcoves. I had no idea what stories or information they held. It didn’t matter. I wanted to absorb anything they had to say.” - Jodi Meadows

25. “Q: The Continuum didn't think you had it in you, Jean-Luc. But I knew you did...We wanted to see if you had the ability to expand your mind and your horizons. And for one brief moment, you did.Picard: When I realized the paradox.Q: Exactly. For that one fraction of a second, you were open to options you had never considered. That is the exploration that awaits you. Not mapping stars and studying nebula, but charting the unknown possibilities of existence.” - Brannon Braga

26. “You were born and with you endless possibilities, very few ever to be realized.  It's okay.  Life was never about what you could do, but what you would do. ” - Richelle E. Goodrich

27. “The possibilities were endless. Battles would be fought. Wonders revealed. Many journeys. Many lands. Many joys. Many sorrows.But stories all...” - William Joyce

28. “She thought of the last couple of years: the boredom, the narrowness of existence, the dearth of anything to look forward to. Yet now, in a single instant, the curtains had been whipped aside, and the windows been thrown open onto a brillant view that had been there, waiting for her, all the time. A view, moreover, laden with the most marvellous possibilities and opportunities.” - Rosamunde Pilcher

29. “As you reinvent your life endlessly you should open your minds to the infinite possibilities that do exist.” - Steven Redhead

30. “Open your mind to the infinite possibilities that exist for you; then create within your reality the things that you desire.” - Steven Redhead

31. “Infinite possibilities exist by keeping focus on what you really want to create your bliss.” - Steven Redhead

32. “If your boss asks you to do a task... You'll stay late for work to make sure it's done. You'll be confident that your boss wouldn't have asked you if he/she didn't trust that you could do it. You wouldn't allow anyone or anything to distract you. No matter how hard it is, it's not an option, you'll find a way to make it happen. You'll not only find time, you'll try to get it done before the deadline. So, why when God gives you a task... you allow fear to consume you, find excuses, allow distractions, care about what people think and assume it's impossible? If He gave it to you, He trusts you CAN get it done. Yes, they'll be distractions. And no it's not going to be easy, but know that it is POSSIBLE!!! Answer the call!” - Yvonne Pierre

33. “Death cuts off possibilities. Even if they were possibilities you never meant to act on, it feels differentwhen they’re gone.” - Eileen Wilks

34. “Books are open doors to other dimensions where everything is possible and nothing is forbidden.” - Danny Tyran

35. “Just because a path never existed, doesn't mean that it isn't there...” - Lionel Suggs

36. “I’ve got a question for you… Are you the person who you thought you’d be by now? I know I am not. The fact is that life may not be what you thought it would be by now (If It is, I congratulate you & applaud you) You may feel stuck in a job you don’t like, not making enough money, jobless, or maybe you are in a bad relationship/marriage, or unhappy because you are out of shape…but don’t let that get you down.The key is 2 focus on what you have (Health,Fam,friends etc) instead of what you don’t have. And also in the things that you have done (Finished a Race-College/Got that Diploma/Raise a Family etc) Instead of the things you haven’t done. yetIF where you are now, it’s not where you want to be…know that where you’re going is far more important than where you are now or where you’ve been.Forgive yourself, Accept the current situation & MOVE ON, knowing that from now on you will focus your time & energy on the possibilities & opportunities that lie ahead 4 you in the near future.” - Pablo

37. “I'm not so stupid as to believe that you've completely forgotten about your former boyfriend. I know you think there are others here more suited for me and this life, and I wouldn't want you to rush into trying to be happy with any of this. I just... I just want to know if it's possible...” - Kiera Cass

38. “Blessed with riches and possibilities far beyond anything imagined by ancestors who tilled the unpredictable soil of medieval Europe, modern populations have nonetheless shown a remarkable capacity to feel that neither who they are nor what they have is quite enough.” - Alain De Botton

39. “Anything is possible.""You really believe that?""It's what the great love stories are about, right?Beating the odds.” - Richard Castle

40. “A work in progress. And the possibilities are endless.” - Elizabeth Eulsberg Take A Bow

41. “Don't be afraid to be confused. Try to remain permanently confused. Anything is possible. Stay open, forever, so open it hurts, and then open up some more, until the day you die, world without end, amen.” - George Saunders

42. “Why do we insist on putting limitations on what people are capable of doing?” - Gaby Rodriguez

43. “Every closed door isn't locked and even if it is...YOU just might have the key! Search within to unlock a world of possibilities!” - Sanjo Jendayi