47 Detective Quotes For Inspiration

June 14, 2024, 11:45 a.m.

47 Detective Quotes For Inspiration

In the shadowy world of mystery and intrigue, detective fiction has always captivated readers with its sharp wit, keen observation, and relentless pursuit of truth. Whether it's Sherlock Holmes in the foggy streets of London or Philip Marlowe navigating the seedy underbelly of Los Angeles, these iconic sleuths offer more than just thrilling narratives—they provide timeless quotes that inspire and provoke deep reflection. We've curated a collection of the top 47 detective quotes to spark your imagination and ignite your inner investigator. Join us as we delve into these profound words of wisdom from the minds who have mastered the art of deduction.

1. “There was a desert wind blowing that night. It was one of those hot dry Santa Anas that come down through the mountain passes and curl your hair and make your nerves jump and your skin itch. On nights like that every booze party ends in a fight. Meek little wives feel the edge of the carving knife and study their husbands' necks. Anything can happen. You can even get a full glass of beer at a cocktail lounge.” - Raymond Chandler

2. “And then I thought that I had to be like Sherlock Holmes and I had to detach my mind at will to a remarkable degree so that I did not notice how much it was hurting inside my head.” - Mark Haddon

3. “Dead men are heavier than broken hearts.” - Raymond Chandler

4. “Bina, thank you. Bina, listen, this guy. His name wasn't Lasker. This guy-'She puts a hand to his mouth. She has not touched him in three years. It probably would be too much to say that he feels the darkness lift at the touch of her fingertips against his lips. But it shivers, and light bleeds in among the cracks.” - Michael Chabon

5. “They wouldn't tell Scipio how much of the counterfeit cash was left since, as Riccio put it, 'You're a detective now, after all.” - Cornelia Funke

6. “He just waited until I stopped talking and said, 'Jesus, kid, you're almost a detective. All you need now is a gun, a gut, and three ex-wives. So what's your theory?” - John Green

7. “The case called for plain, old-fashioned police leg work!” - Donald J. Sobol

8. “It's a tough job being somebody's personal assistant. You have to anwser their phone, manage their correspondence, run their errands, pay their bills, arrange their schedule, and basically do whatever tasks, menial to major, they are too busy or self absorbed or distracted or pampered or disinterested to do themselves.” - Lee Goldberg

9. “There's only one truth” - Aoyama Gosho


11. “You've a pretty good nerve," said Ratchett. "Will twenty thousand dollars tempt you?"It will not."If you're holding out for more, you won't get it. I know what a thing's worth to me."I, also M. Ratchett."What's wrong with my proposition?"Poirot rose. "If you will forgive me for being personal - I do not like your face, M. Ratchett," he said.” - Agatha Christie

12. “Dana was what Steve called a "silent partner" in the Brixton Brothers Detective Agency. Being a silent partner meant that Dana didn't carry a business card, that his name didn't appear on the company letterhead, and he wanted nothing to do with the Brixton Brothers Detective Agency.” - Mac Barnett

13. “Only once in a generation does anything as fresh as a vomiting detective come along.” - Dean Koontz

14. “Being a homicide detective can be the loneliest job in the world. The friends of the victim are upset and in despair, but sooner or later - after weeks or months - they go back to their everyday lives. For the closest family it takes longer, but for the most part, to some degree, they too get over the grieving and despair. Life has to go on; it does go on. But the unsolved murders keep gnawing away and in the end there's only one person left who thinks night and day about the victim: it's the office who is left with the investigation.” - Stieg Larsson

15. “Time is a terrible thing because it can erase both joys and pains.” - Gosho Aoyama

16. “"One cannot be a mother without first being a person; family, husband, and children should not be allowed, as is so often the case, to steal a woman’s selfhood and her dreams." Mother to Sherlock, Mycroft, and Enola Holmes by author Nancy Springer” - Vannessagrace

17. “Come to the jacaranda tree at seven o'clock and you will hear something to your advantage. Destroy this note.'No signature, no clue to the identity. Just what sort of heroine do you think I am? Phryne asked the air. Only a Gothic novel protagonist would receive that and say, 'Goodness, let me just slip into a low-cut white nightie and put on the highest heeled shoes I can find,' and, pausing only to burn the note, slip out of the hotel by a back exit and go forth to meet her doom in the den of the monster - to be rescued in the nick of time by the strong-jawed hero (he of the Byronic profile and the muscles rippling beneath the torn shirt). 'Oh, my dear,' Phryne spoke aloud as if to the letter-writer. 'You don't know a lot about me, do you?” - Kerry Greenwood

18. “There are, fortunately, very few people who can say that they have actually attended a murder.” - Margery Allingham

19. “The only way Magick ever has power is when its secrets are truly secret. Once too many people know how it works, then it doesn’t work anymore.” - Abramelin Keldor

20. “It seems you can’t go anywhere today without seeing some popular culture rendition of Vampyres. I went into a bookstore a few weeks ago and there was an entire section devoted to Teenage Paranormal Romance. Can you imagine?” - Abramelin Keldor

21. “That’s the last thing we need. Zombys in a Vampyre story. Twilight of the Living Dead. Ugh!” - Abramelin Keldor

22. “Make no mistake, Elphaba, Goddess Magick was potent in the old days. During the Dark Ages the Catholic Church had their hands full fighting it. Unfortunately, in large measure the Church won that war, relegating Wicca, Druidism and the rest to the fringes of society. With vastly weakened power.”“Except yours, Nick.”“I’ve always been a special case, Elphaba,” Nick explained. “Even though I began my career as an alchemist, I soon turned away from that practice and forged my own path. I uncovered my own secrets and kept them secret. That’s how I was able to maintain my power for so long.” - Abramelin Keldor

23. “Good and evil,” Nick said. “Yin and yang. Male and female. Life and death. The dualities that make us human. As though our lives play out on an immense balance scale—move one way, the scale tips to the left, but move the other, and it swings around to the right.” - Abramelin Keldor

24. “My legion!” Stanley said. “I have achieved an even greater level of mastery! Behold!” He held up his beer mug and pointed the open end toward a nearby palm tree. “Mulciber!” he yelled. Nothing happened. He shook the beer mug, and held it out once more. “Mulciber!” Once again he intoned the word, but with a slightly different emphasis. Again nothing happened.“Damn. Mulciber! Mulciber! Mulciber!” Suddenly a large ball of fire erupted from the end of the beer mug, nearly singed Stanley’s eyebrows, and flew up into the sky in a large, fiery arc, eventually plunging with a sizzle into the lake.” - Abramelin Keldor

25. “Remember, Vampyres are dead. While a female Vampyre can go through the motions of sex, since their flesh retains normal flexibility and warmth, they are unable to truly participate. So having sex with a female Vampyre is a cross between intercourse with an unconscious woman and intercourse with a corpse.” - Abramelin Keldor

26. “Nick pulled a business card out of a pocket and handed it to Elphaba. It read Nicholas Lynch, Inspector, Ministry of Magick, next to a moving image of Nick, mugging for the camera. “I finally get to use my Harry Potter business cards!” - Abramelin Keldor

27. “Elphaba gave him a sidelong glance. “I think you enjoy going to school, Nick. Are you sure canoodling with teenage girls isn’t your ulterior motive?”“Perish the thought, Elphaba, perish the thought. I’m too old for that.” Nick winked. “By about eight hundred years.” - Abramelin Keldor

28. “Immortal.” Melanie paused and stared into space for a moment, her mouth moving with nothing coming out. “That is way cool,” she said finally. “That probably means you’re old. How old are you?”“Hmm, let’s see. I never remember the answer to that question.” Nick calculated for a moment. “819 years old.”“No way, José!” Melanie stopped and stared at him. “That’s even older than my parents!” - Abramelin Keldor

29. “So, what if your entire body was, oh I don’t know, dropped into molten metal?”Nick laughed. “Like the end of Terminator 2? Good question. If there’s even a single cell remaining, it can regrow my whole body. But even if there isn’t a single cell left, then an ancient spell I put into place when I became a Lych kicks in and regenerates sufficient organic material for the regrowth process to begin.” - Abramelin Keldor

30. “When I saw the Twilight movies I thought being a Vampyre was so romantic. When my friends decided to be Vampyres it was so cool. We would do anything to be like Dwayne and Maria and the rest. I got what I wished for but I have no life to enjoy it with.” - Abramelin Keldor

31. “Charlie slowly crumpled to the floor, Allison soon joining him. “Dinner is served!” Stanley trumpeted, as he reached into the steaming mass of offal and fished around for the teens’ livers. “Aha!” he crowed, as he lifted one liver in each hand over his head.Stanley brought his right hand down and took a large bite from the first liver, spreading blood and gore over his face. He chewed for a moment and swallowed, and then bit off a large hunk of the other one. “All I need are some fava beans and a nice Chianti!” he said as he slurped.” - Abramelin Keldor

32. “I didn’t think—” Nick began.“You didn’t think! That’s your problem, Nick, you just don’t think!”Nick struggled to respond.“You’re invulnerable,” Elphaba continued. “You’re immortal. You’re ancient. Nothing fazes you. No situation is too dangerous for you. Chop off your hand, or your head, or pull your liver out and eat it with some fava beans, you don’t care! In a few minutes you’ll be right as rain.”Elphaba took a deep breath. “But the rest of us aren’t like that, Nick. I only have the one liver, and I need it, thank you very much.” Elphaba’s diaphragm rapidly rose and fell.” - Abramelin Keldor

33. “Elphaba concentrated on the first Oompa-Loompa on the left. “Iskviesti Zaibo!” A bolt of lightning seemed to come from everywhere and zapped the poor Dymon, who popped like a kernel of popcorn and let out a squeal.“Did I hurt it?” But she didn’t need an answer, as it pulled itself up from the snow and brushed itself off.” - Abramelin Keldor

34. “Why did so many teenagers fall for Stanley Horowitz’s tricks?”“These were impressionable teenagers,” Nick explained. “Many of them were devoted fans of romantic Vampyre stories. They over-romanticized what it means to be a Vampyre, and that gave Stanley a way to manipulate them.”“I’ve read Twilight,” Tamara said. “My daughter is a huge fan. Is she in any danger?”“The danger arises from wanting to belong to the in crowd so badly, you lose sight of what’s real and what’s fantasy.”“Surely today’s teenagers know that vampires are fantasy,” Tamara said.“Possibly. But remember, Vampyres are not romantic. Vampyres are dead. They are walking reminders of tragedy. Loving one is necrophilia. And wanting to be one is the first step on the road to catastrophe.” - Abramelin Keldor

35. “Rene Caron takes my breath away!” - Teresa Lynn

36. “Yes,' Spade growled. 'And when you're slapped you'll take it and like it.' He released Cairo's wrist and with a thick open hand struck the side of his face three times savagely.” - Dashiell Hammett

37. “You have bigger balls than some men I know.” - Carolyn Arnold

38. “In the nineteenth century, The Romantics viewed Nature as benign, a glowing reflection of God's grace. Now we know better. Nature is brutal and, if it is feminine, she's not the kind of woman you can trust. Human beings may be her finest achievement yet, but when you get right down to brass tacks, we're meat. AIDS and organisms like streptococcus don't give a crap that we subdued the earth or produced a Shakespeare...” - Richard Yancey

39. “Al... You ever kill anybody? In the United States? Because I know you mean it and everything, but I know these guys better than I know you. They're soldiers, that's all. No questions, no time to ask, no talk. Cops are worse, and less predictable. When you pull a gun, you've gotta be ready to kill somebody, and I'm telling you it's better to run.” - Phillip Rock

40. “It's very good of you--""No, no, not at all. It's my hobby. Not proposing to people, I don't mean, but investigating things. Well, cheer-frightfully-ho and all that. And I'll call again, if I may.""I will give the footman orders to admit you," said the prisoner, gravely, "you will always find me at home.” - Dorothy L. Sayers

41. “When a beautiful blonde asks, you don't say no.” - V.T. Davy

42. “You be sure to throw the book at him, you hear me? I feel violated, Detective. Violated.""I'll throw this table at you if you don't give us the names we're looking for.” - Derek Landy

43. “Of course it's very hampering being a detective, when you don't know anything about detecting, and when nobody knows that you're doing detection, and you can't have people up to cross-examine them, and you have neither the energy nor the means to make proper inquiries; and, in short, when you're doing the whole thing in a thoroughly amateur, haphazard way.” - A.A. Milne

44. “masa kanak-kanak adalah koin berharga pertama yang dicuri oleh kemiskinan dari seorang anak” - Anthony Horowitz

45. “Val had a horrific image of Lisa peering through a magnifying glass like a grotesquely teenybopper version of Nancy Drew — in jeggings.” - Nenia Campbell

46. “The light clicks on, right above my head, drawing my eyes to it. The moment I look up, squinting, I know I’m in trouble. There isn’t even a guy leaning against the corner, trying to play bad cop. There isn’t a guy smiling and offering me a cup of coffee. There’s just one man in a suit, with a folder in his arms that he isn’t looking at. He’s looking at me, raising his eyebrows and looking as if I have a note stuck to my forehead that I haven’t noticed yet.” - Israel Elysium

47. “I thought it was just a picture of madness. But that wasn't. It was a message, it has to be, those words are too specific.” - Scott Frost