45 Iconic Hollywood Movie Quotes

Oct. 13, 2024, 5:45 a.m.

45 Iconic Hollywood Movie Quotes

Hollywood has gifted us with countless memorable moments, but few encapsulate its magic quite like the art of the movie quote. These iconic lines have transcended their original films, weaving themselves into the very fabric of popular culture. They act as verbal landmarks—instantly recognizable and universally cherished—conveying complex emotions and narratives in a handful of words. Whether they're stirring our courage, tickling our funny bone, or capturing the essence of love, these quotes have left an indelible mark on audiences worldwide. Journey with us as we explore a curated selection of the top 45 iconic Hollywood movie quotes, celebrating the wit, wisdom, and wonder they continue to inspire today.

1. “Hollywood is a place where they'll pay you a thousand dollars for a kiss and fifty cents for your soul. I know, because I turned down the first offer often enough and held out for the fifty cents.” - Marilyn Monroe

2. “Life in the movie business is like the beginning of a new love affair: it's full of surprises, and you're constantly getting fucked.” - David Mamet

3. “He has the memory of a convict, the balls of a fireman, and the eyesight of a housebreaker. When there is crime to fight, Landsman tears around Sitka like a man with his pant leg caught on a rocket. It's like there's a film score playing behind him, heavy on the castanets. The problem comes in the hours when he isn't working, when his thoughts start blowing out the open window of his brain like pages from the blotter. Sometimes it takes a heavy paperweight to pin them down.” - Michael Chabon

4. “Every actor in his heart believes everything bad that's printed about him.” - Orson Welles

5. “If you think Hollywood is depressing and corrupt, politics is really depressing and corrupt -- and fueled even more than Hollywood by money -- if that's possible.” - Ben Affleck

6. “Out of the closets and into the museums, libraries, architectural monuments, concert halls, bookstores, recording studios and film studios of the world. Everything belongs to the inspired and dedicated thief…. Words, colors, light, sounds, stone, wood, bronze belong to the living artist. They belong to anyone who can use them. Loot the Louvre! A bas l’originalité, the sterile and assertive ego that imprisons us as it creates. Vive le vol-pure, shameless, total. We are not responsible. Steal anything in sight.” - William Burroughs

7. “I won`t buy into the Hollywood thing...I want to be in good movies.” - Ewan McGregor

8. “In Hollywood, no one knows anything.” - William Goldman

9. “In Hollywood if you don't have a shrink, people think you're crazy.” - Johnny Carson

10. “In Hollywood, the women are all peaches. It makes one long for an apple occasionally.” - W. Somerset Maugham

11. “The Government set the stage economically by informing everyone that we were in a depression period, with very pointed allusions to the 1930s. The period just prior to our last 'good' war. ... Boiled down, our objective was to make killing and military life seem like adventurous fun, so for our inspiration we went back to the Thirties as well. It was pure serendipity. Inside one of the Scripter offices there was an old copy of Doc Smith's first LENSMAN space opera. It turned out that audiences in the 1970s were more receptive to the sort of things they scoffed at as juvenilia in the 1930s. Our drugs conditioned them to repeat viewings, simultaneously serving the ends of profit and positive reinforcement. The movie we came up with stroked all the correct psychological triggers. The fact that it grossed more money than any film in history at the time proved how on target our approach was.''Oh my God... said Jonathan, his mouth stalling the open position.'Six months afterward we ripped ourselves off and got secondary reinforcement onto television. We pulled a 40 share. The year after that we phased in the video games, experimenting with non-narcotic hypnosis, using electrical pulses, body capacitance, and keying the pleasure centers of the brain with low voltage shocks. Jesus, Jonathan, can you *see* what we've accomplished? In something under half a decade we've programmed an entire generation of warm bodies to go to war for us and love it. They buy what we tell them to buy. Music, movies, whole lifestyles. And they hate who we tell them to. ... It's simple to make our audiences slaver for blood; that past hasn't changed since the days of the Colosseum. We've conditioned a whole population to live on the rim of Apocalypse and love it. They want to kill the enemy, tear his heart out, go to war so their gas bills will go down! They're all primed for just that sort of denouemment, ti satisfy their need for linear storytelling in the fictions that have become their lives! The system perpetuates itself. Our own guinea pigs pay us money to keep the mechanisms grinding away. If you don't believe that, just check out last year's big hit movies... then try to tell me the target demographic audience isn't waiting for marching orders. ("Incident On A Rainy Night In Beverly Hills")” - David J. Schow

12. “Junior writers $300; Minor poets—$500 a week; Broken novelists—$850-1000; One play dramatists—$1500; Sucks—$2000. Wits—$2500.” - F. Scott Fitzgerald

13. “It's [Los Angeles] mostly full of nonsense and delusion and egomania. They think they'll be young and beautiful forever, even though most of them aren't even young and beautiful now.” - Christopher Hitchens

14. “I leave the kitchen table to bathe, and to dress for church. If only my closet held on its shelves an array of faces I could wear rather than dresses, I would know which face to put on today. As for the dresses, I haven't a clue.” - Tim Cummings

15. “It’s easier for me to make sense of it that way than it is for me to face the other way—reality. And yet, those evil spirits that were unleashed—be they fake entities from a stupid carnival ride, or cruel malevolencies from dark spiritual chasms of our universe—have stayed with me all these years” - Tim Cummings

16. “Listen, we’ll come visit you. Okay? I’ll dress up as William Shakespeare, Lucent as Emily Dickinson, and beautiful ‘Ray’ as someone dashing and manly like Jules Verne or Ernest Hemingway...and we’ll write on your white-room walls. We’ll write you out of your supposed insanity. I love you, Micky Affias.-James (from "Descendants of the Eminent")” - Tim Cummings

17. “We didn't need sex. We had Tyrone Power.” - Barbara Cartland

18. “Hollywood is a door leading to a thousand doors” - Kensington Roth

19. “Sînt niște... compozițiuni de fetișcană care e cam tristă în fond, cam nebună și care vrea să filosofeze avînd certitudinea că e genială și că poate ajunge cu mîinile ei încă neformate, încă în creștere, stelele de pe cer.” - Vasile Rebreanu

20. “Fidelity is a living, breathing entity. On wobbly footing, it can wander, becoming something different entirely.” - Kay Goodstadt

21. “Hollywood is the definition of sexual discrimination.” - Ally Sheedy

22. “What does she do?""She's a producer." Of course, in Los Angeles this doesn't mean much more than "she's a member of the human race.” - Julian Fellowes

23. “Now we really like to put people in boxes. As men, we do it because we don't understand characters that aren't ourselves and we aren't willing to put ourselves in the skin of those characters and women, I think, terrify us. We tend not to write women as human beings. It's cartoons we're making now. And that's a shame.” - Paul Haggis

24. “To create what it does, Hollywood has to draw young people, often of unstable temperment, from all over the world. It plunges them into exacting work---surrounds them with a sensuous life-- and cuts them off from the normal sources of living".” - Max Lerner

25. “Most of the successful people in Hollywood are failures as human beings.” - Marlon Brando

26. “The piercing fanfare of the brass against the brutal boom and rattle of the drums surged through the air. At the head of the Ferris band marched the drum majorette. A crimson and white shako crowned her long dark hair which flew out behind her and across her radiant face flushed with excitement. Her blue eyes flashed and her smile registered triumph at having been chosen.” - Clark Zlotchew

27. “…Heath Ledger once said to me, ‘It’s built you up to knock you down and that’s all it is.” - lindsay lohan

28. “I blame Hollywood for skewing perspectives. Life is just a big romantic comedy to them, and if you meet cute, happily ever-after is a forgone conclusion.” - Jonathan Tropper

29. “Hollywood było miastem niezliczonych rozstań,kosmosem kruchych miłości i malowanych płócien” - Michel Schneider

30. “Get your associates as fast as you can and then get a bachelors.""I don't want that. I want to work in TV.""Trust me, Laura. You'd be happier if you were an accountant.” - Teresa Lo

31. “Unpaid internships are worse than slavery," Gabby said. I looked at her, unsure of what she meant. "They make us work ridiculous hours, for free, and they make us do things an employee would do. It's a scam, and worse, they make you feel like they're doing YOU a favor. It's such mindfuckery.” - Teresa Lo

32. “Holivuda patiesībā ir noskaņa, gara stāvoklis, mīts, nevis noteikta vieta… Visur, kur sapulcējas ļaudis, kas reprezentē un veido filmu, ir Holivuda. Tā ir sabiedrība, kurā neviens nekam netic un tomēr visi pārtiek no pasakām. Kur visi liekuļo un tomēr cer kļūt bagāti, pārdodot savu sirsnību… Holivudu visi noniecina, bet katrs tai vēlas piederēt. Holivuda neatzīst nekādus likumus un tomēr vērtē visas lietas ar visneiecietīgāko mērauklu – naudu. Talantam, skaistumam, izglītībai, gaumei, ģenialitātei pašai par sevi nav nozīmes. Ja šīs lietas nevar tūdaļ pārvērst naudā, tad tās ir šķitums, pie kā nav vērts kavēties… Nekur pasaulē vienuviet nesapulcējas tik daudz ievērojamu mākslinieku un sava aroda labāko meistaru kā Holivudā, un tomēr reti kur mākslai tik smagi tiek nodarīts pāri!” - Anšlavs Eglītis

33. “Holivudas dievekļus, tāpat kā visus citus, darināja cilvēki paši… Vai patiesi aktierim nevajadzēja nekāda noslēpumainā “kaut kā”, vai tiešām pietika, ja tiek kaut kā ierāpās Holivudas reklāmas brīnummašīnā vai arī dabūja kādu, kas viņu tur ievilka aiz matiem?” - Anšlavs Eglītis

34. “Holivudā dzīvs ir tikai tas, kas piedalās produkcijā; ja kāds atstāja ekrānu, tad, lai cik kādreiz bijis slavens, tas bija beigts un miris un par to neviens vairs neinteresējās” - Anšlavs Eglītis

35. “Far from being freaks, the Hell's Angels are a logical product of the culture that now claims to be shocked at their existence. The generation represented by the editors of Time has lived so long in a world full of Celluloid outlaws hustling toothpaste and hair oil that it is no longer capable of confronting the real thing. For twenty years they have sat with their children and watched yesterday's outlaws raise hell with yesterday's world ... and now they are bringing up children who think Jesse James is a television character. This is the generation that went to war for Mom, God and Apple Butter, the American Way of Life. When they came back, they crowned Eisenhower and then retired to the giddy comfort of their TV parlors, to cultivate the subtleties of American history as seen by Hollywood.” - Hunter S. Thompson

36. “It's time now to rent a car, roll down the windows and prepare for your first big thrill: the freeways. They're so much fun they should charge admission. Never fret about zigzagging back and forth through six lanes of traffic at high speeds; it erases jet lag in a split second.You're now heading toward Hollywood, like any normal tourist. Breathe in that smog and feel lucky that only in L.A. will you glimpse a green sun or a brown moon. Forget the propaganda you've heard about clean air; demand oxygen you can see in all its glorious discoloration.” - John Waters

37. “It’s going to happen, people are going to talk and that’s great. If people are talking, they’re being entertained in one way or another, so carry on.” - -Henry Cavill

38. “I suppose it was a mistake to sketch in a background for the movie, in which I described a likely mix of people in a late-Roman settlement, amongst them people from Africa and the Near East. 'You mean they had black people back then!' was actually what my boss exclaimed when he read that. 'Could Lancelot's sidekick be black?” - Michael Moorcock

39. “I made my first film on 16mm. Then I began using 35mm.Then I began working in Hollywood. And I began to really understand how films were made by professionals. I have to say I wasn't very impressed.” - Mike Figgis

40. “I lapsed into my pathetic cut-off period. Often with humans, both good and bad, my senses simply shut off, they get tired, I give up. I am polite. I nod. I pretend to understand because I don’t want anybody to be hurt. That is the one weakness that has lead me into the most trouble. Trying to be kind to others I often get my soul shredded into a kind of spiritual pasta.No matter. My brain shuts off. I listen. I respond. And they are too dumb to know that I am not there.” - Charles Bukowski

41. “Don't bring Hollywood; bring Christ. Don't bring power. Don't bring just your money. Bring love. Bring the kingdom.” - Brother Andrew

42. “One of the common themes you will read in interview after interview is the call to keep fighting for your vision. This is a message to women directors, producers, writers—anyone who wants to work in the business. Your voice counts. Your vision matters.” - Melissa Silverstein

43. “How are his poems?""He's not as good as he thinks he is, but then most of us feel that way.” - Charles Bukowski

44. “Once upon a time, I wrote a book. People seemed to dig it, so I wrote another and one after that. That’s when Hollywood came knocking at my back door. As soon as I cashed that check, I wrapped my lips around the mighty erection that is the film industry and sucked hard, just like a good whore should. Unfortunately, I had to be taught not to orphan the balls.” - Hank Moody

45. “Do not wait and hope to be discovered...make yourself so you cannot be denied!” - Jamie McCall