Nov. 13, 2024, 4:45 p.m.
In a world that often feels fast-paced and overwhelming, taking a moment to reflect on the important lessons life offers can provide clarity and motivation. Inspirational quotes have the unique ability to capture profound truths in just a few words, serving as powerful reminders of what's truly important. Whether you're seeking encouragement, wisdom, or a fresh perspective, a collection of carefully chosen quotes can offer solace and inspiration. Dive into this compilation of top 45 inspirational life lessons quotes and allow their timeless wisdom to uplift and guide you on your journey.
1. “Give the People what they want - and they'll get what they deserve.” - The Kinks
2. “There will be a few times in your life when all your instincts will tell you to do something, something that defies logic, upsets your plans, and may seem crazy to others. When that happens, you do it. Listen to your instincts and ignore everything else. Ignore logic, ignore the odds, ignore the complications, and just go for it.” - Judith McNaught
3. “Be bold. But not bold, be fucking bold.” - james frey
4. “love everyone,trust a few and rely on nobody” - Claude lavallee
5. “We need to get rid of hate, envy, jealousy, discord in ourselves, so we can reach a solution in terms of peace in order to feel that time has come for human happiness.” - Chico Xavier
6. “I don’t care if people say that I am staying hungry and foolish.” - Santosh Kalwar
7. “It's hard at times, but it makes a kid strong in ways that most people can't understand. Teaches them that even though people are left behind, new ones will inevitable take their place; that every place has something good - and bad - to offer. It makes a kid grow up fast.” - Nicholas Sparks
8. “But life, if nothing else, had taught her promises weren't always to be counted on, and what appeared at first a shining chance might end in bitter disappointment.” - Susanna Kearsley
9. “It's a dangerous thing when you have love without faith and trust... No one wants to feel unsure when they give their heart away.” - Solange nicole
10. “You move forward. You face up to your challenges. You don't retreat. You're young, and sometimes you'll wish you could. But don't.” - Ellyn Bache
11. “But some climbs you have to make alone.” - Ellyn Bache
12. “Live the moment. Cherish the present. Anticipate the future. Frame the yesteryear” - Hlovate
13. “Destiny, she’d learned, was written in the heavens; a person couldn’t take what the universe didn’t wish to give.” - Jennifer Haigh
14. “Some people are like thorns. But you have to let them be thorns, because thorns can't turn into petals. The trick is not letting them prick you; never let a thorn prick you!” - C. JoyBell C.
15. “Waiting around to be perfect never amounts to anything. Don't be a waiter or you'll be serving other people.” - Ian Desabrais
16. “I abandoned the assigned problems in standard calculus textbooks and followed my curiosity. Wherever I happened to be--a Vegas casino, Disneyland, surfing in Hawaii, or sweating on the elliptical in Boesel's Green Microgym--I asked myself, "Where is the calculus in this experience?” - Jennifer Ouellette
17. “The mercy of forgiveness is brought from the strength to accept any situation given and faced. Spiritual independence and humbleness toward life makes life like a flowing river of release. What happens will happen anyways, and everybody can make mistakes. The important thing is to learn how to make a better future from the mistake.” - Hiroko Sakai
18. “Even when we do not actively participate in our destiny, we are still on a chosen path. Life has a way of making decisions for us.” - Nina Guilbeau
19. “And what went wrong when other alchemists tried to make gold and were unable to do so?""They were looking only for gold his companion answered. They were seeking the treasure of their personal legend, without wanting actually to live out the personal legend.” - Paulo Coelho
20. “Time is a funny thing, it can give and it can take away; and a single moment in time can truly change one’s life forever! The best kind of love is unexpected, unexplainable, undeniable, and unimaginable.Your sweet scent will forever be with me, reminding me of the love we once shared. I will breathe in the memories until we meet again.Before you act on what you have been told, consider your source. It may simply be assumption on their part, and that can be far from fact.Why stand back and wait for someone to fail when you can stand up and offer your support?Love is when the sound of your partner’s snoring lulls you to sleep, and it acts as a reminder that they are there by your side.Building a wall around your heart is a voluntary imprisonment to which only you have the key. Open your heart to life’s possibilities!” - Donna L. Jones
21. “Closing up. Finally spent.You are gone.And now you're moving along.Heavy now. Tears remain.Hard pressed to rest.When all I feel like is a mess.Now, don't you worry your head.You're not my one and only friend.And I don't need you anymore.To leave me bruised and broken on the floor.You left me bruised. You left me broken.You left me bruised. You left me broken.” - K.A. Linde
22. “It's the things you do that you don't have to do that always determine the difference when it is too late to do anything about it.” - Timothy Michael McDougall
23. “Have an open mind! Have an empty cup!” - Tae Yun Kim
24. “Mereka tak punya kemampuan menghapus cinta dan birahi. Mereka hanya bisa mencoba berdamai dengan perasaan itu dalam diri masing-masing” - Ayu Utami
25. “If experience is the best teacher, there's nothing that comes close to the experience of life.” - Michael A. Singer
26. “At the same time I know that it’s not really their fault, at least not completely. I did my part too. I did it on a hundred different days and in a thousand different ways, and I know it. But this makes the anger worse, not better.” - Lauren Oliver
27. “Without books we should very likely be a still-primitive people living in the shadow of traditions that faded with years until only a blur remained, and different memories would remember the past in different ways. A parent or a teacher has only his lifetime; a good book can teach forever.” - Louis L'Amour
28. “Friendship is ageless. It is the spirit we should like and care for, not the shell that encases it.” - Robert W. Sweeting
29. “The most important thing I learned is that to be truly happy, you've got to pay attention to that stupid inner voice we all have. It knows what you need and will drive you shit crazy until you listen to it.” - Dorothea Benton Frank
30. “I recall no arrangement, Mau, no bargain, covenant, agreement or promise. There is what happens, and what does not happen. There is no 'should” - Terry Pratchett
31. “I no longer see the world and its works as they before appeared to me.” - Mary Shelley
32. “If life is a journey, It can take you anywhere you wanna go.” - Christina Aguilera
33. “life is too narrow to walk in but wide to run throw” - Jack Daniels
34. “You see, that hunger inside us, that ambition, or whatever you may choose to call it, is a compass really, a compass of true desire. And if you will be happy, you must follow that desire, no matter which way the needle points.” - Kathe Koja
35. “هذه رسالة لكاتب مكسيسي اسمه "جوني ولش" كتبها على لسان دمية لماركيز سنة 1999 وقت أن كان ماركيز يصارع السرطان "لو شاء الله.. أن يهبني شيئا من حياة أخرى فسوف أستثمرها بكل قواي. ربما لن أقول كل ما أفكر به لكنى حتما سأفكر في كل ما سأقوله. سأمنح الأشياء قيمتها، لا لما تمثله، بل لما تعنيه. سأنام قليلا، وأحلم كثيرا، مدركا أن كل لحظة نغلق فيها أعيننا تعنى خسارة ستين ثانية من النور. سأسير فيما يتوقف الآخرون، وسأصحو فيما الكل نيام.. لو شاء ربى أن يهبني حياة أخرى، فسأرتدي ملابس بسيطة وأستلقي على الأرض، لا عاري الجسد فحسب، وإنما عاري الروح أيضا. سأبرهن للناس كم يخطئون عندما يعتقدون أنهم لن يكونوا عشاقا متى شاخوا، دون أن يدروا أنهم يشيخون إذا توقفوا عن العشق. وتابع يقول: "للطفل سأعطى الأجنحة، لكنى سأدعه يتعلم التحليق وحده، وللكهول سأعلمهم أن الموت لا يأتي مع الشيخوخة بل بفعل النسيان، لقد تعلمت منكم الكثير أيها البشر.. تعلمت أن الجميع يريد العيش في قمة الجبل غير مدركين أن سر السعادة تكمن في تسلقه. تعلمت أن المولود الجديد حين يشد على إصبع أبيه للمرة الأولى فذلك يعنى أنه أمسك بها إلى الأبد. تعلمت أن الإنسان يحق له أن ينظر من فوق إلى الآخر، فقط حين يجب أن يساعده على الوقوف، تعلمت منكم أشياء كثيرة! لكن قلة منها ستفيدني، لأنها عندما ستوضع في حقيبتي أكون أودع الحياة. قل دائما ما تشعر به وأفعل ما تفكر فيه.. لو كنت أعرف أنها المرة الأخيرة التي أراك فيها نائمة، لضممتك بقوة بين ذراعي ولتضرعت إلى الله أن يجعلني حارسا لروحك. لو كنت أعرف أنها الدقائق الأخيرة التي أراك فيها، لقلت "أحبك"، ولتجاهلت - بخجل - أنك تعرفين ذلك. واستطرد: "هناك دوما غدا، والحياة تمنحنا الفرصة لنفعل الأفضل، لكن لو أنى مخطئ وهذا هو يومي الأخير، أحب أن أقول كم أحبك، وأنني لن أنساك أبدا. لأن الغد ليس مضمونا، لا للشاب ولا للعجوز. ربما تكون في هذا اليوم المرة الأخيرة التي ترى فيها أولئك الذين تحبهم. فلا تنتظر أكثر، تصرف اليوم لأن الغد قد لا يأتي، ولابد أن تندم على اليوم الذي لم تجد فيه الوقت من أجل ابتسامة أو عناق أو قبلة أو أنك كنت مشغولا كي ترسل لهم أمنية أخيرة. حافظ بقربك على من تحب، اهمس في أذنهم بأنك بحاجة إليهم، أحببهم واهتم بهم، وخذ ما يكفى من الوقت لتقول لهم عبارات مثل: أفهمك، سامحني، من فضلك، شكرا، وكل كلمات الحب التي تعرفها. لن يتذكرك أحد من أجل ما تضمر من أفكار، فأطلب من الرب القوة والحكمة للتعبير عنها. وبرهن لأصدقائك ولأحبائك كم هم مهمون لديك".” - John Welch
36. “Love is the only answer to every question. It is the only thing that will serve you in every situation. It is the route and the destination. It is medication, liberation and should be at the heart of and expression of your vocation.” - Rasheed Ogunlaru
37. “If you want to check someone's principles, give him authority .. Then have a seat & watch” - أحمد عمارة
38. “There's no such thing as ready, there's only willing.” - Rachel Cohn & David Levithan
39. “life is a run Don take it funwhen it comes, you will be the one” - douloi lucky
40. “When life hands you lemons say,"Lemons? What else have you got?"- bumper sticker” - Darynda Jones
41. “No one is a fucks everyone!” - Waqar Masood
42. “Goal Of LIFE Is patience,Goal Of Patience Is LIFE!” - Sujit Lalwani
43. “If there is anything unique about the human animal, it is that it has the ability to grow knowledge at an accelerating rate while being chronically incapable of learning from experience.” - john gray
44. “Life has thought me that I am always alone in war; I have to fight for myself; and it is the best cause.” - M.F.Moonzajer
45. “eventually tides will be the only calendar you believe in…And someone’s face, whom you love, will be as a starBoth intimate and ultimate, And you will be heart-shaken and respectful. And you will hear the air itself, like a beloved, whisperOh let me, for a while longer, enter the twoBeautiful bodies of your lungs...Look, and look again.This world is not just a little thrill for your eyes.It’s more than bones.It’s more than the delicate wrist with its personal pulse.It’s more than the beating of a single heart.It’s praising.It’s giving until the giving feels like receiving.You have a life- just imagine that!You have this day, and maybe another, and maybeStill another…And I have become the child of the clouds, and of hope.I have become the friend of the enemy, whoever that is.I have become older and, cherishing what I have learned, I have become younger.And what do I risk to tell you this, which is all I know?Love yourself. Then forget it. Then, love the world.” - Mary Oliver