44 Romantic Comedy Movie Quotes

July 17, 2024, 1:45 p.m.

44 Romantic Comedy Movie Quotes

Romantic comedies have a special place in our hearts, effortlessly blending humor and love in a way that leaves us feeling warm and fuzzy. These films not only entertain us but also gift us with some of the most memorable and quotable lines in cinema history. Whether it's a witty comeback, a heartfelt confession, or an unforgettable proclamation of love, romantic comedy movie quotes have a way of staying with us long after the credits roll. Get ready to smile, laugh, and swoon as we take you through a curated collection of the top 44 romantic comedy movie quotes that perfectly capture the magic of love and laughter.

1. “Is there anything else you need from me?" Ranger asked."Not right now.""There will come a time," Ranger said. "Let me know when." And he disconnected.I opened the freezer and stuck my head in to cool off. If there'd been any more innuendo in that conversation, I could have fried an egg on my forehead.” - Janet Evanovich

2. “...then we went skinny dippin' and did things that frighten the fish...Character, Shelby Eatonton, from the movie, Steel Magnolias.” - Robert Harling

3. “Sounds like you kids have some talking to do. I'll be eavesdropping from the kitchen.” - Jill Shalvis

4. “Sorry,” he said. “Let me drop the belt-"“No.” She held on when he would have pulled away. “Don’t. I like it.” Again, he lifted her face, and he smiled. “The tool belt turns you on.” “No.” She closed her eyes and thunked her forehead to his chest. “Little bit.” - Jill Shalvis

5. “Hal yang terpenting dalam cinta adalah persahabatan. Dan hal yang terpenting dalam persahabatan adalah cinta ...” - Winna Efendi

6. “He couldn’t just come right out with it, could he? No, that would scare her off. He had to be subtle, build up to it. Explain himself. “I love you.” Of course, straight to the point was also an effective strategy.” - Sarah Mayberry

7. “She didn’t sound overjoyed. She didn’t sound even slightly joyed.” - Sarah Mayberry

8. “Trina stared into her open kitchen cabinets. She was two and a half days into her pre-date-night ritual fast, and she was about to crack. Technically, she wasn’t going out on a date Saturday night, but Juliet was determined to have a man in her bed by the end of the evening. To be honest, Trina wasn’t really looking forward to tomorrow night’s manhunt. Sure, she was desperate for some hot monkey sex, but the thought of a one-night-stand was quickly losing its appeal. She wanted more than just plain, old sex. She wanted romance -- preferably with someone for whom she didn’t have to fast for three days to attract.” - Lucie Simone

9. “Karamel. Aku baru memperhatikan, warna matanya coklat keemasan, seperti sirup karamel yang selalu kucampurkan di kopiku.” - Francisca Todi

10. “Bila dari dulu aku tahu sebuah tabrakan bisa mempertemukanku dengan wanita cantik sepertimu, aku tak akan mengemudi terlalu hati-hati.” - Francisca Todi

11. “Kau yakin kau sudah mengecek rias wajahmu? Matamu kelihatan seperti mata panda.” - Francisca Todi

12. “Bila hidup ini memang pertarungan, kita baru tahu siapa yang menang dan kalah di akhir kehidupan. Selama kita masih bernapas, masih ada kesempatan untuk menang.” - Francisca Todi

13. “Ganteng bukan segalanya. Kau belum tahu saja, sewaktu-waktu dia bisa berubah menjadi monster yang mengerikan.” - Francisca Todi

14. “What was the point of starting a new life if she did everything the same as her old one?” - Donna Cummings

15. “You know, typically a nickname is shorter than the given name.”“Is it?” he asked in mock seriousness. “Oh. Well, tell you what, you can call me…”She waited several beats, thinking of more than a few unkind examples. “I can call you what?” she finally asked.“That’s it.” He shot her his bone-melting smile. “You can just call me. Anytime.”She rolled her eyes, refusing to give in to the smile that threatened. “That sounds like a line from one of your movies.”He shot her a triumphant look. “Ah, ha! I knew you were a fan.” - Jennifer Shirk

16. “Arrr, shiver me timbers,” he said in an exaggerated pirate twang. He winked his uncovered eye and hooked his thumbs in his pants. “This is the nicest your mom’s been to a poor old bloke like me-self in days.”Sandra poked a finger in his chest, but grinned. “Don’t make me regret it, or you’ll walk the plank.”He grinned back and, with that eye patch, turned knee-meltingly rakish in under ten seconds flat. “Aye, I won’t be asking you to make me Roger jolly, if that’s what has you worrying.” - Jennifer Shirk

17. “Sunny laughed. "It's okay. You're right, Emma. My name is unusual, but I like to think of it as... special also."Special?Sam cocked his head as he studied Sunny. Almost all of her hair had escaped out of her ponytail now. She wore a baggy pink sweatshirt and had on the kind of drawstring plaid pants that would've set Bozo the Clown's heart pitter-pattering with envy. Her yellow tennis shoes were covered with dog hair.Yeah, special was one word for her.” - Jennifer Shirk

18. “Georgie?” He reached out with both hands to steady her—and himself. His mind had trouble focusing. He couldn’t believe Georgie was actually standing in front of him. She looked liked an angel—in knee-high biker boots. Those boots looked even better in real life than in his imagination. He gazed into her eyes and was filled with so many emotions, so many things he wanted to say to her, he didn’t know where to start. “I like your shoes,” he said.” - Jennifer Shirk

19. “(Can human beings change? The humor, and the sadness, of remarriage comedies can be said to result from the fact that we have no good answer to that question.)” - Stanley Cavell

20. “He's reading a book called Great Warlocks of the 18th Century, and to get this ball rolling before Dean Devlin shows up and rains on our private parade, I snort and ask, "Good book?"I forget I'm pretending to be sitting behind my two-thousand-ninety-eight-page Highlights of Modern Chemistry book, so he snorts back. "Better than yours.” - Rusty Fischer

21. “Wanita cerdas bisa menghadapi cecunguk mana pun dengan anggun.” - Francisca Todi

22. “He's like a God. You worship the gods, but you don't go out with them. You only like guys like that from a distance.” - Cynthia Hand

23. “Do you always mix business and pleasure?” She flashed her most alluring smile. "Miss Stockton, when you own an inn, your business is pleasure.” - J.M. Maxim

24. “I'd rather be stung to death by a bunch of piss ants. ~Synola Harper, You're Busting My Nuptials” - Ann Everett

25. “I feel like I've been ironing all day in high heels and no brassiere. ~Tizzy Donovan, Laid Out and Candle Lit” - Ann Everett

26. “Due to budget constraints I've rewritten the script, condensing all four of the Twilight Opuses into one epic screenplay. We'll shoot it over two days. I cut out New Moon,' he added quickly, 'Edward's not in it that much. And I also took out the bits in Italy, as well as all the fight scenes. Those are too expensive to film. And there are no wolves in it either...the CGI would have blown the budget.” - Lola Salt

27. “Phoebe doesn't quite believe in fate the way I do. She says you have to chase your destiny, and she always expects life to be like a romantic comedy: all you have to do is dress the part of the heroine, and pretty soon you'll be kissing some hottie while fountains spew and music swells in the background.” - Lauren Morrill

28. “Love is simple, if you allow it to be simple." Julian to Hannah, Take A Chance” - Alison Wong

29. “You know, Taylor, I told his manager that your reputation in this firm is that you can go head-to-head with any man. And win.” - Julie James

30. “What are you doing?'If I texted back too soon, he would think I wasn't doing anything and then he would probably try to come over. I watched another episode before texting him again: 'Watching Kim K. shop for a dress. You?'He texted back: 'Standing outside your door'.Shit!” - Whitney Gracia Williams

31. “Boyfriend?” He was smiling slightly.Karl rolled his eyes. “Not if you’re going to be like that about it.”“What, happy?” Aiden teased. “You supposed to want your boyfriend to be happy, you know.”“I want you to be happy,” Karl muttered. “I just don’t want you to be a smug little bastard about it.” - Jane Davitt

32. “[Gethin] was used to New York and schlepping down to Buddakan or a trendy bistro in Manhattan’s meatpacking district or some other hip and happening joint, she thought, running out of ‘Sex and the City’ hotspots. Welsh cuisine probably wasn’t sexy enough for him now, but once you got over the sight of laver bread and cockles, all that iodine was supposed to do wonders for your love life. On the other hand, Gethin Lewis didn’t look like a man who needed any chemical crutch to boost his libido.” - Christine Stovell

33. “He’s been a bit grumpy since Potato Day.’She heard Gethin choke back a laugh.‘He set up an all-day workshop on all things potato after reading up about successful winter events at other nurseries,’ she went on, unable to hide her own amusement. ‘It was a terrible failure. Hardly anyone turned up apart from our poet, Wilfie, who wrote a Potat-Ode to celebrate the occasion.” - Christine Stovell

34. “She had offered to drive, not least because it would have given her some control over the evening, but Gethin had raised an eyebrow and told her he liked a more comfortable ride. She assumed it was a reference to her van rather than some frank over-sharing.” - Christine Stovell

35. “[while dancing] The man who was supposed to be her new partner had taken the caller’s final instruction to extremes. From the way Adam’s mouth was locked against Kitty’s he seemed to be anticipating not a temporary split but a lengthy separation. More of a French Fancy than a farmer’s fancy, thought Coralie.” - Christine Stovell

36. “I believe in making my potential models comfortable,’ he explained when she shot a surprised look at him. ‘I’m considerate, unlike some artists who bend their sitters into difficult positions and expect them to stay there for hours. My demands are entirely reasonable.’For a moment, her libido got interested in his demands. What would it be like to listen to the soft caress of his voice as he told her how he wanted her? To have those midnight-blue eyes roam over every inch of her body? To be passive, helpless, whilst he did whatever he pleased?” - Christine Stovell

37. “Kitty waved her free hand to show that she was ok, although she was very tempted to stand over one of Adam’s window-washing puddles and pretend her waters had broken just to see what he would do.” - Christine Stovell

38. “Outside, the sunlight had turned pale lemon, but the studio remained cool. The white walls and white-tiled splashback behind the sink were made more clinical by the metal tables which looked as if they’d originally been intended for use in an operating theatre. Even though they were laid out with brushes and paints rather than forceps and retractors, the effect was equally daunting; both sets of tools could open you up in strange and unexpected ways.” - Christine Stovell

39. “And for Heaven's sake, do not wiggle!” - Colleen Houck

40. “Often you don’t know whether you’re the hero of a romantic comedy or the villain on a Lifetime special until the restraining order arrives.” - Tim Kreider

41. “She's eighty-four and still has all her teeth. She keeps them in a little wooden box on her dressing table.” - Simon Hugh Wheeler

42. “From Chloe's Secret--coming soon“What are you saying?”“I’m saying I want to have a relationship with you. I want to love you.”“Is there a ‘but’ coming next?”“But the funny thing is, when I didn’t want to love you—it happened anyway.”He slipped his arms into my back pockets and hugged the breath out of me. I choked, my eyes stung. “I don’t know what to say.”He smiled. “Say whatever you want to. Just because I said it, you don’t have to.”He was right; I didn’t have to. He wasn’t asking anything of me.” - Shelley K. Wall

43. “How can I be more important than someone else? Isn’t every life important?” - Shelley K. Wall

44. “While he gave Ella enormous credit for summing the situation so succinctly, part of him was still waiting for her to crumple on the floor in a heap. “Yes it does. But please, don’t be frightened–”“Oh pack it in,” she snapped, re-lacing the top of her bodice. “You’re not marrying a wilting sunflower you know.” - Michelle Smart