45 Quotes About Luck

July 28, 2024, 12:45 p.m.

45 Quotes About Luck

Luck is that elusive and intriguing phenomenon that often leaves us pondering its capricious nature. Some believe it’s a random twist of fate, while others are convinced it’s a byproduct of hard work and keen preparation. Throughout history, luck has been the muse for countless thinkers, writers, and philosophers, inspiring a rich tapestry of reflections and insights. In this article, we’ve curated a collection of the top 45 quotes about luck to spark contemplation and perhaps even influence your own perspective on this enigmatic force. Whether you view luck as an external force or an inner attribute, these quotes offer a wealth of wisdom and inspiration.

1. “There's always the same amount of good luck and bad luck in the world. If one person doesn't get the bad luck, somebody else will have to get it in their place. There's always the same amount of good and evil, too. We can't eradicate evil, we can only evict it, force it to move across town. And when evil moves, some good always goes with it. But we can never alter the ratio of good to evil. All we can do is keep things stirred up so neither good nor evil solidifies. That's when things get scary. Life is like a stew, you have to stir it frequently, or all the scum rises to the top.” - Tom Robbins

2. “Nanny Ogg looked under her bed in case there was a man there. Well, you never knew your luck.” - Terry Pratchett

3. “Since Alice had never received any religious instruction, and since she had led a blameless life, she never thought of her awful luck as being anything but accidents in a very busy place. Good for her.” - Kurt Vonnegut

4. “All the luck in the world has to come every year, in every part of every year, or there is not a harvest and then the luck, the bad luck will come and everything we are, all that we can ever be, all the Einsteins and babies and love and hate, all the joy and sadness and sex and wanting and liking and disliking, all the soft summer breezes on cheeks and first snowflakes, all the Van Goghs and Rembrandts and Mozarts and Mahlers and Thomas Jeffersons and Lincolns and Ghandis and Jesus Christs, all the Cleopatras and lovemaking and riches and achievements and progress, all of that, every single damn thing that we are or ever will be is dependent on six inches of topsoil and the fact that the rain comes when it's needed and does not come when it is not needed; everything, every...single...thing comes with that luck.” - Gary Paulsen

5. “An Widerständen zeigt sich das Genie des Generals, Glück verhüllt es.” - Horace

6. “luck is not to be coerced.” - Albert Camus

7. “Each spice has a special day to it. For turmeric it is Sunday, when light drips fat and butter-colored into the bins to be soaked up glowing, when you pray to the nine planets for love and luck.” - Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni

8. “You never know what worse luck your bad luck has saved you from.” - Cormac McCarthy

9. “Above all, he liked it that everything was one's own fault. There was only oneself to praise or blame. Luck was a servant and not a master. Luck had to be accepted with a shrug or taken advantage of up to the hilt. But it had to be understood and recognized for what it was and not confused with a faulty appreciation of the odds, for, at gambling, the deadly sin is to mistake bad play for bad luck. And luck in all its moods had to be loved and not feared” - Ian Fleming

10. “Es dauerte einen Moment, bis er ihr antwortete:Nein, ich spreche von... von eurer Freiheit, glaube ich. Von dem Glück, das ihr habt, für euch zu leben und auf alles andere zu pfeifen.” - Anna Gavalda

11. “Lucky people should hide. Pray the days of wrath do not visit their home.” - Josephine Hart

12. “I am a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it” - Stephen Leacock

13. “Risk means 'shit happens' or 'good luck” - Toba Beta

14. “In the abstract, it might be tempting to imagine that irreducible complexity simply requires multiple simultaneous mutations - that evolution might be far chancier than we thought, but still possible. Such an appeal to brute luck can never be refuted... Luck is metaphysical speculation; scientific explanations invoke causes.” - Michael J. Behe

15. “Concentration attracts luck factor.” - Amit Ray

16. “The fish is my friend too... I have never seen or heard of such a fish. But I must kill him. I am glad we do not have to try to kill the stars. Imagine if each day a man must try to kill the moon, he thought. The moon runs away. But imagine if a man each day should have to try to kill the sun? We were born lucky; he thought” - Ernest Hemingway

17. “On the bright side, I'm sure this isn't the last time you'll ever get firebombed, so maybe you'll have better luck next time.” - Janet Evanovich

18. “I think we consider too much the luck of the early bird and not enough the bad luck of the early worm.” - Franklin D. Roosevelt

19. “Wayne's a little attached to that hat," Waxillium said. "He thinks it's lucky."Wayne: "It is lucky. I ain't never died while wearing that hat." Marasi frowned. "I ... I'm not sure I know how to respond."Wax: "That's a common reaction to Wayne.” - Brandon Sanderson

20. “Sean reaches between us and slides a thin bracelet of red ribbons over my free hand. Lifting my arm, he presses his lips against the inside of my wrist. I'm utterly still; I feel my pulse tap several times against his lips, and then he releases my hand."For luck," he says. He takes Dove's lead from me."Sean," I say, and he turns. I take his chin and kiss his lips, hard. I'm reminded, all of a sudden, of that first day on the beach, when I pulled his head from the water. "For luck," I say to his startled face.” - Maggie Stiefvater

21. “Sometimes not getting what you want is a brilliant stroke of luck.” - Lorii Myers

22. “When life gets you down, improvise as if crawling was part of the choreography.” - Iveta Cherneva

23. “Luck is not as random as you think.Before that lottery ticket won the jackpot, someone had to buy it.” - Vera Nazarian

24. “Plus he was naturally lucky at cards. As Mam had always said, lucky at cards, or lucky at life. One or the other. Not both.” - Cinda Williams Chima

25. “Luck prefers risk-based mindset.” - Toba Beta

26. “Nobody can be lucky all the time,so when your luck deserts you in some fashiondon't think you've been abandoned in your prime,but rather that you're saving up your ration.” - Piet Hein

27. “Luck always seems like it belongs to someone else.” - David Levien

28. “It's a question of attitude. If you really work at something you can do it up to a point. If you really work at being happy you can do it up to a point. But anything more than that you can't. Anything more than that is luck.” - Haruki Murakami

29. “Wanita tanpa ibu mertua adalah menantu yang sangat beruntung.” - Farahad Zama

30. “It is still this moment and that will be true of every moment that follows, assuming this moment ever ends, which, if I am lucky, it won't.” - Justin Taylor

31. “For luck you carried a horse chestnut and a rabbit’s foot in your right pocket. The fur had been worn off the rabbit’s foot long ago and the bones and the sinews were polished by the wear. The claws scratched in the lining of your pocket and you knew your luck was still there.” - Ernest Hemingway

32. “If grace belongs to God, there are those who say that luck belongs to the Devil and that he looks after his own.” - Sarah Dunant

33. “He was just a coward and that was the worst luck any many could have.” - Ernest Hemingway

34. “For some people, she thought, trials were only temporary; they sailed towards happiness through the roughest weather.” - Emma Donoghue

35. “There are two ways to find a lost city. The first is to rely on luck alone, the second is to control all the information.” - Tahir Shah

36. “What do you think my chances might be of finding a soul mate in the group of you? I'll be lucky if I can just find someone who'll be able to stand me for the rest of our lives. What if I've already sent her home because I was relying on some sort of spark I didn't feel? What if she's waiting to leave me at the first sign of adversity? What if I don't find anyone at all? What do I do then, America?” - Kiera Cass

37. “The fairies, as their custom, clapped their hands with delight over their cleverness, and they were so madly in love with the little house that they could not bear to think they had finished it.” - J.M. Barrie

38. “Beginner's luck is great for beginners.” - Robert Fripp

39. “Jeigu būtų kur nors pasaulyje tokia vieta, kur tikrai vieną valandą per visus metus būtų galima gauti ką nors valgomo, jis kaip tik šią valandą, tarsi kokio įkvėpimo genamas, užsidėtų kepurę, išeitų, nueitų tiesiai lyg pagal kompasą ten, kur yra valgis, ir jį surastų. <...> Tai yra kažkokia mįslė, galima pamanyti, kad jis iš žemės iškasa. Didžiausias jo laimėjimas buvo keturios dėžės omarų.” - Erich Maria Remarque

40. “I didn't wait for Luck. I tore after it with a truck.” - A.A. Bell

41. “They claimed no allegiance to any flag and valued no currency but luck and good contacts.” - Hunter S. Thompson

42. “Patience's design flaw became obvious for the first time in my life: the outcome is decided not during the course of play but when the cards are shuffled, before the game even begins. How pointless is that?” - David Mitchell

43. “Fortune love you.” - William Shakespeare

44. “Marry on Monday for health, Tuesday for wealth,Wednesday the best day of all,Thursday for crosses,Friday for losses, and Saturday for no luck at all.” - Folk Rhyme

45. “My success has nothing to do with opportunities or luck; I just keep doing things until it is done.” - M.F. Moonzajer