44 Wealth-Building Quotes

Aug. 14, 2024, 9:45 a.m.

44 Wealth-Building Quotes

In the pursuit of financial success, wisdom from those who have mastered the art of wealth-building can be invaluable. Whether you're an aspiring entrepreneur, a seasoned investor, or someone who's passionate about achieving financial independence, the right words can inspire and guide you on your journey. We've curated a collection of the top 44 wealth-building quotes to offer insight, motivation, and encouragement. These timeless nuggets of wisdom come from some of the most influential minds in finance and business, meant to provide you with the inspiration to achieve your own financial goals. Dive in and let these powerful quotes propel you toward creating and sustaining wealth.

1. “Why should we labor this unpleasant point? Because the Book of Mormon labors it, for our special benefit. Wealth is a jealous master who will not be served halfheartedly and will suffer no rival--not even God: "Ye cannot serve God and Mammon." (Matthew 6:24) In return for unquestioning obedience wealth promises security, power, position, and honors, in fact anything in this world. Above all, the Nephites like the Romans saw in it a mark of superiority and would do anything to get hold of it, for to them "money answereth all things." (Ecclesiastes 10:19) "Ye do always remember your riches," cried Samuel the Lamanite, ". . .unto great swelling, envyings, strifes, malice, persecutions, and murders, and all manner of iniquities." (Helaman 13:22) Along with this, of course, everyone dresses in the height of fashion, the main point being always that the proper clothes are expensive--the expression "costly apparel" occurs 14 times in the Book of Mormon. The more important wealth is, the less important it is how one gets it.” - Hugh Nibley

2. “Wealth consists not in having great possessions, but in having few wants.” - Epictetus

3. “Whenever a state or an individual cited 'insufficient funds' as an excuse for neglecting this important thing or that, it was indicative of the extent to which reality had been distorted by the abstract lens of wealth. During periods of so-called economic depression, for example, societies suffered for want of all manner of essential goods, yet investigation almost invariably disclosed that there were plenty of goods available. Plenty of coal in the ground, corn in the fields, wool on the sheep. What was missing was not materials but an abstract unit of measurement called 'money.' It was akin to a starving woman with a sweet tooth lamenting that she couldn't bake a cake because she didn't have any ounces. She had butter, flour, eggs, milk, and sugar, she just didn't have any ounces, any pinches, any pints. The loony legacy of money was that the arithmetic by which things were measured had become more valuable than the things themselves.” - Tom Robbins

4. “Am I right in suggesting that ordinary life is a mean between these extremes, that the noble man devotes his material wealth to lofty ends, the advancement of science, or art, or some such true ideal; and that the base man does the opposite by concentrating all his abilities on the amassing of wealth?'Exactly; that is the real distinction between the artist and the bourgeois, or, if you prefer it, between the gentleman and the cad. Money, and the things money can buy, have no value, for there is no question of creation, but only of exchange. Houses, lands, gold, jewels, even existing works of art, may be tossed about from one hand to another; they are so, constantly. But neither you nor I can write a sonnet; and what we have, our appreciation of art, we did not buy. We inherited the germ of it, and we developed it by the sweat of our brows. The possession of money helped us, but only by giving us time and opportunity and the means of travel. Anyhow, the principle is clear; one must sacrifice the lower to the higher, and, as the Greeks did with their oxen, one must fatten and bedeck the lower, so that it may be the worthier offering.” - Aleister Crowley

5. “I do not believe that one can become rich without being a shark; a sensitive man will never amass wealth.” - Petrus Borel

6. “Most of us have no sympathy with the rich idler who spends his life in pleasure without ever doing any work. But even he fulfills a function in the life of the social organism. He sets an example of luxury that awakens in the multitude a consciousness of new needs and gives industry the incentive to fulfill them.” - Ludwig Von Mises

7. “Wealth is not without its advantages and the case to the contrary, although it has often been made, has never proved widely persuasive. ” - John Kenneth Galbraith

8. “When people love each other, they are content with very little. When we have light and joy in our hearts, we don't need material wealth. The most loving communities are often the poorest. If our own life is luxurious and wasteful, we can't approach poor people. If we love people, we want to identify with them and share with them.” - Jean Vanier

9. “How long will it be necessary to pay City men so entirely out of proportion to what other servants of society commonly receive for performing social services not less useful or difficult?” - John Maynard Keynes

10. “No man should receive a dollar unless that dollar has been fairly earned.” - Theodore Roosevelt

11. “Customer is king. I am his treasurer.” - Toba Beta

12. “To be wealthy and honored in an unjust society is a disgrace.” - Confucius

13. “Wealth, my son, should never be your goal in life. Your words are eloquent but they are mere words. True wealth is of the heart, not of the purse.” - Og Mandino

14. “There is nothing to prove to anyone, just concentrate on your own needs.” - Stephen Richards

15. “Using your mind is a faster method to getting what you want. I mean, all you have to do is sit there. What could be easier?” - Stephen Richards

16. “When others walk away from a lost cause, then that is the time you can step in and seize success.” - Stephen Richards

17. “When you stop blaming others for where you are in life, that is when you can start to manifest your dream life!” - Stephen Richards

18. “Just let go of the need to care about whether it happens or not, then you are free from fear and can then concentrate on focusing.” - Stephen Richards

19. “Making excuses is one of a host of self-defeating behaviours and mental patterns that can block your success.” - Stephen Richards

20. “A good self-esteem level is mostly dependant on how we value ourselves without any bias.” - Stephen Richards

21. “Our own self-esteem is something we can actually twist in whatever way we want.” - Stephen Richards

22. “If you take any step, no matter how small it is, towards achieving your dreams then you will surely find the right path and reach the abundance that lies in store for you.” - Stephen Richards

23. “When you act on your beliefs, the realisation that happens is caused by you and this will in turn lead to a consequence.” - Stephen Richards

24. “Thy shalt not worship thy investment advisor, for if she were so smart she would be retired by now.” - Steven J. Lee

25. “Manifesting your desires requires an understanding of the universe’s abundance and inherently giving nature. If you ask from a position of fear or desperation, you are sending out your fear and desperation, and the universe, giving, reflecting, and non-judgmental as it is, will send those right back at you.” - Stephen Richards

26. “Thought is power, as is desire, but neither is enough unless it is backed by faith, specificity, and the desire to see to it that it becomes.” - Stephen Richards

27. “Remember your true self. You are more than just flesh and bones; you are unlimited energy and power. Knowing this, you will understand why happiness and prosperity are your birth right.” - Stephen Richards

28. “I know money isn't everything. but it certainly is something.” - Thisuri Wanniarachchi

29. “Mums tik daudz pieder, cik mēs paši ar savām rokām varam nopelnīt, paši ar savu garu uzcelt, paši ar savu prātu izgudrot, paši izdāvāt un beidzot – paši savā sirdī izturēt. Pazuduši esam, ja gaidām, lai citi mūs celtu, atzītu, stiprinātu, aizstāvētu un aplaimotu.” - Zenta Maurina

30. “... anyone can acquire wealth, the real art is giving it away.” - Daisy Goodwin

31. “I live in a world in which 40 men control wealth equal to that of nearly 80 countries, where to maintain their hegemony, countless acts of mayhem and massacre must occur every day. This is the reality that forms and reforms my days as it does those of all people on this hapless planet. I do not think any more that writing - mine or another's - can change the world. Perhaps in their small way, writers can answer for those who are voiceless in their extreme deprivation and suffering, but at best, in the very smallest scheme, writing can provide a moment of grace, both for her who writes and him who reads, in a very dark world.” - Cecile Pineda

32. “God rewards every act of obedience to His Will.” - Jaachynma N.E. Agu

33. “I did not myself set a high estimation on wealth, and had the affectation of most young men of lively imagination, who suppose that they can better dispense with the possession of money, than resign their time and faculties to the labour necessary to acquire it.” - Walter Scott

34. “philosophes qui ont pu autrefois se soustraire de l'empire de la fortune, et, malgré les douleurs et la pauvreté, disputer de la félicité avec leurs dieux. Car s'occupant sans cesse à considérer les bornes qui leur étaient prescrites par la nature, ils se persuadaient si parfaitement que rien n'était en leur pouvoir que leurs pensées, que cela seul était suffisant pour les empêcher d'avoir aucune affection pour d'autres choses; et ils disposaient d'elles si absolument qu'ils avaient en cela quelque raison de s'estimer plus riches, et plus puissants, et plus libres, et plus heureux qu'aucun des autres hommes, qui, n'ayant point cette philosophie, tant favorisés de la nature et de la fortune qu'ils puissent être, ne disposent jamais ainsi de tout ce qu'ils veulent. (partie 3, para 4)” - René Descartes

35. “What gets me most about these people, Daddy, isn't how ignorant they are, or how much they drink. It's the way they have of thinking that everything nice in the world is a gift to the poor people from them or their ancestors. The first afternoon I was here, Mrs. Buntline made me come out on the back porch and look at the sunset. So I did, and I said I liked it very much, but she kept waiting for me to say something else. I couldn't think of what I was supposed to say, so I said what seemed like a dumb thing. "Thank you very much," I said. That is exactly what she was waiting for. "You're entirely welcome," she said. I have since thanked her for the ocean, the moon, the stars in the sky, and the United States Constitution.” - Kurt Vonnegut

36. “I talk. Jim runs. I tilt stones, Jim grabs the cold junk under the stones and -lickety-split! I climb hills. Jim yells off church steeples. I got a bank account. Jim’s got the hair on his head, the yell in his mouth, the shirt on his back and the tennis shoes on his feet. How come I think he’s richer?” - Ray Bradbury

37. “Being wealthy isn't just a question of having lots of money. It's a question of what we want. Wealth isn't an absolute, it's relative to desire. Every time we seek something that we can't afford, we can be counted as poor, how much money we may actually have.” - Jean Jacques Rousseau

38. “No one described him better than he did when someone accused him of being rich. “No, not rich,” he said. “I am a poor man with money, which is not the same thing.” - Gabriel Garcia Marquez

39. “Religious Jews believe that all things come from God, as God owns everything. The Tanakh says, “The Lord makes some poor and others rich; he brings some down and lifts others up” (NLT, 1 Samuel 2:7). “The blessing of the LORD brings wealth, and he adds no trouble to it” (NIV, Proverbs 10:22).” - H.W. Charles

40. “Rags-to-riches story? I've heard that gospel before, no thanks. I find no greater inspiration than the riches-to-rags story of redemption, the story of God leaving His golden throne to pursue a wretch like me.” - T. William Watts

41. “If you wish to make Pythocles rich, do not add to his store of money, but subtract from his desires.” - Epicurus

42. “Choices, options, decisions abound. Choose right, take the best option and decide well.” - Jaachynma N.E. Agu

43. “Accept responsibilities for all your actions. Learn from your past and your mistakes.” - Agu Jaachynma N E

44. “When someone loves you so much that He dies for you, you can trust that any rewards He promises are going to be good.” - David Servant